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MON HR 2 091823

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 19, 2023 12:11 am

MON HR 2 091823

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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September 19, 2023 12:11 am

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Wireless headphones. That'll be $200. I'll use my Capital One Quicksilver card.

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See for details. Donate and listen to the podcast at All righty, John in Minnesota pledges 77. Thank you, John. Folks, I'm going to do this, right, because we are, we're, well, I don't want to say desperate, but we got to win this fight.

We got this big battle in Ohio and we're up against it with everything in the deep state, Joe. The deep state here is investing $50 million in illegitimate ads. They are lying through their teeth. One of the ads, they have this woman on TV talking about how her baby was going to die in her.

And so thank God that abortion was legal so they could kill the baby to keep her from dying. Yeah, insane. It is.

It's absolutely insane. And folks, again, the deep state, these people, that's who we're fighting in Ohio. Proposition one, or issue one, I should say, issue one in November. You've got to vote no, no, no, no.

It's right from the pit of hell. It's the Ohio Abortion Amendment. It will legalize prostitution, pedophilia, incest, and abortion to birth. First, it legalizes adult prostitution and child prostitution in the state of Ohio. Second, it will legalize adult child sexual relationships, pedophilia in Ohio. And this will be part of the Ohio Constitution. Third, it will legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy if a woman can claim it for her mental health or emotional health. Fourth, it will remove parental rights for minors with gender confusion or minors seeking abortion. Fifth, it will enshrine trans and same-sex anti-discrimination into law, also known as legalized persecution of anyone who has a religious or moral objection to same-sex or transgender etiology.

Fifth, because the state is defined as any political subdivision, which according to the Ohio revised code means anyone the state delegates its power to, this means all cities, counties, municipalities, state-run hospitals, state-run education systems, state-run health care systems will be restricted from making any laws that will directly or indirectly burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against these new so-called reproductive rights. So again, what that means, folks, is you're going to have, again, these are the same people. The deep state, the money's coming in from California. The money's coming in from New York. This is George Soros' dark money. This is, and it's coming in here to run these fake ads. They're as illegitimate as NBC, ABC, CBS, and Spectrum One news. They have become very, very liberal, very...

Exactly. This ballot was formed by the ACLU of Ohio, the Abortion Fund of Ohio, New Voices for Reproductive Justice, the Ohio Women's Alliance and Planned Parenthood, Preterm Cleveland, Pro Choice Ohio, and Urge. And bottom line is the ACLU has been wanting to take the laws away for sex work. If you go back in history, back in 2020, the ACLU published a 34-page document explaining their goal to decriminalize sex work.

And so if you go to their website, you know, nothing is hidden. Everything is not hidden in plain sight here, but that's basically called child sex trade, child prostitution, and child sex trafficking. Those are the people we're fighting. Whose side are you on, folks?

Who's here? Remember, how many times have I told you? Remember the last election, those people that had Joe Biden signs in your yard, this is what they brought you. Those people that had Joe Biden signs in their yard, this is what, don't forget it, okay? And if you see them, thank them for what they've done to our country, because that's exactly, they're responsible. You know, the Bible says in Hosea 4-6, my people are destroyed.

They're destroyed for lack of knowledge and they're destroying this country for lack of biblical knowledge, huh? All right, Norma in Illinois has pledged us 50. Thank you, Norma. And folks, I'm going to do this. I'm going to pledge doers of the word. Pastor Sanders, I'm going to pledge 1,000 and I'm going to see if I can get some people to match, because we have to, we really have to.

I mean, we work here seven days a week, fighting against the deep state. And so, folks, I'd like to get some matches of that 1,000 tonight. So Derek, 1,000, make sure, doers of the word, $1,000. 1,000 pushups?

No, not pushups, $1,000. Okay. And I want you to match it. Okay. There you go. Do it.

Do it. All right, folks, 888-281-1110, 888-677-9673. The elite, breathtaking strategy for ruling the entire world is exposed. Well, we've done this a long time ago. Earth may well become a miserable and almost uninhabitable due to false idea. Today's high priests of the climate change apocalypse are undoubtedly, by the way, this is from, people keep saying, would you tell us what that's from? It's by the World News Daily.

And this is a staff writer here. Today's high priests of climate change apocalypse are undoubtedly correct in predicting that in just a few years, the earth may well become miserable, wretched, and almost uninhabitable by human beings. Ironically, such a grim future won't be because of atmospheric climate change.

No, no, uh-uh. As global warming zeroes zealots claim, rather, the earth will become the pitiful and desolate habitation of mankind they predict with mass suffering and death if their genuinely catastrophically agenda is actually implemented. Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, recently said regarding the elite's insistence on reducing greenhouse gases to net zero, if they actually achieved net zero, at least 50 percent of the population would die of hunger and disease. That's the goal. That's what they want, right? That's exactly what they want. They want to depopulate the planet. In fact, they want to eliminate 95 percent of the world's population. Likewise, energy expert Alex Epstein, in his critically acclaimed book, Fossil Future, writes, today's proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences, making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people.

And even if fossil fuel elimination policies aren't fully implemented, he adds, even widespread restrictions on fossil fuel use thus far that fall short of elimination will shorten and inflict misery on billions of lives, especially in the poorest parts of the world. And that's exactly their goal. So, 888-281-1110.

That's the credit card line, too, especially if you have credit cards, or 888-677-9673, 888-677-9673. Many of you out there ask about the newsletter. We just, you know, just since the last one, we've gone up another 100 people have gotten on our newsletter list. And, folks, the newsletter, you, the articles and things we get here, but are more complete, because on air, we don't have time to go to the complete articles with you, but in the newsletters, you get the complete story, and we expose, and you can take for those unbelievers out there that, you know, the family and friends or whatever that, oh, I don't believe that, because it would be on my station.

NBC, ABC, or CBS, they've indoctrinated me, and they've trained me to believe what they tell me, because, remember, they said, that's their job, to tell me what to think and why I think it, and I'm, it's amazing how so many people have been so dumbed down, so dumbed down by NBC, ABC, CBS, and Trump is really right on the money when he called them the fake news media. Mm-hmm, that's for sure. All right, so, anyhow, the newsletter, in fact, tonight, if you call in a pledge, they have got newsletters standing by, ready to write your name on it, and put them in the mail tonight, and then put you on a list that you get the newsletter, and it's free. It don't cost you anything.

It's free, and so make the best use of it. Try to understand. I don't know, what, what is, what will it take for us to try to make, get people to really understand the, the situation that we're in here in America today? Well, bottom line is you have to be living in the present.

If you're living in the past, that's where the depression and the anxiety come into play, and if you're living in the future, you know, people are being dominated by fear, and that's the whole idea of what they're attempting to do with inflation, you know, with losing your job, you know, anything that's going to keep you in a fair state, but we have God, and there is no such thing as fear when you trust in the Lord. You know, one of the articles that I came across was from the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, and they were presented a report, and the woke enjoy their initials and abbreviations, so this was a report on sexual orientation and gender identity, which is S-O-G-I, SOGI, and they were very enthusiastic about it because there were transgender activists in lobby groups for LGBT and leftist government representatives who considered themselves woke. The report intends to create a new normative space where governments impose acceptable LGBT standards under the guise of being a religion. The report calls on governments to threaten and punish religious leaders and organizations that do not comply with this orthodoxy. That religion is often used as a pretext for violence against this community, and here they're talking about us as Christian faith believers. That UN member states ought to use favorable religious leaders and institutions to promote homosexual and transgender etiology. The report hints at forcing priests or pastors to conduct homosexual marriages at the cost of losing their privilege to conduct legally recognized marriages. Religion often has different family conceptions that are exclusionary for these type of people.

The first step towards government control over religious practices, even in the United States, it's already been taken. All right, there you go. Derek, you didn't put me up on that board. I placed a thousand dollars.

Make that, get that guy working in there. Look, boy, I want to tell you. Now I'm looking for some matches. I'm looking for some few folks. All I need is about four or five people to match my thousand dollars, and we're good for tonight.

So can you do that? $1,000. We're looking for four or five people to match that $1,000 tonight. All right, the number is 888-281. Okay, Jean in Ohio, we just pledged 300.

Thank you, Jean. 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Now this new so-called COVID vax that is being announced basically is being announced under emergency use authorization. There are no FDA standards anymore.

They're breaking their own rules under emergency use authorization. That meant that you would have had to have this so-called shot in study for at least two years. And so that was excluded. They tested 10 mice.

All right, that was it. So they want to give six-month-old children a shot that has not not been tested on human beings. And the question is, are their parents dumb enough? I'm going to ask you, Helene, are their parents dumb enough out there to take their little children to these people and get them that horrible, horrible shot? I would say probably 20 to 30% of the population, yes, which is really unfortunate because they bought into the narrative they don't look any further, and they're operating in fear. Folks, let me tell you, we try to tell you, remember, we warned you before about this.

We warned you and warned you. Right now, every day, people have died in this country from that shot. Okay, correct. And the thing I want to mention to people is that there are documents out there that are helping with the situation because Liberty Council is a constitutional group of attorneys, and they have basically put three documents together. Maybe you don't know they're out there, but the use of masks, the use of the COVID PCR test, and the use of the COVID vaccine is all under emergency use authorization. And in there, the regulation says that you have the right to refuse. It also violates some federal statutes of law. So even though the courts are corrupt, it is influencing some employers because they're taking a second look at everything.

Biden wants to mask people up again. And the bottom line is, is you just do not comply. The PCR testing don't test anything. They're fraudulent. There are over 20 countries that have made that dictum by way of their court system that the PCR test is fraud. So don't waste your money. Don't do a test because when they put the swabs up your nose, you're getting ethylene oxide up there, which is cancer causing.

All right. I just had a lady today tell me that she works at a nursing home and they said that they're going to start testing you once a week by putting the swab up their nose. I said, look, I would not do that if, you know, she called me to ask me what should she do. She said, I'm thinking of quitting. I need the job, but I don't want that up my nose for the reason you just said. Right. And there are job boards out there, you know, for healthcare jobs that do not require this idiocy that's going on.

All right. And I can provide that information to people. But when you take these documents in to the employer, all right, it gives them a second look at the fact that, you know, they're being dictated by their corporate headquarters. But the administrators that are there, they're beginning to shake in their boots a little bit, you know, relative because their party to all of this and they're going to be held liable. Absolutely. And again, you've got to stand your ground. You really got to stand your ground.

We got you got to say, no, we're not going to put up with it. So are you going to put up with, you know, losing your life because they can penetrate that small membrane that's at the top of your nose that goes into your cranial cavity with your brain? Yeah. Very, very easily.

And then they twist it. All right. And bottom line is, that's no good.

No, that's no good whatsoever. And so, again, you have to decide. There are doctors out there that are not part of the medical cartel out there that are part of like Dr. McCullough's group or the American Frontline Doctors. There's doctors that will and pastors that will write for mask exemptions.

There's a myriad of approaches that can be used based on the situation. Yeah, we we gave out a number of religious exemption letter and a number of people took it into their employees and their employees honored it. So there you go. You've got to resist.

Let me tell you, from Genesis to Revelation, God's Word, the Bible teaches resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. These masks that they have, look, you'd be much better off to wear a mask like the Lone Ranger War. It'll do more good and it won't harm you like those masks that you cover your face and your nose with. Okay.

Yeah, they're banned in the healthcare systems. Yeah. The bandanas. And so, like, why cover your face? That's part of submission into going along with this. I know that. And that's how they can tell how effective their indoctrination is, is by how many people are actually putting a mask on. I still see people double masked in cars driving now.

You're not going to reach them. If you were to put one of those Lone Ranger masks on Pastor Joe, he'd be riding a white horse. With Tonto. I was worried you were going to say a white mule.

I thought of that being in Missouri and all. Alrighty folks, phones have not been ringing and this is killing us. It's killing us. We got to hear from you. Please, somebody match me. I placed one thousand dollars. Can somebody match me for my thousand? Or can somebody match Victor or one of the others for the five hundred?

Can somebody match Gene for three hundred? We need to hear from you. We need a match. I need someone to match me for my thousand dollars.

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Ask yourself this. Have we, if you've been listening to us for all those years, have we stayed the course? If we've stayed the course, we need your support folks. We've got to get your support. We don't have much time. I've got literally 30 minutes left and I don't even know how much I have to raise, but I think I have to raise at least three thousand more.

I think we're at least three thousand short tonight. Now here's an article and it's from the Gateway Pundit and it's the good medical group that I was talking to you about is the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. It's AAPS. They've released a statement challenging the effectiveness and ethical use of mask mandates for respiratory viruses including COVID-19. The AAPS argues that not only are these mandates ineffective in stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, but they also pose potential health risks and infringe upon individuals right to inform consent. Prolonged use of a mask is not a neutral event. It can cause adverse effects such as headaches, rash, acne, skin breakdown, and impaired cognition in the majority of those they surveyed. The possibility that the mask also hindered the acquisition of speech and language in children exists.

So here's where they're going after the kids again. Research shows that babies who lip read more have better language skills when they're older. If so, this suggests that masks probably hinder baby's acquisition of speech and language.

Also, the buildup of carbon dioxide with a mask is way beyond the level that is considered acceptable for health. And also, society requires facial recognition as the most basic component of interaction and communication. So they're trying to separate us and separate our basically camaraderie and our belonging to a group.

Voluntary masking with no gain contributes to societal alienation. All right, I wanted to tell the folks about this too. On the 29th, the last Friday of this month, the 29th, at Doers of the Word Baptist Church at 6 30, we're going to have a tactical civics meeting. Tactical civics, folks, they will teach you what we have to do. We're trying to take our country back. And right now, there's about 3,500 counties in this country today.

But 900 of those, right now, we have tactical civic chapters. And what they do, they're teaching our side, our side, how to convene grand juries. Our people are going back like they've done to us now, and with those grand juries, also militia. And this is to, the grand jury is the highest authority of the county. This is to go after those corrupt officials in our county.

Folks, this is an opportunity for you to fight. Now, after saying that, we're going to have thousands of articles out of our archives. There are things you people call and say, could you send me this copy of this article or that article like the things we have in the newsletter? We're going to have them there available for the patrons to come. That's on at 6 30 on September 29th, the Doers of the Word Church at 14781 Sperry Road. That's 14781 Sperry Road in Newberry, Ohio, 4465. So already, right now, we, we still need about 2200, about $2200.

We're 2200 short. So, all right. Oh, where's Rosita? Is that Rosita? Rosita? Okay.

In Michigan, just placed 1000. Thank you. Thank you. Did I pronounce that right? Okay.

Thank you, Rosita. All right. There you go. Pastor, is the Tactical Civics this Friday or the 29th? 29th. 29th.

Yeah. Come on out and you will meet Elaine and maybe she'll give you a consultation there, but she'll give you a consultation. If you pledge $100 or more, you can call her and she'll give you the free medical consultation. So, anyhow, give them that number again. It's 440-478-4073.

440-478-4073. Connecticut Democratic Primary Election Scandal. Police launched investigation into fraud after video evidence uncovered of town clerk dumping multiple illegal absentee ballots in a drop box.

I'm watching it. As you see right here, mayoral candidate John Noem's campaign released a damning video on Sunday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic Primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department by misconduct. The video on the Noem's campaign Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks and stacks of illegal ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport Government Center where the City Registers of Voters office is located. CT Mirror reported the Noem's, I don't know if it's pronounced Noem's, that the G-Silent or Noem's campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Getter Pataki. Wanda Getter Pataki, the vice chairwoman of the Democratic town clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent mayor Joe Gannum who is seeking re-election.

Noem's campaign claims that the video shows Peter Pataki dropping off stacks and stacks and stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September Primary. There you go. All right 888-281-1110. Folks we got to get these phone lines working. Right now I have approximately 25 minutes.

We got 25 minutes left. We got to hear from you 888-677-9673. 888-677-9673. Would you match Rosita for 1,000 or me? We would need some match donors, some donors to match Rosita in Michigan who pledged 1,000 or myself to pledge to 1,000. Maybe you want to match us for 2,000, right? Okay that number's again 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673.

Go ahead Joe. I'm looking at something just popped up. Ozempic and Wegovy factory North Carolina fails FDA inspection sending the drug manufacturers shares plummeting. It's at Novo Nordisk losing money but it serves millions of Americans with this near weight loss drug.

It was designed for something else but it's really causing people are buying and spending a fortune because it helps them lose weight. And the FDA found objectionable conditions gave them three weeks to fix it but they're still running to factories. They're still pumping out things even though they're under a warning by the FDA.

I love it. You got three weeks to fix it. They didn't shut them down. They're still putting stuff out. It was a they were given a form 483 which basically says there were some very objectionable conditions going on in the facility and you know but the funny thing is everybody's so worried about well the market share has gone down let alone the safety hazards. We've got all these people taking this drug and they're worried about market share. I find that funny and I just realized they said a one month supply of a zim peak the Kaiser Family Foundation says the list price is nine hundred and thirty six dollars in the U.S. Wow for a weight loss drug but everywhere else in the world it's way cheaper.

In fact many places it's far less than half the cost in other countries but they nailed it to us in the good old U.S. of A. I thought I'd throw that in. There's your drugs for you. You're big pharma. Yeah and if you get issued an FDA you know in the normal world you know there would be a cease and desist with a time frame attached to it but not nowadays. Yeah that's what I thought all of a sudden now it's just yeah oh you've got three weeks but they're letting the manufacturer keep on running business as normal. Yeah I worked in biomedical research so 483 basically is you know cease and desist with a time frame and also you have to have a corrective action plan also within a certain time frame none of which it sounds like they did.

They haven't filed one and there's no cease and desist anymore so apparently big pharma is big enough that they can get away with whatever they want right. Alright anonymous in Texas pledges 200 and Maryland and Minnesota pledges 20. Thank you thank you and we're coming up to a break folks a perfect time to cause during the break so we'll be back right after this. I'm satisfied with just a cottage below a little silver a little gold but in that city where the reds will shine I want a gold one that's silver I've got a mansion just over the hilltop in that brown land where we'll never grow and someday under we will never know wonder But I walk the streets and I'm pure as gold Too often tempted, tormented and tested and like the prophet my pillow a stone And though I find here no permanent dwelling I know he'll give me a mansion of my own I've got a mansion just over the hilltop in that brown land where we'll never grow and someday under we will never know wonder But I walk the streets and I'm pure as gold Don't think me poor, deserted or lonely I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven bound I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city I want a mansion, a harp and a crown I've got a mansion just over the hilltop in that brown land where we'll never grow and someday under we will never know wonder But I walk the streets and I'm pure as gold Gregory in San Diego pledges $20. Thank you Gregory $20 a month. Thank you Gregory. All right We need a lot more people to pledge that those $20 a month because really over all these years pastor it's been the smaller donations coming in from you know hundreds and hundreds of people that have kept us going and I think too many times we get some wonderful people out there who are able to pledge you know five hundred a thousand and I think sometimes the regular listeners are afraid to call in they don't want to just say all all I can do is pledge twenty dollars but that has been our bread and butter for many many years and we just want to be sure we thank them especially without them we wouldn't be on the radio right absolutely give as according as they can afford absolutely right the Lord does not bless us all equally with looks talents or the ability to make money all right we only have about 15 minutes on the air and then another 10 minutes after that even though we're off the air we're still going to be here taking your calls right up until midnight folks so we got to hear from you this is very important for 50 years we've been fighting this fight and we want to we want to listen listen this radio program is needed right now more than it's ever needed before we hear from you every day how much you've learned and so many things how many of you would have taken a shot had not been for this radio program a lot of people didn't even realize what this what was being taught in their public schools what was in the school books until we went on the air with it and so uh and how many babies have been saved because of this ministry over 50 years over 24 000 babies have been saved from a cruel painful death of abortion because we we've never quit fighting in all that time we've never never quit fighting and so all righty right now uh we right now we need about 1800 we're about 1800 short of our goal uh and we've got about 20 minutes so and there have been about three or four people have challenged to match donations of what 300 500 and a thousand and we get a couple of people just to match some of those uh challenges we got them made right right we have you know if we can get four people to match the 500 or just two people to match the thousand uh you know we can do it or eight people to match the 250 we yeah we need we're in business right so it's uh again that number is eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three proud boys leader ethan nor nor dean speaks out to the gateway pundit in first interviews this is 18 here prison sentence for attending the january 6th he had no idea here is a christian patriot a christian patriot he had no idea that the fbi had infiltrated numerous proud boy groups i did well i wish he'd have been listening to us right i saw some of the infiltrators when i was there yeah very very looked like antifa hours before juries deliberated a verdict convicting yeah jury in washington d.c unbelievable some you know some kind of a chance he's going to get right the proud boys of seditious conspiracy the j6 political prisoner the patriot ethan nor dean detailed to gateway pundit reporter alicia powell how the u.s government conspired to incriminate the pro-trump group months months leading up to january 6th generally speaking we had a large number of undercover individuals and i am not going to get into too many details because i really don't know what i'm allowed to say but what's public and what's been spoken about in trial we had multiple multiple human sources from different agencies local metropolitan fbi and who knows they've been weaponized against the fbi no longer and folks i'm not talking about the field agents a lot of them they're just like you and me their families and they're more ashamed of the agency than we are i mean because they've been a part of that and they're they're more ashamed it used to be they could hold their head up and say i i work for the fbi they can't do that now now they kind of look down and and they don't want to tell you thank you chris ray but what's public and he goes on to say multiple human sources from different agencies local metropolitan fbi who knows what else if it's pretty disturbing nor didn't told the gateway put it in the call using a tablet from a solitary confinement cell it's pretty disturbing hearing a lot of things that occurred and the length of which the fbi has gone to manipulate folks and lied and they lied and they lied you can help this man by helping get president trump elected trump has promised if he's elected he will pardon every one of these people and work to put the the real corrupt that january 6 committee corrupt for the anti-god anti-christ evil people they need to be the ones they need justice will not be served into every one of them on that committee or in that dirty filthy jail in dc where their betters are where the christian patriots are and there's no reason why our congress isn't going after to release those people that's the problem too well there is a reason we don't have a justice department there we do have some people like uh jim jordan and uh max gates and that want to do that they want to go after uh but they we don't have a justice department it's it's totally go to the military well the problem of it is in the military now too you know with you don't have to go to the gen you don't go to that level okay i hear you well we we we're going to see what's happening because right now this country is is on a course for a civil war correct correct and that's what they're putting along the same line here is also from the gateway pundit um there are three 70 year old pro-life activists who just were convicted on monday this is last week um because they were protesting at the entrance to an abortion clinic and this was um three defendants um two one in arlington virginia one in kingston massachusetts and one in new jersey were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a face f a c e act offense the doj announced on monday um they convicted uh let's see they're hunting down pro-life conservative grandmas while ignoring the antifa and blmm militants um all three defendants were immediately detained their sentencing will be scheduled at a later date the department of defense said so 11 years and then plus charge with the felony unbelievable okay that's exactly what's happening we are worse than the old former soviet union it's gotten much worse than that this is this has gotten to be like nazi germany folks these people are afraid to stand up and they've got to realize we have to stand up i want to you know we we get lied to so often uh this war in ukraine's one of them i keep telling people most of the news stories i find are overseas well there was some headlines that uh the city of bakmut and its satellite towns have been the epicenter of some of the worst fighting in the war there in ukraine uh trench tell all this so they talk about how oh ukraine has recaptured this area well i'm looking at pictures of this area in past there's not a single building standing there are a couple of walls with uh you know where a building was and this was a town where there were apartment blocks offices town halls factories and right now it's a pile of rubble looks kind of like jerusalem looked when the romans came in you know what was it 72 ad where not one stone laid upon another i mean the devastation i i don't think i've ever seen anything so completely devastated as this there was one building actually that had three walls no roof no floor no windows well i i think if you went to maui about a month ago you would have seen something it was even more devastating they're promoting this is they're trying to tell us how the victory over there this isn't a victory this is a country that they're fighting over is totally totaled not a tree nothing everything is destroyed so when you hear there's a big victory that this is not a victory no it's not unite this is what we've been telling people from from the very start of this war the fake news media has been giving fake reports they're doing exactly what they're told it's called their narrative and whatever the Soros group or whatever tells them to report that's what they report but ken in missouri pledges 1000 so thank you ken all righty all i need is to make our goal for tonight is one more pledge of a thousand if we can get one more pledge of a thousand or two more pledges of 500 we would have achieved our goal for tonight so again eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three it's getting tough you know and uh it really is times are hard out there a lot of people are suffering in fact tomorrow night i've got some stories about medicare drug crisis and all kinds of things it'll you know bad news it's going to get tougher folks but i wanted to back up on something before we get too far off there was a big story how our military industrial complex they are putting out the right now 26,000 155 millimeter you know rounds a month and they're trying to rush into the production of a hundred thousand 155 millimeter rounds those big cannons and uh it's for the military industrial complex they're making so much money they're trying to quadruple their production within a matter of a month or two and i'm looking at this these pictures ukraine going and we're just totally devastating every farm field tree in that country for what so somebody can make some profits in the military industrial that's exactly what we were telling them joe we were telling people look that's right all of those tons and tons of these weapons were said it goes right to the black market a lot we've been trying to tell the folks this the corruption the biden crime family is at the top of their game right now um and and so again but it's not just them the whole democratic leadership out there is involved in this and not just the democrats you know you have a number of the publicans part of the deep state it's uh we've got this corrupt government very corrupt and money over the love of money is the root of all evil they're willing to sell you out your children out your grandchildren out so they can be rich and famous for a short period of time absolutely and listen here we go clinton global initiative to launch network to provide humanitarian to war-torn humanitarian aid to a war toward ukraine oh my gosh here you go you talk about the corruption there's nothing uh you know the clintons i mean uh i could just sit here here hillary and slick willie i could hear slick say hey hill we showed up biden's how to be corrupt can we show that biden crime car could help what a real cartel is let's let's show them how to do that okay so here we go the clinton global initiative will launch a new network to provide humanitarian aid to war-torn ukraine of course of course recall the bill clinton last year announced in clinton global initiative will be hosting a leadership summit in new york in september after a five-year hiatus well this year's meeting will focus on what it takes to keep going to maintain an advanced progress in spite of the difficulties that arise and increase our capacity to cross the divides to make common cause with one another whatever possible to build a stronger future oh boy uh he he goes on to say all the clinton's said in the letter to the cgi now the cgi reconvened in new york on monday with a speech from bill clinton correct and it goes something like that this the cgi plans to announce the launch of a cgi ukraine action network as well as numerous financial pledges to support nonprofits working in the country the cgi ukraine action network is the result of a collaboration between hillary clinton and oleana zelinsky first lady of ukraine that began last year boy i'm going to tell you you can really bet this is on the up and up huh no i i'm rich people that make a big deal about donating but uh what's your guess maybe ten percent of all that money will maybe get to somebody in ukraine that really needs well in haiti it was only three they raised uh i don't know what was it about ten billion dollars and only three percent of it got to only three percent of it got to the the people in haiti but look what's happening in haiti gangs right now are running the country uh they um our state departments warn people not to go there stay out it is uh one of the most violent places uh it is totally a lost nation uh nothing's working there's not sufficient power food work and like i said street gangs are running the country and uh well with all those millions of dollars raised uh yeah all right christine and parma pledge 50 rosita massachusetts place 40 and dale and michigan place 100 folks we will be here until about 12 to midnight the numbers 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 all right we're at that point in time you've time you've got five minutes joe tell folks how they can and i'll give you a minute warning how they can avoid hell and how they can get to heaven you know so often people wonder why we just keep doing this why we always make it the last thing because the last thing we want you to hear is the gospel message is an offer of salvation there's only the most important decision you will ever make in your life is not what college you go to it's not who you marry or how many children you have or what you do for a career it's where you will spend eternity god is the physical father of all mankind god is the spiritual father of only a small portion a remnant those who would be as jesus told nicodemus those who would be born again born again spiritually a spiritual baptism and so many people just can't seem to grasp the concept jesus christ went to the cross he died a substitutionary death to pay the sin debt for you and me and whoever would accept his offer god the father said the wages of sin is death all sin is equally bad all of us are sinners and the only way to get to heaven is god says through his son jesus christ through his wonderful offer of forgiveness and salvation there's no other way you can't buy it you can't earn it god's got a way and it has to be done his way his way is very simple if you are willing to repent of your sins if you are willing to call upon god the father and confess your sins if you're a sinner a terrible sinner that you need a savior and that you know that jesus christ took your place and died for your sins and that you want to accept his offer of salvation and his mercy and be forgiven of those sins this is called the start of being born again repentance jesus the fact the first word jesus said in his entire ministry was repent what for the kingdom is at hand repent it has to be a heartfelt thing and then you have to be willing to ask jesus christ to become lord of your life that's a big step you have to say i'm willing to give my life to you jesus i'm willing to serve you to obey you for you to be lord of my life all of my life without a reservation in other words you are willing to make jesus christ first in your life above everything else and if you're willing to do that jesus will accept you he will give you the down payment on everlasting life which is the indwelling of the holy spirit of god we know roman 6 23 but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord one minute joe indwelling to the holy spirit and when that happens that is your spiritual baptism you then become a spiritual child of the kingdom an adopted child you become a joint heir with jesus in everlasting life and you you are now called a born again believer and you will find peace in your life you will find joy happiness we were all in us have a need to find god the father it's ingrained in all of us some people spend their life on drugs on sex on gambling on business on whatever trying to fill that void the void is to be fulfilled with coming to having a personal relationship with god with jesus christ and this decision only you can make nobody can save you but god we can preach the word we can tell you you have to be convicted of yours and they want to do that tonight jody because because tonight all over this world a whole lot of people are going to run out of tomorrows and we don't want to be one of them so we're at this time where we get to every night at this time where we always say good night god bless bless and always always always get it done ready always always always get it done ready keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor ernie sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content introducing carvana value tracker where you can track your car's value over time and learn what's driving it it might make you 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