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MON HR1 082823

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
August 29, 2023 12:24 am

MON HR1 082823

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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August 29, 2023 12:24 am

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Lots of channels. Nothing to watch. Especially if you're searching for the truth. It's time to interrupt your regularly scheduled programs with something actually worth watching. Salem News Channel. Straightforward, unfiltered, with in-depth insight and analysis from the greatest collection of conservative minds.

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This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 28th day of August, 2023. And tonight we have the fellow with a dog, that's right, none other than Derek on the board. Hey Derek. How's it going?

There you go. And tonight we have out yonder, way out yonder, the man of renown, the legendary Pastor Joe. I'm here, glad to be with you. We're not having the best phone communication here. Yeah, we've been having some problems here ever since Thursday night.

In fact, I'm going to start off by telling the folks there. I know many of you have been trying to communicate with us. Well, we have had our power knocked out. We've had our phones knocked out at the office. We've had no phone service and that. So, it should be restored since last Thursday. And it should be restored sometime tomorrow, what they're telling us.

We've had a lot of people here have really gotten to bed. We've had a lot of damages to a lot of the homes and that because of the weather. A number of tornadoes show, they said that Ohio gets an average of 21 tornadoes a year. I know that seems like a lot, but according to the weather, the news here tonight on the weather, they said we've already had 55 tornadoes in Ohio this year.

That's a lot. It's really hard to believe, but I can believe the other night there was like 9 or 10 spotted right in our area in a couple counties here. And I can tell you this, when I left the studio Thursday night, by God's grace, we made it home. I was dodging huge branches, I mean huge branches that were flying and it seemed like I couldn't get away from it.

All the way from the studio, all the way home, it actually took me three times the normal time to get home. Because I had to turn around and go back another way because trees were falling down across the road. And just as I was approaching one, it hit the gas line and there was flames shooting across the road. But I finally did make it home and I thanked the good Lord when I got on a stretch of the road that had fields, that had open fields and no trees. Because, boy, I'm going to tell you, branches were flying everywhere and across the road and it was really an interesting ride home.

I don't want to do that too many times, I can tell you that. But by God's grace, I made it home with no damage to myself or to the car either. Normally you look for shelter, but this time you wanted to get out in the open away from things that were falling.

Yeah, yeah. I think that sounds like a praise report that you probably heard the people tell you if you were in a safe location to stay put, don't travel. But you were a long way from home and I know you wanted to get back there.

But I think it was, oh God, a great big thank you for delivering you and everyone safely through that mess. Yeah, well, where I was when I left the station, they were saying tornado warning right there. So I wanted to get away from there.

I wanted to get away from that area, you know, if I could. And, boy, I'm going to tell you, it got, you know, the freeways weren't too bad, just a lot of wind, a lot of rain. But, boy, once you got off the freeway, branches were flying every which way. I mean, you know, I avoided the real huge ones, came very close, had some big ones, just missed me. But I did run over some good sized ones.

Luckily didn't do any damage to my car, but we did run over some good sized branches. But we made it home and I want to praise the good Lord that all of the folks out here, none of us in the church, got hurt. I don't know if there were any people that were killed in the store.

I didn't hear of any. But that's a wonder because it was an accident. That's a blessing. I know often when I pray, and I want to tell people this, I thank God for the things that He kept me from that I didn't see, that I didn't know anything about. Too many times you hear stories of somebody that didn't get on an airplane for some reason or another.

The plane crashed, people died. I've heard too many times somebody was going somewhere and changed their plan and there was a big accident along the way or a tornado happened in that town. Too often we just forget the Lord keeps us from things and often we don't even know the dangers or the things He's kept us from.

I think it's a good thing to thank Him for all those unknown blessings that He's given us. Well, yeah, I've had some of those happenings, like you said. Am I coming in all right? Can you hear me? I can hear you pretty well now.

Okay, because I got some strange feedback. But anyhow, I've had some of those cases. It's going to be one of those nights.

We just have to live with it. Also, we were on our way to Washington on January 6th, but the driver and the co-driver both got sick. They came down with a very bad case of stomach flu and some other things, too. And nobody wanted to catch it, nobody wanted to anyhow, so the trip got stopped. And that kept all of you from being arrested as part of the January 6th mob.

Well, let's get into... That was a blessing in disguise. Yeah. Okay. All right, yeah, it's coming from either probably Joe's end. But anyhow, I'm talking... Of course, it's always my fault. No, the board office just told me it's not on our end here, so... Oh, okay. So there's only two ends, ours and yours. Do you want me to call in again? No, no, we'll do all right.

I mean, if you can hear me, I can hear you now. Yes. All right, so let's get into the scripture. Do you remember the title of the scripture? Do you err not knowing the scriptures? You do err not knowing the scriptures.

You do err, yeah. We're going to start in Matthew 22. Actually, tomorrow night we're going to go through 15 through 22 tomorrow night, because it has to deal... Tomorrow night we're going to have, Lord's willing, David Zinniga with us, and with Tactical Civics.

And this is a very, very important program. And verses 15 through 22 really will deal, apply to that. Tonight we go to, in both cases, in Matthew 15 through 22, you've got the Pharisees and Herodians. The Pharisees were the judicial Herodians for the legislators, and they were going to try to put Jesus in a position where he could not give a right answer. In other words, the smart lawyers, crooked lawyers, came up with the idea. In other words, they had a battle of wits, and they came unprepared.

They were out, went over and outclassed in every area. And tonight we're going to take a look at the Sadducees. They made the same mistake as the Pharisees and the Herodians. They came to the Lord Jesus, trying to entrap him with a stupid question. And so why don't you just go ahead and read it. It seemed very complicated, you know, but not to the person who wrote the scriptures. Yeah, well, you're absolutely right. So why don't you go ahead and read verses 23 through 33, and then we'll comment on it.

All right. The same day came to him Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and ask him, saying, Master, Moses said if a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed into his brother. Now there was with us seven brethren, and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and having no issue, left his wife unto his brother. Likewise, the second also, and the third unto the seventh.

And last of all, the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife shall she be of the seven? For they all had her, and Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine. All right, so why do you think Moses gave them this doctrine of if a man dies, his brother should raise up seed or should marry his wife, and if she had a child. Let's say a man dies and leaves his wife with a son. Whatever property he left them will belong, will stay with that son, but the man takes the wife and raises the son as his own.

Okay? Why do you think that was? I think it was so important for the son to have a father, and for the protection for the mother and son, because in those days it was a very dangerous world and people could take a wife and buy one, could capture one from another tribe. Well, basically they were always going to war, you're right. And so there was a lot of single women around, and the women virtually had no rights. In other words, if they didn't have a covering, in other words, if they didn't have a husband or a father or a brother, if somebody came along and they saw this, they come across a woman and they demanded, where's your husband, if she couldn't prove that she had a husband or a brother, you know, a male to be her protector and mantle, then there was really no law, he could just take her, and that was allowed. It used to be taken.

Yeah. And so here, now they ask a very silly question, how often do you think you would have seven brothers all having, all taking the same wife, one after the time? Now, if you had this case here, I could tell you this. It was called hypothetical. It was just a hypothetical question.

It wasn't a root question. It was designed to try and trick him. Well, let me ask you this, Joe. If you had this woman and brother one dies, and so she goes to brother two, and brother two dies, and your brother three, are you going to wonder, hey. I'm going to start to get nervous if I'm brother three. And if you're brother four, then there's no doubt at all, you're going to say, nah, I don't think so, right? Right.

You better find somebody else to give you your covering. Yeah. And so, so now here you've got the Sadducees, and you know why they're sad, right? Right, because there's no resurrection. That's why they were sad, because they didn't believe in a resurrection. Yeah, a resurrection. What else did they, what did they believe, though? They believed in worshiping angels. Yeah. That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Well, to them it did. It was a supreme being that was eternal that could, you know, go up and down into heaven.

I mean, I can kind of see. It was the original children of God with power, but in a way, God said, I am the only one, you know. Now, for in the resurrection, they neither married nor are given a marriage, whereas the angels, but are as now, not saying that they're angels, they're saying are as the angels of God in heaven. Right.

Now, okay, so he's making a point. In heaven, we're no longer husband and wife. What are we? Right.

We're brothers and sisters. We're going to be different, whatever form Jesus carries has, that's the form we will be. And scripture said we know not what form he will be in.

Right. But we know that the Spirit, we will be given a glorified body, but it may not be anything like what we're expecting. All right, so in heaven, we're brothers and sisters. We're brothers and sisters. We're all sons and daughters of God.

Right, okay. But he says, but as touching the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that that which was spoken unto by God saying, I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

Living. So he's referring to being the God of the living. Is that not dealing strictly with the resurrection? Right, resurrection from the dead, yes.

We are living. So when the multitude heard this, they were... But they didn't catch it, did they? No, so when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine. Why were they astonished at his doctrine? Because they'd been easily fooled, and he just made bigger fools of them, and they were just astonished. They thought they were quite clever. Well, here... Like a lot of people today, there is no God.

I'm smart enough I can see that in all this, we came from a blue-green pond scum, and this creature crawled out of the water and walked on land and evolved into monkeys, and monkeys became man. It's a delusion. Delusionary. The thing, the reason that they were so astonished with his doctrine is because he spoke with absolute authority. He spoke with absolute... He didn't say, well, it could be, or it should have been, or it might have been, or it could be. He gave, he spoke with knowing. Oh, yeah, you're right.

I guess I'm just used to knowing that. Whenever he spoke, that's why people listened to him. He spoke with power, authority, with assurance, all through scripture. Why was he able to do that?

Everyone saw that. So, why was he able to do that? Because he's the one who created the scripture in the first place. He's the one who made the covenant with the, in the Old Testament. He's the one who talked to Moses.

So, I mean, yeah. Let's go over to 2 Timothy chapter 3, okay? We have just two verses, five through seven. 2 Timothy chapter 3.

Read verses five through seven. Okay, now, who was it, Joe, that was the first to deny the absolute power of God? The first? Yeah. I guess you go back, probably Satan. Isaiah 14.

Right. Satan denied the absolute power. Oh, Lucifer, and that form of Lucifer was the first to deny. He said that he was going to be God, didn't he? Mm-hmm.

He was going to be as the Most High. Don't look like he made it, did it? Don't think so, no. Okay, no.

Something about this lake of fire that he will live in throughout eternity doesn't sound like he made it. From such turn away, from such turn away. Okay, so today we have the very same thing, because for this sort are they which creep into houses. When he's referring to houses, what kind of houses is he referring to? Church houses.

Church houses, okay. And lead captive, silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse laws. Give me an example.

What would be some really good examples of that today? Tammy Faye Baker comes to mind. The silly and, you know, full of sin and gluttony and policing people, lying, stealing, cheating, you know. No, I'm referring to the ones that snuck into the churches to lead captive these silly women. She was one of the silly women. Okay, I thought she led a lot of other women. Okay, but would you say Joe Olsteen?

Oh, yes, see, definitely, yep. What's his name out there in the Crystal Cathedral? Robert Schuler? Robert Schuler, right. Robert Schuler. What about Richard? Robert Schuler, right, Robert Schuler.

What about Rick Warren? Definitely. We have a business model, not a church, yep. Kenneth Copeland? Yep.

Okay. Christopher Lowe Dollar. There's a whole list of them, and then there's that woman that has all the houses and airplanes. Oh, yeah, I can't think of her name. The real rich one that claims to be a pastor. Well, you've got Paula White also. Yeah, I'm thinking the other one.

Anyway, there's a whole list of them. But then you've got the entire apostate. So here, when we take a look at that, the other sort of thing which creep into houses and lead captive silly women, where was the very first example of one creeping in and leading captive of a silly woman? What happened to the Garden of Eden? Who crept into the Garden of Eden? Oh, the serpent, Satan, Lucifer coming down.

Did he say to Eve, did God say, did God really say this? You shall surely not die. You shall surely not die.

You're not going to die, you know that. It sure seems that she died. Yep, she did eventually, maybe not instantly, but lost her immortality. No, she died instantly spiritually, and she died later physically.

Physically, right. So now here, she was led away with a diverse lust. What was her lust for, Joe? Oh, that forbidden fruit for knowledge. The knowledge that she thought God was hiding from her. She was lusting for it, because the fruit looked pretty good.

It looked like it tastes good, didn't it, right? Mm-hmm. Okay, now here.

Today... But she also knew the tree was called the knowledge of good and evil. Okay. So she had a feeling that it had all kinds of things that she didn't know about, that God did, and God was keeping it from her.

I think it was more than it looked good and tasted good. There was a hidden, maybe I'll gain power, maybe I'll gain knowledge, you know, more powerful than I am. Okay. Well, it looks like, Joe, today we have the same thing, that they're creeping into the colleges, especially, too, not just in the church houses, but in the colleges.

Oh, they're creeping into the public full system, they're starting in pre-K, they're starting in the, what is it, the Head Start programs, they're getting the communists, they're getting the feminists and the Marxists, they're starting right in preschool. Okay, we're gonna take a break and I'll come back and I'll finish this on the other side of the break. We'll be right back.

We'll be right back. I had this crazy dream about some folks who loved this country, who all began to dream the same dream. And when the morning came, there arose across this nation people thinking one and the same. And when they realized the danger to their posterity I heard those patriotic people say We want this country back, we ain't just jokin' Jack We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored We want this country back, she's been driven way off track We're wide awake and we're madder than hell And we ain't gonna take it anymore No, we're not gonna take it anymore Remember golden days when the stars and stripes forever Symbolized her glorious name, America But now it's all been changed And when we gaze upon old glory, it's hard to fight back feelings of shame We're fed up with lyin' politicians and greedy corporations who have sold us out time and again And we're sick and tired of sendin' our soldiers off to wars that we were never meant to win We want this country back, we ain't just jokin' Jack We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored We want this country back, she's been driven way off track We're wide awake and we're madder than hell now And we ain't gonna take it anymore No, we're not gonna take it anymore Now we know our cause is right and our victory's on the way And we won't give up the fight till we hear two hundred million say We want this country back, we ain't just jokin' Jack We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored We want this country back, and we ain't takin' any more back We're wide awake and we're madder than hell now And we ain't gonna take it anymore No, we're not gonna take it anymore That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore We said we're not gonna take it anymore That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore We said we're not gonna take it anymore That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore We said we're not gonna take it anymore We are not gonna take it anymore Boy, there was some crackling and that going on there Maybe some storms in the area somewhere, I don't know But anyhow Okay, alright, now, let me go back to where we left off Now, here Joe, when we were talking about these silly women today When I'm telling you that universities are more women today That are going to college than there are men Now, the Bible makes it very clear that The area where men are tempted by the enemy He goes after them in the areas of pride But with the women, it's in the area of discernment And so we're seeing today more women are going to college than men And especially to law school like Harvard and Yale and Stanford Now, in this, they want to do away with the Constitution They say the Constitution is outdated And of course, they want to do away with the Bible too And so this is the mindset, these women are much more easily led Into cultural Marxism than the men We saw what went down first The Girl Scouts went way down before the Boy Scouts did, didn't they?

Exactly The YWCA went down way faster than the YMCA, didn't it? Yes, it went, and if you just look at the losing the sexual morality Women are, look at the following the idols like the Kardashians and all that It's starting, they're just going crazy with the dress and behavior And the drugs and sex Well, in fact, today, today, today, Joe, by a wide margin A very wide margin, by 70 almost to 30% Women want to open their marriages, ok, by a wide margin More women want to open their marriages than men And what they're saying, I was listening to, you have these shows like this What is it, the view and that They're saying that today's woman, today's woman can have their cake and eat it too And by that they're meaning that, they're saying that they can have the stability of marriage And the family and a career and at the same time They can be sexually liberated and have a variety of sexual partners Now this is what they're saying, that today's woman can have their cake and eat it too They can have the stability of a marriage and a family and a career And also have a variety of sexual partners So what happens in 90% of those open marriages, what's the end result? Failure, people It's called divorce, and so And that's not what these women, these women end up looking at That wasn't supposed to, that wasn't what I was taught, I wasn't taught that I was supposed to have, you know, but why, why is that?

Okay, I'm not quite sure just how you want, what you're trying to get at Okay, the Bible demands when he tells you, women to respect and obey your husbands Be respectful, reverence and obey your husbands, even give an example Totally against that, so they're basically in total rebellion against God If they're in rebellion against their marriage, they're in rebellion against God And the further out they go from that, the farther away from God they get Okay, so they want, the women, the Bible tells the husbands, love your wife as Christ has loved the church You know, I've done a lot of marriage constant over the years And it's always the same thing, Joe The woman always says, when they're having a problem, I don't think he loves me, he doesn't love me The man always says she doesn't respect me So it goes all the way back to what scripture says, you know, for husbands love your wives, okay Now it was an interesting thing too, because they had this question there Why, why these women, when they have these open marriages, that they'll perform sexual acts with their boyfriends That they would never perform with their husbands, things that they would have never, never do with their husbands And when asked about that, the answer was, because they cared about what their husband thought of them They cared about the opinions that their husbands had of them But with their boyfriends, they didn't care what their boyfriend, so they would do things with them that they would never do with their husbands Now, and they referred to themselves as liberated, sexually liberated What does God's Word, the Bible, refer to them as? Hors Hors, right Okay, so there lies the problem See, it used to be, it used to be that men had the major problem Back in the old days, it was the man who was leaving the family, leaving the marriage Or, and it was the man who was more guilty of infidelity Today it's turned totally completely around And so we're, and we're seeing, what we're seeing, Romans chapter 1, you know, aren't we, I mean in full view, aren't we I mean, it's Romans chapter 1 in spades taking place today Exactly, just all over everywhere you look And around the fact that it leads me to what I think is probably the most important story that we've told in a long time Let alone just for a lead story for the night You and I way back saw the left taking over education And when you control, like, Abraham Lincoln, you know, the philosophy in the schoolroom in one generation becomes the philosophy in government in the next And what the children learn affects, becomes the lead in society The headlines from Fox News of all places, Marxist teacher called for forceful cultural revolution Now lands seat on state legislature, he's a Democrat And what's going on in Colorado, their teachers union is adopting a anti-capitalistic policy But that's kind of a sideline This teacher is calling for this forceful cultural revolution against whiteness Was voted in by the Democrats, the demon rats, to fill a state house of representative seat This Tim Hernandez, so he was voted by all these Democrats to fill the seat of a lady that was elected to the Denver City Council And if you look back there, he's got a sign in his classroom calling for dismantling the white systems He's an open Marxist and he's got posted diatribe and he speaks at protest of organized unions He pushes the unions And he's talking about his social media, I want to tear up some expletive, I want to stir things up for you Are you ready for this? And it goes on what he's teaching the kids to have this revolution You have to get out there, you can't just have Marxist theory, you have to get out there into the streets You got to get into the workplace, you got to get into your families And now you've got to be an activist, this is junior high type kids And he's been teaching lessons on communist theory in the classroom And he's talking about, I'm a testament to the work that we have to do, this is sacred, this is powerful, this is necessary I tell my students the truth, the truth about Marxism and that our culture is all based on white supremacy and it's all wrong And he said even the United States should belong to the Aztecs And then he teaches this, this is what he's been teaching folks The violent movement in China, the Cultural Revolution is derived from communist totalitarian history, the Chinese Cultural Revolution was a purge Remember it persecuted millions of people by Mao and the movement opposed the four olds Now this is what this Tim teaches, old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits And we have to destroy the destruction of cultural artifacts Like you got to get rid of things like the old bible, the old school books Here's your democrat party folks, a Marxist cultural person teaching revolution He wants revolution now, it has to be forceful, you have to get into the workplace, into politics, into the home And you have to control the schools, which the democrats are doing And I've got about three things to go with it, but I'd like your comment on that article pastor Because isn't this kind of what we've been trying to tell people for twenty, thirty years about cultural Marxism, the revolution going on and what they're trying to do Well I know every single Marxism in Congress and the Senate, every single one that's got a D behind their name folks Got a D behind their name and I was one of the first people in the United States to talk about the socialists in Congress The, what was it called then, the, oh and the senior moment, they formed the, oh, nobody knew about it at the time, it was kind of secret Yeah well I remember at the very beginning Dennis Kucinich was the one who was the head of it He seems to have gone somewhat in the other direction lately, but I know it was a socialist Well actually it was, no it was, what's his name that's still out there, not Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders was the one, it was the Well he was, that was in the It was on the Democrat Socialists of America's website, they hit it on the DSA, it was on their website He was in the Senate They were proudly socialists and they hit it and it was a friend of mine, Henry Lamb, who first discovered it on there And we started talking about it, sent the information to all the news agencies around the country And we were amazed when the major mainstream media did not want to share this information They eventually took it off the DSA and hid the progressive caucus, we couldn't find it And guess where it turned up?

On Bernie Sanders' personal account This was way back in the early 90's Yeah I know that, but what I was telling you was that Bernie Sanders was the one that was involved in the Senate Dennis Kucinich was right here, he was actually like the chairman or whatever of that, I remember that That was at the time he was doing that strange thing with that Hollywood actor, the one who was the new age Who believed a lot, the woman, I'm trying to think of her name right now, she was the one she starred in a number of movies Her brother was a fellow that played Bonnie and Clyde, you know who I'm talking about, very well known I'm good with movies Yeah totally new age, but anyhow that's what I was telling you, I remember very clearly at that time Because Dennis Kucinich was right from our area Now it seems like he's kind of going in the other direction now He might have woken up, but I remember, people you need to remember, when I went on this website There were a lot of organizations that were sponsoring this progressive caucus And one of them was the AFL-CIO, National Council of La Raza, that's the one that wants to have Southern California and all that Southern US back to Mexico The National Education Association, the NEA, the big teachers That's been a communist organization from the very beginning, it's a hardcore communist organization They were one of the first groups to back the program Remember we had one of the heads of the ACLU here on the program some years ago And I said, why are you becoming a communist organization, he said we're not communists And I said yes you are, and he said no we're not I said okay, tell me one, because see they have a constitution Okay, tell me, give me one difference, just one difference in your plank And in the ten planks of the communist party, give me one difference He couldn't give me a difference I said the same thing with that prosecutor, that district attorney from California Who said again, well I don't consider us to be communists And I asked him the same question, give me one difference in your plank in the communist, and he couldn't do it I know the Catholic Charities was on here, the National Organization for Women Remember Rush called them Nazis, you know, feminazis Nasty old women, the N.O.W. we called them nasty old women Yeah, nasty old women, but there were so many of these groups, union groups, different things And the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian Universalist Church That's the Satanist Church That's the Satanist Church, you got it So all this stuff, we brought out many many years ago, talked about it And was warning people, now we've got things like this, pastor Andrea Smith is a college, well still is a college professor at the University of California Riverside Well she got accused about lying about her Native American background to retire from this college Well they found out she lied, she has no Indian blood, sounds like somebody else we know, Pocahontas, right? So here you have, at the University of California, a tenured professor who lied for years to get a job And she's a ethics studies professor, okay? She teaches ethics And she lied about her whole background to get this job Now they're going to allow her, they found out she's a liar, they're going to let her continue to teach classes into this fall And then she's going to retire with full benefits, she'll keep her honorary title And to top it off, the university is going to pay her $5,000 to cover the legal costs She undertook to resolve the complaint about her fabricated heritage And the article's got all kinds of genealogists and researchers and Indians all said that there are no links with her in the Cherokee Nation There's nothing in her background, no genetic DNA, nothing And so what do they do? They reward her for years of lying And here she's teaching ethics and at the same time she's totally fake and phony, even her degree is phony Now what does it say, Joe, in Isaiah chapter 5? Woe unto them that put good for evil, but bitter for sweet And that's what they do, the Satanic communists do, they reward evil and they punish good They reward the honest And they're doing it, there's a total case of evil being rewarded Here's another one, daycare worker allowed to walk free after being accused of taking sexually explicit photos Of at least four three-year-old children sharing them with the county's first trans lawmaker This is from the London Daily Mail and this was 38-year-old Lindsay Groves And this accounts where she'd been working at the Creative Minds Daycare Center Where she took nude images of napping children, sent them to her girlfriend Who at the time was New Hampshire's first ever elected trans lawmaker And guess what, they allow her to walk free, no charges, no punishment, no jail time She's not even going to be listed as a predator or anything So again, what did you just say, evil gets rewarded in our society? I'm surprised they didn't give her a promotion, Joe A promotion, yeah Yeah, you talked about the Indians there, there's some good news Look who is on anti-walk warpath to reclaim Redskins' name, an article by my old friend, our old friend Peter LaBarbera Barbara, right, yep And so Peter was the one that filmed that thing in San Francisco where Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi stood right next door, right next to two sodomite men Two sodomizing, bare naked, in the street, in the public, sodomizing each other And Nancy Pelosi was the one who was standing next to them saying Jesus would be pleased with how you're showing love to one another And Peter LaBarbera was the one that filmed that He filmed things that are strange and bizarre and he filmed that whole thing What a horrible, wicked, ugly thing We saw things I wish I'd never seen but the thing that got me the worst in that film that Peter took there at that sodomite festival People were walking around, they had children in strollers People were walking around with children, you know, big enough, like, three, four, five, ten years That dingbat grandmother, that dingbat, she had a little, her grandson and granddaughter, one in either hand Yeah, they were taking pictures with their children present, or grandchildren It was like, it was like they were going to Disneyland Look at these people, look at their behavior We're taking pictures, children, pay attention I just couldn't believe what I was seeing It was like this was unreal, it had to be fake That dingbat Democrat, dingbat Democrat grandmother Was showing those two little girls, that little boy and that little girl You had two sodomites, one of them performing oral sex And she was telling them, this is what adults do This is being a real Democrat, this is where the Democrat party is today, it's where it's going to But let me go back to what I was saying here This is, the new goodness is, with a new owner in town promoting to return Promising to return the Washington D.C. football franchise to its 1980 glory Many of the team's fans are rallying behind the American Indian group's petition to reclaim the old Redskins name and logo In what has the potential to be a dramatic reversal of wokeism So it's the American Indians Association who want to bring the name back to the Washington Redskins And they want to undo the woke And so the petition is the creation of the Native American Guardians Association Change the Washington Commanders back to the Washington Redskins starting on June 21 Well if they can do that we might get our Cleveland Indians, I won't go to a game since they changed their names Since they bow down to the god of woke, I won't go to a game And a lot of people quit going to the, because they changed their name to the Guardians And they won't go there anymore because of that And so, you know there's a price to pay for woke isn't there There sure is, but when you said that it was just like, you think the Indians were never really, they said right up front They didn't mind, they had nothing against the name to start with But nobody listened to them, nobody, they just went ahead and the woke crowd pushed and pushed and pushed this But they weren't consulted, here were the ones that kept saying how offended they were We weren't offended, but the press didn't talk to us, we tried to say we weren't offended And nobody listened, nobody wanted to hear We're coming up to a break, so just before we get to the break there Joe, now what do all of these universities have in common The San Diego State University, Mount Sinai, Mount Saint Mary University The Dominican University of California, the Pitzer College, Pomona College, Santa Clara University Soka University, the University of San Francisco They all have one thing in common, and that one thing Don't teach education Right, well, in order to attend there, you have to take the dumb shot You have to take the dumb shot, you see Dumb shot You can't, right, what they call the vax The poison poke, we call it Joe, Obama Biden says come next month, September, he's bringing the vax back And everybody's going to have to get vaxed and everybody's going to have to wear masks again Wait a minute, he's ordering them to make one that works this time and he's going to bring it back But he's told them they've got a couple of months to make one that works Well, they say they got it ready to go How funny about that, doesn't that sound a little weird Yeah, September I want it so you will make it Yeah, in September, they say it's supposed to the middle of next month They're going to start trying to make it mandatory that everybody take it I got a feeling they're going to get a whole lot of push back Oh, I know that they're going to get a whole lot of push back on this one We'll be back, we're coming to a heartbreak So we'll be back right after this with a whole lot more Don't go away, much, much more to come Be right back, don't go away When I grow up, I want to work for a woke company Like super woke When I grow up When I grow up, I want to be hired based on what I look like Rather than my skills I want to be judged By my political beliefs I want to get promoted Based on my chromosomes When I grow up I want to be offended By my coworkers And walk around the office On eggshells And have my words policed By HR Words like Grandfather Peanut gallery Long time no see No can do When I grow up I want to be obsessed with emotional safety And do workplace sensitivity training All day long When I grow up, I want to climb the corporate ladder Just by following the crowd I want to be a conformist I want to weaponize my pronouns What are pronouns? It's time to grow up and get back to work Introducing the number one woke-free job board in America
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-29 02:14:22 / 2023-08-29 02:33:48 / 19

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