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TUE HR 1 081523

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
August 16, 2023 12:02 am

TUE HR 1 081523

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 15th day of August 2023. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian resistance. And this is pledge week. Pledge week, folks. So we're opening the phone lines right now. We're into this fight to bring America back to one nation under God. And we're not going to quit until we win because there's no quit in here.

You will not find no quit in these people here. Our number to call is 888-281-1110. 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. That's 888-677-9673 in the back.

You've got on the phones back there already. You've got Randy and Frank and Eric. And in the glass cage here, our producer tonight is none other than Stile. Good evening, Pastor. And here in the studio with me is Lisa Hickman. Good evening, everyone. And way out yonder in Missouri is Pastor Joe Larson.

Surprise, I'm still here, still willing to do this. And I'm glad to be with you guys, ready to help fund the ministry this week, right? Right. We have a huge radio bill that we have to keep up with. But we need, we're trying to keep, bring America back to one nation under God. And so, hey, they say talk is cheap, Pastor, but you know what?

Radio time isn't, right? Right. And so we're going to, I'm going to be telling the folks to, we need some action. And this is an act, the Bible says, be you a doer of the word, not a hearer only. One of the reasons that America is in the shape that she is, is apathy and ignorance. Apathy and ignorance, where people fail God. You know, the pulpit, number one, has failed the Lord. The pulpit has failed our Lord miserably. We've had such an extreme dearth of courage from the pulpit.

It never should have been that way, but it was. But we have to, we can only control what we do here, and so we need to fight with everything we have. There's, the opposition out there, the Antichrist system has got some horrible, horrible plans for us. And of course, the fake news media, NBC, ABC, CBS, they're, the Antichrist news media, they're in with them 110% to aid and abet the Antichrist communists.

So we need to fight with everything we have for our children and their children, if the Lord should tarry. So I need for you to have a pen and paper ready tonight, because you have a bill called the SAFE Act, the SAFE Act, and it means saving adolescents from experiment, saving adolescents from experiment, and that's, that's a bill to keep these ghoulish, ghoulish, money hungry, greedy, so-called surgeons from butchering these young children for tons of money. And so we need to get this bill passed, to pass the House, but now it's being held up in the Senate, and that's why I want to give the phone number for the Senate tonight here in Ohio. Now you don't have to live in Ohio to call the Ohio Senate, you can call them and tell them to get that bill passed, get it to the floor for a vote and get it into law. And that phone number for the Ohio Senate is 1-800-282-0253, 1-800-282-0253. Just ask for your senators, and you folks out there if you don't, if you don't live in Ohio, just ask for an Ohio senator, a state senator.

So anyhow, now after you do this, we have one other thing. Governor DeWine, according to what's on the internet here, said he would veto that bill if it got to his desk. This is outrageous, I just can't believe he would say that, but anyhow, so he needs for you to let him know how you feel about passing, deciding that bill into law the minute it hits his desk, the very minute it hits his desk. And Governor DeWine's phone number is 614-644-4357.

His number is 614-644-4357. Guys, where the Bible says, be you a doer of the word, not a hearer, only deceiving your own self. And so folks, I hope you wrote all that down and you get to it tomorrow, because by you doing that, you can save a lot of little children, a lot of pain and suffering that we're living in the, the Bible calls the evil day or the days of sorrow. But this is the days out here where we run to the battle and we earn our crowns. All right, we want to say that tonight, pledge week already, what do we have?

Let me see. Donna in San Diego has pledged $25. Thank you, Donna in San Diego. So the phone lines are now open at 888-281-1110. We have to raise a lot of money at 888-677-9673. So folks give us a call.

Let those lines light up. Joe, we're going to pick up where we left off here. The title of the message was trees and traders and the forthright. Well, we know who the trees and the traders are today, and we're going to really be looking into more of that as we go through the program. But the forthright are the whistleblowers. Those are the people that do the right thing. Those are the people that make those calls when they need to.

Like Abraham Lincoln said, for men to remain silent when they should speak up makes cowards of men and destroys nations. And so let's pick it up in second Samuel chapter 15 verses 12 through 17. So we're going to go tonight, Joe. Wait a minute. Maybe we were didn't we? Didn't we go to maybe we are in judges for hang on.

Maybe I missed one. Yeah, you're right. We are in judges chapter four. Okay. And judges chapter four. Well, let's let's take it. Why don't you read read verses one through six and then we'll do some commentary will we'll pick it up that way.

All right. And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord when a hoot is dead. And the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan. There's that reigned in hazer, the captain of whose host was so Sarah, which dwelt in our all chef of the Gentiles and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord for he had 900 chariots of iron and 20 years. He mightily oppressed the children of Israel and Deborah a prophetess the wife of Lapidus. She judged Israel at that time and she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramoth and Bethel in the Mount Ephraim and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. Well here now what you had a HUD was one of the judges of Israel in a Golan was the king of mob and he had been had the children of Israel he had had them and persecution for many many years and so he the Lord sent he had to egg on and he had went in and England had a dagger well egg line was a very greedy one and so when he had went to him and said look I've got a I've got a present for you from the Lord well he understood the Lord of Israel this guy owns everything he owns the cattle on a thousand hills you know and so he told all of his servants he didn't want any of his servants to see what this president was because he he was afraid they might try to get it he was a very greedy man so he sent all the servants out and so he's what do you have what do you have what do you have and so he had took a dagger and stuck it right in his belly and killed him and and but God had sent him to do it because he refused to repent he was a very very wicked man he refused to repent and so now the children of Israel as soon as things were good soon as they were free soon as they everything started working out fine just like every time before uh when the Lord had was blessing them they turned away from him and basically said what do we need the Lord now for right uh beverly in manhattan just place 500 thank you beverly manhattan we haven't gotten too many calls from there have we uh we did manhattan actually we do get quite a bit from manhattan we haven't got too many this week so far so now here we start out here and and deborah deborah was a very very remarkable woman uh in a number of ways joe first of all uh she was one of only five prophets five women five women prophets in the bible you had uh mariam you had holda second kings 22 um isaiah the prophet isaiah's wife it doesn't mention her by name but it just refers to the prophetess isaiah's wife and then you had um anna of course over in luke chapter 2 anna but now you had two false prophetess out there too um these were nadia and and remember in revelation chapter 3 what it is he's that does he say to that woman jezebel jezebel he said he's given you plenty space to repent and she refuses what did she do she appointed herself the pastor of a major of a church there and she was promoting her horton wasn't she and finish that and i think everything else that goes with it and so so now deborah again she had the the honor of being one of only five female judges are female prophets but now even uh more than that she was the only woman ever seen with enough discernment she was had enough discernment to be an actual judge of israel and so here the people came to her for all of her because she was known for her wisdom as a very very wise woman and so here we'll pick it up in verse six and she sent and called barak the son of abulam out of kadish neptali and said unto him hath not the lord god of israel commanded saying go and draw toward mount tabor and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of neptali and of the children of zebulun and i will draw unto thee the river kisham sasara the captain of jeban's army with his chariots and his multitude and i will deliver him into thine hand and barak said unto her if thou will go with me then will i go if i will not go with me then i will not go all right why do you think he said that joe he wasn't too sure he thought if she really was telling the truth she'd be willing to go well they were he was like co-judges now he had to fight an army he had to fight a war with his army now in fact yeah he had he was the the leader uh the judge with the general of uh six different tribes neftali zebulun uh isikar benjamin ephraim and makar and so he had to he had quite a war to fight but at the same time the judge had to judge the people and listen to the people so he he said to her look if you'll go with me and do this and you take care of that end i'll take care of the the war here and so she says yes i will go but then she um she makes a a couple of very serious prophecies here so go ahead and pick it up there and she said i will surely go with thee notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor for the lord shall sell sasara under the hand of a woman and deborah rose and went with barak to kadesh and barak called zebulun and nekhtali to kadesh and he went up with 10 000 men at his feet and deborah with him keep going well one more verse now heber the kennedyte the kennite which was of the children of hobah the father-in-law of moses had severed himself from the kennites and pitched his tent under the plane of zanam which is by kadesh okay so here now we're going to see several uh different acts of treason we're going to see several different acts of what is a treacherous act uh in the sense where uh nothing's more treacherous than for a wife to betray her own husband but if god tells her to do it you know then she's justified right and so here now we're seeing heber uh the kennedyte he uh had was in confederacy with sisara now sisara was the top general for jabin the king of kenan and so here as we read uh they go out to war and here barak defeated he defeated sisara and his armies and we'll just pick it up here uh in verse 15 and the lord has comforted sisara and his chariots and all his hosts with him with the edge of the swords well i guess he was pretty discomforted huh yeah and barrack with the it was interesting because it's worth the edge of the sword before barak so does that mean that god was wielding the sword or barak and his men were with god's aid the god god made it to where it was going to be the god god made it to where it was going to work out that way that uh he was he was going to win this this this war hands down and so when he he said he goes on to say uh and then barrack so that sisara lighted down off his chariot and fled away on his feet but very pursued after the chariots and after the host uh until hoshareth of the gentiles and all the hosts of sisara fell upon the edge of the sword and there was not a man left how many wars do you see where that happens not very many but a couple times in scripture now you got to remember now you got to remember here that actually um barrack was outnumbered uh against sisara and his armies but to have every to lose every single man right now you know that's pretty that's pretty terrible yeah right so no one living no one's surviving so now we see how very how being sisara fled on his feet and he run to the tent of jl the wife of heber now jl she was on barrack's side where her husband haber he was he was on the side of sisara and so here now go ahead and pick it up in verse 17 17 okay have that sisara fled away on his feet to the tent of the jail the wife of heber the kennedyte for there was peace between jaben the king of hazer and the house of heber the kennedyte and jail went out to meet sisara and said unto him turn in my lord turn into me fear not and when he had turned in under her into the tent she covered him with a mantle and he said unto her give me drink give me i pray thee a little water to drink for i am thirsty and she opened a bottle of milk and gave him drink and covered him again he said unto her stand in the door of the tent and it shall be when any man doth come and inquire of thee and say is there any man here that thou shall say no then jl heber's wife took a nail of the tent and took out took an hammer in her hand and went softly into him and smoked the nail into his temples and fastened it into the ground for he was fast asleep and worried so he died so now old as okay so we'll stop there now here sisara thought you know he was on unsafe ground he thought well here here's the friend of the house of his friend uh he was very well known and he's going to be safe here surely no man is going to come uh and go into that house if the wife says nobody's there but god knew all about that didn't he yeah he knows about everything and uh if you fail to repent you know if uh does god give everybody an opportunity to repent yes he always gives everyone chances in fact more than we deserve right because you know there are people out there that say and they use they use passages of scriptures like this to say you see you know how could you justify a god that would allow that well listen you don't have to justify god god doesn't need justification right no and so here now uh the supreme judge of the universe he knows the heart of everyone he knows everything going to happen he knows what he's going to do when he's going to do it because he knew all of it before he ever made mankind all right john and texas garland texas pledges 50 thank you john folks the phones we got it we got to get we got to have some calls 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 joe we're going to play a clip now here and uh this clip would be uh from tom fenton uh and uh he's going to be talking about the uh the head of judicial watch right he's going to be talking about the what this this what has taken place in georgia you know again what do we call those those bought and paid for uh the george star was bought and paid for what does the bible refer to him as course bought and paid for here and they're going after president trump this is unbelievable uh what has taken place the corruption these people now we're going to find out a little later here in a second hour why the republic why are not the republicans out there the the attorney generals in the different states why are not the congress they're not charging the people these people these whores with treason because they're committing high treason and why aren't well the guy this fellow is going to answer that mike davis will answer that question and we're in the second hour here but meanwhile go ahead and bring her up and that is atlanta currently the center of political attention it's 80 degrees there so we better get back to that trump indictment fulton county da georgia fanny willis she wants the trial in six months she also intends to try all 19 of the defendants together judicial watch president tom fitten with me now why a six-month timetable that seems politically motivated to me how about you yeah in light of the other prosecutions that are pending you know i was going through the indictments now there are four five if you count the superseding indictment by um smith up here in dc you know that's an indictment every month practically speaking over the last five months and they've set it up in a way to have what looks to be in this case a kind of a circus of a trial a show trial of 19 defendants at once and her her her demonstrated willingness to do that suggests that she's not taking this any more seriously than many commentators are in terms of the of legalities of what she's pursuing but you know on the other hand you don't want to be on the wrong end of a criminal indictment and so all bets are off as to whether president trump next year is going to be free to campaign without either a being harassed by this pursuit by the democratic party in three different jurisdictions of him or um you know maybe they claim him and they were able to jail him in the middle of the campaign i don't know what's going to happen and and i think responsible officials in the various states in congress and such need to take action well will the public perceive this to be fair isn't that what this is all about it for the former president on trial four times in the space of you know a year in the middle of a political campaign how can the order how can voters see that as fair well many voters won't see it as fair but those voters views don't count if you're a democrat in these jurisdictions that are virtually 95 percent democrats certainly here in washington dc and they're playing to a very different audience this is power politics your vote doesn't count your views don't count if you're a critic of of of this regime politics here they want to make president trump a political prisoner and what's really disturbing is expanding the abuses to innocent citizens down in in georgia who by all accounts by her by her own indictment we're doing nothing other than engaging in electoral politics why try them collectively well that's the you know that's a show trial i mean are we going to next put them in cages in the trial room for for people to throw things at i mean this is this is not a serious prosecution it's serious if you're on the wrong end of it as i said but you know the idea that a prosecutor a prosecutor in this day and age would think that in the middle of a presidential campaign it's an it's appropriate to try to try 19 people at once three of where three three of which she's indicting for acts they committed as government federal government officials as president as chief of staff and as a senior official in the justice department what a sham this is yeah next one white house press secretary karen jampierre insists the investigations prove joe biden did nothing wrong this is about the hunter business dealings just watch this tom roll it they have been making claims uh and of uh and allegations right about president on this run over and over again and month after month year after year they have been they have been investigating every single angle of this and looking at uh and looking for any evidence to back their allegations if you ask yourself what we have seen from that they keep turning up documents and witnesses showing that the president wasn't involved never discussed these business dealings and did nothing wrong there's been zero evidence showing showing otherwise and so that's what we have seen over the past several months that's what we have seen over the past several years so i'll leave it at that okay what do you make of that tom and do you think that no go ahead please that's her tax the taxpayer defense lawyer for joe biden at the white house podium there it's it's it's a it's an exercise in unreality to see her speak the president's been caught lying repeatedly publicly about his role with hunter biden there's plenty of evidence he benefited financially from this both directly and indirectly and of course you know stewart you don't need to bribe someone directly to be involved in bribery with that person the vice president says get the money to my son and you get a favor that's bribery too and of course there is evidence in the fbi that joe biden would personally was bribed by barisma and he was extorting money from him so uh when you have the vice president of the united states send a letter to hunter biden's business partner saying thanks for being in business with my son that shows that what uh the how the white house spokesman is saying uh is a crock okay we are going to leave it right there tom fenton but please come back soon because this is an extraordinary situation all righty we are back in loretta in new york pudges 30 thank you loretta those numbers are 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 that's 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 that's 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 joe world news daily has put out an article by bob unruh and it says many millions believe violence justified to keep uh president trump from the presidency again and here this article says nearly 12 of americans some 30 million or more say that using violence force would be justified if that's what is needed to keep president donald trump out of the white house the stunning reveal comes from the organization's dangers to democracy a report in the guardian uh the study done by the university of chicago figures huh project security threats run in a far-left city and point out the seven percent say violence is justified to prevent the per the prosecution of president trump um let me see seven percent and but more than 17 percent believe it could be used to ensure members of congress to do the right thing 12 said it would allow to restore the federal right to abortion and more so these people is 12 these are hardcore communists are they not they are true believers but uh ever you want to call them they're either uh useful idiots or communists or you know a mixture of both but the the interesting thing is uh the left was always the side that they used to be oh you know violence was a horrible thing and now with the blm and uh antifa they are the ones promoting using violence they're in the middle we're having an insurrection in this country but it wasn't january 6th it was the summer riots with antifa blm it is what's going on now where they're allowing criminals back on the street without bail they're allowing all these millions of aliens illegal aliens to cross into the country they uh couldn't be terrorists they can be gangsters they could be chinese soldiers they could be muslim terror we don't know what's coming over and so they're really it's one of those things whatever they are accusing they're doing it and they're um they're saying that violence would be acceptable to stop donald trump from destroying america well we've had had this narrative right he's going to be the death of the country he's the savior we've had a revolution going on this country for many for many years now but yes it really took off when barack hussein obama got into the white house and he went in there started changing it from the inside out right he he came in there absolutely started purging any and all patriots any and all patriots patriots were the enemy and replaced them with hardcore communists and i mean some really some some some hard some crazy some real crazies there well i remember you and i going look at what he's doing now look at what he's doing every day for eight years we did that yeah he started handing out weapons and badges to people in department of transportation department of education and now we've got these thousands of irs agents he wants them all armed uh that was all barack obama's idea to build up a army as big and powerful as the military uh that would support the government and and who had that idea first before anybody else and you'll find it uh in the book the naked communist cleon skelson well he wrote the book the one who had the idea was carl marx i'm sorry yeah he was the one that did um it was carl marx that put that yeah yeah this whole idea about having was the one that told the world what marx was saying what he meant he was the one that warned the world absolutely and so here now this this 12 percent that say it would be good to use violence against trope what do you think do you think maybe there's about 30 to think it might be it would be all right to use violence to get that 12 because these people are the enemies of america remember the first thing that that obama did he started purging all of the top generals he purged 11 four-star generals he purged over 260 flag officers in the military all the christian conservatives absolutely anyone who was a patriot now it was those 11 four-star generals and others that were the ones that encouraged trump to run for the white house trump trump had things pretty good he didn't need to run for the white house he had he was living high on the hog okay uh and these were the these were the people that convinced him to run and take the country back and you know he he did it because he loved america and uh have you ever known any other president in our lifetime that refused to take a salary no there you go so he definitely wasn't in he's lost a lot of money by being in the white house hasn't he's lost a huge amount of money and the attorney bills and everything he's put up with uh it's been a huge loss not only it not only it was he not making money he has spent so much money taking you know protecting himself it's unbelievable all right mary from ohio pledges 400 thank you mary thank you eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three and so again here we we're in a war and again it's not the chinese chinese are enemies no no doubt about it and and brought and joe obama biden has brought in hundreds of thousands of chinese nationals into this radio into this country into america to help take over and these people you they're all planning on voting on this next election but they're they're in here they're waiting for the signal joe biden has committed high treason and these people need to be they should be charged with high treason against america well what's the first duty of the president united states is to want law and order protect the union right protect the united states and having open borders is not protecting having an invasion of criminals and drug smugglers and terrorists i mean that's not protecting the nation so right there was uh he was just we would be justified in impeaching him throwing him out right but what's happening and we're going to find out in the second hour we've got a problem with so many of the uh the republicans out there their attorney state attorney general it's just something that's got some courage and uh but even in the congress and especially in the senate we've got a handful of republican senators that have you know that that are men that are that that are worth something but the vast majority of them are not well look well look at mitch mcconnell his wife his family has all kinds of ties to china they've made millions of dollars with business deals with china and uh we've got we call joe biden china joe well it's china mitch and many of these other senators have sold their souls for filthy lucas sake and uh it's all about the the money and the power but uh i was just looking alan dershowitz who is no conservative he said the most dangerous threat to democracy is this new legal precedence that they are trying to go bring against former president donald trump there in the georgia grand jury indictment he said what they want is to bring quick quick convictions to keep trump from running in the 2024 election setting a legal precedent that would create the most dangerous threat to democracy now this is a man who voted even voted for biden that he is still on issues like this tells the truth he said the four of the charges brought he said including the violating georgia's racketeer influence and corruption corrupt organizations act rico act uh are among the weakest he's ever seen and he said the reason being what they're trying to do he said i used to teach my students many of these people become future prosecutors if you bring a rico case that increases your chance of winning that trial but increases your chances of losing on appeal it's made to bring a quick conviction but most of the time they're overturned because they're so hard to bring and what he's coming out in the article long story short trump's going to win on appeal they're going to convict him but he'll win on appeal but the conviction will be there before the election before the vote and he probably won't get the appeal where he's cleared until after the election so he said this is what they're up to folks this is about as dirty politics as you can get they're pushing for a civil war and a republic they are pushing for a civil war the idea is if that if if the war breaks out and uh joe bama is going to declare martial law and he's going to have all of the the chinese troops and whatever folks i'm not kidding you to back him up out there and to come against our country to reduce america to third world status look here's what you have just like the third world banana dictatorships you've got joe bama biden they're going after trying to put his uh competition the fellow that his opponent in jail this is what they do in third world countries you've got a hardcore communist we saw this in venezuela we saw this in cuba we've seen this right and so and again he's joe bama biden takes his orders from china he's he's been taking his orders from china uh he has been selling america out daily and so and what i mentioned the other night i'll repeat tonight the reason all these other people were charged you know rudy juliani and the attorneys and all these other people mark meadows uh everybody was the idea that fanny willis the district attorney uh wants to charge all of these 19 people together and the idea there are 41 charges and they said trump could face 71 years if they were convicted he was convicted of everything but the idea is to make a big show to tie up money and to threaten anybody that supports trump look if we can do this to trump we can do it to supporters of trump and if we can do it to people like juliani and mark meadows and all these people we can do it to you sydney powell that's what they're doing is they're trying to win by intimidation and fear and keeping anybody from standing up to defend donald trump so they are just trying the old-fashioned intimidation that uh gangs and crooked people have been using since the beginning of time well you know this is why again they they need to have every one of these sorrows whores need to be charged with treason they're they're charging they're committing the very same crimes jack smith has been committed and you'd mentioned dorsey which dorsey was said that smith has committed the exact crimes that he's accusing trump of but these aren't crimes you know you can they're trying to charge trump uh they're saying that trump trump knew that there was no election fraud now anyone and everyone that would say that that that was a fair election and that that lecture wasn't stolen is a liar and there's and there's no truth in them and i'm not a lawyer but i could take any one of them in a fair and put them on a witness stand and prove different because we saw mounds and mounds and mounds of of evidence right in your face in georgia one of the corrupt south southern states you saw the films it was all over tv we showed it now you wouldn't see this on nbc abc cbs cnn for obvious reasons but we showed it you saw it on the internet you saw it on fox news in other places where here they closed the doors when once the the uh poll workers went home and they pulled out all of these boxes they had under the table of of 40 suitcases full of 40 belts so we saw in detroit in fact i have an uh an article here about well this is a good one here the muskegon cover-up gateway pundit investigators visit registration fraud epic center and find fbi has installed investigation has stalled the investigation and silenced officials no prosecutions in three years now the fbi has been weaponized they have become nothing more than a protection racket they're extremely corrupt from that doj uh and the fbi extremely corrupt extremely corrupt uh and they become nothing less than a protection racket for the communist party for the biden the biden crime cartel the biden crime family and so you know that's one of the government it's the whole government crime family because look at the million zuckerberg was you know handing to these uh local election committees that were all doing nothing but promoting democrat candidates voting get out the vote all right and we had uh eight eight eight under biden's story right eight eight eight two eight one the phone's got to get ringing folks they got to get ringing eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three quad and pa pledges 50 thank you susan and michigan pledges 100 thank you we got to hear from you folks we're running out of time right now we've only got an hour left we got an hour left and we are way away from our goal tonight so uh again the number is eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three joe we're going to take a quick look at some of what you won't find you won't hear this at nbc abc cbs or cnn uh and this is the greg reese report on maui so can you bring that on up here drivers of the maui fire say that they received no warning and that the flames appeared so quickly that escape was difficult everything was suddenly in flames and many found refuge in the ocean for hours while their homes burned to the ground and into the same powdery ash footprint we've seen in recent years so far it is estimated that nearly a thousand people have died locals are worried this includes hundreds of children who were home due to school being cancelled that day several people are reporting that the government is not only doing little to help but they are blocking local efforts to do so and are not allowing local donations through and that they are blocking life-saving medicine because it isn't federally approved denying people access to bring in supplies just supplies for people to live the government withholding every single one of our donations because we are not a part of fema and red cross so none of this is eligible for giving out tell me why i have no the people of maui are on their own for now and aside from the federal government's bureaucratic failure they have good reason to be suspicious just like what we saw five years ago in paradise california there was nothing normal about these fires within a day of burning it was like a bomb went off when you see the full full extent of the destruction of it will shock you it does appear like a bomb and fire went off if i may and all of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt it will be a new lahaina local residents have been reporting bright flashes of light one was captured by a home security camera that appears to have been the start of the olynda fire many people are saying that it was directed energy weapons we know that most major governments already have them and during the california fires online weather maps recorded what looks like a laser from above striking an area just before it bursts into flames in his research dennis mills discovered that the incendiary aluminum and barium nanodust from chemtrails is most likely fueling the ferocity of today's so-called super wildfires and on the day before the maui fires broke out locals were reporting a heavy overcast from chemtrailing that they'd never seen before it's also interesting to note that the maui police chief was the incident commander for the las vegas mass shooting in 2017 lahaina is considered to be a historic and sacred land it was the capital of the kingdom of hawaii before it was taken by the united states it's been occupied by native hawaiians ever since who are defiantly opposed to the mainland outsiders who have been buying up land with no respect for local culture not just black rock and vanguard but billionaires like mark zuckerberg who owns more land on kuai than what the government of kuai owns and oprah winfrey who has bought over a thousand acres of land in hawaii including a new 870 acres in maui she just bought this spring in 2018 the paradise wildfires broke out exactly where the united nations have plans to somehow make off limits to humans and that same year a report on wildfire prevention was published that was focused on the exact location of the house and focused on the exact same areas in maui where the fires just broke out all the historic downtown all of it is demolished and all the the house is gone but those commercial big box stores are still there hawaii governor josh green has been putting the world economic forum's great reset agenda ahead of hawaiian interests just weeks before the fire he unveiled an emergency on housing that eliminates the traditional land use commission allowing the government more leeway to build as they see fit such as building 15-minute smart cities run by artificial intelligence just like they've been planning to do in hawaii for years at some point i will make a major donation after all of the smoke and ashes have settled here and we figure out what the rebuilding is going to look like this is going to be a long and difficult process you're going to see a lot of phoenix stories rising from the ashes here reporting for infowars this is greg reese you know joe uh first of all folks right now would be a great time to call because in the second hour we have a clip that you're going to want to listen to but so right now would be a great time a very good time um to call in for a pledge we definitely have to hear from you uh tonight so the number is eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three that's eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three or eight eight eight two eight one one one zero again eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero now is a good time to call joe we mentioned in their high energy weapons and maui is right where they is where that high energy that weapon that the united states has where it takes down drones where they use uh uh energy beams to take down and concentrate light beams to take down drones where it can take down hundreds of drones at one time and that was situated right there in maui right there where all of this stuff happened uh now also something very very strange because we had people we talked about this yesterday that i was listening to these fellows that were there and i watched them they were there and they said look there's there's all kinds there's tons of food tons of medicine tons of clothes tons of everything for the people that are homeless that are that are wandering around homeless out there but they're not giving it to them and they said it's the military they were saying it was the military that was holding all of this stuff up uh there's something that they don't want people seeing there's something that they don't want people finding out there now combine that with this joe there was no warning purposely joe there was a fellow who was announcing and i was listening to him and he he understood that what he was was saying when he said that he started to say they wouldn't allow the sirens they wouldn't allow but then he stopped after that he said they did not use the sirens they did not use the warning system but he he started to tell the truth there that they they weren't allowed why not what was it uh yeah you had is it because of all of these very very wealthy people who want to buy up this land what is going on there we know one thing we cannot trust the government i mean you've got to be the government is not on our side it's it's not government other people by the people for the people it's government against the people today um the um the enemy is is within and and so here folks this is the what's happening now we need to hear from you very quickly call at eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three that's eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three we're coming up for a break when we come back we've got a very interesting clip be right back thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next when i grow up i want to work for a woke company like super woke when i grow up when i grow up i want to be hired based on what i look like rather than my skills i want to be judged by my political beliefs i want to get promoted based on my chromosomes when i grow up i want to be offended by my co-workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words policed by hr words like grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when i grow up i want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long when i grow up i want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd i want to be a conformist i want to weaponize my pronouns what are pronouns it's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in america red balloon dot work
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-16 01:06:59 / 2023-08-16 01:25:32 / 19

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