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TUE HR 2 032123

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
March 22, 2023 12:02 am

TUE HR 2 032123

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
Kerwin Baptist
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Kerwin Baptist
Kerwin Baptist Church

Every day we hear news about violent assaults, carjackings, and other acts of crime spiraling across the United States. Washington's answer is to confiscate your guns, but a new book from Regnery offers hope for a better solution. Professional firearms instructor and veteran gun store owner Larry Correa's new book, In Defense of the Second Amendment, pulls back the curtain on Washington's gun grabbing agenda and how you can protect your rights as well as your family. Yet, In Defense of the Second Amendment, new from Regnery, available at

Donate and listen to the podcast at Because this is the antichrist government, this is the antichrist system. And again, the Bible makes it clear, you have not yet resisted under blood. So unless you resist this, if you don't resist it with everything you have, and I'll be glad to help on any way I can, then you're going to deserve what you get. So we're going to hear about it from this woman who's trying to explain it to her Parliament friends.

Go ahead and take us over there, Stile. A lot of what I was going to speak about, which is great, because it leads me to look at the bigger picture. And yes, it's great that I couldn't find anything in Mendip District Council about 15-minute cities, but it's important that we know about them. And it's important that we know about the low emission zones that they want to implement in smaller towns. So what I'm just saying is, basically, this ideology isn't a grassroots, the whole 15-minute city ideology is not a grassroots initiative. It's actually a global initiative.

And it was brought in by Boris Johnson, Michael Bloomberg and Carlos Moreno in 2004, under the C40 Cities International Organization, which Sadiq Khan is now the chairman. Contrary to propaganda, it's not a grassroots initiative, I've said that. But a top-down global plan under UN Agenda 21 2030 to really roll out 17 sustainable goals under net zero. And I know that all the green people here are comfortable with net zero. But if you understood the longer-term implications of net zero, and I've given you all the absolute zero document, and I hope you'll read it, because that coloured bit shows you what is to be achieved by 2030. And that means no flying out of the UK, no ships out of the UK, no cars at all, and no, you know, all woodburners to be ripped out of every home and every gas appliance to be ripped out of every home by 2025. Now that is a government document, UK fires, absolute zero, and this is where we're heading for in net zero.

We will literally be imprisoned on our own island. And I you know, this is this is what this top-down global control is all about. You think it's a green agenda to actually save the planet?

It is not. It was implemented at the Earth Summit in 1992 by a bunch of oil billionaires, crooks. And all of you bless you. All of you bless you are trying to save the planet and you've been hoodwinked. I was in the Green Party in the 1990s. I left. I was a member of the Ecology Party.

I left because it got taken over. It became a Trojan horse for the technocratic agenda that I'm talking about, Agenda 2030. And I tell you what, they planned this from the 1970s.

It's a long-term agenda. And I would love to be able to give all of you a presentation. I've been on this for 15 years, and I've been giving talks all over the world about this via YouTube everywhere because I'm passionate about it.

I've impoverished myself doing this. So I just want you to just hear me out. We're living now in what's known as what's coming is what's known as a zero trust world. So whether you know it or not, the digital I.D.

is coming. Now, this is a big thing for everyone to understand. Digital I.D. is really the way the government will actually have all your data in one place.

And they're bringing this in by December this year. This is really serious. And then they want the CBDCs after that, the central banking digital currencies. Now, this has got nothing to do with being green. It's a big business. It's massive business because underpinning this whole agenda are literally capitalist stakeholders. Now, this is what's worrying is that this whole green agenda is based on top down control of us, we the people. And unfortunately, people who literally glue themselves to buildings, bless them, they've got their best intention, our best intentions at heart. They're barking up the wrong tree. They're actually supporting the people who want to imprison us. Well, it's communitarianism, call it whatever you like. But either way, it's not anything about our rights and freedoms. It's about destroying our rights and freedoms. And Ian, you're a butcher.

Look down that list. By 2030, they want to get rid of meat and lamb and everything. You know, this is ludicrous. And this is all being done without our consent. All of this is in place. And the zero trust world means that you will not be able to they're getting rid of VPN, you will not be able to open your computer, or any other, you won't be able to access your bank account, your health records, anything or even go into a hospital without your digital ID, your digital ID will be unlocked by your facial recognition. And in that process, you'll be data harvested your, your data will be harvested from all your from your digital ID, every bit of your information will be on there that is being sold to stakeholders on the blockchain by non fungible tokens.

I don't know if you understand all this. But this is actually your data is being sold on the blockchain, or it will be. And this is a form of currency, this form of currency they will be using is the CBD is from the CBD seeds from central banking digital system, every time you make a transaction, everything's recorded, tracked and traced.

And so they will know all your shopping habits, your health records, everything, all that is sold. So we are becoming a commodity, as human beings will become a commodity. And that is what the that's what the gut that the whole global enslavement is about.

And we have to be really careful because it's all tied up with the 17 goals. And it's implemented by the United Nations. If you think the United Nations are our friend, you are wrong. The United Nations and the World Economic Forum are working together. And there's a document on that table, which proves that the government are working alongside the World Economic Forum. And they are bringing in drone technology, which will be surveilling us from the air in that document, a government document, it says they will have 900,000 drones flying in our skies by 2030.

Well, we know they're here, but we're not seeing 900,000 of them. But but you know, we this is this is a bigger picture that we have to look at. And what I would really welcome is if we could have I mean, this people in this room are worried about it, they know about it. And you know, if the council is unaware of this huge pernicious march of AI technology, then we need to talk about it. This is Glastonbury, we can action things that will go out to the whole world. And that is the most important thing, John, that whatever happens in Glastonbury reverberates around the whole world, you know that I know that we know that we have to really take some sort of action and stop this this absolute march of AI technology that is actually there to control us, enslave us, turn us into a commodity, and restrict our movement and turn us into a prison planet. Because the digital ID will actually stop you. It's like the Chinese social credit system, you will be stopped from doing things or saying things, if your credit score isn't right, they will be literally our whole currency will be run because they're getting rid of cash, the currency will be run by your your carbon credits, which has all been set up to trick you basically, into not moving out of your smart city apartment, have everything delivered by drone.

And and to you to experience life through a virtual reality headset, that's all in the pipeline too. So we need to really work out where is this a world that we want our children to grow up in and our grandchildren? Please can we have an open and honest debate about this and about your green policies? Because it's not green, and it's not democratic. And it is actually working against us, it will enslave us, your green policies will enslave us.

Obviously, we all want a beautiful, you know, planet that isn't looted, we can deal with that without the top down control and the AI. And that's what we need to strive for is a beautiful green planet, properly green, not astroturfed. And, you know, and we must understand that, you know, the whole thing with co2 in this because even I as a kid was taught that co2 is the gas of life, it makes things grow.

If you talk about if you talk about net zero, it's net is zero you is zero me, it's zero plants, zero everything. And the cut that the you know, the carbon, the carbon, you know, co2 rises from the sea, the most of it rises from the sea. It's not an anthropogenic, it's not. And I want this to be looked at properly, because all everything has been skewed by the ice PCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that was set up after the summit to actually skew all the data. And actually, it was all found out in Climate Gate 2009. Look it up, where they say the 179 1,079 emails were hacked by an American, I think that's why Assange is in jail, but by the Americans, actually finding out that the Hadley Research Center, and the University of East angular were actually lying about the climate data, which actually sent us into the whole climate change thing. So I we know we need to and also the club of Rome have admitted that they've created climate change to make humanity the if you like the scapegoat and make us the enemy. And that's in the first global revolution page 115.

A very interesting club of Rome document, which actually made up the bones of Agenda 2030 or 21, which became Agenda 2030 in 2015, when it was endorsed by President Obama and the Pope in Rome. But anyway, that's all that's all stuff that I've been doing for the last 15 years, I honestly have got all the background knowledge into it. And I really, really want this town to wake up so much. It's been Thank you. Alrighty, we're back.

There you go, Joe. And this is where, like I said, in Cleveland, Ohio, has become the first 15 minutes city in the country in there, they want to implement all of these things. But I don't know that I think you're going to have a lot of pushback. And I'm noticing the fact that more and more people, for example, organizations that have come out like Mammoth Nation. And then we have some other organizations as a fellow who we work right here with us in our Tea Party movement, Jonathan Broadbent, and he's got a core company that deals with exposing the woke corporations. In other words, like Mammoth Nation and others, they're saying, okay, these are woke. Coca Cola is a woke.

Kellogg's is woke. They're anti American, pro globalist, they're pro globalist and anti American. A lot of hears and we have sent out lists, Joe over the years, but we'll be sending out some more I think in the future, showing you the world corporations that you boycott, you avoid, you do not go there, you do avoid them with everything you have. And then there's other corporations that are pro America. And those are the ones that we attend. So we'll get those lists and see if we can mail them out.

But right, I've got a new story or two that go together that really cover all of this. Jennifer Granholm, remember, she's the energy secretary, the Secretary for the Department of Energy. And she was Friday on media, telling that the United States can learn from what China is doing regarding climate change, quote, but I think China has done has been very sensitive and actually invested in a lot of their solutions to achieve their goals. So they're opening coal plants. They're opening coal burning electrical plants all over the country.

Listen to what she likes. This is what the people are getting to listen to the liberal media. We're hopeful that, you know, we can all learn get this all learn from what China is doing.

Well, Pastor Ernie, you just know you knew what China's doing. They permitted a whopping 106 gigawatts of new coal power capacity in 2022. Roughly quadrupling the amount that they did in 2021. This new generation is the equal to 100 large coal-fired power plants, all coal. Basically what they're saying, they put in 100 large coal-fired power plants, and they're continuing to do this.

The speed at which the projects progressed through the permitting to construction was extraordinary, with many projects sprouting up, gaining permits, obtaining financing, and breaking ground in just a matter of months. And this is continuing. And right now today, China accounts for almost 30 percent of the world's total global emissions. So maybe we should listen to Jennifer Granholm, and we should do just like China, because according to her, they are achieving their goals, and we should learn from them.

So we need to start building coal-fired power plants all over America, right? Yeah, I guess so. You know, look. That's what she said. She's our energy secretary. She ought to know.

Yeah. I hope you folks realize I'm being very, very sarcastic. The right administration is standing up there telling lies from the pit of hell. I mean, these stories came out practically the same day, January, March 11.

The one was February 27. So here's this big news story out about China's power plants, 100 large coal-fired plants online working to produce energy in China last year. And she's on telling us we should all learn from China just a few days later. Now, something is totally, totally wrong with this picture, folks. No, that's exactly, look. Joe Obama, Biden and his mob, his cartel, crime cartel, the Communist Party, which are called Democrats, their job is to reduce America to third-world status, okay? Their job, military. And Austin's job was to weaken our military, to weaken our military to the point where we could not, we'd have to surrender when the time comes, okay?

Okay. This is actually what is really going on. We've been trying to tell people. They're working on the premise that the American people do not have, they don't have the willpower left anymore, that they're little by little, they've just been accustomed to just accepting it and not fighting back. And that's, they're working on that premise. They've lost the will to resist is what they believe.

Right. And so, and for, you know, for the major part of the people, that's right. The vast majority of them have lost the will. They, you know, they're, they've been so indoctrinated and that's what we've warned people for years and years and years and years.

If you love your kids, get them out of the public schools, the indoctrination centers when they've been so indoctrinated right now. So, but anyhow, at the same time, there's a lot of us, I'm seeing a movement around the country, small churches that are independent Bible believing churches are growing. People are going there. They're looking actually for the real thing. They want to get out of the entertainment, get out, get out of the prosperity. They want to, they find an actual real, real true church. And so churches like ours are growing.

Okay. Of course we didn't grow too much this past Sunday. We got hit with a snow storm and it wasn't in hardly anybody there.

Well, that's, that doesn't mean you're not growing. It just means that you got to get snowed in for a few days, which happens, but Hey, there's a couple more things that go right along. The United nation is calling for mass fossil fuels shut down to prevent climate time bomb. And they're going on and on and warning. It's about the survival guide for humanity and all their warnings. Oh, we're going to warm 1.1 degrees Celsius above, you know, some level back when, and it goes on and on and on. But the funny thing is remember Greta Thunberg, the little girl that, yeah.

Okay. Well, she deleted a couple of year old tweet that cited a report of a scientist claiming that humanity had to eliminate fossil fuel by 2023 to avert human extinction. Well, she finally took it down off her website because apparently it's 2023. And have you noticed any human extinction in your neighborhood? I, I, I read the report. I called a few friends of mine. They're still there, drove into our local town.

It's still there. So human humanity is not extinct. But the article reported that Harvard university atmospheric chemistry professor James Anderson claimed that existing government emissions commitments would not stop climate change from destroying mankind and proposed a worldwide effort to transition off fossil fuels.

Because, you know, the world was going to come to an end and all mankind would die. So we've heard this story how many times since the 70s, 60s, you know, it was gonna, we were gonna freeze to death. And I mean, they've making these threats for years.

When are people going to wake up and realize these people are full of what we call commoner out here in Missouri? Well, just recently last week, they, they pulled out old John Ehrlich. I believe. Oh, again? Yeah.

Early count of the hat, the old rabbit trick. Yeah. It's just, yeah. Going all the way back where in, uh, as far as I know, I can't believe, I didn't think he was still alive. And, and, uh, you know, but, um, again, pull him out the same thing. All of, remember by, uh, we were going to be, by the middle of the eighties, we were going to be, uh, America was going to be turned into nothing but, um, an iceberg.

Yeah. There's going to be the great ice age. And this, we didn't give government power. See, the key was if you folks don't give the government power to do what they need to do, we're all going to freeze to death before the end of the, you know, 87, 88, something like that. It's all about, it's always giving government power. Giving their answer is always more power to the government and the world corporations are working hand in hand to rip off the people. Al Gore is a con artist. Al Gore is a con artist is what he is.

That's exactly what he is. All of these people. It's like the lady in the just said, it's about control, about control, about control, about control. I call it power, power, power. They're trying to possess power.

And when they get enough power, they think they're going to rule the world. In fact, here's one more. Um, our, uh, Janet Yellen came out and, uh, she was talking about, well, we're going to protect the, uh, uh, risky investments.

You know, what she meant is all those that are doing the green agenda that are gone woke. And she was pledging to cover our banking system. Well, here are the facts. The FDIC has in its account $125 billion.

Okay. So the FDIC's piggy bank get this $125 billion. There is $18 trillion of depositors money in U S banks. And she is saying that we could cover all the bank deposits, $125 billion in assets, $18 trillion in liabilities.

Now, pastor Ernie, what could possibly go wrong with that? You know, the Silicon Valley bank alone held 173 billion. Yeah. And that woke back. Yeah. And so again, every one of those banks that they were worried about their failure or collapse or having to take over every one of those was a woke bank.

Yep. Not one conservative bank in America is in any financial trouble. It's only the woke banks that are pushing the socialist agenda, the ESG and all the other clap trap that they can come up with. But if you just think about that, I should have done the math. One point, I mean, 125 billion worth of assets, 18 trillion in liabilities. Um, we are in no position to make any kind of stupid promises on that level.

We don't, there isn't $18 trillion out there that the government could get their hands on. Joe, the very last verse in Genesis chapter eight tells you that there will be no global climate change. The very last verse, it tells you, God said, as long as he keeps the earth, he will keep the seasons.

He will do that. And so, so either three minutes, seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease. That's where I was going to go.

It was like, well, like mines. Uh, right. Yeah. All right. Ready to read that. Let's do this. Let's open the phone lines. Um, uh, I'm sure they're already there, but before I take the first call, I want to do this article out of Manhattan.

DA's office is exporting, uh, exporting prosecutors for January six cases, more political trophy hunting. Before I do that, I wanted to say, uh, people keep telling me for information doers of the word Baptist church folks doers of the word Baptist church is located at 1 4 7 8 1 Sperry road. That's now you can go up on our website.

It's right up there. WRW But if you're not on the internet, again, that's WRW

If you're on the internet, if you're not on the address is 1 4 7 8 1 Sperry S P E R R Y road, Newberry, any W P U R Y Ohio 4 4 0 6 5. And we're, we started, um, Sunday morning, uh, at, uh, eight 30 with a very in depth Bible study. We usually take the Bible to a little higher level than you're going to find in most places. And then, uh, uh, then there's a class from eight 30 to nine 30, then nine 30 to 10 30, another class. And then, uh, the regular service starts at 11 30 on Sunday morning. And then, uh, after that, after the morning service, there's another class starts at one o'clock. And then normally we have a class, uh, again, in the Bible and current events.

It's, it's, it's a, usually we have a film about what is happening here to educate people from about four o'clock to, uh, to, uh, five and a five. We have the evening service, uh, from five o'clock pastor house normally preaches the evening service. And then during the week we have on Thursday mornings at nine o'clock, this Thursday morning, we have prayer. Uh, we have a normally prayer breakfast. Now, if you're, if you're going to come to that, we'd like to have you call and tell us, you know, you're going to attend because we, you know, we prepare food. We know how much food to prepare.

And the phone number that you would call would be four four zero three three eight one three six seven four four zero three three zero three three eight one three six seven. If you're going to come be there with us at nine, just call and say, I'm coming. So we'll, we'll know.

And we need to have that information in by Wednesday by Wednesday. And that way we, we know that we can prepare enough food for the, for, for, because we never know how many people are going to show up. So, and it's a prayer. And sometimes we pray for like, uh, three hours is a lot to pray for. In other words, we take turns praying folks. We have all the people get, they get stacks of letters. Uh, you send us and those of you that have blessed us with your support, we, we pray for you.

We had a lot of prayer requests, but even those that don't even request prayer, we still pray for you. So there you go. That's doers of the word Baptist church. That's what people are asking for.

So the phone lines are open for take a call. Joe, who wanted to do this, uh, the same Manhattan da's office threatening to up end of the Republic this week with a bogus, bogus indictment of president Donald Trump is exporting activists to prosecute the January. Should I say persecute the January six defendants in Washington, DC, by the way, the one of name 1100 more Carolina Nevin, I back venture from Alvin Bragg's Manhattan dirty district attorney, dirty, and I mean dirty, really dirty district attorney's office has been exclusively prosecuting J six defendants January six, since arriving at the U S attorney's office in September of 2022, her own and publicly her own only publicity after nine years in New York came from the prosecuting New York police department officers while violent crimes surged in the city.

Yeah. Uh, that's because you've got criminals running the city. Do you have criminals running the city? Uh, Nevin's true, uh, tutelage was under former Manhattan da's, uh, Vance who's controversial played all of us made a reputation of giving a pass to the rich and famous downplaying Jeffrey Epstein's well-documented depravity and sweeping Harvey Weinstein's rape claims under the rug after receiving more than 20,000 in campaign donations from Weinstein's defense attorneys, among other scandals, even more press, uh, prescient Nevin's training at the Manhattan da's office was overindulgent in the selective prosecution of Trump and associations while felony prosecutions dwindled down to nothing, uh, low level charges near disappeared totally and crime in the city blossomed like a summer Magnolia since her start there in 2013. So it, what could easily describe Nevin's prosecutorial playbook against, uh, everything that Trump supporters in real time today, constitutional locks for Jonathan Turley. That's your guy, Joe explains the Manhattan da's highbrow in raising case against Paul Manafort in 2019.

Many of the Trump allies who were hunted by Vance's office, which took Donald Trump to the Supreme court on two occasions while dismissing riot related felonies and widespread unrest. We'll be back right after this. I'm satisfied with Justin cottage below a little silver, a little gold, but in that city where the ransom will shine, I want to go on. That's silver. Someday I walk the streets at our purest goal Too often tempted, tormented and tested And like the prophet, my pillow a stone And though I find here no permanent dwelling I know he'll give me a mansion of my own I've got a mansion just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday, yonder, we will never know wonder I walk the streets at our purest goal Don't think me poor, poor, deserted or lonely I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven-bound I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city I want a mansion, a harp and a crown I've got a mansion just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday, yonder, we will never know wonder I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the streets at our purest goal I walk the 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Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-22 03:22:33 / 2023-03-22 03:37:42 / 15

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