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THUR HR 1 011923

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 20, 2023 12:04 am

THUR HR 1 011923

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now. Music Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio.

We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you.

This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. As you know with a new year sometimes comes a few changes. A change for us is that we'll be taking a hiatus in several markets at the beginning of the new year. Denver, Atlanta, Portland, Little Rock, Orlando, and Tampa. At the start of 2023 we will not be broadcasting in these radio markets. However if you are in those cities you can still listen to What's Right What's Left online at

That's Cleveland as you know is our home market. We expect that this hiatus will be temporary but we need to take a hiatus while we catch up on a few bills. We are a donor supported ministry so thank you to those of you who have been supporting us from those cities. And we look forward to getting back with you on the radio in those cities as soon as possible. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is still after 50 years the voice of the Christian resistance movement and uh back way back in the back room they're locked in there until they get enough pledges to get bathroom privileges uh none other than Wild Randy and Eric and in between us the studios there's there's two in there okay these are rising stars in the radio business uh Stile and Craig and uh looking someday to be just like their hero and you know who that is right and then right here in the studio uh straight off the farm she does no harm she's the studio marm little leaping list good evening everyone you forgot your name didn't you yes lisa yeah all right all righty look what you see now again this is well see this is january 18th unless huh the 19th yeah it is but you see you don't understand nowadays if you feel like it's the 18th it can be the 18th see this is how i'm going to keep this is how we keep those stations from going off the air we just keep we do the groundhog thing you know every day uh until we get enough money in to keep them on the air and that's my philosophy way out yonder way out there way out there in missouri the man from the ozarks none other than the pastor the parson the old friend joe larson the old friend is correct pastor is correct and i'm here ready to go to work we sure got a lot to do tonight i mean so it's got to be rapid rapid deployment huh a rapid deployment all righty well let's get on with it then uh we're going to start like i'm going to kind of mess you up a little bit because we're going to go to first timothy chapter three and we're just going to do the entire chapter all right sounds good to me all right so here's what you do you read verses one through seven and pause and we'll take a look at it all right this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth the good work a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober be of good behavior given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine no striker not greedy a filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not brawler not covetous one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god not a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil moreover he must have a good report of them which are without must he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil yeah let me ask you a question what we what you just read is that simply the apostle paul's opinion or did he get that from a much higher source he got everything from a much higher source okay everything he teach he taught he was given by the lord himself so now let me ask you this because the lord jesus said heaven and earth the past but his words will stand forever uh does he talk about changing his words okay in other words if you decide well you know what we're going to kind of change some wording in here instead of putting if a if a man desire the office what if we put if we put down if a person desire the office and then uh if it says uh a bishop must be blameless the husband of one wife uh what if we just put the partner of one partner i mean is that would that be changing the word of god we're not to change your one jot one tittle his word is eternal what he said will last will last forever he said exactly what he meant he meant what he said and no man has any right to change it because he can't he can lie about it but he can't change it so these these words stand for today just exactly like they were when they were first written is that correct and it'll be the same of 10 000 years from now if that's matters to anybody okay so it says this is a true statement if a man desire the office of a bishop he desires a good work so does that leave any room for female bishops nope none okay where in the bible does it authorize that hint suggest so there's there's no stuttering there it's it's no it's pretty cut and dry isn't it it is okay so what is a bishop a bishop is a pastor so uh a bishop a presbyter a pastor a parson an elder uh could they all be the same office a shepherd the same office same office okay so a bishop must be blameless does that mean sinless no it means he's gotten right with god we all sinned but uh those of us who were born again now we can always go to the lord when we sin and ask for forgiveness and we stay in his righteous side okay so the husband of one wife okay which which one uh which which one the original okay so if uh his wife he becomes a widower can he remarry yes okay so he must be vigilant sober good behavior given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine uh no stalker nor greedy no no striker you said you misspoke you said stalker oh yeah yeah uh no we better clarify that well but but stalker applies too right we can't be a stalker either yeah okay so not given to wine does that mean uh he cannot cannot drink wine for any reason no not given to wine there means he he's not continually drinking he's not a drinker he's not imbibing all the time so so he's uh he said no striker okay what does that mean striker a lazy person a person that tries to get out of work tries to you know well now actually what that means is someone who's violent someone who's violent oh violent oh yeah strike okay i had that wrong i thought striker was not greedy not greedy a filthy would that apply to the prosperity preachers that greedy filthy lucre yeah if you have multi-million dollar homes you have an airplane the private yacht several homes i'd say yeah that kind of fits okay so he says uh not greedy a filthy lucre uh was does the love of money here uh is the root of all evil apply let me jump in here for one second and just say robert in uh florida pledges 130 and pastor dave nato my old friend my good friend for the church of of um the church of warren out there the church of warren is a uh he donated applies 300 god bless you dave he's a good dear friend for many many years and so thank you thank you all right very good let's go back here now he says but patient not a brawler not covetous uh one that ruleth well his own house having his you notice it's his his his his his so the emphasis they're making very very clear that only a man can hold the office of a bishop or a pastor or a dek a deacon what about deaconesses are there deaconesses i haven't seen it anywhere in here it's always masculine well actually there are deacons deaconesses okay and they're simply uh women that's the that are uh one who serves it's simply it's the same one yeah yeah well here we were here we're talking pastors elder uh elders or pastors or bishops so he's talking about pastors the pastoral office but yeah you can have a group of deacons in a church that aren't pastors but they are the kind of the they're there to help the pastor run the church yeah now in most uh fundamentalist Baptist churches well you have all you have deacons in all of them in but the the ladies that serve often are referred to deaconesses although it's not it's not it's not an office that's appointed uh like it like the the office of a deacon that's appointed by the pastors but and so here now he goes on oh this is important for if a man know how how not to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god so so in order in other words to be a pastor really uh it's suggested that you be a good example right you you shouldn't be a gambler you shouldn't be in debt you should be able to manage your finances live within your budget uh everything that would make a good example to those in your church that's what it should be is marriage counseling a major uh duty of pastors is that something that we often have to do very very important part and a very hard part so to counsel for marriage in the family is it good to have some experience in that yes it's very good when people start complaining yeah you have to have some concept of what it's like scripture says two are to become one uh take some friction for two to blend into one person there's a lot of friction getting there so today people take marriage very lightly that they they miss a point now does god take marriage lightly no it's to him was a very serious important thing and so today uh marriage and divorce aren't even keel for every just about for everyone who gets married you almost have a divorce out there today all one person has to do is go to the quote law and say i'm one out and uh you're out i mean that and even other times when the spouse says no i don't want to be divorced the court doesn't care so unless you go to a church court uh you know you're divorced okay now at an ecclesiastical court uh they can't if they're married in the ecclesiastical without the state license the state cannot divorce them they got to go back to the council to get to get lawfully to get a divorce back to the ecclesiastical yeah so so he's talking about here you see because the second shortest verse in the bible is what three words god hates divorce yeah and so here now not a novice lest he be lifted up with pride is full of condemnation where over he must have a good report of them which are without leslie fall into reproach and the snare of the devil is one of the the big mistakes that a lot of pastors younger pastors especially make is to appoint people in the church to an office before those people are ready that yes would be one i had to stop and think there's a lot of decisions made that they're all difficult okay uh as as a young pastor myself i was i was guilty of that and this is a warning that paul gives you paul gives you a warning uh to make sure that uh believers are really secure and strong in their faith before they start taking leadership roles and sometimes uh you know what they say and how they live can be two different things huh i mean they can they can right exactly sometimes unless you really know somebody you don't know what goes on in their world at work or a lot of those people uh gamble go places do things that uh you just don't know about likewise must deacons be grave and not double-tongued not given too much wine uh what um what does that mean to be double-tongued well we call it two-faced talking out of both sides of your mouth saying different things to different people okay in other words that they're supposed to be sincere aren't they yes okay so sincere and honest right uh not not greedy a filthy luke or holding the mystery of faith in pure conscience let those also first be provided then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless even so must their wives be grave not slander or sober faithful and all things now that word wives there is referring specifically but in some uh translations that they have translations that they have wife they have it translated also women that meaning the women in the congregation are to be like the deacon's wife or the pastor's wife let the deacons be the husbands of one wife uh ruling their children in their own house as well for they have set used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness of faith which is in christ jesus so basically they're held to the same standards as the pastor aren't they right you can't have a man claim to be a pastor and have his wife be a non-believer of you know flirtatious or i can't think of some of the other words but she has to be able to fit in and be well the two have to become as one she would be like her husband then and if not there's a big problem in that marriage so here these things i went into hoping to come to you shortly but if i tarry that must that thou mayest know how thou oughtest behave thyself in the house of god now he's referring to a couple things here isn't he's uh he's he's uh he's saying that here that men are to be tested with well you say lesser responsibilities before being made deacons is one thing but then he's also talking about the how to behave yourself in the house of god uh just recently uh i upset some people because uh i had i had um reminded them that they had uh that arguing that arguing in the house of god and and losing a temper uh was it not church polity okay and that um that wasn't acceptable and and uh and so they were angry now is to argue with the pastor when uh is that given place if we look back what happened when uh marion and erin decided that uh you know look they knew more about how to run things that little brother moses uh and they decided moses uh stepped out and let us show you how to get this done let us show you how to get this done what was the result of that didn't work out very well for them no it didn't go too well with them god there wasn't what god wanted and so marion uh became well i don't i wouldn't say a white supremacist but a supremely white didn't she i'm sorry what mariam god had given her leprosy oh yes and when you get leprosy you turn white yes uh and so um here what happened when he did that with moses and erin what did they do they started whippering and whining and god told a lot of shut up yeah a lot of complaining it's we're only going to give it to her for a while she's only going to have it for a week um but he the point that he was trying to make was he tells you not to touch his anointed okay and here in this passage paul is talking about you know how to behave yourself in the house of god one arguing with each other is not me two uh arguing with the pastor is not acceptable what does it tell you over in hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 and 17 and both those verses it says listen to what the pastor has said he has god has put put him in authority and listen to what he has said and you know don't give him a hard a hard way to go huh exactly no that doesn't mean you can't question and ask what he meant by something he said in a sermon or if he i have made mistakes and misspoken or misquoted yeah i told everybody about it when you did it i told everybody about it when you did it of course uh never mind all right the point is we're we're none of us are perfect we do make mistakes and if somebody nicely points it out but that's different than totally arguing on a real matter of doctrine all right i had a a woman that uh three times over the period of a couple years stood up during the service and decided to correct me as i was preaching now in all three cases she was what she was saying was was was way off she was not biblically literate as she thought she was but uh was that the if you have a question is that the right place to do it or are you supposed to go and see the pastor afterwards just because pardon you don't disrupt the service okay and with this particular woman i found out that she was made to leave several churches for doing that in other churches that she was made to leave there okay she didn't seem to learn did she well as far as i know she hasn't done it since uh because what uh i let her know pretty clearly uh that that was not the right time or place to do what she did all right we want to just go on and say uh maria and california pledges 50 thank you maria the phone numbers are we oh joe man we haven't been we've been into the bible and haven't been giving their numbers out eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero that's just that's the pledge line let's blame we'll blame it on craig and style they're supposed to be holding a paper up tell us to call right and you know we'll pass the buck in fact we got to get bucks in here a lot eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three we have a whole lot that we got to do tonight we got to really get it done let me say this very quickly uh this coming sunday doers of the word baptist church we're having our film fest josea four six is my people are destroyed for lack of what joe knowledge and this is what we we give out we have that that class that we give but this this saturday it's from one o'clock to five one o'clock to five now not only are we going to have this film fest there joe but we're going to have thousands of of articles people often say to me where can i get that are the article you quoted can i where can i get that well folks we don't have the manpower to to go and find the articles that's why we have the newsletter we made it we mail these things out in the newsletter if you get our newsletter you'll get a lot of the really good articles but but here they're going to be out there and you can go through them take what you want we would ask if you could a donation to help us pay for air time but it's not necessary so that's this saturday at doers of the word church 147 81 sperry road in newbury ohio uh you go to our website w r and all that information's up there and uh we're gonna have some films like the january 6th what really happened on january 6th the truth uh the enemy within and uh and a real inspirational movie called daniel and so all of these and more we will be showing you and and also like i said we're gonna have all these articles available so we're gonna go to a break we'll be right back after this god have been lost somewhere in history in the fine print and the fraud once a man in his religion was protected by the law in america the constitution formed a verbal wall now the law that used to separate is a law that's daily breached now the worried watchman on the wall is crying heavens under siege heavens under siege whoa now heavens under siege when the bible and the bill of rights have been trampled in the streets and when the gentle lambs of jesus christ brought in jails for their beliefs you know corruption reigns in government with heavens under sea heard the watchman sound the warning call back in 1992 when they murdered dickie weaver just like they'll murder me or you when they stormed the church in waco women and children burned alive and now the ones who rot in prisons are the ones they let survive heavens under siege whoa now heavens under siege when the bible and the bill of rights have been trampled in the streets and the gentle lambs of jesus christ brought in jails for their beliefs you know corruption reigns in government when heaven's under siege now a voice cries in the wilderness as the lord pairs his church well it's called and chosen servants be found faithful on this earth will we pass the test of heaven's quest never counting earthly loss will we fight like christian soldiers with our eyes upon the cross heavens under siege whoa now heavens under siege when the bible and the bill of rights have been trampled in the streets and then the gentle lambs of jesus christ brought in jails for their beliefs you know corruption reigns in government when heaven's under siege i said corruption reigns in government when heaven's under siege already heaven is under siege you know one of the things joe i'd like to do i would like to do this year uh is to stay on all the stations but it looks like we're we're going to go off six and about by next wednesday uh unless unless the good lord provides us with a miracle and but it's not because we haven't done everything we could to stay on it we just didn't get enough help from the the listeners out there that's starting to change now all of a sudden we're in those states those six we're starting to get some some feedback i'm just hoping it's not too little too late but anyhow that's what i'd really like to do is stay on the air uh and so what we're going to do is uh very quickly i'm going to bring carol up because tomorrow we're going to face the the sinister sinister no waka waka the okay carol let them have it well let me ask you a question did you see the maple leaf newspaper we made the front page oh really my whole life i've wanted to be on the front page of the maple leaf we made it it said crowd mocks noaka climate action plan all right very good yeah so we made the front page isn't that great well people are starting to stand up people are fighting back we're going to play a clip here in just a few minutes about some legislation that i think they're going to pass here in ohio uh to to get critical race to kit get critical race theories out of the school but we have some very very communistic sinister very communistic woke school board attendance superintendents in that are saying there's ways that they can get around that even if it's the law they're going to lie but anyhow go ahead and tell folks about tomorrow we got to get it done they lied and said that the police officers had to escort the noaka ladies out and the police said no we did we they weren't worried about them it's but they lied they they lie so much well yeah you would expect look they also said that the majority of the people were in favor of of their of noaka where you had one person out of about 60 the rest said we want you out of our county and out of our lives we want you gone so go ahead and tell the folks about tomorrow okay so tomorrow we got a bus that's going to be leaving the shopping center east gate shopping center on the corner of 322 which is mayfield road and route 91 we're going to park our cars at close to aldi's and where the bus is leaving at 7 45 so we need people there by no later than 7 30 so we can get on the bus and get ready to go okay the bus is almost full so we need a few more seats filled we're getting there um we're going down to the noaka headquarters the board meeting that they have tomorrow we're going to take banners flags uh we're going to show them that we're not backing down we don't care what they write about us we don't care what they say we are not going to receive what they're trying to bring in our community so we're we're going to fight the fight pastor ernie we're going to go and we're going to push them back and say no so we have an agenda we're going to sign a petition that we're going to give to them and say this is the people that are here we're not going to accept your program we don't want it and um it's 15 to come to come on the bus if it has anybody questions i'm getting ready to go to bed so don't call me ask me for any questions i'm giving you the location the bus is leaving at 7 45 um we're going downtown cleveland um if you're going to take a car and go down there the address is 1299 superior avenue well i know a couple of guys that are going to take a car go down there and by the time they find a place to park they're going to be doing some walking but they're used to it so you're going to go to bed and you're going to get some sleep but my poor old bones no no no i'm not going to bed that's the problem i can't i'm a night person so i'm always up to two three four o'clock in the morning so this is going to be a challenge to me pastor to go in there and try to fight my body to go to sleep which i won't but i will get in the word i will pray for tomorrow's event and stuff like that so i i can't say i'll go to sleep because i'm not a i'm not i can't do that i can't just shut my body off like that well you see i'm one of those guys that can take a nap standing up and uh are you coming on the bus with us are you coming on the bus with us well i have to because you women have been forcing me to do that good good good listen we'll put you give two seats in the front for you and you could just lay your little heady down and you could take a 15 20 minute snooze and you'll get refreshed all right we won't bother all right i'll even bring some earplugs so you won't even hear us talking all righty what i'll do is i'll pray for traveling mercies then i'll pray that the lord makes all the women on the bus be quiet until we get there that'd be a miracle guy does miracles right all righty okay well i'll be looking for you in the morning okay me too if you have a blessed night and um i'll be praying i'm gonna go pray now and we've been praying for this all right we gotta get it done because we gotta take our country back our children they want to take away our property where they want to take away all of our freedoms they it's all about control about control what we can where we can live how we can live what we can eat where we can go but the vast majority of people in this country are la la landers they're clueless they've got no idea what you have out there sneaking under the radar where people can't see it uh these deep state sinister shadowy figures out there bribing public officials out there lobbying public officials and there's only a few of us just like always that you know that stand and fight we're the freedom fighters and you know ronald reagan said it's it'll be amazing people someday will be amazed at how those that had the most to lose did the least to keep it and that's what's happening the vast majority of people in this country are clueless they just look around like chicken littles well the few of us have to fight like christian soldiers with our eyes upon the cross huh cross huh so good night little well all right okay with that uh oh i know what we're gonna do we're gonna play a clip very quickly let's play that clip there's more than one way to skin a cat we trick them you know critical race theory critical race theory critical race theory and some ohio lawmakers want to ban what is known as critical race theory from being taught in k through 12 schools ohio parents are worried about what their children are being taught and they are right to be worried an in-depth accuracy and media investigation revealed public school administrators who are determined to advance the principles of critical race theory even if it becomes illegal and some of the worst things we captured were right in the capital city columbus all i can think of when i think of that house bill is my southern parents always raising us on these old funky phrases that i never understood and one of them was there's more than one way to skin a cat so whether you you can pass a bill that you can't teach crt in a classroom but if you didn't cover programming or you didn't cover extracurricular activities or something like that that message might still get out oops right oh gosh i love that yeah there will be a way we kept getting these emails uh do you have critical race theory in your curriculum which was what the talking point was from a certain news channel so we got to the point where first we're going to ask you what do you mean by critical race do you think we're teaching higher education grad school stuff to your second grader and the second thing is no we don't have that in our curriculum you didn't ask about the conversations in the hallway you didn't ask about which we don't have those anyway but the point is we're going to answer your question now we're in our curriculum this critical race theory exists and it went away i kind of want to know that y'all are having some conversation around like the tenets of it like diversity inclusion social justice those conversations are happening absolutely but uh but you know and when people ask us a question we answer their questions but yes we absolutely have those conversations going on is there a parent saying that privilege is a controversial topic probably but then we run but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it yeah i mean that will probably get discussed in 17 classrooms before somebody actually brings it in here and then we'll deal with it these radicals are being paid by your tax dollars to deceive you these public school administrators are devoted to promoting social justice in classrooms they are devoted to teaching your children that america is systemically racist that capitalism is inherently racist and when parents speak out against these things they're often accused of being dramatic or engaging in a slippery slope fallacy but this equity officer made it incredibly clear that the fears of these parents are completely justified they're not going to be supportive if i lay out everything we're going to do but if i talk to them about doing this one thing and the name of supporting students they probably won't have an issue with this one thing and by the time we get that thing established if i start talking to them about this one other thing they don't realize that was two things they just realize that we're moving from where we are to where we're going but we're not going here because that would be liberal that'd be a little crazy crazy right but we can go and then in five years yeah five years you look back and like what the hell happened another columbus administrative staffer was a little more direct in explaining how they handle concerned parents we have some parents that you know they uh they don't fully understand um so you know it's when we trick them you know what do you mean but uh well i'm just so it's similar situation so if we have a certain content that we want to share yeah students um and they see one word in the language it's like oh no we can't do that well let's look at it from a different you know viewpoint and then change they're okay you know at the end of the day we can close the door and teach what's right and i would presume and hope i don't know that an attitude would be similar here if stupid laws got passed i don't know it's hard to predict yeah it's hard to predict that but we would find parameters for which we could absolutely that's right ohio hasn't banned the principles of critical race theory from being taught in public schools but as plenty of administrators told us they would happily circumvent any such law one common tactic is to use social and emotional learning se l is often a trojan horse for critical race theory and as one administrator told us they're even using covid bailout money to pay for it they're taking funds that were dedicated to reopening school safely during a pandemic and instead spending it on indoctrination are you guys able to do social and emotional learning here or do the parents do focus a lot of um so with um the federal funds that got awarded for we call them us or funds but federal funds that got awarded for the pandemic um we put a social worker and a guidance counselor in every single building cool um and we incorporated a lot of materials that were um focused on the social emotional well-being self-regulating yes levels and things like that and i feel like that's a good way to get diversity equity inclusion into classes it might not normally be in yes another trojan horse for critical race theory principles is a classroom news service called new zella we've found new zella in countless districts throughout the country and as we've mentioned previously they're partners with the far left southern poverty law center revisionist historian howard zinn and the debunked new york times 1619 project so we use new zella in a couple of different capacities so we use it for not only some of our like core content so our social studies uses it yeah um but we use it as a supplement for language arts also in ohio just like we saw with our investigations in iowa idaho and tennessee parents are playing an endless game of whack-a-mole with public education if you ban critical race theory principles they call it something else if you ban the 1619 project they bring in the same content under the guise of new zella parents want to believe in public education they want to trust their child's educators but i'm sorry to say public education has broken that trust the only solution to this is arizona style school choice where public education dollars follow the child in the words of corey d'angelis we should fund students not systems already we are back and joe i wanted to say hit real quickly first i wanted to say you folks out there uh for those of you now you have to tell us you want us those of you that have donated 50 or more we have a book was carl marks of satanist folks i'm going to tell you by richard wormbrat years ago we had richard on the radio program and it shows you you read this book and you will see exactly what hawaii the democratic party uh is communist to the bone and where communism comes right from the pit of hell it is right from the pit of hell communism is satanism now for those of a 25 dollars or more we have a little book called how to how to survive forced vaccinations how to survive forced vaccination and that's the detox anti-infection protocols by dr cas ingram who passed away last year who was a frequent guest on this radio program over the years uh and that's for a donation of 25 or if for donation of 70 or more you can get both but you have to ask for them you have to tell us i want that books was carl marx the satanist or how to survive forced vaccinations okay you have to ask for it now if you say if you pledged and you put money in paypal or something already paid but didn't get the books and you want the books then call our office four four zero three three eight one three six seven four four zero three three eight one three six seven very quickly i want to say uh bmv pledges four hundred dollars mike in uh wisconsin pledges 30 harry and sherry and florida pledges 200 peter and canada pledges 150 sherry and parma i think that's my old friend sherry and parma 190 and lisa in new jersey pledges 100 thank you thank you thank you a joke in indianapolis in response to a tweet wednesday wednesday morning about a proposed minnesota state bill that would require menstrual products in boys schools bathrooms tony dungy uh scoffed via twitter uh that's the former indianapolis cult coach who tweeted this morning or yesterday morning at 9 38 that some school districts are putting litter boxes in school bathrooms for students who identify as cats very important to address every student's needs this is really unbelievable but let's see here's what that female state representative what these women these uh feminists don't understand see see if they're having a menstrual period joe then they're not boys joe they're not see boys boys don't have now they did that out there in seattle and portland didn't they they tried doing that but see these feminists don't understand that they it's kind of it's a little bit too deep for them but if they're having a menstrual period they're not boys believe me trust me on this one they're really having to rebel because they have these men who are trying to transform or pretend to transform the women wanting to date the women and they're claiming to be lesbian and the real lesbians are saying wait a minute a man you know desiring to be cover acting like a female cannot be a lesbian so it's getting very confused but before we get off i want to go back to the clip you played because i i got into going on the radio because of the public full system and what they were doing to the children and that last part about fund the student not the system not the system not the system so many people want to believe the school because they made the school the heart of the community you know the little christmas at christmas time everybody in the rural area you'll have a small town with 10 times the people that the city limits holds when the little kids are singing i wish you a merry christmas and all this they made it the center of the community the nursery everything the sports all the excitement with the kids whether they play basketball football track but i want to go back and read a couple quotes from the 1980s if you don't believe these people are after your children i want you to listen to things that were many years ago this came from john dunphy who is a liberal it was in the humanist magazine january 1983 the battle for mankind's future got that must be waged and won in the public school classroom the classroom must and will become the arena of conflict between the old and the new the rotting corpse of christianity and the new faith of humanism i've i probably have 70 to 80 quotes along this vein but here's another one every this is from chester pierce he is a phd at harvard a professor of education and psychiatry every child in america entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers toward elected officials toward his parents toward a belief in he wanted to say god that he wrote supernatural being and toward the sovereignty of this nation it's up to you teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future and like i said i've got dozens and dozens of quotes like that this war against the children pastor ernie has been going on a long time and what i want to ask the listeners out there we are having a war now a total all out war against your children why are there so many people parents out there killing their children right up you know to to birth why are they trying to sexualize your children from as young as possible even before they get to school why are we have we allowed them to inject the children with experimental vaccines that are dangerous ineffective we're never tested on people why are we glorifying you know i call it demonically possessed men that are dressing and acting like women why you know they're not men they're barely males but they're not believe me but i'm yeah trying to make this short you know we've got these imagine tick tock is seducing our children we have our kids out there taking drugs powerful drugs hormones we are indoctrinating them in communist marxist stuff critical race theory like they said not we they the the enemy will be cool yeah the enemy right schools and the enemy are and we have we sit back and wonder why there's so many suicides why many so many of these kids are depressed why they're anxious why they're addicted to drugs and alcohol at ever younger and younger and younger ages they're having sex at younger and younger that's the intent they are destroying themselves that's the intent chill that's the intent for that to happen to destroy them in other words you know the bible makes it very clear remember what we call the woke moment or liberalism the democrats they're in total opposition to whatever god's word the bible teaches now the bible says whose angels are before the lord continuously god's angels the children the children jesus said they're angels and so who god favors the most they hate the most and the most innocent this is why they want to hurt them this is why they love to kill unborn babies and made in the image of god and i guess what i'm trying to get to the listener out there is if we don't stop this and walk out now and start saying in the name of jesus stop in the name of jesus we are not going to tolerate this we're not going to put up with this we will not allow our children to be taught this in schools we will not allow our children to go on tik-tok you know we're not going to allow the dwight drag queens at the library for book story hours if people would amass come together and go rally and complain and say in the name of jesus no we can stop this that's right joe we've been we've been silent and we've been preaching that for 50 years but we're coming up to a break during the break is the best time to call at eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three we have to hear from you or you will not be hearing from us and so call call now we'll be back right after this one more thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word cleveland dot com the word cleveland dot com once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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