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THUR HR 1 011223

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 13, 2023 12:09 am

THUR HR 1 011223

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 13, 2023 12:09 am

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I can tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you.

This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. As you know, with a new year sometimes comes a few changes. A change for us is that we will be taking a hiatus in several markets at the beginning of the new year.

Denver, Atlanta, Portland, Little Rock, Orlando, and Tampa. At the start of 2023, we will not be broadcasting in these radio markets. However, if you are in those cities, you can still listen to What's Right, What's Left on the radio. What's Left online at

That's Cleveland, as you know, is our home market. We expect that this hiatus will be temporary, but we need to take a hiatus while we catch up on a few bills. We are a donor supported ministry, so thank you to those of you who have been supporting us from those cities.

And we look forward to getting back with you on the radio in those cities as soon as possible. Good evening, and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders, and indeed, this is the voice of the Christian resistance on this 12th day of January 2022 and 23, right? Okay. And they're in our newly weaponized war room on the other side of the glass.

We have none other than Courageous Craig, and tonight he's appearing with style. That's the one. There you go, right? Should I explain that? Uh-uh, no. Here, live. Live in the studio, not because they weren't invited anyplace else. Well, maybe. There's none other than Radical Randy. Be blessed, don't stress everybody.

Okay. And Little Lisa. Good evening, everyone. She gets to sit in the whole program tonight.

Normally I shoo her out of here, but tonight she gets to sit in now. And we have out there, all the way from the state of Taxachusets, the woman who is with the Education Through Design Divinity 7, none other than Ronnie Carter. Hey, Ronnie. Hello there, Pastor Sanders. Good to see you all.

Good to have you here with us tonight. We have a whole lot to do, so we're going to get right to it, okay? The title of the message, who know who remembers the title of the message this week?

You don't remember, do you? I spent all that time putting that message together, and the title of the message is God's Word versus Man's Opinion on Who is a Jew. We're going through this, and I'm just going to read a little bit of the commentary before we get started. And we've had some interesting conversations where some people have had some disagreements.

Randy, you were there when you saw that. Well, I told them, we're going to settle this argument. There's only one source of information, documentation, that is inherent. We know it's truthful. It's the only source that we can absolutely, positively count on, and that's the Word of God. And God said that, right?

He said, Heaven and Earth have passed, but His words would never change, huh? And so, there are those out there that believe that the Jews can do no wrong. There are others out there that believe that they can do no good.

We talked about John Hagee and Tags Meyers. There are those that believe that there are no real Jews, but all are simply half-breeds, like the Samaritans, the Herodians, the Khazars. There are those that believe that all professing to be Jews are Jews. There are those that believe that we should not witness to the Jews because they're saved by lineage.

John Hagee was one of those, too. There are those that believe that the church has replaced Israel, and we are spiritual Israel, or covenant, or replacement theology. There are those that believe that Jesus was not a Jew, and that's right, believe it or not, folks. There are those that believe that all born-again Christians have a Jew living inside of them.

Now, when I was teaching the class, and I said that, people laughed because they didn't understand it. And then, well, there are those that believe that Hebrew is the language of heaven. So, we're going to take a look at all of these tonight, and where we left off was over in John chapter 14. Now, here, that John Hagee believes that Jews don't need to be saved, that they don't need to be saved, that they're saved by lineage. Well, we started out in John 10, 1 through 10, and John 3, 1 through 6, and both of them said pretty much, you must be born again.

You know, all men, all men, right? And now, so we're going to start tonight in John 14. So, Randy, read verses 5 through 14, and as we go through this, Ronnie, if you have a question or comment, just jump in.

All right, here we go. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not where that thou goest, and how can we know the way? Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If he had known me, ye should have known my Father also. For henceforth you know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffiteth us. And Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.

And how sayest thou you then? Show us the Father. Believe thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me. He doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me.

Or else believe for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.

All right, now, Ronnie, just make sure you just, if you have a question or comment, just jump in as we go through here. Now, here, Jesus here is saying it's the only way, because one, he is both God and man, correct? And he says what? Jesus is the invisible, tangible, the visible, tangible image of the invisible God. Is that what he was telling Philip? Yes, yes.

Because, and how is it? Because he said the Father is in me, okay, you see me, but the Father is in me, so the Father is invisible, but he's visible through me, right? Yeah, he said if you've seen me, you've seen the Father. Okay, and now Jesus also, when he says this, when he says, he that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father. So what do you think he meant by greater works?

Numerically. I don't think that it'll be beyond what Jesus did, like in terms of healing the sick, raising the dead, and those things. Well, the greatest work, what is the greatest work? Christ died and suffered upon that cross for one specific reason, and that was to? Redeem. Redeem mankind.

So remember, what is the Great Commission? Go into the world and preach the gospel unto every creature. Okay, so can people get saved unless they hear the gospel and repent and receive Christ? No. So that's the greater works he was talking about that you would do here, and he says if you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.

Okay, so if I prayed for a Learjet tonight, would I get it? If it was in the name of Jesus for his sake, yeah. Okay, so if it was within God's will, huh? Yes. Okay, so that's what he's referring to. Did they all understand that when he spoke, he meant that was whatever was in the will of the Father?

That's right. A lot of people don't understand that. Prosperity preachers don't, do they? No, of course not. You see. They believe in the carte blanche.

For example, Kenneth Copeland believes that you can take what we just read here and you can literally force God to give you material things with that passage. Okay, but that's not what it's saying, is it? No.

That's right. What do you think of all that, Ronnie? Oh, Pastor, you're talking about me.

It's just phenomenal. I'm this, I'm the complete Jew that you're talking about, the spiritual Jew, the Jew born as a Jew. I've come to Christ and never been the same since.

My whole life has changed, and it's just been an incredible new birth experience, as if it was just today. Well, we had a number of people within our church over the years who were also born-again completed Jews, called completed Jews. And they received Christ's eternal life, but they lost a lot of their family. Were you infected that way with any of your relatives? Yes. Do you know, I wonder if people know, do you know what it cost to be a Jew and then to come to Christ? You're going to lose everything.

That basically is what happens. But you know, as Paul said, remember when he gave his pedigree in Philippians chapter 3, and he said he's a Benjamite and Pharisee of Pharisees, studied under Hillel, gave his whole story. Pastor, I was just like Paul. I was the best student in my class in Hebrew school. I grew up in the lineage of, on my mother's side, we have from the priests of Levi, the high priests, on my father's side, the line of Judah. Both sides were rabbis. My father was a rabbi, my father's father was a rabbi, my grandfather was a rabbi. I came from this lineage just like Paul. And when I came to Christ, I said just what he said.

I counted it all but done. But to have Christ, you know, we couldn't even say the word Christ. You're not allowed to as a Jewish person. You could say Jesus, they don't really like that too well.

But if you say Christ, you're not allowed to say that word. When I went back to Hebrew school to say hello to my former teachers, the rabbis, they can't talk to you. I came back and I was so excited, I said, hey, I believe in Yeshua, he's Mashiach, I believe this now.

They walk away. It's just, you know, my family went crazy, they wanted to send me to a psychiatrist, they thought I was in a cult. Oh, I could go on and on telling you stories. But there's no greater joy, there is no joy, there's no fullness of joy except in the Lord, in the Lord Jesus Christ. And now I see Jesus Christ all the time, Yeshua, Mashiach, and Christ. You know, I'm free from the bondage.

So yeah, I experienced it and it was worth it, I would do it all again. And I'm praying for the rest of my family members that they'll have that same experience and be free from that same bondage. We'll pray for that too, we will pray for that too. Thank you, thank you. And so here he goes on, I wanted to go over because there are those that believe that the church has replaced Israel.

Well, there's a little problem with that. By the way, when I was in Israel, I ran into some Orthodox Jews and we had some quite, quite conversations. But they believe Christ is the Messiah, but they're still trying to mix the laws with grace, and you can't mix the laws with grace. In other words, they believe what the Judaizers believe, that by your faith in Christ and keeping the laws of Moses, you find salvation.

And it doesn't work that way, does it? No, you must be talking about the messianic Jews. Well, no, these guys, every one of them are considered to be Orthodox. They call themselves Orthodox rabbis, because I was surprised when they said that. And I'm not talking about the messianic Jews, I'm talking about the Orthodox.

These guys, you know, they go the whole route, and the girls and all. But they, you know, like I said, and they're kind of very short when you tell them you can't mix water and oil. You can't, you know, you're either by grace or under the law, but that's what they believe. Yeah, it's a very different dynamic in Israel, and when you're Orthodox, mostly everybody's Orthodox there. Over here in America, we have all different divisions within Judaism. But when you're Orthodox and you come to Christ, or as they say, Yeshua in Hebrew, you have to hide.

In some cases, there's a lot of danger. Some people fear for their lives. Some Jewish believers still go to Orthodox synagogues because they want to be part of the community, their Jewish community. They don't want to lose what they had. They're afraid of the danger and the persecution by their own fellow Jews.

They don't really fit with the Christians because they're Jews. It's tough. It's tough over there. It's tough here in the United States, but not like that. It's really, I don't know if that, you know, that could be part of what you're getting at, but yeah, I know people who go through really persecution among their own people. Oh yeah, absolutely.

We saw that. I was in a Baptist church there that had been bombed 14 times. And the place was unbelievable the way that they had to have it.

It was like a fort trying to get in and out. And some of the strongest Christians that I ran into actually were the Palestinian Christians, and they were getting it from all sides. But it was really something that, you know, but that's the days we're living in here. In this country today, like when they call themselves the conservative Jews, they're not really very conservatives. And, you know, and so, and just like the apostate church here, like the World International Council of Churches, the so-called liberal Judaism, they're just communists. They're just communists. That's all they are. I mean, they're not really, some of the things that they were doing, like, for example, I was talking to someone, the comedian Joan Rivers, when she died at her funeral, they were telling dirty jokes.

And this is, you know, I mean, but these all considered themselves to be Jews, okay? Like Whoopi Goldberg, for example. She is one of the most unsaved people you'll ever find.

Like, I don't know if you can get any more unsaved than Whoopi, okay? She's anti-Christ, very, very vulgar, but she calls herself a Jew, a conservative Jew. She's no more a Jew than I'm a Muslim. And so, but let's go here over now. There are those that believe, Ronnie, that the church has replaced Israel, and we're talking about the covenant or replacement theology. Randy, let's go to Romans chapter 11. Would you read me verses 1 all the way through, actually through 16. Romans 11, 1 to 16. Okay.

One more flip here and then there. Okay. God's love for Israel. I say then, have God cast away his people?

God forbid. For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin. God have not cast away his people, which he foreknew. Would not ye what the scripture saith of Elias, or that's Elijah, whom he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying, Lord, they have killed thy prophets, dig down thine altars.

I am left alone and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so, then at this present time, also, there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then it is no more of works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. But if it is of works, then it is no more grace.

Otherwise, work is no more works. I'm going to actually stop there because I noticed the time on the clock, so I'm going to offer up a prayer tonight. One of our area pastors from the Gospel House, Bob Seplovich, I understand, has had a heart attack and is in the hospital. And friends of his have called me and asked me if we would pray for him tonight over the air. So we're going to do that right now and also pray for the radio program to keep through so that we don't lose any of those.

We get all those calls from those people begging us to stay in the air. And it's really out of our hands now. It's up to the people and it's up to the good Lord.

And somebody out there may have extremely deep pockets so he can keep those six states on the air. But let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord God, I just want to hold up Pastor Bobby. He's been around for a very, very long time, Lord, and here I know that he's got many, many people praying for him. So folks out there all over this country, remember, remember what the word of God says. Pray unceasing, pray unceasingly without ceasing. But again, the Bible says much prayer, much power. And everybody listening to me right now, every single person either needs prayer now or they will need it.

And scripture tells you very clearly those who show mercy receive it. So right now, if you would join with me and pray for Pastor Bob, the day that comes when you'll need that prayer, there'll be people praying for you. So Heavenly Father, Lord God, we just would ask that you would touch Bob, Father God, and you would bless him in every area where he received that blessing. And you might receive a complete and total, complete and total healing. And Lord, that you would turn his desire towards you more and more every day in every way and all things completely and totally, Lord.

And you would be a comfort at this time to his family and friends. This we ask in Jesus' name. And Lord, too, again, we do pray that you again, Lord, we know that it would take a miracle for us to keep those six days on the air.

And we know we only have like 13 days to do it. But God, we know that that's that's your expertise is miracles. So we're just going to ask, Lord, if it be your will that you would provide that.

And if not, well, then then not. And so these things we ask in the name of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen.

Amen. And so with that, we're going to go to a break and then we come back. And Ronnie, we want you to tell us all about. Well, we want you to tell us all about your organization there. We want to find out what that means.

So we'll be back right after this. Church, they called the Waco compound back in April, 93, 17 little children, also helpless and so small, died a senseless death of gas and flames. How many names can you recall? 17 little children. Don't it make you wonder why? 17 little children. How could they deserve to die?

Maybe we should stop and ask ourselves if we become so blind. 17 little children. Finally open up your mind.

How did you sleep last night, Bill Clinton? Tell me, did you feel their pain? 17 little children cried out and perished in the flames.

Attorney General Janet Reno, I accept your offer to resign. How can you stand for law and order now when you won't answer to your crimes? 17 little children, also helpless and so small. 17 little children.

How many names can you recall? Maybe we should stop and ask ourselves if we become so blind. Will 17 little children finally open up your mind? I've heard it said the Branch Davidians only got what they deserved. Yet no one seems to know what laws were broken, what was in the warmth they never served.

Yesterday I sold my TV set, stopped my subscription to the Times. To me it's plain to see the media was an accomplice to these crimes. 17 little children. Don't it make you wonder why? 17 little children. How could they deserve to die? Maybe we should stop and ask ourselves if we become so blind. Will 17 little children finally open up your mind?

Open up your mind. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children. 17 little children.

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