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FRI HR 2 111122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 12, 2022 12:36 am

FRI HR 2 111122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Donate and listen to the podcast at We'll be right back. Crime spikes, we call them crime spikes. Crime spikes.

And it has a back down as well. A loss of votes like nothing else yet tonight. Wow, look at this everybody. That's a million votes up and a million votes down.

You know a million votes here and a million votes there and eventually it adds up to real money. I want to talk about this picture. I want a screenshot. Jeff, if you could send me some screenshots. I got my social media We're getting hundreds of thousands all across social media. They're sharing the social walker one went crazy. I want you to send me this one.

Send me others. But can you explain this one? Can you explain this one? I'm actually surprised that this was as close as it is. And what happened here though was you had an update at eastern time what is that 1042 of about a million votes for Duckworth and pretty much none for the other person. And then you see it wasn't like it was something that came right back it's like we kept on having a little more updates a little more updates and then suddenly there goes the million votes back down again.

Alrighty there you go. I got bad news. Some bad news John. That is they've called the race in Arizona. Kelly has won. They say now he has won the race in Arizona and so there you go. That puts the Democrats one seat away just one seat away from control of the senate. Now there's two seats out there yet okay Virgil Walker's won and who's the other one? Nevada.

Yeah Nevada. And so we've got to win those. We've got to win those seats. But you know of course we're fighting against the corruption John would you lead a prayer just ask God and all the people out there with us would you pray for this because God would return this and take it away from the deep state these are Satan's children would you ask that in a prayer John? Sure pastor. Father what we're asking for is the truth Lord and to block the stealing blocking the corruption blocking the lying that's what they're doing Lord they're literally stealing this and it's always the Democrats Lord always so we're asking in these two remaining senate races that the reality the truth of it would come forth and we know it's going to be for us Lord because we see them stealing it already in Jesus name we ask amen.

Alright thanks John. You know here well first of all I want to announce we're not going to take any calls tonight so don't call because we've got so much information to get out and we need to get it out and we don't have that much time left. One of the things here is the on the 16th which happens to be the anniversary for my wife and I it's our anniversary next week they're going to have the Republicans are going to vote for the leader of the GOP and hopefully that person will be the speaker of the senate but anyhow and right now we've got to pray that it's not McConnell they're going to vote here next week there's one fellow who's thinking about who's mentioned but he hasn't announced it yet that he was run and that's Senator Scott and I'm hoping because he could beat him but the vast majority of the Republicans don't look like they're going it looks like they're just going to go along with the way things are like they've done to us so many times in the past. You know you had a real person a conservative Tish Baca who's running against Murkowski out there in Alaska. Murkowski is a communist she's a communist and Tabasco now they're both Republicans I don't know how that works out there but anyhow they're having a runoff or something but Tabasco is very very conservative pro-life conservative Murkowski is a communist and of course we're seeing McConnell supports her McConnell supports the communist and so we need for him to go and I'm hoping somebody I would love to see someone like Ted Cruz or Josh Holly I'd love to see Josh Holly or Ted Cruz one of them run for the speaker the leader of the Republicans and so folks keep that in prayer if you would we definitely need McConnell he's a rhino to the bone I think they've been pathetic really since 1994 yet the last time you really had conservatives doing anything was with Newt Gingrich yeah all right natural news a stunning connection has been made between first son Hunter Biden and the bio labs in Ukraine as well as in Wuhan China the latter the reported origin of COVID-19 by a former top rated co-host Jack Maxey who starred alongside former top Trump political advisor Steve Bannon on their war room pandemic podcast revealed an alleged connection between Biden and met to biota which is linked to Ukrainian bio labs and Wuhan Institute of Virology in the Chinese city of that name and so here and then of course Life News reported that this week Maxey based his findings on some of the emails found in Hunter Biden's LAMTAP as well as further research he personally conducted while Maxey had been talking about these connections for some time the story has been largely overlooked he explained the connection between the first son and Wuhan lab during an appearance on the sovereign soul shoal so let's go back to COVID literally Hunter Biden and his partners raised millions and millions of dollars from Metabiota and Metabiota was privatized company that the US intelligence agents used to run the Ukraine to run the labs in the Ukraine which I uncovered they are also deeply involved inside the Wuhan lab's Maxey claims you can find papers written by Metabiota describing them as the bat and Corona experts and Hunter and his secretary in Beijing named Ziyang Yang her last name Zing spelled Z-E-N-G and her husband is a guy from Fu Gao, George Gao senior top guy in the Chinese CDC and Hunter hooks this guy up with Metabiota and they essentially run the gain of function experiments inside the Wuhan lab that gave us COVID you know and that's what Fauci did Fauci ran these gain of functions he lied and he lied and he lied and he lied but that's exactly what he did you have an article there yeah this is pretty much on the vote fraud but a Dem poll worker was caught cheating marking voters ballots straight Democrat and then telling black voters who to vote for I mean this is a complete violation of its electioneering and there's probably about ten articles just like this and it's not even hitting the news well we played that clip because they had out there Veritas and it was interesting we the problem was there was so much noise there but yeah they were out there intimidating people and you're right they didn't want to put it on the news for obvious reasons Brett Baer probably says there's no evidence because we didn't show it right it wasn't on Fox News yeah now here's a strange one midwife conference bans pro-life on OBGYNs them the Jug County right to life office is in our you know their office is located in the doors of the word Baptist Church and we get calls every now and then from women now John McTernan let me ask you a question what profession do you think calls us more often looking for a midwife than any other profession I guess it would be pro-life centers no nurses nurses more than they call looking for I see what you mean okay looking for midwives calling and asking us if we know any midwives and so it's it's an amazing thing you know that we don't really I mean I don't really we at one point we did have a number of midwives I think we have a couple probably like a nurse Connelly and some others some of the nurses with us but it's not like there's an organization of midwives around that we can you know that we don't have their cards and they're like we normally do for different pro-life organizations one time but here's the thing check this out midwife conference bans pro-life OBGYNs can you hear this threatened to decertify those who spread abortion disinformation listen to this medical organizations in the birthing field have vocally endorsed abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade do you understand that these are the people who are supposed to be in the field of birthing and they want to kill babies I mean it's a prominent group of pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists found themselves excluded from the national midwife conference over his views on abortion the daily signal can exclusively reveal the pro-life group is also raising the alarm about the potential decertification of medical professionals who refuse to toe the line on abortion this is happening more and more in fact there's another article we have over here that punishes doctors who agree who disagree with official COVID narrative in California if they tell the truth if a doctor tells the truth about the COVID they'll lose their license they can lose their license there so you don't dare tell the truth in California huh yeah you're talking about how contrary it is I remember in the 1990s we compiled a list of all the companies that were donating to Planned Parenthood and there would be companies like Johnson & Johnson that basically a good chunk of their money is selling products for babies that were actually donating to Planned Parenthood it's almost like they've delinked the economic aspect out of the equation well let's look at it this way what about all these teacher unions faster than any of these communist teacher unions that are all I mean they are big time pro-abortion and that's eliminating the kids for the jobs that they have and you think that in order for teachers for teachers to stay to keep their jobs they need students right? exactly and you say that doesn't that sound absolutely crazy that these these teacher unions like the NEA would want to be pro-abortion and do away with children but think about this we're dealing with people that don't know what a woman is we're dealing with people look to think that if you're a child and you feel like you're a cat or a dog you can be a cat or a dog so what would look you just had this guy that decided he was a baby that New Jersey inmate right now they have to give him diapers and baby food and so if they don't know what a woman is and they think that children can be dogs these are the democrats that believe these things why can't they just if they have no children just imagine there's children in the class couldn't they just say well I'm looking out here not just imagine children but maybe they could imagine dogs and cats people from the past too maybe a trans species in their class right they could do that yep okay so this is what you're dealing with you're dealing with everything that the left holds to is anti in total opposition to what the Bible teaches everything there's nothing that the left holds to that is in in line with what the word of God teaches is there here's a good one new law punishes doctors who disagree with official COVID narrative an article by Art Moore California communist governor Gavin Newsom has signed a new state law that allows medical boards to punish physicians who give medical advice that counters they call it scientific consensus okay the apostle Paul said those who who call it science falsely so falsely called okay and that's exactly what it is it's not science it's lunacy it's insanity assembly bill in this wicked wicked state of California 2098 states that it shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and a surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19 included false or misleading information regarding the nature and the risk of the virus its prevention and treatment and the development safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 now that would be a good bill if we had uh truthful say that say we had legitimate prosecutors let's say we had legitimate prosecutors and legitimate courts there that actually would tell the truth that we're now for sale okay so if we had actual prosecutors and not prostituters and because that's what you have in California these attorney generals then that would if it wasn't for that i mean if they were not so completely and totally corrupt that bill would be good wouldn't it john well i guess if every if everybody was honest and the uh law enforcement was honest the courts were honest the prosecutor was honest that maybe well you know what they would do they'd be arresting the politicians yeah well if they were honest they would arrest them huh absolutely if i were king for today i would start with that's what they called the committee uh the select committee there in dc i would start with them and i would go with nancy pelosi chucky schumer joe bomb of biden i would put them all in that dirty filthy along with the the uh mayor of of washington dc along with the mayor of dc i would put all of them in that dirty filthy dc jail and with all the corrupted cops if i were king if i were able to do that i would do that because that would be the righteous thing to do would it or not where they put where they put the christian patriots in that same dirty jail would that not be the just thing to do john i think it would best earn yeah all right well if you think it would that's all matters i guess so yeah all righty very good uh here's an article by larry elder during donald trump's presidency the washington post kept a running tally of alleged lies and misleading statements but when joe biden became president the post fact checker glenn kessler announced that an end to the database operation saying that maintaining the trump database over four years required 400 additional eight hour days over four years beyond a regular jobs in three people looks like supply chain issues on the post so while the post continues to fact check biden discontinues the trump practice error running is you know why because it was very very difficult to find trump telling lies okay but very easy to tell biden uh to catch biden telling lies after all biden is not trump and the post undoubtedly expects biden to be more truthful how's that work it out yeah yeah okay we're coming up to a break and we'll be back right after this if i could send a simple message to our troops at home and far away i would make me once more proud hear me now this is what i say you are forever heroes we won't forget you wait on the sacrifice you've made forever heroes here it was to all the values of our troops we share pride and pain with you you are like stars shine on forever forever red and white and blue you are forever heroes we won't forget we know the sacrifice you made forever heroes god bless and keep you for the you so Oh, beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife Who more than self, their country love And mercy more than life America, America, God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea Forever heroes, we won't forget you We know the sacrifice you've made Forever heroes, God bless and feed you You're the you in the USA Forever heroes, forever heroes You're the you in the USA Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you We won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you Forever heroes, we won't forget you
Whisper: medium.en / 2022-11-15 21:27:10 / 2022-11-15 21:37:17 / 10

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