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FRI HR 1 100722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
October 8, 2022 12:34 am

FRI HR 1 100722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Our superstar batteries are built to handle even the toughest conditions. Visit O'Reilly Auto Parts today. O, O, O, O'Reilly Auto Parts. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life to the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance, and I'm back.

The devil thought he had me down, but I'm back. And to all those out there listening to me, we have tonight, we have an all-star lineup. We have the courageous Craig on the board.

Good evening, everybody, and it's great to have you back. And we have way out deep in the heart of Texas, none other than Big John McTernan. Hello, Pastor Ernie. God bless you and all our listeners. Thank you, Big John. And then we have way out there in misery, none other than the parson, Pastor Joe Larson. I needed them this week, and we're both doing a lot better than expected.

You're not kidding. And right here live in the studio, I have with me Ron Hertz, my techie. Good evening, everyone. And I, Pastor Ernie, back in the saddle as their hero.

I'm glad to be their hero. Right. We have a whole lot to get done tonight, don't we? Yes, okay. So just what it is, and I want to thank, like you said, Joe, I want to thank all the folks out there for their prayers and all of those that rushed to our aid when we needed it. Right. And I want to ask everybody to keep you in prayer because, folks, his problems are not finished.

He's doing a lot better, but he's going to require a lot more prayer and medical help in the future here. Well, we'll get her done. Remember what we have, the saying in this ministry, when in doubt, charge. When not in doubt, charge anyhow.

Charge anyway. That's right. It's worked for 50 years. By taking the battle to the enemy, in history, defensive wars are never won.

That's right. And it's been working for 50 years. I want you to stop and think about it even before we get into the Bible study tonight. John and Joe, now think about it. Who were the first people, the very first people that you heard, even before he was president, talking about the Biden crime cartel? Who were the very first people that were talking about the fact that the Biden crime cartel were in cahoots, hand in hand with the Mexican drug cartel, and also with the human smugglers, who were the first people, even before he was president, even when he was still vice president, who was the one?

This radio ministry. We were right out there in front of everybody, in front of Fox News, in front of everybody. We were telling you about this. Who has been talking about all the way back? Joe and John, you remember all the way back when we had Ted Gunderson, and we were talking about the children, the smuggling of the children. It's been going on for decades. We've been telling people how about the horrible, horrible infanticide. But what was going on within the Democratic Party, how pedophilia, you know, the entire party is flush with pedophilia, and little by little, it's coming out. And there were things that we couldn't even bring out yet because they were so wicked that nobody would believe us.

We'd lose credibility. So we had to bring it out piece by piece because people just weren't ready to believe this stuff. So we're not going to quit as we're going to continue until the Lord comes back. And tonight we're going to pick it up where we left off in Acts chapter 5. Remember the title was, When the Righteous Indignation is Endowed with Courage. When Righteous Indignation is Endowed with Courage.

Remember what we were saying. What if all the pastors had to preach this message? What if all the pastors had the courage to do and to say what we're saying? What if all the pastors out there, what if they all had the courage? What if Franklin Graham had the courage to say, Joe Biden, you need to repent of that. Joe Biden, you need to repent of that pedophilia. You need to repent of all of your wickedness, your corruption, Joe Biden.

What if he had the courage to say that to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? What if all of the pastors had the courage to do that? Remember who did? John the Baptist did and the Apostle Paul did and Peter did, but more than anybody else, it was the Lord Jesus.

Remember? And remember there's about 300 and around what? 330, 40,000 pastors. What a shockwave that would be if they only had the courage.

And you know what? The Bible says the righteous are as bold as lions. The righteous are as bold as lions. And what we've got is a bunch of baby kittens that hardly can meow with their eyes closed.

Yep, you're not kidding. Well, you know, years ago when I was young, I felt like the Lone Ranger because I felt like I was the only one preaching it. And then as times went by, more and more, God raised up more and more people. Back in those days, we still had a bunch like Pastor Lenz and Pastor Would-Be. We had Roy Thomas, we had Oliver B.

Green, we had Greg Dixon, and I'm thinking of some of the others that we had back in those days that have all gone home to be with the Lord. But these were men, Peter Ruckman. These were men, all of these men who had been on this radio program over the years. Pastor Earl Black was another one and Pastor Ken Sundemeier. They had the guts to stand up and preach the hard messages, preach what should have been done. This was one of the only radio shows they could come on and talk. They weren't allowed and a lot of others. I know that for a fact.

Yeah, they wouldn't have been allowed and too many others. Back in the early days of radio, boy, they would accuse me of being a radical with inflammatory rhetoric. Preaching the gospel and using the terminology from the King James Bible and not the New Age.

You mean the sword of the Lord? How dare you, Pastor Ernie? How dare you be the church militant? Well, that's what we're going to do tonight. So let's start in Acts 5. I'm going to read verses 17-23. Joe, you pick it up in 24 and read it through 33. And then, John, you pick it up in 33 and read it all the way through 37.

And we're going to have, Ron, you pick it up in 38. Verse 38 to the end, which would be 42. Acts chapter 5, starting with verse, you're going to be in verse 38 through. Okay. Yeah, I had earlier told him he didn't have to read the scriptures tonight, so I switched up on it. Okay, Acts chapter 5.

Everybody you like. Yeah, alrighty. Well, it's part of his training. Oh, okay. You've got to be prepared at all times, don't you? Okay, let's get going.

Here you go. Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, which is in the sect of the Sadducees, and they were filled with indignation, and they laid hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison. But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth and said, go stand and speak in the temple to the people, all the words of this life.

And when they heard that, they entered into the temple early in the morning and taught. And the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the descendants of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought. But when the officers came and found them not in the prison, they returned and told, saying, the prison truly felt we shut up safely, and to keep us standing without, before the doors.

But when we opened in, we found no man within. Now, when the high priest and the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of them, for unto this would grow. Then came one, and told them, saying, behold, the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people. Then went the captain with the officers and brought them without violence, for they feared the people, lest they should have them stoned.

And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest asked them, saying, did we not straightly command you that ye should not teach in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us? Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a prince and Savior, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.

And we are His witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him. And when they heard that they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them, then stood up one of the council, a Pharisee named Gammiel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth for a little space, and said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves that what ye intend to do is touching these men. For before these days rose up Thaddeus, boasting himself to be somebody, to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves, who were slain, and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered and brought to north. After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him, he also perished, and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed. And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone, for if this council or this work be of men, it will come to naught.

But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest happily ye be found even to fight against God. And to him they agreed. And when they called the apostles, and beaten them, they commended that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer the shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

Okay, so, now, those, we've got to do some comparison here, because, you know, when we're studying the Word of God, if we can't make it applicable, in other words, if we can't see how it's got an application to today, and to how it applies to our lives today, then it's not really too much good to us, is it? So, if we take a look at here, we took a look at the high priest, now, they were the sect of the Sadducees here, but they were a part of the Sanhedrin, which were a number of seventy, in what was called their senate, that was in their senate. And so, here now, again, we take a look at the high priest, this was the council that they had, and if we take a look at that, and we compare, we compare that to remember what they call in those that were arrested on January 6th, they were called Christian nationalists, Christian nationalists, okay? And so, they were brought before the committee. Now, the committee were made up of Democrats on this committee, but they were just a part of the Democratic Party, Congress and Senate. Now, if we go back to the Sanhedrin, and that's that council, they only had a prosecution, there was no defense, just a prosecution.

If we go to January 6th, is that what you're getting at, the January 6th committee? That's right, they only had a prosecution, they had no defense, and so, here now, they were supposed to be made up, that council committee of Republicans and Democrats, there wasn't, there were two rhinos, which are Democrats, and there was, in both cases, there was no defense, only a prosecution, in both cases, what they did was not really even lawful, okay? And so, in both cases there, what you had was, the men, the Christians were arrested, here's what it said, what took place, and when the high priest and the captain of the chief priest heard these things, they doubted, well, okay, they were doubting what was being said here, how they got in, we know that the news media, NBC, ABC, CBS, the entire, all the fake news media, PMS, NBC, CNN, the Fox News, they all had propaganda against the Christian nationals. We saw that here, that they took the apostles, and they beat them, and they threw them in prison, and then we see that with the January 6th, the Christian nationalists, or the patriots, whatever, they took them, they beat them, they beat some of them to death, and they threw them in prison. And so, we're looking now here, Gamaliel came, now Gamaliel was actually the apostle Paul's mentor, and so he came, and he put a warning, he warned them, the consul, listen, listen, if these men are who they say they are, then you will find yourself fighting against God, that's not a good place to be. Who was it that has warned that committee, that corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, and I mean extremely and completely and totally corrupt January 6th committee, who was it that warned them that they're fighting against God? It was us right here, who was it that warned the FBI, you know, who was it that warned them, look, you cannot stand up against God, you made an oath, God who made the ear, he hears what's going on, he sees what's going on, but it was not just us, it was radio programs like this one here, like this one, and pastors like you guys, all across this country.

We were warning them, we were warning them, okay, and we still are, and I preached on the wrath of God, I preached that whole message on that, and so we're seeing all of these things here, now here again, and Peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey God rather than men. How do you think, you two guys tell me, how would that apply to the Christian nationals that were arrested and beaten and thrown in prison in January? These there are political prisoners by the deathocratic satanic communist party. Very, very similar, I mean they're being held as political prisoners, they're being held, they're having a fake, you know, trial, and they're going after them because they were standing for what was right, what was righteous, so there's a lot of, what do you call it, corollary there.

Okay. Similar circumstances, they're kind of like God's anointed in this case. Okay, John, go ahead. Well, Pastor Ernie, what do we do? Do we give in to their lies, or do we stick it out to the end? And that's what it really boils down to, and do we have the ability inside, the strength through Jesus Christ to stand against their lies to the end? And I think that's really what it boils down to.

Here, let me read this first. You have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. Now, were the apostles preaching the truth?

Yes. So they were telling them, you cannot preach the truth, you cannot tell the truth, you cannot tell the truth. What were those, the January 6th protesters, what were they there for? The truth about the stolen election.

They were protesting that our election was stolen, that there was a criminal conspiracy by the Democratic Party and the U.S. government to steal an election. Okay, so history records to this very day, of course, with us here, now you won't hear any of this kind of history on NBC, ABC, CBS, or PMS, NBC, they are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, but history records that the apostles today were heroes of the faith, are they not? Absolutely. And will not history also record that those January 6th protesters that went there to protest the stealing, the theft, that had the courage, that had the courage to go and stand up for righteousness, will not history record them as heroes too? Well, Pastor Ernie, I don't know how much history is left, I don't know how much time is left to make history, but yes, yes, Pastor, it always works out that way. You know, evil seems to triumph up front, but in the long run, the truth comes out, and who was a hero during the evil, yes, they are looked at as heroes. So, that passage of Scripture has got such an application to what has been happening today, doesn't it? Have you looked at how many things were the very same?

Yeah, nothing changes, Pastor Ernie, really. Absolutely. Evil is evil, and it really, what we're seeing today with the Democrat party and the rhinos going along with it, is really nothing more than the tactics of the Nazis and the tactics of the communists and whatever two-bit tyrant is out there. They always, they have a, they can only do certain things, and this is what they do.

Absolutely. You know, I'm gonna, we're gonna go to a break, and when we come back, we're gonna have lightning rounds, because, boy, I'm gonna tell you, they're at it again, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask you guys all to pray some imprecatory prayers tonight, and I'm gonna ask, I'm gonna ask all of our listeners out there to do as those that went before us, and pray imprecatory prayers against the uncleanness, against the darkness out there. How many times have we warned them? How many times have we warned them to repent or perish?

And so, how many other times, what did Jesus, when he preached, and unless you repent, you too will suffer the same, okay? And so, we'll be back right after this. We've got a lot to come tonight. Be right back with more.

Who's white and straight and doesn't qualify for an A? Remember me, I helped you get elected. But you haven't done one thing you said you'd do. But even though you'd rather not remember me, I'll remember you. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. Remember me, I served my country proudly.

Remember me, I love the USA. Remember me, or am I just some bumpkin' who you didn't think would notice the bounce checks and midnight breaks? Remember me, I wrote you all those letters, thinkin' that you cared what I thought too. But even though you often just forget to remember, I'll remember you. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. We'll remember in November as we step into the little booth. We'll remember in November to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. Alrighty, we're back. Boy, you'll bet we will remember in November.

Boy, will you bet we will. And goodbye rhinos, too. So, anyhow, I wanted to just finish with this. Remember what Gamaliel said. He said that if it be a man, it'll just fade away.

But if it be of God, you'll find yourself fighting against God. Well, are we gonna let January 6th just fade away? No. No, we are not gonna let it.

That would be a coward's act to let that stand and go by. Are we gonna demand that those that are in prison be let loose and those that put them there be put in? Well, yes, sir.

What should be? Yeah. Yeah, this election now, of course, we got the element in it where they can steal, but I think it's been in many states, it's been really tightened up. And in fact, the last week or so, there's been a lot of court rulings in our favor, tightening up the states.

So we'll see. I mean, the reality out there, I can sense it, feel it, and as I study what's going on, it's gonna be overwhelming to clean out a lot of the evil in Washington. And January 6th, this is following January 6th. You follow Pastor Ernie, what I'm saying?

Yeah, I sure do. January 6th was like the point, like the point, and now the army is following behind. So that's the way I look at this.

All right. Assuming that we can cut through the theft and everything adds to it. Well, if the Christians vote, we've talked several times in this program about how many Christians aren't even registered. One out of four that are registered don't vote, and if those millions and millions of unregistered or Christians that didn't vote get out and obey God and go vote and elect Christians to be their leaders, we will win handily.

But a lot depends on whether or not the so-called, quote, Christians vote. Well, Nancy Pelosi is trying to put out the image that she knows, here's what she says. She says, we will hold the House by winning more seats. Pelosi told death of crabs that we will sweep. Now, in other words, she's putting out a message, the message that she's trying to tell the Democrats is the fix is in, don't worry about it, the fix is in, we got it, we got it taken care of.

Do you think that she does have it taken care of? Do you think that there's a big enough fix? Because I know a number of the high-tech companies now are knowing they're watching and they're trying to back down.

Google is still out there fighting against the Republicans for wanting to censor the Republican candidates. But anyhow, do you think Nancy's right, do you think they've got enough of a fix in to try to pull it off? I don't think so. Like I said, oops, I'm sorry, go ahead.

No, I said go ahead, John. I don't know, how about you? Yeah, on our side, what is very interesting, there's been a lot of laws passed, you take Arizona and you take Wisconsin, Michigan, and there's other states also where laws were passed to tighten up that they can't do what they did in the presidential election, they can't do it. So that's a big plus. I don't think people are going to be running out to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrats. There's going to be a huge switch from the Spanish over to our side. Even the blacks, black people, there's a significant move by them to our side as they can see the Democrats are trying, their agenda is to destroy and kill us. So the vast majority, the independents, they're going to come our way. So except for the cheating, I think that we're going to do very well in this election. As long as there isn't a false flag between now and then to stop it. Yeah, Ron, you wanted to compare January 6th to the X5. Yeah, one interesting item is that both the January 6th folks and Peter and Paul were bound by God's law and God's protections, but we actually have an additional one in the Constitution, the right to redress government, a fair and speedy trial in front of our jury of our peers, and none of that has happened.

So I think that's something that is even more grievous than what has happened back in the biblical time. Yeah. Yeah.

Already here. I got to make sure. Yeah, one thing I wanted to add, this just broke, I think, yesterday, or maybe Thursday, but I think it was yesterday, where there was some man that was arrested for leaking all sorts of voter information to China. Yeah. That's what we've been saying. We've been saying that the Chinese were involved in overthrowing our election, and now voter information was being sent from here over to China. Why? Well, Ron's got it.

Go ahead, Ron. Yeah, there was an article. Basically, the New York Times published a story about a group of election deniers.

I guess that's folks like us. We gathered at an invitation-only conference in August at a secret location in Phoenix. Now, the story that actually broke out of there was a company called Conich Corp, a small election software company based in Michigan, which had secret ties to the Chinese Communist Party and given the Chinese government backdoor access to personal data to about two million poll workers. The very next day, the CEO, Eugene Yu, a 51-year-old, was arrested on suspicion of stealing identifying information on hundreds of Los Angeles County poll workers and storing the data on servers located in China.

That's a violation of the contract they had with Los Angeles County. Now, oddly enough, the ones that actually did all the research on this was true to vote, and they were actually able to track the IP addresses to confirm all this. This wasn't even news on any other site whatsoever. Like you said, it was just broken recently, but not many people are carrying it.

Right. World News Daily, put the story out. It was one of the places you can always find some truth. Well, you know, the National Pulse puts out, Natalie Winters wrote an article, exclusive election firm Conich set poll data to China, donated all political cash to the Democrats, including Joe Biden. All political donations made by employees to Conich, the election management company whose CEO was recently arrested for allegedly storing information on election workers in servers in China, went to support Democratic candidates, the National Pulse can reveal. The Unearthed Political Association of the company, according to Federal Election Commission, FEC database follows the arrest of Conich CEO Eugene Yu. The Michigan based company which managed software responsible for organization poll workers in Los Angeles County is now part of an investigation into the possible theft of personally identifying information on those workers, according to authorities. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office explained that the firm was supposed to securely maintain the data and that only United States citizens and permanent residents have access to it, but instead secretly stored it on servers in China. Now, here's my question is, who's going to prosecute these people?

That's a great question. Garland will prosecute him, Pastor Ernie. Speaking of Garland, US charges 11 pro-life activists for alleged violations of federal law. US prosecutors charged 11 pro-life activists for violating federal law by blocking access to a bloody whorehouse of death called an abortion clinic in Tennessee in 2021. Persecutors say Chester Gallagher and others conspired to block a clinic in Mount Juliet, they call it a clinic. It's a bloody place where they butcher babies and only unclean, ungodly, evil, wicked people would even refer to such a place as a clinic.

You people have absolutely no standards, no honor, no decency, no integrity, none, just none. Utilizing Facebook to coordinate travel and logistics for co-defendants goes on to say, if I could get the pages apart, I'd give you some of the rest of this article. Here you go. Caroline Davis, also a defendant, at one point wrote to Coleman Boyd, who was also charged that she would meet him for a rescue in Tennessee on March 2021. God bless these people.

God bless them. Okay. I've, you know, been arrested myself many times out there for doing the right thing, for rescuing those being led to slaughter and drawn to death exactly the way God's Word the Bible demands us to do.

Exactly. The group did block a woman, an employee from entering the bloody whorehouse of death. Authorities said, citing live stream broadcast by Boyd.

The broadcast was titled Mount Juliet, Tennessee rescue March 15, March 5, 2021, the group went into a hallway outside the bloody clinic into entry doors before it was scheduled to open. Gallagher said in a separate live stream that he and those with him were willing to be incarcerated to rescue families from the place of destruction. Local police officers arrested nine people, including Gallagher, the people, you know, you cops that did that, you should have taken off your if you had any integrity.

Listen, if you had any integrity, if you could look me in the eye, I would love to have you John. Remember what happened the nightmare in Pittsburgh. Do you remember that?

Oh, yeah. Remember, I wasn't there but I remember vividly about what happened the details of that. I went down there, after they did that after those dirty cops those cowardly cops the ones that listen to that wicked woman that was in charge. She gave them instructions on to make sure these, these women, these women never want to take part in another rescue before and they molested Christian disease.

Real ladies down there. And so, I know I went on the air, and the cops were all down there when they had a protest at the trial. And I said I want to come down there. And I want to look I want to walk in front of all of those cops that were a part of that, and I want them to look me in the eye. Okay. And as I walked down there they would look away, they couldn't.

You know these guys are cowards, just like, like, Mr. Chris Ray's dirty 30, you know, again I've said it before. In that movie The Wizard of Oz, when you had the witch. And like you have Hillary I mean Hillary is an act, an actual which she was actually the head of a covenant, people don't realize that a lot of her name. Yeah. But those dirty 30 FBI agents remind me of those flying monkeys. Hillary's flying monkeys, that's what they remind me of.

Okay. And you know I praise the good Lord that there are more and more people within the FBI, more and more of them I said you know what, we're not going to, I didn't sign up for this this is not, you know, it wasn't this way when I don't want any part of this, and they're, they're blowing the whistle, they're going in and telling people, and I don't blame them a bit I would get out of there as quickly as I can myself because, can you imagine your children saying dad you really work for them. Is that what you do, do you go in and kick doors in the middle of the night and point rifles in the faces of little children, dad is that what you do? That's what they did at Gallagher's house, they busted in with guns drawn again, going into a Christian pro-life home, no weapons, I mean there was no reason to go in and combat gear guns drawn but I've got a follow up, I've just got a foot in right now because it goes right along.

This is good news but I'll tie in the good news to the story. The appeals court, the eighth US Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a big lawsuit by planned predators against the state, it was North Dakota, and they threw out their injunction. What it was is they had put that women would have to, if you considered abortion there, you would have to go visit a pregnancy health center, you know maybe look at the baby on a, what do you call it, ultrasound, and planned predators of course had a fit over that so they made an injunction, this battle has been going on for years, because South Dakota was trying to stop abortions, anyway this eighth circuit court threw it all out so now all women that want an abortion there in South Dakota, Governor Christy Noem, how we pronounce it was working with them, it's a big big victory for life, but in this, the court, when the court gave their report on it, they talked about well as we looked into this we found out that the women that worked at the clinic, they weren't trained in medicine, they weren't trained in biology, embryology, psychology, even counseling, their training, their principal training was overcoming a woman's misgivings about abortion. That was all they were trained to do, and it went on got in there the object of counseling was to probe these women for factors that would dispose of their women to get their abortion. They were employed to persuade every woman that abortion is her best option really her only option, and their job is to secure her signature on the necessary forms, unquote. They talked about Planned Predator had monthly quotas, revenue targets, and there was evidence submitted that staff members there ignored a woman who kept telling the clinic that her parents were forcing her to abort she didn't want to but her parents were forcing her to.

They were supposed to by law be reported right to the authorities. So this was done by the ACL of LJ, and it's a huge win for pro life across the nation, and it showed a lot of the dirty things that go on in Planned Parenthood I just had a couple of highlights, but it ties right into what you were saying. They lie cheat steel they do everything to get women to have abortion they never tell them the truth. And, you know, right, plan predators is the most wicked ungodly evil creeping crawling purveyor of death on the planet.

There is no nothing too low for them. I mean, plan predators they've killed more human beings that any army in the entire world. Well, their counselors are only what trained salespeople to force the women to get their abortion. That's all they are. They're not counselors. They're not family planning. They're trained to sell abortions, period. They're devils from the pit of hell.

And we've got a circuit court. Yeah. Planned Parenthood murders about 330,000 babies a year. And I back back years ago, they did more. So if you figure that's what they're reporting. But if the ones they report if you look at 330,000 a year and you go back and back and back 10 years 20 years 30 years.

If you look at the numbers that that is up there starting to going back to, you know, when they first started after over versus Wade. I mean that's every 10 years is 3 million that 6 million 9 million that probably they've killed, as reported, probably 1520 million babies Oh, yeah, probably a lot more than that may add 40% or more of those babies 40 to 45% were black babies. Yes, the black population is only around 17 18% of the total population, but 40 to 45% of all those abortions were black babies.

I call that genocide. And Pennsylvania. I don't know what the statistics are now. But Planned Parenthood was 47% almost 50% of the babies. They have bought into Pennsylvania were black.

Right, and the population the black population in Pennsylvania was about 15%. So, where are the 330 40,000 pastors out there. How many of them say this is genocide of black children they're killing the black children.

They're ruining the futures of all those black families. And yet what do we hear from the so called quote, I say quote church. We hear crickets. Well, there's there's more than there was a while ago, but there's not nearly enough there's not nearly what there should be.

And sometimes it's not even crickets. They're actually promoting the abortions. Well, what he's talking about, you're talking about the apostate church, the world the National Council, these are not Christian churches, these are churches of Satan, they these are satanic Christian.

Yeah, the world the National Council, they they embrace if God's word the Bible calls it sin and abominable sin, they embrace it. And so, in a riveting interview on January 6 victim Victoria white describes unbelievable bare fisted beatings by DC dirty cops on January 6 and then nightmare that followed. We had the honor and the pleasure to speak with a real lady interview Victoria white on Sunday. We hope you take the time to watch the the review interview Victoria is a wonderful American committed mother a victim of unbelievable police violence. And we saw those, those two races cops murder, those Christians there in DC, Victoria white from Rochester, Minnesota attended the stop and steal rally in Washington DC on January 6, like many Americans, they did it. It was the first time she ever visited Washington DC. She was excited to to attend a rally and stand with President Trump at the ellipse.

I would be excited to stand with a real lady like her. What started as a wonderful trip with family and friends turned into a bloody nightmare, Victoria white was nearly killed by dirty DC cops. During the rally, the dirty cops beat her in the face, and the shoulders, nearly 40 times with sticks in their fists. The dirty cops dragged her through the US Capitol shoeless and forced her to wait outside without a phone. These cowards here, they released her without a coat or a ride, and they released her hours later. This was Victoria broke up at the fact of his breaking windows as the US Capitol that had insult injury, the FBI later raided her home and arrested her in Minnesota.

Yeah, these were those were Hillary's flying monkeys. Yeah, Victoria white was a man to beat up a woman right especially with five or six cops that I wonder how many takes to beat up a real man. Yeah, takes five or six to beat a woman.

This pathetic This is not the America I grew up in and I'll tell you folks, if you don't get out there and vote this year and vote these bums out of office. Okay, defend our children, our families, our grandchildren. She has hit approximately 35 times over the course of four minutes and 30 seconds while appearing to be begging for mercy the entire time. She is hit with batons, while facing away she is hit with the baton while facing forward. She, she spread and poked with a baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain she collapses more than once, and stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again. At some point, white shirt puts away his baton, not because he's showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face and such as he had loads the defenseless woman, punching her five times in five seconds directly in the face with all of his might, those are the dirty, dirty DC cops. That's what they should be in prison for many, many, many years not being paid to.

Yeah, I know. Folks 30 days you've got election, you can put that we get the right people back in office we can go after these dirty cops they need to be in jail, every one of them needs to be in jail. Okay, but and people got to get out. And they got to vote. Listen, we're not going to let them get away with it, you've got to get out you've got to vote, and they got to go to prison they got to go for what they're doing. All right, and attention Ohio, I'll tell you about this to sign a petition to amend the Ohio Constitution to guarantee that all Ohioans maintain autonomy over their body and their medical choices. And we need these signatures to get to get this on the Ohio ballot for the May 2023 ballot petition. And our deadline is November 30 I'll tell you more about this here as we get well tell you more about it next week I think. There you go on that.

All right. Also, I wanted to say this real quick to medgate medgate says Reno's and GOP elites are already planning business as usual. If Republicans take the house.

I'm going to tell you something, you guys, I'm going to, and I want you to help me. We get the house back. We need to load those rhinos phone number phone lines down every day. Those rhinos need to hear from us every single day and we'll get a list of the rhinos will get listed their phone numbers and demand that people call them every day. We're not going to have we had enough of the rhinos are we tired of being betrayed. Is there any more room between.

There's no more room between our shoulder blades for daggers are there. But the man that head of the Republican House there. What's his name McCarthy is it. Yeah.

Yes, he was act actively actively sabotaging the primary rate of like senatorial candidate in Missouri and another one. I think in Maine, they were going, they were going against the Republicans, because they were pro Trump, and they were trying to sell Arizona was another one they were active in. All right, you guys gotta get get your information ready we'll get it out there. We'll burn their phone lines down.

And if we have enough of them, we had enough of them pestering our country is going down and they're, they're a big part of Okay, hang tight, fellas will be back right after this, more to come a whole lot more to come. Don't go away. Thank you for listening to what's right, what's left, the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry, and to WR That's WR Thank you for listening and supporting what's right, what's left ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. The second hour is coming up next.
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