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Kind to skin protects like Tena. The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast What's Right What's Left is coming up right now.
Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.
This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom, rule out the steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.
Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome again to one more edition of What's Right What's Left on this 15th September, Thursday, 2022.
And tonight this is again pledge week. And we're going to give those numbers out. Let me give them out right over the, right from out of the chute. 888-281-1110.
That's credit card line two. Or 888-677-9673. Now, we have back in the boiler room, Eric and Randy locked in there, folks. They're in there waiting for your calls. Now, here's the rules. The rules is the door is locked. They don't get to go to the bathroom until we get so many calls.
So think of that. How did you hear the cackle? Do you hear the cackle? There's only one cackle like that, right? Okay.
You leap at lizards. It's little Lisa. Good evening, everyone. All right.
There you go. And then we have the Lord of the board. There he is at the home tonight. He pushes the buttons. He turns the dials.
He does all that with a great big smile. None other than courageous Craig. Good evening, everybody. Way out yonder, way out yonder in the back trails of Missouri. None other than that back roads parson, Pastor Joe Larson. Yes, sir.
The only one that's as old as you are. So I'm here ready to go to work, boss. There you go. Well, my age is being exaggerated here quite a bit lately. But anyhow, we're here tonight ready to roll. Now listen, we have a very special guest with us tonight. You've been on the radio 50 years.
It's kind of a giveaway. You're not exactly a young pup. Well, who else do you notice started at the age of five? Nobody. Right. Okay.
Anyhow, all right. We have a very special guest with us tonight. And this special guest that we have has a really big coloring books.
And he's going to tell us all about these really big coloring books, because I got a big stack of them right here. And his name is Wayne Bell. Hello, Wayne. Good. Hello. Good evening, Pastor.
How are you? We're doing good tonight. We're ready to roll. Boy, we have a lot to cover this city in St. Louis. Are you in St. Louis? Well, you're out here. You're down there, Missouri.
That's where Joe's at. Absolutely. Yeah.
I hope you've got a good bunker with all the shooting that's been going on around St. Louis. I do. I do.
I do. Good coffee. I'll tell you. All right. Very good.
I got a first. I've got an update on the calls that came in last week, starting with Ken. Where'd Ken go? You got to bring him down.
I don't see him. Okay. Okay. These came in off the air last night. Ken and Missouri pledged 200. Mary and Georgia pledged 100. Patricia and New Jersey pledged 100. Duane in San Diego pledged 30. And pledges starting tonight is Dana in Texas pledges 150.
And Janet in the Bronx, New York pledges 60. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. All right, we're going to here's how we're going to run this thing tonight. Wayne, this is pledge week. So we always start with a scripture. And then just before we get to the bottom of the hour, we're going to play a little clip on on what's happening with these vaccinations and children things that people don't realize now.
For 50 years I've been preaching if you love your children, get them out of the public schools. And then we go right into your comic books, because boy, I'm going to tell you, I'll let you take it from there. But right now, and we're going to go over, we're finishing up the last part of my message.
And the title was the America, America, except you repent, you shall likewise perish. And we started with that in Luke chapter 13. But we're going to finish tonight in Second Chronicles seven, starting with verse 12 through 22. And you just jump in if you have a question or comment, you just jump in as we go through here. And so Joe, would you read verses one through 15, or 12 to 15?
12 through 15. All right. And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice. If I shut up heaven, that there be no rain or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people, if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be opened and my ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place. Well Joe, you know here a couple years had passed in Solomon's prayer of dedication that we read about here in chapter six, and several other building projects that Solomon had completed. And so now he's asking the Lord, he's praying to the Lord, and the Lord had told Solomon that he had heard his prayer. Now you know it's an interesting thing to show you just how much he got. Solomon was considered the wisest man there ever was, okay, as far as human wisdom goes, and yet he had a tendency to really mess up, didn't he?
He definitely did. So a sign of intelligence doesn't mean that it keeps you from doing dumb things. I would say 300 wives and 700 concubines, which were considered wives, were kind of a dumb thing.
Really, really dumb. Yeah. I've got one quick question. It said here the Lord appeared to Solomon back in 1 Kings 8 and chapter 9, I mean 1 Kings 9, 1 Kings chapter 9 verse 2, that the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time as he had appeared unto him at Gideon. So is this the second or the third time? This I believe would be the third time.
That's what I thought, but I wanted to double check with the boss. Okay, so here now he says, Mine eyes shall be opened, and mine ears attend to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever and ever, and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually, and as if for thee, if thou wilt walk before me as David thy father walk, and do accordingly to all that I have and do accordingly to all that I have commanded thee, and shall observe my statutes and all my judgments, then will I establish the throne of my kingdom, according as I have coveted with David thy father, saying thou shall not fail a man to be ruler in the land. Now, Solomon kind of messed up big time in his big mistake. What did it cause? Remember, it caused a division of Israel.
Yeah, he caused that. And so here now, because he did that, you had the two tribes of Judah divided against the others, so it caused the division of Israel. But here then, David, and of course David, was a man after God's own heart, but I mean that shows you that you know, we're not all that bad ourselves, you know, when you take a look at that, humanly speaking, right? I think God actually picked those two because they had great qualities, but it was like the greater the quality, sometimes the greater the weakness, and I think because of strength, ambition, or whatever. But he made it, I think, great examples because here are two great people of the faith, heroes of the faith, and yet they were very sinful, weak, and it tells us that we can be forgiven too.
If God loves them, God can love us. Okay, so when he says this, that mine eyes and my heart shall be perpetually, or no, he said, for now I have chosen and sanctified in this house that my name may be there forever, and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually. Now, here, God is the same today, tomorrow, forever, right?
Right. And this same Lord that he's referring to is the same Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the church, is it not? Right, who indwells on us through the Holy Spirit of God, and he says what? Those of us who are born again are predestined, we are chosen, and we become the house of God, we become our own temple in the flesh, housing the Holy Spirit. So would you say then that would apply to the church, equally to the church as it did to the nation of Israel? Right, because the church is what?
The lively stones built together upon the cornerstone of Christ, building a lively living church. Okay, let's go to verse 19, but if you turn away... Can I interrupt? There was something I noticed in here when it says in verse 18, I have coveted with David thy father, and I'm thinking that is actually going back to Judges 2, the angel of the Lord is the one who right there in chapter 2 of Judges says, I, sworn to your fathers, I will never break my covenant with you. He was the one who made the covenant, was the angel of the Lord, was Christ himself. Absolutely, and he didn't break the covenant.
No. Well, let's go back to 18 or 19, but if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my commandments which I have set before you, and you should go and serve other gods and worship them, then will I pluck them up. Now, would this passage, and Wayne, you can comment, does this apply also, because God is immutable. He's the same today and tomorrow and forever.
He does things the very same way, and the reason is he gets it right every time. There's no reason for him to change, so he says, and then I will pluck them up by the roots of the land which I have given them, and this house which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and I will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations. And so his name, Christ, was not the United States founded as a Christian nation. Yes, indeed, and this was given to us to the Christians like the Holy Land was given to the Jews, to Israel. And this house which is high shall be an astonishment to everyone that passes by. And so he shall say, why hath the Lord done this into the land, unto this house?
And it shall be answered, because they forsake the Lord of their fathers, who brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshiped them, and served them. Therefore, hath he brought all this evil upon them. America is dying. America is, right now, the way she's going, what is happening. But at the same time, we're seeing two extremes in our land. We're seeing the wicked becoming more wicked, and the righteous becoming more righteous. We're seeing a much stronger divide between the wicked and the righteous. But in the end, we have a very, very divided nation today. But we're seeing the world laugh at us many times, laughing at Biden, laughing at San Francisco, turning into this filthy city, watching what's happening. I've seen the overseas.
I look at a lot of the overseas news, and we've been laughed at by many, many countries with what's going on over here. Absolutely. I wanted to stop there and go in a prayer. We have our dear friend Wendy Wilson. Wendy is a real sweetheart.
She's got a heart as big as you know. Most folks out there, you know, they hear on the program, but they don't realize just how big a heart she has and how much she is dedicated to helping people. And so she is one of those, and I want to dedicate tonight's radio program to all of those unsung heroes that work in a ministry. I know we have a number in our church that never get a lot of recognition, and they really don't care about the recognition.
They care about the cause, and we know that they're going to get that recognition when they get the glory for sure. But anyhow, I want to dedicate this program to pray for Wendy. Wendy had gotten an order for thousands of dollars and shipped out her product only to find out that it was a stolen Visa credit card that they had used. So now she's got an issue with Visa.
Visa doesn't want to pay for it, okay? And anyhow, so Wendy's out all of those thousands of dollars, and it's come at a hard time for her too because you may have noticed the economy is not the best. You may have noticed, yeah. That's kind of an understatement of the year. We're hearing from people all over. We're seeing it well. You know, we're seeing it how we got hit in this ministry too.
I mean, and because of that, you know, right now, today, and we're watching. I can't believe the amount of people that are being evicted from their property. I'm getting calls from people, all these people asking me, and I have been calling for our friend out there in Florida. I wanted you to know that I did call your landlord if he hasn't talked to you by now, but I've been trying to help some of these people, calling their landlords, finding out what's going on, and there's always two sides to every story. So when you get the letters in the mail from people, you only hear the one side, and when you call and you talk to the landlords, there's always another side, but at the bottom... I've got some friends that are landlords out here, and that was part of the income that they count on. If that income doesn't come in, they can't pay taxes.
They can't pay payments. It's a double-edged sword. People need to remember that what Biden has done, this is self-inflicted wound, this inflation, and the average family in America is paying over $700 a month more to live than they were a couple years ago. And Joe, again, these things aren't happening just, you know, out of people, you know, being incapable.
This is being done purposely. Biden is purposely out there. His whole goal is to reduce America to third world status. Well, destroy the people, make them weak, and the government becomes strong, and that's what they want. Like Mitch McConnell, he's willing to see the Republicans lose the election so he can maintain his position of power as head of the Senate. Yeah, that's true.
So, anyhow, we got to get rid of the rhinos, but you're right. This is being done. Biden is owned lock, stock, and barrel from Communist China. They own him, and they have said that themselves, but his job is to, again, reduce America to third world status. They're destroying our military. His wife and their money is all tied to China, too.
It's not just Biden. There's others. So, people, listen. You have been raised up.
God's word the Bible doesn't stutter for such a time as this. This is your time as Christian soldiers to run to this battle. Your job is to stand up and stand up and to run to this battle. That is your job. That's your responsibility.
Remember what God's word the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, resistance to charity, his obedience to God. We're going to play a clip now here in a minute, and so this has to do with, it's about a five or six minute clip, and it has to do with the children. Now, he's going to be talking about charts, and in these charts that you have a blue chart and a yellow line, and he's talking about the difference between children that have been vaccinated, which they're not really vaccine.
They are not vaccines, but they've taken the poisonous poke versus the children that have gone without the poisonous poke, and folks, we had to stop it because this doctor who is narrating this gets very passionate, because he says they're killing children. Don't you understand? When he did this research, he did this study, and he was shocked, so he thought he had to get the study.
He had to get it published. He went to the AMA, and the result was they pulled his license, because he was going against the deep state, and anyhow, so what happened was we had to stop it there, because in his passion he uses language that's not appropriate for this program, so go ahead whenever you're ready and take it away. Remember me? I helped you get elected, but you haven't done one thing you said you'd do, but even though you'd rather not remember me, I'll remember you. I'll remember. I'll remember. In November. In November. As I step into the little booth. I'll remember.
In November. To vote for anyone but anyone but you. Remember me? I served my country proudly. Remember me?
I love the USA. Remember me or am I just some bumpkin who you didn't think would notice the bounce checks and midnight braids? Remember me?
I wrote you all those letters thinking that you cared what I thought too. Well even though you often just forget to remember, I'll remember you. I'll remember.
I'll remember. In November. In November.
As I step into the little booth. I'll remember. In November. To vote.
For anyone but anyone but you. We'll remember. We'll remember. In November. In November.
As we step into the little booth. We'll remember. In November. To vote. For anyone but anyone but you. We'll remember. In November. To vote.
For anyone but anyone but you. I hired an outside expert. We got every single data point for every patient born in my practice. 2,700 variably vaccinated, 560 some unvaccinated and we age matched them and compared them and this is what we found.
This should go on t-shirts. I'm just not organized enough to do it but you'll see vaccinated in orange, blue are the unvaccinated kids and it speaks for itself. At doctorsandscience.com all the slides I'm presenting here are available so don't worry about trying to catch them all on pictures but here we go. We're going to go fast because I only have 15 minutes.
I want you to see these slides. Here's asthma, blue line unvaccinated, yellow vaccinated, allergic rhinitis, eczema, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, otitis media, conjunctivitis, those are eye infections. Wait a minute, I thought vaccines prevented infections.
What's going on here? Vaccines shift the immune system to allergy and autoimmunity and you have more and more infections of other kinds. Here's other infections, here's breathing issues, here's behavioral issues, ADD, ADHD. There was none in the unvaccinated patients for 10 years in my practice. That's unbelievable folks. So what was the response of the medical board to this landmark study?
They yanked my license. I want to tell you something. You'll hear, oh, association does not mean causation.
Have you heard that? That's the reason your story of your vaccine injured child doesn't count. It was just a coincidence. It's not a coincidence if we have multiple other studies and we have a mechanism of action.
I've already explained the aluminum mechanism. There's another mechanism of too many vaccines too soon causes immune activation which causes problems. So here's some other studies. This was the Mawson study. If you see the little white unvaccinated child, relative to that child, the vaccinated kids had twice as much chronic illness, three times as much eczema, four times as much neurodevelopmental autism, ADD, learning disabilities, and 30 times as much allergies.
Published study, peer reviewed. Alrighty, there you go folks. What that was all about.
We had a cut in there. It was really good but he goes into telling you how and then he gets passionate and that's when he, well he used some words that again were not appropriate for this radio program and we had to cut it there but he was talking about these children are dying and how many of them are dying. Young children are dying from these and people are just sitting and they're taking their kids, they're taking their children because they trust a corrupt, corrupt, corrupt government.
They trust this very, very corrupt government and they've been putting their children into public schools and again for 50 years we've been telling you if you love your children, get them out of the public schools. Home school and that's why I was one of the pioneers in home schooling movement right here in Ohio back in the 70s and with that I'm going to turn it over to Wayne Bell and Wayne's got a really big coloring book. Wayne. Thank you. Right here I'm looking at the Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids. Boy I'm going to tell you.
Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids. That's a book, first thank you Pastor Sanders for inviting me onto your show. I'm honored to be on your show.
I like hearing what I hear and I like listening to you speak and I just want to say I'll tell you who I am and who I'm not real quick. I'm a publisher by trade. That's who I am and I cover every slice of this country that you can think of through our books. We make hardback books and a lot of coloring books. I sold coloring books before the internet existed. I'm 63 years old and my first coloring book I made, published, and sold when I was 20 years old. The internet didn't even exist 43 years ago and I've done it ever since.
It's not something I chose after like 20 years. It just dawned on me these books chose me. When the internet started I bought a website called coloringbook.com and I own that website right now and we've become the largest publisher of children's coloring and activity books and custom coloring books in the English speaking world. We also are a Canadian corporation, the Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids, and a few other books that I've published.
I wrote the Tea Party Coloring Book cover to cover. I've written probably 1300 books in my blessed grateful career of being a publisher but we have thousands of books. I publish books for a lot of people and I will tell you anything about my books or my company you want to know but that's who I am.
I'm a publisher but who I'm not. I'll tell you this I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be perfect. I'm just I know in my heart of hearts I'm that poor sinner walking down the end of the road on a dusty road with ragged clothes knowing that my day will come.
I know that in my heart of hearts I grew up on a cotton farm right outside Memphis Tennessee down in the boot hill of Missouri. That's who I am. Who I have become is different. I'm a publisher and I have a global my company has a global footprint and I'm honored that you called me.
I drove back into the office tonight to speak with you and I say thank you number one. Now let me tell you about the Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids. I'm sitting at my desk a few years ago.
I published this book in 2010 and earlier that year in 2010 this was in the fall of 2010 when I published the book. I was driving through Iowa and I'm pretty sure I was right outside Des Moines in the summer and I saw this I stopped for lunch and to get gas and I was by this little stream that ran right outside Des Moines and I look and I see a group of people dressed up in like period clothing and all gathered together and they were doing something and I'm inquisitive I'm a publisher I went to see what they were doing they go well this is the Tea Party. I'm like you mean like the Tea Party Tea Party from the 1700s they said exactly like 1773 the old Boston Tea Party. I said this is interesting I want to know more so I talked to these folks and I talked to more folks and more folks and so it just landed right in my heart I'm going to write a book called the Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids and I wrote this book I sat down and wrote it and I didn't stop I just wrote the book from cover to cover and then I published the book and lo and behold when I published the book it ended up in 8,000 media outlets in 2010 and it ended up all over the world. I literally sold these by the trailer load and there's a lot of people who showed us I stood on who made me successful in doing this like Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots out of Georgia Patty and Mark Meckler out of California many of the Tea Party members says this man made a book about the Tea Party and it's so accurate it's so dear it's pure it's cover to cover it's about leadership it's about freedom it's about jobs and this is designed for children it's got things in it like America the Beautiful it talks about the Tea Party the Star-Spangled Banner the U.S. Capitol it tells our history about leadership ingenuity jobs who we are what we do it talks about what is the tax it has the Pledge of Allegiance in it it talks about colonists how to keep government responsible that the government is here to serve the people the people are not supposed to serve the government and it's a good book on controlling spending don't overspend it teaches basics and morals about financial commitment on how to actually be responsible for yourself it has the preamble of the United States Constitution in the book tells how a bill becomes the law it's a real basic book it just tells the the self-reliant good things that people I thought would want to hear and read about and teach their children and so the book comes out and it hits the market and my phones in the in the company ring off of the wall I get I got a call one night and they go hey MSNBC and their entire staff is coloring your your book right now the Tea Party coloring book for kids and they're mocking your book publicly on TV right now and they're making fun of you I said why I turned it on it was Rachel Maddow her whole show they did eight full minutes it's out there I got the videos and then Stephen Colbert mocked me incessantly at night and I thought I've really hit a nerve with people Ariana Huffington wrote a long story about what an idiot I am so to speak and the more they beat me up the more successful this book became and mean we sold this book nationwide and it inspired me to make more I made another book called we shall never forget 9-11 the kids book of freedom which is about the terrorist events the radical islamic muslim terrorist that murdered 3,000 people on 9 11 and I was in the middle of 9-11 it's it's the it's the factual actual book and I put these books out on coloringbook.com and it made people so mad five guys from New York City jumped in a van in New York City to come down to St. Louis put me in what they called a chloroform headlock law enforcement intercepted them because one of them chickened out along the way and turned the other four in and so this is a very unique book and it's real simple it's about the truth and that's what happens is when you take those principles the principles that you and pastor Larson were talking about at the very beginning of the show they're really wrapped up in this book in some way because it's just got the simple stuff of life like America the beautiful the individual liberties that were all born with individual liberties and it means we have freedom of expression freedom of choice freedom of protest freedom from government control over our lives freedom of political choice freedom to choose our own moral ground to take a stand in what we believe is right for us and with liberty comes the responsibility to be a good citizen to educate yourself to attend school to be good in class to work and to pay your bills and pay your taxes and when you grow up helping others is one of the most precious things in the world that you can do many American soldiers many American soldiers died to guarantee our liberties and to be a part of American life that we have built the best liberties on planet earth in the history of the universe probably I just don't know the rest of the universe and so I made this book and I got the crap beat out of the over for many years and I'm not complaining mind you I'm just telling you that's what happened to me and that's the Tea Party coloring book for kids it's on Amazon I think we sell them at Walmart.com too and it's on our website coloringbook.com but it's just a simple book about fun activities with word searches and crossword puzzles and mazes and songs and it's an interactive book that's engaging it's entertaining and it's educational and it takes a unique approach to teaching and it captures the imagination and it encourages you to get involved and participate in life and it tells that the real genius of America is how Tea Party people members truly reflect and represent and respect the homeland the Tea Party it's really considered I found it's considered to be the real American party it's grassroots based it's inclusive in its ideas and this diverse group of humanity known as the Tea Party they are very accepting they're not racist they're not bigots the Tea Party is the most inclusive accepting of all people in America of any group in America it's considered a post racial organization the Tea Party welcomes it embraces people and represents all races it's inclusive and diverse and it doesn't discriminate regardless of what people say about it it does the Tea Party members Tea Party people they don't discriminate based on race or sex or religion and political party opinion or creed or any other factor and they're truly reflective of American exceptionalism the Tea Party is I think and I believe and I put it in the book I think they're the classical American that they'll keep America safe from now on Wayne would you just hold one second that that is dynamite but we're this is pledge week so I've got to get the phone numbers out and first I want to say I want to thank Dana in Texas who pledged 150 and Janet in the Bronx 60 and Donna in Ohio pledge 400 and Carol in New Jersey pledge 25 and Brandon in Detroit pledge 50 thank you thank you thank you the phone numbers are 1-888-281-1110 and that's also with the credit cards and also 888-677-9673 now this book that he's talking about this Tea Party book now we're going to talk about a bunch of others here uh I want to thank you for sending that to me Wayne because when I saw that uh he came in the mail I looked at it because I get a lot of mail and Tea Party for coloring book for kids and I thought I got to see what that that's about because like you said I was the president of our Tea Party out here for four terms and uh you're right the fake news media uh they they say a lot of bad things about us because they fear us that's why they fear freedom but anyhow so I was looking through that and I thought wow and that's what I called you right away I called you we ordered a bunch and we took some we took them to um the Tea Party they went we took them uh to the freedom we had a uh in Painsville out there a Patriot group rally and I took them out there and we had a lot of things on the table but guess what these discoloring books all the moms and dads and the grandparents when the grandparents saw it they went through there and they went and so we have um we have these Tea Party coloring books for kids for you grandparents out there they're dynamite they really are you'll love them and we'll ask we're asking a donation of ten dollars or more we'll mail it to you because a lot of the cost is in the mailing but for donation of ten dollars or more we will mail you this these Tea Party books or and so yeah you've got to let us know that you want it first of all don't you know you've got to be in letter asking yes please send me the Tea Party book because what happens is people will hear this and then they'll send the money but they won't mention they want the book and we're not going to send it to you unless we know you want it but there you go so with that now we have with us I think joining us John Hagen for school board okay John are you there yes I am okay and you're running for a school board I'm running for re-election for state school board of education just a little background on how that works there are 11 elected state school board members so each of us represent about a million people our school board districts are about one and a half times the size of the congressional district three Ohio senate districts make up the state school board seat so rather important position a pretty important work listening to your guests on before me I certainly concur with a lot of what he had to say and and what you're saying about you know kids in public schools being in trouble the in in July of 2020 our board at the objection of a few of us conservatives passed a resolution a diversity equity inclusion resolution that stated things like that schools were racist and the curriculum was racist and all this crazy stuff it took us over a year to get that overturned but we did get it rescinded a year later but the the work in the schools unfortunately the educators are being led to believe that all these things that they're doing are correct in the universities so they're promoting the critical race theory all this gender identity things that you're hearing about in some situations pornography is available to children they're they're talking about gender to children as early as preschool uh it's it's hard to imagine now there's there's what 11 school board members am I right again on the state there are 19 oh 19 of them are appointed by the governor and although we've had republican governors they haven't been very good at appointing any conservative members we have one governor appointee that I would call that I would consider a conservative the rest of them are pretty much liberals and they go along with all this stuff pretty pretty easily we we do have coming up a an important resolution Brendan Shea is one of the elected members also and he's bringing a resolution that is to support parents in local districts in rejecting the coercive harmful and burdensome gender identity policies which are being pushed down by the federal government from Joe Biden's administration where they're distorting title nine to change it to require schools to allow boys and girls restrooms boys and girls sports if they claim that they identify as a girl needless to say these are terrible ideas and but a lot of the schools and we see it real close at hand uh met our school board has told uh or I should say met our administration John uh I wanted to hold it right there for a minute I want you want to pick up on this uh well you're talking about I need we need to give up uh because our scheduled guest here tonight because it all goes along that's why I took your call Wayne Bell with these comic books these these things are made to for homeschoolers and for Christian schools and yes we saw that Wayne I just saw a report here now that this year you had two million more homeschoolers in the country this year two million more that's got to be putting the fear into those in the public full system what do you think I I think it so I would hope so but I think that uh oftentimes they're burying their heads in the sand I think it really has to get bad before they're going to correct their ways it is bad they're these people again you're you're talking about the uh this is the anti-christ system these this is the anti-christ system and I I don't disagree with that when I say it has to get bad I mean that the exodus from the public schools has to get so large that the people that are working in the schools actually wake up that just happened in Illinois right outside St. Louis there was an exodus in one of these counties right outside St. Louis across the river into Illinois um it happened there was such an exodus from the school they literally had like 25 percent of the people there and but the school board would not shut the school down and let the parents unless they charged them so rather than just shut the school and let people go to where they want you know in their schools they taxed these parents to let their kids out of school I wish I remembered the name of the school it was on the news about a month ago and so I thought they're going to get their pound of whatever money um one way or another but and and I thought to myself they just want to teach their children the way they want them to be taught yes and and and they charged those parents to let their kids out of school and and and they charged those parents a tax to let them go to a different school and they're already paying for it for what so it's just insane what's going on the good news here in Ohio is we have a legislature that is awake and moving moving in pretty strong uh motion towards uh backpack bill uh and if you're not familiar with the backpack bill what that says is that money follows the child and the child can go where the parents want them to and that could be Christian school it could be any kind of private school it can be another public school that actually sounds quite reasonable yeah that's that's been worked on hard in the legislature they also have expanded the vouchers tremendously over the years and opened it up to a wide array of children rather than just the ones in academic distress and poverty they've opened it up where a lot more people are able to take advantage but I would just say that you know if there was anything good that came out of the pandemic or the so-called pandemic in my opinion it was the fact that parents got to see what was happening to their children in schools they were able to see you know on the on the on the screen when the kids were at home getting schooling or their attempt to give them schooling over the internet they were getting to see what these teachers were teaching and a lot of them are up in arms and and that's good it's you know one of the concerns for me always is when I when I see these things happen how long will people stay awake the the interest in education is always listed at a high point on surveys and so on but when it comes to people really getting involved they don't tend to stay involved long enough so I know that the uh the New York Times ran an article about me which I was glad they ran an article about the company and and what we published but this particular article was about the tea party coloring book for kids and the 9-11 book that we shall never forget 9-11 and they did a quarter page on me right next to me was a quarter page on Anna Wintour the famous designer and then a half page above me on the Obamas and what they basically said was is that the tea party coloring book for kids the only thing that I really cared about was the color of money and that I was brainwashing children with politics and there's nothing political in the book but the fact was I asked them why did you write that they said because that's what I'm doing and after that not really I'm simply telling about the Boston Tea Party based on the U.S. government archives then in 1776 the Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence and now we celebrate you know the 4th of July called Independence Day I said there's nothing brainwashing about that let me jump in here real quick we have to again this is pledge week so I want to say thank you to Kevin in Ohio pledges 100 anonymous in Texas 200 Nancy in Wisconsin pledges 50 Ellie in Philly pledges 40 and folks the numbers are 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 that's 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 now we still have we're still right now five thousand short we're five thousand short of our goal for tonight so we have a lot of work to do a whole lot of work folks we got to hear those phones ringing yeah we can we can do that we need to hear hear from you right away at 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 look we're we're out here we're outnumbered by the fake news media so we're the ones that have to bring you the end run around all the propaganda put out by the fake news media out there they have you know they're owned you know by the communist party and so we got to hear from you help us out there 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 fellas look you know we've been for 50 years 50 years I've been telling people look the NEA is a communist organization they are simply a part of the of the collective of the communist party they're a cell of the communist party like the ACLU and like these other organizations these people are anti-god anti-american and they're anti-education they're into indoctrination that's the reality and that's why I've been telling people you need to get your children out of the public schools they're not being educated to be an indoctrinated now after I said that I want to say this that some of the school boards out in the suburbs out in the countryside where the parents are on the school board they haven't been totally taken over by the NEA I know that that's not the case but it will be if you don't stop it and that's why that's what that's what this is all about and and these coloring books here we shall never forget 9 11 again this these are absolute dynamite books and here's one I wanted to say the American presidents this is the American president coloring book is literally a list of all the American presidents in one book it tells who they are their history when they were in office what political affiliations they were and it tells the wonderful things they did it's a very positive upbeat book that tells the positive aspects of being an American citizen it tells about all the great things the great accomplishments about you know freedom opportunity lower taxes really you know diversity free enterprise gun rights it talks about all the different things that the American presidents have done for the American people and I just don't understand sometimes why people in the in the United States say we're the most evil empire to ever exist when it's just in reality all they're wanting to do is destroy the country so in American presidents it's a beautiful book I'm looking at a copy right now I think it's about 60 pages and it tells all the American presidents and you know who who they are and what they do and about their families and just information about the history of the people that have helped run the country the greatest nation in history and just saying that the greatest nation in history has gotten some of our books banned on in schools literally I mean I don't want to be the victim of anything because I'm the last thing I ever want to be is the victim truly but sometimes people kick us to the curb because they consider the company are some of the products we make conservative when in reality we reflect America as we find it we go with the facts and and the tea party coloring book for kids is that's the facts that the the 911 coloring book was just inducted so to speak into the 911 memorial national museum in New York City as a reflection of how some people in America deal with the tragedy called 911 it's a horrific event Wayne it's continues even today yes Wayne Pastor Joe you've got to remember something truth is hate to those who hate the truth the truth it's almost like taking hot coals and pouring it you bring out their hate you know what I I get it I get that I wish I had always gotten that I really do but sometimes I fight that's true but here's here's the truth we're up against a hard break so hang tight and we'll be back right after this hard break thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry head to wrwl.org that's wrwl.org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14781 Sperry road Newberry Ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word cleveland.com the word cleveland.com once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the Christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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