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TUE HR 2 091322

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 14, 2022 12:35 am

TUE HR 2 091322

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Donate and listen to the podcast at You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. And that's something that every lawyer knows and every lawyer will tell you. And by that it means this. The Department of Justice made mass arrests. They flashbanged innocent people. They kicked down doors. They terrorized people. Who knows what else they did.

That's just what we've had reported so far. They put people into solitary confinement. They did sensory deprivation. We're talking about stuff that would be considered war crime if it were happening in Russia and Ukraine, right? If the Russians were kicking down doors, well, they probably are. They are committing war crimes, obviously. But if you kick down someone's door, take them from their family, throw them in a dark room and deny them all interaction with the world, you're a war criminal, right?

That's the way it works. Well, that's happening here in the United States of America. So what they did with that shock and awe, not my words, that was the words used on 60 Minutes by a high-level prosecutor. What they did by that process was destroy people's lives and then made it so that you couldn't afford to have a lawyer and you couldn't defend yourself. And then they said, okay, you're destitute. Your reputation is destroyed. You can't have a bank account.

We've completely nuked you. Now why don't you just plead guilty to a misdemeanor. You won't get jail time or you won't get much jail time. It's only a misdemeanor.

Hey, what's the big deal? And then people started pleading guilty right away because they didn't have the resources to fight these false charges. And now the Department of Justice can say, oh, look, we've gotten 100 convictions. We've got 200 convictions. We're really taking action against this insurrection that happened on January 6th. But if you're actually a lawyer, you go, no, these are all chicken crap misdemeanor offenses that were fabricated, that were not legally viable.

But what are you going to do with these people that are poor and destitute? So one gentleman actually was able to fight in court. He had the resources, fortunately, to fight in court. And he was acquitted because he was let in by Capitol Police. And it was testified, the Capitol Police officer testified under oath that an order was given to wave people in. We all knew this, right? But what do you do if you just lost your job?

Your life is destroyed. You were waved in and you're not able to fight it. So what the Department of Justice is doing is I consider a major war crime. And I read that Kevin McCarthy said that he doesn't want Joe Biden impeached for quote unquote political reasons. And to say that I'm furious about that, and I've never liked McCarthy at all, but to say that that is an insult to everyone who's been a victim of these crimes.

I want war crimes tribunals. We know that when the GOP retakes power, we know that they're going to say, oh, we're not going to pass Biden's $4.5 trillion budget, inflation, deficits, blah, blah, blah. We saw that in Paul Ryan and Barack Obama. We all know how it's going to end.

They're going to fight a little bit. Oh, this is terrible, deficits. And then we know they're going to do this, right?

Okay, fine. We've got to have war crime tribunals, though, for the people who died of suicide, for the opioid crisis, and for the shock and awe techniques by the Department of Justice. None of this, like, we're not going to impeach Biden.

Who are you? You want to be Speaker of the House of Representatives? And you're afraid to take on Biden and the regime?

I don't know. I think that's the biggest problem right now is that Dr. Allison, Pennsylvania, who, though, obviously, that's a shame what they did to Sean Parnell to, you know, what a great travesty for a judge to do that. But I'm way more worried about McCarthy becoming Speaker of the House than I am that some TV goober is going to be another, you know, vote in the Senate to vote along with Caucus with Romney and Susan Collins. But, you know, big whoop.

McCarthy's a real problem, I think. Let's go. I want to go to Michigan because you're a lawyer. It's so shocking what we found out of Michigan. This was an FBI and DOJ operation, right?

I mean, the logistics around it, what they had to do to get the war. So walk us through, doesn't that lead us to say we've got to get to the bottom of 6th January in the Fed's direction? I mean, we've got to stop playing games here and get to the bottom of what the FBI, DHS, the National Security State and DOJ under. And this was Ray and Bill Barr, right? Bill Barr, the same guys that suppress the heart, the laptop from hell.

We're in back of this. What do you think has to happen, Mike Cernovich? Well, that was in October. Surprise. How do you not investigate the Michigan kidnapping hoax as election interference? I know that would be my first question is how do you, Kevin McCarthy, not investigate that October surprise as election interference? You want to talk about election disinformation? Let's talk about election disinformation. That was an election disinformation campaign orchestrated by the highest levels of the FBI, the highest levels of Department of Justice.

So how do you not hold immediate tribunals on that? Now, I will say that when the arrest happened, I was one of the first people to say that I thought that it was fake. I worded it a little bit.

Well, as you know, if you read my tweets, I can be a little crass sometimes. But the substance of it was that the FBI couldn't stop 9-11. So what they do is they would find some Muslim who is schizophrenic and say, oh, don't you want to do the jihad? Here you go.

Hey, we'll help you out. And they find lonely Muslim men and use a fake female profile to say, oh, if you're a real man, if you're a real man, take action, right? If you're a real Muslim man, here's what you have to do. And next thing you know, the guy shows up to a site and he's raided. The FBI goes, wow, look, we stopped another.

We stopped another jihadist. No, you didn't. You preyed upon an either emotionally vulnerable or mentally ill young man. So right away, I knew when the Michigan thing happened and the tweet is all timestamped, the receipts are all available. I said they found some destitute guys. I didn't know anything but the headline. All I do is I understand the FBI.

I understand the way the government really works. I knew right away, oh, they found some ne'er-do-wells who in this case happened to fit the demographic of the much hated white man. And then they were able to set him up. And then sure enough, it happens, it turns out the lead FBI agent was a swinger with a BDSM thing and beats up his wife, gets drunk. They're all druggies, right? I mean, you can't honestly make it up except that you realize that we live in such a demonic world that that's all what you expect. This is who it is.

These are who these people are. So right away, I knew that it would be uncovered as essentially a hoax. And sure enough as it was, and I feel bad for the people who have to go through that process because again, like I said at the beginning of the segment, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. There's a lot of stress, a lot of destruction of family relationships, a lot of lost finances.

It essentially upends your life forever. And that's again what the Department of Justice is doing to people. So I would really like to hear Kevin McCarthy explain why there's not going to be human rights tribunals.

You know, I'd like for somebody to ask him, what do you mean you don't want to impeach Biden for quote unquote political reasons? What are you talking about? Who are you? What world you live in? You and Frank Luntz, is that what some poll that Frank Luntz commissioned with a bunch of people on 14th Street in D.C. and maybe Shelley's Cigar Lounge or something told you, a bunch of lobbyists told you? I just wonder where people come up with this kind of stuff that you're not going to have a human rights tribunal?

Are you kidding me? Who are you? Where did you come from?

Who created you? Sirovich, if Jim Jordan or ISA take oversight or take and they get a special commission to start looking at impeachment on the invasion of the southern border, on what happened here with the whole issue of domestic terrorism, on the whole Fauci situation, on the laptop from hell, could we count on you? If they ask you, would you volunteer and become one of the special counsels for that?

You're a tough lawyer. Would you volunteer for that? I absolutely would. It would be a great public service even knowing that they would try to make a martyr out of me. We all know that that's what they would do is make a martyr out of me and that's what they need.

We need the pit bulls on the right. Where's the Andrew Weissman of the right to call this what it is, to call this a human rights violation, to call this war crimes, to call these crimes against humanity, to call this election disinformation, to start subpoenaing the DOJ and all their phones. Let's start looking into them based on, again, just the facts. This is not Mike Sirovich, stay at home dad, comes up with a kooky conspiracy theory. This is just me saying I knew the day that the arrest happened that it wasn't going to be what they said. I knew that it was going to be exactly the opposite of what they said. I knew that it was election disinformation, election interference, and this should be prosecuted as a crime, as a felony. It should be treated as felony election disinformation. There has to be trials.

How do you not have trials? Here's what I don't understand about these people. The conservative Christian base, the conservative base more broadly, they know that they're going to get railroaded on the budget.

You just know by now. You've got to give these people something. Or why are they going to vote? What's the incentive to vote?

You can have Dr. Oz caucus with Mitt Romney and Susan Collins and they can vote for a judge who gives lenient sentences and very serious cases. Oh, and you're going to get four trillion dollar budgets. Oh, and you're going to get double digit inflation. Oh, you're going to get a war. Maybe you won't. Oh, you're going to be called a Russian spy after the Democrats did that and gaslit you for five years.

Now you're going to be gaslit and emotionally abused for another five years. Oh yeah, and we're not going to impeach Biden because that's not really appropriate, right? We don't really want to do that. So why, this is what I ask, why would you go out to vote if you're a Republican? This is not a question that they can answer that they want to answer. Like, why?

What's the point? Oh, great, more deficit budgets. We'll get a few headlines. Oh, that's, wow, wow, that's bad. Okay, budget, budget too high, bad.

You'll slice off 400 million maybe if people are lucky. But nobody cares about that anymore because they know that there isn't going to be any change. So I don't know how you don't promise and you don't run on human rights tribunals. And I mean that language.

I don't mean here. I don't want to hear me talk about hearing, right? I don't want to hear, oh, we're going to have, I don't want to hear, oh, we're going to have a hearing. No, we want human rights trials.

That's what we want. We want hog style trials and we deserve them and the American people deserve them because there's a genocide happening via the opioid epidemic. There's a genocide happening with it. This is, this is genocide. If you look at the definition of genocide, if you look at, oh, chemical weapons. Oh, did Russia dump sarin gas? Well, now we have to go to World War Three if some, you know, the Azov Italian says that Russia used sarin gas on someone.

You've got to have World War Three now. Well, why wouldn't you call Fentanyl a chemical weapon of mass destruction being imported in the border? Isn't that, isn't that worthy of something? Oh, no, but we don't want to do hearings. We don't want to offend people.

You know, Frank Luntz's focus group, by the way, Frank Luntz worked for, remember he was, he was big and pushing Vioxx. So I think it's all very interesting. And I think that a lot of people need to get their heads on, right? Or, or go away.

You know, if you want to be like Mitt Romney in March with domestic terrorists, go right ahead and do that, but just get out of the way of everyone else. All righty. We are back. And so the question, Joe, first of all, I want, let me just say, bring it on down. I don't know.

Let's go back to where we, we start. Okay. We want to say Claudia in Illinois pledges 50, Denise in Philly pledges 50, Carmen in Connecticut pledges 100, Hector in Michigan pledges 50, Stephanie in New York pledges 77, Sabre in Beverly Hills or Sabre in Beverly. What?

Michigan. Okay. There you go. Pledges 100 and Mike in California pledges 200. Okay.

So all right. Right now we, we are, we need a $4,700. We're $4,700 short of our goal for tonight. We've got less than an hour to raise that $4,700 tonight.

And so those numbers are 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 that's 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3. Now, uh, again, I wanted to tell the folks that we have out there, but you have to ask for it. You got to tell us you want it. We have attempted cure dynamite dynamite book. It's got all from A to Z, all the different elements out there. Uh, folks, we ask a donation of $40. It's got a lot. It's over 300 pages.

Also, everybody's sick. And I know why what donation of $30 in a two is a dynamite book. You hear the songs played on this radio program. We get orders all the time for people. You know, they want, they want us to send them one song. They don't come one song. They come on a CD. They come about 19 or 20 songs.

And, uh, they're, we ask a donation of 20. The red book next to the Bible. It's my favorite book, folks. And I've got about 10,000 books next to my Bible. It's, it's my favorite book.

It's called the red book. And it is really a handy, uh, it's, it's right there. What an aid it is, you know, even when people get Joe's age and they start forgetting things, uh, that book really helps us find the scripture. Don't it, Joe? Yes, it does. And I will admit that I have trouble with memory and the audience knows that. Do you remember any of the things that you forgot, Joe?

It's a constant search. All right. Yeah.

Okay. Uh, Larry Nichols, uh, 28 years to know where we ask a donation. That's a good book to 30. Uh, and then if you get two or more of those things, we will give you a mystery gift. And we got some really good myths. Mystery gifts.

And don't forget, uh, 2000 mules, 2000 mules. We ask a donation of $40 right now. You know, right now we're waiting on it. We're supposed to get a new order in.

We'll get that order in the very next day. We get it in, we'll start shipping it out to you folks. We've already put over 300 of those out and folks, people are watching. See people know they're now think about this. They've, they put out over 22 million have been sold and that many people just think about this. At least if, if each one of those, if two people watched it, it's 44 million people that know the truth.

And that drives the fake news media crazy. And if, if we get these out there, if you get them and you show them, show them in the library, show them in your church, but just show it. If you haven't gotten it yet, you really need to get it. And we ask a donation of $40 and we're told that we should be getting those in any day now. And so Joe, I tell you what we need to do before I answer the question on why should we go vote? Let's, let's pray because we're way behind.

And so I want to just have the folks out there. Listen to pray with us. If you would join us in prayer, we need, we need that. We need your help. If you say, well, I can't afford to give you then at least pray with us because there are many, many people out there listening out there with deep pockets and, and, and, and it could make us part of their giving their mission giving all over the country.

Okay. And it's an investment in the work of the Lord and folks, you can't invest in anything better than the work of the Lord. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord God, again, as we come before you, Lord, you said, ask and you have not because you asked not well, Lord, we've been asking.

We've been doing exactly what you said. And Lord, you know, in all of these years, in all of these years that we've been, Lord, you know, we haven't ever given you any less than our best Lord right now. So Father God, just like I want to thank you for those people that the FBI is going after the FBI is arresting because Lord those those are people that have courage and they have integrity and honor and they stand up for and we're living in the time these the FBI has become just like the KGB or the Gestapo out there today. And Lord, we we wonder every day, even those of us, I wonder when they're going to come in the middle of the night 30 or 40 of them and kick in my doors.

You know, because because these are jackbooted thugs, they become that way. And so Lord, we have to wonder about this yet we know one thing you've told us we must obey God rather than man. We must be doers of the word doers of the word not just here is only and and again Lord we will say we will obey God and not man so we know you've told us that resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

We know from Genesis to Revelation you made a very clear that resistance to tyranny is obedience failure failure failure to resist tyranny is always disobedient. So Father God is again we come up for you tonight. We're asking Lord that you motivate your people Lord we we need to hear from him out there tonight.

Lord, I wish we didn't have to ask for a dime. We have we can afford it. I wouldn't but in order to stay on the air to and Lord to keep continued to be the watchman on the wall, because they're going to need Lord, they're going to need what we what we bring to them as long as we can as long as you keep us here. And we know as long as your hand is upon us the FBI and Merrick Garland and every every corrupt creature from the gates of hell cannot remove us as long as your hand is upon us. And so Lord we ask that you continue to use us and Lord as we look for your return. We say even so Lord come quickly these things we ask in Jesus name. Amen. All right, I want to say that here.

Where do we leave off? Okay. All right, 888-281-1110 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 and Joe. I want to remind the folks out there the newsletter we send the newsletter out. And Joe, you know, what kind of information we send out that we get compliments all the time from people on our newsletter and do like I do I take my copy. I've got a copy machine. I make a bunch of copies hand them out of church hand them out to my family friends and I ask everyone I give a copy to to do the same. So that one copy maybe turns into a hundred or two hundred.

I don't usually know but it reaches a lot of people saves the ministry a lot of money and spreads the truth. All right, very good. Here's some of the things that are happening out there. Tell you something remember way back when we were telling people about the Dominion voting machines and some problems. Well, it turns out that computer experts and security experts warn of a serious threat to Georgia voting machines and it came down to you know, the midterms are just a couple of months away and these experts are telling them to switch to a hand-marked paper ballots. It the group urged them to stop using the state state's Dominion voting touchscreen voting machines and it also suggests a mandate a type of post-election audit and the outcome. So these 13 experts sent a big letter to the members of the state election board and the Secretary of State their bread rest reference burger non-voting non-voting member of the board there in Georgia stuff. Stuff we were telling you a long long time ago that's getting validated over and over and over and just had to put that plug in.

I mean, it's not I don't mean to what what do you call, you know pat ourselves on the back but we have been putting a lot of truth out there far ahead of the media far ahead and then we tell you what it's been validated by other news stories. Well, you know, it was President Trump that that really exposed Rassenberger. He was the one of the first ones that and boy they attacked him but he went after them and we told you that they were as corrupt as corrupt kids out there again. We saw what was happening in Georgia when they kicked all the Republicans out of the polling place and then they pulled all the boxes out from underneath the tables. It was on film. I mean, you could see them pull off the suitcases and we saw him in Michigan where several things where a truck came in a big box truck and then load of thousands and it said right on the trucks Biden ballots. These are fake Biden ballots in Michigan. In Michigan, they actually boarded up the windows. They boarded up the windows at the election Board of Elections. So and would not allow any Republicans in and then they use dirty cops right there in Michigan. He's dirty cops to go out and force the Republicans out so they couldn't see a marking and switching the ballots. You know, I mean unbelievable but see well now they've got a Democrat running around out there Tim Ryan Democrat from your home state of Ohio as kind of saying well really American to kill and confront Republicans. He he was talking about all I'm bipartisan blah blah blah, but he said some answers will come from the GOP. They won't be from the quote extremists that we're dealing with every single day.

We've got to kill and confront that movement. He's talking about any Trump supporter any magna person that you remember pastor and Biden got up and called us anti-fascist were terrorists were the ones that are angry hateful were the dangerous ones. I remember when that 2016 election. There were riots in the street Hillary Clinton had people what there were 25,000 people marched on Trump Tower.

There were over 12 about 12,000 people were Los Angeles Wilshire Boulevard. There were people attacked and beaten up and about I've got about five or six examples. Some of the electors had were bombarded the fact they were demanding the Republican Electoral College members ignored their vote and dump Trump and elect Hillary. These people on the electors received threats thousands of abusive phone calls thousands of emails death threats.

One of the guys Michael Benarion said I've had people talk about point putting a bullet in the back of my mouth. These people call not only for the burning of myself with my whole family to be burned. All right now the left is accusing us of doing the things that they have done and they are continuing to do you must figure this out people they always accused the communists always accused the other side of doing exactly what they're doing. They are the ones who did the violence. They are the ones who rioted in the streets.

They're the ones who were beating people up then and now and this is why we need to defeat these people. All right, we want to say Mikey California pledges 200 Bill and Hartfield pledges 200 Jan and Minnesota pledges 75 and Jerome in California pledges 50. Thank you.

Thank you. You want to know. Yes, we're getting there. Okay, Joe. Now, you know, the question that we just heard in that clip we played from Bannon was that why why should people Republicans because everything's always the election is always rigged and you have these politicians like Lindsey Graham who these rhinos that always sell us out always so and so what why why should they even bother to vote. We know we're going to get sold out.

Okay. So what do you think the answer to that is Joe. Well, I think you've got the best one but I'm going to give a sub answer because God knows that much of his church has not registered to vote much of the church has never gone and voted a great deal of the church has never gotten involved in politics because somebody said all the church shouldn't get involved in politics, so they don't talk about issues. They let the devil run the government. They let the devil educate their children in the school system and God is waiting for his people to wake up and set things right and bring this nation back to that nation under God, where all our institutions of law and government were based on his Ten Commandments the teaching of the New Testament.

I think that's one answer. You've got another. Well, one of first of all, if you don't go and vote if you don't vote then you have no right to complain when the enemy gets into office, but more than that God has made it very very clear. He didn't he didn't make this an elective. He made a very very clear. We are to be salt and light. We're to be salt and light. We're to be to lead this and he tells you to go and be doers of the word not here is only deceiving yourself. Now folks listen when you go out and go to battle. He said who will fight on the Lord's side who will fight on the Lord's side. You don't go out and go to battle when you go to war. You don't say well, I don't know if I'm going to go to war.

I might not win it. That's not the idea when you answer the call you answer the call now the opposition is out there. The Bible says that we are more than conquerors. If you have faith, we're more than conquerors than Christ through to the Lord Jesus Christ. We have to take this battle to the Communist Party. They are the Antichrist party. They are Antichrist everything within the deathocratic collective today is Antichrist. It's all about death. It's all about death and listen to you know, what if you don't have the guts to stand up and like men and say, you know what I'm going to go and I'm going to win this battle today.

Today. I was telling you when the sheriff came out and spoke at Doers of the Word Baptist Church, and he cur he the sheriff told us to to stand up defend your property defend your life defend each other and he made it very very clear and that in our County where we have we only have a couple FBI agents, but they work right together with the Sheriff's Department and they don't they're not they don't come in as bullies or anything. They actually do their job.

Okay out in our County. And so but it made it very clear to that. We have the responsibility if we have these rogue agents, they come out or if burn loot and murder or at the phone, you know, they made the stress that they're going to come out in the suburbs and burn down the white people's houses. Well, our Sheriff made a very very clear but more than that somebody much more important with much more authority made a very very clear and that's the Lord Jesus Christ when he instructed his disciples to sell their robe and buy a sword and the point was that they had to be prepared to defend each other. This is the time we're talking about today. We know that the Lord's return is imminent.

We know it's coming soon. But until then we are to stand here to occupy. We are to occupy and hold our ground until he returned of folks. So again, that's why and so shame on you if you don't go out and vote shame on you. Shame on you if you're if you're not registered to vote.

Okay. And if there's time I real quick for the break Thomas Payne back during the revolution at this quote those who profess to favor freedom yet depreciate agitation or men who want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain without the Thunder and lightning. The roar of the waters this struggle may be a moral one or it may be a physical one or it may be both moral and physical but it must be a struggle power concedes nothing without demand it never did in history. It never will find out just what the people will submit to and you have found the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be opposed upon them and these wrongs will continue until they are resisted with either words blows or both or votes. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppressed. If you take it, you'll be a slave. You want to be free. You better stand up and say no, we're not going to take this from our government.

We're not going to take it. That's right. We're going to change things up a little bit in there Craig. What we what would you need to do is get that I want to play that song by John Wayne where it's face the flags on. So I would tee that up and here.

Meanwhile, Deacon Mark pledges 100 Thank you, Deacon Mark. Okay. And so when you can pot that up and we're going to play that but as we go into that to a quick one here former Twitter security chief to Congress Twitter leadership is misleading public and can track any users location at any time. This is what we've we've known Joe we've known this all along. So finally, the chickens are coming home to roost at Twitter, huh?

Yeah, hopefully a lot of things will be coming out. They've been letting Chinese operatives in all kinds of things. They've been all don't let it interfere with growth. Don't let whatever the problem is.

We don't want it to interfere with the growth of the company. And basically this whole nation has been selling itself out for the love of money. Well, I wanted to say God bless this lady and I'll tell you what that's all about right after this. Face the flags and read what's written history, the progress heritage we share our flag reflects the past stands so much more in this age of Aquarius.

It still flies in the full. It leaves the forward movement shared by all mankind to learn love to live with peace of mind. Learn the mysteries of space as well as those of Earth. Love each man for what he is, regardless of his birth. Live without the fear of reprisal for relief.

Ease the tensions of a world that cries out relief. Face the flag of stars and bars, of red and white and blue. A flag that guarantees the rise for men like me and you. Face the flag, son. Take a good long look. What you're seeing now can't be found in a history book. It's the present, the future, son. It's being written now.

You're the one to write it. The flag can show you how. You know what it stands for? What its makers meant? To think, to speak, privilege of dissent. To think our leaders might be wrong to stand and tell themselves. These are the things that other men under other flags will never know. But responsibility, that's the cross that free men must bear.

If you don't accept that, freedom isn't there. Face the flag of stars and bars, of red and white and blue. A flag that guarantees the rise for men like me and you. Face the flag, son.

Face reality. Our strength and our freedoms are based in unity. The flag is but a symbol, son.

The world's greatest nation. As long as it keeps flying, there's cause for celebration. So do what you gotta do, but always keep in mind. A lot of people believe in peace, but there are the other kind. If we want to keep these freedoms, we may have to fight again, God forbid. But if we do, let's always fight to win. The fate of a loser is futile, it's bare.

No love, no peace, just misery and despair. Face the flag, son, and thank God it's still there. He's already called in. I told him to call in. Well, Hugh knew before we did that our dear brother Coach Duane is having some bad problems with a gallbladder attack.

Yes, he is hurting, he is sick and is going to need immediate medical help. And Lord, we just ask that you be with him, that you be with the doctors and nurses that care for him, that you help control this emergency and see that he arrives safely through it. He is a great warrior for the gospel, a great witness in his testimony, and a dear friend to those of us in the ministry. And Lord, we just ask that you bless him in every way possible, in Jesus' precious name, Amen. Coach has been a soldier, he's been out there, when he makes his movies, the fire, he doesn't, well here he is, let's bring Coach up.

Coach, you're in the air. Hello gentlemen, and God bless you. You too, God bless you, thanks for the, you have made a pledge of $100, thank you Coach, and Daniel at North Carolina, pledge $100 too, thank you Daniel. I had a severe attack the other day that brought me for about 25 minutes, I broke out into a violent, violent sweat, I didn't want to go to hospital, and it finally let up, and I was begging God, and I could see where it's starting to act up tonight, so I just want to ask God, I don't want another one of these attacks because they're horrible. They certainly are, and I can understand why you don't want to go to the hospital. Go through, but I think you better get yourself to a hospital my brother. Yeah, hopefully I can get through this, and then go get, maybe get an ultrasound and find out if there's stones in there, but anyway, thanks for praying, and God bless, I love you guys. Well thank you Coach.

We love you, and we're wishing that this would be over quickly. Thanks for all you do, well you know why he didn't want to go to the hospital. Yeah. Nowadays, again like everything else, a lot of people don't want to go to the hospital nowadays, and we have stories every single day, we have people calling us and telling us that they're trying to give them remdesivir. Well they can't confuse a gallbladder with COVID. Yeah, they can too, they can too, people have gone in there with totally unrelated diseases, and because of the money involved, and you know, and if they die, and we have a clip that you need to really hear, and well I played one where the two nurses that were on that were crying. They were crying, they said they were purposely killing people, and I think the one hospital was on, it was New York Hospital, and they were purposely, but because of the money involved, they got so much money, it wouldn't have if they died from COVID.

Wow. When they were actually dying from the vaccines. I contacted Wendy Wilson, she's going to send out some milk thistle and some other stuff, and I'm just hoping I can get by on this, but I'm going to get off here because I don't feel too good, but I'm going to listen to you guys, and thanks for your prayers, love you guys, God bless.

God bless you coach, yeah Wendy, Wendy's on top of stuff, she's really good at that. Alrighty, you know, here's, I wanted to say this for this lady here, pro-life mother shuts down abortion advocate on the Dr. Phil show, despite it was a setup to favor the pro-abortion position, Joe, virtually every television program that I've gone on, secular, you know, to take the pro-life position has been a setup, every one has been a setup, but I knew that going in, I knew that going in, and guess what, every single time I whooped him, every time. Here, although the Dr. Phil show was a setup to favor the pro-death position, a pro-life mother stunned the entire studio by effectively shutting down a pro-death obsessed liberal, and they got a picture of the two here, and boy you can tell, you can tell the difference between the lady and the liberal. It goes on to say that presidents and founder Lila Grace Rose appeared on the Dr. Phil show Monday to defend the sanctity of life.

Rose did an excellent job of defending the rights of the unborn and educating those who support abortion and the importance of the most fundamental right that a human process possesses, which is the right to life. During the show, one abortion advocate accused Rose of having no empathy. There was nothing you could possibly say to justify the level of lack of empathy.

That's the problem. I feel like this country, at the moment we were founded on the lack of empathy, and we just kept up with that tradition. You have no empathy, she said. Abortion is devastating to a woman's mental health.

No one talks about that, Rose responded. Yeah, they don't tell you that these women that have killed their babies are seven times more likely to commit suicide than the ones that have not. I guarantee you, my wife and I ran on a board of a large maternity home and crisis pregnancy center, and we can't tell you how many women came in who had had abortions that were turning to drugs, alcohol, cheating in their marriage, destroying their lives. The guilt, the guilt, the guilt was tremendous, and we saw so much of it.

I can validate every word she's saying is 120% true. Because the wages of sin is death, Joe. The wages of sin is death.

The child stays with you forever. All right, here you go. The top eight ways that the AMA, the FDA, the CDC bury natural cures.

You know what, I'm going to save this for tomorrow because we have, Lord's willing, if we can stand here we're going to have Miss Wendy with us tomorrow and this would be a good one for her to look at here. Project Veritas, New York Middle School's teacher encourages students to engage in political violence and throw bricks at old people with opposing views. What do you think of that, Joe? It sounds like the public fool system is getting crazier and crazier just about the time you think they can't get any worse.

It does. And it's continuing, get your children out. If you love your children, your grandchildren, especially in the larger metropolitan areas, get your children out. Home school, Christian school, it's time to save their souls.

I mean, literally save their souls. All right, Leo Holman writes this, actually Leo Holman Biden's executive order designed to release transhumanist hell on America. He needed proof that the power is pushing the levers behind the mindless moron who says that the Oval Office are fully on board with the World Economic Forum, United Nations agenda and the biomedical tyranny and transhumanism look no farther than the executive order that Joe Obama Biden signed on Monday, September 12th. And hang on, I got to turn a page on this. The transhumanist with big pharma have completely taken over government policy and taxpayers funds to promote their own anti-human agenda of hacking the software of life.

It also clearly demonstrates who has the power and who sets the policies in America. The MRNA injections that have already gone into the bodies of at least 70% of adults in the US. I don't believe that number.

Joe, I don't believe they keep telling us that and I know this is where he's getting the stats, but the people that I'm talking to and I read out there in the public and that they're telling me they haven't gotten it. Okay. Right now we're right here. We're in a studio.

Not one person in this studio has gotten them. Okay. The RNA injections have already gone into the bodies of at least 70% of the adults in the US mark the gateway to transhumanism. We have been told by this Kingston as well as by the late Dr. Zeb Zelenko and Dr. Malone, Dr. Robert Malone, a co-inventor of the MRNA platform. was one of the first sites to blow the whistle on Moderna's former chief medical officer, Tal Zaks, who told the world straight up in December 2017, we have hacked the software of life. And that is the RNA gene editing biotechnology would be incorporated into vaccines to treat and prevent all manner of illnesses. We've seen now how well they work with millions getting sick and millions dying after getting two or more doses of the COVID injection offered by Moderna and Pfizer. With the FDA and the CDC now totally on board, this MRNA technology is being included in scores of other vaccines, including flu shots. And so, you know, here, here people are killing themselves out there.

We've come to this point, just like, just like the Bible tells you in Proverbs chapter one. I'm looking in Australia, the state Victoria is known for its rigid COVID restrictions. It's people, it's 95% of the adults there have received the vaccines, most have been boosted. And yet government data itself show deaths in August or to the highest level they've ever had. Their data is very good because they have a state law requiring doctors and funeral directors to report deaths online.

The deaths are registered immediately. And so far in 2022, Victoria's registered 32,533 deaths, which is 20% above its average. And all of those that died were vaxxed or double vaxxed. So starting to show up, they're still not claiming it's the vaccine, but those figures, you look at their figures, the British government adults 40 to 70 have received the boosters are twice as likely to be hospitalized and die as those who are not. So starting to come out all over the country, different studies are a little different in different countries, but same results.

People are dying from the shots and many others are becoming very ill, sick with all kinds of problems, especially heart. Rosita in Michigan pledges 300. Teresa in Dallas pledges 100. Bob in Dallas pledges 100.

Karen in Illinois pledges 40. Okay, thank you. Thank you. All right, folks, we're, we're just, we don't have much time left, I can tell you, we're going to be here for a few minutes after the program tonight. Okay, so.

All right, there you go. So now we have right now we are about 36 we didn't, we need about 3600 we're about 3600 short, we got about. We got about five minutes to raise that 3000 credit card number is 1-888-281-1110. That's 1-888-281-1110.

The main line is 888-677-9673 888-677-9673. Remember, we're totally dependent on you the listener. It's up to you, it's your hands so we just ask you to perfectly consider if you want to hear from us here this radio ministry on the station you're listening to you must help us pay the bill. Nobody in this ministry takes any money any salary, and your donations pay the bills that keep us on the air we're dependent solely on you.

And we can't be kicked off of Twitter and Facebook or anything else. It's in your hands so we just it's up to you folks. All right, Joe, you know what I'll tell you what we're doers of the word not here is only, I'm going to, I'm going to pledge another way up we pledge 1000 last night, we're going to pledge another thousand doors of the word church, and we're going to ask, we're going to ask some people to match it, we just need a few people to match us out there.

Right now, we need actually about three people to match us, we can get three people to match us. We're home free. Right. Well, when you said about being doers of the word your church is very church is very aptly named but Scripture also says, be a doer of the word, be a doer of the work, that's what God assigns you to do, be a doer of his law. And basically he says, keep his commandments if you love me you will obey me. And it all comes down to do the will of my father Jesus said the will of my father which is in heaven, and everything that Jesus has asked us to do.

Witness, testify, reprove, rebuke, you know, pray, stand in the gap, run to the battle, fight to fight, you know, go out and every word he's uttered that he's asked of us to do the work is an active verb. And then in Scripture it says very plainly if you support a ministry or a prophet and you get to share in all the blessings that anything that blesses God you get to share in. And remember we have the King's Word School of the Bible, the Right to Life ministry, a prison ministry, we have a trucking ministry, several of us have been in hospice or still are. Anything that we do that blesses God in the ministry, God says you get to share in the blessings. You can lay up some crowns and treasures in heaven, we can thank you but God can give you those crowns and treasures because you're serving him. I wanted to give our most sincere condolences to the Herman family there in Florida where Norm Herman has passed away yesterday.

He passed away, I believe Norm was about, let's see, well he was in his early 80s and again our most sincere condolences to the entire Herman family for Norm's death. All right, Joe we've got about three minutes left and so, three, okay there you go, we've got three minutes left, so get at it. I can tell you the most important thing, Scripture tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart, to trust him, trusting in God. And if we are to trust him, he tells us that Jesus said, ye must be born again. So, if you trust Jesus, you have to be born again because he commands it.

What do you do to be born again? Well, the first word we talked earlier tonight, Jesus preached in his ministry was the word repent because the wages of sin are death. Repent, we call upon the Heavenly Father, we repent that our sins, your sins, my sins, Pastor Ernie, our sins put Jesus Christ on that cross at Calvary. He took your place, he took my place, he did a substitutionary death, he paid the price for our sins, so we have to first repent that our sins placed in there, that he had to suffer and die for us. And ask the Father to forgive us for that, a truly repentant heart. And then we ask the Lord Jesus that we want him to come into our life, to be Lord of our life, all of our life.

We can't have reservation, we have to give ourself to him. And then we ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God, that is our spiritual baptism, and that indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes us that born again believer, that child of the kingdom, the joint heir with Jesus in everlasting life that makes us the son or daughter of the living God himself, an adopted child of God. And we become that new, what the scripture says, new creation, new creature. You will be changed, that repentant heart, God will change you, that repent means to turn from your wicked ways and walk toward the Lord and away from your sin. And it will be the greatest thing that has ever happened to you, it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, my wife, those that are truly born again are the happiest people I know. You have a peace that, well scripture said, that surpasses all understanding, and you have a down payment on everlasting life. What a wonderful opportunity, but you have to claim it.

You have to claim Jesus as Lord and claim his mercy and his blessings. All right Joe, you said it there, so we are out of time for tonight folks, we're going to be here for a little while, we still need to hear from you. Good night, and God bless, and always, always, always, keep fighting the fight! Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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