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SUN 082822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
August 28, 2022 10:20 pm

SUN 082822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Bundle discount not available in all states or situations. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. This is Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. In Matthew 24 verse 8, our Lord warns of a future time that he calls the beginning of sorrows.

The world is on the brink of that time. In Hosea chapter 4 verses 1 through 3, we read, Hear the word of the Lord, you children of Israel. For the Lord have a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the land.

By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood. Therefore, shall the land mourn and everyone that dwelleth therein shall languish with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven. Yes, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. I believe that that passage of scripture currently describes the deplorable moral condition of both America and Israel today. Please join with us on September 11th for a national day of repentance, fasting, and praying for revival. Encourage your pastor to preach a sermon on repentance, fasting, and revival on 9-11-22.

May God bless America. All right, do you know what? That was just a recording. I'm the real thing. I'm live right here on this 28th day of August, Sunday, 2022. And we're going to start. The title of the message was, Cancelled by God. Well, you know, you hear too much, so much about the cancel culture today. If you're not politically correct, or actually, if you're not incorrect about just about everything, well, the cancel culture wants to cancel you. The one thing the cancel culture will not tolerate, and that is the truth.

They will not tolerate the truth. So the time is coming, and this will happen, and we're going to talk about it tonight. We see the future time when God cancels the cancel culture. And we start here tonight in Revelation chapter 17. Now there came out of the seven angels, there came one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying to me, Come hither. Excuse me. I'm going to take a sip here.

I've got a little piece of a peanut caught in my throat, folks. But anyhow, I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth above many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have made drunk with a wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness, and I saw a woman set up on a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, and scarlet color, and decked with golden and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, in the abominations of all the earth. Well, here, at this application, Babylon was representing the early Roman Empire with its many gods.

Nothing has changed. That early Roman Empire, with its many gods, like America today, and the blood of the Christian martyrs on its hands, today Babylon is the corrupt world government, and there's three parts of Babylon, the political, the economic, and the religious. Now, here, when we take a look at this, and I saw a woman. Now, because of the nature of Babylon, its seductive and sensual nature, like today, like television, everything is out there seduced.

It's made to seduce people, the unwitting. And when he talks about the many nations, the many waters represent many nations. Now, again, here we see the three aspects, and all three of these are found, and it's an interesting thing today, we're found in New York City, and as we get into this, in the United Nations building, you had in New York, you had the World Trade Towers, which represented the economic.

In the UN building, you had the political, and housed within the UN building, you had the World Council of Religions housed within there. So you have all three aspects here, and now, it's an interesting thing, too, because New York City has been known as Babylon around the world. Many nations refer to it as they go as New York as Babylon.

In fact, as you're going into the harbor, just outside the city, you'll see a big billboard that says Babylon. And so, and I believe that's a smaller town there, but anyhow, so we see this, what she's talking about, arrayed in purple and scarlet. These are, the scarlet is the color for, well, sin, as referred to, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hands, full of the abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

Now, he's talking about here how the three of these, how they commit, how Babylon commits fornication with the world. And it says, And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Now, that word there, for admiration, it's not like the word that we use today.

In fact, that means astonished, it means a wonder, with great wonder or great astonishment. Now, here too, the apostate church, the apostate church is filled with the blood of the saints today, even today in the world. And the angel said unto me, and we're talking about the world, the National Council of Churches and the Vatican. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carried her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. And the beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition. And they that dwell in the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life, from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Now, at this time of this writing, Nero Caesar was the sixth king, the sixth king.

He had died. Now, this was the time for the seventh king to arise of Rome. And by the way, there's two cities that have this set on seven hills. There's two cities that said one is Rome and the other is Jerusalem. But here, so, Nero Caesar, again, was the sixth. He was dead during this time.

He was and is not, when this was written. But the spirit, we're talking about the spirit of Antichrist that was in Nero Caesar. And the seven heads of the mountains on which the woman sitteth, and there are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come, and when he cometh, he must continue his short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Now these have one mind, and they shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the lamb, and the lamb shall overcome them, for he is the lord of lords and king of kings, and there with him are called the chosen and the faithful.

And so, and he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples in multitude and nations in tongue, and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Now, it s an interesting thing today. You ll notice that a number of these prosperity preachers are leaving, they ve made their millions and millions of prosperity preachers, but they re leaving the so-called ministry and going into commercial business, and this is happening more and more. Now, you re taking a look at the woke corporations out there, and the corrupt deep state political never really liked anything to do with Christianity, and even the prosperity preachers. Now, they would promote the prosperity preachers.

You would see them being promoted on all of these talk shows, and that they want to build them up so when they bring them down, they bring them down hard. Well, some of these prosperity preachers, they re figuring this out, and they know that it s probably time to get out when the getting s good. But here, they re going to turn on the apostate church. Now, this is God s judgment upon the apostate church.

He s going to turn the political and the economic upon her, and that s what it says here. And he said unto me, The waters both which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples and multitudes, and nations in tongues. Now, the Lord Jesus was very, very clear when he was talking to the religious leaders there in Matthew chapter 23. But he made it very clear all through it when he talked to them that their damnation would be the greater. He used that word, not condemnation, but he used a stronger term, damnation. And as you saw, as you go through there in Matthew chapter 23, the seven woes.

Now, actually, there s eight woes, but two of them apply to the same topic. And so, it s referred to as the time of the seven woes, where the Lord Jesus is speaking to the religious leaders. And then he tells them, too, over in John, because if they had not seen, they had not seen what he s done, they had not heard what he said, then they d have no sin. But since they ve seen what he has done, they ve heard what he has taught, then they ve got no cloak for their sin. And there again, he says, your damnation, therefore, your damnation will be the greater. And so, here we see God s going to be turning his wrath on the apostate church here. And he says, And he shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and shall make her naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree to give their kingdom unto the beast, unto the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest in the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. And then we go into the second verse, and then we go into chapter 18. Now after these things, and by the way, when you take a look at this, now the Bible is filled with types and shadows. It shows you things that have happened on a small scale, things that are going to happen on a larger scale, and then a very large scale.

Maybe a personal size, maybe one in a county or a state size, and then a world national or world stage. And what we actually saw on 9-11 was on a small scale what s coming on a worldwide scale, when it comes to Babylon. And so he goes on, And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power, and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon, the great is fallen and become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through her abundance of her delicacies.

And this goes back to what he was referring to in the beginning, how the great horror, and again they use this here as a woman because the idea is that she s sensual, she s seductive. And he goes on and he says here, And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of here, my people, that you beat out partakers of her sins, and you received not that of her plagues. Now during the tribulation period you re going to have 144,000, 144,000 flaming John the Baptist out there preaching repentance. And they re going to many, many, many people are going to be saved during that period. Most of them will be martyred. And these are the tribulation martyrs that we often talk about now. And so he s telling them those that have received him during this tribulation period to come out from Babylon, to come out from or don t be a part of. Like you have today, a lot of these mega churches, if you will, they re very, very worldly.

I mean, it s very worldly. And I remember Rick Warren saying in his book about if you re ever going to get unsaved Harry saved, you have to you can t beat him over the head with the Bible. You ve got to conform the world so that he ll come and come to you ve got to conform the church to the world to get Harry in there instead of trying to beat him. This is exactly the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

By the way, why in the world would he want to go in there then? He s already got that out there in the world, okay? But so he goes out and he says here, reward her even as she rewarded you and doubled her double according to the work of her works is the cup which she had filled, filled to her double. How much she has glorified herself and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her, for she has said in her heart, I said as a queen.

Now this has two applications. One is talking again about the apostate church, but it s also referring to the same thing applies to the entire Babylon, all three aspects of Babylon. And it says here, I said as a queen and am not a widow, and I see no sorrow. Therefore shall their plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.

And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, bewailed her and lamented for her, when she shall see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, the great city Babylon, the mighty city, for one hour thy judgment has come. Now it s an interesting thing because I happened to be watching the news that morning live. And what had happened, there had been a water main break and it had caused a big sinkhole in a New York City street. And apparently it had eaten a car, had fallen into that hole. And as I was watching this, I watched in the background, I watched the plane live fly into the world trade, the first plane. And all of a sudden it was like crickets. Did you see that?

Did we just see what we thought we saw? Oh my gosh. And from that time, from that very moment, until all three buildings had come down, was exactly one hour, exactly one hour. And thy merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth her merchandise any more. For the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all thine wood and the manner of vessels of ivory and all manners of vessels most precious wood of brass and iron and marble. Now when this one says no more at all, that applies to the final time. What we saw in 9-11 was a type or a shadow of what is to come on a much larger scale here.

It goes on to say, the frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and the souls of men and the fruits which thy soul lusted after departed from thee and all the things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee and now shall find them no more at all. Now this takes place again, like I said in the final chapter. Now, it's an interesting thing because when 9-11 hit, the Coast Guard, there were hundreds and maybe thousands of ships out there in the harbor coming and waiting to get into the city to unload their goods. And the Coast Guard made all ships out in harbors. When that happened, the idea we were under a full scale attack made them drop anchor right where they were until they were inspected. They suspected they might be trying to bring in a nuclear bomb on a ship or whatever. And so, here, a number of those cargo ships set out there, a lot of them had perishable goods. Some of them had exotic fruits, I think one boat had a lot of fruit from Israel.

You have, you know, seafood, lobsters and so on and so forth. And so, they set there and the merchandise, you know, went bad, it spoiled, okay. And they said here, and the merchants of these things which were made rich by Herschel stand afar off in fear of her torment, weeping and wailing and saying, �Alas, alas, the great city was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked in gold and precious stones and pearls for one hour so great a riches has come to naught.� And every shipmaster and all the company and ships and sailors, as many as trade by sea, stood afar off and cried when they and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, �What city is like unto this great city?� And they cast dust on their heads and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, �Alas, alas, the great city where we are made rich at all the head ships in the sea by the reason of her costliness for one hour she is made desolate.� Well, today, New York City is known for her sin. New York City is known for her sin today.

High crime rates, I mean, you�ve got carjackers, prostitution is up on the rise. They�re a horrible, horrible city. It�s an ungodly city.

And, in fact, in New York, the state legislature is a horrible state legislature. They�re known for cheering when they found out they could kill babies born and kill them to well after they�re born. These are extremely wicked people, folks. Now, that�s what God�s Word of the Bible says, that they�re extremely wicked people.

And so here, and he said here, �Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her.� Now, here he was talking to the martyrs and those that were martyred during this time, this period. This is the tribulation period here. And God has taken vengeance.

And here, you�re looking at the woke corporations. They�re going to be canceled. Big pharma, which is wizardry, is going to be canceled.

The deep state corrupt government, God is going to cancel them. And that�s what we just read. �And a mighty angel took up a stone, like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, �Thus with violence shall this great city, Babylon, be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers and musicians and pipers and trumpeters shall be heard no more in all of thee. And no craftsmen or whatsoever craft shall be found any more in thee. And the sound of the millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee. And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee.

And the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more in all of thee.� In other words, there�s not going to be any more preaching in that city of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Christ. �For thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by their sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of the saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.� Now, these are talking about the tribulation saints. And the prophets that he�s referring to are fourth tellers. John, who was the writer here of Revelation, was a fourth teller.

This is the revelation. Now, the prophets that have come after John, the ones that are going to be during that tribulation period, they�re going to be, these are people like myself today, we are fourth tellers. We�re prophesizing, but we�re telling you, like this tells you, in Hebrews chapter 1, and Hebrews chapter 1, it makes it very clear that in times past, the Lord spoke to the nations through the Psalms, through prophets, through a whole lot of different ways that he speak to the nations, even at one point through a jackass. But he spoke to the people. The prophecies came in many different ways. But it says today, today during the church age, okay, the prophecy comes by the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, by what we have is the completed canon of scripture, that which is perfect.

This is what is prophesized today. And so, here, I�m going to go into some commentary. Now, in a conversation with a leftist individual, I noticed what appeared to be a little hint, just a little hint of reality setting in. I�ve had many conversations with this individual, and he�s far left. And he asked me why I thought that my reporting from my news sources has more credibility than his left-wing sources.

And so, yeah, he was a little adamant. Why do you think that you�re the one, that you have got the truth, got more credibility? And my response was simple, that we believe, our side believes, that it�s a sin to lie. And, of course, in Revelation 21, verse 8, it says, �All liars will have their place in the lake of fire.� Now, you know that.

You know that. And you know also that the left-wing media, what they call mainstream media out there, are literally contracted to lie. They�re literally contracted. And again, here, they don�t call it contracted to lie. They use the word called narrative, and they agree in a contract to go along with and espouse whatever what they call the narrative they�re given, which they lie all the time. There�s total falsehoods completely out there in the lamestream media. And so we believe that there is such a thing as a sin, and lying is a sin.

They don�t. They simply don�t believe that. So here, we believe also that killing babies, abortion, is murder. Euthanasia is murder. We believe that abortion is child sacrifice. They believe that it�s a constitutional right and a convenience. Somehow they�ve got a mindset out there that the Constitution gives them right to murder their own children. Again, this is a total and complete falsehood.

And that whole thing with Roe v. Wade just got overturned not long ago. I mean, that entire thing was built upon emanations, folks, of a penumbra. Now, this is what Blackmun ruled, that there were emanations of a penumbra within the Constitution that gives a woman the right to murder her unborn child. Well, most people say, �What in the world?� And I�ve had people ask me that a hundred times.

�What are emanations?� Well, he�s talking about little pulses of light or energy that you see these little emanations, like little flashes of light inside a penumbra, which is like a shadow, that within this shadow, you�ll find these little pulses of light that gives a woman a right to murder her child. This is the type of things that the left comes up with all the time, absolute lunacy. Well, we believe that organ harvesting, by the way, you know, it�s a horrible, horrible thing, but a lot of these children are being stolen. A lot of these children that are coming in, being brought in, that are being brought in from down in Central America, went through Mexico, these children where they put on buses and they disappear, they�re being brought in to be sold for their organs.

People don�t know this. The Deathocratic Communist Party is evil to the core. There�s the wickedness. There is absolutely no bottom to their wickedness.

It�s wicked. And again, you know, we believe that organ harvesting is a horrible, it�s a horrible, horrible sin. They believe that it�s a profitable industry as long as it�s not them that are having their organs harvested. And that�s the reality, folks. They�re cold and wicked and calculating people. This is today what you call the deep state. You�ve got the woke corporations.

It�s about greed and their evil, darkness there. We believe that LGBTQ, lewd, gross, belligerent, transgressive, queer, is as God�s Word, as the Word of God says, an abomination. Now, abomination is a serious, serious transgression. I was told by an Orthodox Jewish man who was quite a theologian, if you will, in the sense he, and he and I, he used to work for me.

We debated a lot. But he told me, he said, �Do you know what the definition in the Hebrew of that is? One of our traditional�and I says, �The word abomination for homosexual.� And I said, �What is it?� And he said, �The stench of rotting flesh to the nostrils of a holy God.� And they used the term faggot. It used to be a word that was called, actually a faggot was like camel chips, where they burned in fires. But the word fagala that they used, it was like a, was for homosexuals, was little bird.

In other words, they were like little birds, okay? And so, here, as we see the LGBTQ, God�s Word says it�s a serious, serious transgression against God of nature and all of nature. They, the opposition, the Left out there, the Left Media, the entire Deathocratic Communist Party, the entire Deathocratic Communist Party believe that it�s not only an acceptable, not only is sodomy an acceptable lifestyle, but they believe it�s a preferred, it�s a preferred lifestyle. And this is why you see them pushing it and promoting it, I mean, just pushing it and pushing it in the public school system. They push it in Hollywood. Even the commercials, you have a lot of commercials on TV now that show two sodomites. And they don�t even use the term today.

They�ve changed it with the language of illusion. They call it gay. There�s nothing gay about that. That�s a serious, serious transgression of God�s laws.

And then, trying to get my pages apart here, folks, having a little bit of a problem. And then, you know, we believe that hypocrisy is a sin. It�s a horrible sin. Now, remember, again, what Jesus said there in Matthew, chapter 23, when he was talking to the religious leaders. And that�s what they called the seven hypocrisies, or the seven woes.

In other words, actually, they used the term �woe� eight times, but two of them were for the same event. He said, �Here, the Lord Jesus said, woe unto you hypocrites, woe unto you hypocrites, woe unto you hypocrites.� Now, we believe that hypocrisy is a sinful thing. It�s deplorable. They believe that it�s really something to be practiced. I�m not kidding you when I tell you this, that they believe hypocrisy is something to embrace. To them, I get it, and I�m telling you this because I�ve said in their meetings, when they didn�t know who I was, I said in their meetings some years ago when Hillary Clinton was running, I mean going back when she was running for senator, and she had a book signing, she had written a book, she had a book signing, she came here to Cleveland, Shaker Heights. And I went in and I got a table, we sat there, she was there, and I was just listening to the conversations of all of those on the left. And I didn�t say anything, I didn�t want them to recognize my voice. And they were openly talking about how they had convinced people to do one thing and they would never do it, and they were laughing.

Again, the hypocrisy was something that they were proud of, if you will. And then here, we believe that there are only two genders. Now, what I�m telling you is the conversation I had with this fellow who was on a lefty. We believe that there are only two genders, male and female. Well, there are only two genders. That is reality.

That�s the reality. Here, this we base on the absolute and complete word of the Creator. You know, He created Adam and Eve, male and female. The left, they believe in an imaginary and freakish gender.

Somebody told me the last content was like 86 or something, so-called what the left considers to be genders. Can you imagine that? I mean, gee, you might want to give your dog a bath under there, and you could be molesting them because they�re another gender. I mean, this is insanity, is what it is.

It�s being given over to a reprobate mind. We believe that the definition of marriage is a union of one man, one woman, as ordained of God, who gave us the very first divine institution. God gave us�see, God gave us the institution, and when He did that, He gave us the definition of what marriage is. And you see, today, they have what they call sodomite marriages, what they call same sex, or lesbian marriages, or�well, today, I hate to say it, but the Democrats are out there marrying their pets, the animals. And so God calls it fornication, God calls it adultery, God calls it bestiality. Now, we not only know, we know what both men and women are.

We do that. Now, out there, the AMA is not sure what a woman is anymore. You recently saw a so-called Supreme Court justice that doesn�t know what a woman is.

If you have asked some of these people, they can�t tell you. But not only do we know what a woman is, but we know what both men and women are. Men, for example, can be fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, cousins, grandfathers, or step-fathers, because they�re men. Women can be mothers and daughters and sisters and cousins and aunts and grandmothers. Now, feminism, or feminists, is sin. According to the Bible, what our definition of feminists are, and I guess there�s more than one definition out there, but our definition of a feminist are unclean women. You might find that definition of those women over in Jeremiah, chapter 2, verse 34.

These are unclean women. Now, we know that the 1619 theory is a hoax. It�s a complete and total hoax, and that�s the only thing that we both agree on. They know it too. We both know it�s a complete and total hoax. We know that it�s pointless. You know, there in Seattle, Portland, we know that it�s pointless to put Tampax dispensers in boys� bathrooms because boys don�t have menstrual periods.

We know that. The left, they�re confused about that. They�re not sure whether or not boys can have menstrual periods. They�re not sure whether men can have babies.

You see? Now, men don�t get pregnant, and men don�t have babies, and men don�t have menstrual periods because they�re men. Men don�t do those things. See, we know these things. Now, the left, again, they have a real problem with common sense and logic.

We know that men that feel like they are women, they�re still males, but even if they wake up one morning and they feel like they�re a woman today and they want to put on a dress and go drag queen, they�re still males even if they think they�re women. The reality, the actual name for those people are fools. These are fools.

See, now, we know these things. We know that when these teachers and these public fools � and by the way, I praise the good Lord that this past year over 2 million more families have put their children into Christian or homeschooling here in America, and every year it�s growing more and more. Praise the good Lord. Get them awake.

Get them out of that public fool system. Now, I want to go over to Revelation 22, and this is some of my favorite passages of Scripture, because we know how everything ends. By the way, we�re going to have a very, very interesting program on Monday.

We�re going to be playing some clips that you really want to hear, the things that the deep state does not want you to hear at all. We�re going to Revelation 22, starting with verse 1, �And he showed me a pure river of water, of life clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.� Here, the water of life is a symbol of eternal life. Remember, Jesus, He used the same image with the Samaritan woman there in John Chapter 4. It pictures the fullness of life with God and the eternal blessings that come when we believe, when we believe Him and satisfy our spiritual thirst.

That�s what He�s referring to. Jesus said, �The water that I give you, you�ll never thirst again.� And it goes on to say here, �And in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the tree of life, which beared twelve manna of fruits and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.� Now, here you�ve had this Garden of Eden in heaven. It�s been there. The Garden of Eden on earth was a prototype of the Garden of Eden in heaven. And so here we see that the tree of life was there. We�ll be eating these twelve manna of fruit, and the whole point of it is you have eternal life.

Now, if Adam and Eve had not sinned, had they had not sinned, had they obeyed God and not sinned, they�d still be here today. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Well, what is it that causes sickness and death? It�s sin that causes sickness and death. And therefore, when you said that the healing of the nation, the leaves, represent no sin, the absence of sin there in heaven. And there shall be no more curse.

There you go. But the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it. And the servant shall serve him, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be written in their foreheads. Now, that�s going to be a glorious, glorious thing to see the face of Almighty God.

It�s going to be a complete and total awesome thing. Now, what I�m telling you here, folks, what I�m telling you, I�m reading to you from the most authoritative source of information and knowledge that ever existed. It�s right here, The Completed Canon of Scripture. This book is so far advanced, and it is put together in such a way that it awakens things to us, things we�ve wondered about. As the time is right, God reveals these things, and we see these things being revealed in current events, things that are happening all around us daily. And there shall be no more night there, and they need no candle, neither light or the sun, for the Lord giveth the light, and they shall reign over forever and ever. Well, here, what is he talking about?

Well, it�s Shekinah glory, Shekinah glory that he�s referring to. And he said unto me, �These sayings are faithful and true, and the Lord God of the holy prophet sent his angel to show unto his service the things which must shortly be done.� Every day, the signs, what is happening today, in fact, this thing that they call AI, artificial intelligence, what has taken place, we see this. This is a very, very clear sign as we�re getting deeper into this, where they�re trying to replace God�s creation, and what they�re trying to do with this artificial intelligence virtually is to, well, to depopulate, to destroy God�s creation, the image of God that being man, but also to enslave him.

And, well, we showed a film tonight during our class in the church, �The Bible in Current Events,� and it really goes in deep into this, what is coming our way with this artificial intelligence. And he said unto me, �These sayings are faithful and true, and the Lord God of the holy prophet sent his angel to show unto us, his servants, the things which must shortly be done.� And I think that, again, I know that we are getting, I believe, very, very close to the Lord coming back. And, well, we know that by the day we become close, all the things that are, all of the prophecies that are happening out there today, what has not to be fulfilled? Well, so far it�s the rapture of the church has, you know, and the tribulation period, so that could happen any time.

That could happen any time. Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he to keep it the same, the prophecy of this book. And I, John, saw these things and heard them. And when I heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel that showed me these things.

Well, here, hearing or reading an eyewitness account is the very next best thing to actually to see in the event yourself. And John witnessed these events, reporting in Revelation, and wrote them down. And right now, you know, we are reading exactly and precisely what John saw. And he goes on before, �And I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things, then said he unto me, See thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and thy brethren, and the prophets, and of them which keep thy saying in the book, Worship God.� Well, those prophets and those angels, the fellow servants, the saints, they knew better than to accept any worship. And again, in my time, I remember Obama when he said, �I am, and then stop, the one that you�ve been waiting for, and then I am the one that I�ve been waiting for.� Now, I am is the name for God.

I am that I am. But the way that he said that, and then I remember Obama making a statement that Jesus was a savior, but only one of many saviors. And then, I remember Obama�s handling the trainer, not Susan Rice, but the other woman that was there, how she at one time made the statement that Obama was not totally human. He was more than human, like a superhuman, and that being President of the United States was not intellectually challenging enough for him.

Yeah, she actually said that. I remember George Soros proclaiming himself to be a god. This is blasphemy, okay? And he said unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still. He which is filthy, let him be filthy still. And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. And he that is holy, let him be holy still. Have you noticed that the righteous are becoming more righteous and the wicked are even becoming more wicked?

That gap, that division is growing more and more. And behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give every man according to his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, that may enter through the gates into the city.

Now, those who do his commandments daily are striving to remain faithful and ready for Christ. Here now, what we see, even Adam and Eve, they were barred from the garden, but now, for without are dogs. Now, that is not canines. He s not talking about four-legged dogs. He s actually talking about sodomites, four times they re referred to or five times they re referred to as dogs in the Bible.

And again, this is what society has not only approved of, accepted, but are preferred over normal heterosexuals. And sorcerers, where he says, For without are dogs and sorcerers, sorcerers, that s big pharma today. Now, what he s talking about, that these people will not enter into heaven, and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whatsoever loveth the make of the like. I just read to you just about the whole Democratic Party platform.

That s about the whole Democratic Party platform right there. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify unto you to these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the mite and the morning star. And the spirit and the bride say, Come and let him that heareth say, Come and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever, let him take the water of life freely. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book. If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.

Boy, they have done that in all of the new age perversions of God s Word to Bible. I m going to stop right there, folks, and just tell you that, again, for you out there listening to me, and every night we give this invitation because it s so important, it is that there s nothing you have ever done, nothing you will ever do that could mean as much to you as accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Not everybody believes that now, but everybody will believe it. There s no chance that they won t. Every single person, and I ve said it often time and time again, there are no unbelievers in heaven or hell. Those in both heaven and hell, they believe 24-7, if you will, even though time stops there in heaven and hell. The torment in hell goes on forever, and the glory in heaven goes on forever. But folks, you re going to die, and you will end up in one of the two places, and you don t have to go to hell. It s a horrible place to go, but heaven with the Lord is gloryful.

It doesn t get any better than that. It just don t. And so what do you do? Well, we ve said it many times, pray to the Father, pray to God the Father, ask for forgiveness of your sins, acknowledge the fact that you re a sinner and you need a Savior. Then ask the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, without any reservations. That s what you ve got to do. And if you do that, they will honor that.

But you ve got to mean it, if you mean it. If you really want to avoid that burning like a fire, and I think you do, you ll become a new creature, a born-again believer, an heir of the kingdom, and you will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. You ve got God s Word on that.

God s Word on that. We re out of time for tonight. So, until tomorrow, we say good night, God bless, and always, always, always keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance What s Right, What s Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What s Right, What s Left.
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