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FRI HR 2 072922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
July 30, 2022 12:30 am

FRI HR 2 072922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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They started with no money yesterday. The War Room Posse put their shoulder to the wheel and Tina, you got to break the news. I got the one and only Tina Peters on here.

Also, I got Shrona Bishop. Tina, tell us what's happened ma'am. Well, we have just raised over 190,000 in the last 24 hours. People are wanting this recount in Colorado. We know that Jenna Griswold is scared because she's been on CNN and probably Rachel Maddow, all the news outlets saying there will be no recount for Tina Peters. Well, you know what, she's subverting the will of the people.

The will of the people says we don't want people, selected officials, lording over us anymore. She's targeting me again using her political power to silence. Okay, hang on. I got that, but let me cut to the chase. In 24 hours you've raised, you needed I think 156,000, 163,000, something like that. Oh, because you raised the additional 190,000. Okay, now you actually have the cash.

She says that. Walk me through the technical process. And by the way, here's the thing that this Posse are heroes. This wasn't one guy that could come in and write a $100,000 check. This had to be done by $1,250 donations. This was all small donor, although I understand for you folks, that's not a small donation. It couldn't be one guy. Mike Lindell couldn't come in and write a $150,000 check.

Had to be small donations. Tina, you've got to call her bluff. She says it's never going to happen.

You've got the money. Walk us through technically what happens now. Okay, so today we will be issuing her a letter demanding a recount.

And I can do that because I have standing as a candidate. And then she will issue us the amount. And then after that, we have 24 hours to put the money in escrow. We're checking on the legality of all of that on her side. And we're going to get this done. And here's the thing. This is the chance, if she is legitimate, if she is honest, to substantiate that Colorado is the gold standard, right? So who wouldn't want a recount to prove that what she's been doing is legitimate and that these people have not been selected? Hang on. Okay. We understand she's not legitimate and she's not honest and she's terrible. I just want to go to the technical parts because this is going to be very important.

A range war is about to break out. You have standing because you're a candidate and your question is. You also have the minimum requirement. You have to have X amount of cash in an escrow account and you have that.

Those two things you have, correct? Yes, that's correct. What else is there needed by Colorado black letter law that says that to preclude you from getting a statewide hand recount that checks it next to the machine vote, ma'am?

Okay. Well, so the machines are not proper to be certified. We've already proven that there is fraud in the machines, so it has to go to a recount. The machines, running it through the machines is going to come up with the same flawed result.

So the machines cannot be used. It must be a hand recount and that's what we're going after. Is she required to do a hand recount? When you say this law, is it required that she has to do a hand recount or are you going to have to go to court and fight that? She is required to do a hand recount because these machines are not certifiable. And she was warned of that. CISA, the report that came out on CISA, the reports that we've put out from a forensic image, these machines deleted 29,000 election records. Yeah, but CISA was a general thing. Is in Colorado, are you going to present to her evidence that you just can't do the machines?

Jay Alex Halderman actually came out with the report naming, out of the 16 states, naming Colorado as one of them that the machines were flawed in. There is no disputing. When you look at the graphs of my race as opposed to organic race, you will see, you will see and I know you had, you had Jeff O'Donnell on your show, so yes. Great.

It was great. Okay, real quickly, what do you need from, what do you need, what do you need from this audience? What do you need from this audience starting today to make sure this happens? Make your voice heard. Call your legislators.

This affects, this affects the whole United States. What we will find in Colorado, make no mistake, this will bring down their evil empire of selection in this United States through these machines. So it's going to be a fight. We're going to need legal counsel. We're going to need to, we're going to need righteous judges to stand up, not like the judges that were appointed to attack me by Jared Polis here in Mesa County that served me two, two arrest warrants in one week.

Two arrest warrants in one week. You're right, Steve. It's, we need people to stand up. We need, we need the citizens.

Thank you so much. I want to shout out to all, all of the people that donated. You know, God says, let my people go.

And this is the point in time where God wants to set us free. So keep supporting us. Go to my website, Tina Peters for You know, just stay in touch. We're going to need the help on this ongoing fight. And I know Sharona will be on. She will share more about what's going on as far as the strategy. But I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you. Tina, you hang on for one second. Let's bring in Sharona Bishop. Sharona, give us the overview. Where do we, and particularly we know how we got here. What happens like immediately now?

Cause you've got the posse has your guys back, but they want to know what's the, give us some, give us some commands. Well, good morning. I mean, every day I get up, I try to get my workout done and then something else explodes in Colorado because God is absolutely showing off in this state. And I want to point out it was $190,000 raised in less than 12 hours by incredible Patriots in Colorado and across the country who are sick and tired of selections and the political elites determining our future while we all suffer under their hands. So this is a massive statement to the GOP, the RNC and the political elites who keep trying to dictate our lives and our elected officials. So I really want to call that out.

First of all, from today, the letter will be submitted. And as we all know, Jenna Griswold is a coward and a liar. So I imagine that she'll refuse it or she'll say it can only be done by machine. It will go to court and we already do have standing. There's a lawsuit that's already been waged on behalf of a Hanks versus Griswold that declares that the machines were never legally certified in the state of Colorado.

And so therefore they were never allowed to be used in the state of Colorado. What's fascinating about this situation with Tina Peters is that it is going to finally require a judge to rule on the certification or not of these machines in Colorado. And then it will set a precedent for the rest of the nation.

So, you know, again, God is showing up in incredible ways. He is showing off right now and showing that truth will be exposed. And these liars, these criminals, Jenna Griswold and her posse are going to be exposed. Remember, she is the head of the Democrat association of secretaries of state for the entire nation.

And so what happens in Colorado follows to the rest of the country. As the clerk said, it is extremely important for all of your viewers to stay engaged, to not only call their legislators, but to begin calling Colorado legislators. Yeah, they're not in office right now, but they're getting their messages to start calling Jenna Griswold office and demanding this recount. She does not have the authority to unilaterally rule that Tina Peters cannot have a hand count. And yet she's trying to get ahead of this. She's going on media saying there will be no recount for Tina Peters. She does not have that kind of authority. Now it's somewhat unfortunate that Mesa County played into her hands and gave her unprecedented authority in the first place to remove an elected official like Tina Peters from her position, but it has to stop now. These officials need to get some courage and they need to stand up for what's right because as sure as you allow this to happen to one person, they will do it to everyone. She has been, Jenna Griswold has been sending threatening letters that imply there will be consequences for clerks who do hand counts without her permission because you have to understand there are thousands of people in the state of Colorado who are actively working in their own communities right now for a recount who are not, don't even know Tina Peters.

I've never met her personally. They just know that this result was a freaking sham and now we're going to prove it. It must be a paper ballot hand count.

Paper ballot hand count. Okay, we're going to get everybody revved up here. Sharona, what's your, how does social media, how do people follow this 24 hours a day and where do they go? Well, they can go to America's mom on all social media platforms. There is no apostrophe, just America's mom. And of course we're on Frank's speech, Monday, Wednesday and Friday shows. I, you know, I'm just so excited because the whole reason that we started doing this is we realized our children were under attack. That's how America's mom was born. And naturally from there that elections matter.

Sorry. And they've been selecting these people who have no backbone, no courage, who are easily manipulated and will not talk about what matters to we the people. And they've used their offices now to go after our kids. And so this has really far reaching ramifications. It's not about just Tina Peters race. She is symbiotic of what has happened in our entire nation.

And they're going after our children. We're not happening. Hang on one second. Sharona, just hang on. Tina Peters. Hang on.

Short break. Alrighty. We're back in here. You know, this goes right along with what happened in Fulton County. Uh, check this out. Fulton County, uh, claimed and what we're talking about here, they claimed 59,143 people voted on election day in person. But the data does not show that.

And here they have the chart of all the votes that came in here. And so let's go, uh, and this is Wisconsin. Okay.

Let me, I wanted to jump ahead for just a little bit because I got a follow up article right there too. Uh, let me see if Fulton County is missing over 59,000 ballots from election day. This is something very strange. Okay.

Here. So in other words, the ones that showed votes right there, you see the chart 19,000 and here they've got it 59,143. So, so all these ballots they're missing and that's in Wisconsin.

Yep. So that's another good reason why to fight to keep those, all the existing ballots from being destroyed. Let's go with it. Uh, with only one month left to go for election. This is what we talked about, about destroying and balance documentation retention in accordance with federal law and with the 2020 election season of full swing. It seems appropriate time to reflect on some of the anomalies in the 2020 election.

After all, we never did get an answer for most of these. Perhaps this information may be relevant to the grand jury that is investigated. And this gave president Trump for his phone call with secretary of state, uh, Brad Raffensperger. All of this guy is known or happens where he's in Georgia. Uh, Oh yeah. They're just talking about his phone call.

After all, president Trump laid out a plethora of vote discrepancies totally in the hundreds of thousands of votes when, when he needed it was, uh, what he needed was only 12,000 votes to have won that. Okay. And so he goes in and it says here in this article, I like to spotlight the analysis that produced by David Gross and his team.

M Cross found that using the Georgia secretary of state's own results. Uh, well, wait a minute. I see here, this other article is over here and speaking about Wisconsin. Okay. So Wisconsin, there you go.

Okay. So this is Georgia apparently, uh, claimed that they have the claim to have 59,143 in-person voters on November 3rd, 2021 or 2020. You can watch the segment, which I did Mr. Cross in the video on November 3rd, 2020 and the Fulton County board of registration and election called a special meeting to discuss the election thus far in this live stream, a meeting that is still available on the internet. Fulton County's interim election chief Dwight Brower said that as of 5 PM, about 14,152 people have cast a ballot in Fulton County at the 16 42 Mark.

Dr. Kathleen Ruth asked Dwight Bower to confirm the number of 14,152 at 17.28. Uh, BRE member Mark, why didn't get again for a third time as Dwight Bower to confirm that number of 14,152 ballots having cast in person on election day thus far and again, he confirms with Ralph Jones, the registration chief also presents on the prison on the call. The admission by Dwight Brower would suggest that between the hours of 5 PM and 7 PM in Fulton County, 45,000 people, 45,000 rushed in to the polls to vote in person. However, as mentioned by David Cross in our interview, there was no reporting of long lines nor any rushes to the polls. In fact, the support report as well known local news outlet claimed you, you could hear the rustling of leaves on the ground outside the Central Park Rec Center polling location.

The polls were open two hours extra from 7 to 9 PM due to technical issues early on, but as reported, all of those ballots were to be voted on provisional ballots. Okay. Everywhere you turn, you know, what did they keep telling us? Where's that other article?

Did you have it? Wisconsin. Yeah.

Yeah. So they did another investigation and basically the state of Wisconsin allows anyone with a smartphone or a computer, they're able to order an absentee ballot online in someone else's name. They can have that absentee ballot sent to an address other than the registered voter.

All you need is a date of birth. So this, I mean, these two stories here should compel everybody in your audience. Well, you have more people that are signing on to this here in this article. You're talking about huge Wisconsin discoveries. This covers ease of harvesting Easton ballots online, election ballots online. It's nothing short of shocking. Okay. This isn't the article I was looking, I was looking for the article where you had another, another state representative now has signed on for a recall.

And, uh, let me see here. Wisconsin election integrity investigator Harry recently discovered that the absolute ease of harvesting lecture ballots in the state of online, he is reporting that short of shocking. The state of Wisconsin always allows anyone with a smartphone or a computer is able to order an absentee ballot online and somebody else's name.

They can have the absentee ballot sent to the address other than registered voter. This is, it's amazing. Well, that, I mean, that is voter fraud. Yes.

Absolute. What do you think of that, John? Well, it never stops. And if you get behind it, then look at it. You're going to see the Democrats. You're seeing 90% of all of this fraud is the Democrats, the voter fraud. But this hurts my head because I tried following, uh, Georgia and all the shenanigans that are going on there.

Then I try and follow Arizona and Wisconsin and Colorado. And it's, it's kind of intertwined. It's kind of complicated. And yet the people that are trying to advance it and many times are being hindered by the Republicans. So you get the Republican rhinos lined up with the Democrats and that's what's causing this huge voter fraud problem. Okay.

Very good. We've got, yeah, I just would like to say one more time if this should compel everybody in the audience to go to, sign up. You just volunteer maybe a half hour every couple of days or whatever you can do to go through your voter rolls. You can, you basically, they'll give you a list of duplicates.

Does this look like a duplicate? And then you can check and then you send it off to true the vote. They're going to send it to your local county board of elections and then they will purge these people from the rolls. If we don't do this in the next two years, there's really no need to have another presidential election because they're going to pull this stuff that we just talked about and even more, you know, heaven only knows what they're conjuring up for the next two years. Here's another one in Wisconsin. I had this other article here that you have more and more Wisconsin. Another third, that's five states now.

You've got Colorado, Wisconsin, Arizona and two other states that are going to have petitions to resend, to decertify and that would make this election that was fraudulent. Anyhow, we know that Joe Biden is no more legitimate president of the United States than I'm a Peter Pan. Peter Pan. You're right. Okay. Okay. Here you go.

Racine County Sheriff calls on attorney general to suspend election ballot harvesting option on Wisconsin's official election website. That's what we just talked about. So there's a move there that's going on. Praise the good Lord for that. Okay. A lot of this stuff basically is a result of True the Vote and 2,000 Mules. Yeah. Right. And we got to get that. We have those 2,000 Mules available. Yes. But when the people show John McTernan, the people, when they get the 2,000 Mules, it's extremely important, is it extremely important that they show this, that they call people, they go to the public library, they take it to the church, and they show it to as many people as possible? Yeah. Yeah. That's activism that we could do.

That we could touch people all around us. So that's the activism that's needed in this. And so here's the thing. It drives the lamestream media, the fake news media crazy when we get around them, huh? Because their job, by the collective, they're told make sure that story does not get out.

Do not let the people know. And then here we come along and we let people know exactly what's happening. Now, we're going to do the same thing. This Sunday at Doers of the Word Baptist Church from 4 to 6, we're going to be showing that film on what really took place January 6th, the real story. January 6th, the real story. What took place. And there you see it live yourself, folks.

You can see it. So, there's a Doers of the Word Baptist Church now. Let me, since I'm there, people are always asking what times of the service as well. We start at 8.30 in the morning. We moved it up to 8.30 in the morning with a Bible study. We start with prayer, worship and then in-depth, we go into an in-depth Bible study. And then after that, we're also going to have another class, I believe, well, there's a new class starting where you're taking a look at the Bible. He's going to be teaching on why, you know, the legitimacy and the Word of God, okay, and the truth of God's Word. And of course, we know there's only one real Bible.

That's the King James Bible. But anyhow, then at 11.15, we start with our morning service. And then at 4 p.m. this week, it's anywhere between 4 and 5 p.m., we have a current event. We have the Bible and current events, the Bible and the current events class.

And then the evening service starts at 6 p.m. So now the address is, as doers of the word Baptist Church, that's doers of the word Baptist Church is 14781 Sperry, that's S-P-E-R-R-Y Road, that's Newberry, N-E-W-B-U-R-Y, Ohio, 44026. We're an actual New Testament church.

We are not a 501c3 corporation. We are part, we belong with the fellowship of the unregistered Baptist churches, but we are an actual New Testament church. So come on out, we hold to God's Word, the Bible, we take it literally, our policy is no compromise period. And when you pull in our driveway and take a look at the marquee out front, you'll see what our positions are, that we don't, and that's where we stand. So what do you think about all that, Ron? Well, that's the best church I've ever attended.

And like you said, the fact that you're not beholden to the government or any sponsorship whatsoever, you're allowed to speak the Word without compromise and without fear of retribution, but you take a stand all the time. And we're just thankful we found you. When we did, I wish we would have found you guys years ago. Yeah, well, we've been there for a long, long time, and we have new people coming all the time. Yeah. Because right now, people are saying, you know what, we've got to get real. I mean, this is no more time for entertainment. We've got to get real. People now realize something's wrong. Yeah.

Alrighty, and here's something that's very wrong. In Florida, files a lawsuit against the bar that hosts nude drag shows for children. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations served a lawsuit to the owners of the bar in Miami that hosts drag shows for children. They get a picture, and there's a nude drag thing, a nude drag thing.

And they were walking kids down the aisles, walking children down the aisles. Earlier this month, footage of a drag queen attempting to entertain a toddler while parading around topless in the R House bar in Wynwood, Florida begins circulating across the Internet, prompting the state to launch an investigation. I know DeSantis would not put up with that. No, I think he's behind that, actually, yeah. Praise the good Lord for it. Pastor Ernie, I mean, this is a real battle, and DeSantis is the guy that we want to get behind because he is set up where you can't have pornography and whatever else connected with it for the youngsters. So there's four school districts that are being sued by the homosexuals and their ilk to have this overturned so that they can get filth into the minds of kindergarteners.

Right now, maybe yesterday, I think it was, they just filed suit to annul the law that's protecting these kids from the pornography. Here's another fellow, like DeSantis, that we have a lot of faith in, and that's Clarence Thomas. He is definitely a statesman, no longer teaching at D.C. Law School after the communists demand justice that he be fired, that the justice be fired over the role overturning Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, will not be teaching at Georgia Washington University Law School. You're too good for that school. You're much too good for that school, Clarence Thomas, this fall, after students demanded he be fired over his role of overturning Roe v. Wade.

And I would not, if I would be a parent, I would be ashamed to send my children to that school. Clarence Thomas, 74, was one of the conservative justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade last month. Praise the good Lord. He's one of the, one of the decent ones on that court. I think he's the best one there. I think he's the best justice on that court, too. Thomas also said that the court should reconsider sodomite marriage and birth control over Roe v. Wade was overturned. And Roe v. Wade, wait a minute, let's see, considered gay marriage and birth control after Roe v. Wade was overturned. The reason for that, Pastor Ernie, is the Supreme Court just out of thin air made abortion the constitutional right. And then it did the same thing with homosexuality. Sodomite marriage.

Yeah, sodomite marriage and the same thing with birth control. So the court, that's not the court's job. The court's job is not to make up rights and invent things.

The court's job is to interpret the law that's in front of it. So he's absolutely right and he's got, he has got them running scared that they may do the same thing now with sodomy as marriage. The left escalated their attacks against Clarence Thomas and they're trying to cancel the justice with his wife, Gina Thomas.

Communist students at George Washington University protested Thomas and forced him out. Okay, so again, if I were a parent, I would be ashamed, absolutely ashamed to send my child to that school. Alrighty, we're going to open up the phone lines. You guys ready to open up the phone lines?

And I want folks to have a bunch of questions for, for McTernan because he hasn't been saying that much tonight. And so you showed, you know, you're doing a lot of talking there and you were showing videos and all and I responded when you asked me. Alrighty. I showed you nice scriptures from Revelation 18. Alright, that's good. You did that. Alright.

What do you, well, so we give him about what I would say, maybe a B, I'd say a B plus B plus phone lines are open at eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three nationwide eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three report. 83% of Americans concerned about election integrity in midterm elections. 75% concerned about cheating. Majority also believe that the 2020 election was stolen. Of course they do. And, uh, absolutely. And here's that famous picture there in Georgia where they showed those people going to the tables afterwards.

I recognize that. And when, when they asked all of the Republicans to leave, then they would, they did so many things illegal across the country, really. Even with the, um, monitors, you had to stand, you know, 10 feet away, 12 feet away, and then they actually kicked the Republican monitors out and they're counting ballots at 2 a.m. and they were actually shipping ballots across state line.

Oh yeah. I mean, we've never seen nothing like it. And Michigan was horrible too. I mean, Michigan was where they were, they kicked, the Republicans were not allowed to see what was taking place. And then they covered up the windows.

And they used the police, dirty cops, dirty cops to help them. Alright, we're up against the break. We'll be back right after this and the phone lines are open. We'll take your calls.

We'll be right back with more. But you should have a fear of me. Words, my everlasting words, has turned your heart for me. You know that I have always done every single word I say. Words, my words are what I've used to turn your heart to me. Words, my words are what I've used to turn your heart to me.

You know I've always done every single word that I say. My words, my words will never pass away. My words are here to stay.

Heaven and earth will pass. My words will never go away. Words, my words are what I've used to turn your heart to me. They are my words. My words are what I've used to turn your heart to me. They are my words. My words are what I've used to turn your heart to me. They are your words. Your words are what I've used to turn my heart to you. His words are purer than gold tried seven times in the fire.

His words, though heaven and earth will pass, will stand forever. You've got that. Let's take some calls. Alan, you're in the air. How are you doing Pastor? It's good to hear you again. It's good to hear you. How are you doing?

I'm okay. My concern is that I've been reading so much on the internet about doing things about having people produce a valid identification to do voting. The other thing is when they do send the votes into the vehicle of the mail, why would they enable people, I mean to the vehicle of the mail, how much voter fraud can be enacted? Okay, you know, I know, everyone in the program, the people who are listening to you know that the election was stolen. It was through the vehicle of an orchestrated and controlled voter fraud.

It was massive. And I would hate to see it happen again. Well, you know, the bottom line is, look, to us, voter fraud is wrong. It's crime and it's a sin to do that to be dishonest. But now to them, remember, these are the people that find no problem with killing babies. They think that killing babies are good. They think that pedophilia is good.

Molesting children is good. These people are corrupted people and this is why they've come up with this. It's like, in your face, we're going to commit voter fraud and like the whole Biden regime and that Merrick Garland and with what they're doing at January 6th, at January 6th, they're saying, look, we can do whatever we want to you people and there's nothing you can do about it. And that's their point. That's the message they're trying to get to the people. The thing with some alleged orchestration of that is, I would say that there was a high degree of outrage because of the election being stolen through the vehicle of voter fraud.

I think any average human being who has any level of virtue would want to do what they can to expose the voter fraud for what it is or anything else and to take that. If he had involvement in that, that's what he was trying to do. The other thing is, the whole thing with January 6th, I just virtually didn't pay that much attention because I know what's behind it and what they were mixing. All right, very good. Well, thanks for calling, Alan, and let's go to Cliff. Cliff's in the air. Yeah, hi, guys.

I think it was that actor was Ian McKellen from Lord of the Rings. Oh, yeah, I think you're right. I have a question for John. If you look at Psalm 42 verses, Psalm 41-4 and 41-8, I kind of see them as being related where people like these golfers respect the people right above them and take orders, turn aside for lies, which David says not to do in verse 4. And then in verse 8, he says, I have the law of God, not Joe Biden's executive orders written in my heart. What do you think of those two verses in tandem, John?

Yeah, that's nice. Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his cause, and respected not the crowd, nor such as turn aside to lies. So that person has great integrity, great integrity, and they're not going to compromise with evil, lies, and they're not in awe of the crowd. Then you get down to verse 8, I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, thy law, thy word is in my heart. So when God's word is in us like this, it strengthens us to do the will of God. So the word strengthens us to do the will of God, and then in verse 4, the trusting in the Lord gives us the power not to respect the crowd and to follow lies.

You know what? If you read that, in verses 1 through 4, he gives you four benefits, four benefits of obeying God. One, he lifts them up out of his despair. Two, he sets his feet on solid, firm ground, that's what he's saying here. Three, he establishes his goings, and he steadied him as he walks.

And four, he gives him a new song. And there you go, so you've got four benefits. There's a lot of benefits in obeying the Lord, huh? Yeah, that's an interesting pick-up. I didn't pick that up either.

See, that's why it's so good to ask other people's opinion, you know, about these. So that's very good pick-up there. Four benefits right there.

Get back on your feet, basically. Amen. We gotta get and move on because the whole board's lit. Let's go to Mac. Mac, you're in there. Hey, pastors, long time since I've had a chance to talk with you. Let me get to it. I've been saying every time I call about quoting the message from Dr. Jack Kyle, this kind, you know, it's not worth my prayer and fasting. Now I'm starting to see all kinds of opportunities.

Think of the odds of this. I've always wanted to live in Chester County. It's beautiful, it's one of the most well-to-do areas of the state, and I've always wanted to be in a place where I have land near some good fishing. Well, you know how you always say, keep your options open. So I'm coming back from down Yellow Springs Road, and there's a company there that I've been trying to just find out about. So I went in and the guy, the long and the short of it is, I landed a job, and as I come out, there's a property, an acre of land, a well-built colonial house, and it's going to settlement right now, the VA approved the loan, and basically, should this work, I'm going to have a home on an acre of land in Chester County and get up in the morning and walk to work. Well.

Yeah, and on top of that, the company that I used to work at and I'm going to be resigning from is really in a pickle right now. The owner's son, need to pray for him, I'll just say Mike Jr. He let me actually, after I clocked out, come into his office and pray for him. And I'm really seeing blessings from this, because this kind can go forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting. And my prayer is that more Americans, those who know Christ as their savior, would get on their faces, find the wood, and pray and fast. Because as I've said before, we are way, way, way past a demon-possessed child. We've got a Satan, Satanist government, and the only way to blast them out of the water is through prayer and fasting.

And I'd like to have one quick prayer. Lord, we ask you now, according to Luke 18, 1-8, according to Psalm 70, that you just kill all these people that are our enemies, that are murdering babies. You just kill them all. Your word says you hate those that sow discord among the brethren, and they are the enemy.

Just wipe them out, removing them, so we can get our country back. In Jesus' name and thank you, amen. Amen, thanks.

You know what, you reminded me, I'm glad you did. I'd like to add something, Pastor Ernie, I'd like to add something. Sure, go ahead, John.

There's a spiritual component, and we can't look at this just physically, spiritually. We need a, the country's like dead in many ways. We need a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Well, John, you know what, what you're talking about, we're working right now, and I want you to be involved with us on this, for 9-11. On 9-11, we're going to have, and that's a Sunday where we're asking all of the pastors to pray on that Sunday, 9-11, for repentance and revival, for repentance and revival. We're going to, and so I want you to be a part of that.

We're going to try to make a national ministry, we're going to kick it off next week. Now, but since Mac told me about praying here, I forgot, and I'm glad he did this, I had my note here, and it fell off, and I was just looking for it when he reminded me of prayer. There's a man named John Greeson, John Greeson in a hospital in Michigan, and I talked to his mother today, and his lungs are filling up with flood, and he's got the COVID, and he's got other health issues, and she is, she's called and she asked us, please, please pray. So would you pray for John Greeson, for that the Lord would intervene, touch him, that he might receive a healing, and I don't know, I never got a chance to ask her if he was saved, but that he would be for sure a salvation first, and then a healing.

Would you do that? That's the meat test, Ernie? Yeah.

Yeah. Father, we bring John Greeson before you, and he has a problem, Lord, with his lungs filling up, and that can be fatal. So I'm asking, Lord, now that you would touch him in the name of Jesus, and Lord, also we pray that whatever is happening will bring salvation to him, or it will bring him closer to you, because he needs salvation, Lord. We all need eternal life in Jesus Christ. So we're asking now for that he would have eternal life with you, this incident would draw him closer to you, and that you would stop the lungs filling up with fluid.

In Jesus' name we ask, amen. Thanks, John. Let's go to Larry.

Larry, you're in the air. Good evening, Pastor Sanders. I just want to let you folks know that was the great thing that Mack was being blessed by God. What scripture was he trying to quote near the end? He said verses 1-8.

Sometimes he's speaking maybe too close to his phone or whatever, and he doesn't always come out clearly. I've heard him call you before. I'm not trying to be critical of him, don't get me wrong, but I was just wondering what set of scriptures was he quoting where we can really demand that God deals with these people in the most righteous way if he has to, such as an imprecatory prayer. There are real scriptural reasons why we can pray that, as you so well know.

You've done it a number of times, and I agree with you there. You know, when he had mentioned that he could pray, I remembered how Mrs. Greason asked if I would pray for her son. So I went to look for that prayer request, and while he was doing that, maybe John, or do you remember what passage he quoted, Ron? No, I don't remember, but we can at least go to the archives tomorrow morning, so that'd be Friday, hour two.

Well, it doesn't matter. He was simply talking about imprecatory prayers. You know, the Bible is filled, the Psalms is filled with imprecatory prayers.

I thought it was 1-8, but I could be mistaken. Yeah, and so it would have probably been one of the Psalms. Yes, I thought he was talking about the Psalms, but I didn't catch the chapter.

One last thing I want to say, I think one of the clips you just played about 25 minutes ago, roughly, there was a man, or was it a woman? I forgot already, to be honest with you, but he or she was saying, go to a new website called Truth to Vote, and you can request online to have a set of invalid voting rolls sent to you, and you can somehow, I guess, they will mail it to you, or you can send it to your appropriate election office. Like, I live in Cleveland. I would send it downtown to, what is it, East 25th and Euclid Avenue or something, where the Cuyahoga County election board is at. Does that sound familiar to you?

I think it was the most latest clip you just played, I believe. Yeah, that, it's basically True the Vote, so t-r-u-e-t-h-e-v-o-t-e dot org. So go to that website, in the upper part it says get involved, and there's a project just called IV3. You'll sign up with that website, and then once you're approved, you don't have to physically do anything or go downtown. You'll just, they'll send you a record from the voter roll that looks like it's a duplicate or there's something wrong with it. You'll review it, and if it looks like it's a duplicate, you'll send it back to them, say this looks illegal, or it looks, you know, flag it, and then they'll take care of it from there.

They'll actually send it off to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, and hopefully it gets purged. Great, great. Again, it's True, like t-r-u-e-the-t-h-e-v-o-t-e dot org, correct? That's correct, absolutely. Okay, thank you so much. No problem. All right, thanks for calling. Okay, let's take, we got, this is, Lou, you're the last call for tonight.

Lou, you're in the air. Yes, I just want to say I called about 20 legislators here in Michigan the other day, and some of them got back with me about these absentee ballots being mailed out and sent out on request, and I says, listen, I says, you already have the absentee ballot on record. One of the legislators was telling me, we passed several, we passed several laws through the state Congress and Senate, but the governor shot it down, Whitmore. And I says, well, you already have it there. It's in the absentee ballot. They got to have the signature on file. Just use that.

It's already law. And I just want to say one more thing regarding faith for the brethren out there. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Amen.

Amen. He makes it pretty clear when he tells you that Romans chapter eight, he takes you to the entire realm of life. He takes you to the realm of life, and then there's nothing in all of the realm of life. Then he takes you to the realm of death, nothing in all the realm of death. He takes you to the entire universe. There's nothing out in the entire universe. Then he takes you to angelic beings.

There's nothing there that can separate you from the love of God. That's good enough for me, right? A consolation on it. Alrighty. Very good. God bless.

It could be discouraging. Just remember. Alrighty. We're going to, I'm going to ask these two fellows right here. Right now, listen, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. One, what is the most important thing a person can do in their entire life? Get salvation through Jesus Christ for eternal life.

John McTernan. Absolutely, Pastor. Nothing else matters or compares to it. So, let me ask you this. Does it matter whether or not you believe what the word of God says?

Is everything that God says will happen, will it happen? In other words, there are people out there that have the opinion, well, you know, I don't choose to believe that. Therefore, if I don't acknowledge it, it can't affect me. What do you think about that? Well, what we think doesn't really matter, Pastor.

I could think, well, if I put my finger in an electric socket, nothing will happen and I could die from it. So, we have the truth of God's word and that's the final say, Pastor. That's the end of the line. So, if people don't align up with God's word, then there's, God's word will be the final say.

So, it doesn't matter. The reality is over, in the last over 6,000 years, we've had over 1,800 prophecies and just about all of them have already been fulfilled exactly when, exactly where, exactly how. And only God, only an omnipotent and all-powerful being, someone who's got limitless power could do that. And so, we see everything that God said coming to every day. I mean, when we walk outside, we look around and we see the entire planet, the entire universe is being sustained by God. None of that can happen by its own, okay? It takes the ultimate extreme intelligence and power to do that. That's the reality.

That's the reality. And so, folks, after your listing out there, here's what the Lord said. He made it simple. There's only one book that is absolute, the greatest source of knowledge, wisdom and truth in existence and that's right here. I've got it in my hand.

God's word, the King James Bible. And, folks, I would just tell you this. Do it. Don't run out of tomorrows tonight. If you have not, if you have not called upon the name of the Lord, you're condemned already. Jesus said those that have not are condemned already and you don't want to stay there. You don't want to stay there. So, do it tonight. Do like Jesus said. Pray to God the Father, ask for forgiveness of your sins, then ask the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, in all times, in all things, with no reservations. We're out of time. Good night, God bless and always, always keep fighting the fight. This program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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