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TUE HR 1 071922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
July 20, 2022 12:10 am

TUE HR 1 071922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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July 20, 2022 12:10 am

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Casper Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this July 19th, 2022, right?

That was the squeak again. That's little Lisa. Good evening, everyone. All right. Now, now, Lisa is manning the phones tonight, along with, well, along with who's back there.

Let me see. Well, how about Randy and Eric? They're back in what we call the boiler room. They're sitting back there manning those telephones. And on the other side of the window, always alert, ready for action is none other than our own courageous Craig. Good evening, everybody.

And I try. And also it's Fudge Week. That's right. And last but not least, by any means. That old country preacher, none other than Pastor Joe Larson.

You had to say old, didn't you? Anyway, redeemed by the blood of the lamb and ready to go to work, boss. We got a lot to get done tonight, don't we? We certainly do. It would take a week, but we'll try. All right. So we're going to get after it tonight and we're going to pick up where we left off.

Remember the the title of the message was The Dark Prince said he would transfer from America and he did. But we got to remember this is pledge week. And so the phone numbers right now that they're all sitting there. Now, here you see you got these telephones and they got the little lights on them and they sit there. And I look at those lights, hoping the light up when they light up, they get to engage and help us stay on the station that you're listening to us on right now, which we're which we're really fighting hard to stay on.

It's tough. And so the number is 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110. The other number is 281 now it's 888. The other number is 888-677-9673. That's 888-677-9673. And so those are the numbers they're sitting by.

They're they're staring at those phones, hoping that you call. Don't disappoint them. Don't disappoint poor old Pastor Joe or me either. Right Joe?

Yes. Alrighty. Don't disappoint the boss, the one who really is in charge of it all. Don't disappoint our Lord. Amen. That's what that's what really counts, huh?

That's the only thing that really counts. Alrighty. Here's let's get going here. And we're going to start tonight in. Well, I'm going to do some commentary. And then we're going to start in Romans chapter 1, right? Right.

So let me do a little commentary first. Remember when President Ronald Reagan said something like to the extent that read well. He said it seems strange that those that have the most to lose will often do the least to preserve it. And boy, we have seen that across in America today.

You know, when we read from Deuteronomy 28 that described how God has dealt with America so clearly just unbelievable. No, it seems as if Joe people will tell me that I have I seem to have little tolerance for people that are non activists. Not everybody can be an activist, Pastor. You know, the very same people that tell you, well, you know, I'm just not cut out to do that. I'm not cut out to get out and be an activist. But, you know, when when things get really bad and food gets scarce and the persecution comes, who do you think will be complaining the loudest? Those who wouldn't be an activist.

Yeah. And so one of the reasons Joe is I've spent most most of my life fighting to preserve the freedoms like you have that those same people, they enjoy the same freedoms we do, but they're not doing much to preserve them. So many out there are doing so little. But I do think to some extent that has changed. We see we seem to see the righteous becoming more righteous and the wicked becoming more wicked out there today.

We see the same thing. Those that aren't willing to be activists are the same ones that don't really go out and work for the church and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ either there. Well, I wasn't cut out for that either. Yeah, absolutely.

How many times have you heard? Well, I'm just called to pray. That's all I'm called to do. Right. Right. And you know, when I find out those people that say that they do the least of that, too.

They don't do much of that either. You know, tonight we had a tea party meeting and it was it was standing room only. Every seat was taken. Oh, thank you, Jesus.

That sounds good. We could see that all over the country. Well, you know, when we look down south of the border, we see people, many, many people dying, losing their lives, just trying to get into this country because America was once a great, great nation.

Why? America was the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen, the freest nation the world has ever seen, and the most powerful the world has ever seen. And the reason America was great, America was good, but it's lost so much of its goodness, hasn't it? It sure has.

A great, great deal of it. Edmund Burke once said that all is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing, huh? That was such a true quote, wasn't it?

Yeah. So here, I remember being told one time, and I was amazed by this, by a pastor who had been, well, it was a longtime mentor of mine, that if, if I were to continue being so aggressively against the killing of the unborn and outspoken against the corrupt government, that I would bring the government down on all of us, and I was really taken back. I was taken back by, by that statement because this fellow was a World War II combat veteran, and he'd actually been with me from, from time to time. He would actually go out to the killing centers with me out there, and he was a very, very strong pro-lifer. Very, well, yeah, but I would say, too, a very scholarly man.

Oh. And here, he, but he, he didn't, he was not used to the abuse you have to take sometimes when you're out there preaching out there at the abortion mills, because you run into some of the, the most reprobate people coming in out there, especially those that work there at the abortion mills. And he wasn't used to being spoken to the way that- Or spit on, or that thing's thrown at you, or all kinds of other bad things. But then, going on, I was equally surprised to hear him say that the time is going to come, the time will come when the prissy preachers, now he didn't say that, that's it. He just said the preachers, but I put the prissy preachers in there, will be forced to stand up like men and resist tyranny.

He did say that. He said the time will come when they'll be forced to stand up and resist tyranny, and that they have for so very long pretended not to be aware of. And when that time comes, he said, when that time comes, they are going to need you to lead them. And if you keep calling them cowards, they won't follow you. Well, I said to them, why in the world would I want to lead a bunch of cowards? They would, they would cut run when things get real. And so, and why?

Well, because so many, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the corrupt judicial when they expelled God from the government schools and have for gain ruled that the Constitution guarantees a woman the right to kill her unborn baby. Remember that? They found that emanations of a number in the Constitution.

In other words, they made it up. Right. Okay. There never was never will be. Well, I've never really come across any emanations of a number anywhere to tell you the truth.

Sounds good. It's words we call it word salad. Well, yeah, for the folks out there that don't know what that means. Emanations are like little pulses of energy or light in the penumbra is the time of like a shadow like a shadow. And so that's somewhere shadow pardon pulsing light through a shadow.

Yeah, somewhere within that. He found that in the Constitution. And anyhow, you know, our generation Joe has been asleep at the wheel, while corrupt politicians have been usurping our freedoms one by one. This nation of a sleeper some just afraid.

I think there are many that are just afraid they know but they act like they don't because they're afraid. Well, the point of it is they they know that if they they recognize what the situation is then they are be forced. Any decent person would be forced to stand against it stand up against the corruption, huh?

Right. So here this nation was founded on God a principles we were warned by the founding fathers that it would take eternal vigilance to keep America as one nation under God into indivisible with liberty and justice for all right. Well, I still feel animosity. I still feel animosity for those who would say, well, these are conspiracy theories the things that when we were telling when we bring into it liquid all of all of what we've been telling about the corruption in the public school system for years and years when we were telling people about the cultural Marxism and we would hear those are conspiracies from remember NBC ABC CBS all of the fake news media.

Those are just conspiracy theory conspiracy theory and so here. When we take a look at that. And we see what we've come to now know and when we look back and I get letters from people all the time saying do you feel vindicated do you feel vindicated everything you guys said what happened happened every single thing. Well, again, it wasn't because we're we're smarter than anybody else and that we knew more is that we we knew that we were obligated to warn the people we were to be watchmen on the wall and we did what God's word the Bible called us to do. And so that's why we're here today and let's pick it up where we left off in Romans chapter 1 starting with verse 18 saying it it happened because we were obedient God takes those who are obedient and then he sees it you're equipped to do what he wills, but you just start off by being obedient and willing.

That reminds me Joe right now. I'm wearing this t-shirt that I wore to the Tea Party meeting tonight and the t-shirt shows it's black and it's got in two inch letters on the front America needs Jesus in the red white and blue red white and blue America needs Jesus and then on the back. It's got in two inch letters resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God and so when I wore this last Friday over to when I spoke there at we the people in Canton number of people called send emails wanting to know how they could order one. And well tonight same thing people say can we maybe order those and give them out for a certain donation that sounds like I want one. Yeah, well for small medium and large and extra large small medium large it's we ask a donation of $40 or more donation of $40 these are these are real high quality t-shirts by the way, we're not selling these in the money. We need money to stay on the air.

We don't sell anything effect. There are people that are absolutely destitute and times comes where we give them to them free because they are destitute and it's in you just feel bad. But anyhow for extra Ford too large for the 2x or 3x large we ask a donation of $50 and that's for extra and 2x or 3x too large $50.

Now we have the same thing in a hat that says America needs Jesus on that hat. We ask for a donation of $25 for that. Okay, folks. We're not making any money on all of this all the money goes right there time so that we can continue to bring you what we've been bringing you by the way, the phone numbers are 888.

2811110 or 8886779673. Let me see. We got pleasures coming in. Let me see. Where do we start?

Did I lose some? All right, we have Claudette pledged 400 an extra 400 on top of before and then we have Vince in New Jersey pledges 150 Rose in New York pledges 50 and Betty in Michigan pledges 100. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Joe started and Romans chapter 1 read me verses 18 through 22 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it into them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. Being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God.

Neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools. All right, Joe that new telescope that they they've got where they're you keep seeing on the news where they're showing you, you know, the the universe. Yeah, and all the way back to creation right right what they're saying. Well, it's an interesting thing because on the left those on the left have come out and they're saying with all the extra information now now is they're getting from the new tilt that proves that there's evolution and not creation and how in a world could somebody come up with that on the other side of that.

Some of those before that leaned towards the evolution theory are saying now with this new telescope. It's absolutely completely clear. It's it would be impossible impossible to have such a complicated such a complicated and vast universe without an extremely ultimately intelligent creator. Right and evolved from absolutely nothing.

Well, even when I was young. I understood that you could never have a creation without a creator everything that I saw. I knew it was made by someone, even if it was God alone.

But I knew it couldn't make itself right. Have you ever seen a you ever seen a tree that made itself. Nope. You ever seen a rock made itself.

No, or a bicycle. All right, we've heard of self made men right. Heard the words. You ever seen a self made man.

Nope. No, you never will either. And here, you know, it's an interesting thing because none of us were ever able to choose who our parents would be. We were never able to choose. One of the two genders Joe, I realized that I know it's hard for many to believe it.

There's only two genders Joe only two. And, um, but we weren't able to choose that. So who our parents would be where we would be born. What about when we would be born. Were we able to do that. No, we couldn't choose our IQ or our size, strength, anything. All right, now, who took care of all that who who decided that creator.

So those things didn't just happen at random. No. All right, so now we've got let me see we got anonymous just pledged from Dallas 200 Thank you anonymous.

All right, we got to get that number, we're working our way towards our goal tonight 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. So here Joe. When we go back and we look at this professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Okay, let me ask you a question, Joe. Let me ask you a question because we're here.

You tell me if this qualifies as being a fool. The left now have have brought us this these new revelations. That men now have periods have you ever known any men that has a period Joe.

No, I haven't. I mean, men don't have periods do they Joe. Nope, they haven't they aren't going to because your DNA is set in every cell in your body.

There is no way to change the DNA RNA makeup in your body. Just recently Josh Josh Holly would debate at a dingbat this woman and the left was praising her for taking on Josh Holly. And she was saying how men can have babies right with Joe men men don't have babies do they Joe. No, they don't.

Okay. And so here now they also brought the left is crossed these these child's mutations or mutilations as the child mutilations they call you know where they they change they want to change the gender of a person and has caused so much pain and misery. And so many of these young people that had that done now regret it and they wish they hadn't done that. Great numbers are more than you hear about because they keep that quiet they don't want you to know.

Now here's the brilliance that the let me ask you a question here. Is this the type of school that you would want to spend any money sending your child to. And I'm talking about Penn State Penn State just made a man named William Thomas just made him woman of the year.

That sounds like the last place that I would consider letting one of my precious children or grandchildren go. So. Obama said that he was going to transform America.

Is are we looking at some of his transformation. Out there in Oregon now. And the state of Washington. These brilliant minds I mean these really brilliant minds in government have decided to put the Tampax. Dispensers. In the public school in the boys bathrooms in the boys bathrooms in the public school system. Now.

What kind of a I mean. How brilliant is that. What do you think the effect of these young boys is on that.

I think it would make most of them really just wonder what in the world is going on because what would I do with one if I had it. Okay. Now you've got remember fusion like why is it here this is stupid. You know. So now the end the AMA says they're not sure that they're not really sure what the gender is there's two genders so they quit putting genders on the birth certificates. Right.

The person will tell you when they grow up and decide what gender they are. And you know I mean it God is not the author of confusion but Satan certainly is. Well. The congregation the church I pastor the people that attended Sunday. Every one of them was much much smarter. Then all of the top liberal elite. Within all of the top liberal elite we could not find any that knew what a woman was none of them. But you know I asked how many people in this congregation today knows what a woman is every single one every single one knew what a woman was. And if you say well now if you see a woman pointer out to me every single person in our church knows who would point you out that one right. And so that puts them way out ahead of all the mainstream media.

And all of these so-called liberal elites. Now. We know that also here.

You know when. When I was growing up women nurse their babies. And that's what they call them they call them nursing mothers. Well today they call them chest feeders this is another brilliant thing that came from the left chest feeders. And you know they think that men can be chest feeders to they think that men can nurse babies.

Again. We're way who thinks she's a man can nurse a baby but she's not a man she just wants to be or think she is identifies as such. But same thing only a female can have a child.

She may identify as a male but if she gives birth to a child she is female period. End of story. All the science in the world proves it. So did you ever think that we would get to the point in America where we would be discussing such things as this. No I really didn't I saw evil. You and I have been preaching about the evil coming communism the change but the stupidity of thinking you can be transformed from one sex to another.

No that that was beyond what I could imagine. All right Hector in Michigan pledges 50 in Maryland and Florida pledges 40 Thank you Hector Thank you Marilyn. We'll be back right after this. Once a man's home was his castle. Only his foes would violate and the border of his property was the moat round his estate. All these kingly rights of sovereignty. Once bestowed on us by God have been lost somewhere in history in the fine print and the fraud. Once a man and his religion was protected by the law. In America the Constitution formed a verbal wall.

Now the law that used to separate is a law that's daily breached. Now the worried watchman on the walls crying heavens under siege. Heavens under siege.

Whoa now heavens under siege. When the Bible and the Bill of Rights have been trampled in the streets. When the gentle bams of Jesus Christ brought in jails for their beliefs. You know corruption reigns in government when heavens under siege.

Heard the watchman sound the warning call back in 1992. When they murdered Dickey Weaver just like they'll murder me or you. When they stormed the church in Waco women and children burned alive.

Now the ones who rot in prisons are the ones they let survive. Heavens under siege. Whoa now heavens under siege. When the Bible and the Bill of Rights have been trampled in the streets.

When the gentle bams of Jesus Christ brought in jails for their beliefs. You know corruption reigns in government when heavens under siege. Now a voice cries in the wilderness as the Lord prepares his church.

Will his called and chosen servants be found faithful on this earth? Will we pass the test of heavens quest never counting earthly loss? Will we fight like Christian soldiers with our eyes upon the cross? Heavens under siege. Whoa now heavens under siege. When the Bible and the Bill of Rights have been trampled in the streets.

And when the gentle lambs of Jesus Christ brought in jails for their beliefs. You know corruption reigns in government when heavens under siege. I said corruption reigns in government when heavens under siege. Alright we're back and you know heaven is under siege. Heaven is really under siege. Now Joe the Lord has raised this up and the Bible says who will fight on the Lord's side?

How are we to answer that? We are to say I am here. Pick me. So when the Lord says then who shall I send?

Send me. Okay now I'm going to read a letter because Joe I'm on the right to life action coalition of Ohio. I'm a part of that since the beginning and we're sending them.

They're sending a letter and here's a copy of the letter that they sent to Mr. Rodney McMullen chairman and chief executive officer of corporate affairs department of the Kroger company Joe. Before I go any further I do want to say folks phone lines are open. We got to keep the pledges coming in right now. We need six thousand and let's see what was it six thousand. What was that number again? Okay sixty four six four six six thousand four hundred six thousand four hundred. We need right now and we've got about.

Well we've got about one hour about one hour and a couple of minutes to get it anyhow. So here this is a letter we're sending that was sent from the right to life action coalition of Ohio to Kroger. Now the reason why they sent this to Kroger is because Kroger and giant eagle two big grocery store chains have decided that they're going to subsidize their employees the women the women or or maybe they got some of those Democratic men that can have babies there too. But they get pregnant but whatever up to four thousand dollars to kill the child to kill a child to kill a child. They say no say they call that killing a child health care. Do you think that killing a child is can be construed as health care. I don't think God sees it anywhere near health care health care is when you try and help strengthen the body bring it back to normal to good health.

Sending something to death is not healthy. Here's the letter very quickly dear Mr. McClellan we represent an Ohio statewide group of pro-life organizations who are dismayed by Kroger's recent corporate decision concerning employee benefits for abortion killing little babies. Specifically we note that in the wake of the US Supreme Court's opinion Dobbs verse and Jackson women's health organization Kroger announced that its associates can receive benefits packages that include affordable health care and travel benefits up to four thousand dollars to facilitate access to baby killing to baby killing.

Among other services. As you know now no medical procedure designed to specifically take you in life can be considered health care. Well we actually are where or why we are accurately aware that are acutely aware that there are many women in Ohio who are so-called crisis pregnancy situations. Abortion is not the answer.

In fact the vast majority of women choose abortion is the last resort because they have no one to support their pregnancy and the resulting child. Now if Kroger wishes actually wishes to take a stance on this issue which is considered donating the money to pregnancy care centers throughout Ohio. Which far outnumber abortion facilities and work on a shoestring budget frequently with volunteers and have many members of your board or senior management or ever visited one of these centers.

They might be revealing visit. We are also aware that your Kroger community rewards program at least one of your member organizations has canceled its participation in that program as a protest against your recent action. Finally on the economic note we hope you are aware that United States population growth is steadily slowed in recent years to the point where it is now effectively flat lined. Where do you expect Kroger's future customers come from if you subsidize abortion for your own employees. And how many more customers would Kroger have today if the United States had not aborted some 62 million. It's actually twice that folks believe me believe me I know 62 million infants in the last half centuries. If you wish to consider your associates as part of the Kroger family it's hypocritical to effectively encourage them to terminate the lives of their future family members.

We sincerely hope that you'll reconsider this decision and stand for life after all the dead have no need of help now Joe here's what happens. The left the communists they spend all their time usually because they get subsidies from corrupt corrupt officials sucking off tax dollars from hard working American. And these people spend their time getting on the boards of these corporations to make the corporations woke. They're not out there like the average person like we are out there fighting and working and earning living. No they're like bloodsuckers they they live off other people's labors. No here Kroger here's the executive here's from this they're not hearing from us.

But they need to hear from us and you would think any kind of any person is decent Joe and it just a decent person. No I'm going to let Kroger we need to let Kroger know I'm in fact we've already done it called and not just Kroger but giant eagle. Let them know that that if they're going to do that they're not going to get any of my business and I'm going to let as many people as I possibly know not to shop there to boycott them.

And they say well we're so big we really don't need your business that's good because you're not going to get any of it. Now here's the number to Kroger and folks remember your Christian when you call don't ever reduce yourself to this to the standards with the others do that. We know that I know that too that the Democrats will call and say we're Christians and then they'll let out with a flurry of profanity. And even people from Kroger would know that they're not Christians when they do that right so anyhow anyhow here's the number you call and and Joe. Tell people why why they should be doers of the word or not here is only why when we're calling him to do these things. Why are we calling them tell them why we're calling them to do these things to get up to be an activist. Well it's one of the things that the Lord Ashley commands us to do he tells us to be a doer of the word and not a hero only he tells us to be a doer of the work and he tells us to be a doer of the law.

And in his law he says what God she basically says shall not must not cannot will not shed innocent blood kind of clear there that a unborn child is pretty innocent and God says all that about cannot will not must not shed innocent blood. So he's made his stance pretty clear and if we don't follow him. We deserve hellfire and judgment. Okay so how many lifetimes do people have out there listening to us to place some crowns in heaven one. So for the people is listening to us right now. It's now or never right right. And so they need.

I mean they need to do everything they can. If we look at Hebrews chapter 11. And that's called. They're called that's the chapter of heroes of the faith heroes of the faith were they heroes for obeying God.

Yes. Government they obey God they didn't obey the world they didn't obey government they obey God. So when what corporations like Kroger or giant eagle tell you well we were going to we're going to do this we really don't care what you Christians think what is the response. What should the response be from Christians are in does it say anywhere in the beatitudes blessed are the stupid.

No, we looked we looked at every word it's not there. So, when the scripture talks about, we are to fight like Christian soldiers with our eyes upon the cross. Does that mean resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. All way. All way is the way the Lord uses that word. We are to run to the battle fight to fight stand in the gap witness testify reprove rebuke.

He's got a whole list of active verbs there that he tells us he wants done. All right, I'm going to give this real quickly we have a bill in Boston pledges 25 Connie and Florida pledges 100 marine in Ohio pledges 100 and Stephanie and New York pledges 70 Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is what you need to do because we have a lot of information we want to get out to you but this is very important. Anymore, if unless they change your policy and they need to make it. I have a public policy change they need to come out publicly and just say if they say well you know what we know you think you're so big that you're not you don't need my business well that's good because you're not going to get my business.

Okay. And here's the number. It's 1800, it's 1805 764377.

It's 1805 764377. And for giant eagle in Missouri, would it still be calling for Rodney McMullen or, you know, this takes you to this. This takes you to their, their home office, which is in Cincinnati, Ohio. All right.

Okay, so, and you can ask for Mr Rodney McMullen I don't think the probably he's a chairman and chief executive officer. Right, but this line will put you through and you can leave it and leave your comment. Now for giant eagle for giant eagle. The number is 4129674551 believe that's that's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That's 4129674551 one more time for giant eagle.

It's 4129674551, they'll give you a litany of things well for this for this for this but eventually you'll get, you'll get the comment line. Alrighty, there you go. Now, you know what Joe, Ted Cruz said this. Ted Cruz said legalizing gay marriage was clearly the wrong thing to do. Do you know who said that before Ted Cruz did.

Yeah, there was a Supreme Court justice said that. And before him. The Lord. And that's it.

That's right. God said it. God said it.

Okay. And so here, because what there's no such thing as gay marriage so such thing. It's a perversion it's a because it's not a marriage, you get to oxymoron you cannot have a gay marriage, right, who gave us the definition of marriage union, but God said marriage is his.

His institution. So what what basically God's got a couple other words for that what they call gay marriage. It's, it's called what fornication isn't it fornication and sodomy isn't it. Right.

So, there you go, folks. Now, God has ruled on that if God has ruled on something. How long does God's ruling stand for it was called subtle law because his word last forever. His law is forever will not change cannot change.

All right, very good. On Saturday, Texas, Texas, Senator Ted Cruz said that he believes the US Supreme Court was clearly clearly wrong when it legalized same sex marriage in over and over Durafell versus Hodges, the court chose to legalize gay marriage in a five to one ruling. In 2015, the Supreme Court decision made it illegal for any state, the District Columbia and US territories to deny marriage to suit a certificate to same sex couples now Joe let me ask you this Okay, what, who gave them authority, first of all, where do we get the first divine institution. Where did we get that Joe from God from God now when God gave us the first divine. Did he specify that he say, one man, one woman, United in God for one lifetime.

Yep, the two become as one. So then God gave us that. And what authority who gave this court any authority to intervene on marriage because marriage can be only between a man and a woman so that made this court, totally illegitimate didn't.

Exactly. And when they're illegitimate their law is or their ruling is invalid, it's worthless. So they may have some power, but they have no authority do they know. So now I God has said that right according to God's word that court. They're only supreme in the rebellion against God, aren't they. Amen. Now, they did have the right to create a secular civil union where people can get government benefits.

They could do that because that's outside of the realm of God and what the ungodly do is, you know, they're already outside his purview, but to call it marriage, they had no right whatsoever on any level. Okay, here another article lesbian condemnation of grooming of children and woke activism goes viral and here you have a picture a short video a lesbian shares from her heart. What she sees today and her reaction. The short video went viral over the weekend across social media in a self proclaimed lesbian woman shares her thoughts on what is happening today in the world community, she says, if I would have understood when I was younger, that fighting for my rights as a lesbian would mean allowing children to drag shows attaching child molesters to our community and allowing children to change their sex before they even knew what their favorite color is.

I would have never, ever, ever done it. There you go. And that's a city after a pause went never. Yeah, there are people who understand children are special children are a gift from God and even the ungodly understand their special, but I've got one person I've got to bring up the name tonight because he shows up in three different things. Okay, wait to do it right after this because I've got to get that number of 888, because the phones aren't ringing. Oh, right now I can look in there and I can see heads, I could just see heads in there. They're not talking on the phone and courageous Craig he's got a cup piece of ice and he's, he's chewing on ice courageous Craig. Now, the phone lines are open at eight a boy they're all open they're all open. There's no phones ringing right now.

888-281-1110 that's 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 888-677-9673. Go ahead, Joe, pick it up because I got a bunch of articles I want to go through. Okay, George Soros, one of the most evil wicked men in the world. He's doing three things.

One. Well, Biden is doing this. Our government under the Biden administration has just awarded a one point, or I'm sorry, $172 million grant to one of George Soros's organizations, it's called the very Institute for Justice. And this organization exists to help young border crossers avoid problems, get help in other words, you know, putting people to help get them in get them set. And this contract will actually spend $1 billion so our government is giving evil George Soros this billionaire, a billion dollars to help smuggle illegal immigrants into this country. He verifies who they are, why they're here.

We know that there was a 24 year old man was smuggled in as one of those unaccompanied minors ended up killing somebody. Second, George Soros is backing more left wing prosecutors. He's doing it in the state of Iowa and in Maine under the justice and public safety pack there. He's donated $2 million to a committee for advertisements, direct mail polling for Kimberly Graham campaign in Iowa. This is according to the Federal Election Commission records, reviewed by Fox Digital, and the cash helped this Kimberly Graham win a three way primary for Polk County attorney and going off against Republican Alan Richards. And this, this kind of money in a race like that is a tremendous help committees by George Soros back to other people.

Franklin Sartoris, Sartoris and others. So basically, here we go. Soros is handing out money $125 million from Soros to the Maine justice and public safety pack. And that goes again to support a Democrat candidate for attorney general. And now he's given $1 million to Beto O'Rourke's Texas gubernatorial campaign.

And the big news is Beto O'Rourke has outraised Greg Abbott, the governor, by about $2.7 million. So here we have this mega donor George Soros giving $1 million to put Beto O'Rourke into the government. All right, first of all, let's take a look at some of these people that he's bringing in. We've known all along, these are sleeper cells. George Soros is financing Joe Biden, and the Biden crime cartel have been working hand in hand. Now we've been telling you this.

Now, it'll be common knowledge, maybe a few years from now, should the Lord Terry, it'll be common knowledge, what we've been telling you all along. And that is that he is bringing in people, these are sleeper cells, he's got them all over the country, when the time gets right. Now, when we saw what happened in the last couple years, they know if there is ever an honest and fair election, the Democratic Party is gone. So they have to do something about that. They've got these people, we know that there's been several hundred known terrorists coming in here that have been caught. So the authorities tell us that if we know that several hundred known terrorists have been caught, then how many, probably many, many thousands have not been caught, because they only catch a very few. They have a hundred thousand getaways per month or more. Those are the ones that they know about.

So when they know there's a hundred thousand getaways, they'll tell you, we don't know how many more slip by... We'll be back after this with more. What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at, Again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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