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FRI HR 1 061722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
June 18, 2022 12:15 am

FRI HR 1 061722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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See store or for details. The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast What's Right What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does and bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders.

Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian resistance on the 17th day of June. June. It's not Juneteenth or whatever it is. It's the 17th day of June. The month of June, right? Yes. Here that's the Lisa.

She loves talking. Okay now and again this is we have approximately one hour and 43 minutes. One hour and 43 minutes left for pledge week. One hour and 43 minutes to raise what we need to stay on for another whole month and two with God's by God's a miracle. But a miracle from God if we can get that without losing any stations. Although we have three that are and that's Tampa, Atlanta, and San Diego that are scheduled to go off on July 9th.

But maybe if maybe with enough prayer and with enough support and we can keep them on. But anyhow with that the phone numbers are 888-281-1110. That's 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673.

That's 888-677-9673. We accept PayPal, credit cards, checks, and now crypto. So go to and select the blue donation button and our radio ministry does not have any corporate sponsors. It's fully funded by generous Christian patriots like you folks out there listening to us. Help us save America and spread the word from coast to coast. Now back joining that rascal Randy back in the boiler room tonight is we have the Ritz's.

Yes that's right we've had the Ritz's. Ron and Barb and they're waving at me and then of course he's the Lord of the Board is none other than Courageous Craig. Good evening everybody.

And here in the studio fluttering and sputtering waiting to say hello. Good evening everyone. Little Lisa there you go and now way out yonder in Texas with his 10 gallon hat and his cowboy boots none other than Texas John McTernan. Hello Pastor Ernie. God bless you and all our listeners. All right we have a whole lot to get through John.

This is going to be tonight lightning rounds again. So what I'd like to do is finish up with the Bible study we had this week with three quick passages of scripture. And so let's do that. First I'm going to start with psalm go to psalm 69 and read me verse 28 psalm 69 and verse 28. Okay psalm 69. Well I got to spell psalm right for my uh electronic computer Pastor Ernie. Yeah I know you do. Yeah I know you do. It's already spelled out for me all I have to do is turn the page in my good old Bible. Well I'm embarrassed to say.

You don't have it in your computer? Let me read it. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not written with the righteous. And so we're we're talking about the books of the Bible that the Bible speaks of. There's a number of them but those that are very relevant. And we went through John the book of the law and we took a look at the copy of the law and the uh and that the the law was copy was placed in the ark and the foundation of Israel's religion. Then we took a look at the book of the wars and then we took a look at the book of God's judgments and then last night we did the book of records in Ezra and here this is the book of the living the book of the living David remember what David said Lord bless uh don't blot me out from the book of the the living and here a lot of people don't understand that means uh you're gonna die now everybody we know is gonna get blotted out of the book of the living at some point aren't they well physically yes yeah so right it's appointed to all men wants to die and then the judgment huh yeah okay so we're gonna be talking about that tonight because there's a whole lot of people out there don't realize that the time in a place that they die is not their call that calls from God isn't it uh he has the keys of death and health system and so is he not uh is he not the one that that decides when you're gonna go it's God's call isn't it absolutely okay so if he controls the universe and all of the ins and outs of it and he's in control of uh the creation here on earth surely he controls our destiny okay so now uh there are these people out there today that they uh they believe that they can once they die they can get frozen and be brought back to life back to life that didn't be thought out at some point in the future and be brought back to life there's others that believe that well you can take what it is your your mental capacity the information that you have your personality that and place it into electronic robot type things and that way you can continue to live but whether whether you're frozen with cryogenics uh when they get defrosted that that they're going to be defrosted in a burning lake of fire right well pastor ernie as once a person dies the uh we're a body soul and spirit and the soul and spirit depart and they're not coming back it is appointed until man wants to die and after this the judgment so no matter what they do that person's not coming back into that body yeah but what if the majority of the people in the polls disagree with that it doesn't matter so you mean to tell me if all these people especially these young people have their own their own ideas and their own opinions i mean doesn't god have to respect their opinions their opinions no god's immutable pastor ernie and what he decrees and does uh doesn't change he's immutable it doesn't depend upon us agreeing with him so so all of this this um rioting and these marches and these screeching yelling women out there and all of this uh because they don't like the way god does things uh that's not going to change god's mind right uh no like i said he's immutable so that means that he's unchanging right all right let's go over uh to revelation 20 and let's read verse 11 through 15 does it does your electronic bible have revelation 20 in it yes it does i'm right there right now now read read verses 11 through 15 and i saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and i saw the dead mauling great sand before god and the books were opened and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire well let me ask you this whose names are going to be written in the book of life believers in jesus christ because it's called in another place it's called the lambs book of life and so whose word do we have on that well god's word in the bible does it get any surer than that no pastor ernie you know it's the land it's called the lambs book of life and those that follow god's plan for salvation their name is written in the book for eternity all right i want to take you to one last book here john and this is one of my favorites in all of scripture and it's the book of remembrance the book of remembrance and it's a malachi chapter three and it starts in verse 16 through verse 18 does your electronic bible have the book of malachi in it yes it does look my my electronic bible has psalms in it and i had a mental block today on putting the three letters the first three letters of psalms that's how i find it that's why i couldn't believe it so all right malachi 3 16 then they that feared the lord spake often one to another and the lord hearkened i like that he hearkened it doesn't get any better than that in the king james and and the lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the lord and thought upon his name and they shall be mine sayeth the lord of hosts in that day when i make up my jewels and i will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that serveth god and him that serveth him not so when he's referring to what's he talking about this jewel stuff he's return referring to something specific well uh we i see it as we are his jewels you're right that's yeah so we're considered to be as jewels and so uh what do jewels have there's something that they have it's value well they're very beautiful the luster they're very beautiful and they're um they don't break pestering you know diamonds don't break so they go like last forever and and very beautiful pure there's purity in them also g john you know because i know i i considered myself one of god's jewels but uh well you and i aren't pretty at all and oh that's ernie i got a big secret i'm going to tell you all right my my mother thought i was very uh good-looking how's that mothers love their sons a lot after ernie i want to um add something to uh malachi 316 already and when you go to verse 15 uh well you could go beyond that too but especially verse 15 it really speaks to today uh and now uh we call the proud happy yay them that work wicked are set up that means they're exalted yay they that tempt god are even delivered then they that feared the lord spake often one to another so it has to do with exactly with today exactly what pride goes before today this month is gay pride month right i hate i'm just saying what they call it not what it's called they call it gay pride month right yay we call the happy the proud happy you know like blessed they that work wickedness are set up yay they that tempt god are even delivered so then it says then that they feared the lord spake often one to another that's us so there's the contrast the contrast is this incredible wickedness but then god contrasted against us i like that that's really i always try and bring that in when i'm talking about malachi 316 i always like to go back to 15 to show the contrast well you know if we go back even farther in that before we we get there i just want to say folks not one call has come in so far we have been on on the air here uh not one not one call is coming in in the last 15 minutes not one call and if calls don't come in and then we won't be here 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 that's 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 we got to hear we got to hear from you we really got to hear from you or you won't be hearing from us and believe me we're not doing this for the money uh folks we're doing it for the causes is there not a cause and that cause is christ freedom and liberty and now john if we go back in malakay it's an interesting thing because he's talking to the people and he was talking to the priests earlier there and the people who who would not support the priests and we're we're robbing god but here when he says uh so your words have been stout against me saith the lord yet you say well what do we what have we spoken so much against thee you have said it is vain to serve god and what profit is it if we have kept his ordinance and walked mournfully before the lord of hosts and now we call the proud happy and they work wickedness well you see here they're they were telling god look we get it we get it we know what you're saying we're saying how you know that blessed are the poor okay and the weak but we get it that you are blessing the wicked because we see the wicked are rich the wicked are prospering and the poor aren't rich and they're not you're not blessing the poor you're blessing the the wicked the rich and they're making them rich so we get it god you know we're we're hip we're woke you know you're saying one thing we're doing another is that a smart thing to say to god uh that's arrogance and it's uh we have to be humble before him pastor yeah that's that's pretty stupid to say to god isn't it uh is god god's not mocked is he uh no he's not testa ernie and god uh is very very merciful he's very long suffering but there's a point at when uh he has to move because of his holiness and his righteousness pastor all right and it says he's not deceived god is not mocked so in this passage that we read tonight the 16th through 18 god has said he's going to remember those that were faithful to him and love him and honor him and he will also remember those on the left that mocked him and flaunted their sin by embracing abortion and sodomy and pedophilia lying and stealing and hortiman now the pedophiles have a new name that starts with age something it's a new name that they have for pedophilia they want to change that to try to lessen if they can the severity of it the language of illusion and so here john let me ask you something there's a name used for people that that have gone bloodthirsty like for example in california the house they voted to kill babies they want to be able to kill babies to at least seven days after they're born and even longer if they can they want to kill little innocent god's little innocent children they want to transgress god's dominion and shed innocent blood now people that have that have lost uh that have gone that way there's a word in the bible god uses for those people what is that it starts with an r you mean killing the babies yeah those that are killing the babies those that are out marching in the streets those that are out there promoting pedophile pedophilia those that are out there promoting sodomite pride month god has given them over to a what kind of mind oh reprobate mind exactly uh do they realize this that people say well no they have no idea this then okay um reprobate a reprobate mind and i mean it's void of anything of god and it's god actually says it's worthless and that's the definition of the worthless empty void so they are there's absolutely nothing in their mind related to god it's all it's been stripped out absolutely and so here i want you to go over to leviticus 18 and read verse 22 okay nancy in texas pledges 50 steven is the only one who's ever been in love with the michigan pledges 200 and anonymous anachron pledges 35 8 8 8 2 8 1 folks this right now i have approximately one hour and let me see 23 minutes one hour and 23 minutes left and we are way way way short of our goals we're approximately 5700 short of our goal right now 5 700 so 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or uh 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 go ahead john and read that verse 2 or 25 did you say okay uh leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 okay verse 22 says thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind it is an abomination okay what's an abomination abomination the best way to explain it would be like revolting to god uh well it's an abomination there's a hebrew an old hebrew definition of abomination and that is the stench uh oh no i'm sorry that's a different word that was sodomite the word sodomite uh was the stench of rotting flesh the nostrils of a holy god and that was that is an abominable thing huh right so an abomination is um um disgusting it's um yeah disgusting would be the word an abomination all right you know one of those definitions actually for for reprobate is depraved that means a depraved mind when you and so let me let me take you over to romans one uh now are we the only people that know this now we're not because recently i've heard several pastors thank the good lord preaching on the sin of sodomy for this month on this radio program uh very few out there today will preach on it because they're afraid of the sodomites they're afraid of the lewd gross belligerent transgressing queers okay that what they call the lgbt now but all the all the networks including fox news including fox news is celebrating sodomy they're all celebrating sodomy and they'll be and well they celebrate pedophilia now too and so here uh he says this wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen so um here when he talks about the creature there he's referring to the us the creatures we're the creation right and so here let me ask you this so when you're preaching against this horrible horrible sin and the princely preachers won't preach an apostate preachers won't preach against it and those people in the news media and the princely preachers will say where's the love where is your love so john tell me where's the love well pastor ernie the bible says to speak the truth in love and the truth is that uh uh god is immutable and he is holy and anything really out of uh of sexual relations in a marriage is sin to god so it's not that uh homosexuality is um just by itself there's other sins that are involved adultery and fornication and pornography and all of that but um homosexuality when we look at it in the context there where you read it there's a chain in starting in verse 21 from turning from god and then here they turn from god they knew god they turned and they started to worship the creation and the creatures as it is rather than god and then it is a degeneration down into homosexuality in a reprobate mind god gives them over to a reprobate mind so we're living now in society where this process is in play and all of this support of homosexuality and everything that goes with it shows pastor ernie that we are corporately not individually but corporately have become reprobate before god and so what has happened but before we go any farther i want to say this um uh bob and marie i think i know those two uh they pledged 200 bill in new jersey pledges 100 jesse and minnesota pledges 250 the fire in brunswick and that's none other than coach dwayne pledges 100 and uh now you see we're going to a break but but you know what craig doesn't know this song is the burning lake of fire and so he's not ready with that but we're going there anywhere sin is a burning thing it has a deadly sting pleasure is a burning desire but it will take you to the lake of fire don't fall into that burning lake of fire you go down down down the flames they'll burn higher and you'll burn burn burn that lake of fire that lake don't fall into that burning the lake of fire you'll go down down down the flames they'll burn higher and you'll burn burn burn that lake of fire that lake of fire christ is a saving king he'll keep you from dusting sin is a burning desire go into that burning lake of fire you go down down down the flames they'll burn higher and you'll burn burn burn that lake of fire that lake of fire there don't fall into that burning lake of fire you go down down down the flames they'll burn higher and you'll burn burn burn that lake of fire that lake of fire all right so john mcturna tell me is it showing love to the sodomites by not offending them by telling them uh that what they're doing is going to break take them to that lake of fire uh just letting them find out later on for themselves is that is that showing love uh yes uh if again it it's how it's presented the bible says speak the truth in love so when we tell them it'd be like when people are drunk a drug addict uh someone addicted on and pornography it's all sin and there's you cannot take that sin into uh into a heaven it cannot so anybody that tells you different is um it's it's false compared to the good word of god past learning i mean it's it's not a sexual thing there's you cannot practice sin in fact i'm going to take you to uh a scripture to show you this to be first corinthians uh chapter uh six faster let me turn to that and it talks about it lists sin and it will go to verse 9 know ye not that unrighteousness shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven be not deceived so i'm only repeating what the bible says john mcturnan is not declaring this the bible says be be uh be uh know ye not that unrighteousness shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuser of themselves of mankind their homosexuality neither thieves nor covetous or drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god and such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified and you are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god so i mean it's not picking out homosexuality by itself because it says fornicators idolaters adulterers abusers of themselves with mankind that's the description of homosexuality shall not inherit the kingdom of god so those that say it's not a sin and god understands and that um you know they'll they'll be in heaven let's say what does the word say they won't be and that's all not i'm not just picking one scripture we can go to many scriptures about this well why is it that we understand that you and i we understand this but a lot of the young people out there they're clueless to this today i mean they're they somehow think that if they don't acknowledge god's word if they don't acknowledge the the authority uh and the inerrancy of god's word then it can affect them it has no effect over right but let me take you here's here's the reason why we understand this and this is one of the most important passages in all of scripture but god hath revealed unto them by his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of god for what man knoweth the things of a man say the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god know no man but the spirit of god now we received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the holy ghost teaches comparing spiritual things to spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual judges all things yet himself is judged of no man or who hath known the mind of the lord that you may instruct him but we have the mind of christ so is that why we understand this and they don't uh that's gotta be it pastor ernie i i don't know why something very clear in the world is unbelief there they just don't believe god's word there's a lack of fear of the lord there um they think that they can twist what the bible says and there'll be no repercussions for it so you know as we grow in the word we develop the mind of Christ right right that's learning absolutely yeah and so then here if we if we say well then why is it why is it we can see that and why is it they can't that does god's word gives us the answer to that over in second grithians chapter four and in second grithians chapter four uh he says this verse three if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world have blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine into them so their eyes have been blinded by the god of this world hadn't they exactly but it's been blinded best ernie because of sin it's it's sin and so the wages of sin is what death what is death death is spiritual separation from god for eternity not a good thing is it no okay let me in that song about the lake of fire pastor ernie i want to share two scriptures that are very relevant to this okay and um yeah jude 1 7 even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in life manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth as an example let me say it again are set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire um so what happened in genesis 19 god is saying if nations go down that road they're going to get the same thing then we go to second peter chapter 2 verse 6 and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemn them with an overthrow making them an example unto those after should live ungodly so let me go back john let's go back to what uh to what he was talking about this sin of sodomy which is an abominable thing this very thing that all of the woke corporations that nbc abc cbs um that the that the baseball national baseball league national and basketball league all of these corporate uh sponsors out there taco bell uh that they're all celebrating this is what they're what what let's take a look at what god has called uh because you see somehow they think that gods can just have to be conformed right i mean there's a mindset are they in for an extremely extremely rude awakening uh pastor ernie this is frightening seriously this is frightening to look at the road america the road america is on in in the light of god's word i'm going to read this john and then what i want you to do is let's talk about what happened at the start what's happened in our country since june 1st the things that and let's see if maybe god's trying to send us a message okay here for this cause god gave them up to vile affections for even their women to change their natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves the recompense of the error which was meat and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things where which are not convenient being filled and by the way here uh what he's referring to there and that passage when it says uh convenient means proper are honorable okay uh and so here he said being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding and covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful now here you go here's the key verse who knowing the judgment of god that which they commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them boy i'm going to tell you uh well let's take a look what happened john before we go there i want to say let me see where did i leave off okay uh mag maggie in philly pledges 100 debbie in wisconsin pledges 100 and randy in san diego pledges 50 thank you thank you thank you okay where's my crowd noise i i don't have my crowd noise okay where's the crowd i got i got my right where's our fans out there i'm making him work he's gotta go over to the board where's the crowd noise there you go is that the best you can do i mean gee john you and i can do better than that all right okay all righty eight folks phone lines they're not ringing right now they gotta ring eight eight eight two eight one one one zero eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three now what you're getting tonight is a rarity not many preachers are preaching against that horrible sin of sodomy but we are tonight now let's let's go back when when did the the things in this country that the stock market uh out west we had fires but we've always had fires but if we go back to the first of this month we've seen these things all increase starting with starting with june 1st we see the stock market taking a deep dive we've seen uh we've got 35 000 dead cattle that have died because of the heat we're seeing do you think god has shown us you think this is hot here now uh the heat wave you think it's hot here wait till you get to hell you think god is showing them a little something there well pastor ernie let me just go over what i posted on my blog briefly uh in june because um the president well the one that's in the oval office the usurper the usurper uh yeah he declared uh june uh as he says at gay pride month and then pastor ernie he's done incredible things since then and this here has ignited uh this element in america so let me just read a couple things that are on my blog right now women's bureau of department of labor to host webinar on the power of trans inclusion in the workforce we are um a queer ethics professor calls for pedophilia to be destigmatized and taught in schools u.s men and i spoke to approve same-sex marriage united method united method is split over the lgbt issues miami herald uh the newspaper editorial board defends drag queens shows for kids um joe biden said no no uh let's see father james martin pride month shows us whom jesus calls us to love you know and that is inclusive that's what he means um biden may declare national biden announces sweeping executive order to advance radical lgbt q i plus agenda in schools new executive order bans conversion therapy which now includes suggesting the child should not undergo medical transition so he's all out this is all out pastor ernie this month by the federal government um sick lgbt pride in the park event targeting children with a feature of Satanists performing unbaptisms on kids i'm just going to go a couple more drag queen child grooming book books rewrite classic children's songs with woke lyrics um let's see um oh and it goes on and on pastor ernie okay here's here's one right here for you again sick pride in the park lewd gross belligerent transgressing queer event aimed at children seeks to again perform the unbaptisms uh in the deep and they're planning on doing it in the deep red states now with each passing day the leftist stories more and more of our culture while americans are too afraid to risk their own comfort simply turn our heads and look the other way and by the way this is an article by jd hayes so do to do so the radical left has turned the lewd gross belligerent transgressing queer movement essentially for creating it out of a whole cloth just as a few years ago because most people are too afraid of being called a bigot or to resist that's because most people are lost most people are they don't have the indwelling of the holy spirit they might go to church they might sit in a pew but they're not going to heaven okay and and you know why because the lord when he talks about those that are lukewarm and that's that's what they are they're lukewarm now and yet these creeps and weirdos are not limiting their culture debasements to adults they're targeting our children i mean if we don't fight back by the time the current generation of kids become adults our culture and traditions will have been destroyed forever case in point sickles organized a pride in the park event featuring drag queens and other aberrant behaviors to perform unbaptisms on children but that wasn't indeed blue california now this took place in deep red idaho according to a report by evan volv the event was scheduled for saturday in the city of core dealing and was falsely described as a family-friendly celebration by the lewd gross belligerent transgressing queer diversity and there's nothing family or friendly about this kind of behavior i'll just stop right here i'll just stop right there so and they've they've oh by the way they've uh teamed up with let me see here the satanic temple uh so the lgbt and the satans the other satanists have teamed up together and so uh do the lgbtq understand that they are satanists i mean uh the lord jesus and john chapter 8 made it pretty clear that satan is their father and so they're the children of satan so do they understand that do you think uh some do pastor any some don't you know but they are at the root at the very root yes that's what they are already uh eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three or eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero uh we have the last time i looked right now we had we were approximately uh about 47 okay so well there you go that's about we need a little more than four thousand seven hundred we need to make our goal for tonight four thousand seven hundred short so i keep the phone calls coming in folks all right pastor ernie there's a couple scriptures i want to share about leviticus and then answer the question you you gave uh me a few minutes ago when we go back to leviticus um we go back to leviticus chapter 18 and we'll start at verse 20 it says moreover i shall not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife to defile thyself with her well that's adultery and in fact there's more to it but i i can't read the whole uh chapter so i'm just picking out starting at 19. uh then it says thou shall thou shall not let thy seed children pass through the fire to malik malik was a pagan god of blessings and if you wanted to be blessed greatly you would sacrifice your children burn they'd be burned to death to malik neither shall thou profane the name of thy god for i am the lord so sacrificing the children uh thou shall that was bringing profanity to the name of the lord thou shall not lie with mankind with womankind it is abomination neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith so these things are all mentioned pastor it's not picking out one particular spin these are mentioned then it says in verse 24 defile not yourselves with any of these things for in all these things the nations are defiled which i cast out before you what's very important about this pastor ernie what we're reading is history in the law of moses this is geared towards pagan nations not towards the children of israel so the pagans were not under the law of moses this is before they're doing this before the law do you understand what i'm saying yeah i sure do right right so this is before the law these people were operating god had a uh his code of ethics was known before the law it just wasn't made up by moses at that time it was codified by moses but that was in existence before god gave his law and this is what it says the nations are defiled which i cast out before you verse 25 and the land is defiled notice the land is defiled the sin committed in that land defiles it therefore i do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomits out for inhabitants now with that being linked to this all these sins what's going on in the united states pastor ernie um the worst drought literally in history is taking place it hasn't started this year it started actually a couple years ago it's accelerating uh the water at lake mead is below the level of producing energy now there's lake powell's doing the same thing uh the rivers are all drying up there's no rain the crops are all dying and we're not talking about a little area we're talking about about a third of the country now it's all dying pester ernie the land shall vomit out its inhabitants that's exactly where we're headed how's california going to survive with no water pester ernie there'll be no electricity there's not enough water like in the hoover dam now to fully um produce the electricity that's needed and the other dams that produce electricity the crops aren't going to grow they're going to be subject to tremendous fire fire forest fires bigger than than already has been happening so that's happening in june right now as we talk that's the headline now headline after headline that i've been posting in my blog here's one with teetering on the edge food shortage worries mount as pa farmers crushed by record diesel prices they can't farm anymore pester ernie all throughout the country for many reasons and one of them is the it's so expensive now to farm they can't get the return on their product so they're going to be losing money and they can't do that and then we've got drought destroying huge sections and fires destroying huge sections of our cropland and on top of that we've got runaway inflation hitting this month the stock market's crashing it's coming down i mean i i'm reading all the time really responsible and really good analysts in the stock market sending out red flashing lights pester ernie danger in the stock market danger danger housing market danger danger it's like we are collapsing in june everything's coming to a head and this is gay pride month yeah i know it i mean you're right it's just uh well god's speaking to us some of us can hear him huh well is this all a coincidence or what does god's word say well what you just read it right there right there i remember when uh here the land is defiled it says the land is defiled it is it's absolutely defiled in the and in god's word says in verse 28 that the land spew not you out also when you defile it as it spewed out the nations that were before you so god told the children of israel if you do what um the pagans did uh and it listed those sins if you do that the land will spew you out also and what happened to them pastor ernie they did it yep and god sent the babylonians and they were taken off the land they were all killed or they were taken off the land into captivity they were spewed off the land and here we're doing we're down the exact road pastor ernie can you list any culture in history that legalized homosexual marriage the whole quote homosexual marriage can you name one no i can't but hang on we gotta pick this up but we're coming up to a hard break but um yeah uh no i can't name one but we'll be back uh right after this with a whole lot more let those phones ring let the phones ring during the break folks we'll be right back don't go thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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