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MON HR 1 053022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 31, 2022 12:10 am

MON HR 1 053022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left.

I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on the 30th of May 2022. And tonight I want to wish you all a blessed Memorial Day. And we have with us tonight of course our producer tonight is none other than courageous Craig. Good evening everybody. And it's fitting tonight that we have that old patriot Pastor Joe Larson. Good evening and pleasure to be with you this night.

Your highly unpaid professional assistant is ready to go to work. Well we have a whole lot to do so to get through tonight so let's get on it. And the title of the message tonight is, In Memory of Better Days and Those Who Made Them Better.

In memory of better days and those who made them better. We're going to start Nehemiah chapter 4. Joe read verses 1 through 4 and then stop.

All right. But it came to pass that when Sam Bellot heard that we builded the wall he was wroth and took great indignation and mocked the Jews. And he spake before his brethren and the army Samaria of Samaria and said, What do these feeble Jews? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice?

Will they make an end in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rubbish which are burned? Now Tobieth the Amorite was by him and he said, Even that which they build, if a fox grow up, he shall even break down their stone wall. Here, O our God, for we are despised and turn their reproach upon their own head and give them for a pray in the land of captivity. Okay, now here Sam Bellot was the governor of Samaria. In that region, Joe, north Judea where Jerusalem was located, Sam Bellot hoped to become governor of all Judea as well. But Nehemiah's rival spoiled his plans. In fact, if you go over to Nehemiah 2 and verse 10, when Sam Bellot the Hornite and Tobiah the Servant and the Ammonite heard of it and grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

And here's the problem. They had, this man came with the full authority of the king. And so here a rebelled Jerusalem was a threat to the authorities of the Samaritan officials who had been in charge of the land since Judea's exile. Now this was the third time, Joe, the third time that a group returned from exile and the increasing number of people in Jerusalem made Sam Bellot and Tobiah angry. They did not want to return exiles taking control of the land as threatening their secure position. So here in that phrase, welfare of the children of Israel, that's kind of unusual because very few leaders are concerned with the welfare of their actual citizens.

They're concerned with their own power and control and wealth. Almost 300 years before Nehemiah's time, the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered and most of the people were carried away captive in 727 B.C. Now Sargon of Assyria repopulated Israel with captives from all these other lands.

You know, they were called illegal aliens, Joe. Now these captives eventually intermarried with a few Israelites who remained in the land and to form a mixed race of people who became known as Samaritans. Those who returned to Jerusalem in southern region of Judah during the days of Israel and Nehemiah would have nothing, nothing at all to do with those people because they were racially impure. Relations between those people kept getting worse and getting worse and getting worse and about 400 years later, the Jews and the Samaritans, they literally hated each other. Joe, turn to John chapter 4 and read verse 9. John 4 verse 9. Then said the woman of Samaria unto him, him being Jesus, how is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me which am a woman of Samaria?

For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Okay, so here she's telling you and of course that's a whole other message over there that, and this is where you get the story from the good Samaritan, the Lord Jesus was making a point because these people often thought they were better than anyone else. They thought their righteousness came from their bloodline. Now here, not from their soul, but from what the earth was. And also you had the same thing with the Herodians.

The Herodians were half-breed Jews too. And so now here when you go back to verse 4, and by the way, here when we look at Tobiah the Ammonite and Tobias and these people were, they were like today like the dirty cops of today. They would be compared to Merrick Garland, you know, or you know the people in the FBI and so on. I can't think of his name, the former head of the FBI that, oh, I had a senior moment.

Well the one that's there now is not any better. No. Ray. Ray. Yeah. But the one before him, I can't think of his name.

Chris Ray. Yeah, oh I know who you're talking about, the six foot eight fellow. Yeah. Yeah.

But they're dirty, they were dirty cops. And he says now listen, hear, O our God, for we are despised and turn their reproach upon their own head and give them for a prey in the land of captivity and cover not their iniquity and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee, for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders. Now here, that is an imprecatory prayer. It sure is, and it jumps from Tobiah to Nehemiah, but it's not really clear to a lot of people what happened between three and four.

First four, Nehemiah's praying. Well it's because what they tried to do, they tried to intimidate them. Remember what was just passed, or they tried to pass Biden a law stating anyone who speaks out against the kill shots, anyone who speaks out against abortion, anyone who speaks out are going to be charged with hate crimes. This is what Joe Obama, Joe Obama is an extremely wicked evil criminal.

He is an extremely wicked evil criminal, extremely. And the pastors should be preaching this, and the decent people in the media should tell the truth. Like John the Baptist when he talked about Herod, okay, like the Lord Jesus when he went after the Pharisees, uh, like the Apostle Paul. He called them names right to their face. Like Peter Wright, and so when they went after these people, they need to expose and call them, you know, the way it was, but today there's such a dearth of courage, such, such a dearth of courage from the pulpit. And so he goes on to say, so we built the wall, and all the wall was joined together, and to the half.

They're up for the people, had a mind to work. So go ahead and read verse six all the way down through twelve. Twelve seven, you just read six. But it came to pass that when Samballat and Tobiah and Artaxaxes, the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brethren have not eaten the bread of the governor. But the former governors that had been before me were chargeable unto the people, and had taken of them bread and wine beside forty shekels of silver, yea, even their servants bear rule over the people.

But so did not I, because of the fear of God. Yea, also I continued in the work of this wall, neither bought we any land, and all my servants were gathered thither unto the work. Moreover, there were at my table a hundred and fifty of the Jews and rulers, besides those that came unto us from among the heathen that are among us. Now that which was prepared for me daily, was one ox and six choice sheep, also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days stores of all sorts of wine. Yet for all this required, not I the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon the people.

Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people. And you, where did you leave off there? I left off of verse nineteen. Okay, that's what I thought we, you got a little ahead, I was looking at the- Oh wait, I jumped, I turned to Pa- oh, I know what I did, sorry, I turned a page.

Sorry, I turned a page. Yeah, I was wondering, because you weren't with me, go back to verse- Page, I'm sorry, the page is stuck and I- good grief, what did I- that's so- okay. Start back at verse seven and read it all the way through twelve. Yeah, but it came to pass that when Sambalot and Tobiah and the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashtadites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth, and conspired all of them to gather to come and fight against Jerusalem and to hinder it. Nevertheless, we made our prayer unto God and set a watch against them day and night because of them. And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burden is decayed, and there is much rubbish, so that we are not able to build the wall. And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them and slay them and cause the work to cease. And it came to pass that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, from all places when she shall return unto us, they will be upon you. Okay, now here when it says we will come from within them, that's parasitical.

That means to filtrate and filtrate from within. Give us some examples of how that is taking place in America today and how that took place. Well, the corruption, the deep state, our nation started becoming corrupt long, long ago, when leaders started wanting money and power and realized that was the place to procure it. And to make a long story short, we now have this deep state government that is totally different from what the founders envisioned. And the deep state promotes its own ends and its own people, takes care of itself and continues the corruption. So, when we take a look at that, we see the public school system infiltrated, destroyed. We see the institutions.

It started out, and we'll take a look at that. We had Fabian Socialists get into the Columbia University Teacher's College way back in the 30s and 40s. In fact, it was a Fabian Socialist that was in charge and told them they had to quit trusting in God. They had to start relying on man and our logic and our wisdom to do things. And this is how they changed education from within. Okay, so start there in 13 and read it all the way through the end at 23.

Okay. Therefore, said I, in the lower places behind the wall and on the higher places, I even set people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows. And I looked and rose up and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, be not ye afraid of them.

Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. And it came to pass when our enemies heard it, that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to naught, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work. And it came to pass from that time forth that half of my servants brought into work, and the other half of them held both the spears and the shields, and the bows, and the harborages. And the rulers were behind all the house of Judah, which builded on the wall. And they that bear burdens, and those that were laded, every one with one of his hands brought into work, and with the other hand held a weapon. For the builders every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me. And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, the work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall one far from another.

And what place therefore ye hear the sound of the trumpet? Resort ye thither unto us, our God shall fight for us. So we labored in the work, and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning, till the stars appeared. Likewise, at the same time, said I unto the people, let every one with his servant lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard unto us, and labor on the day.

So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, saving that every one put them off for washing. Okay, Joe, so here now he's talking about, he set in the lower place behind the wall, in the higher places, even I said the people, after their families, after their families, George, Joe with his swords, with his spears, with their bows. Now, here, what happens when you take, for example, I remember as a young man in the neighborhood, we lived with, in the neighborhood where houses were fairly close together, and if there was an emergency or something at one house, and we would see, we would see it, maybe a fire, maybe the garage, something caught on fire, the entire family, everybody, all the families would rush together to put out that one.

And so what happens is, the idea, what Nehemiah knew, that this would unite, it would unite the people very, very closely. Families unite people, okay? This is why the opposition wants to destroy, so dependent upon, you know, determined to destroy our families, and cut off our communications. And so here, the family is God's basic unit of government.

Right. So now when the opposition out there found out, hey, guess what, they're on to us, like what's happening, say, right now, with the school boards. The school boards are starting to figure out the people are on to them, and we've had situations here, even in Ohio, in other places, where now they've agreed, they've agreed to, and in Florida too, to rewrite the textbooks, to take all of the falsehoods, the lies, out of the textbooks.

The textbooks have to be approved, okay, by the state, by the governor's office, as truthful. They have to be truthful there. And I think they're working on that in Virginia, here also in Ohio, where you've got the critical race theory, and all of this, this is absolute anti-Christ Communist lies from the left. And so what happens is, this is what you're seeing, the parents, and if you go to these meetings with the school board, I've been to several of them, boy, the parents get out till they get to know each other.

They didn't know each other, they know each other now, and when the trumpet is sounded...... together and formed political union, and put people up for a vote, vote the old progressive liberals out, and put in somebody with morals and values in their place. Okay, so now he says that, you know, they stood with their sword by their side, so while they're working, you know, with one hand, the other hand's got a sword on them, so they're prepared. In other words, they're awake, they know what's happening.

Now how does that apply? What did Jefferson say about, what's the Constitution say, if a country becomes so corrupted, when it becomes so corrupt, that it is no longer in step with our Constitution, it violates everything. What time is it? It's time to do something.

What is that? It's time for a revolution. It's time for a new government.

It's time to tear down. So what we have now has become so totally completely illegitimate. We don't recognize it. We don't, we recognize no legitimacy at all, because there is no legitimacy. The FBI has been totally corrupted, the Justice Department corrupted, the CIA, the suclonational education, the White House especially, they have lost all legitimacy. They've become a bastard government, form of government, and so we are instructed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but by something even more, much more, much more authoritative than those two, to rebuild and start a new government.

What is that? God. God's Word, the Bible here, huh?

That's right. James Iredell was a member of the first Supreme Court. The only real security of liberty in any country is the jealousy and circumspection of the people themselves. Let them be watchful over their rulers. Should they find a combination against their liberties, and all other methods appear insufficient to preserve them, we, they have, thank God, a remedy, ultimate remedy. The power which created the government can destroy it.

Should the government on trial be found to want amendments, amendments could be made in a regular method and mode prescribed by the Constitution. We have this security in addition to the natural watchfulness of the people, which I hope will never be found wanting. Well, we're wanting today. We had lost a lot of that watchfulness, didn't we?

Yeah. Now, Joe, he says this, and he that sounded the trumpet was by me. Okay, so Nehemiah kept the trumpet, the trumpeter, by him.

Now, there was a good reason that he did that. No matter where he was, when he sounded the trumpet, it would be two trumpets would mean one thing, three trumpets, three blows would mean another. It would mean come here, or go there, okay, and the people would know, the enemy would not know, but the people would know. People would know exactly what the orders were. So, that was a way of communicating with the people, and how would that apply to us today here in America?

We have, the pastors should be the ones who are the watchmen on the wall who give the warnings, who warn the people what's happening, when their freedoms are being taken, the chains of slavery locked upon them, and we do have Christian talk radio. Alright, so today, this radio program here, okay, I heard tonight, I watched on Waters World, Jesse Waters, and I was amazed that he did something. He talked about the five crime families, the five American crime families here, and he called them the crime families. He did now, and he was talking about the Biden crime cartel, the Pelosi crime cartel, the Schumer crime cartel, the Clinton crime cartel, and the Kerry, and he actually showed you what we've been talking about for years, Joe, but nobody, nobody was going in and focusing in on, you know, just their criminal activity, but we told you about that.

We were telling you about Chuck Schumer, you know, when he has his family working for the different media, what do you call it, Facebook and others, right, so he holds up legislation. We see they have insider, the Pelosi's with insider trading, you know, but Pelosi's husband made millions and millions and millions of dollars with insider trading. Every kind of criminal activity you can imagine, you found the Clintons.

The Clintons were involved in every kind of crime, I mean every, from murder, prostitution, pedophilia, selling uranium to our enemies. If it's a crime ripping off those people down where you, oh, senior moment, you know where I'm talking about where they had the big, big hurricane came through, that very poor, poor, poor nation. Where? The island, yeah. Haiti, it was Haiti, yeah.

Haiti. They joined with the Bush's and ripped those people off, I mean, big time, and so, so here now, but we've, we told people, we were on top of this stuff for years, on top of it for years, and so, but we were, I don't know, I know others out there did a lot of good stuff, but we were the ones, the only ones that I truly knew of that went into depth is showing you the different crimes that were involved, and even like right now today, you've got Biden, right now Biden has seized his control over domestic food materials using Korean War era emergency powers. I'll talk about this later, another, what this guy is doing is criminal, but we're going to be back right after this with more. He's trying to become a ruler, but one thing too, not only did they talk about the crime families, Tucker Carlson had tapes of Herbert Marcuse and the cultural Marxist out in California, University of Berkeley talking about how Marcuse, we were the first people on radio to talk about cultural Marxism, explain about the school, the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. We were the first ones who went nationwide telling that story, and it was on TV the other night with clips and talking about how Angela Davis was one of the first real good, bright students from Herbert Marcuse leading the Black Panther.

She was a communist, a revolutionary, and a murderer, and a murderer stuff that we've been, and we only did that 50 years ago. This is, yeah, we've been talking about that for 50 years, okay, and so anyhow, we'll be back right after this. Don't go away. Now, hear me now.

This is what I say. You are forever heroes. We won't forget you. We know the sacrifice you've made. Forever heroes. God bless you.

You're the you in the U.S.A. Here it was to all the families of our troops. We share pride and pain with you. You are like stars shine on forever.

Forever red and white and blue. You are forever heroes. We won't forget you. We know the sacrifice you've made. Forever heroes.

God bless and keep you. You're the you in the U.S.A. Oh, beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife. Oh, more than self, their country love and mercy more than life.

America, America. God shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Forever heroes. We won't forget you. We know the sacrifice you've made. Forever heroes. God bless and keep you.

You are the you in the U.S.A. Forever heroes and Joe, now, I've got some commentary, Joe, so it's going to take a little while. You're going to just have to sit and let me get through this, okay? All right.

Okay. As I sat down to write this sermon, my eyes focused on a photo of three ragtag young boys. The pictures were taken around 1954. The three boys were my younger brother Ray, my cousin Wayne, and myself. By today's standards, we would have been living below the poverty line with eight children at one home. At home, there were no fear of being spoiled by material goods at all, not a bit. Now, we never owned more than one pair of shoes at any one time or never had more than one coat at any one time, and I would dare say that my little grandson today at the age of five has more toys, more clothes than all of my eight siblings in our house combined during our entire childhood.

In fact, here at my house, you've got a room filled with that little fellow's clothes and toys, and next door, my son's house the same, and then his other grandparents the same. But, again, even though that was the case, we did have a roof war for our head. We did have clothes on our back and shoes on our feet, and we were happy. And here, it was because back in those days that we had a house and even had a fairly new car in the driveway that we were considered middle class, as the entire neighborhood was considered middle class.

And guess what? Housing starts, housing was booming all over the place. Today in America, in fact, foreclosures are up 181% and housing starts are down almost 13%, okay? But things were so much better in such a way. Now, here with my two parents, that was ten people in a very small house, and a small house with one bathroom. Now, folks, when you have four women in the house, you know, they come up with this term you may have heard of called woodsmen. And these women tried to convince those boys that bathrooms were only for women, that the woods were for the men. And so, here, us boys, we got used to a lot of that because those women kind of took, they kind of just took the bathrooms over. But we got through it, okay?

We got through it. And here, there were better days in so many ways back in those days. Now, in those days, anyone that was spewing the lunacy of gender identity and transgender-wokeness, well, they would have been in danger of being committed to a mental institute. These God-hating Democrats of today are both mentally and physically abusing children by pushing their transgender LGBTQ. If we, today, if we had a legitimate government, if we actually had a legitimate government today, a legitimate DOJ, they would be charged with child abuse and sexual abuse. But we don't have a legitimate government.

In fact, the entire Democratic Party, Democratic Party is seizing with pedophiles. We were so blessed back in those days not to have smart-aleck cell phones. We were aware of our surroundings. We walked around outside. You could see things we weren't looking at.

We were looking at all around our surroundings. We communicated with each other verbally. I remember sitting at the dinner table and we spoke to one another.

The kids all talked to each other, the parents. And what happened was we would converse on what was happening in all of our own little private worlds. And today we are, well, today they're like cyborgs carrying our mind-control implants in our hands.

We're at constantly being monitored by artificial intelligence while the simple-minded think that that's the way it's supposed to be. Life was so much better in so many ways. The country believed in God. The parents loved their children.

Abortion was considered murder in all 50 states. Drag queens went to jail. The children knew who their fathers were. And they had respect for their parents. We boys had respect for our girls and our sisters and we watched our language around them.

I remember how often, you know, when boys would get together, especially those 10, 11, 12-year-olds, and they had learned a new word and they would try to impress each other. No one was listening by using these words, but we were taught when girls come by you didn't use that kind of language because we had respect for girls. Back in those days, when a girl went to the beach, she didn't go naked. She didn't uncover her whole rear end. I mean, they had to wear a bathing suit if they had, back in those days, if they had gone out and exposed themselves and were flashers, they'd have gone, they'd have been arrested. But listen to this. In those days, and I remember very clearly, pastors feared God more than the government. That's right. Pastors feared God more than the government. They would preach against the sin of abortion, against the sin of sodomy and pedophilia.

Even the Democrats were against communism. I met JFK when I was a young man. I was in one of those little model type airplanes in a small airport right there in Lost Nation, Ohio. And it was just the two of us, myself and my friend Bob, his dad owned the airport, or managed the airport, and we were in there in the simulator, it was a simulator, when all of a sudden the doors burst open. Now, I'm ten years old, and here they come in, and you've got all these people and they've got these cameras with these big flash bulbs. A guy points at me in that simulator and says, points over and says, photo op, photo op! He shouts this out, and I thought, I'm not a photo op, what's a photo op? And so they all come marching over. So here they go, and JFK's got his arm around my shoulder, and they said, look at this way son, look at this way.

And we're looking, and they're taking the pictures, and then they said to me, do you know who this man is? I said, no. They said, he's going to be your next president. Are you going to vote for him? Now, you're ten years old, you're surrounded by a group of adult men, and this big fella's got his hand on your shoulder. What are you going to say, no?

I don't think so. So, anyhow, he said, yeah, I'll vote for him. Never mind, he wasn't old enough to vote, but it doesn't matter. So, here, but listen, I remember the time when even the Republican Party leadership had some backbone. I'm not kidding you, there were some in there that had some backbone, some spine, that actually would go on the offensive and not just sit back and talk and let the deathly crats push them around. America was the envy of the entire world. She was great because she was good.

She was one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Now, we seasoned citizens, and that means we old timers here, often sat and we recollected the days and the nights when we slept with our windows open and our doors unlocked. We knew who our neighbors were.

We kept an eye on each other's property when things were away and if strangers came around. America was good, but we were infiltrated from within by a parasitical enemy. It started within the church, that's right. I remember back in the 1960s, the Antichrist teachings of Karl Marx were combined with the teachings of Jurgen Moltemann and Ernst Bloch. Now, Moltemann was the professor, the dean of religion, and Ernst Bloch was the dean of Marxism at the Tübingen University. Now here, these two got together and they had decided that Christianity and Marxism were compatible.

Not only were they compatible, but they were literally one of the same. And that's where Moltemann had written his book, Theology of Hope. Now, Joe, here's what they based that on. They based it on that, well, Jesus said to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, visit those that are sick and in prison. And Marx said to the proletariat that you should feed the hungry and the proletariat should house the homeless and take care of those in need.

But there was a difference, you see. Marx taught that it was all right, it was ethical, in fact necessary, to go and take from the bourgeoisie the wealthy, because if they were wealthy, they earned it off the backs of the proletariat. So it was ethical to go and kill these people and take their property and have a transfer of wealth. It's kind of like what Obama teaches, huh?

And to transfer the wealth from those that earned it to those that deserve it. And those were his words, I remember hearing him say that. And so there's a whole big difference between Christ and Marx. In fact, Marx was an anti-Christ, he was a Satanist.

Karl Marx was a practicing Satanist. But again, this is what came out, and this stuff started heading to seminaries. And so here, I remember starting each day, back in the public schools, back in the mid-fifties, with prayer. But even then, and in fact we would do it in the morning, you would come in and there would be a prayer over the loudspeaker, and then you'd go to your homeroom class, and then each class the teacher would lead in prayer. The teacher would lead in prayer. The teacher led in prayer. And here now... And then we'd have the Pledge of Allegiance.

Yep. But even then the Communist parasites were hard at work, putting their anti-Christ propaganda in the textbooks. I remember Nikita Khrushchev beating the podium with his shoe, and he was saying, we will conquer you from within. We will rise your youth.

We will give you dose after dose after dose of socialism, until the day that you awaken to find out that you are a Communist. Now in those days he was referring to Jane Fonda. He was referring to John Kerry. He was referring to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He was referring to Joe Biden. These were the ones that he was referring to in those days. These were young at that time.

But they were raising them up. And so what was once the Democratic Party is gone. There is no longer a Democratic Party. It's a Democratic Communist Party. There is Communist as Joseph Stalin.

There is Communist Karl Marx. And so here it has been totally and completely... Look, if somebody tells me they're a Democrat, I'll tell them, you just told me... Here's what you just told me. You just told me you're a registered Democrat. You just told me you're a Communist. You just told me that you hate God.

What you just told me is more than likely you're... If you're not a homosexual, you believe in that, or you have no problem with pedophilia. You've said that, and by the way, when you say that, like Jolis Blowhart and Whoopi Cushion, you're telling me that you're very vulgar and your women are unclean.

Because that's the entire platform of the Democratic Communist Party. So show me one woman, okay, within the Democratic Communist Party, in leadership that is not pro-death, that is not, according to God's Word of Bible, Romans Chapter 1, continuing in their uncleanness. Show me one who's, as Jeremiah 2, 34, whose skirts are not filled with the blood of the innocent.

Show me one man who's not like Chuck Schumer or Bill Clinton or Joey Biden, who's not completely corrupted, completely corrupted. And so, or, by the way, Jerry Nadler, by the way, Jerry Nadler, Jerry Nadler says God's got no voice in Congress. Jerry Nadler, you are in for an extremely rude awakening. By the way, Jerry Nadler, God's Word, the Bible says that sodomites will have their place in the lake of fire. Jerry Nadler, God's Word, the Bible, God has said that sodomites will have their place in the lake of fire. And so here, from Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Vietnam, to Korea, to World War II, to World War I, to the Civil War, to the War of 1812, to the Revolutionary War, the American soldier and the American patriots have kept their integrity, have kept their, kept our dream of freedom and liberty alive, and we are ready.

Right now, there's a whole lot of us, we're ready to do it again. Now, this is from Ronald Reagan. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. Joe, you've got a quote by Ronald Reagan too, don't you?

I've got a couple here. He was talking, he said, Love their countrymen enough to die for them. Wow, some powerful words, right?

Absolutely. He added to that, he said, talking about what a wonder and mystery it was, asked Ernie, that he said so many Americans were willing to give their lives so that the people of America could be free. Well, Joe, there's still a lot of that spirit right here with us in America today. And again, I'm hearing from more and more people asking me, well, how are we going to do it? How do we start? In other words, again, we're required now to replace, this government has gone completely and totally corrupted, and where do you start? Well, you start locally, you start from where you're at, your ground, what you can control, and that is starting to happen more and more. You take back your school boards, you take back your communities, your counties, you start with your little towns and cities and counties, you take back, you get involved, and you start, we had to be a people who were what? Capable of self-government. And that's what at Past Ernie, we'd long since left the government up to other people. We forgot that we were to conduct ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God, we were to sustain ourselves, govern ourselves, control ourselves, sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God, and we would only need a very limited, small government if we were to live that way.

Well, you're right, and what we did is, you know, first of all, I didn't run for office, they tried to get me to run for Congress several times, people wanted me to run for Congress, but the thing of it is, I realized that I could help a lot more people, qualify people, on the radio, I could help those, this is why we've had the people from around the country on time and time again on the radio, the best people, because they're not going to get a shot. They're not going to get courage in none of the fake news media. We have to realize, and it's a very important thing to realize, too, because a lot of people don't, and see, the pastors don't have the courage, the pastors don't have the courage to tell you, see, Joe, I'm an American, you're an American, first we're Christians first, and then we're American, now what I'm talking about is absolute reality, this is reality. Now, because of that, because we're Christians and American patriots, our enemy is the entire Democratic Communist Party, Joe Biden is our enemy, Joe Biden wants to take away my freedom. They're not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy within. Chuckie Schumer is the enemy. Chuckie Schumer wants to take away my freedom. Mary Garland is my enemy. Mary Garland wants to take away my freedoms. Christopher Wray, these people that have gone and they've so corrupted the institutions that once were divided, institutions like the FBI where people could hold their head up. There was a time, and I had friends that would hold their head up, and they, yeah, I belong to the FBI, and they knew their job, and their job was not dirty, okay?

But that's all been corrupted, and you've seen the corruption just really take off during, when Obomination, when Obomination was in office, this guy was so corrupt, the Dark Prince, you saw that happening. So you have to realize first of all that these people are not your friends, that they are the enemy, okay? I'm not telling you to hate them, what I'm telling you, that you have to recognize who your enemy is, okay?

And so, and the pastors, very few have the courage, they know that, but they're afraid. You can't stand against them, you can't cooperate with them, you cannot give in to them, but you must stand fast against them. In fact, years ago there was a historian, Robert Conquest, he wrote a book, The New Criterion.

Pastor, I don't know how many times in the past 30 years I've said this, but the enemy always tells us what they're going to do, how they're going to do it. They've done this forever, and here's what he had to say about communism. He said, a communist once told me his method. First, you explain to a Christian sympathizer that communism is compatible with Christianity. You just talked about that, right?

That accomplished. You explain later that Christianity, though, is not compatible with communism. First, we are told that Christian morality requires us to adopt this liberal program, and then when the liberal program regime is entrenched, we are then told that it excludes Christian morality. They came out and said it. The communists told this historian, this is the method.

First they say this Christianity and communism are all compatible, and then when people started to believe it, then they kind of play the bait and switch. Joe, we're coming up to a break, so hang on there. We're coming up to break. Yep, we do have a whole lot more to come, so when we do come back, we're going to come back with a song for this Memorial Day, and then we have a lot more to come. Don't go away.

More to come. Be back right after this. Here we go.

Be right back. Thank you for listening to What's Right What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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