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THU HR 1 051222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 13, 2022 12:41 am

THU HR 1 051222

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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NerdWallet is not an investment advisor nor an investment broker. This podcast is for educational purposes only. Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Cash for standards is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The voice of the Christian resistance. And indeed we are the voice of the Christian resistance.

And we have been for about a half a century. Now tonight we have quite a program on this 12th day of May 2022. Our producer is none other than courageous Craig. Good evening everybody. And my special guest tonight is Pastor Neil Peterson who hopefully will be Pastor Governor Neil Peterson. Thank you Pastor Ernie. What a delight and pleasure to be on your show this evening. Well, good to have you here. You ready to really roll?

Because we've got a lot to cover tonight. I'm ready to... I'm locked and loaded and we've got the feet in the stirrups which is ready to rock and roll brother.

Well I'm going to switch from what I was. This week I preached on Mother's Day, Mother's of the Bible. The good, the glad, the bad and the sad. And we talked about those women in the Bible who like Shrif, Shifra and Puah. And as we went through there, we took a look at these ladies that were godly mothers. They were chaste and they were clean.

Shamefaced, sobriety and propriety. And so we're going to get into starting, well, with tonight if we go to Joshua. Let's go over to Joshua and in Joshua chapter 6 we're going to take a look at another mother.

And this one, she didn't start out too good, but she had a good finish. And this is that woman named Rahab. Are you familiar with her?

Of course. Now Rahab, her name actually means insolence, insolence. She was kind of a spunky little woman, feisty I guess you would say. She was the wife, a lot of people don't know this because often you hear her referred to as being the wife of Joshua. Which actually the Bible tells us she married Solomon. He was one of the two spies, the two young spies that rescued her and her family out of there. And here she had sheltered those two. She became the mother of Boaz who married Ruth whose son Obed was the father of Jesse and the father of David whose line Jesus was born in. So she was glad that Joshua spared her and glad to be in the line that she was in. And not only was she spared but her entire family. It's a good idea to obey God, isn't it? It's a beautiful story of redemption and absolutely obedience to God is better than sacrifice to say the least.

Absolutely. But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, go into the harlot's house and bring out things of the women and all that she had. You know what today, Neil, today our young people, I mean it's not really funny, it's pitiful, if you ask them what a harlot is they don't know. If you ask them what a sodomite is, they don't know what a sodomite is. I actually had a situation where I was trying to help out a young Sunday school teacher, a children's teacher, and we were discussing and I was referring to here that these people, five times in scripture, sodomites are referred to as dogs. And so he said, well what's a sodomite? He didn't know what a sodomite was.

I mean this is, and he's teaching Sunday school. Wow. Things are, any of things are not like they used to be.

No. And the young men that were spies went in and brought out Rahab and her father and her mother and her brother and all that she had. And they brought all their kindred and left them without the camp of Israel. And they burnt the city with fire and all that was therein.

Only the silver and the gold and the vessels of brass and iron they put into the treasury of the house of the Lord. And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive and her father's household and all that she had. And she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day because she hid messengers which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho now. Her salvation was the fact that she really believed in the God of Israel, huh? You know it's funny pastor because I've been preaching in Joshua and this is such a beautiful story of really what believing is. You know faith, trust, and believe as you know very closely translated and almost interchangeable but yet with some distinct characteristics. She believed, she believed that she would be redeemed and saved and this is the essence of our hope and trust and faith of believing the gospel. And yeah, absolutely pastor.

Absolutely. Now we're going to take a look at, I just went through the good and the glad and now we're going through the bad and the sad. And we're going to start off with one that's really bad and that's in Mark 6, 14 through 29. And as we go to Mark 6, and King Herod heard of him that his name was spread abroad. And he said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead and therefore mighty works to show forth themselves to him. Others said it is Elias and others said that it is a prophet or is one of the prophets. And when Herod heard thereof, he said, it is John whom I beheaded.

He is risen from the dead. For Herod himself had set forth and laid hold upon John and bound him in prison for Herodias sake. His brother, brother Philip's wife, for he had married her, for John had said unto Herod, it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.

Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him and would have killed him, but she could not. For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and holy, and observed him. And when he heard him, he did many things and heard him gladly.

And a convenient day was come that Herod on his birthday made a supper to the Lord's high captains and chief estates of Galilee. And when the daughter of the set Herodias came in and danced and pleased Herod, and then that set with him, the king said unto the damsel, ask of me whatever thou wilt, and I will give it to thee. And he swore unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of him, I will give it unto thee, unto half of the kingdom.

And she went forth and said unto her, Mother, what shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist. And she came straight away with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me and buy in a charger the head of John the Baptist.

And the king was exceedingly sorry, yet for his own sake and for their sakes would set with him, and he would not reject her. And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head be brought. And he went and beheaded him in prison, and brought his head into the charger, and gave it to the damsel, and the damsel gave it to her mother. And when the disciples heard of it, they came and took up the corpse, and laid it in the tomb. Now, here, when you take a look at her, she was married, her audience was married to Philip, and at the same time she married Herod. And so, this was against the law. She was a very, very lewd, a very, very wicked, and a very evil woman. Now, I'm going to tell you, pastor, this represents, I'm going to tell you that this would represent a whole lot of what we call those women on the left today, on the far left out there today.

These are lewd women, vulgar language, very vulgar language. I was there in Washington, 2017, when they had the woman's march. It was one of the filthiest things I've ever seen.

I mean, it was one of the filthiest things you'd ever seen there. And anyhow, these women that were out there marching to kill them, for the right to kill their babies, they're as evil as evil gets. And so, here, she raised her daughter, Salome, to be like herself. And again, but now, this is a very, very interesting thing, too, because here, you had it in the Bible. Of course, we had Jezebel and Ophelia. So here, you had these two, mother and daughter, Jezebel and Ophelia, and some others that were exactly the same. But you know, I can tell you this, these people remind me, especially Ahab and Jezebel, personality-wise, you couldn't get a better fit with Bill and Hillary Clinton than you got with these.

You just could not. But anyhow, so here, we're living in such a time as this. In fact, let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. Just recently, Chelsea came out and said abortion, see, abortion is child killing. It's good for the economy.

We need as much of it as we can. Hillary had said that there's never a wrong reason for abortion. In other words, she's saying there's never a wrong reason to kill a child.

And now, just recently, Janet Yeltsin from the Treasury, she just came out and she made the same statement that abortion is good for the economy. How wicked could you get? I mean, is there no end to their wickedness? Well, their father is the king of death. It's a death cult, and they worship death. Their unregenerated hearts that are obviously calloused in stone, they delight in wickedness. And so it makes perfect sense. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That's what they want. If you could kill your own baby, I don't think it would be too hard to put the head of John the Baptist up on a platter after a lewd, seductive dance that probably came with a lot more graphic details that aren't mentioned necessarily in the Bible.

As you well know, many of those details are often just, you have to discern them as it's encrypted into text, per se. But as he pleased, as the daughter pleased the king, there was obviously a trade-off. And that was the death of John the Baptist. And this is what's happening today. It's the death of babies. And anything that they can kill, they want.

Right. I call them the Deathocratic Communist Party. And that's exactly what they are. And that party, now everybody knows it, but people are afraid to say it.

What if people actually said things the way they were? The Deathocratic Communist Party is filled from top to bottom with pedophilia. Pedophilia is rampant. It's rampant.

We all know it. But people are afraid to say it. Why do you think that, Pastor?

Why do I say that? Why do you think people are afraid to say it? Well, I can tell you this. There's one group of people that have the responsibility of more than any other people. And there's one group of people who have dishonored our Lord more than anybody else with lack of courage. And that's, I hate to say it, but it's pastors in the pulpit. You see, if they had done, if they kneel, if the pastors had done, I remember back in 73, we went to Washington with 100 senators, or not senators, we went to the Senate, Washington to the Senate with 100 pastors. If the pastors had done their job, if they had done their job and stood up and boldly preached out against this, but they were too afraid of losing their 501c3, I actually had, I almost fell off my seat because there was one pastor who I never would have thought he would have said this to me.

And he was an older pastor, and he said, Son, if you keep up, keep this up, you're going to bring the government down on all of us. And I never thought there would be anyone to fear the government, okay? Fear man, right?

Right. Fear man. And so here, they had the opportunity, if the pastors, what should have happened, first of all, what should have happened, Neal, in 1962 when they expelled God from the public school, the pastors, the pastors, it was their job, it was their duty, they should have marched in Washington, D.C., they should have held a trial, that court should have been held on trial for treason against God and country, for treason against God and country. But they failed, they failed.

There was a dearth of courage, a lack of courage. And do you remember when that enlightenment movement started here? Right about 1960, it came in from Germany, and they were talking about how the pastors need to learn how to get in touch with their feminine part. Well, I never knew I had a feminine part, okay?

And I still couldn't find it. But anyhow, but they started this stuff where this neo-evangelical, the neo-evangelical movement started, where you had guys that sometimes it would make me sick to talk, to listen to them, because they sounded like such prissies. No boldness, no fire, no fire there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, anyhow, go ahead. Pastor, let me just say something very quickly, a correlation that I never put together until you mentioned in 1962, when prayer was removed from the school. Well, as you know, 1954 was the Johnson Amendment, where they fought the church's voice with tax exemption. So they first neutered the power of the word, the voice, the weapon that we have, the strongest thing the Lord has given us, is the word that we speak. And then eight short years later, they amassed their arsenal as they bribed the church to make a deal with the devil, to then remove the other powerful word, which is the power of prayer.

And so you have a double-decker whammy and a one-two blow as Satan was hard at work setting this up to systematically destroy. And then you have the Enlightenment, feminist movement bringing the, I believe, the early, I mean, those early Enlightenment periods, it's nothing compared with what's in the pulpits today. I mean, it's another gospel, another Jesus, another pastor, you know, this is a humanistic type of form of preaching that in many instances is not the word of God. So it's certainly systematic, Pastor. Satan's playing with all this. Well, it's the apostate church, but here's the irony. The irony is this, you know, Hosea 4-6 says what? My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but, you know, really if you dig into that word study, it's even, I think, even deeper of a lack of revelation.

Yeah. Well, here's the thing. Years ago, I had two former IRS agents on the radio program, and they were saying to me, they were astounded, they were amazed, because, you see, any church, if you're an actual church, you are already not only tax-exempt, you're tax-immune. Now, we have that both from God's Word, the Bible tells us that, but these two IRS agents said they were absolutely amazed and stifled, wanting to know, can you tell us why these churches will put themselves, will voluntarily place themselves under the government?

And, you know, people don't realize, see, when you go that way, when you become a 501c3, then what you become is a corporation, you're a corporation. Corpus means non-living, a non-living creation of the state. See, the church is supposed to be the living body of Christ, but when you become a corpus, you become a non-living creation of the state.

When you, if you sign in that, you agree to that, you see, your word in your contract is supposed to mean something. Well, here, you agree that the state, not Christ, is your head. The state, not Christ. And then the pastor of the church, do you know what he's referred to? They go from Black's Law as an agent. The pastor is actually an agent. And what the definition, there's two definitions of that. One is that he's an intercessor between the assembly and the state.

The other is he's a spy for the state against the assembly. And so, they asked me, could you tell us why people would voluntarily do this? I said, no, I didn't.

And I absolutely wouldn't. And so, the whole... Pastor, when did you come out of this matrix? Because... We were never in it. We stayed out of it from the beginning.

So, how do we get churches out of the matrix? Well, you call, I can give you a phone number, and the guy that you would want to call, I have him on this radio program every now and then. His name is... I want to say Charles Fitty, but it's Fitty.

I can't remember his first name, but I just talked to him. Pardon? That's okay. So, let me tell you my observance. I believe there is a great awakening to... I'm 42, Pastor. I don't know how old you are, Ernie. I know you've got me by a couple of years, but... Yeah, I sure do.

Six years or so. There is certainly an awakening of men, young men, that I truly believe do and will not bow to the government in regards to... The only need they will bow is to the King and the Lord, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. And there are some that find themselves, and I'm using the matrix, I'm sure your audience would understand that correlation, but there are many that, when they become aware of the 51C3 and how it's silenced them and how the Church has bowed down to the decree of the laws of the government, and they've lost the voice and they've lost the anointing and they've lost the authority. You won't even believe this, Pastor.

Let me interject here. I was talking to a pastor today, and he's part of a church planting network, and there was a guy that wanted to plant a church. His hometown was where our church is. And he said that he's been on the sidelines of ministry for two years, and you're not even going to believe why. Because he was part of a megachurch that made him sign, you're going to fall off your chair, that made him sign a non-compete clause. Oh, brother. You cannot make this up. A pastor, he was a campus pastor of a megachurch that they made him sign a non-compete clause, and like a good soldier, he did not start a ministry until two years were up and sat sidelines out of ministry until that worthless piece of paper that was nothing more than the doctrines of man and devil that he finally expired that time and got back into the fight. This is what's going on, Pastor.

You know, in our area up here, there's one of those what you call mega entertainment centers, and what they actually do is they actually have people come in and bring in their tax reform to see how much they make to make sure that they know they're tithing 10%. You're kidding. No, I'm not.

Yeah, unbelievable. But hang tight, Neil. We'll be back right after this.

You'll like this song. There arose across this nation people thinking one and the same. And they awoke to find their freedoms and all their liberties had gradually been taken away. And when they realized the danger to their posterity, I heard those patriotic people say, We want this country back.

We ain't just joking, Jack. We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored. We want this country back.

She's been driven way off track. We're wide awake and we're madder than hell now, and we ain't gonna take it anymore. No, we're not gonna take it anymore.

Remember golden days when the stars and stripes forever symbolized her glorious name. America. But now it's all been changed, and when we gaze upon old glory, it's hard to fight back feelings of shame. We're fed up with lying politicians and greedy corporations who have sold us out time and again. And we're sick and tired of sending our soldiers off to wars that we were never meant to win. We want this country back.

We ain't just joking, Jack. We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored. We want this country back.

She's been driven way off track. We're wide awake and we're madder than hell now, and we ain't gonna take it anymore. No, we're not gonna take it anymore. Now we know our cause is right and our victory's on the way, and we won't give up the fight till we hear two hundred million say, We want this country back.

We ain't just joking, Jack. We want our liberty and our dignity and our freedoms and our rights restored. We want this country back, and we ain't taking anymore back. We're wide awake and we're madder than hell now, and we ain't gonna take it anymore. No, we're not gonna take it anymore. That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore. We said we're not gonna take it anymore.

That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore. We said we're not gonna take it anymore That's right, we're not gonna take it anymore We said we're not gonna take it anymore Some of us have been fighting from the very beginning We have never, never given in And that fella that you heard, Carl Klein, he was my old buddy What a good friend, and I'm gonna tell you That fella would not take it at all And he stood his ground He said what he meant, meant what he said And he was a very, very talented artist, very talented Yeah, I loved that song, Pastor, that was phenomenal Yeah, we have that on a CD, maybe I'll send you one Anyhow, now, you are running for governor in the state of Ohio And so people say, well don't they know that they've already had the primary But you're not running as one of those You see, as far as I'm concerned we have like four parties You've got the Democrats, you've got the Republicans You've got the Conservatives, and you've got the Independents And maybe the Independents and the Conservatives could be a lot of the same The Republican party anymore is not what it used to be It's not the grand old party anymore They don't stand up If you notice something, what an absolute shame It's pathetic You have not heard the Republican party stand up and promote And urge people to go and listen to 2,000 mules They haven't said a word Not only that, Fox News, who a lot of people trust Well, Fox News, they did it to us again They refused to promote it And it kind of tells you that the opposition's got to fix it everywhere, huh? Well, I can tell you, only because of time I thought you had to go to the theater Someone just yesterday sent me a bit shoot linked to it I wasn't aware that you could watch it And I got seven minutes into it As you can only imagine, my schedule, one thing led to another And I cannot wait to finish it But we just had a board meeting at our church, an elders meeting And we're going to play at our church And I'm going to make sure it's not only public and vocal But I'm also, because I didn't want to comment on it until I watched it I will absolutely be putting it on our campaign page And it was very interesting, Pastor, because I got a graphic that was sent to me by a friend who's somewhat pretty influential In the Ohio Republican Party, at least in different sects And he came out with something and he I'd never seen this He coined this phrase called independent Republican That's what he called me, is an independent Republican Now, I am running as an independent But I thought that was interesting because there's this breakdown Of this, as you said, the grand old party, the Republican Party What is it? I mean, right now it's a divided party And the big question is, can it even be saved?

Or is the Lord going to tear it down and birth something brand new? I don't know, maybe your listeners are smarter than I am But I just know right now that the party as of itself Is just as compromised as the Democrats Well, you have the situation in the Bible All the answers in God's Word, the Bible What does it tell you when something becomes corrupt Come out from amongst them, be you separate from them And do not participate with them So, yeah, that's what you're Here, for example, now you're going to have a hard You're going to run, but you're running as an independent But, you know, we had across the state And they say, well, it was legal Well, you know, when something is When they talk about it's legal, it's a big question On whether it was legal But when something is just crooked As can be And that's what's happened here in Ohio You had, here in my county You had, like, registered, you had 13,000 registered Republicans And you had 6,000 registered Democrats Well, letters went out to all of the Democrats All of the Democrats, and the idea was They're running Democrats as Republicans They're running, and so the letter went out saying Get a Republican ballot And vote for these people, and vote them in And vote for these two Republicans, but they won't be conservatives They'll be RINOs And so, and RINOs, boy, we have We have enough of those, don't we? And so, it was so bad That, from what I understand, in Portage County, the next county over 183% of the Republicans voted Isn't that something?

Yeah, and so, here Now, this went on statewide And it's what they're doing All across the country, okay? It's absolutely unethical There's nothing that is too corrupt, too unethical For these people to do, there's just nothing There is nothing, if somebody says to me Today, I'm a Democrat And that's all I know about them Here's what I think about them First of all, they may be a homosexual or a pedophile Because homosexuality and pedophile failure Is embraced, they're embraced I know that they want to kill babies There's not enough blood running through the veins Of the innocent children in this country To quench the thirst of these wicked people They're wicked to the core But they may well practice bestiality I know that these people God's Word, the Bible tells you in Romans chapter 1 That they continue, that they continue In their uncleanness And so, all of these women that were marching Here against the Supreme Court, they had that women's march These were all unclean women Why aren't our pastors today, why don't they have the guts To stand up, let me tell you why I'll give you an example I had a presbyterian preacher say to me one day He said, you know pastor, your position On abortion I totally agree with, I agree 100% With what you're saying is right, it's murder And there's no way you can call it anything else But you have to understand I cannot preach what you preach I would severely offend too many Of the women in my church if I preached it as murder And here's what I told him Cause this is really deep, what I told him, I mean it's deep I says, dummy, do you think maybe If you've been preaching against that awful horrible sin That there wouldn't be so many women in your church That have committed it And he says, you know, I think you've got a point there Sometimes you feel all alone Well pastor, the gospel Is offensive It's a beautiful testimony of his grace But we are a wretched, poor Pitiful, blind and naked And that's how we come to him Is in the destitute of our iniquity And how shall the people Know the depths of their depravity Unless first that reflection of God's holiness In his purity is proclaimed And preached with authority and boldness From our pulpits And unless we come to him as that As knowing the depths of our sin There is truly no salvation And I think this is the epitome of You still have the vast majority of the country That consider themselves to be Christians And what is it, the people that acknowledge me with their mouths But their heart is far from me And how many on that day shall say, Lord, Lord, we did this in your name We cast out demons in your name But we hear the words that should rattle us to the very core That says, depart from me, you workers of iniquity And the moment that we stop preaching The gospel, the good news is that We have some really, really bad news The wages of sin is death And until we understand that we are dead men walking We can never be born again And walk in his wondrous light You know when Herod killed John the Baptist Do you think he had any idea that Jesus said of men born amongst women There is none greater None greater than that You know he says, touch not my anointed I'm pretty sure Herod's in a very bad place right now Yeah, I certainly would think that I have often wondered The Lord in his permissible will Allowed the greatest prophet that had ever Walked this earth according to the Lord That there was none greater But yet he allowed him to have what A six month ministry, a very short ministry You know as he called out the Pharisees And you brood of vipers You know he didn't have any of the delicacies of the day You know he ate honey and wore camel's hair And he called out the religious system Only to have a short ministry But God's purpose was fulfilled in his life Do you notice that doesn't get preached a whole lot No it certainly doesn't, you're right Well here now, do we have a problem Over the years, I've been arrested many times Out in front of those bloody abortion mills For preaching the gospel, they try to recall me They try to recall me three times Thank you ACLU You know racketeering Because they were saying that I was taking away The money from the abortion mill Keeping them from being able to earn a living Well the problem with that And all three times was They have to show that I'm making a profit And I was losing money going out there Because I spent half my time in court When I wasn't in front of the bloody abortion mills But when I got there If I was the only one arrested If I was the only one arrested, I could defend myself Now if there was say two of us Or more arrested for the same charge I couldn't do that because They would charge me with Practicing law without a license But I could defend myself in my venue And my venue was the King James Bible So I went into court, and let me tell you, Neil I can tell you, they'd never gone more than 15 minutes With the King James Bible, they just wanted me out of that courthouse That bring great laughter to me for some reason Well you see here, now there's only The King James Bible is the only one you can't do With any of the versions or perversions It's only the King James Bible That you can use to defend yourself in those courthouses Do you know why that is? I want to hear it Well they asked you What sovereign nation authorized that as a book of law And the answer is King James of England 1611 It says sovereign nation authorized this book As a book of law So it is a book of law It is our book Now don't you think that if we And ran our politics from this book Boy don't you think things would be a whole lot better off? Well you know, I think that's a good segue You made the introduction that I'm running as governor I get accused often of preaching And the anointing breaks the yoke Not only of heaviness, but it breaks the yoke of captivity That so many of these political lights are stuck in I've been to a hundred rallies A hundred plus rallies And they're mostly all the same They're men and women They're telling you based on their pedigree And their background And their accomplishments That they're going to hear to save the day And the reality is nobody's coming to save the day Nobody And the only man that's going to save the day is King Jesus And the first bit of legislation that we even know about Is when God himself, with his finger inscribed in stone The first bit of legislation known as the Ten Commandments And so when we understand that the breach that has happened The breach of the foundation and the fabric of our society Is the moment that we turned our back to God And we begin to worship other gods And when we begin to get back to the word of God I truly believe, and we come boldly before his throne of grace and mercy With repentance upon our mouths The Lord has promised in 2 Chronicles 7 verse 14 what he'll do And he'll bring healing to our land And that is the reality If we want to see healing and restoration and forgiveness and abundance and prosperity Then we're going to have to do it God's way Which is found right there in that word of God No other way Well you're absolutely right I'm amazed from people When they say well And you hear people parodying Today you have so many people With their sound bites And I know when I would be preaching out in front of the bloody abortion mills You would often hear judge not lest you be judged Well those people don't realize if they kept on reading He goes on to say but when you do judge Judge with a righteous judgment In other words don't hold other people up to higher standards than yourself But they don't know that they have these sound bites That they go by And they parrot these things And often you'll hear people say that Well the Bible teaches to hate the sinner and love the sinner The Bible doesn't teach that at all The Bible teaches to love what God loves and to hate what God hates You hear all of these things out there I've never seen in my lifetime such a biblically illiterate church You have that whole movement out there To what they call the Word of Faith movement where they teach that Repentance is not necessary for salvation What was the very first thing Jesus preached on? Repentance John the Baptist, repent Repeat the way of the Lord And you've got these And I've got to admit you've got some of these These apostate preachers and they They know how to twist and spin and pervert the scriptures And they're experts at it I mean it's just unbelievable Now going back to you here How?

First of all you know we see that the Democrats and the Republicans They got a racket They make it very very hard for anybody for an independent run against them You've got to have a whole lot of signatures on a petition to run against them How is that coming and how can we help you? Yeah so let me give your audience a quick rundown Because to be honest with you until I got into this And picked up the cross the Lord set before me Simply out of faith And you know side note to digress very momentarily pastor Faith is a very interesting concept because it's preached Fairly regularly from most pulpits But it's seldomly demonstrated It sounds great when you can hoot and holler You know in our faith walk and you know we walk by faith and not by sight Until Goliath is taunting us And then just as the nation of Israel Nobody wants to go against Goliath And I'm certainly consider myself the least of these So you know I don't boast of my strength I boast as Paul said in my weakness And in my weakness he is made strong But I can tell you this Just as David cried out who is this uncircumcised Philistine That mocks the living God That is the same sentiment that I walk into this arena It's not arena that I ever thought I would be in I guess there was a glimpse and a shadow at certain points in my life But it's not something I understood the timing But as the Lord begins to The word of God says my sheep hear my voice They hear And so when we hear that still small voice And we've answered the call at certain times in our life We have to be obedient to step out in faith As he so calls So to answer your question about the Democrats and the Republicans This is the gist To get as a major party So a Democrat and Republican Those are major political parties To be on the ballot in Ohio Every state has their own regulations and laws According to the legislation that is That is instilled and installed in those states But for the major parties you need 1000 signatures to get on the ballot Now let me explain I heard through the Not through the rumor mill but through sources The Nan Whaley who's of course right now the Democrat primary Who's far wicked left She's actually I'm in the Dayton area You know she did the same thing as some of these other leaders You know locked down the city You know praises abortion and praises wickedness And praises everything that's vile But she ran against the Cincinnati mayor Which was John Cranley Well John Cranley even though they need 1000 signatures to get on the ballot He barely got his signatures And so even 1000 is actually not as easy as it sounds Because you got to remember for every time you ask one person You're probably going to have 10 notes And so there's a level of adversity that you have to get through Just to get on the ballot Now to run as an independent Here are the steps Number one As an independent you are not in the primary So on May 2 Was it May 3 May 2 or May 3 May 3 I'm sorry I got the dates messed up Because our signatures were due May 2 So the primary was May 3 And May 3 At independent does not Does not compete in the primary A lot of people get that confused you know why Because there's rarely statewide independent candidates In fact I've done my homework I can't find I'm not here to tell you But from the information that I could find online I can't find independents that have been on the ballot That were not write-ins And so as a write-in candidate Even as an independent write-in You still have to register with the secretary of state So let's say you write in your mom for governor Well your mom even if she got a million votes For write-ins she's never going to be governor Unless she first registers As an independent we need 5,000 valid signatures Five times the number of signatures To get on the ballot And so we obtained the 5,000 We were really hopeful to get 7,500 We've been campaigning for nine months But we only submitted around 6,000 We're just under 6,000 signatures Now that is not as many as we wanted But, Pastor Ernie This is in the Lord's hands, truly And we submitted them by faith I'm not worried about it I said from the very beginning We have taken the church Remember during COVID all the rhetoric And it said the church has left the building And many of the churchianity They figured out how to look at the positive Of, you know, well we're online now Well the reality is the church has always left the building Go ye therefore into all the world and make disciples You know, we're not supposed to beg them in It is a place of equipping A place of discipleship, a place of worship A place of prayer But we have been all over Ohio You know what we've been doing Ernie? We've been proclaiming the kingdom of God Not our church We've been proclaiming the kingdom And we've been doing it in circles That the church has completely ran away from And began to perpetrate a generational lie That has been preceded by Satan himself That says that no, no, we as a church We should stay out of government Certainly stay out of politics Because there's no place in that for us We need to just do our thing in the church Let the government do their thing And this is the exact reason why we have lost our nation We just recently had about five new people attending our church Because the pastor got in the pulpit From one of the mega churches and said that He said that you should not be involved in politics And of course you've heard the soundbite You've got to keep your faith and your politics separate Well, let me tell you, the Lord Jesus didn't know that And then as we go from Genesis to Revelation Every prophet, every priest, every preacher Every single one And none ensued this more than the Lord himself Their faith and their politics were inseparable They were literally the same Well, is he not the king or not? Right Is he not the king? Doesn't the government rest on his shoulder? Yep, it certainly does And you know, when you're talking about that We being the body of Christ We being that we are the shoulders too And that's exactly what it's referring to It's resting upon the church And of course, we never shut down You know, when they came and they started doing this There's a little passage over in the book of Acts But I'm running out of time So hang tight when we get back We'll look at this And folks out there listening Again, Neil Peterson is running for governor And he believes in God's word for real For real believes in God's word, the Bible, for real So hang tight, we'll be back right after this A lot more to come, don't go away To What's Right, What's Left Ministries 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065 If you missed part of tonight's program You can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening And supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries The voice of the Christian resistance Stay tuned, the second hour is coming up next Come in, let's rumble again tonight
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