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THU HR 2 050522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 6, 2022 12:05 am

THU HR 2 050522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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May 6, 2022 12:05 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Man at his peak. Donate and listen to the podcast at We only have a morning service at Doers of the Word Baptist Church. Only a morning service because people have mothers and they want to spend the day, the families together. And we're really big on families. So, Doers of the Word Baptist Church only will have a morning service this coming Sunday. Now, I've got to say this too.

Believe it or not, Dr. Peter Glidden actually knows more about holistic medicine than I do. So, what we're going to do is we're going to open the phone lines and let you folks ask him questions. So, the phone lines are now open at 888-677-9673.

That's 888-677-9673 nationwide. All right, we'll go and we'll take a look. Cliff, is there? Cliff, you're in the air. Yeah, I have some questions for the doctor.

I kind of figured you did. Yeah, briefly, the latest Sargent Reports podcast shows that they have a whistle-blower with Melissa from Plant Manager. And she says that Rendezevir was actually being manufactured by Pfizer for Gilead. They're actually doing the manufacturing. She was at a factory, Plant Manager, and they were making it right there.

She says it glitters. She's got internal documents that she either photographed or printed out that talk about permanent changes to the DNA, targeting organs like the spleen. It talks about luciferase, his protein, which is, you know, lucifer, his protein, and goats, which is Balthamet. So, that's interesting.

I did not know about the Rendezevir. And what you said about cowards was interesting, too, because I'm reading this book, Three Tigers, One Mountain, and it's on the audible. And it just goes briefly back to where the British flooded China with the heroin, basically, opium heroin. And they said, what did the Chinese say about it?

And some of the Chinese said back then, well, the people that are doing this are stupid, and they're cowards, and didn't really blame the British. I mean, you could see everybody else that takes it's getting addicted. You know, that should be enough to know that it's just stupid.

But my question for Peter is, one is, when you take these supplements, I don't drink, but a lot of people drink alcohol, drink caffeine, or even too much sugar, which might be the case at times with me. Is that going to, in other words, spill out the supplements to a degree, you know, wash it out? You know, that would be my question.

Yeah, no, it's a very, very good question. The answer is no, the opposite will happen. Because when you take the right supplements that are actually your body can absorb, and that's an important distinction, in the right amount for your body weight, because everybody needs a little bit different based on their body weight. But when you do the right stuff, and your body tissues get saturated, then your body starts to respond metabolically in an optimal manner. So one of the reasons that people crave sugar or crave caffeine is because their metabolism is a little out of whack. And that's the reason that people smoke cigarettes. They don't smoke cigarettes because they like the way that cigarettes taste.

They smoke the cigarette to get the nicotine hit, because nicotine calms down your central nervous system, it's a sedative. So there's a bang to the buck for smoking cigarettes, there's a bang to the buck for drinking coffee, there's a bang to the buck for eating sugar, but when you saturate your body with medical nutrition, when you fill up your body's nutritional tank with the right stuff, a lot of those switches get turned off. And so the cravings for coffee will diminish, the cravings for sugar will diminish, the cravings for tobacco will diminish, and this is one of the best kept secrets in the 21st century. So there is maybe a middle ground there between the time that your body is saturated and you get the benefits that you're washing things out. But more to the point, your body will soak the nutrients up because they're essential nutrients, your body needs them, your body knows that it needs them, and your body will do everything that it can to hold on to them. Once you're walking around planet Earth in a neutrified body, which nobody is until they start the supplement program, a lot of things start to change because your body needs this stuff, your body hasn't had this stuff your entire life, you've gotten used to not having this stuff, and so it's kind of like you get used to walking around in a body that's less than optimal.

And that's what it is like for everybody. And so when you saturate your tissue with this stuff, a lot of positive things start to change. You'd be hard pressed to wash this stuff out with too much sugar, too much coffee. And my other question briefly would be with the teeth thing you had mentioned previously, how won't you hold that calcium and so forth in the mouth to really coat the teeth to strengthen them? Yeah, about a minute. About a minute's good, and that's a long minute too, man, when you're swishing that stuff around in your mouth.

You know, it's like a washed pot never boils, it's that type of a thing. But a good minute will do it two, three times a day. That's a good strategy to help strengthen the teeth and the gums.

One of the leading causes of reseeding gums is not enough calcium, and most dentists don't know that. Okay, thanks a lot, Peter. It's a pleasure. I appreciate your support and your open-mindedness more. You are a rare bird, and like the fellow said, not everybody back in the day who had the chance to got on board Noah's Ark. So it's good for me to come on this radio station and hear people like you who actually get it and who want to take action on it.

So I appreciate you right back at you. Now you were talking about reseeding gums. Now let's go to reseeding hair.

What do you do for that? Well, not a lot that you can do for reseeding hair. However, one of the things that's interesting to note is that the hair is a non-essential body tissue. So if your body becomes deficient in essential nutrients, it will start robbing nutrients from non-essential tissue to keep essential tissue alive. So it will rob nutrients from your hair, from your nails, from your skin, to keep your heart and your liver and your kidneys alive, and your brain. And so one of the reasons that people start to lose their hair, especially at a young age, is simply because their body is under-nutrified and they don't know it.

But to actually reverse that, I'm not aware of anything that can reverse it. Once in a blue moon, I've seen somebody regrow their hair. Once in a blue moon, I've seen white hair turn red or black again.

That was very interesting. But those are the exceptions, not the rule. So you're telling me the trade-off is you have to become ugly to stay alive? Well, Dr. Glenn, let me ask you a question then on that thing. I know that biotin, like I've tried it, it doesn't work for your hair, but it certainly works for your nails. Why is that? Well, because biotin is one nutrient out of 90. Okay. So there are 90 essential nutrients that we're aware of.

And next year, maybe there's going to be 92 or 93, right? And all of these nutrients work together like Symphony Orchestra. And all of the metabolic permutations and the cross-reactions and this nutrient affects, this biochemical pathway affects, this gene expression. It's a complicated thing, which is why I love my job, because I don't really have to try to figure all that stuff out.

All I have to know is, guess what? Your body wants to fix itself. Your body's trying to fix itself. Your body has wisdom, innate wisdom, which is directed by the spiritual force inside the human body. So all I need to do is counsel people to stop eating stuff that's gumming up the work and then give your body the stuff it needs and your body will sort it out. So biotin is one nutrient. There are 89 others that your body needs. And when you take them all, that's when the magic starts to happen.

All right. Speaking of magic, we have Coach Duane. Hey, Coach.

Well, God bless you, Pastor Sanders. Good evening, Dr. Glidden. What's going on, Coach? Put me in, Coach.

I'm ready to play. Hello to Randy. Hey, how are you, buddy?

Good talking to you. Hi, Coach. Hey, now, Dr. Glidden, you know you're one of my mentors when it comes to holistic doctors, along with Dr. Axe and Dr. Wallace and as well as Dr. Bird. Now, here's what happened to me in months. The last week in March, I got really my stomach, I was having pressure on and off.

It would last eight, nine hours and go away two days and it would come back. Well, make a long story short, I got a hold of Wendy Wilson, Apothecary Herbs, and I got her bowel cleanse and I got her detox. I did that. And I was praying for God, please help me, Lord, please, miraculously help me. Well, that didn't go away. Two and a half weeks later, I'm still in trouble. Every two days, man, I'd get this pressure in my rectum and I'd get it in my lower stomach. I couldn't relieve the gas, I couldn't get rid of the pressure.

So I called your place and I ordered the 90 essential minerals, I ordered the Omega oils, and then I got naturally, I always have the calcium and the liquid minerals. So I took all that. And I mean to tell you, within 72 hours, everything went away.

I have not worked for the whole month of April. I've got healthy again. But I watched your videos and I sent them to everybody, the 12 foods not to eat, no grains, no soy, no corn. Then you told me to go to all your packages that you got in the house, anything with palm oil, coconut oil, corn oil, don't use none of it, no dairy.

And I'm here to tell you, once those 90 essential minerals went into my body and once the oils, and that's up, and I took it 72 hours, everything is left. Praise the Lord. Thank you, God. And thank you, Dr. Glenn.

You're welcome. And you know, like the fellow said, once you've experienced the truth, you're in its velvet grass forever. And it's experiences like this, Coach, that are the only reason my profession still exists inside of a hostile medical marketplace that we have, which is, you know, perpetuated by the pharmaceutical industry, which I believe is evil. The only reason that we exist is because more often than not, people who follow our advice experience really positive things.

You know, right? And the proof of the pudding is in the eating. So I don't really have to sell the stuff. I just have to point people to it and say, give it a try, man.

Slam these doors and kick these tires because you don't know what you're missing. I appreciate you, Coach, very much. Well, as a coach, before I get off here, I always lead by example.

Okay, Wendy Wilson's wild plants and her text and her body foundation with all the nutrients works fantastic. The videos that I watch at Dr. Wallach, Dr. Berg's and everybody, I'm the guinea pig. I forward all the information. I take your videos.

I put them on the fire report and I show them here in Brunswick and Brunswick Hills. So the people get to see Dr. Glidden, Dr. Wallach, Dr. Berg's, Dr. Axe and Wendy Wilson's stuff. And thank God for Pastor Sanders for having you on to help people because there's a lot of people sick and hurting. And if I'm a coach and I sell a product, man, people will believe it because they look for leaders. And Pastor Sanders is a leader. Randy's a leader. Joe Larson, Hal Larson, we're all leaders. And if we give people the truth, hey, it's a blessing for God. And I'm going to get off here and ask you one question you can give to the audience. I meet so many people that battle with headaches, continuously headaches.

What do you have for them? I'm getting off here. Dr. Glidden, God bless you and thank you, Pastor Sanders, for having them on. All right, Coach.

I love Coach. Well, the first thing to consider with chronic headaches is that it's either dehydration, not enough water in your body, or your body is deficient in calcium and magnesium. And usually the first nutrients that your body will become deficient in are calcium and magnesium. So the first thing to do is the stuff that we recommend everybody do, and that's get your hands on the 90 essential nutrients, which you can get at, Eiffel like the tower, Get the foundation pack, because in the foundation pack, you're going to get all 90 essential nutrients with a calcium supplement that's the most absorbable calcium supplement I've seen in 33 years of clinical work. And take that for three, four weeks, see if the headaches go away.

I'm going to bet you 25 cents that they will. Well, you know, I got to say we got to take some more calls, but, you know, I've seen naturopathic, holistic medicine growing. I mean, it's growing everywhere you go. You're seeing more and more of your health food stores opening up a year where you get natural medicine. And as people continue to lose confidence in the medical profession, because I think the kill shot really nailed them hard. I mean, it really did, because here, you know, they were just, you know, doing what they were told to do by big pharma and telling people to take the kill shot.

People lost all confidence, all confidence in a lot of these. And we're seeing more and more people, I mean, everywhere you turn, going to holistic medicine. It's a silver lining to this very, very dark cloud, to be sure. I hope the trend continues and I hope the next president, whoever it is, listens to my advice and establishes a federal department of holistic medicine because we desperately need to take pharmaceutical control out of the equation here. You're right.

Let's go to Steve in Cleveland. Hello, Dr. Glidden. I'm currently healing from occipital neuralgia. They suspected that I may have had shingles back in, this happened to me back in January. I was getting like really bad nerve pain, but joint burning sensations in my head.

A rash never showed up, but they said that I probably had it under the skin and mostly in the scalp area. I've been on pain medication and they wanted to put me on injections and I refused to do that. I don't want no steroids shut. Well, that's just, those therapies are just going to mask the problem. It's like sweeping the dirt under the rug.

It's a bad idea. There is a medicine that you can get. You're going to have to write this down because this is not available on the website. This is something different.

There is a homeopathic medicine that is a specific proposed shingles neuralgia. It's only going to cost maybe 15 bucks. It may help you a lot. Worst case scenario, it won't do anything.

You'll be out 15 bucks. You should give it the old college try. You want to do a web search for homeopathic. That's H-O-M like Mary, E-O-P like Peter, A-T-H-I-C. Homeopathic spigilia.

S like Sam, P like Peter, I like India, G like God, E like Echo, L like Larry, I like India, A. Homeopathic spigilia. Get it in the 30C potency, C like Charlie. Take two pellets orally three times a day for five days. Two pellets orally three times a day for five days. If before the final dose on day five you experience a positive change, a remarkable positive change, you stop taking it.

That's important. Once you get a positive change with this, you have to stop taking it and let it ride. If you just feel a little bit better or you're not sure, you keep taking it for all five days. You also need to be on the healthy foundation pack, man, because everybody needs to be on the healthy foundation pack, because your body needs these nutrients in order to optimize its health, including its pain management.

There's a type of chemical in the body called a prostaglandin that your body needs to make to manage pain, and your body needs calcium and omega-3 essential fats to produce that. So, go to, get the foundation pack, and in the meantime, try to find homeopathic spigilia and see if it helps. Could you spell that again too for me real quick?

I didn't have anything to write with. Yes, sir. It's S like Sam, P like Peter, I like India, G like God, E like Edward, L like Larry, I like India, A like Apple. And the 30C, C like Charlie potency, homeopathic spigilia, 30C, two pellets, three times a day for five days, and best of luck. And it's spelled F-P-I-G?

No, S like Sam, P like Peter. S-P-I-G-E-L-I-A, spigilia, homeopathic spigilia, and the 30C, C like Charlie potency. What is actually in it? It's a botanical medicine that's homeopathically prepared. It will be dispensed in a small tube about the size of your index finger, and in that tube are going to be about 100 little white medicated pellets. This is a fantastic medicine for posts, shingles, neuralgia, and about 50% of the time it works like a flippin' miracle.

So run it up the flagpole, see if it flies. Will they give you instructions on how to use it then too if I can get it? No, I just told you how to do it. Two pellets, three times orally for five days. Three times a day? Yep, two pellets in the morning, two pellets in the afternoon, two pellets in the evening for five days in a row.

If there's a remarkable change before day five, you stop taking it. Okay, and then I also wanted to ask you, your 90 essential nutrients, those are in a citrus sort of drink? Is that what that is? Well, there's some citrus flavor in one of the drinks, but the 90 essential nutrients come in four different containers. There's a mineral, liquid mineral, there's a liquid calcium, there's a fish oil that's in a little gel cap, and then there's a multivitamin, multi-mineral, multi-antioxidant, multi-everything powder that you dissolve in water.

So it's the four packages in the foundation pack. I have a hiatal hernia, so I'm really hard with citrus. Will that be able to tolerate? Will I be able to drink? Yeah, you should be able to tolerate. Your body will suck this stuff up like nobody's business. Okay. It should not be a problem.

Okay, I really appreciate your help and advice with this here. Alrighty, now for folks out there that are like me that think that computers are evil, okay, but you have telephones. You can call 888-618-1796 to order these supplements. That's 888-618-1796.

That's Eiffel Health. Alright, and we've got to go to Diana in New York. Hi, hi Dr. Clinton and Mr. Ernie Sanders and the others that are there. I'm a little nervous.

I've never called in to radio or anything like that. Hello? Yeah, we're here. Are you there? Go ahead.

Yes, I'm here now. So my call is, I don't know if Dr. Clinton would be able to answer it for me, but I hope to God he is. So I went to the dentist yesterday and I have bone loss in my molar. She doesn't understand why. I did have an infection before back in February and she gave me antibiotics. She prescribed antibiotics for me again yesterday and she said I need to see a periodontist.

So I'm not sure what to do. She doesn't understand again why I have bone loss and my tooth is loose. So there's no bone whatsoever.

It's completely gone there. Well, it's not rocket science. When the body loses bone, most of the time it's because your body has run out of the raw materials it needs to make bone. And here's an interesting fun fact to know and tell. Your body is making new bone all of the time. Your body is chewing up old bone and getting rid of it and laying down new bone 24-7. All of the time your body is trying to create new bone everywhere in your body. But it needs a lot of raw materials to do that. And so the first thing to consider is that your body just ran out of bone nutrients. And so you need to give your body the bone nutrients and you can get the bone nutrients with the Healthy Foundation Pack at Eiffel Health.

And that phone number again is 888-618-1796. Okay. I was also going to ask you, Dr. Dooling, would I be able to get my bone back?

I was reading about what they do, the procedure in order to keep to save your tooth or if not you may lose it that they have to do. Yeah, you know, it's hard to know if you can get back what you've lost, but I can guarantee that you won't lose any more if you do this program. I see. Okay. So this is like never fail fudge. I mean, your body needs this stuff. Your body is crying for this stuff and now you're developing symptoms that your body hasn't had enough of it.

So give your body the nutrients, give your body a break, keep your fingers crossed and see how far back you bounce. Okay. Thank you so much. And thank you for taking my call. I love this program.

Both my son and I listen to it almost every night. Well, you have a blessed Mother's Day, Diana. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. It's an honor. Thank you. Well, thank you, too.

God bless you. Let's go to Cindy in Dallas. Hey, Cindy. Hi. I need to find out. I used to be and I believe in herbs.

I'm 100% for eight years. My herbs had me perfect until, anyway, some events happened where I couldn't afford them and my herbs moved away. How do I get off of the sugar and all of the and also to add new prescriptions, which I do not even believe in prescriptions, but they were cheaper than the herbs at the time. Well, you've got to slowly extract yourself from the medical mousetrap. You can't just stop cold turkey taking a prescription medicine. You could hurt yourself.

You could die, for goodness sake. But, you know, people don't have high blood pressure because they have a deficiency in a high blood pressure medicine. People don't have heartburn because they don't have they have a proton pump inhibitor deficiency. These things are the medications are only prescribed to manage symptoms. The medications are never prescribed to cure the condition. So you need to attempt to cure the condition with medical nutrition.

And then as you start to feel better under the application of the medical nutrition, then you can slowly, with the guidance of a pharmacist, usually withdraw from the medication, because if we do the right thing and your body bounces back far enough, you won't need the meds anymore. And this is the goal all the time is to get people so healthy that they don't need their prescription medication. This is what we try to do all the time, which is why I called my second book attempt a cure. I did that for a reason, because that's what we're trying to do. We attempt to cure the condition every time. Sometimes we can do it. Sometimes we can do it halfway.

Sometimes we can do it 25 percent of the way. But you're always going to feel better when you apply this program. Call the passenger's office, get a copy of the book and read all about it. I've been writing this stuff down. What is in your book? Attempt a cure. Attempt a cure. OK. Listen, Cindy, I know you I know you call us during pledge week all the time.

So just put put a note in with that and we'll get it to you. Yes, because, you know, and even being back on prescription and what the prescription is Adderall and Xanax, which I am I feel so guilty to even take this stuff. But I had to stay with somebody in the hospital a little bit.

I've seen bad, bad, bad in the hospital. They kill people. I mean, I tell you what to do if you don't stay there within 24 hours, 24 hours a day. That's exactly what they do.

And they tell you that they're going to do it. And anyway, I'm on these two now and I know I have to get my health back because I feel guilty. I feel condemned because I know the truth. The truth is God is the healer that I don't know how to get. I don't even know what Adderall can take yourself totally off of it.

Well, you can't. No, I mean, you have to wean yourself off of both of those drugs. And the Xanax is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet. Xanax is more addictive than Xanax. Well, I'm going to take a little teeny tiny bit because one of my doctor gave them to all of them and they push more pills and people, doctors, doctors should go to jail. It's not that if I was if I was elected general tomorrow, I would outlaw Xanax overnight. That's how bad I think they should. And let me tell you one of the last year Obama was in in Dallas. What they did with my dad when he broke his hip, they said, we're going to kill your dad.

How do you want him to die? We watched the most horrifying stuff. I had an attorney that was going to sue seven different facilities. My mom said she can't sue the government. So we did. We didn't do that. But after all the money was gone, sure enough, we had the piece of paper. Stop all medication without potassium. You die.

So, I mean, they've like killed him. People. I got pictures of everything. I would love to expose everything that I do know. So when my husband was in the hospital is when I got back on prescription and I'm like. It's like it's a tormenting feeling.

My relationship with me and God, because I know that I feel natural. So what do you know? You have to you will come to a point in your life where it's a turning point and where you're frustrated with conventional medical way. And where you need to make a difference. And this is the difference.

This is the change that you are looking for. So get your hands on the book and educate yourself about what to do. OK. Because I was like I said, I was seeing the Chinese service and he had me totally cured of everything. I mean, everything. And why don't you go back to him? Because I don't have the money right now. I mean, it's not like I say, I live with someone who's been in and out of the hospital.

I've seen things that I didn't know people did. And you know what? The doctors don't care about patients. My husband should be, you know, it's the place where he can't drink because he gets paralyzed and fought things that I didn't know happened. And that's not because, you know, he's off the bench and a huge chunk in his tiny stitches. Cindy, we're up against a heartbreak. So thanks for calling. And we have to move on.

We'll be right back after this. You look like a Christian. You look like an angel. Walk like a Christian. Walk like an angel. Talk like a Christian.

Lord, I got wine. You're a liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. A liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. You fooled me with deception.

You fooled me with your lies. Heaven helped me before I saw the liberal in your eyes. You look like a Christian. You look like an angel. Walk like a Christian. Walk like an angel. Talk like a Christian.

Lord, I got wine. You're a liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are.

A liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. I thought you would go to heaven, but I wasn't sure surprise. Heaven helped me before I saw the liberal in your eyes. You look like a Christian. You look like an angel. Walk like a Christian. Walk like an angel. Talk like a Christian.

But I got wine. You're a liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. A liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. You're a liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. A liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are.

A liberal in disguise. Oh, yes, you are. Do you hear that, Donald Trump, President Trump? You better be careful on who you endorse.

Remember, it's what happened in the past. OK. Anyhow, let's go to Annie, California. Hello. Hello. I'm glad to be online and I just appreciate your program and information. Well, we're glad to have you here. I want to ask one or two questions about two years ago I've had recovered from kidney cancer and removed the tumor successfully and I don't have any treatment. And I've also had the third coin.

I believe I'm OK with that, I guess. But basically, they've always wanted throughout the year and wanted to give me cholesterol medication, which I might feel it sometimes. And I never want to take it. My cholesterol is high. I want to know how I can lower that. I have never taken the cholesterol medication, but they basically want me to do that. And when I try to watch what I eat or a little vegan type diet sometimes, however, I'm off of that right now. So I'm always feeling pain in my joints lately and things like that.

Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to let my assistant handle that one, Peter. I've got news for you. There's no such thing as high cholesterol. And if a medical professional, especially a doctor, is telling you that they need to lower your cholesterol, they're lazy. They're intellectually lazy and they're paying more time listening to the pharmaceutical rep than they are actually doing research and reading the literature. Because this is an academic fact.

It's not debatable. There's no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. It does not exist. There are some benefits to taking statin drugs if you have certain types of heart disease, but that those benefits have nothing to do with cholesterol lowering mechanism. So there is no reason on God's green earth to lower your cholesterol.

It's a medical myth. And if your medical professional is telling you you need to lower your cholesterol, you need to fire them and find somebody else. You do not have high cholesterol. And even when and by the way, the research shows that post-menopausal white women with total cholesterol over 400 live longer than anybody else. So look, you don't need to worry about high cholesterol at all. As far as the joints are concerned, one of the main reasons that people get joint pain is because they are unwittingly eating food that is harmful to their body. It's like putting diesel fuel in an unleaded engine.

The car is just not going to run right. So there are 12 foods you can find a list for at the website, 12 foods that you need to stop eating. And oftentimes when people just eliminate these foods, a majority of their pain disappear.

And in addition to that, it would be prudent for you to take nutrients into your body that support joint health. We've got those nutrients at Eiffel Health. Just give the folks at Eiffel Health a call. They'll tell you what to do and how to take it. The number again, 888-618-1796.

Oh, okay. And since I was a cancer survivor two years ago, I didn't know that I had the tumor there and they were looking for, I have my back pain or the spinal, I forgot what it's called, a little curvature in my spine and stuff like that. Scoliosis.

Yeah, I had scoliosis and something else and they saw that and that's where they found the tumor on the right kidney. And what can I do to improve my health as far as that is concerned or cancer? Well, it's a great question and the answer is the same and this is why my job is so easy because the idea here is that your body knows what it needs in order to fix itself. Your body knows how to fix itself. All you have to do is give it the raw materials, stop eating food deterring the body, keep your fingers crossed, see how far back your body can bounce. I don't think you're going to be able to recover from the scoliosis.

I've seen that happen a couple of times. That's with a very specific type of physical therapy called square one system. There's maybe 20 square one system practitioners in the entire United States. That's a really great therapy by the way folks if you're suffering from scoliosis or any type of musculoskeletal thing. It's therapeutic again.

It's called square one system. Do a web search for it and see if there's a practitioner in your area. But nonetheless, give Eiffel Health a call and tell them you want the healthy bone and joint pack and they'll walk you through how to take it and what it is and the whole nine yards.

That's what I would do for a couple of months. Generally speaking, if your body is so deficient in nutrients that you're starting to have pain somewhere, problems somewhere, then five will get you ten that there's other things that are being affected also that you've gotten used to. So maybe your energy isn't that great. Maybe your sleep isn't that great. Maybe your digestion is not that great, but you've gotten used to it. You think it's just because I'm getting older. Well, maybe. Probably it's only because you're eating the wrong food.

You don't know that you're eating the wrong food and your body has completely run out of the stuff it needs to keep itself healthy. So frequently when people follow my advice, they they experience a global positive change. Well, my sleep's better. My energy's better.

Oh, yeah. My joint pain got better, too. So really, this is then this is why we call it holistic medicine, by the way. That's why we call it holistic medicine, because it's never just a bone in a joint treatment. You know, it's OK. It's a whole person treatment. And often you feel better across the board.

So I would I would give it a try. All right. We got to move on. Thank you. And happy Mother's Day. Let's go to Norma in Cleveland. Hey, Norma. Oh, hello. Hi. I heard a beep.

I wasn't sure. Calling for Pastor Glidden. Hi, Pastor Ernie.

Hi, Norma. Calling for Dr. Glidden tonight. He it's like he's on the Sea of Galilee and everybody's coming up and saying, heal me, heal me. What's your take, please, on the autoimmune type of disease like Crohn's? Yeah, so medical doctors have you know, they call things fancy names in order to make you think that they're smart. And so they call autoimmune disease autoimmune disease because they have no idea what causes it. And the medical doctor would like you to think that you went to bed Monday and you were perfectly healthy, but you woke up on Tuesday and your body decided to attack itself. And that's what an autoimmune disease is. So if you have lupus, your body is attacking the skin. If you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, your body starts to attack the thyroid. If you have Crohn's disease, your body all of a sudden decides to attack the large intestine. And why did it do that?

Well, nobody knows. And what my profession believes is that all autoimmune disease is related to a parasitic infection, that there's a parasite in your body that is confusing your immune system. And your immune system has developed antibodies to try to kill the parasite.

But the antibodies resemble healthy tissue in the body, and they're attracted to healthy tissue in the body. So if Ava is suffering with an autoimmune disease, you need to be checked for parasites. And it's usually a naturopathic physician that's the best way to do that.

So look to see if there's a naturopathic physician in your town that can help you do that. But that's the first thing to consider with any type of autoimmune disease is that it's a ramification of an undiagnosed parasitic infection. Okay, they want to give me that Humira shot in the belly.

Yeah, no, no, no, that's ridiculous. That's just, you know, so what what those treatments do is they suppress your immune system, which is nonsense. Because oh, your immune system is out of control. We don't know why your immune system is out of control. So let's suppress your immune system. Oh, by the way, you may get tuberculosis. Oh, by the way, you may get single. Oh, by the way, you may die from the next flu. Right, all kinds of stuff. I listened to Pastor Ernie and Wendy Wilson, and they were really that nurse, Elaine, I can't remember her name, kindly were really right.

They were really doing that zinc. And I think that helped me not get COVID the whole thing because I don't want to take that government poke either. So, well, so I'll look for the naturopathic physician. So there's nothing there in your little apothecary you can. Well, first, when it when it comes, this is a this is a serious condition.

And so I got my whole thing. Before we start spending lots of money treating it, we need to know what we're treating. And so I would look to see if you have a parasitic infection first, because if you know what parasites in your body, you'll have a better idea of how to kill it.

And then you get right to the heart of the matter rather than beating around the bush for years and getting limited results. You know, I happen to know that eating habanero peppers, I eat about one habanero pepper a day. And I know that that really kills parasites. I don't know if it kills every parasite, but I always crave green peppers. That's interesting. It's really, really interesting. I crave very odd food.

And I've been treated at Cleveland Clinic and they see I lived in New York when I was younger and I was studying there. And that's when I got this. It seemed like so. You're right. Some deli over there.

I could have picked up. Who knows if parasites. And one of the reasons that people also develop funny food cravings is because their body is deficient in mineral. The same thing happens with animals. By the way, when animals become deficient in minerals, they start eating dirt. They'll eat rocks. They'll eat other animals.

They'll eat the wood on the fence around their corral. I used to chew ice all the time. You chew ice all of the time? Well, you're probably anemic. Not anymore.

I used to when I was younger. Okay. So you need the healthy foundation pack immediately with one extra bottle of minerals. Get in touch with Eiffel Health. Get the foundation pack plus one extra bottle of minerals. Okay. Healthy foundation pack plus one extra bottle of minerals. Call Eiffel Health and do that for four weeks.

In the meantime, see if you can get checked for parasites. Okay? All right. Thank you very much for talking to me tonight. God bless you all. All right. Thank you. And listen, have a blessed Mother's Day, Norma.

Let's go to Christine in New York. Yes. Hi, everybody. And thank you so very, very much for being there to take care of us spiritually and health-wise.

Thank you so much. Dr. Glidden, I just heard your conversation about autoimmune disease. And, oh, my gosh, for the last 40-odd years or so, I've been on Synthroid, 75 micrograms. Would you suggest that I also get checked for the parasitic protocol?

No. Synthroid is for an underactive thyroid. And usually the cause of an underactive thyroid is a deficiency in the trace mineral selenium and a deficiency in iodine. But the problem is that the longer that you're on Synthroid, the weaker that your thyroid gets. And then after a while, your thyroid just is so weak that you have to take that medicine for the rest of your life.

So if you've been on it that long, I don't think there's any coming off of it. However, your body needs a nutrient called selenium in order to help the thyroid hormone circulate properly in the body. And most of my patients who need to be taking a thyroid medication like Synthroid or Armour Thyroid, when they start taking the medical nutrition program, they feel much better. And the thyroid medicine works much better. So I'm going to bet you 25 cents that if you started with the medical nutrition program plus one bottle of selenium a month, that the quality of your life as far as your energy and your mood and your sleep goes would improve. That's what I would counsel you to do as an experiment for eight weeks is get a foundation pack, a healthy foundation pack plus one bottle of selenium. Try that for eight weeks and see if you notice a difference. Yeah, they originally diagnosed it a long time ago because it was hyper and the thyroid storm was very, very scary, you know, and because of the cardiac involvement, they decided to do the radioactive isotope. And then it was after that that I was placed on the Synthroid.

So from what you're saying, then I can do exactly as you recommend now. Yeah, 100 percent. You should feel an uptick in your energy and everything across the board. The thyroid storm, that's a very interesting phenomenon. There's a number of things that can cause that.

But one of the things, one of the two things to consider with thyroid storm are deficiencies in calcium and also deficiencies in iodine. I mean, you know, I wish we could roll back the hands of time, but nonetheless, here we are. We have to move on.

Christine, thank you so much and have a blessed Mother's Day. And Dwayne and Akron, you're the last call for tonight. You're the last call. You got two minutes.

Go ahead. How are you doing? About eight years ago, I had pneumonia and they put me on an antibiotic called Levaquin. And ever since then, my joints pop, my bones pop, my back. If I bend over, everything pops. Anything I can do for that?

Yeah. So you need to go to the health food store in a refrigerated section of the health food store and you need to find a probiotic that's refrigerated. Probiotic. Get the best probiotic that they've got in the health food store.

They'll tell you how to take it. Take one bottle for one month and go to Eiffel Health and get the foundation pack. This is a mineral deficiency syndrome which has been driven by the antibiotic. You know, whenever anybody has pneumonia, that's also an indication that they're deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acid because your lungs need omega-3s like your bones need calcium. Now the omega-3 essential fats are found in the healthy body pack. So into the bargain, if you take the healthy foundation pack, your lungs also should get stronger down the road and you should experience kind of a general overall uptick in your health. But immediately what you can do is get a refrigerated probiotic at the health food store.

Take it for 30 days and see if you notice a difference. And then get the what pack? It's called the healthy foundation pack at Eiffel Health and their number is 888-618-1796. That's 888-618-1796.

Thanks Dwayne. Pastor, as a parting shot, I have a joke for you. You ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Okay, what do you get if you cross a Mormon with a Lutheran?

Let me know. Somebody who shows up on your doorstep every Sunday with a Bible and doesn't say a word. All right, there you go. We are out of time. Now Pastor Hal is supposed to be called. Is that Pastor Hal?

See if that's Hal. Okay. Hal, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. Okay, you've got three minutes. You've got to get moving.

Okay. Listen, everybody that's listening to this program tonight would rather go to heaven than go to hell when the time comes for them to leave this world. In this world, I'll tell you what, we're looking forward to leaving here this point us born-again Christians and know the Lord is our Savior. We're ready for the Lord's sake. Come up hither and we're out of here or else, you know, we go we pass away as individuals, but we got a better home to go to than anything you can ever imagine.

Why? Because when when God when Jesus died on that cross that was God in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. What he was doing was paying the righteous payment that had to be paid in our place on that cross so that we could be forgiven by God and go to heaven that payment had to be paid. There was no getting around it and God's love entered into it and that he allowed Jesus to pay that payment in full in our place. John 112 said but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God.

We're all creations of God, but even the devil's a creation of God to go to heaven. You have to become a son of God. And that happens the very moment you open up your heart to Jesus Christ and then admit that you're a sinner that you sinned against him that you sin against God and that you need forgiveness and that Jesus is the only one that can forgive you. You know of all that Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me and that's John 14 6 that means all I can't save you Buddha can't save you all the Hindu gods can't save you the pope can't save you. Okay, both Church can save you. The only thing that can wash away your sins is the blood of Jesus Christ in whom we have Redemption through his blood the forgiveness sins according to the riches of his grace. So now you hear my voice right now tonight. You probably been told all your life that your good works or church membership or being a good person will get you to heaven.

That's all a bunch of baloney. The Bible says it's only through Jesus Christ you by faith faces trust trust in God's Word trust in God's promise God's making you a promise and he cannot lie. Now, if you realize you're a sinner and you'd have to be crazy to try and try and say you're not if you admit to your Center and that you need forgiveness and you're willing to turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness.

He's not going to do your heart right now. He's here to be talking to you right now in Revelation 3 20 said behold. I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice that soon hear his word and open the door. I will come in so right now with him knock on the door your heart, you know how you open up that door Romans 10 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That's you asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart and Savior simple prayer of faith. And then what do you say we pray that prayer I could leave you a few words at a time. Well, I wish you could but we're out of time for tonight.

And so we want to say until tomorrow. Good night. God bless and always always keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance. What's right what's left hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance. What's right what's left hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry. Please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left. The preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content.
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