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SUN 050122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 1, 2022 10:10 pm

SUN 050122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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May 1, 2022 10:10 pm

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders.

Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on this May 1st, 2022. And the title of the message tonight is Laws for Ruling the Nation, Laws for Ruling the Nation. And we're going to take a look starting over in Deuteronomy chapter 16. Now here as we go through here we're going to see that these verses are anticipating a kind of a really great problem that the Israelites would face when they arrived in the Promised Land. Although they had Joshua as their national leader, they failed to complete the task and chose their spiritual leader who would guide the tribes and districts and cities with justice and God's wisdom because they did not appoint wise judges and faithful administrators.

Rebellion and injustice plagued their communities. Now it's a very serious responsibility and God is immutable. He's the same today, tomorrow, forever.

He doesn't change. And here we have the very same responsibility to vet and to pick righteous people and do exactly the way he says here as we go through scripture. We're going to find out exactly what kind of people God has told us to choose as our leaders. Now we're going to start in verse 16. Three times in a year shall all the males appear before the Lord by God in a place which he shall choose in the Feast of Unleavened Bread and in the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles. And they shall not appear before the Lord empty. For every man shall give as he is able according to the blessings of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee. Now here, see God knows exactly you know what what you could go what you should give okay and here today for example there's a church in our area that has that actually wants to see your 1049 forms or whatever from the IRS to see how much money you've made and then they expect you to give 10% of that now that is not up to one of these prosperity churches to do that that is not none of their business and that's between you and God and so God knows what you should give and he he knows your heart he knows not only what you should give but why you're giving it and your intentions and for these churches to to do that uh boy I'm going to tell you that is that is a a very very sinful act in my my way of looking at it it's not up to them they're out of their place to do such a thing now here again the three times a year the mail was to make the journey to this to the sanctuary in the city that would be designated as Israel's religious capital there wasn't always the same it changed from city to city from year to year and so and again God would look upon the hearts of men now judges and officers shall thou make thee in all thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee throughout the tribes and they shall judge the people with justice with and just judgment thou shall not rest okay now that word rest there um actually means to pervert they should not pervert judgment they should not rest judgment thou shall not respect persons neither take a gift he's talking about bribery is what's happening today oh boy do boy do we see that happening today a gift we're doing for a gift that's blind to the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous that which is altogether just shall not thou follow and thou knowest that thou mayest live and inherit the land in which the Lord thy God giveth thee thou should not plant it the grove of any trees unto the altar of the Lord thy God which thou shall make thee neither shall thou set thee up an image which the Lord thy God hateth and now here he's making another very very clear point and so another uh very very clear point and so when when you take and today what we've seen i mean we well just think about this for a minute folks harry truman said it and i'll probably repeat this as i go through this but harry truman said it he said uh every time a politician goes into public office and gets rich while he's in office whether that's in congress or a governor or senator harry truman he said you can bet that person is a crook and that's exactly what's happening today uh we see what is happening with joe bama biden and the whole biden crime cartel uh folks when when he gives 85 billion dollars worth of military equipment to the taliban don't think that he's not getting something back for doing that these people don't do anything we're not that's and that's taking a big risk what he did but the money finds a way of coming back we know about all the crooked dealings he had in the ukraine and you know the big guy gets 10 off the top he wants 10 off the top when we take a look at at um and by the way don't think that when biden cut our energy when he cut our supplies of gas and oil and don't think that he wasn't getting rich by doing that uh other countries are enemies like russia and china willing to pay big big money uh to for them to cut off our energy supplies we saw when uh the clintons when they sold 25 of our known uranium stock 25 to the russians um don't think that they weren't getting rich doing that and by the way now the russians are threatening to to use nuclear bombs on us and so here judges and officers thou shall make thee in all thy gates which the lord thy god giveth thee throughout the tribes they shall judge the people with just judgment just thou shall not rest judgment thou shall not respect persons now the bible tells you that for you to respect the wicked to honor the wicked over in proverbs chapter 24 for those that honor a wicked person he should be cursed be cursed it's a it's a terrible sin to honor a wicked person a wicked person and as we go through scripture we'll see here and so he says thou shall not rest the judgment thou shall not respect persons neither take a gift for that does blind the eyes of the wise and so here and when you get down to the last part of this where he's saying thou shall not plant the grove of any trees near into the altar of the lord thy god which thou maketh thee neither shall i set up thee an image with the lord thy god he's talking about idolatry he's and he's talking about you know the groves where they would plant the groves of trees where the shade is good to sacrifice their children it was a wicked wicked thing now here where does it all start it well it starts in the church well the lessons we have to learn starts in the church in this country america america is in big trouble right now i mean she's in very big trouble and what i'm telling you and i've told this before biden and the crime barden crime family has been breaking in bringing into this country hundreds and thousands of men who are of of age military age of fighting age these guys are disappearing he's bringing them in he's not bringing them in there because he's he wants them to have a good life he's bringing them in there for a reason they're going to be sleepers the plan of it is is to have those people there to when the command is given they'll start burning cities they'll do whatever they can in order for him to be able to declare martial law and bring in un troops into this country that's what's happening you better understand that we're telling you remember we're always we're always telling you things way in advance and so here this is why it's so very important we can beat them but we have to do it from the bottom up we have to do it we have to we have to get organized and get our people in the right places our resistance that's and we are that's not elective we are required by god's word the bible to resist tyranny and to death and so here it starts like i said in the church where god's word the king james bible reigns as paramount where men are taught to submit it to the lord and wives to submit into their husbands and children unto their parents so it starts in the church where the parents the families are taught to what god's word the bible teaches remember marriage in the family was the very first divine institution that god gave us and so here if we go over to ephishians chapter 22 and do you know what i'm gonna have to sneak over here and grab my a bottle of water here because i'm getting a little horse and i just happen to have one over here within reaching distance and so in ephishians uh chapter five starting with verse 22 we read wives submit yourselves into your own husbands as into the lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject into christ so let the wives be into their own husbands and everything and husbands love your wives as christ loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word then he might present it to himself a glorious church not having a spinkle or spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy without blemish so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourished and cherished it even as the lord the church for we are members of the body of his body of his flesh and of his bones and for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ in the church nevertheless let every one of you in particular love his life even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband well we find that men who submit unto the lord are much more likely to have wives that are obedient and submit unto them and likewise the children submit to their parents if they're if they're godly parents he goes on husbands are to put the needs of their wives and children before their own husbands and wives are not to deny each other in the bedroom that's one thing that the bible makes very clear is that you become that one flesh and you know when it comes to the children that one flesh and you know when it comes to to sex you are not to deny that the husband the wife or the wife the husband uh in the bed and here that is the cause of a lot of divorce because of that uh often more often than not the wives will use uh that is the sex uh as a tool um maybe as a tool or even i should say probably a weapon uh against their husband um which is which is wrong it's a sin to do that yeah i remember uh when i was some years ago it used to be a common joke that the guys would say well do you have your your bottle of aspirins and uh to take home and so what they would do is they would take a bottle of aspirin home and give it to their wife and she'd say what's that for and he'd say that's for that headache to get rid of before you get it okay but anyhow uh again the one time that was one of the main reasons one of the main reasons one of the main reasons for divorce now today uh it's infidelity infidelity has taken first place for divorce and why well today you have things like a open marriage and and this trend this new trend called hot wives um which are our wives that are promiscuous and it's like it's acceptable and of course another uh one of the reasons for divorce today and my gosh there's so many and you know what in the church it's hardly any difference in the church than it is in the world where it comes to divorce now why is that well it's because of people being unequally yoked often too often you have um you have people believers that are unequally yoked to non-believers and when i when i marry somebody i have constantly we have like three counseling sessions and i want to make sure that it's very very clear to them and and i know people at times and they'll tell you well yeah i got i received christ as my savior and even though you have a lot of reasons to doubt them since you know uh as a pastor you can't you can't look upon their heart okay it's the same thing where it comes and they make a profession they asked you to baptize they want to be baptized and of course we ask why is it why what does baptism mean to you why do you want to be baptized and if they give the right answers even though you you have you have doubts about their their salvation uh you're you're required to baptize them and it's the same thing when they come to you and you console them for marriage and and they answer they say the right things again even though you have doubts uh you know we cannot i cannot look upon the hearts of people and so i i counsel them to the best that i can i warn them too and so here today again money again is always always been a problem when will you find how strong marriage is when money pops up money problems pop up but here just recently with this with these hot wife thing and these open marriages uh there was these young women these college age women who uh they had a beef they were they were said that they were sold a false bill of goods that they were told that uh there was no more stigma that that women were uh every bit as sexually liberated as men and that the women could could have as many partners as they wanted before marriage and that would would not uh affect their marriage okay well they're finding out that they're finding out that what happens is when those men that they're engaged to start finding out all of these men other men that they slept with and that happens like when they'll go some place they'll be out there and a guy will be out there with his fiance and all of a sudden they'll run into a couple of guys waving at her weekend and and uh what happens who's that what was he doing when the guys find out that these women have been sleeping with so many different men that uh they consider them to be soiled merchandise and so now these women are complaining that well they were sold a false bill of goods they were told you know there is such a thing it's common sense there is such a thing as common sense and you have preachers like me on the radio uh every single day of the week and they're preaching out against their the bible clearly teaches that sex is restrained and and sex to the to the marriage bed and you say you have sex to to have children to procreate and um again sex is for a husband and a wife and so you say well you say well why is it the men could do well you see uh they don't get away with anything god knows everything believe me and i remember years ago when a man teacher in a public school or any school if he was caught with a young female student why they would bring the hammer down on him he was going to prison 15 will give you 20 big time but it was different than when a young a young female teacher would be caught with one of her students especially a high school student uh it kind of was just it kind of just went away it kind of went away and why is that well uh you would find out that you know it would be i remember as a young man okay um if you if you were what in those days called lucky enough to be able to sleep with a pretty young teacher why all the all the men there at work where your dad worked or wherever they would pat you on the shoulder they would pat you on the shoulder and say way to go and that that was more like a badge of that honor that you were able to to have sex with this pretty woman but today it's not that way anymore and saying that's why the stigma these young things have changed quite a bit and these women couldn't figure out they they have not been able to figure out that there are differences between men and women and you can believe whatever you want but when reality sets in then you're often in for a very rude awakening and so here now i want to go over to oh by the way too children obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor thy father and thy mother which is the first commandment with promise that it will may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on earth now you have to understand he's not just talking about siblings or he's not talking about children as far as he's talking about the adult children of parents too in other words uh even as adult parents in the old testament uh adult children of parents if they dishonored and they were uh to their parents and uh well they were they were often stoned to death for for being that and for not being obedient to their parents especially when they did something uh that would brought dishonor or shame to their parents now i want to go over here too very quickly to proverbs in proverbs chapter 29 in a verse 2 and we read here when the righteous are an authority the people rejoice but when the wicked bear through the people more well here we we happen to live in a time believe me in america the righteous are not an authority the people are mourning they're mourning a lot they mourn when they go to the gas pump they mourn when they go to the grocery store they don't understand well well here uh the people you know we had rulers that were not obedient to the word of god they they gave in they took bribes i could tell you this that um here the reason things are as bad as they are in this country and getting worse we have wicked people joe biden did not win that election he did not win this morning i i listened to a very wicked old man joe biden and he was addressing the white house press corps and the national media now these are professional folks these are professional liars that's that is the absolute truth they uh they are contracted to lie they have a contract of course again they don't refer to them as lies they're contracted to go whatever they call they use the term narrative and that word narrative turns out to be whatever lie those at the top of the collective have come up with the media will follow along the echo chamber the echo chamber will start and they actually and i heard them say this i heard they said if we all say the same thing the same time people will believe us if we all say the same thing at the same time people will believe us now joe biden did not win an election joe biden stole an election that's reality that's the truth most of the country knows that and and here uh folks if donald trump was still in office if the people had done what they should have done if mike pence had done what he should have done and said i cannot certify this election because right in front of me stands senators and congressmen with all kinds of evidence that this election was illegal that it was stolen that's what he should have just done he had an obligation to do that but he failed he failed the people he failed god country he failed all of us and himself too when he gave in when he when he submitted to the pressure of the deep state and that's why we have donald trump didn't lose that election he had millions more votes than biden but that it was set up the deep state and those in the media were there to carry that lie to promote that lie to back up the deep state to to take donald trump down now what's happening across the country people are starting back at the grassroots they're getting on school boards they're getting to be county commissioners they're going to need to be uh county prosecutors judges they're they're it's it's late but they're feeling the hurt they're seeing they learn what was happening to their children and uh here a lot of these parents didn't realize that their children were being taught to hate them the children were being taught under this critical race theory to say well because i'm white i should be ashamed of being white and it's not my fault it's my parents fault that i'm white and i'm not going to be white and i should apologize well no here he says in this in verse four proverbs 29 the king by judgment established the land but he that receiveth gifts overthrow it and that's exactly what's happening we have a very corrupt and a very illegitimate government a very corrupt and very illegitimate of it now i want to take you back to deuteronomy 17 and back in deuteronomy 17 i want to start with verse 14 and read it right through verse 20 when thou art come into the land which the lord thy god giveth thee and shall possess it and shall dwell therein and shall say i will set a king over me like as the all the nations that were uh that are about me well remember the lord prophesized this way way way before uh this took place okay before saul come along and samuel and so this this was prophesized way before that now he goes on to say thou shalt in any way set him king over the whom the lord thy god shall choose one from among the brother now that's very important statement one from among the brethren shall set king over thee thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to egypt to the end that he should multiply horses for as much as the lord hath said unto you you shall henceforth return no more that way neither shall you multiply wives to himself that his heart shall turn away neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold and it shall be that when he said at the bottom of the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of the law in a book out of what out of that which is before the priests and the levites and it shall be with him and it shall read there in all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the lord thy god and to keep all the words of the law and the statutes to do them that his heart not be lifted up above his brethren and then he turned not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the right hand or to the left to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom and he and his children in the midst of israel now here we are we and those about of you out there that are listening to me um of your christians you are to choose fellow christians to be your leaders uh you're not likely you know not i mean real christians not not just professing christians and this is where it comes in you know people like joe bama like biden you know that he go he tells you he professes to be a christian but at the same time he's he wants more abortion he wants more sodomy he wants more pedophilia and i truly believe that that man is a pedophile himself i i have no doubts okay everything that god's word the bible calls sin everything with corruption he embraces and yet he calls himself a christian well you've got to be pretty dense you've got to be pretty dense and by the way if it's a sin it's a sin not just for christians but the sin for anybody to vote for a man like him that's what it tells you over in proverbs 24 starting with verse uh 18 it says that those that call the wicked righteous that they should be cursed for doing such a thing and so we are to find real christian people that that have uh of a real and we have some running for senators out there today i think josh mandel has a good testimony i think uh that uh that senator josh uh from oh from missouri uh as a good a good testimony i think people like uh ted cruz uh there are people out there oh jim jordan for example okay uh these people have uh you can tell that that they are christians by the bible says that faith without works is dead but it's their fruits that they've born now here as we go back here he says that you should choose one of your look you can't if you're a christian you can't be choosing people like obama who's a muslim or omar who's a muslim or people from the the synagogue of satan i mean and these are these are not real jews these are the people that jesus said those that say they are jews but are not but of the synagogue of satan and i clearly see that hillary clinton and chuckie schumer and others would belong in that category why well it's because they embrace every abominable thing everything that god's word causes sin they embrace and they promote now we are to choose leaders that are there to lead us not not as the song says stab us and bleed us again the biden crime cartel and the clinton mob have been well they've been selling america they've been selling america out for years to our enemies and we talked about that earlier and so if you think that joe biden didn't get some tremendous kicksbacks for shutting down our our oil supply and gas supply which caused us all shutting down he got a major kickbacks you can bet that that's how all you have to do is take a look at his network and he didn't make that money as a senator or vice president and so here he goes on to say and you shall that but again he says but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to egypt now egypt returning to egypt was a pagan land and the the idea about having horses and wives uh in other words making yourself rich while you're in office off the people instead of serving the people the way he was supposed to do and with silver and gold too it says here neither shall he greatly multiply himself silver and gold that's exactly the 10 the 10 wealthiest u.s senators multi multi multi-millionaires are all democrats that tells you something about that doesn't it now and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of the law of this book folks they need to be biblically literate and here we need leaders that are not only biblically literate but are inclined to use god's word as a compass to guide them they should be mature enough as not to be swayed by the heathen left or the or the rhino right they should always seek wise counsel they should always seek wise counsel from true men of god they should be known to attend a bible preaching bible teaching church faithful never compromised when they come to the word of god they shall avoid neglecting god in times of prosperity that's what happens to a lot of people you know when times are tough and there's things that rough and they're on their knees but when things get good they kind of forget who blessed them where the blessings come from and and so they they need to avoid to being trying to be lords trying to be lords over their constituents i want to take you now to one of the if not the but one of the most controversial passages of scripture and it shouldn't be controversy at all because romans 13 means exactly what it says it means exactly what it says and let's go take a look at what it says we go over to romans 13 let every soul be subject to the higher power for there is no power but of god now some of those the new age perversions of the bible uh they've changed those words uh there's no for there is no power but of government or there's uh to the higher powers they've changed it to government be subject to government okay now here let's take a look at what what this actually says here romans 13 the powers that be are ordained of god now folks to be ordained of god okay uh that means that you are set aside that god has set you aside for such as this and so here we when we take a look at our government and every now and then i hear somebody say well you know our government's not perfect but it's still the best that's out there no it's not in fact to tell you the truth our government is is so corrupted it is illegitimate it is not a legitimate government our government is not legitimate it is the word used for illegitimate in the bible is bastard we have a bastard government and he goes on to say whosoever therefore resists the power resists the ordinance now when the powers are ordained that means god has set him aside for his use that these these been set aside for his use who resists the ordinance of god now what is that well that is one of god's laws the ordinance of god and that they resist shall receive to themselves a damnation now listen here for rulers for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil now what you say well well what does the bible call good and evil well i can tell you what the bible calls good uh and that's god's laws god's statutes and that's the god's laws god's statutes god's ordinances god's commands god's promises god's testimonies god's judgments god's precepts you find all of those over 119 psalm and remember when god had given us the in the noi covenant the divine institution of human government when god had given us that he made five points very clear the first point to whom it was given and you find that there in genesis nine verses one through four okay the second point was the purpose or the intent that rather the intent the second point was the intent and the intent was that man was to govern was to govern for god man was to govern for god now the third point which is the most important point is the purpose the third point was the purpose and the purpose the entire purpose the entire purpose of divine human government folks was to preserve the image of god that being man this is why by the time you got to genesis nine has already said three times for man to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth now the fourth point was the means by which man was to govern for god and well that goes back to what we just said god's laws god's statutes god's ordinances god's commands god's promises god's testimony god's judgment god's precepts etc now here if you go to the fifth point the fifth point was that all of those nations that were in compliance with the first four points well they would be at peace and not at war with god well folks i got to tell you i don't know of any nations out there today that are at peace with god god's not happy with this world and here again the entire purpose of divine human government was to preserve the image of god and now you've got we got a wicked i mean an extremely wicked i mean a very very wicked government out there that they want more abortion they want to kill more children in fact they just in fact they just i guess they just passed legislation uh and i'm thinking what state was it that they just passed it wasn't new jersey uh i'm it wasn't it was maryland it was maryland they just passed legislate legislation that says now you can wait till a baby's 28 days old after his birth and you can anytime up to that you can kill that baby you can stab it to death whatever you can kill it anyway because that legislature in maryland are made up of wicked people ungodly unclean and wicked people now see that ungodly those unclean and those wicked people they better know something and that is this that they're going to repent or perish what they did is a very evil thing what they did was denied the very image of god and probably one of the reasons they did such a thing is they don't have enough god-fearing real men of god pastors in that state of maryland to preach heaven sweet and hell hot but i'm going to tell you those people in that legislature unless they repent they're going to find out more about hell hot than they ever wanted to know and so here and if any of you out there have a problem with that well you just give me a call and we'll talk about it but i don't expect to get any calls from any of those state legislators same thing that happened in new york now here he goes on to say he goes on do that which is good and now shall have praise the same for he is the minister of god for thee for good but if thou do that which is evil and that's exactly what those people in maryland did and that's what our that's what our democratic congress congress does in senate it's evil it's evil be afraid for he beareth is not the sword of vain for he is the minister of god a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil he's talking about people that are legitimate government that he's talking about legitimate authority legitimate authority all legitimate authority comes from god ministers are ordained by god you'll notice what they've done they've changed that in the new age bible versions when it refers to where he is the minister of god they've changed that to servant well you say well pastor canta isn't a servant a minister one of the same well uh ministers all ministers are servants but not all servants are ministers there's a big difference and remember god even uses uh to accomplish his task he sends out lying spirits like he did with ahab um demons he they have to and even satan himself is limited by god's authority what he can do and so here you see god is in control he uses these uh for his righteous sake now he said wherefore you must needs be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience sake in other words if it's a legitimate government in compliance with in compliance with god's word then you need to obey it not just because you're afraid that you'll be punished if you don't but you need to obey them because you're you're to love god and honor god and wanting to please god and so here folks like i'm telling you romans 13 says exactly what i mean that's why they have all of these new age versions and that's why uh the the priest he preaches is just too afraid to preach it the way it is because they fear government more than god for this cause pay you tribute also for they are god's ministers there you go there's that word again attending continually upon this very thing now these again we're talking about legitimate this what he's referring to is legitimate government render therefore to all their dues tribute to tribute is due custom to custom is due and fear to fear and honor to whom honor is due it's a horrible sin to give honor to a wicked person and what are some of those ways that you give honor to a wicked person well by voting for them by voting for them now often peter will people will use over in first peter chapter two they will use this passage to try to justify not not having the courage to stand up against the wicked government and they use this verse here submit yourselves to every ordinance of man now listen submit yourself to every ordinance of man for the lord's sake for the lord's sake now let me ask you folks something does god ever tell men to do evil does god ever tell men to do evil he's telling you you submit yourself to ordinance of men when it's in compliance with god's righteous laws again god statutes and ordinance and commands and promises and promises and testimonies and judgments and precepts when you do that then you're doing that for the lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or in the governors as into them that are sent by him for punishment of evildoers and for the prize of them that do well again you again you have to go back to what god's word the bible teaches the folks we are to obey god rather than men we are not to be conformed to this world and what's happened is too many of them in the pulpit have become conformed to this world boy do we see that i could tell you i was absolutely amazed just totally amazed at how easily some of these churches capitulated and closed their doors they there was a total lack of discernment and understanding for when it comes to this covet a lot of them never reopened why they obeyed a man and not man and not god god makes it very clear in the old testament he tells you to make sure your feet find the path to the house of god the new testament he says to make sure that you do not forsake the assembling of yourself together in the house of god remember with peter and paul and all the apostles they were thrown in jail why why were they thrown in jail and persecuted because they were holding church services they didn't want them to hold church services and so the ubf unregistered baptist fellowship they were all in agreement we don't we're not going to close our doors we're going to stay open we're going to obey god and and they stayed open in our area we were one of the only ones that that never closed down we didn't do anything with those masks because we had discernment we understood right from day one that those masks were absolutely totally worthless when it come to stopping a virus even before we we were aware we were aware of of the research that was done and we had people on the boxes of those masks and i just happened to be had a case of those things that were left uh to the church by dr parker those surgical masks and on the box on the box the very same mask that they were handing out out there on the box it tells you these masks will not prevent or stop any virus any virus so it tells you right on the box and now but i tell you what what they do do they found out that in those a lot of those those masks the plastic fibers are found in a number of people in fact i have an article we did that those fibers plastic fibers fiberglass and whatever too was found and in the lungs of a lot of people and it's just unbelievable and so but but people didn't listen now i want to go over to here for a minute to proverbs 31 and in proverbs 31 we read the words of king lamille that was solomon by the way the prophecy that his mother taught him um of my vows now his mother was best shiva and she dedicated solomon to the lord before he was even born give not she says give not thy strength into women nor the ways to that which destroyeth kings in other words uh a bad woman could take a good man down and it happens all the time it happens all the time and as we get closer to the lord's return as we get deeper into the apostasy of the character of women have been diminished they've been diminished greatly you go out on the beach just about anywhere and you see these women not not just the young girls but with all women well you could with showing their entire rear end and some of them they go they're going topless down there there and again like i said today you've got this these uh what they call hot wives and open marriages and this is causing a tremendous amount of divorce folks of course remember the second shortest verse in all of the bible is god hates divorce god hates divorce now here he goes on and says it is not for kings it is not for kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink okay in other words he's telling them see remember solomon often referred to himself as the pastor the shepherd he referred to himself as their pastor and their shepherd and pastors and shepherds were forbidden to drink strong drink unless it was for medicinal purpose and so here for it's not for kings well he says let us well i'm going to stop right there and and just tell you this folks okay all of these things that are happening out there none of you if you're biblically literate should be surprised it's exactly as it was described in god's word the bible exactly we're seeing we're living in a day and it couldn't be more clear second timothy chapter three tells you it it actually it comes and it tells you in the last days which shows you how close and then it gives you a whole list of the characteristics of men and we see that today it's exactly the way it said it would be i don't i i just can't understand how anyone could be around alive today hear the gospel being preached and not understand not see what's happening all around them well in a way i can and that is this there's a mindset an idea among people that if they don't acknowledge something it can't happen if i don't acknowledge that so well if i just don't acknowledge god then i won't have to stand judgment for my life and so the they just want to pretend like it's not there but but see down deep inside of them god has installed us and they know they got they know that they should be and so i guess the answer is found in romans chapter seven but if you're listening to me out there tonight it's it's it's this way if you have not accepted the lord jesus christ as your lord and savior he is the only way of salvation he's the only way there is no other then you're walking on a type route over a lake of fire what you need to do is is as soon as you possibly can do exactly what the lord jesus said pray to the father seek repentance repent of your sin repent of your sin acknowledge the fact that is pastor hallow he says you're a dirty rotten lowdown stinking sinner you need to acknowledge that and you you need because if you go and you ask god for forgiveness if you're sincere if you're in your repentance he will be forgiven and then you call upon the name of the lord jesus christ because there's only one name under the sun by which you could be saved and if you do that he's the one that took your place on that cross he died in your place if you do that god will honor that and you will become a new creature a born-again believer a child of the kingdom and when that happens you will be indwelt by the holy ghost and holy spirit and you will be on your road to immortality and you will have a mansion waiting for you built by the designer and the builder of the universe and folks god's word the bible tells you he tells you that we'll be walking on streets of gold god is able to do he has absolutely no shortages of being able to do anything so we're out of time for tonight so as we do every night at this time uh we say good night god bless and always always always keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor ernie sanders to learn more about our ministry and how to make a difference what's left hosted by pastor ernie sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content
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