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TUE HR1 031522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
March 15, 2022 11:21 pm

TUE HR1 031522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 15, 2022 11:21 pm

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance.

Now on this 15th day of March 2022. Okay, now there's a head now. Go ahead, say it.

Good evening everyone. There she is, you know. I tried to tell her, you know, she saw that movie about this princess that kissed a frog and the frog turned into a mighty princess. She ran out, she grabbed a frog, kissed a frog, nothing. Nothing at all. And I just, and I tried to tell her and so, and mighty Andrew, he just, he got nothing out of it.

He just watched the whole thing. So I'm starting to give up on a lot of this stuff and just not there no more, right? Absolutely Pastor. Go on, get out. All right. So no wonder Randy stays hidden back in that back room.

I would too. Well, you know what you got? Who's not hidden? He's waiting patiently out there in misery.

And that's none other than the parson and jittery Joe Larson. Why do you think I stay out here in the middle of nowhere? I'm trying to keep my sanity.

But anyway, I'm glad to be back with you for this pledge week and hopefully we can raise enough money to stay on all our radio stations and not have to go off anywhere. Let me ask you a question. If you keep that sanity, what are you going to do with it? That's a good question. All right.

Well, you figure that one out. Let me know because in this world, it doesn't seem to be a place for it anymore. Anyhow, listen, you want to get into our scripture. That's what we supposed to be doing. Oh, it's pledge week. It's pledge week.

You got to give the numbers. Yeah, I only have, we have about seven hours left this week, seven hours to raise enough money and that's a lot of money. That's a whole lot of money Joe to raise that much money. Let's see from this point right here till the to this time next month, the middle of next month, we got to raise about 66,000. So, that is a lot of money, especially when you're talking to your highly unpaid professional assistant. Yeah, well, I'm, I'm, I'm highly unpaid professional. Well, anyhow, let's radio pastor, eight, eight to the Christian resistance.

Yep, eight. Yeah, we have been all of that. We got a lot of stuff.

We're really going to get into tonight. Uh, because all of what we're bringing just, it's driving, it's driving the woke folk nuts. All of this stuff that people are not supposed to know. You know, I mean, every day they get up and say, how can we fool them today? How can we fool them today?

That in PMS, NBC, all of the fake, by the way, Joe. Okay. And slave them.

That's right. The fate news media. We're going to give them a new moniker. Okay. It's the sleazy S. Lying L untrue you media. So that's the, what that's that the word is ready sleazy lying untrue.

That's you T untrue you tree tours. Yeah. And you know, so you know what that means?

The word is slut. That's what we're going to, that's what we're going to call from now on the fake news media. What do you think? I think that's a great idea.

Okay. Eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero phone lines are open. If you have a question or a comment, we're so tired. We are so tired of fake news. We are so, so tired of propaganda. So tired of being lied to. We're just so tired of it. So folks, what do you think about that? The sleazy lying, untrue, sleazy line, untrue media. There you go.

Eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero eight, eight, eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three. We got about seven hours the rest of this week to raise all of that money. So get to call him folks. And meanwhile, Joe and I will get into the scripture. Joe, let's go to Isaiah.

Let's go. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Has God not spoken? And let's go to where he left off in, uh, Isaiah 50, uh, five and verse eight. For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways. My way say if the Lord, for as the heavens are higher than the earth. So we're my ways higher than your ways. My thoughts higher than your thoughts. Give me some examples on how God's thoughts may be higher than our thoughts.

Well, let's put it this way. God is a mystery. He knows all things and we basically know nothing.

I think that kind of encompasses the whole ball of wax. Okay. Uh, he gives us in these next two verses kind of a little hint as to what we're talking about for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and return not to there, but water at the earth and make it bring forth and bud. Okay.

And it may gave seed to the sower and bread to the eater numb. So you have all of earth cycles. You have all of earth cycles numb, not just earth cycles, but I mean that earth cycles is, is a chore in itself, but God has the complete universe.

Okay. Joe, how big is the universe? How big is the universe in heaven and earth?

They exist in him by him and for him. Right. How, how big is the universe? Tell me that it's bigger than I can explain to you. It's a pretty big place.

Okay. Uh, is there any end to it? Well, they say it's still expanding. So if there is, I don't know it, but where would it be expanding to? Uh, that's a good question.

Somewhere out there, I guess that's above my pay grade. Okay. So if we, you know, if you ask you, how does, how does these things happen?

Look, it rains and rains, especially around my place and the rivers continue to run into the lakes and lakes run into the oceans, but the oceans are never full. Right. Okay. But the, the rivers continue to flow point and Joe tells it all, you know, the, the sun on the land, the water vapor evaporates into the air and the cycle continues. So God, all of these things are sustained by God.

He sustained. Now here, when we, when we take a look at the universe, we take a look at the rotation of the planets. Okay. Okay. You have to be a complete imbecile, not to understand that there is an extreme, an extreme intelligence when he says, my ways are higher than yours. I mean, they're really higher than ours.

Okay. And there has to be an extreme, extreme intelligence. Now, that solar system has such a delicate balance. The, the elliptical orbit, the tilt of the earth, everything, if any one thing we're out of kilter just a bit, it would all come apart.

And it's a very delicate balance all throughout our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, and, uh, science still, you know, can't comprehend how it's held together, how it functions. Well, Einstein had made some remarks about God doesn't have to wonder about any of these or have his theories. God, God doesn't have to theorize. He, right. Um, so all of these things now, but if you go all the way down, um, just like, for example, the human body alone, how he sustains us, every little electrical impulse, all of it.

I mean, it's just, it's an amazing thing. And then you have this Klaus Schwab in his minions making these absolute fully statements when they said there is no God above the clouds. Okay. Uh, now of course, God says that his word, that that man's a fool. Right. So, you know, I would like to see him someday and say, you know, you know, uh, God's never been wrong about anything.

And he says, you're a fool. Uh, and so it's kind of that ends that argument, doesn't it? To me, it sure does. But if you're a non-believer, well again, Soros and other people running around, they think they're gods, little, little geez. But, uh, the truth is, you know, the, the ever since the beginning, everybody's wanted to be including Satan as God. They want to be powerful and control.

And, and that's not the way it's designed or set up. There's only one God and he's already there. He's got the job. Let's say. All right.

Very good. All right. Kevin and Chardon pledges $60, Brad in what's DLS.

Oh, Brad and Lisa. Okay. From Virginia pledge 200. Thank you, Bradley. Thank you. And, uh, okay. There I see down below you, you corrected your spelling. All right. My apologies, pastor. I don't know how to spell too good.

I'm going to give you some big words to practice on. Okay. Good. Thank you. Remember folks, we're all volunteers.

There are no, you know, no highly paid staff here. Okay. All right. So listen here. He goes on to say, so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth and it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it. Now, Joe, give me some examples of where, how God's word does not return void, but accomplishes that when it pleases. Well, one of the big ones, people always say, well, God's messages out there, people reject it, but that's still accomplishing God's purpose because God gives everyone a chance. Many, many chances actually to hear his word to accept him or reject him. And if they continue to reject him, it's not because they did not have the opportunity. So every time they decide not to listen, not to hear to disregard, it's still serving God's purpose.

He warned them over and over and over when judgment comes, they have no recourse. All right. Let me give you some examples.

Genesis 1 26 and God said, let us make man in our image after our lightness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea or the fall of the air and over all the cattle. Did, did that, was that accomplished? Yes. Okay.

And God blessed them and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Was that accomplished? Yes.

Okay. Well, earlier than that, God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly every moving creature. Was that accomplished? That was accomplished. And before that, he said, and let the firmament be lights in the ferment and of the heaven and divide the day from the night and let them be as signs for the seasons. Did he accomplish that?

It happened exactly like he said. And so, so all of these things we see from Genesis to revelation that God has said, we see them accomplished. And so here he goes and well, is he going to, well, every single thing that he said, will that be finalized someday?

It will. It will happen exactly as he has said, God cannot lie. He cannot be wrong because he exists in all times and in all places. In other words, he exists at the end of everything and sees everything before it happens. So before he created the world man and the world, he could see everything that happened in that creation before he did it. So he cannot make a mistake. He knows exactly how it's going to go. So now when you say he sees things before it happens, are you saying that, uh, as he, his thoughts are materialized, that God's thoughts are materialized and they, they become, uh, sometimes they become material things and sometimes they become actions, but his very thoughts are materialized. Right. He thinks that it can happen. That's all he has to do. Well, God, the father gives the orders, the son carries them out by the power of the Holy spirit, but all God has to do is think, and it has done exactly like he thinks it. Okay.

Connie and Florida pledges $100 Connie and Florida pledges $100. Okay. So, so are, are we trying to place ourself in a position where we can remember that that's how, um, that's how Israel got themselves in such trouble as they were trying to, um, they were, they, they were trying to take and pretend or believe that they understood God's thoughts. Okay. Yeah.

So God's thoughts are, are much higher than our ways. And so when you get into things like, for example, what about time? Okay. Uh, now time, they got existed before time, right? Time is the measure men of moment to moment of happening to happening of point to point. Okay. So before, before there was such a thing, this measurement, God created that measurement, didn't he?

Right. He created it, but it has no effect on him. He created it probably for our benefit. So since he owns time and time is what God says it is, is can God go back into time? Can you go back? Can he go back right now today and revisit the flood if he wanted to? He's already there. He exists in all times and all places. There's no place that God is not according to scripture.

So he's there. Okay. So what's the limitations on his and God's abilities? There are none, but you just said, God, who cannot lie. Well, I don't see that as a limitation. He says something that it happens.

It's true. It doesn't limit him at all. So if he cannot lie, is it because that is his will he's placed to that condition by himself?

Well, he just said the scripture tells us he cannot lie because whatever he says is the truth. So what does the word potent tape mean? Potentate is the, uh, um, salt potent tape means the ultimate authority, right? The ultimate, the word ultimate. And so he has, so there, there is the ultimate, there is no greater authority, no greater power, no greater intelligence than God. He's the, there's only one potent potent data.

Only one. Okay. That's not a Fauci. There's something in the masons.

They have one of those men's groups has a exalted potent tape, but they don't know what they're talking about. Yeah. Fauci thinks sometimes I think he, yeah, yeah. Anyhow, listen, uh, bugs buddy out there from little rock caucus. I know bugs.

I've talked to him live on the telephone. Yeah. Right. And uh, what's up bugs and out in little rock.

He pledges 200 and bill of Massachusetts pledges 25. Thank you bugs. Thank you bill. 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0. Okay.

And 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3. And there you go. His let's, I want to jump ahead to Isaiah 56 verse 10. Okay. Can I add one thought before you jump there? Sure.

Go ahead. All this is getting down to the word of God. His main purpose is salvation for mankind, right? Everything leads to Jesus. Jesus came for what?

The salvation of mankind, bringing sinful man, being able to come to the sinful, a sinless righteous, holy God. That's what all this leads up to. So how would you know that if you go back to Genesis once, uh, six 26 that we just read when he said, let us make a man in our image, that was the last in the crowning of the creation, right? Right.

Okay. So then we see that, that that was the last thing that God made man. So that was the, uh, the, the crown of his creation. Now when he said, let's make man in his image, um, did that even exceed the, the image in which he made angels? Well, men will end up saved. Man will be higher than an angel. In the end, uh, we are created with free will. So in a way we are higher than angels, but wait a minute in, in glory time ceases to exist. So there is no end.

It's eternal. Well, I mean, when we get there, when we get to heaven right now, we're still in the sin cased bodies. Okay. Oh, when you get there, who are you going to look up first?

Jesus. Well, he'll, he'll have already looked you up. Oh, okay. Well, okay. So that's a good question. There are a lot of possibilities.

I'd like to meet Enoch. All righty. Listen, Isaiah 56, verse 10, his watchmen are blind. They're all ignorant. They are all dumb dogs. They cannot bark, sleeping, laying down, loving to slumber.

Yep. They are greedy dogs, which can never have enough. And they're shepherds that cannot understand. They all look to their own way. Everyone for his gained from his quarter now. So now what, what is he to them?

Uh, let me ask you this question here. Uh, are these dogs, are these like German shepherds? Or are they more like basset hounds?

When he's talking about his, the prophets, his, uh, watchman or the prophets, they're ignorant. Dumb dog. Dog was the lowest form in Israel. Wasn't it? Well, the dogs were the least expected, least respected.

They were right. The lowest on the, yeah. Right. Uh, the, the least honorable. And for that reason, in five places, uh, what, who are referred to, there's a certain type of person that's referred to as a dog in five places. Sodomites, sodomites.

You're right. The sodomites referred to as dogs. Now the lines are the most highly acclaimed, but dogs are the least acclaimed now.

So he's referring to these pastors, the shepherds. Um, okay. Uh, so to be compared to a dog that's not like very complimentary, is it? No, especially greedy dogs.

He really covers it. They're greedy dogs. And then the key is everyone is after for his gain from his quarter.

They're all looking out for themselves. So, so today, when you got these preachers that will preach, whatever it takes to fill the offering plate, uh, when they, when you, when you have preachers that, that boast about that, they have, they, they have Lear jets or they have, uh, you know, you know, the one that one man and wife had 32 homes that they're billionaires today. Uh, then they're the top or the richest preachers in the world.

Okay. But does that have anything to do with, with preaching the gospel or what do we, what do we call those preachers today? He's calling them here. Dumb dogs, greedy dogs.

Yeah. They're prosperity preachers, but they are, uh, they would be, uh, uh, whores. I mean, they're just, well, no, they're in it for the money, the prosperity preachers. Uh, what, what have they to do? What do they preach about repentance? No, they don't.

So they preach the salvation is not necessary for repentance, right? Right. So now when you have people like TD, Jake says, I want my stuff now. I want it now. I don't want to wait till I get to heaven. Or, or you got Joel's team that says now is the time right now to live the good life now.

Okay. Wants you to have everything here on earth. Why would there be a need for heaven? If Joel Osteen is right, why would we even want or need a heaven?

So, so what does God's word, the Bible teach about the good life, eternal life? That is where we receive for those of us to lay up crowns and treasures. We have it then they have theirs for a brief moment. We have ours for eternity.

Okay. And so place up your crowns in heaven and not here on earth, right? Amen to that. Do you think TD Jakes has it backwards? I think he's got it all wrong.

He's diametrically opposed with the truth. Alrighty. Anonymous and Staten Island pledges 200 thank you. An ambulance Marine in Springfield pledges 200 thank you.

Marine and we'll stay and we'll be, we'll be back right after this. And now the end is near. If you're not saved, then you're hurt. And it's him that you should fear.

And that's the truth. I know for certain he gave me life that's eternal. He kept me from going astray. He's God, and this, I know he did it his way.

Regrets. He's had none, not even one that I can mention. He saved you and I, he brought us through without exemption. He planned each charted course, a guiding light along the pathway. For sure, not more or less, he did it his way. Throughout ancient times, I know it's true, there was never anything that he couldn't do.

My faith in him never was in a doubt. What he said, he carried out all in all. As I recall, he did it his way. He lived, he suffered and died. But he arose in power and glory. In him, I now abide. For history is just his story. His word is where life's at. And may I say, not in a shy way.

Oh no, no not me. He did it his way. For what is a man? What has he got?

If not his award, then he has not. A broken heart, he can heal. And in his word, the truth revealed. His word shows what we all know. He did it his way. A broken heart, he can heal. And in his word, the truth revealed.

His word shows what we all know. He did it his way. Alrighty, hey Joe, do you know who sang a different version of that song? A guy named Frank Sinatra, I was just thinking about that. And a guy named Elvis Presley.

Oh, Presley did too. Now listen Joe, you know here's what they know now. They know now that my lyrics were better than theirs.

Well, the voice maybe not so much, but the lyrics definitely better than theirs. Well, if they had just turned it around, you see, true, you and I know something. We are to what do it his way. That is the way we are to follow, is his way.

I live my life trying, I don't always do it, trying to do it God's way. That's the way it should go, for all of us, right? Yep, absolutely, already. So now, Joe, I want you to listen to this because what Naomi Fox has to say, or Naomi Wolf has to say. Naomi Wolf, okay. We said this here months ago, in fact, we even sent out in our newsletter, and something that all of a sudden they're just discovering, but we even had it in our newsletter, and that was the different codes for the different types of bioweapon poison.

Right, so that means different batches, different types. Right, so I'm going to get Mighty Andrew to play. Hey, Mighty Andrew, you ready to play that clip? Play that clip.

Find and surface important new documentation, and then that goes over to the lawyers, and we're going to have a webinar on the 23rd about how to file criminal charges, so that it's not just civil actions that these people are facing, but criminal. But can I just, I'm a little bit in shock today, because every time the research team brings me what they found, my level of trying to tolerate shock has to go higher and higher. I would like to share with your community a finding that reached me from the research team yesterday, which is pretty terrifying, and I think people need to know about it. Yes, ma'am, go ahead.

Thank you so much. So this was leaked to me. It's directly from the AMA, but it's also replicated in the documents. It's appendix Q, severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus, COVID-19 vaccines, and what it is is a table that goes to doctors with vaccine codes and dosages, and many people have said, and this was one thing that led me not to want to take, there you go, not to want to take the vaccine. Many people who are nurses and pharmacists have been whistleblowing and saying, you know, the ingredients are not in the sheet that goes with the package, it's blank, and that's been correct.

But here, if you're a doctor, you can get, or a medical insider, you can get this table. All right, so this table's pretty terrifying because there's been work that's been done that I thought was preliminary, but this confirms it, that there are different batches, essentially, with different codes, you know, serial numbers, basically, and that they are having different effects. There's a website called, I believe, that is looking at symptoms from, in the VAERS database, that relate to different kinds of serial numbers.

Well, this is the other side of that. It would appear, and again, this is over to the doctors, over to the lawyers to validate, but it would appear, and you can see for yourself, that it lists a series of codes they all start with 913, but they end in 000507, and they do appear to be different batches. There's a whole series that are left out, and you can find them elsewhere, which is concerning, and that series is called Vaccines slash Toxoids, and Vaccines slash Toxoids Guidelines. But look, just looking at this series, which is about 12 batches, they have different dosages. They have different dosages. It says mRNA LNP, which is the lipid nanoparticle spike protein preservative free, and then the first one is 30 micrograms. The second one is also 30 micrograms. These are Pfizer, but then there's 10 micrograms, also Pfizer, and then Moderna has 100 micrograms, and then Pfizer has 3 micrograms, and these are different batches, and then Moderna has 50 micrograms, and another Moderna has 50 micrograms, and then you go... So just in those eight or nine batches that I've just read that end in 0005070108, different people are getting different dosages of the active and possibly the dangerous ingredients. And the reason I find this so important, especially with the work that you've been doing to showcase Edward Dowd's colleagues' charts where they've broken down deaths and plotted them on a timeline with boosters and with the first and second injections, there was a huge spike, as I recall, of millennial deaths right around the time that boosters were rolled out. And if you look at this table, it would appear that some batches could have more of the spike protein, more of the lipid nanoparticles, which I'm persuaded are so problematic, than others.

And so this is truly shocking, and they're not adjusted for weight or size, right? So if you're a 100-pound woman or a teenager, you're not getting any less in these high LNP, high spike protein dosages than a 300-pound six-foot man. And then lastly, over to the right, the table shows, first of all, it shows this is an undated document, but it shows that they already planned a fourth dose and a booster. But also, when it says second dose to third dose, CDC-recommended populations is, for example, immunocompromised.

This is not supposed to be for everyone, according to this internal document. It's targeted to frail populations, vulnerable populations, where the risk-benefit equation is going to make more sense to take what Bourla has now called a risky injection. So to me, this is quite terrifying. The other thing that comes up is that there are two different solutions. This may or may not be relevant, but I mean, literally, this is an experiment.

You don't know what you're getting. And I guess the last thing I want to say, and again, I am not a medical doctor, so this is now over to the doctors, over to the lawyers for triple and quadruple review and explication. But what's scary to me is that doctors would have known this. Doctors would have seen these codes, seen these different dosages, been able to look at the vial and know, oh, this is a 50-microgram dose, this is a 100-microgram dose, this is a three-microgram dose. And didn't alert people that there are different batches with different levels of the active ingredients in this vaccine.

So this is all pretty shocking. Dr. Wolf, we've got about a minute. How do people join up and assist you? You've got, what, 1,200 or 1,300 volunteers now. How do people go to this site and find out more about you and the work that's being done? Yeah, please come to research at and then you'll get assigned one of six different groups. And also go to campaigns over there on the right.

Choose the Pfizer campaign and sign up and you'll get an email and a form and you can go ahead and get to work. But please support each other emotionally and including all of us who are learning this because this is truly, truly disturbing. Dr. Wolf, great work.

Thank you for joining us. All right, Joe, I've got that chart that she's talking about right here in front of me from the AMA. That's right. And here it has right on there, it starts at three micrograms. It goes to 10 micrograms. It goes to 30 micrograms.

It goes to 100 micrograms. So you have all of these different batches depending on the batch that they happen to inject you with. And so here, you know, it's like, well, we'll say, okay, these people, these are conservatives, these are people that we are not the woke people. Let's give them the most potent batch and get rid of them first. Maybe they might say, well, let's use this on the elderly.

Let's get rid of them first. But I've got the chart right here. Now, there is proof via AMA documents that they are distributing different doses of the active ingredient in a COVID vaccine. Right here is the chart. The chart's there.

The chart doesn't lie. Hopefully, I was, when we did that story, when we first did the story, I was talking to some local people and I was talking to some local people at the local Walmart. And the pharmacist, basically, they never looked at stuff. They had a nurse that was doing the shots. The stuff would come in and there was some nurse came in and just, you know, there was just, it came in a batch and they'd just take the top one off and give it to whoever was next in line. And they said they hadn't noticed that they would go and look at it. And they looked very, very surprised when I told them about the different amounts in the batches.

But here's what we've noticed. The phone lines are not ringing. They are not ringing.

So, folks, they got a ring. 888-281-1110. 888-281-1110. Or 888-677-9673.

888-677-9673. You know, when you, Joe, when we tell people these things, you know, just unbelievable. Yesterday I had two ladies and, you know, this is just happening all the time. Both of them told me, both of them have adult daughters and they both have grandchildren. And both of them were telling me how their adult daughters got the poison. And they don't, and here, I'm hearing this all the time. Grandma and grandpa are not invited over because they didn't get the poisonous poke. Right.

We're not vexed. And these millennial generations, these people have, they're clueless. They went to the public full system. They were indoctrinated with cultural Marxism. They lost their ability to reason. And, you know, the Bible calls it because what's happened, to a large degree, they've become reprobate. They don't like to use that word, but that's it.

The Bible makes it very, very clear. Those that, you know, he that says there is no God, that's a fool. They've become fools, Joe.

And so, there you go. I, you know, it's terrible. Last night, how, you know, they're destroying the family. They're destroying common sense. They're destroying knowledge. I mean, we are in the middle of a spiritual battle. We are in the middle of a revolution ourselves. And the enemy is winning because our side has been, we sent our children to the devil to be educated.

And people still can't figure out why everything is going wrong in this country when, you know, we've had years and years and years of the devil running the education system, the very heart and soul of the nation. Well, we've been trying to warn them. We're seeing, the parents are starting to waken up.

This whole COVID thing has given them. And so, it's late. It's, you know, and let's just hope it's not too little too late. But, you know, the remedy is very clear. I mean, we can bring America back to one nation under God.

God gives us, he gives us the exact formula needed. And that's when his people what? Repent. And turn. Right.

In their wicked ways. And our national sin is what? We have committed abortion, the murder of the children, the shedding of innocent blood. Alright, Susan in Illinois pledges 100. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Susan.

But we've got to keep getting some 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Here you go, folks. We've got to do some very rapid articles here. Leaked audio recording reveals Obama-Biden regime officials plotting coup against Ukrainian president in 2014. And guess what?

That was, we talked about that in 2014, right? Remember, as the current Biden regime offers its love and support to Ukraine following invasion by more than 100,000, they will not offer love and support. They won't even offer the military weapons that Ukraine needs. Russian forces, a newly resurfaced leaked audio indicates that the pair of Obama administration officials were plotting to overthrow the elected president of that country during the main revolution in 2014. One of the key players in the coup planning was Victoria Nuland. That woman, if her lips are moving, she's lying. Right, and she's very active today, right?

Yeah, that's right. She served with Barack Obama's State Department and is a vehement, vehement, vehement anti-Trump, as well as an avid psychopathic supporter of former Secretary of State Hillary, Rod M. Clinton. Clinton, right. And so, in fact, she was heavily involved in spreading the Steele dossier hoax that claimed to have evidence Trump was a stooge of the Russian president. That woman, again, she is deep state all the way, not to be trusted at all. Now, Hillary, remember, was supposed to be the one who would complete Barack Obama's total transformation of America. He spent his eight years putting the deep state in place, putting in all the political operatives and hacks and all through the, you know, really built the deep state, and Hillary was supposed to come in and complete that transition.

That's right. Remember what Obama said to President Trump. He said, well, when he was referring to what you just said about Hillary, at least I will have been president. In other words, you're not going to be president. It's going to be Hillary. Right.

And not only has Trump been president, but he probably will be again. Lord willing, right? Amen. I want to mention something that's not happening. I notice if you look at the news, the last we heard is the convoys, the patriot, the freedom convoy, got to D.C. They were driving around outside the capitol, going around and getting no attention, and I heard, I finally found it, that the government blocked their entering into D.C., would not allow them in. They weren't getting any attention, so they were going to take the convoy and go into the D.C. proper, and you know how much news coverage I found on it?

One little blurb, and the rest was crickets. See, one of the most important things was this government taking control over us, being able to lock us down, order us to take an experimental vaccine, ordering schools to be closed, ordering all these masks, ordering businesses to be closed, destroying the economy, and here we had people brave enough, spending their own time, their own money, to do this convoy for our freedom, and the press has disappeared, not talking about it, and as they concentrate, here's your attention, they show us the shiny little object, everybody's looking somewhere else, and the convoy, they said, I think we talked a couple weeks ago, the convoy said, this is our last shot at change, that was way back in the first part of March, and they made a complete, almost a complete news blackout, so it will die, freedom will die in America, and the press is one of the main reasons for that death of freedom. That's my take. It's too late, we might as well just give up and roll over and die, it's over, we don't have a chance. I don't feel that way, but... Yeah, when you say that freedom, when you say that freedom, now let me tell you something, okay? You can't be the people that refuse to be beaten, if they're on God's side, and there ain't no way, okay? Because we would rather, freedom won't be, we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees to these tyrants. Because it's for us who can be against us.

That's right. This is what I was going to add to that, this is what the liberals were hoping would happen, that this freedom would die, people would not notice it, that it would go unnoticed, and then it would just be accepted by the people. But that's why we're here, to be the watchman on the wall, to tell the people so they know what's going on, and if they know what's going on, then they can fight it with the truth. Well, I've talked to a whole lot of people and they all know that the fake news media, the slut, the sleazy, lying, okay, untrue media out there, that they're trying to keep, you know, give it, kill whatever attention that the freedom convoy might have. And so we know that, and so, I mean, the patriot movement across this country are very, very well aware of it. We are much smarter than they think, okay? You know, the Fauci's and these people who consider themselves to be intellectual giants, and literally mental midgets, because to think that you can fight against God and win, well, hell is full of those people, isn't it?

Scripture says it's not near full yet. All right, 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110. The phone lines are open, folks. We got to hear from you. We really got to hear from you. 888-677-9673, 888-677-9673.

You got to call. Because we're telling things like tonight, we're giving you facts that you're going to be hard-pressed to find. You're not going to find it on your local evening news, and a lot of these things are buried. They don't want you to know, and that's why God put us here, to put Pastor Ernie there especially, to be watchman on the wall. And that's what we're doing. We're trying to be obedient to him, because what was it? Patrick Henry said, you know, I don't care how bad the news, I'm paraphrasing what it is, I need to know the truth. Because if I know the truth, then I know what I need to do. And without the truth, you don't know what direction to go, what action to take, and that's why Pastor Ernie has been all these, like, 40, what, eight, 49 years the watchman on the wall. It'll be 50 years this year, Joe.

This year. 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673. See, the folks in the other room, Joe, keep telling me, you've got to give that number out, you've got to give the number out, the phones aren't ringing. 888-677-9673. You've got to call this one. Bombshell.

Now listen, Joe, this is another one that we said a while back, okay? Fauci owns a patent on SARS-CoV-2 GP120 HIV insertion, which destroys the body's cancer-killing T cells. That's right. Early on the pandemic, on the planned endemic, we reported the unusual HIV insertions had been identified in the Wuhan coronavirus COVID-19. This strongly suggests at the time that the virus was a bioweapon constructed in a laboratory. This is what we said in March of two years ago, right? Since that time, it has been further revealed that Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID, owns a patent on at least one such HIV insertion known as the GP120.

HIV GP120 protein reports Igor Shudov on his substack is the one that activates the LFA-1 CD4T lymph vesitis and increases all susceptibility to the LFA-1 targeting lexicotoxin, according to a 2011 study. I couldn't get a patent on something unless it's what man made. You can't patent something God made. You can't patent something that's naturally occurring.

So if this is something that they have taken and it's man created. All right, Joe, we're coming up to a hard break. And so, folks, after this break, we got another clip you really want to listen to.

The Dark Valley will be back right after this. Don't go away. A whole lot more to come. Be right back with more. Thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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