The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content.
Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.
Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.
This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.
Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance.
A little weak tonight, though. On this March 3rd, 2022, and tonight being the first Thursday of the month, we have none other than Dr. Peter Glidden with us. Are you there, Peter?
Sí, señor. All right, well, listen here, Jose, you're going to have to carry the program because I am, I've been, I'm walking wounded tonight. Anyhow, yeah, you know what, I had the Fauci flu. If I ever get my hands on Fauci, I'm going to tell you, this guy, I had the Fauci flu tonight.
Well, not just tonight, I've had it. Let me ask you a question because I've been told that usually you'll have it for two days before you reach the very first symptoms. Is that true or no? Oh, it's different for everybody. Nobody really knows what the incubation time is.
Different for different people, different body weights, different metabolic rates, different ages. But nonetheless, what our experience of this has been clinically that it's about 14 to 21 days of pain and suffering. And normally, the influenza or any other type of viral illness responds really pretty quickly to naturopathic or homeopathic or holistic treatment.
It's really the treatment of choice. But what myself and all of my colleagues have experienced with Fauci flu is that it takes much longer to get on the other side of it. And we are of the opinion that that is happening because it's not a naturally occurring virus. It's a man-made virus.
And because it's man-made, it doesn't yield the way that other viruses do to holistic therapy. You know, the last couple of days I've been feeling a lot better. And last night I was able to do the entire radio program. And then, you know, I thought this morning I got up, I wasn't bad. And all of a sudden, man, it hit me like a ton of bricks, you know, back into the lungs. And then chills like you wouldn't believe.
I really got the chills. And so what we should do, I don't know if it would be appropriate to do it on air. It might be interesting to do it on air. But at some time, if you want to do that tonight, we can do that tonight. Or some time tomorrow, we do it off air.
I'll take your case and do a homeopathic workup, a naturopathic workup, and put you on a program to accelerate the healing. And I'm happy to do that. Okay.
Well, we can do that. But first, let me tell you what I've been doing, okay? As I've been talking, you know, I've had a nurse, Elaine, and several doctors, and that's Elaine, and several doctors, and I've been taking ivermectin. I've been taking the vitamin C. I've been taking the vitamin D3. I've been taking the, what do you call it, the little middle metallic type tablets. I can't think of one.
I'm trying to think of it right now. Zinc. Zinc, yeah, zinc.
And black seed oil. And so I've been taking those. And like I said, I was getting better.
I thought by tomorrow I'd be back up and at it. But it really come back and hit me hard. Have you been hearing that that's what it does? Yeah, it all depends.
It does kind of, it is very much like a rollercoaster ride, depending on what you're doing therapeutically and, you know, other stressors in your life. So of all of the things that are, pretend we didn't know that you had the Fauci flu, of all of the things that are bothering you, what's the most bothersome? Is it a fever? Is it a chill? Is it a cough? Is it a headache?
What's the biggest symptom that you're dealing with? Earlier today it was, I mean, extreme chills. I mean extreme chills, okay. But right now it's like, it's labored breathing.
But again, so it doesn't stay the same. And have you noticed that the breathing, when it becomes labored, is more difficult or easier under certain circumstances? For instance, it's much easier to breathe if you lie down, or it's much harder to breathe if you lie down or stand up or walk around. Or are there any mitigating factors to the breathing that you're aware of? Yeah, it's easier to breathe if I'm standing up or sitting up than it is if I'm lying down.
Is that right? And when it's hard to breathe, is it hard to inhale or harder to exhale? Inhale. And have you noticed that there's a cough that's associated with the respiratory stuff, or not so much? Yeah, that comes and goes.
And when it comes, you'll go through a period of real extreme congestion, I mean a lot of extreme congestion. And then you cough it up and then it's gone. I don't have any more for several hours. And today it came back on me big time. And have you noticed the color of the stuff that you're coughing up? Yeah, it's pretty much a grayish color. And have you taken your temperature?
Uh, you know what? I could tell when I have a bit of a fever. And I've had just a slight fever. But you know, my wife's got one of those little things you stick on your finger to check your oxygen level. And it comes up at 98. So that's not bad. So there's a homeopathic medicine that you should send somebody out to get probably too late to get it tonight.
Although it really depends on if you can get this stuff at Whole Foods, you can get it at the vitamin shop, you can get it at a health food store, but they're probably closed by now. But first I'll say it and then I'll spell it. It's called aconitum napella. Oh my gosh, here's how here's how you spell it and get somebody in the booth to write it down for you. All right, it's A like Apple, C like Charlie, O like Oscar, N like Nancy, I like India, T like Thomas, U like uniform, M like Mary.
Second word, N like Nancy, A like Apple, P like Peter, E like Edward, L like Larry, L like Larry, U, S like Sam. You can find that in the 30 C strength. On the label it will say aconitum napella. Sometimes it'll just say aconite, A-C-O-N-I-T-E. 30 C, it'll be sold in a little blue cylinder about the size of your pinky finger in the vitamin section of where you go to pick it up. And it's going to be dispensed in a shelf with about 50 different medicines all alphabetically arranged. It'll cost about 10 bucks and inside that little blue tube is going to be about 100 little white medicated pellets. The recommendation is you take three pellets or four times a day, three pellets orally four times a day for two days. Spread them out, spread the doses out, and if you're woken up in the middle of the night with a problem breathing take three more pellets. Three pellets four times a day. And I'll be in touch with you on tomorrow's Friday, Saturday to see what you did with that medicine. The homeopathic, the correctly prescribed homeopathic medicine will turn this around on a dime and dramatically accelerate the healing from it.
All right well I will get on and put my word out and have one of our folks go and run out there and get me that stuff tomorrow for sure. So we better get into the scripture because we're running into this and we're going to be reading today from Luke 13, no actually Luke chapter 12 starting with verse 49. You know graphene is being transmitted from vaccinated to the vaccine-free people and because of that there's a lot of families that they don't want to get together anymore. I mean they don't and I have a lot of friends or people, relatives that have gotten the poisonous poking and of course they were told that it's us that the the unvaxxed that spread it wouldn't it's just the opposite. But here's here's what it says it says I have come to send a fire on the earth and I will in that will will I if it be already kindled but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straight until it's accomplished suppose you that I am come to give peace on earth I tell you nay but rather division or from henceforth there shall be five and one house divided three against two two against three the father should be divided against the son the son divided against the father the mother against the daughter the daughter against the mother the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law well we're seeing all of this division takes place I I almost fell off my chair when I heard joe bama it was an amazing thing about joe bama did you know that joe bama when he gave his speech did you watch any of that speech beater I couldn't bring myself to do it I I had just eaten dinner and I didn't want to get picked up here's a guy talking about we're going to secure our borders I couldn't believe what I was hearing uh here's a guy that's talking about how we're going to become energy independent unbelievable that you know he knew everything that he was saying was an outright lie okay and and and he was there and then he when he got to the and I couldn't believe this listen I couldn't believe to hear democrats saying usa usa remember when we were doing that at trump rallies we were called nazis for saying usa us and and all it was and they had this you talk about a hollywood production I mean I would have thought that it even would have made some of the liberals sick to do that but everything this guy was saying so I'm going to be preaching on sunday lord's willing what god loves what god hates what god loves because the bible doesn't stutter it's really clear and I can tell you this america america is in real trouble with god america is in big trouble and so here now today I let me just ask you about this too since I got you today I got a box of that powdered clay uh and sent to me from one of our wonderful wonderful lady in the church ordered it sent it to me and I have um I have the baking soda and and the um oh uh senior month the stuff that you take you know when you're in the bathtub when you uh do right all right so here I was told to take uh one cup of each put them in a full tub and soak in there and rub that and it will take all of these uh it'll pull all of the these um nanoparticles and these graphite pellets and these uh protein um things out of you what do you think well it's interesting it's probably bentonite clay that you're talking about yeah it is that's it that's it that's long been used as a overall detoxicant the problem with this graphene stuff and the problem with the spike proteins and the problems with the poisonous poke is that we don't have enough nobody knows what the heck it is because it's so brand new and we're all kind of you know flying in the fog here trying to figure out how to fix this stuff how to mitigate the the fallout and what to do to fix the problem nobody knows what to do so I don't have a problem with doing that that therapeutic isn't going to hurt you I think there is some validity to it so I would run it up the flagpole you know if I up the flagpole and see if it flies and then you know report back to the world what your experience was that's the way we're going to move this forward you're familiar with excuse me attorney thomas rents we hear on the radio program and he he's suing and he he came out and he said today I want to know I want to know who's going to jail for the first murderer and the data they came up with from Pfizer was and was forced to release they made them to release it remember this is some of the stuff those pages we played uh 25 minutes of of um the stuff that Pfizer had done in their research and they was trying to keep quiet and we played that clip it was very interesting and they talking about how so many people expect all of the things that people are expect to die from in a percentage wise well here he says that the Pfizer forced to release a three percent mortality rate for the vaccines which is 12 times the COVID death rate so for everyone that have died from COVID 12 have died from the vaccine you're not gonna hear go ahead and nobody goes to jail yeah you're right this the country is in a bad way and look pastor from my vantage point all of this COVID nonsense in this COVID misdirection and this COVID propaganda and this COVID lies quite frankly are the tip of the iceberg because while the convention well the medical marketplace has been monopolized by the pharmaceutical industry which happened in 1912 by the way it's more longer than anybody in this country's been alive chronic disease is getting worse we're getting sicker we're not getting healthier alzheimer's is escalating autism is escalating heart disease is going up arthritis is going up obesity is going up we're getting sicker as a nation we're not getting healthier and the leading cause of bankruptcy is medical bills is medical bills it's nuts i'm telling you the coronavirus stuff is the tip of the iceberg and this is what you get inside of a monopoly we desperately need a free medical market but because the pharmaceutical industry is evil and by evil i mean evil by evil i mean evil because the pharmaceutical industry is evil it's not going to change they have their hook into every aspect of society and even though they harm us even though they bankrupt us even though they kill us everybody gives them a pass and god only knows why tomorrow night peter we're going to be playing uh some very some clips on what is what is really taking place in the ukraine in the in history of russia the ukraine what's the real not what you're seeing on the fake news media on the propaganda channels we're going to bring you the real behind the scenes what they what you're not supposed to know tomorrow night lord's willing theater isn't it pastor it's all kabuki theater yep distract us away from you know i think that's one of the reasons that they're doing the ukraine thing now is to distract everybody from the abject failures of the poisonous pope and so here you know the pentagon ran bioweapon labs in 25 countries including ukraine they had about five in the ukraine yet no global outcry against the usa for funding covid gain of function crimes against humanity and you know somewhere along the line we got to be able to we're doing the very best we can to bring people to to inform people about the realities because you know when you said here you said the pharmaceutical is evil you know who said that before you did god well i'm in good company then well yeah yeah and so again you know it's called the pharmakeia and you know it's called witchcraft for wizardry and it was forbidden forbidden and everything that they're doing and these companies i have a little clip if i could play and it's mr fauci if i should if i should find this clip it's an amazing clip and it's mr fauci and he's saying well you know sometimes we've made mistakes in the past and sometimes our vaccines did more harm than good it's felt it's about she's saying this and you know would be one thing pastor if there was nothing else to do about coronavirus it would be one thing maybe we can do an experimental vaccine maybe we can all get together and wrap our arms around that but that's not the case there were lots of other things to do in order to help people recover from covid all of which were suppressed and they weren't suppressed by the chiropractors they weren't suppressed by the nature path they weren't suppressed by the acupuncturists or the ayurvedic practitioners they weren't suppressed by the botanical medicine experts they were suppressed by the medical doctors and the pharmaceutical industry and i don't know how these people can sleep at night now you see in all these people like peter makala and that other guy who works for darpa going all around the country saying oh coronavirus bad oh coronavirus bad but you never hear any one of them except christine northrop was the only one to say look it's the profession that's the problem i can't stomach this profession anymore i can't be a member of this profession anymore i'm turning in my license that's what needs to happen but you're never going to hear that because nobody is looking to the root cause of why all of this happened and the root cause of why all of this death and destruction and misdirection and propaganda has happened is because of the pharmaceutical control of the medical marketplace and as bad as most people in the lay public think that it is it's a thousand times worse i'm telling you it's a thousand times worse you know what i've i've always been a guy that was skeptical about going to the doctor you know uh i was always told going up that uh men are much more skeptical uh let's act to go to the doctor and um then uh the women women are much we will go women have more trust in doctors than men do and and but that but i never had much a lot but even you know but i i didn't totally distrust him when i was growing up the doctor came to our house and and we had some and and he did his job you know and uh and a lot of times what he what they prescribed was uh drink bite get vitamin d get vitamin c then basically elderberry uh elderberry syrup this and that with our doctoring base pretty much gave us what we could get out of a naturopathic store okay and right times have changed yeah and not for the better and so almost the biblical proportions no kidding yeah and so here uh the medical profession has taken a huge hit i mean i look i got people calling me every day wanting to know if i know any doctors that you can trust and they're because they're telling me my doctor told me i should i should take the poke and and so boom that that's they lost all trust in them i had i had a fellow call me and tell me that uh and another one wrote me uh one of them he said that you saved my life saved my life he said my entire family took the took the poisonous poke and they they were all on me all berating me for not taking it and pastor they've all died and then these are older people these are older people he said i'm the only one that didn't and and and there was another guy pretty much the same story but and we're trying to tell people out there we are trying to tell people and let's put it in perspective pastor can imagine just for a moment that it was a naturopathic doctor or a chiropractor that told the patient to do one therapeutic take one particular medicine and it killed them imagine what would happen we'd be pilloried in the town square and the front lot the headlines all around the country would be oh those quack of alternative quote unquote doctors they're killing people but when conventional medicine does it when the pharmaceutical industry does it everybody turns the other cheek and gives them a pass and i think the reason that that's happening is because of an evil influence i think there's a dark malevolent force that's at play here that's keeping uh keeping people from seeing what really is i i i can't imagine any other reason for well the answer the answer to that is found very clearly written in hoshea chapter four verse six my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and they're believing they're believing you know and by this time they they they get to the point they don't understand you can't believe the fake news media i mean you know you can't you know all of this stuff you know just unbelievable i mean how dumb is dumb anyhow hang tight peter we'll be back right after this the holy ghost went riding one dark and windy day his awesome power was tested as he went along his way when all at once prey of sodomites he saw so he sent a hurricane to punish them one at all he's an all-consuming fire and his presence i can feel you don't want to grieve him because this ghost is for real he shot out bolts of lightning as he thundered through the sky then he saw his people praying and he heard their maulkul cry oh With broken faces and eyes full of tears Their clothes all soaked with sweat to remove all their fears They'll be with him forever in that city on high White horses started fire as they ride across the sky As he rode on by them, he heard them call his name Holy, holy, he knew they must be born again, salvation's not a game So sinner, change your way today or hellfire you'll abide The power of the Holy Ghost can never be denied Yippie-ki-yay, holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Holy Ghost Rider in the sky Dr. Glidden, I believe on one of your previous programs with Pastor, you recommended that we do not take any statin drugs.
Could you please explain why we should avoid that group of drugs? Yes, it's a great question. I can answer that 100%, and I will do a little self-promotion here. On my website,, I have a subscription service which gives people access. It's a month-to-month.
You can cancel at any time. But when you become a subscriber, it gives you access to hundreds of hours of instructional webinars that I've put together. And one of my favorite webinars, I have two favorite webinars that I did. One was on statin drugs. It's kind of like a 45-minute expose of what they are and why you should take them. And another one was on cholesterol. So I'm going to give you the cliff notes here. If you really want to take a deep dive into it, which I recommend everybody do, go to, become a subscriber, and check out the content behind the paywall.
So here's the deal. The research has been done. It's academic, and it's not arguable anymore. There is no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease.
It does not exist. Let me say this again. There is no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. The research has been done.
The deal has been sealed. The problem that we have here is that the statin drug industry is a $20 billion industry a year. And because we have a monopolized medical marketplace, when information which is contrary to the pharmaceutical agenda becomes published, it takes a long, long time for that to enter into the mainstream.
Because like I said, it's a thousand times worse than you think that it is, and big pharma does in fact control everything. So no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. Statin drugs do have a limited impact on heart disease, but it's not through the cholesterol lowering mechanism.
Number one. Number two, cholesterol is so important to the human body that your body makes it. Your central nervous system is made from cholesterol. Every wall of every cell in your body is made from cholesterol. All of your sex hormones are made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is extremely important in the overall function of the human body.
And when you drive cholesterol into the ditch with statin drugs, fat-free diet and exercise, well guess what happens? Your brain dries up. Also your sex hormones dry up.
So what does that mean? Well, it means you get Alzheimer's or you get dementia. And if you're a man, you get erectile dysfunction.
If you're a woman, you have hot flushes for five years instead of for three months. And the last half of your life is horrible because you're moody and you're depressed, not because you're getting older, not because you have a bad gene, not because you have a voodoo curse, but because your body doesn't have enough cholesterol, for goodness sake. And if you look at a graph of the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, which came out of nowhere in the mid-80s by the way, it came out of nowhere and it is skyrocketing now in biblical proportions. If you look at a graph of the incidence of Alzheimer's disease and chart it against the introduction of statin drugs, they parallel each other almost exactly. And oh, by the way, since we've been purchasing statin drugs to the tune of $20 billion a year, heart disease rates remain unchanged. And this is the depth and the breadth of the pharmaceutical propagandized nonsense that everybody has built an altar to in their medicine chest at their home and they genuflect at it every day. It's nonsense.
It has to stop. So that's it in a nutshell. And statin drugs, by the way, are the only classification of drugs that I recommend people stop immediately. All right, why are they called statin? What does the word statin mean?
I don't know. It's a Latin term, I think. It's probably an acronym for some type of biochemical thing. But all statin drugs, whatever they do, their intention is to lower cholesterol levels in the body. And most statin drugs do that by creating inflammation in your liver because it's your liver that metabolizes cholesterol.
And that's why if you're taking a statin drug and your doctor is on their game, you have to have your liver enzymes checked every three or four months to make sure that the statin drug isn't hurting your liver. But of course, most doctors don't do that anymore because they're lazy and they pay more attention to what the pharmaceutical rep says than what the actual research says, and it's a crying shame. Some years ago, I had a husband and wife who worked together, and they worked for Big Pharma and research, and their job was to gather information on these certain statin drugs that people were taking. And they found out that these people were about ten times more likely to get diabetes by taking these statin drugs than otherwise. And so they found this out, and then they were told by the pharmaceutical company, no, you're not going to publish that, and told them that don't publish that, don't bring that up. Well, they went into their offices at night to get this material because their conscience got a hold of them. People are getting diabetes and dying, and they're taking these drugs. And you know, they were caught, and they were handcuffed, put in chairs by security, and interrogated in their own office for doing that.
And I had him on the radio program. I had both of them on there because they wanted to sue Big Pharma for it, and they wanted the people to know exactly what was happening out there. So, anyhow, who do we have next? Thank you, doctor. Thank you.
Appreciate your trust very much. Okay. Who do we have, did you say? Cliff. Cliff, you're in the air. Yeah, hi, doctor. You know, I just reread 1984. Well, yeah, so here we are, right? It's exactly what's going on.
It's crazy. Yeah, I thought a key line, though, was Chapter 15, gradual wearing down. And that's what they're doing, wear a mask, get tested, stay six feet away. But to my questions, one would be, someone was telling me, Rock Rose, actually, there was a toxologist that was getting some reversal on the vaccine with that. But my question would be on three supplements, coenzyme Q10, which is endogenous, I believe. L-carnitine or acetyl is also endogenous.
It's already in the body. And then L-carnitine, I believe, is not in the body, but it's in meats, right? I'm not familiar with the last one, but L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 are both really important for cardiac function.
The heart needs those nutrients in order to get its job done. CoQ10, the heart is really an interesting organ because it's the only organ in the body that's always working. Your heart never stops beating. Your heart is beating all the time, even when you're asleep. It's the only muscle in your body that never rests. It's actually the only part of your body that never rests. The heart is always acting. And because the heart is always acting, it demands a significant amount of energy.
All of the time, right? And in order for, there's this thing, there's a biochemical cascade by which the body transforms sugar into adenosine diphosphate in order to create energy for all of the cells in the body. And one of the key steps, the rate limiting step in that chemical conversion of sugar into energy is CoQ10. So if your body runs out of CoQ10, the first thing that's going to be affected is your heart because your heart needs energy all the time. And if you don't have enough CoQ10, you can have all the sugar in your body you want, all the fuel in the body that you want, but it's going to start beating weirdly just because you don't have enough CoQ10. I forget off the top of my head what the operative metabolic pathway of L-carnitine is, but we prescribe L-carnitine and CoQ10 as kind of generic heart support supplements for anybody that's having any type of a cardiac issue like cardiac myopathy or coronary artery disease or atrial fibrillation or funky valve, right? We give them extra heart nutrients because that only makes sense. I mean, it's like giving somebody with a broken leg a crutch.
Well, that's a good idea. So they're wonderful heart nutrients. And because of the poisonous poke, one of the major life threatening side effects of the poisonous poke is cardiac myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. Anything that we can do to support heart function is a smart idea and that's why that's advised clinically now.
So you would put them as like two of many, like in other words, what other heart supplements would you recommend or would you put them as the top two? Well, all right. And this entered, this opens up a whole door that it's very important for people to understand because, you know, there aren't that many doctors like myself licensed and regulated with clinical experience.
There just aren't that many of us around. And most people who get their feet wet with medical nutrition are medical doctors. And so they start to use nutrients the same way that they use drugs, right? So they'll use large doses of vitamin C. They'll give intravenous doses of vitamin C. They'll recommend large doses of zinc like they're doing now in coronavirus time.
This is referred to as orococutan or carnitine. This is referred to as fractionated nutrition. And fractionated nutrition is better than no nutrition at all. But what's much better than fractionated nutrition is holistic nutrition because $25 million of federally funded research proved in the 1980s that there are 90 essential nutrients that the human body needs in order to function properly. 90. There's not one, there's not two, there's not three, there's 90. 90 essential nutrients.
Your body needs all of them because everything is connected. So the first thing to do to secure your health, the first thing to do to get your body into the game of healing, the first thing to do to stimulate your body's built in God-given ability to fix itself is make sure it has 100% of the 90 essential nutrients. That's the first thing to do.
If we're not doing that, we're spitting into the wind. So that's what we do first. And then if you have a lung condition, we give you extra lung supplements. If you have a kidney condition, we give you extra kidney conditions. If you have a heart condition, whatever, those are add-ons to the top of the foundation.
The foundation is of maximum importance. And you know, that's referred to in our parlance as the 90 essential nutrients or the foundation pack. And that's what's offered at,, 888-618. Asking this briefly, as far as lung supplements, I do have a relative that has some lung issues. She's a former smoker, hasn't smoked in years, but would you recommend any supplements for her? Yeah, so once we've got the 90 essential nutrients in place, then we give omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3 essential fats are to the lungs what calcium is to the bones.
That's really, really important. And if somebody's lungs have been compromised, right, because they worked in a coal mine or because they were a smoker forever, there are some wonderful botanical medicines that will really act nicely to support and promote lung function. And my favorite is made by a company called Good Herbs, and the formula is called respiratory support.
It's a combination of four, I think, maybe five different botanical medicines based on over 3,000 years of clinical experience. Peter, we're up against a hard break, so hang tight, and folks, we'll be back right after this with a whole lot more to come. Be right back. Thank you for listening to What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at, Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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