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SUN 022022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
February 20, 2022 10:12 pm

SUN 022022

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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February 20, 2022 10:12 pm

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence or Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders. Indeed, on this February 20th, 2022, this is the voice of the Christian Resistance. And we have a lot to get to tonight. But now, before we start, I want to ask all of you folks out there listening to me tonight to join with me. Prayer is important.

Listen, listen, there's power there if you only believe that there is power there. And I want to pray for our brothers and sisters in Canada, because baby Castro Trudeau has brought in a bunch of UN jackbooted thugs to attack the Canadian patriots. And so the patriots are saying that the jackbooted thugs are speaking German. And so it kind of reminds me when during the revolution, the war for independence, when King George brought in German mercenaries.

They were the UN jackbooted thugs of that day. And now they're doing that to our, to the Canadian patriots there. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord God, I just would pray. I want to hold up the patriots, Father God, Lord, and ask, Lord, you've said not to touch your anointed. And Lord, I don't know how many of those folks are saved or whatever. But we do know, Lord, that they're fighting for freedom. And we know that freedom comes from you.

It comes from you, not from baby Castro and the jackbooted thugs. So, Lord God, I would just pray, Father God, Lord, that you would come against, you would come against, that you would send them home with their tails tucked behind and take them baby Castro with them. And, Lord, that you would be with our patriot brothers and sisters there in Canada, Father God, that you would embolden them. You know that the righteous are as bold as lions, Lord, and that you would embolden them to stand fast and you would be with them and protect them against this antichrist. And that's what it is, an antichrist, communist takeover, those that are trying to take away their freedoms. This we ask in Jesus' precious name.

Amen. Well, the title of the message was, He will destroy them that destroy the earth. He will destroy them that destroy the earth. And our text tonight is actually revelation 11, 15 through 19, but we're not going to start there. We're going to start in Hosea chapter 4 because it deals with the subject tonight. Hear the word of the Lord, you children of Israel, for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish with the beasts of the field or with the fowls of heaven. Yeah, the fishes of the sea shall be taken away.

Well, here, God explains the reasons for Israel's suffering. And he's talking about their lawless behavior. Now, what it says here, you children of Israel, this application can be made exactly to the United States, because exactly by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood. This is what we get today from the Deathocratic Communist Party. The Deathocratic Anti-Christ Communist Party, that's their platform. Their platform is swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery.

And they break out and blood touches blood from coast to coast. In this country, the sewers run red with the blood of our innocent babies that are murdered by these animals, by these wicked, evil, ungodly, anti-Christ animals that murder children. They're into pedophilia. Whatever God's word the Bible calls sin, those today, those that refer to themselves as progressives, they that refer to themselves as the woke generation. They're anti-Christ, anti-God.

There is nothing, there's not a bit, not any redeeming merit or value amongst them. They become totally, as it says, exactly the way it says over in Romans chapter 1, reprobate. And he's telling you here that therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwells therein.

The land, the country, the earth is not destroyed by SUVs or by using gasoline-powered cars. It's destroyed by man's sin. Now God says it. God says it's destroyed by man's sin. Everyone and anyone who argues with that's a fool. You have to be an absolute fool to argue with God.

And he says that, he makes it very clear. And so here, therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwells therein shall languish with the beasts of the field. And when the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. So all the environment, all of the environment is suffering because of man's sin. And the very ones that are talking about being environmentalists are probably the worst sinners.

The very worst. Now I want to go over to Revelation chapter 11. And in Revelation chapter 11, starting with verse 15. And the seventh angel sounded, and there was great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.

Now here, I want to jump over very quickly just to Revelation 10 and read you a verse there. In Revelation 10 and verse 7, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Well here, God's plan for human history is being revealed. It's revealed that all, once it is revealed, then all the prophecy will have been fulfilled.

Now we are partially, right now, aware of his plan, but not complete. Now, when it talks about the foot of the angel on the sea, the sea referred to Gentile nations, Gentile nations. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished.

Well let me go back and, let me go back to verse 5. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea, and upon the earth lifted his hand to heaven, and swear by him that liveth forever and ever. Well, again, those that on the sea referred to the Gentile nations. On the earth, on the land, refers to the nation of Israel.

Okay? So what he's telling you here is that the entire earth is going to be judged, the entire earth. Now the trumpet judgment was partial, was a partial judgment, but the veil judgment will bring in the end of this present earth as we know it. And the things which are therein, and there shall be time no longer, there shall be time no longer. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared his servants' prophets.

Now I want to go back to chapter 11. And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and wast and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and the wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, that shouldst give reward unto the servants, the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, small and great. And shouldst destroy them, which destroy the earth. Okay, so those very people that are destroying the earth are the ones that are accusing. It's their sin that is destroying the earth. They're the ones that are accusing those that are not destroying the earth of doing just that. And of course that's exactly right out of Karl Marx's playbook, and of course he got it from Satan himself. Now here, when the end of the age arrives, we see he's talking about God's plan for human history will have been fulfilled, and all the prophecies fulfilled completely.

That's completely. Now, when he's referring to the four and the twenty elders, they represent the redeemed of the twelve tribes of Israel, and the redeemed of the church, that represented by the twelve church leaders of the apostles. Now the seventh trumpet is sounded, announcing that the arrival of the king, the Lord of lords and the king of kings, the Lord Jesus himself.

And there will be no turning back. The coming judgments are no longer partial but complete, and they're destruction. And we, if we jump over for a minute to Revelation chapter nine, I want to just go over there to Revelation chapter nine for a minute, and read thirteen through twenty-one. And we read here, starting with verse thirteen, if I get there. And the six angels sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar. Well, here, the altar and the temple had four projections, one in each corner, and these were called the horns of the altar. And you find that over in Exodus twenty-seven, verse two, in fact.

One woe has passed, and behold, there come two woes more hereafter. And the six angels sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God, saying to the sixth angel, which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. Now here, the word angels here means, actually means fallen angels, or demonic beings, if you will. Now these four unidentified demons will be, they will be exceedingly, these are like the dirty dozen folks, these are exceedingly evil and destructive. But note, they don't have the power to release themselves and do their evil work. Instead, they are held back by God, and they'll be released at a specific time, doing only, only what God allows them to do.

In other words, they're being held captive, these fallen angels here, by God's angels, they're being restricted. Now, and the four angels which were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day and a month and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand, two hundred thousand thousand. Listen, that's a lot. That is a lot.

In those days, it would have been almost impossible for anyone to raise an army anywhere close to that, but today, there are some countries like China or India that could possibly do that. And so, here, again, this huge army is led by the four demons, will be sent out to destroy one third of the earth's population, but the judgment is still not complete yet. And so, here, I want to go back over to chapter 11, and again, pick it up here.

Now, we see that, well, let me see here. I think it's time for me to move on to Revelation 15, and I'm going to go over to Revelation 15, and verses one through eight. And I saw another sign in heaven, a great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them is filled with the wrath of God. And here now, the seven last plagues are also called the seven vile judgments.

This is what we spoke about earlier. And they actually begin in the very next chapter, chapter 16. Unlike the previous plagues, these are universal, and they're going to culminate in the total complete.

It's going to abolish evil completely. And here, it's called being filled up with the wrath of God at the end of the world, as we read this here in verse two. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire, and then that had gotten victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. Well, here, this is similar to the sea of glass described over there in chapter four, verse six, in fact. And it's located right before the throne of God itself. And this time, it is mixed with fire to represent the wrath and judgment.

Now, those who stand on it are victorious over Satan and the evil beast. They are pure because they, and these people here he's referring to, are the saints that have been faithful to our Lord. And they sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works. Lord God Almighty, just and true are thy ways, thou king of saints. And so now, here the song of Moses celebrates Israel's deliverance from Egypt, remember, over in Exodus 15. It refers to, in verse three, that the Lord is a man of war. Now, the song of the Lamb celebrates the ultimate deliverance of God's people from the power of Satan. And he goes on to say here, Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?

For thou only are holy, for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgments are made manifest. And after that, I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of testimony is in heaven, was opened. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials, full of wrath of God, who liveth forever and ever. And the temple was filled with the smoke from the glory of God, the glory of God, and from his power. And no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. Well, here, the tabernacle of testimony is a Greek translation for the Hebrew. The tent means the tent of the congregation, is what he's referring to. It refers to the time of the Exodus in the wilderness where the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence among his people, resided in the tabernacle. The angels coming out of the temple are clothed with white and golden belts across their chest, their garments reminiscent of the high priest's clothing.

Well, they showed that they would be totally free from corruption, immorality, and injustice. The smoke that fills the temple is the manifestation of God's glory and his wrath. And so, and what is the final word is that there's no, there is no escape from God's judgment. There is just no escape.

No. Our eternal reign with Christ won't be gone until the evil is destroyed and his judgment, by his judgment, and the faithful must wait for this timetable to be revealed. It is inevitable. It will happen exactly, exactly the way it says it will right here in God's Word. Now, I want to go over to Revelation chapter 4, when we talk about being before the throne of God and before, I noticed that I skipped over Ephesians 1.

Let me go back there, and then we'll come back to Revelation 4. In Ephesians 1, it says, starting in verse 10, and that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth, even in him, and whom also we have obtained the inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his will. And so, here, he is telling you that God was not, well, he wasn't intentionally keeping his plan secret, and that means that's what's referred to as the mystery of his will, but his plan for the world could not be fully and totally understood until Christ rose from the dead. Now, a lot of people don't understand this, because Christ had to raise himself from the dead.

You say, what? Well, you see, from Genesis to Revelation, folks, it's the same. God's immutable. We see God the Father always giving the marching orders, always. We see God the Son always carrying them out, and the Holy Ghost always providing the power. In the beginning, when God the Father spoke, he said, let there be light, and Christ created it.

Let's divide the waters, the heavens. Jesus did that. So God gave, the Father gave the command, the Lord Jesus did the creating. He was the Creator, and the Holy Spirit provided the power. But all through history, you see that, where the Father gives the commands, and the Lord Jesus carries them out. And now here, you know, he hung upon the cross.

He died. He raised himself from the dead. Now, once he raised himself from the dead, then his plan for the world could be fully understood. Now, his purpose for sending Christ was to unite the Jews and the Gentiles in one body with Christ as his head. We are to be, that's what he said, that there would be no difference between the Jew and the Gentile in Christ. In Christ, no difference between the Jew and the Gentile, the man and the woman, the young and the old, we're all gathered together in Christ here. Now, and again, they were to become one in the body in Christ with Christ as the head. Now, many people still don't understand God's plan, but when the time is right, and that's what he says here, when the fullness of the times, when the fullness of the times comes in, then he is going to gather us to be with him forever. Then, everyone will understand on the day, on that day, all people will bow to Jesus as Lord, either because they love him or because they fear him. And of course, we see that over in Philippians chapter 2, verse 10.

But they will, every knee will bow. Now, here he goes and he says here, uh, also, as we read this, in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him that worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. So here, God's purpose is to offer salvation to the world, just as he planned it to do so long ago. But God is sovereign. He is in charge.

And a lot of times, folks, it seems like our lives, and right now, with all of what is happening in the country, there's so much chaos going on here. But one thing we can absolutely, positively guarantee is that we can absolutely rest in God's truth. Now, Jesus is Lord. God is in control. And his purpose to save you can't be thwarted no matter what the opposition does. And this is why he says that nothing can separate us from God's love. Meaning, once you're saved, you can never lose that salvation.

You can never lose your salvation, as there are those out there that are teaching just the opposite. And so here now, I want to go back here to Revelation chapter 4. In Revelation chapter 4, here verses 1 through 5, we read this. After this, I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was, as it were, of a trumpet talking with me, which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one set on the throne. And he that set was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone. And there was a rainbow round about the throne, and in sight like into an emerald. And around about the throne were four and twenty seats. And upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment. And they had on their forehead crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices.

And there were seven lamps of fire burning, which are the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. Now, here we see here, you know, I m going to have to get me I ve done a lot of preaching today, and I m going to have to try to stretch over here in the studio where I have sitting down if I can reach it a bottle of water. And I ve got it. Boy, did I need this right now, because I am about to lose my voice, I think. So let me just take a little swig of this water. A little swig of this water. Oh, that felt good.

It s nice and cold. Anyhow, let me pick it up where we left off here. Now, chapters four and five record glimpses into Christ s glory. Here we see into the throne room of heaven, God is on the throne, and what s he doing?

Well, he s orchestrating events that here John will record. Now, here let me just say this when he says, I looked up and behold, the door was open in heaven. That door wasn t he wasn t looking out there as many people get this idea way past the stars and the moon and all of these things. He s talking about a dimensional that, you know, as we see many times through scripture, a door is open.

Well, the door was open in the upper room. Lord Jesus, all of a sudden he steps out, he appears. We see there up on the mountain, in the fog and in the cloud up on the mountain, the door opens up and God himself steps out. We see with Jacob, he s lying down and he looks up and right above him, a door opens and a ladder comes down and angels start walking up and down the ladder. So, here we re not talking about millions of miles away, we re talking right above him, we see a door opening here and it says in heaven, and the first voice which I heard was a word trumpet talking with me, and it said, Come up hither. Now, this is a type of the rapture of the church. This is a type of the rapture of the church that you re seeing here. And so, now here we see in chapters 4 and 5 a glimpse into Christ s glory. We see him onto the throne room of heaven and God is on the throne orchestrating the events that John is going to record here. Now, just as today the world is spinning out of control and of course the God of creation is going to carry out his plans, as Christ initiates the final battle with the forces of evil, John shows us heaven before showing us earth so he will not be frightened by all these future events. And I mean, things are happening, and we re going to be talking about this this week.

Folks, you re out there listening, you don t want to miss any of the programs this week because we re going to bring you some startling things here, believe me. And so here, as we see this, the first voice that sounded like a trumpet blast, of course that was the Lord Jesus himself. And how do we know that? Well, we know that if we just jump right back here to Revelation chapter 1 and we go over to, if I can find it, verse 10, which I ll find it here. It was the spirit of the day s Lord. I was in the spirit on the Lord s day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha, the Omega, the first and the last. What thou seest, write in a book, and send it into the seven churches that are in Asia, unto Ephesus and Smyrna and Pergamos and Thyatira, and into Sardis and into Philadelphia and into Laodicea. And so here, four times in the book of Revelation, John says he was in the spirit. Now, this expression means the Holy Spirit was giving him a vision, showing him situations and events that he could see with mere human eyesight. Now, of course, all true prophecy comes from God through the Holy Spirit.

How do we know that? Well, we find that out if we go over to 2 Peter, chapter 1, well, let s see, I think it s verses 20 and 21. In fact, now here, who are these 24 elders? Well, let s go and it says, In a round about the throne were the twenty-four seats, and on the seats I saw four and twenty elders, sitting clothed in white, remnant, and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings of thunderies and voices, and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. Now, since there were twelve tribes of Israel in the Old Testament and twelve apostles in the New Testament, the twenty-four elders in a vision represent all the redeemed of God. Remember the purpose to bring the Jews and the Gentiles together in Christ.

And here, and that s for all time. So both before and after Christ s death and the resurrection, the symbols here that we see this symbolizes all those Jews and the Gentiles that are now parts of Christ s body here at this time in heaven, okay? And so here, but what is when he looks at the rainbow and he says, and he that s set up on it looked like a jasper stone, and there was a rainbow. Now, the rainbow is mentioned four times in Scripture.

Genesis 9, Ezekiel 1, right here, and in Revelation 10. Now, in all four times, you see, a lot of people don t realize this, and here I have to laugh because LGBTQ, lewd, gross, belligerent, transgressing, queers, the sodomites used the rainbow as their symbol of their independence, but they don t realize. Now, they have six colors in their rainbow, which is the number for man, the number for man. But God s rainbow has seven colors, which is the number for perfection.

Now, again, they don t realize when in Cleveland and at the White House when they fly the sodomite flag, the rainbow flag, when they fly the sodomite flag over the City Hall in Cleveland and at the White House, those fools don t understand they re asking God to judge them. They re asking God to judge them because in all four times it s mentioned in Scripture, it s for one, it s a sign of God s judgment, but also for His mercy, God s judgment and His mercy. Now, this time here, this rainbow in Revelation 4 is different from the other three in the sense that this is the Bemisy judgment. This judgment is for the saints, and the judgment is for their rewards. It s not about their punishment, but the rewards that they re going to receive for what they did in their bodies while they were alive on Earth. And so here, but in other cases, well, starting, say, in Genesis 9, God s judgment upon the Earth, God eliminated approximately eight billion people, but in His mercy, He saved the eight.

And so we see that in the other places. It s always God s judgment and then His mercy. He always shows mercy after judgment. And so here now, I want to move over to one of my favorite passages in all of Scripture, but let me go just a little further here before we do that. Here He says in verse 5, And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices, and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. And so here, in Revelation here, the lighting and thunder are connected with all the events that are going to be happy, the significant events in Heaven. And they remind us of the lightning and thunder, say, at Mount Sinai when God gave the people His laws. Now, the Old Testament also often actually uses this kind of imagery, if you will, to show God s majesty and God s power.

Psalm 77 18 exact. And then here, the seven spirits of God is another name for the Holy Spirit. And here, in fact, just let me jump back here one minute here just to go and read Revelation, if I remember.

Okay, run for, And to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace be unto and peace, from Him which is and which was and which is to come, and from the seven spirits which are before His throne. And so here now, the sevenfold spirit is another name for actually the Holy Spirit. The number seven is used throughout, without the book of Revelations to symbolize perfection and completeness. And again, here we see also there s the seven spirits of God spoken about. And that actually is another whole sermon because we know that the seven spirits of God is the source of all truth.

It s the source of all truth. John 14, verse 6, and John 14, 6, and 17, and 1 John 2, 27. And of course, what we just read, well, and we re going to, as we continue to read here in Revelation, so now I wanted to, I ve got to take another sip of my water.

I ve been doing a lot of preaching today. And Revelation 22, I want to go over to Revelation 22. Now, this is one of my favorite chapters in all the scripture right here, Revelation 22. And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Here, the water of life is a symbol of eternal life. Now, Lord Jesus used that very same image.

Remember when He was spoken to the Samaritan woman at the well? Here, what is it? It pictures the fullness of life with God and it pictures eternal blessings that come when we believe, when we absolutely, positively, completely believe God s Word.

And what will it do? Well, this water He s talking about, well, well, He s talking about a water that will quench your spiritual thirst, too, is what He s referring to. And He goes on to say, In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Well, this tree of life is the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. And Adam and Eve sinned.

They were forbidden to eat from the tree of life because they could not have eternal life as long as they were under sin s control. So because of the forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus, there will be no evil and there will be no sin in this city. We will be able to eat freely from the tree of life. And when sin s control over us is totally, completely and absolutely destroyed.

And so, let s see, this is where you have real eternal security because our security with the Lord will be eternal and absolute. And then here, He s asking here, when He says, In the midst of that of the street on either side of the river, there was the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, yielded her fruit monthly, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. So, why would the nations need to be healed? If all the evil was gone, John is quoting from Ezekiel 47, verse 12, where the water flowing from the temple produces trees and healing leaves. So, he s not implying that there will be illness in the new earth. He s emphasizing that the water of life produces health and strength wherever it goes, is what he s telling you here now. And there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and the servant shall serve him. No more curse.

Do you know what that means, folks? That means there will be no sickness. There will be no pain.

There won t be any cancer. There s definitely not going to be any COVID-19, but even more so, there won t be those killer shots that they re giving people. They re killing people left and right. They re killing people with those bogus, bogus, they re not vaccines at all. They re bioweapons.

Bioweapons and people someday are going to find out. We ve been trying to tell you, for two years, people are dying left and right. The funeral homes are running seven days a week. People are dying from those, NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News. They re all in on it.

They re promoting this. They continue to promote, and many, many people without discernment, those that did not have good discernment, they took the bogus, they took the deadly shots, many of them. Now, there s eight different levels or kinds of those deadly, they call them vaccines, bioweapons. Some of them are really lethal, others are not so lethal, but they re all bad.

They re all bad. That s why there s so much resistance. People with discernment know that, and that s why they refuse to take them. He goes on to say, And there should be no more curse, but the throne of God, and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads, and there shall be no night there.

And they shall need no candle, neither light or the sun, for the Lord their God giveth them light, and they shall reign for ever and ever. And he said unto me, These are the sayings, they re faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent the angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. And I, John, I saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard them and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel, which showed me these things. Then he said unto me, See, thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren and their prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book.

Worship God. Well, here, when he says no more curse again, it means nothing accursed again will be in God s presence. There will be nothing accursed. There will not be any transgenders or any sodomites. There won t be, well, any deathocrats out there that hold to the people that embrace everything that is called sin will not be there.

And we ll see why that is in just a minute as we continue to go through here. And so here, when he says in verse 8, and I saw these things and I heard them, what is he talking about? He says, Well, you know, here, hearing or reading in iOS account is the next best thing to see in the event yourself. So John witnessed these events, and he reported in Revelation and wrote them down as we can see. And believe as he did, if you have read thus far, you have seen.

And that s the thing, have you? You have seen, have you also believed? And then he says this, When I heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things. Then said he unto me, See thou do it not, for I am thy fellow servant of thy brethren and the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book.

Worship God. And so the angel tells John what to do after his vision is over instead of sealing it up with his right which he has written. That s what Daniel did. Remember, Daniel was told to seal up the book.

The book is left open so that all can read it and understand. Daniel s message was sealed because it was not a message for Daniel s time, but the book of Revelation is a message for John s time, and it s equally relevant today. As we know, our Lord s return is, well, imminent, and it could be very close with all of the things that are happening out there, with them changing the DNA in human bodies. There s many, many things that, folks, that I would say that are unmistakable signs of the Lord s, you know, how much will God tolerate?

I m amazed he tolerated this much thus far. And he said unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still. He which is filthy, let him be filthy still. He that is righteous, let him be righteous still. And he that is holy, let him be holy still. And I behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according to as his work should be.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Now blessed are they that do his commandments, and they that have the right to the tree of life, that they may enter through the gates of the city. But then he says this, and this is why I m preaching and continuously preaching on making your salvation sure. Tonight Pastor Hal preached an excellent message on repentance. There are those out there today that preach that repentance is not necessary for salvation, folks.

That could not possibly, possibly, possibly be farther from the truth. Repentance is completely necessary, absolutely necessary for salvation. And again, you know, the Lord Jesus made it extremely clear. In fact, the John the Baptist came preaching repentance.

Repentance is necessary, absolutely necessary for salvation. And then he goes on, and John says, For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whatsoever loveth the make of the lie. Now the dogs here, this is a lot of people misunderstand that, and people will say, Why does God hate dogs? I mean, he created them.

He s not referring to four-legged canines. There s five places in scripture where sodomites, where sodomites, where what they call, what the world out there calls gay people, or what the world out there calls LGBTQ, and I ve given the the lewd, gross, belligerent, transgressing, queer definitions. God s word calls it an abomination, an abomination. See, God doesn t go by public opinion polls. You see, God has set the boundaries, and they don t change a bit. I had a woman one time tell me, she came and she told me, My God, she says, is non-judgmental. My God is tolerant. He accepts people just where they re at. He loves them right where they re at.

He doesn t try to change them. That could not be farther from the truth. When it comes to being judgmental, and when it comes to, again, tolerating sin, let me tell you, there was no man that ever walked the earth that was less tolerant of sin than the Lord Jesus himself. I told this woman, by the way, who had four children, all by four different men, and she had not married any of them. She told me that she was accepted in her church.

She went to United Methodist, is what she said. And so here, folks, this is what he says, For without are dogs. He s talking about homosexuals, sorcerers.

Let me just tell you this. Pharmacia, where you get the word pharma, pharmacy, pharmacia means sorcery. It means witchcraft.

Okay? So God has given us the apothecary. This is what God has given us. He has given us the herbs for the healing of the nation. And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of the lamb.

And the midst of it were of the street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, okay, with 12 men or fruits, and yielded her fruit monthly. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation. So God has given us his herb, his natural herbs and plants for our healing. Now, but big pharma has given you drugs, drugs that are killing people in huge numbers, killing people in huge numbers.

Folks, the world out there, the Deathocratic Communist Party, they're for the drugs. Let me finish this here. And he goes on to say, And I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify unto you that these things in the churches I and the root and the offspring of David and the bright and the morning star, and the spirit and the bride say, Come and let him that heareth say, Come and let him that is a thirst come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book. If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in the book. If any man shall take away from the words of this book of the prophecy, boy, that's where you get the NIV of about 6,500 words taken away. And if any man shall take away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city.

And from the things which are written in this book, he which testify these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. And the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Well, here, we're running out of time for tonight. But I just want to say, as we always say, folks, make your salvation sure. There's nothing, nothing that is so important to you as making your salvation sure. And remember, repentance is absolutely necessary for forgiveness, and forgiveness is absolutely necessary for salvation. And so, you want to make sure, if you have doubts, now, if you have said that sinner's prayer, and if you ask the Lord into your heart, there will be a change in you. There will be a change.

You know, when, when you get born as a baby, immediately after you're born, you start to grow, and you grow. When you grow, when you become a new creature, born again, if it's real, if you're actually born again, you will start to grow, and you will grow in the faith. If, if you have said that, made that so-called sinner's prayer, and there's been no change, and there's been no change, and you, you act the same, you still do the same things, you still have the same old friends, you just said that. And, and sometimes there are people that will do that. They will make, they will say that, just, just to satisfy someone who's given an invitation. I mean, and there are people out there that will, will press, and there, there are people that, it's called body count theology, where they go out and, and they will try to press or, or upon people to, to say the sinner's prayer. They, they, they, they push real hard, and they want to be able to say, well, I got another soul saved today, folks. That's body count theology, okay?

It's got to be real. See, that person has to really repent, and, and all you have to do, preacher, is give them the Word, give them the, the, God's Word, God's truth will work. Okay, well, we are out of time for tonight, so, as we do every night at this time, we say good night, God bless, and always, always keep fighting the fight. Good night. of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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