February 13, 2022 11:07 pm
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Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
Grace To You
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A New Beginning
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Faith And Finance
Rob West
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
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Visit ATD.com slash hyper gig for details. The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast What's Right What's Left is coming up right now.
Coming to you live from Independence Ohio. Changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.
This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.
Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left on this Sunday, February 13th, 2022.
And boy do we have a lot to talk about tonight in this. Now today, well a while back there was a mystery. I received this nice beautiful black robe in the mail.
And here I wondered where did this come from? But then I had remembered that a while before that I had gotten just a letter. And the letter was from a group of pastors that represented themselves as Black Robe Regiment. And that's all they said. They said that they considered me to be a member of the Black Robe Regiment. And they just went by first names and they were, that was it.
Very, not much information, not even a return address. So I thought, well that's nice anyhow. But then I got this black robe and I thought that's where it came from.
But then I found out it wasn't at all. It was one of the members of the congregation, one of our veterans and patriots, a fellow named Harry. Harry was the fellow that brought in that black robe and it was a real mystery until Harry let me know. But anyhow, I wore that black robe today because of the title of the message.
The title of the message was The Black Robe Regiment Marches On. Well here, as we see one by one, we're seeing pastors finally awaken. We're seeing more and more pastors awaken. I praise the good Lord for that small minority that are awakening.
And that's what we're gonna get into tonight as we start here. Now I'm going to be reading from J.T. Headley's The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. In 1778, as the clergy performed the most active and important part of the education of the people of New England for the revolution, as well as strength and encouraged them in the darkest hours by patriotic exhortations and promises of final deliverance unto heaven's richest blessings on them and their posterity for their noble endeavors and their heroic sacrifices. So they rejoiced with them in every success and declared it to be the sign of God's blessing and the person and the precursor of a glorious morning at hand. Thus in 1778, at the turning point of the struggle, directly after we're going overthrow and while the land was still rocking to the enthusiastic rejoicings of the people who believed they saw in it the first gleam of the coming to dawn, Pastor Philip Payson of Chelsea in his sermon before the House of Representatives gave utterance to the universal feeling he took from his text of Galatians 4 26 and 27 and that's where we're gonna start tonight.
We're gonna start with Galatians chapter 4 but we're going to go from 21 all the way through 31. Now Sarah here represents the the free woman and Hagar here represents those that were under the bondage of the law. Hagar hated Hagar hated Sarah and despised her and wanted to take her place and have the the rule over her. Likewise the the Judaizers in Paul's day here persecuted the Gentile believers by insisting that they keep the Jews religion and the keeping of the law. Now the Judaizers represent the bondwoman and they wanted to keep the church under their control and regarded the Gentile believers as second-class believers. The British under King George likewise wanted to keep its subjects in America under its heavy thumb. Taxation without representation the Church of England persecuted the Baptists along with others but the taste of freedom the taste of freedom on the tongues of the Patriots was much too sweet to give up and so let's go here and start in in the 21st verse of Galatians 4. Tell me that desire to be under the law do you not hear the law for it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by a bond maid and the other by a free woman but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from Mount Sinai which gender is to bondage which is agar for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answerth to Jerusalem which is now and in as an in bondage with her children but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all for it is written rejoice thou Baron that bear is not break forth and cry the other travail is not for the desolate hath many more children than she which had a husband now we brother and as Isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so now nevertheless that would say at the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be error with the son of freedom of the free woman so then brethren we are not the children of the bond woman but a free now we are here in America today this or all of those supplies just as as Hagar despised Sarah and wanted to replace her she wanted to take her place even though Sarah was her mistress or not their mistress well her master if you will and here as we saw the in Paul's day the Judaizers and by the way Paul was the the apostle to the Gentiles the Judaizers wanted to force the Gentile believers force them into to under the the bondage of the Jewish religion under the law telling them that that it was more than just faith in Christ you had to have faith in Christ and also at the same time you had to be in compliance with the law which is totally contrary to what the Lord Jesus taught and you can't serve two masters and so here they wanted to keep the church totally under their control and again regard the Gentile believers as a second-class Christians and that's kind of what's happening and again we see that and during the war for revolution and the war of the revolution we saw that that here came George one of the American Patriots to be his subjects and again they were to be ruled by a tyrant and and treated as second-class citizens not not because they were not living there in England but they were again regarded as second-class citizens not quite as good as those that lived there in the British crown who were and so here now today we've got something very similar to that here in America today and our brothers of North and Canada we have we had the so-called woke movement and the woke movement is trying to divide now the mock woke movement is literally made of lesser people and when I mean lesser people I'm talking about where it comes to morality and integrity and honor the woke movement they have no morality integrity or honor literally they'll do anything for power and money they will prostitute themselves and we see the woke movie here in in China is a very good example of this home coca-cola and others even though they the China is a country that is that literally takes Christians and prisoners and uses them to harvest their organs human rights violations tremendous human rights violations but coca-cola and these other companies they put the almighty dollar before anything there's a total dearth no integrity there no integrity at all yeah coke when I I quit drinking coke I used to like coca-cola but I quit drinking it when they came out and woke and and and I guess their coke sales have fallen way way off and they should because it because people when they came out and they made the statement that we white people here need to be less white well here I want to go over to back to the chaplains in the clergy of the revolution and on page 15 we read and this was the appointment of the clergy to the official positions in the Army and Navy under the designation of chaplains and that was a custom of all long-standing and at the present day among Christians a Christian nations well when this was written this was true but not so much now now in our military our military has turned against the chaplains they don't want actual chaplains they look at real Christians in our military as the enemy that's right are here under this what has happened to our our military they become totally illegitimate not the soldiers we've got some of the best soldiers in the world but I'm talking about those at the top of the leadership they have become totally illegitimate and here it would have been natural before Congress as a mere matter of custom and imitation of the of the mother country Britain to appoint chaplains in the American Army they did so the chaplains at the present time for a part of our military organizations and Reika's officers and draw pay like them well they do but our chaplains today in our military today are under a lot of a lot of pressure to really not be chaplains at all the propriety of the custom is recognized by all for the sick and the suffering and the dying and the need of spiritual advisors as much as they do hospitals and surgeons but I do not design to speak of the office exclusively or those who simply discharge its duties faithfully a vast number were appointed more for their outside general influence than because they were earnest self-denying ministers of God not that they were greatly esteemed not that they were not greatly esteemed and valued in this respect but they were bold an act of Patriots besides stirring up rebellion encouraging the weak in the timid by their example as well by their teachings and inspired inspiring the brave and true with confidence and by their heroism and lofty trust in the righteousness of the cause they've indicated it is with this class of chaplains and clergy that I have chiefly to do and of course we're talking about the black-robed regiment of the revolution a chaplain when taken prisoners usually treated with great courtesy and consideration but there was a class of clergymen and chaplains in the revolution whom the British when they once laid hands on them treated them with most barbarous severity this is this as we could say would be exactly what would happen today in America and we've seen it happen in Canada during the job Amma regime again they will go after pastors chaplains are are looked upon by the job Amma regime is the enemy dreading them for their influence they wielded and hating them hating them for the absence obstincy courage and enthusiasm they infused into the rebels they violated all the urges of war among civilized nations in order to inflict punishment upon them suffering for their patriotism as these clergy did and expecting a halter if the colony should fail and their effort to obtain freedom they deserve to be remembered with honor and have their names go down to immortality linked with the most important struggle in there in the world's history in the first gathering of the yeoman area at Lexington and Concord as well as afterwards in the miscellaneous enthusiastic assembly of the army around Bunker Hill they bore an important part not merely as servants of God in the discharge of their official duties but as Patriots haranguing the soldiers and even leading them into the conflict the British were aware of the tremendous influence the clergy welded in the colonies and saw them with alarm that it was thrown on the site of the rebellion indeed they were accused of being at the bottom of it and in 1774 the governor of Massachusetts refused the request of the assembly to appoint a fast for he said the request was only to give an opportunity for his addition to flow from the pulpit isn't that exactly what what they accused the Patriots here and there were many many pastors out there and on January 6 of 21 there were a lot of pastors out there and isn't that exactly what the Antichrist with the the job obama Antichrist regime the deep state regime accused the Patriots of on that January 6 and so here the taking away of the civil liberty well let me go back for he said the the request was only to give an opportunity for says it for sedition to flow from the pulpit the taking away of civil liberty wrote the ministers of Connecticut to their brethren of Boston will involve the ruin of religious liberty bear your heavy load with Christian fortitude and resolution the answer came back while we complained to heaven and earth of the cruel oppression we are under we inscribe righteousness to God the surprising union of the colonies afterwards encouragement it is an inexhaustible source of comfort that the Lord omnipotent reigneth as before hostilities commenced there was scarcely a military muster at which they were not present exhorting the militia to stand up manfully for the cause of God on some occasions saying behold God himself is with us for our captain and his priests with sounding trumpets to carry the alarm it was to be expected when war usually broke out they would be found in the ranks of the rebels urging forward what they had so long proclaimed as a religious duty the first outbreak at Lexington and Concord gave them no opportunity to exhibit their zeal officially and so some shoulder their muskets have fought like common soldiers among these were Baxter of the Westford and Foster who showed that they could fight as well as pray there too was the amitable unlearned patient of Chelsea he was so adverse to bloodshed and all the horrors of war that he had felt in his duty to preach patience and even submission his boulder and more resolute brother near him took such umbrage at this that they refused to let him preach in their pulpits they want to know conciliatory doctrines taught to their people the brutal outrage at Lexington transformed this peaceful scholar and make divine into a fiery intrepid soldier and seizing a must musket he put himself at the head of the party and led them forward to the attack the gentle voice that had so long spoken only of words of peace suddenly wrong like that of a prophet of old the body of British soldiers advancing along the road he poured into them with such a destructive volley that the whole were slain or taken prisoner he was a man of peace and cuts and conciliation but the first citizens blood the crit crimson to the green sward made a clean sweep of all his arguments and objections and he entered with his whole soul into the struggle at a later day when Washington assumed command of the army at Cambridge he found chaplains attached to the different regiments up from from the various colonies some of them volunteers without pay others regularly were appointed by the provincial Congress as the origin organization of the army was perfected measures were adopted for their provision by the general Congress and their number and the regiments to which they belong formed a part of the regular army returns of Washington at first they were not numerous as the government had taken no action on the subject but its attention was soon called to it and on May 25th 1775 we find a committee of the provincial Congress of Massachusetts reporting whereas it has been represented to this Congress that several ministers of the religious assembly within this colony have expressed their willingness to attend the army in the capacity of chaplains as they may be directed by the Congress therefore resolved that it be and is hereby recommended to the ministers of the several religious assemblies within the colony that they leave other congregations and attend said army in their several towns to the number of 13 at one time during the time the army should be encamped and they that make known their resolution to the Congress therein or to the committee of safety as soon as it may be now in the very beginning folks when Washington first assembled his army he had a total of 500 men and with 500 men George Washington was about to take on the British 50,000 men army now let me tell you something here Washington knew something he knew this that God was on the side of freedom God was on the side of freedom and God is a majority of one now just as the the clergy of the revolution were feared and hated by the tyrants today this very day and we've seen what just recently happened there in Canada the true men of God and the true men of God today in the pulpits and the chaplains are a real minority among the majority of you well you have a majority of get along go along tuck tail and and compromise prissy preachers and real pastors today and real chaplains real clergy they are hated and they are feared by the tyrants of today we the people of this United States of America and our neighbors to the north in Canada will never never bow down to the tyranny of the Antichrist deathocratic communist oppressors we will never ever except baby killing because it's legal today you have you have these worthless and I mean absolutely totally worthless preachers that tell you well you know it's the law and you have to obey the law and the reason they say that is they don't have the courage and the honor and the decency and the integrity to stand up like men and obey God no the easiest way right now is just to kind of go along keep your head down and make sure that your 501 c3 is not taken away stay as comfortable as you possibly can don't do anything to offend the offering plate unfortunately that's what you have by these milk toast spineless preachers out there today and you know why while I'm at it too well I'm gonna go ahead and read a little bit more of this and then I'm gonna comment we will never never never except the killing of the elderly in nursing homes so that crooked judges corrupted prosecutors and nursing home operators can steal their estates and that is happening so often today in America it's a it's a national crime a disgrace how many elderly people are losing their properties and it seems like there's a tendency that once the nursing home has the elderly to sign over their property then the elderly suddenly end up sick and dead but we will never accept the genocide of America at the hands of a completely corrupt government run by mad fiendish so-called scientists and corrupt politicians and big pharma those of us who truly trust in God and what he has given us for our healing the herbs the natural herbs of the apothecary we will never trust the sorcery and wizardry of big pharma and their cauldrons we will never ever surrender to their depopulation genocide by bioweapon and let me just say this folks God has given us listen not that I want you to just think about that God has given us the natural earth God says here this is what you have this is what I have given you for the healing of the nation but big pharma and by the way again the apothecary the Bible speaks up is where God's medicine is made out of natural herbs but pharmac here is where we get the word pharmacy literally means wizardry or witchcraft and so most people today are going there and they're not getting medicine that will cure anything well folks all it does when they say they're going to treat the disease and more people dying more people are dying all over this country over 250,000 a year die from prescription drugs alone add that to fentanyl add that to fentanyl and people are dying left to right but they're not smart people aren't smart they continue to go back to big pharma they continue to go to these drug these pill pushers these pill peddlers instead of using what God has given them smart people will go the natural way let me and speaking of that Wendy Wilson and the apothecary herbs is having a sale right now all the way through Wednesday all the way through Wednesday and folks what you really need to do is stock up on natural medicine stock up on natural Wendy's got some of the best medicine natural medicine no remember when I was telling you this cough I had this cough many of you have been listening to me for a long time no for about six weeks I had this constant coffin and I was positive it had to do with what they were using to clean the the headsets and in the studio and I still think that has a lot to do with it but Wendy said what you've got is a COVID cough she diagnosed it very well for me and she said I'm gonna make you up some medicine here I I tease her and call it a potion and she said it'll within 10 days to two weeks it will it will do away the cough will be gone well she was exactly right on the 14th day the cough was gone and so I've been using her her natural herbs for a long time and I'll just give you the phone number that's all I'm gonna do her number is 8 6 6 2 2 9 3 6 6 3 and okay I know right now a lot of people are saying gee I didn't have a pen I wish I had a pen go get your pen and paper okay and also you can go upon the internet to the power herbs calm the power herbs calm but their phone number is 8 6 6 2 2 9 3 6 6 3 I would call and say send me your catalog you really want this catalog folks you really do well here as we continue we will not we will not accept the bluestep of the fake news media and you say what's the bluestep it's what they call the bluestep is when they are told here is your narrative and that word narrative really means lie I'm talking about NBC ABC CBS and you know what one half of Fox News is on that too folks and here when they tell you it's called the bluestep they're a part of that and and I've told you before these these people are literally contracted liars they're contracted liars and what happens is they're told when you sign that contract that you are going to put forth whatever the narrative now that's what they call for a lie whatever whatever the narrative they don't use the word lie they use the word narrative whatever lie we tell you to tell you're going to tell that lie and if you don't tell that lie and then you're fired no those that couldn't take it anymore we're fired now this is where we call the echo chamber and you see this how they repeat exactly the same words and if you remember after they stole the election and they stole the election there was election fraud like we've never had just as we warned you there would be and anyone and everyone that says there's not so liar and there's no truth in them we and I challenge any of them to come on my program but they won't they won't and and debate me on it and the reason is simply they know that they're lying the evidence of the you know the evidence of election fraud it was everywhere out there and so here we will never never accept the echo chamber we will never accept the child abuse of the woke PC public full system I can tell you this people are telling me that how here they're complaining and I was just listening to some mothers and the mothers were really upset complaining that their children had to wear masks in the school look if you love your children get them out of there you shouldn't put them in the public full system why in the world are you putting them there where they're abusing your children you say I can't afford you can't afford not to listen you can't afford not to you're better to keep them home all together they indoctrinate them with cultural Marxism they they tell them number one they they turn them against you if you're they're told in the public full system if you're a little white child you should be ashamed of the fact that you're white they make them put on these face diapers and here they're these these germ-filled unsanitary face hiders so many young way many way more way more children committed suicide died of suicide than ever died of the COVID and you have your children in the public full system get them out of there now as quickly as you can don't let them destroy your child we will not alert our children to be indoctrinated by pedophiles into accepting sodomy and transgender filth no we will not we will not allow our children to be indoctrinated by pedophiles into accepting sodomy and transgender filth and that's just what it is we will not accept the killing of our young military under the guise of legitimate vaccinations these are not legitimate vaccinations again China boasts how it killed is killing American soldiers without firing a shot folks they're dying these athletes and soldiers they're dying they're dying many are dying from these bio weapons that they call vaccines and now they want to give them to six-month-old babies they want to kill off the children and we played you that clip time and time again we played it on this program where the head of the World Health Organization he comes out and he's chastising the different nations for using the bio weapon on children and he's saying don't kill the children don't kill the children kill this old the elderly and the sick kill the elderly and the sick don't kill the children what is it is telling you something we will not accept the killing of our police officers just to satisfy the lust of the Antichrist death of Kratz folks it's open season on police officers out there why well remember Joe Obama to Obama when he said well I never I wasn't for defunding the police he lied he lied through his teeth it because I remember hearing him saying what we're going to do is take a good portion of that money instead of being used as police work we're going to take from the police budget and give to socialist workers folks that's called defunding the police the police are told to stand down the police are told to go out and protect the lives and property of those very Antichrist communists that hate them and hate law and order and yet they go out and they risk their lives to protect those very ones we will never no not ever surrender our firearms or a Second Amendment rights right here in Ohio there are two bills right now in the House and Senate that would give us they've been passed through the committee if we could only get them to the floor for a vote and it's the rhinos the rhinos that are holding them up but those would give us constitutional carry Constitution carry see that's what we have we have the Constitution one day I had two judges over here in my house and we were sitting there in the kitchen and we were talking and I noticed both these fellows were carrying and I said hey you guys got you got cos you got the concealed carry they said no I said that you don't they said no and I says well then why is it that I I have to have if I'm going to carry that concealed they said we have the Constitution I said well don't I have a constitution they said you're not a judge in other words the idea was if they were to get stopped by police they would tell him look here's here's the law and they would be right because the Constitution gives us the right it doesn't say that we have to go and register and tell the people we have a firearm so that if the Communist Party of the Antichrist Communist Party were to completely seize power that they could come and say you were registered that you have a firearm you've got to turn it in we don't want you to have the ability to protect yourself against this corrupt government the founding fathers knew that as Jefferson said when people fear the government you have tyranny when the government fears the people you have Liberty we will never know we will never ever accept critical race theory or the cancel culture we will not be silenced or give up our First Amendment rights to Joe Obama or any other aspiring dictator by the way folks in the election fraud the very same people involved in the massive massive election fraud in this country were also involved in the election fraud in Canada that's right Trudeau is no more legitimate president then Joe Obama is here in America and you know when we were talking about the narrative again I remember not only when the echo chamber went to effect and I remember watching here Brett bear moves it started out with little Chrissy Wallace and when they talked about lecture fraud he was like that he did that he up and then he says there's no evidence but then as we took a look at we saw all the way down the line Smith and I guess her name's not Susan it's something else Smith but I remember she did exactly the same thing she did you know that that was a part of the the light to do that I mean it was just so rehearsed no there's no evidence red bear there's no evidence Neil Kabuto there's no evidence that's a fox news now you expected we saw all of that ok with mad cow and and the others over there PMS NBC and CNN and ABC and you expected that a dog returns to its vomit and a sow to her mire but a fox news they said no no we're we're not that way you see over here we're not partial we're impartial but but they're not you had one half of them look you and they did exactly they told the big lie now you all know that it is time that you all let them know that you know that we will we Americans will die on our feet before we will live on our knees we will die on our feet before we live on our knees freedom folks what good is liberty if you can't be well what good is life I should say what good is life without liberty and so I want to go over to Romans chapter 8 here in a Romans chapter 8 we read this starting with verse 35 through all the way through verse 39 who shall separate us from the love of Christ cell tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted a sheep for the slaughter nay and all these things we are more we are more than conquerors more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of Christ which is in Christ Jesus and here folks you have to see that Paul goes to first of all he says we're more than conquerors you have to understand God is a majority of one God is a majority of one he's never lost a battle God has never lost a battle and in fact over 6,000 years of history we find out that God has a perfect record of always saying what he means meaning what he said doing what he says he'll do exactly when exactly where exactly how without exception without exception but the vast majority of people out there are clueless because they they're they're biblically illiterate and they don't understand that this this Bible this King James Bible is the greatest history book that's ever been written it's the only book the only source of absolute truth an absolute authority they were amazed at the Lord Jesus when they they said when he speaks he speaks with authority well they can do that like he said heaven and earth will pass but his words his words will never know not ever ever pass away and here now the Apostle Paul says look here we're more than conquerors through him and Paul says this for I am persuaded that neither death nor life do you understand what he's saying he's taking you to the very realm of death nothing in all of death can separate us from the love of God meaning take away our salvation meaning take away our salvation then he takes you to the very realm of life itself and he tells you out there in all of life in all of life out there there's nothing out there nothing they can separate us from love of God that could cause us to lose our salvation and then he says nor angels there's nothing out there even the power of the angels and well them there's the angels are powerful beings but they cannot the angels have no power to take away our salvation nor principalities nor powers and so what's he talking about he's talking about those to be you know it's an interesting thing that were principalities usually means on the local level magistrates magistrates he's talking about maybe your local judge your local prosecutor County Commissioner and then he's talking about the powers those are higher levels those can it could be state or national but there's none of them that in any way shape or form have the ability to take away our salvation meaning this that it's gonna end well it's going to end well for all of those that have put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ it will end well for them but not so well for the opposition and then he says here nor things present nor things to come in other words there's nothing out there in the past there's nothing in the present and odd things in the future nothing at all it takes to the very realm past present future and there's nothing nothing out there at all that can take away your salvation now you see this is what he's talking about being more than a conqueror more than a conqueror you see even even conquerors even great kings that win wars could lose the next war but we can't when this war is over we've won forever we can't we can never lose another war we can never lose another battle it won't happen see God has said that he goes on to say nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord but I'll tell you what that's good enough for me and I want to go run out of 1st John chapter 5 in 1st John chapter 5 and while I'm telling you I'm just about ready to run out of voice for tonight but in 1st John chapter 5 verses 4 & 5 we read this for whatsoever is born of God over cometh the world and this is the victory that over cometh the world even our faith who is he that over cometh the world but he that to believe it that Jesus is the Son of God and so here Jesus never promised that obeying him would be easy not at all no in fact he told us just the opposite didn't he hard work however it can be rewarding if we if we continue to value its results here when we take a look at that when it says for whatsoever is born of God over cometh the world folks that there's no stuttering there's no stuttering there now all throughout all of recorded history throughout all of over 6,000 years of recorded history tells us that God again has always done exactly what he says and has always said exactly what he means and always means exactly what he says there is no reason there is no reason folks not a bit of reason at all to think that that's that we're going to change again and I wanted to say for those that put your trust in their faith and the Lord Jesus Christ this whole things and I know I know we're living in times today tumultuous times and where people are there's a lot of people worried and and we're entering into a new age of these biometrics there's some insane things happening out there today with our corrupted government the military's around the world her they are crossing bounds and they're working and things that they should never work on by gene splicing and using the DNA and genes of animals and humans are trying to produce by the way with this whole thing that they're doing now because because of the in RMA by a weapon that changes the molecular structure of the human body that changes the DNA now they're saying well since that has happened those that have taken the poisonous poke and have had their their DNA changed then they're no longer human therefore should they be considered the property of those that hold the patents I'm not kidding you this is actually being discussed right now this is this is how strange did you know it has become and where we're at today in this country but the good news folks listen and this this the good news is this is another sign of the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ another sign that that return has to be getting close because the last time anything anything like this was done that could be compared to was back in the days of Noah and the flood and folks again like I said this I believe is a signal of a very soon imminent return of the Lord Jesus because they have they have crossed the bounds that God has set for them and now they have God has kept a mankind for himself as his Dominion and now they've transgressed that in a huge huge way but anyhow the good news it finishes well for those that have put their trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ it finishes with them with eternal life with those that have not those that have not and if you're out there listening to me tonight I'm gonna tell you the Lord will give you so many opportunities and if you've heard the gospel preached and you've heard the invitation and you've turned it down even this very very night even this very night all over this world they're gonna be million I mean many many people are gonna run out of tomorrows I'm hoping you're not one of them if you're listening to me out there I'm hoping you're not go to the Gospel of John chapter 3 he says pray to the Father ask for forgiveness of your sin ask the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life all of your life without any reservations and if you'll do that then you will become a new creature a born-again believer and dwelt with the Holy Spirit you have God's Word on that you have God's Word on that if you haven't done that right now if you're listening to me and you have not made that commitment well you're like walking on a tightrope over a burning lake of fire they could if it breaks tonight at any time people are dropping dead all over the world from the poisonous poke I mean just dropping dead without ever a chance to repent call by the name of the Lord and ask for forgiveness they're dying so quickly well we're out of time for tonight and so and to all of you out there I want to say as we do it this time good night God bless and always always always keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at www.wrwl.org please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content
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