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MON HR1 120621

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2021 11:07 pm

MON HR1 120621

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 6, 2021 11:07 pm

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders, and indeed, this is the voice of the Christian Resistance now on the sixth day of December. I'm not hearing too well out of the one side of my earphones here, but anyhow, on the sixth day of December, Monday, 2021, and we have there on the Lord of the Board tonight, the mighty Andrew. Good evening, Pastor, and everyone else.

Okay. And we have from way out yonder in Missouri, Pastor Joe Larson. Yes, that highly unpaid professional assistant is here and ready to go to work.

Well, we're going to put you to work, Joe. We have some prayer requests, but before we get into these prayer requests, I want to just give condolences to the family and friends of my old friend, my long, long, long time friend, and that's Ed Corsi. Edward Corsi was a patriot.

He was always standing up for the rights of the people against corrupt government. He was a really big Second Amendment man, and like I said, Ed was also a very, very ardent pro-lifer. He, for years, he would come out with me to the abortion mills, and as I would go out and preach, he would also go and preach to the people, try to save babies for a number of years, and Ed was a naturopath.

He helped a lot of people find cures for, uh, their problems and that, and just by pointing them to natural medicines, to natural medicines and that, and Ed, I know, had had a long time problem with a sinus infection and things, and he was battling, and I know that the doctors were, uh, beside themselves trying to figure out what was causing his problem, and, uh, he died of a blood clot, and that's all I know. I don't know blood clot to wear, but he died today of a blood clot, and so, uh, he left behind, uh, my dear, dear, dear friend, a wonderful, godly lady, Marissa, Marissa, her wife, he called her Marissa, and everybody else called her Marissa, uh, his daughter Heather and his son Edward, and so our most, most, most sincere condolences go to the family of Ed, his sisters also that he left behind, and, and his dear friends, and I know he's, he's already missed, and we'll let you folks know more about when the funeral is going to be and where it's going to be, and then, uh, I have a dear friend, Joe Zumo, Joe's been in the hospital, he's very, very, very ill, and again, this is the time when we're calling on people out there, because, again, folks, uh, you know, every day, every day in the mail, we get hundreds and hundreds of requests for prayer, and we take them, and every Thursday morning we meet, and we spend hours there lifting up you folks out there that send us in your requests and prayer, and we appreciate it, and I, I need for all of you that do that, and everybody else that's listening also to join with us as we, we pray for these people, we're going to start with Joe Zumo, um, Joe is very ill, he's a long time friend, an avid pro-lifer, uh, a good solid Christian man, a member of Doers of the Word, even though he hasn't been able to, uh, attend for a long, long time, and so we would ask, Lord, or ask you folks out there to join us, uh, in prayer for Joe as we pray for him, and let's pray, Heavenly Father, Lord God, we just want to hold our brother up, and ask Father God, Lord, that you would touch him, Lord, and, Lord, take away the pain, he's been in so much pain, Lord, take away the pain, give him some relief of pain, and he, Joe wonders why, why, why is, has he become like Job, why, why is it in, well, Heavenly Father, I don't know why, but I do know that all you have to do is touch him, and heal him, and as long as I've known him, he's been a good, godly brother, so we would ask that you would do that, Lord, that you would touch him, heal him, take away the pain, and also, Brother Todd, too, Brother Todd, who I haven't heard from, Todd, if you're listening out there, since you called us, I know you were in the hospital, but I don't know which hospital, and I know that you said you had lost the use of your legs, but I don't know, and I don't have a number to call you, so you'd have to call us back if you can hear us tonight, but, Lord, I want to pray the same message for Todd, Lord, that, that you would touch Todd, take away the pain, restore his, his feelings to his legs, and, and, Lord, that you might give him a total and complete healing. Joe, there's a lady, her name is Edna Heimerman, Edna Heimerman, and she has asked for prayer, she has a headache, she has lung nodules, she has a kidney stone, and she has severe digestive problems, and he, she would ask if you would pray for her.

Sure would, I'd love to. Dear Lord, Edna is just a name that I've heard first time tonight, but the beautiful, beautiful thing is, Lord, you know everything about Edna, you knew that she was going to be created, you know everything about her, there's nothing I need to tell you that you don't know, but we know that as she's complaining with headaches and pain and the other symptoms that her body's going through, Lord, that she is suffering, she is, she's like the rest of us, frightened, when she continues to have things that they can't fix or stop, and Lord, we just would lift her up to you for a blessing that you would just reach down and bless her with healing, that you would comfort her, that you would relieve pain, that you would, if, you know, if it be thy will, we're always to ask that, sometimes you're calling a child home, and, but we don't know, so Lord, we would just ask that she would be able to testify to her miraculous healing, and that you would just bless her in every way possible, Father, and we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen, thank you.

Joe, the title of the message, you remember? YEAH, GOD SAID, AND IT IS WRITTEN. Okay, we're going to start in Genesis, chapter 3, why don't you read us verses 1-7.

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, YEAH, God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. All right, so when we take a look at this, we see a couple of things here. First of all, today, you know, could have Eve resisted temptation? Today we know what? Does God always give us, does God give us the ability to resist temptation today, Joe? Yes, he does. One of the things he tells us, which is contrary to a soldier's nature, is to flee.

When you're overly tempted, you're to turn and flee, to get away from the temptation. All right, but now the question is how well, first of all, we know that Adam had never seen another human being. Adam had never seen another human being. We know that Eve, and Eve, had never seen any other human being besides Adam, you know, and Satan himself had not ever seen any other human beings other than Adam and Eve, right? And so now, but we do know that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, and so that there had to be a fellowship there.

Right, because they walked with him daily and talked. It was like we're supposed to have as Christians a personal relationship, right? Yeah, we are, but let me ask you this, how long was it, how long was it since after God had put Adam and Eve in the garden, how long was Satan there and watching and peering and looking for a weakness before he moved?

You know, I don't know. Well that's a good reason for that because the Bible doesn't really tell you that, but we always have a, we have a tendency to think, you know, on things and, you know, in relation to the lives, we live fast lives, everything happens quickly, instant, but Satan could have been for years, he could have been sitting in there because Adam and Eve both had, you know, they had a very, very large intellect, okay, an extreme intellect, you know, God, these are prototypes, God gave them, you know, Adam to name all of the animals within itself, and of course, you know, that Satan had the greatest intellect of any, God had created him the smartest creation and the most beautiful creation. So here now, so we've got these things, he may have been, Satan may have been looking for years and watching and waiting to see if he could find the weakness before he moved in. Remember, time, you know, time really had no, he had all the time in the world, didn't he? Literally. Well, Adam and Eve were made eternal, weren't they?

Yeah. So here, when he moves, he finds, he finds in the weakness, he finds Eve's weakness was discernment. How do we know that? Well, because of the way he went after her, he shall not surely die, discerning right and wrong, discerning truth, Satan manipulated her and she didn't discern the manipulation.

Well, that's true, but we also know that because the Apostle Paul tells us that over in 1 Timothy chapter 1. He tells us that, yeah, he tells us that, you know, that was because of the woman, because of that, that's where the enemy attacks women is in the area of discernment, and that's why women were not to be pastors of the churches, ordained ministers, pastors of the churches. So he found her weakness, and her weakness was discernment, and it took him a while. Now here, remember, Eve was the most beautiful woman ever created.

She was a prototype. She was the most beautiful woman. Now here, the most beautiful creature, according to Ezekiel chapter 28, that was ever created was Lucifer. Right.

And so even his vesture was made out of diamonds and rubies and precious stones. So what would attract the second most beautiful creature more than anything else? The first most beautiful creature.

Correct. So, so we see this now, now people often, they get a picture of Satan, they see these pictures, you see painted, and here you got this serpent wrapped around a tree, and the tree's got apples on it. We don't know what kind of fruit it was, but we do know that Satan was not in the form of a snake. We know that it wasn't until Genesis 3 that God made him crawl in his belly, but to then he was a beautiful creature. Now God made man in his image, obviously, he probably, Satan was probably, I know that all the images of angels, when they appear to men, they appear as men. And so Satan probably appeared as this very handsome fellow that would attract Eve. Now then we got to find Adam's weakness. Now here Adam had the job of, it's a little easier to really find, because it's right there in Genesis 3.17, and he was saying, this is the woman you gave me, kind of, and because, you know, he listened to the voice of his wife, it was his pride, Lord you gave me this woman, and so I, you know, his weakness is what did him in. Well yeah, well his pride was his weakness, but in this situation, here, now look, you were just given the task of naming all of these animals.

You had duck-billed platypuses, you had porcupines, you had hippopotamuses, right? God says, God says, I got to find you a mate. Adam was probably sitting there looking at a female gorilla, thinking, no, no, no, you know. But so now all of a sudden, God puts the big sleeve on Adam, Adam wakes up, finds out he's missing a rib, and this is the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes on, there, okay. Do you think he was completely, completely taken in by her beauty?

Yeah, I would think, you know, first thing, first creation, yeah. Nothing to compare it to, no judgments, and she would have been beautiful, no flaws, so I mean, there would have been nothing keeping him from reacting as a man. Joe, if you were a woman, do you think you'd be a pretty one? No. Like, I didn't want to lay that on you, just something.

I don't even want to picture you, you're going to give me nightmares. That's definitely enough to make you sick, and I remember that time that young, smart old girl called in on a radio program, and she was talking in a sexy voice, and we were talking about this, how Adam and Eve was, they were naked, they didn't know that they were naked, and then she calls up and says, I'd like to see you naked, and I says, well, let me tell you this, young woman, I've seen me naked and it almost makes me sick, and that's all we needed to say, but there, it's an amazing thing, but anyhow, so now here, you go ahead, and we see this now, but Satan says to her, yea, now listen, have God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden, now in other words, what was the intent with those words that he did, he tried to put some doubt, and doubt in what, doubt in, well, about God's, about God's goodness, well, well, you would have to say about his goodness, you know, have God said, he's either good or he's evil, right, and so, you shall not eat of every tree, and the woman said yes unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst, God himself shall not, now did God ever tell Eve not to eat of the fruit, no he didn't, he told Adam, Adam was the one that told that to Eve, ok, and so, remember, you go on back, and, cause Eve wasn't there yet, ok, and so, yea he did, and so, well, here's what it says, the Lord God said, took the man and put him in the garden of Eden, and dressed and keep it, the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil, thou shall not eat of it, for in the day thou eatest, ok, so this is what, well maybe, maybe Adam told Eve, well, but Adam wouldn't have done that yet, because that would have been an untruth, right, if he'd have told Eve, so here, Eve is in the presence of the tempter, and all of us already, she is being beguiled, and already, she's told a fib, a lie, right out of the chute, because God never told her she couldn't touch it, and so now here, what do we know about some of the things about Adam, Adam was the first zoologist, you know that, he was the first zoologist, he was the first landscaper and architect, he was the father of the human race, well, he was the first person to ever be made in the image of God, and the first human to share an intimate personal relationship with God, wasn't he? Yeah, definitely, there was no one else there. Ok, now what was one of his weaknesses, you just hit on one of his weaknesses, and that was what? His pride.

Well, he didn't take. I mean, he was the head of the garden, he was naming all the animals, I mean, he had authority, he had responsibility, he was, I guess you'd say, proud of his position. Well did he accept the responsibility, what did he say, hey God, it's that woman you gave me, I was doing good, I was doing good here, I had the lions and the tigers, I was doing good, but that woman you gave me, that woman you gave me, she's the one that got me in all this trouble, God, you gave me that woman.

She gave me the fruit, but he was there, because what did it say, and gave also under her husband with her, so he was with her when this took place, in verse 6. How much authority did he have in that garden? Total authority, for what God, you know, did forbid. God had given him total authority, did he have the authority to take the head off the serpent?

Yes. And who knew that better than anybody? If he thought the serpent was doing something evil or harming the garden or those in it, yeah. Is that why the serpent didn't go to him? Because the serpent knew that he had the authority, and Adam was not going to be, you know, the serpent was not going to appear beautiful to Adam, okay, you know, but now by this time the serpent had, Satan had figured out the nature of the woman, okay, you know, diamonds and rubies and all of these things, even in his vesture, right? And so now, so Adam's weakness was, he didn't accept responsibility, he should have, if he had been responsible right from the beginning, knowing God, he would have taken the head off the serpent and he would have said to Eve, get back to the kitchen and go do your go do your job, huh?

But he didn't. Now, is there a problem today with men who don't take the headship of their house, men who are henpecked, they allow their wives to rule them? Do we see that? I've seen a lot of that in this world, yeah. Okay. Now do we see that? I mean, men can be totally equal and make all decisions together, and that's not, in a lot of things you're supposed to, but on things that involve headship and faith and God, the man is responsible.

Okay. What famous couple in the Bible exudes that? How about Ahab and Jezebel?

Yeah, I guess it wasn't the way I was thinking it, but yeah, you're right. Ahab and Jezebel. Now, what modern day couple, okay, reflect that, mirror that?

Bill and Hillary. Exactly. Exactly.

They couldn't mirror it anymore, could they? No. Okay. All right, so here, Eve now, Eve was the first woman, not only the first woman, but the first woman to ever give birth, huh? She was the very first mother. She was the mother of all humanity, huh?

She certainly was, mother of all. So we're up against a break. We'll be back right after this one more.

Don't go away. About what the government is doing and what Pfizer is doing, and this amazing global coordinated propaganda campaign, which includes the direct hunting of physicians. It's a script that's used again and again and again to try to delegitimize and damage the ability of physicians who are administering early life-saving treatment. And it's happening all over the world. It's a standard cookbook approach that's being done.

Remember, I'm traveling quite a bit now and I'm podcasting to every nook and cranny it seems like. And they've got this, there's this coordinated practice of third parties, not patients typically, filing complaints with physician licensing boards that triggers, and usually remember physician licensing boards are handling things like, oh, the doctor gets drunk too much or he's abusing drugs or he has some personal problem with his sex life or, you know, that kind of stuff. And if you look on most medical boards, you see that kind of traffic and they have to review those cases and, you know, there's a complaint about malpractice or something and they have to review those and typically they'll reprimand a doc and say, oh, you have to get some training and maybe you're suspended for three months or that kind of, this is totally different. This is third parties, not patients making complaints against physicians. Often they're associated with big hospital chains in a local area and the physician is practicing medicine where he's administering life-saving therapy that's keeping people out of the hospital and they get these attacks and then the boards are obligated to investigate the claims, then that is pushed in the press as Dr. X is now under investigation for administering, you know, or doing or saying, I mean, it's also thought crimes, right? You can be accused of thought crimes involving raising concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines and that triggers these kinds of things and it's out in the press. Then the hospital says, oh, Dr. X, you're too controversial, you're going to have to leave or the practice manager, you know, essentially the senior physician in the practice says, no, I'm sorry, you're hurting our business, you have to leave. So basically the doc is stripped from his practice, stripped from his employment, not able to, you know, practice in the same way. Now what's happening again and again with these docs is they know they haven't done anything right. They know that they're saving patients' lives. There's a fascinating interview of Harvey Rish in the ETHPOC Times that just hit the street yesterday, you know, Yale senior, full professor Yale epidemiologist saying flat out ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine absolutely work, it's saved thousands of lives, it's been used in hundreds of thousands of patients and this is a coordinated attack on the use of early treatment and those agents that's being managed by some third party that seems to have a financial interest in doing so. And then you can read Bobby Kennedy's book and see the clear documentation about how this has been engineered by Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright, or you can see the video clip that Zeb Zalenko put together. Zeb is the guy that originally wrote the letter to Donald Trump about hydroxychloroquine that got Trump so excited about HCQ and got Hatfill and that crew to start buying the drug and making it available and then Rick Bright basically conspired with Janet Woodcock to countermand the president's orders and make it so that these drugs would not be available for physicians to administer outside of the hospital.

I mean, the stuff that's gone on is going to fill the history books for decades and decades and decades. Okay, do you know who that was? Joe? It sounds like Dr. Malone. That was Dr. Robert Malone. Do you know what he's known for? He is the one who was the, he didn't invent RNA, but he invented using the RNA as a medical force to make vaccines. And do you know what he said about it? He said it is a bio-weapon, it is a bio-weapon, it is not, you know, don't use it, it will kill you, it's a weapon, it's a biological weapon.

And here's the guy to put it together, right? Right. Well, he also made it quite clear that when he invented this process that it was to be a basis for long-term experiment working toward being able to make medicines that would be helpful to people, but he was saying this quick jump that they did was not scientific, was not correct, was dangerous, didn't follow the protocols in that kind of medicine, and that was the first reason he was against it. It wasn't done correctly, it wasn't proven safe, and that upset him because he's a conscientious physician.

Well, what he said, when he came out, he said 500,000 people that died didn't have to die, and it was because the Fauci in the gang made it very sure that they could not get hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or coheser, well, you could still get that on some shelves, but people didn't know about it. And so they did everything they could to keep you from getting that. And so, and like he was saying, you know, there's several, a number of doctors that said, you know what, we're not going to betray our patients. And this is why your hospitals right now have lost so much credibility. People don't want to go to the hospital anymore. They look at the hospital like they look at the FBI or some of these others that are, they've been corrupted, they've been totally corrupted, and so they don't even want to go there anymore. And so many of these doctors have not had the integrity to stand up, they bowed down rather than lose their job, they found ways to try to justify, and I talked, and I just talked to two MDs, and you know, it's an interesting thing, Joe, when you're talking about this, they break off eye contact. And so that tells you a little something right there, but you know, they say, well, you know, there is propaganda coming from the other side. In other words, from front line doctors and these others, they're exaggerating things.

No, maybe there is. Well, they're calling it propaganda, but you've got to remember, when you go back to this, even Malone had said in one of the articles a while back that this is about power, not medicine, not science, it's about power and control, and that's why it was all these people of financial interest in the drug. They had 69 trials, 31 randomized controlled trials, that showed ivermectin was a effective treatment for COVID.

They had almost 270 peer-reviewed studies that showed that roxacloroquine worked. So when they went after this stuff, the only reason was they had to support big pharma and the big corporations backing big pharma, the big hospital chains. This was, what does scripture say, money answereth all things. This was about power, control, and money, and the doctors went along with it, except for the few, the front line doctors and people like Dr. Malone, who was willing to risk his career, his reputation, to tell the truth. Well, again, they're going to start their own AMA, because the AMA has lost all credibility too. They've given in, they have bowed down to the god of money, to mammon, okay? And so they've lost all credibility. When an organization comes out and tells you that they're no longer going to put the gender on a birth certificate because there's real no proof that what a gender is, you know, folks believe me, all you have to do is look at a baby boy and a baby girl when they're born, you can tell which was which, okay? And for them to do that, for them to give in, and you know, and go along with this mutilation of these young girls and with the, this whole transgender thing, and it's just sickening, and so they've lost all credibility too.

But we're living in that day, aren't we, that we're seeing all these things happening. One thing that I thought was, I want to get in here, this Dr. Malone said this, he is citing insight, we've been doing it all the way along here, his concern about the vaccine and mandates, the policies, he said they're causing serious, serious harm, death, and especially particularly to the children, and he said, he gave a long interview and he said that he's not a right winger, and his wife were central coast Californians, and he said we both came from slightly center left politics, you know, but he said what we've seen in the last two years has completely changed our point of view on politics, and he said I am seeing that happen all across the country with what the government is doing to harm the children, and he said I'm seeing a major political realignment starting to grow here, not just in the United States but worldwide, and he said this is a hill he's going to die on. What he said, I want to quote him, he's speaking out because of all the danger to the people, he said it's because I'm bloody well pissed off, it's not right, it's not fair, it's hurting people, it's breaking rules left and right, people are lying continuously, they're manipulating the data, it's shocking, and he said people are losing faith in doctors, hospital care, the government, and he said the problems, the damage is going to last for decades of what they've already done, and he's calling it evil, right now it's evil, and so when he came off with this, he basically said this is the hill he's going to die on, he's risking everything to stand for this, and I thought there's a man that needs to be listened to and followed, he's honest, he's courageous, he's everything we could ask of a physician. Yeah, well, I want to go to this, of the new cases of the Omicron variant, identified in the US on Thursdays, Joe, there was something in all, every one of these people that were identified as being positive, they all had one thing in common, okay go ahead, tell it. They all were vaccinated.

Every one of them were vaccinated. Not one had natural immunity, everyone that's gotten sick here in this country were vaccinated, and by the way, this Omicron is now in 38 countries in the world, but guess what else? Not one single loss of life has happened if anyone in the 38 countries that has contracted the Omicron variant, now don't you think that would be headline news? Now remember what this Malone said, he said that if you had had COVID, okay, or if you got that vaccine, he came right out and he said if you took that, it would lower your immune system that would make you acceptable, susceptible, and for those that had COVID and got over it and had built up a resistance to it, it would do them twice as much damage, but the others that have had the vaccine said it would lower your immune to where you would be more susceptible to pick up any other variant to come along, and that's exactly what happened with this because every one of those people so far that's been diagnosed have been vaxxed, huh?

Exactly. Well, there is a big article out, World News Daily, Joel Hirschhorn, scientist and journalist, and he's talking about this Omicron, but what we haven't heard over here is there is a French scientist, very esteemed senior scientist, Dr. Jacques Fontini, he's a professor of biochemistry molecular biology at the University of Aix-y-Marcel, and he's saying, hey, Fauci should know what is happening, what this big research has been about, and he should be telling you the truth, and basically there's a, they did a big study on the transmissibility of this virus, there's a lot of complications and they give certain values and things, but the end result is that the Omicron is, you know, yes, it's contagious, but not as contagious as the alpha or the beta or the, you know, delta by far, and in fact, he said the low T value just, it's 37% of delta, the value, you know, the one that's been going around, but this, it does not, you know, have a great lethality, and so what they're thinking, it spreads easily, but it's probably going to make people sick, but not kill people. This Omicron, the mutations go in all kinds of different directions. Well, if a variant's too strong, it kills the host and then what?

It can't go anywhere, it dies. So you get a real horrific infection, it doesn't spread very far because all the patients die and it doesn't get spread, and so he's saying this variant is going to spread, but it's not going to replace, you know, the delta or any of the others, it's just going to make a few people sick and all it's going to do basically is give them antibodies. So this big research with all this detailed stuff in it basically comes down to, one, the vaccines are going to have little impact on the Omicron transmission because there's nothing in the vaccines that would handle, you know, that would prevent it. Only the natural immunity will be of use to fight Omicron. So they knew this already, you made that point, everybody in the United States that got sick was vaccinated because the un-vaxxed, those that have natural immunity, can fight this off, but those that have the vaccine, the vaccine is totally useless against this variant.

And what are they going to do? They want everybody to get a booster, they want to give them something that does absolutely no good to fight something that it can't possibly touch. So now we know the truth, they're pushing these vaccines, they're pushing the control, the power, and they're trying to have all these people make money because there is no scientific value in giving a vaccine for Omicron, absolutely none.

Alright, let's move on, you know, as far as that truth part goes, I've known from the very beginning this whole thing was a scamdemic, we told you from day one, day one, we said, folks, please don't fall for any of this, it's just like evolution, it's just like the global warming scam, this is another one. Induce fear, get the people afraid, get the chicken littles, well, you're going to see this out there again, they're moving on this mask, they will talk about that, but the chicken littles will be out running around with their soiled diapers on their faces, you'll see a lot of them out there because they don't know any better. But let me, here, think about this though, they've got access to this, we now are telling the people, they can go to World News Daily, they can see this, it's called a Frenchman did the science, Fauci didn't, Omnicron is no delta, it's out there but the media's not going to tell the truth, the government's not going to tell the truth, and here one of the most esteemed scientists in Europe is saying that this Omnicron is nothing to worry about, that the vaccines are totally useless against it, and I bet it'd be interesting to see how long before any of this truth comes out, other than on a program like this. Alrighty, exclusive, forgotten monument to dead orphans from Fauci's torturous and deadly AIDS testing is located in New York State, heartbreaking photos, in August, gateway punting contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci's use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing, Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagles were eaten alive by parasite infected flies, and here Dr. Fauci also spent over 16 million in taxpayer funds, distributed toxic brain injection experiments on monkeys in 2018, we talked about that, Dr. Fauci more recently was caught funding gain of function research in Wuhan, China laboratories, blamed for the production and leak of coronavirus, Fauci lied about his funding of the lab under oath numerous times, you see, he's supposed to be convicted of that, but we don't have a Justice Department, we do not have a Department of Justice, okay, it has become now simply a branch of the Deathocratic Communist Party, but Dr. Fauci's sinister work does not stop there, Fauci has a long history of mass death, barbarism and lies, in 2004 Fauci's NIH was also caught funding experiments on AIDS orphans in New York City hospital, the gateway pundit reported on this dark Fauci chapter in October, the Fauci NIH approved experiments on hundreds of New York City orphans, government agencies and pharmaceutical companies used the orphans in a deadly AIDS drug trials, in 2005 the city of New York, which is a wicked city, it's a horribly wicked city, the city of New York, hired the Vera Institute to form a final report on the drug trials, Vera was given no access to medical records in any of the children used in trials, their report was published in 2008, they reported that 25 children died during the drug studies, that an additional 55 children died following the studies in foster care and according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare Program at Vera, as of 2009, 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in the drug studies had died out of the total of 532 children that are admitted have been used in the link, there you go, that shows you how, the wickedness of the world. Well to back up what you said earlier, there's a group of British scientists called the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior and they are publishing as fast as they can get stuff out that this whole agenda with the pandemic is to control population with fear, they're calling it unethical, totalitarian, they've even put out a book about it and they've gone on and on, they're talking about how like it's a weird experiment and it's all about mind control and people are using all over the world the pandemic to grab power, drive things through governments to the people that could never happen otherwise and they're saying that this pandemic response is kind of like what they were trying to do with climate change, the fear, the fear, the fear and the proof is in the pudding, in 2020 the annual state mental health in America showed that anxiety and depression nationwide hit an all time high anywhere they could find, younger people were hit the hardest and the result, nations around the world are conducting psychological warfare against their own populations to further their totalitarian agenda.

This is what you and I were telling people way back that this was happening, this was why and now we've got other groups coming on, big name groups and this all time high mental health, depression, anxiety and they're using it around the world as psychological warfare, like you said the vaccine itself is a way to use a warfare right, it's been weaponized and the idea is to create a totalitarian world. Alrighty we're going to switch over to what's been going on and the people that have been arrested there for January 6th, many people had nothing, weren't even there, would say the Gestapo, the Gestapo and by the way they will not release the videos, they will not because those deathocratic, the corrupt, the extremely, totally and completely corrupt deathocratic mob, Nasty Pelosi and that whole corrupt mob up there, they know that if those videos, if we get those videos out and people see them, they know that they're cooked but that corrupt, corrupt, I mean extremely corrupt mob, the deathocratic communist party and they're trying to make examples and see you know what, our people should not forget the problem was we have too many of the republican leaders out there is they're stupid and they're not, you know Joe, you have here 80 house republicans vote with deathocrats to pass funding bill okay, to pass bill funding federal database, you know how smart is that, I'm going to have a list of these republicans that voted here, that turned on us to vote for Biden's, Biden's build back better or the rhinos, we have too many rhinos but I think we're going to have a whole lot less rhinos, I noticed one thing, there's a trend now for ex-military, especially special forces to run for office, that's a very good, that's a very good trend right now that we're going to be getting rid of some of these very corrupt and weak, weak rhinos and that's the problem we have, but anyhow, have you seen we're talking on that January 6th, the justice department and everything is going after certain attorneys and people, they want their diaries, they want their computers, they want their cell phone records, they are basically wanting to go hunting and they are getting warrants to confiscate, search warrants to confiscate diaries, computers, emails, phone calls of attorneys, anybody associated with this January 6th, even people that they think, you know, they want to go after and they're breaking half the, you know, they pretend to have a constitution. Alright, first of all, there is, America does not have a justice department, that is gone, ok, Obama finished it off, he, he infiltrated, he put his corrupt people in the, Biden came along and finished what Obama started, so it's a department of Judas, it is not an independent department, it's simply a part of the Democratic Communist Party Collective now. Part of this revolution is what it really is.

Right, along with the FBI, and so, anyhow, you don't, this is why, you want to know why Fauci has not been prosecuted, because we don't have a department of justice. Right. Ok, so. These attorneys are appealing and they're, what are they appealing to courts, but the department of Judas is not listening to court, you know, they're going ahead and pushing the Biden directives, regardless of what the courts are saying. We have, we are seeing a revolution taking place, the constitution is ignored, the rule of law has been thrown out the window, and there is nobody in a position of power really to put a halt to it except the Supreme Court, and it moves like a snail on certain issues, and it still has to, you have to take things through a series of court cases before it can even get there, so what they're hoping is to get this whole revolution firmly in place before anything can catch up and do something to harm it. Yeah.

Kind of scary, because that's way off in the next year's elections, before we can really do something against it, right? Well, you're supposed to see, at one time we had a military, a military, and their job was to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And domestic, right. Ok, there you go. We have a lot of right now. And so we'll be back right after this one more. Don't go away though. Be right back. Thank you for listening to What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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