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TUE HR 2 121421

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 15, 2021 12:01 am

TUE HR 2 121421

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 15, 2021 12:01 am

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Cross the Bridge
David McGee
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
It's Time to Man Up!
Nikita Koloff
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, Joe, we've got another quick clip we're going to play here, so hang tight. We'll be back.

Just turn her loose, mighty Andrew. We have a black doctor in America who's giving a message. And it turns out she's reading a script because then we have a kind of a redhead doctor saying the exact same thing. So listen to these.

We're going to play just a few seconds of each. It's the exact same thing. Hi, I'm Dr. Katia Castillo, and I have been practicing OB-GYN for 26 years. When my pregnant patients asked me whether they should get vaccinated against COVID-19, I tell them that vaccination protects them from this serious disease. I know COVID-19 disease can be very serious in pregnant women.

It can affect pregnancy or the baby. Millions of people, including pregnant women, have gotten these safe and effective vaccines. OK, so what we have here, folks, are doctors as actors. I mean, they're being paid. So these are really COVID crisis actors is what we're seeing here. COVID crisis actors. They're being paid to spread fear and propaganda to try to get pregnant women to take vaccines because they know that it causes four out of five pregnant women to have abortions. So this is a child murder operation or COVID crisis actors.

So, you know, if you want to know how fake all these doctors are who are putting out these messages, they're reading the exact same script. And of course, they're paid by the CDC. So the CDC got a bunch of COVID stimulus money. Did you know that about a billion dollars of the first round of stimulus under Trump, by the way, the first round gave the CDC a billion dollars for marketing? And that became propaganda money. And then the CDC used that money to pay Hollywood script writers to start dropping pro vaccine propaganda into sitcoms, into movies. They pay comics to put them into comedy routines. They pay these doctors like this to read the scripts and they pay probably media organizations to just push pro CDC, pro vaccine propaganda.

So think about it. They're printing money. Which means that they're incurring future debt to the American people.

They're printing money and using the money to buy all this propaganda to brainwash the people to commit suicide by vaccine and to cause spontaneous abortions of their children. That's how evil this whole thing is. And that's all that speaks to the dangers of money printing. By the way, when you have a money printing operation, they can use that money for evil. That's exactly what's going on here. Pure freaking evil.

All right. Now, speaking of evil, here's another crazy, insane story that's going to blow your mind. This is from Breitbart and it cites Reuters that Biden censored a Taiwan map at a panel called Digital Authoritarianism. So in other words, the White House, they panicked over a map showing Taiwan in a different color than China because, of course, China claims that they own Taiwan and Taiwan says, no, we're a different country, which they are. And so the Biden regime totally panicked and they censored that slide.

They took it down. And what's, of course, ironic about all this is that they were giving a talk on digital authoritarianism and then they demonstrated digital authoritarianism themselves. And this was part of what Joe Biden's, quote, Summit for Democracy.

Supposed to be all about democracy and freedom. And all it shows is that Joe Biden is a China whore. He is a CCP China whore. He answers China and he censors in order to appease China, even when talking about, quote, democracy.

So let me ask you this question. If Joe Biden wants the people of Taiwan to be enslaved to communist China. Why wouldn't he want the American people to be enslaved to communist China? And of course, he does.

You bet he does. Joe Biden has taken billions of dollars from the Chinese that they own him. Who has said that? The Chinese themselves. We played you clips here on the program of Chinese diplomats and professors talking about how they own.

They have bought and we have their people in the highest places in America. And they, you know, they just gave, what, 30 million dollars to Hunter Biden for for what? I don't know. And so there you go.

It must have been for his artwork. Yeah. Yeah.

That's what it had to be. All right. We have you talked about what they're doing right now. People need to understand. And this Jane Orient is a doctor. She is with the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. And she is writing that for the first time in living memory, American doctors are getting threat letters from licensure licensure boards, warning them about distributing harmful misinformation. Medical boards in 12 states have now disciplined doctors with this allegation, and they are coming out. If you say, you know, hydroxychloroquine works or if you come out, you know, anything against the Biden narrative, they're now going after the doctor's licenses and licensing boards and pharmacists.

You know, anybody want all a pharmacist can say, hey, I had a doctor that wanted to prescribe by the metric. Well, they can go to the medical board and go after this doctor. The doctor might say something at a school board meeting about mask mandates.

They can go after him. This is the first time in history in this country that they have threatened doctors speaking out against the government or arguing scientific data. And this, folks, is really, really serious.

If you think about it, medical boards telling DACA, you open your mouth and say something the government doesn't like, we'll come after your medical license. That's your career, your livelihood. Joe, I'll tell you what else is very serious. Right now, we are thirty eight hundred dollars short of our goal today. Thirty eight hundred. Joe, that means we have approximately 40 minutes and we need to raise thirty eight hundred dollars. That's about one hundred dollars a minute tonight. That's a lot of donations.

But, folks, many hands make the load lighter. And if you want to keep us on the air, we need to have stations that are self-supporting. We need to be able to raise enough money to pay the bills. Your donations pay the radio air time. No one in this ministry in all the years we've been on the air, no one has taken even a dime in salary or compensation.

We all donate our own time, our own talent, and we give our own treasure for equipment and other things that you know nothing about. I have to give those numbers out, Joe. They're 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673.

That's 888-677-9673. All right. Stephanie from New York pledges thirty.

Thank you. Steve from Michigan pledges twenty-five. Folks, we've got to hear from you because we've got to raise about a hundred dollars a minute. Well, we need a lot of people donating.

We know everybody's not rich and famous out there. If you can all donate even twenty dollars a month, ten dollars a month, you know, many hands make the load lighter. Here you go, Joe. Here's what you were talking about. Brazilian city cuts hospitalizations and mortality rates in half after implementing ivermectin as a prophylactic for COVID. That's right. The city of IDA, Brazil offered ivermectin to its citizens during the COVID pandemic.

The result was spectacular. Hospitals and deaths were cut in half. Half. The problem of it is big pharma doesn't make a lot of money off of that. It's cheap. It's a cheap drug.

It's safe and it's not experimental. Nobody's got a patent on it. So all these new drugs are coming out, new patents. And we know that the big powers that be have money in the patents and they're all getting rich. And the more vaccines you have to take, the more boosters, the more money big pharma gets, the more money their stockholders and patent holders make.

This is about money and power. Here between July and December of 2020, roughly 220,000 people were offered a dose of ivermectin as an optional treatment and for two days once every two weeks. And after analyzing the data, a team of researchers spanning several bazillion institutes at the University of Toronto and Columbia's EFIT included in a December pre-printed study that the hospitalization and mortality rates were cut in more than in half. There you go. That's proof. And this stuff should be on the news every night, the good news, but you notice they only push bad news. They only want to scare you. They don't, you know, oh, there's going to be another pill coming, but it's not approved yet. It's always push the fear and you've got to obey the government until the miracle drug comes.

We already have all these things that can be used to save lives and keep you out of the hospital. And they are not going to tell you. See, people are waking up to that show and what's happening or people are losing confidence. They're losing confidence in medical doctors. They're you know, people don't they don't want to go to the hospitals. They want to avoid hospitals and more and more are in their canceling appointments.

So many have lost. And these medical, like a lot of these MDs, they know, you know, I've told I got to push this, I got to push that. And people, people know this out there.

It's not a secret anymore. And I got to if I, I risk my license or I risk my job, if I tell the truth and if I actually try to to heal them and use, you know, the hydromectin or the hydroxychloroquine, then I could lose my job or lose my position here. And so what do you think, Joe? Is it better for them to lose their job and keep their integrity or keep their job and lose all integrity? Who would you want to trust? A doctor that's willing to lose his income, his license, his reputation to save people's lives or somebody who is a pimp for big pharma that's pushing the narrative.

You've got to have the Vax and I'll think about it. The people that are standing have a lot to lose to tell you the truth. These are the truth tellers. They have a lot to lose.

They're risking everything to save you. These are the people you need to listen to. Not bureaucrats. Hey, Joe, you know, there are people that are totally exempt from this vaccine and you know who they are. Let me tell you, all of the U.S. senators and House of Representatives, plus all congressional staff, 6,000 White House employees, all employees of Pfizer, 2,500. All the employees of Moderna, 1,500 and Johnson and Johnson, 120,000 and 15,000 CDC workers and 14,000 FDA employees are all exempt from having to take the vaccine. Gee, I wonder why.

Huh? That's one of the most telling facts that we've done on this. I think we mentioned before about the CDC and some of the groups, but think about it, folks. All the important power players that are pushing you to get vaxxed are exempt. Well, here in New Jersey, GOP lawmakers defied the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. So more than 2,000 employees have filed a class action lawsuit against the United Airlines for religious and medical discriminations over an unconstitutional mandatory vaccine. So Captain Sherry Walker, co-founder of Airline Employees for Health Freedom, said many of her colleagues were fired by United for not wanting to go against their faith or for being too sick to get an injection. The story is just sad and evil, but our CEO is harming our people and perpetuating the destruction of our country.

For his profit, she added, the lawsuit is sent to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals of the State of Louisiana. There you go. And I have a copy of the letter here, but I'm not going to read that. Right. It takes way too long. Yep. Okay. We don't do anything that we don't have good sources for in this program, folks. We've checked it. It's valid.

We know the source of the information and checked it out. All right. Betty from Michigan pledges 100. Anonymous in Florida pledges 100. Israel in New York pledges 25. And Sharon in Minnesota pledges 100. There you go.

One and all. So I was just thinking the Lord has just, the Lord that we can thank people for doing this. We're we're not making any money. We're here serving the Lord because this is what he called us to do. But the Lord says in scripture, when you give to a ministry that's doing the Lord's work and being watchman on the wall is one of the Lord's work and preaching his gospel. That you, if you help us help a ministry, you get to share in all the blessings of that ministry. That means anything that's through King's Word School of the Bible, through the right to life ministry, the prison ministry. Couple of the pastors have been involved or are involved in hospice, teaching, preaching, trucking ministry. There's a couple other things I'm forgetting right now. But any good that's done, you get to share in the blessings if you've donated.

So it's a great way for you to lay up some crowns and treasures in heaven. Hey, Joe, you know what we found? We were cleaning out in our literature room out there. We found two cases of Larry Nichols' book and it's out of print.

You can't get them no more. Oh, that's right. And so they were 28 years to nowhere, 28 years to nowhere. And here it's a book about the inside truth as the author describes the journey that led to the destruction of many powerful people. Let me tell you, I know because from 1990 on until a couple of years ago when Larry went home to be with the Lord, he did more to expose the corruption in the Clinton Cartel than anybody. And anyhow, this book is a really good book here.

Here's what some of the people said. I'm on the edge of my seat. I can't turn the pages fast enough, Vicki. Pat says Larry has fought the fight for good against pure evil.

He was the only one who would do it. Now it's like you're sitting down and talking with him. And that's Pat. And wow, what a book, Collette says. And Betty says Larry Nichols' personal story to save America is a must read for all who love his country.

So, folks, we have these. Now, you folks, all of you people that have been pledging here, if you want this book, if you pledge $20 or more, $20 or more, just say send me Larry now and we'll send him out to the first 40 or so people that send that in for pledges of 20 or more. But when you send in your pledge, you have to put that in there so that we know that you want the book.

Because if you don't, then we won't know, you see. 28 years to nowhere. We tell you to always have pen and paper, pencil and paper handy when we're on the air.

That's 28 years to nowhere, Larry Nichols. And when you make your donation, you can write to us, At ministry, that's also the web, or WRWL ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, S-P-E-R-R-Y Road, City of Newberry, N-E-W-B-U-R-Y, Ohio 44065.

And if you, driving can't write that down, you can go to that website and all that information is right there for you. Alrighty, here. Do you know who the richest man in the world is, Joe, financially like?

Oh, I heard the name but I can't remember. Okay, it's not me, Joe. No, I'm sure of that.

If it was, I wouldn't be, we wouldn't be having a pledge week, would we? We wouldn't be having this problem, yeah. If we were either one that rich, we could afford to pay the monthly, you know, bills. If we were that rich, would we own our own television stations nationwide and be telling the truth? No, radio, no, they're not going to put us on television, I guarantee. No, unless we own it, Joe.

Oh, well, I still don't want to scare you. The richest man is Elon Musk. He's the new richest man. And here's what he has to say about the Build Back Better.

He says, throw it out, throw it out, throw it out. Okay, he said the federal government should get out of the way and quit impeding progress, emphasizing that the government should be a referee rather than a player in the field. There you go. Sounds like something we heard from a fella named President Donald Trump, huh? Very much the same, yep. Well, it's the truth.

And here, Build Back Better is Bust Back Better. It's the goal of the Democratic Communist Party is to destroy this country as quickly as they can. That is their goal, to reduce America to third world status.

A lot of people don't know this. They can't believe that anyone, that people could be so wicked or evil. And you have these people, just like in North Korea, the leaders are very wealthy, very wealthy. In China, the leaders are very wealthy. And you saw what happened in Venezuela, okay? In every corrupt country in the world, the leaders are very wealthy. And let me tell you, if you take a look at our corrupt leaders, Joey Biden, Nasty Pelosi, they're all very wealthy, okay? Exactly. But, you know, they want to transfer the wealth from us to them.

That's why they want the wealth transfer. Yep. Hey, speaking of that, guess who is running for president? I'll bet it's Hillary.

Well, on the Democratic side, it's Hillary, but there is a new person front runner out there. Her name is Liz Cheney. And she is being supported by none other than Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Bush are raising millions of dollars for her.

Yep. They're getting ready to run her for president, raising all kinds of money. And here is this gal who is on the January 6th committee. She is a traitor.

The one who is what? She is a traitor. She is treasonous.

Right. That woman is, she is as treasonous as treasonous gets. She is a rhino to the core. And those that are supporting her, we have to, we have to get them out.

We have to, we got to get rid of them. Well, I never trusted Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell. They have been turncoats from day one. Well, Mitch is the one that just made it possible for the Senate to vote to raise that debt ceiling by about $2.5 trillion. And you know what Liz Cheney was doing? She's been reading text messages between Mark Meadows and some anchors at Fox News. And she's been reading them out loud. They're in the January 6th committee.

I've been listening to those. And I agree with every single one of them. Your freedom is gone, folks. There's nothing safe anymore. There is no privacy in America. It has been hijacked by these people who think they know something.

Your constitutional right to privacy and freedom in America is no longer. All right, Sharon and Minnesota pledges 100. I'm not quite sure where we're at. I think we're, we need about $3,000 right now. Right now we have approximately 27 minutes. And so we need about $3,000 in 27 minutes. So that's more than $100 a minute. Folks, we got to have here from quite a few of you folks. So it's 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673.

I have about, for the rest of this week, about six hours to raise up enough money to keep us going for another month. And so here's the question. Well, first of all, before I get to this one, I got to tell you about this. Just to take you back a little bit, the Spanish flu of 1980, now I want you to think about this. The Spanish flu of 1980 was not a flu, but an experimental vaccine given to the military who then went around the world exposing others. Now, the majority of those who died did so from bacterial pneumonia they received from wearing a mask.

That, you know, I mean, even Fauci admitted to that. They died from pneumonia received from wearing a mask. The Spanish flu vaccines killed millions of people 100 years ago. And guess what's happening today? History is repeating itself. But you're sure not going to hear that in the fake news media.

All righty. Here's another one, Joe. What are the globalists planning to do with the new fake variant? I'll tell you, right after this, I've got to give you those numbers again. We're running out of time. We are running out of time.

888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673. Here, what are the globalists planning on doing with the new fake variant? It's not a difficult question to answer. All one has to do is turn on their TV to corporate news broadcasts and read all of their publications because they all mostly say the very same thing.

That's right, you've got the echo chamber out there. But if you want to know how the Omnicron variant is going to affect the narrative, well, the Guardian has done a handy. Here it is. Here's all the bull we're going to sell you over the next couple of weeks.

Here you go. This is what we are hearing. The Omnicron variant is more transmittable, but they don't know if it's more dangerous yet, keeping it, believe me, these folks, they're concerned about your well-being, yes. It originated in Africa, possibly mutating in an untreated AIDS patient. Sick people are breeding grounds for dangerous mutations.

It has more than doubled the mutations of Delta. Scientists anticipate the virus will be more likely to infect or reinfect people who have immunity earlier. Do you know why all of these people that are getting this here are ones that have been vaxed? Because the vax, the poisonous pokes, which is not a vax at all, but what is it does? It weakens their immune system. It weakens the immune system to the point where they're much more susceptible, and this is why most all of these people that are getting this are the ones that have been vaxed, Joe. Exactly, and the big lie is the more mutations in most viruses, at least in the history of virology, the more mutations, the weaker the virus gets, and eventually it gets to the point where it may be hanging around, but it gets weaker, not stronger, and that is the blessing, so these variations are not to be afraid.

They are nature's way of cleaning up a very dangerous virus. All right, we've got Chris in Minnesota, pledges $30. Let me see, Elizabeth from Pennsylvania pledges $30. Thank you, thank you, but we need it. Folks, we're running out of time.

We're down to now 23 minutes. We've got 23 minutes, Joe, and we're still way far away from, we've still got to raise about $3,000. Right, a lot of places people think, well, you always hear radio is free.

Yes, radio is free, but you've got to remember you have a lot of commercials and advertisers. Allen Pledges from Ohio pledges $50. All right, you've got to keep it coming, folks. You've got to keep it coming. Advertisers and sponsors, that's why we have a partnership with you, the listening audience. We're doing the work and doing the lifting, but we need help.

We need your support. Joe, this is one of the things why they're so afraid of Trump, why they're so afraid of Trump. Visitor logs reveal Jeffrey Epstein visited Bill Clinton at the White House at least 17 times between 93 and 95. A new report found that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House under Bill Clinton.

Now, there was a whole lot going on, and Joe, what we're talking about, within the deathocratic Communist Party, pedophilia is rapid. The Gateway Pundit reported that the gasoline Maxwell trial has begun, but it's only being led by an Obama-appointed judge. It is being led by an Obama-appointed judge. This judge was involved in the lost video incident from the jail that purportedly showed Epstein trying to kill himself in his so-called first suicide attempt.

Gisley Maxwell trial begins with Obama judge writing Jim Comey's daughter, Obama judge, and Jim Comey's daughter prosecuting. You talk about foxes in the henhouse, Joe. Unbelievable. There's no hens in that henhouse.

They're all foxes in the henhouse. Right. Okay, with ties to the FBI, you don't suppose she's going to make sure that her father is not implicated in any of this, huh? Oh, yeah, I couldn't believe that, could you? There you go.

And you don't suppose that she was put there purposely just for that purpose, huh? Just call me suspicious, but it just sounds like business is normal in Washington, D.C. Johnny from Hiram pledges 30, and Peggy from Brooklyn pledges 100. We need a house cleaning in that place like you wouldn't believe.

We need a couple dozen Jim Jordans and some people like him in there to just totally clean the house. Well, you know what's been happening in that Capitol? They're trying to Gestapo. I mean, they're in the January 6th, what they're doing. Look, we saw all summers, two years ago, we saw burn, loot and murder burning down houses.

We saw 40 people killed. Police officers are attacked. And these George Soros brought district attorneys, prosecutors, attorney generals. These George Soros, they're bought and paid for prostitutes. They're not prosecutors.

They're prostitutes. They just sit back and just let them go. They never prosecuted any of these people that you saw hitting people with bricks and setting people's houses on fire while the people were in them.

No prosecution. But now you have people in D.C. And by the way, so this was a false flag. Anyone and everyone that says it wasn't as a liar and there's not a bit of truth in them, that whole incident in D.C. in January 6th, it was set up that way by the death of credit communists corrupt.

Right. And the extremely, extremely corrupt death of credit communist regime here. Let me read this to you, Joe. And here they're trying to go after Mark Meadows now. Capitol police officers who were hailed as heroes were involved up to their eyeballs in and much more in that day. OK. Officers Michelle Fanone and Lila Morris are Michael. And here this Lila Morris was saw beating the woman that died, beating her with a stick or some kind of a stick or something. And the woman had died. But we see the woman who died was a white woman. And so it was all right in this in Washington, D.C. is politically correct.

You could do that. OK. The woman that was shot, the patriot that was shot in the face, she was shot by a black cop. So it's all right that, you know, in Washington, D.C., that's political correctness.

The hypocrisy is is is unbelievable. The evil and the whole point of it is is to turn the whites against the black. That's the whole purpose in this.

There's nothing, nothing, nothing about the death of credit mob that's not totally corrupt. Fast Ernie, they want to create division, whether it's black against white, rich against poor, male against female, rural against city. The idea is to create this hatred division. And that's what their goal is. And they just picked race was the tool they're using today to cause division in America.

But they have tried everything else. In July, Trump supporter and activist Philip Anderson confirmed to the Gateway Pundit that Capitol Police killed Trump protester Roseanne Boylan on January six. And this woman is so-called police officers standing that I'm looking at right now.

In fact, I've got a picture of her beating this woman with a stick. Philip knows that because he was next to her when she died, he was holding her hand. And Philip nearly died himself. Activist Philip Anderson spoke with the Gateway Pundit about the January six protest at the Capitol, U.S. Capitol, and how the Capitol Police murdered Roseanne Boylan and nearly took his life, too. And you see, you know, here, folks, you can you can trust NBC, ABC, CBS to lie to you every day. And just unbelievable.

But anyhow, there you go. I was thinking today, AOC has been out there and she was talking about that Capitol riot. She was talking about 130 people were injured. Almost 10 people were dead in this, you know, January six. There was a great loss of life. That was Presley, one of the other members of the squad.

So squat. So we have AOC almost 10 dead, 130 injured. And Presley going, there was a great loss of life that day. I mean, they are just sitting there telling bold face lies. And we have people who will not read the truth. They listen to some fact checkers.

Oh, yeah. You know, and I looked into these fact checkers. I can't find any that aren't really biased to the left. Everything they do seems to go back to one organization that's extreme far left. And everybody working in that organization is a socialist, extreme liberal.

And these are the people that claim to be arbiters of the truth for you. You need to go to the source. You need to listen to the people that were there. All right. We have Ed from Ontario pledges, 100 John from Texas pledges, 20 and Sylvia from San Diego pledges. And it's about to come up here any minute now, right?

Sylvia pledges 50 and a voice. We got it. We're running out of, wait a minute. We got some more coming in.

We're running out of time. We have approximately 19 minutes left and we have Dr. Dr. Michael in Illinois. Oh, I know who that is. That's a fellow we just had on this program.

A pledge is $100. All right. Thank you.

All right. We have about, uh, right now we have about 14 minutes left. So folks, 14 minutes left. We got a lot to raise it. We're, we're not nearly there. I think we're still about 2,500 down right now at this point. So we got to hear from you. Listen, all we need is one of you just to place 2,500 and we'll make it.

Just one. There are some people out there that I know God has blessed and they make large political donations. Well, we reach sometimes more people than some of the political donations are going to reach with the truth.

So maybe some of you would consider money that you might just send to a campaign or one of the fundraisers that send a portion of it here. And let us get the truth out to millions of Americans that desperately need to hear it. Well, you know, Joe, you know, if you're in burn, loot, murder or Antifa or just the real hardcore communist, uh, anti-American communist terrorist, you can pretty much, uh, burn and loot and murder in the big cities without worried about being prosecuted.

But you're not the only ones you see here. The CIA, Joe, the CIA, uh, and child sex abusers, they avoid prosecution all the time. At least 10, 10 cases of, of, uh, credibly suspected crimes were identified over the course of years. According to Buzzfeed, uh, scolding exposed may expose based on a trove of eternal CIA documents indicates an apparent pattern of failure by the federal government to prosecute, uh, CIA employees and contractors, uh, of child sex crimes.

Um, the article published by Buzzfeed is based on over 3,500 pages of declassified materials and obtain it through the freedom of information act. There you go. So this is the corruption. This is why folks God's word. The Bible tells you, we have to, we have to resist unto death. We have to resist unto death. This is our time. God has raised us up for this time right now.

This is for all of you folks out there. I know a lot of times you feel like you're getting like you're getting weary and you know, every time you turn around, it seems like the wickedness and the evil is so great. Listen, God is greater. Believe me, he's on the throne.

It's a complete control. He has raised you up right now. This is an opportunity for you to run to the battle and show him what you're made of.

You know what he did for you. So resistance to tyranny. And let me tell you, China or Russia are not our greatest enemies here in America. The death of credit communist party is it is the party of everything that God's word, the Bible calls sin. Uh, that's your enemy. And don't forget the rhinos, those traitor Tories, uh, within the Republican party.

Okay. But folks again, uh, this is your time to stand up. You've got to stand against the tyranny. Just like the black robe regiment during a war for independence, uh, from Genesis to revelation, Genesis to revelation, God's word, the Bible makes it very, very clear.

If you have any doubts, all you have to do, go to Hebrews chapter 11 or read the book on the heroes of the faith. God is calling you to stand up. Let's fight to bring the nation back to one nation under God. We, we owe it to God and we owe it to the children of these pedophiles.

The entire death of credit kindness party is out to destroy the children to the utmost. Well, I'd like to just give a couple of words that the Lord puts in his scripture. He tells us we are to what pray to testify, to witness, to preach the gospel, to exhort, to run to the battle, to stand in the gap, to fight, to fight, to reprove.

If that doesn't work, rebuke. We are to storm the gates of hell, to visit those that are sick and in prison, feed the hungry, love your neighbors, save those that are being led to the slaughter. We are to save those that are being drawn to death and we are to obey him.

Everything is a action verb. He is giving us, other than the Ten Commandments, these are the things he's commanding us to do. And he's put us in this battlefield, as you said, Pastor Ernie, so that the people can lay up crowns and treasures in heaven. And this is the time. It's our opportunity.

You can't win a Olympic medal unless you participate in the contest. We have nine minutes left and D in Pennsylvania pledges 150. Thank you, D. We have nine minutes left, folks. Nine minutes left. We got to raise almost $200 a minute for the next nine minutes. So we got to hear you.

Currently consider what we're asking of you because we're here doing the work and we need your help desperately. We don't want to go lose the station. Every time we've lost a station in the past, we've never been able to get back on. So if you're listening to us on a particular station at a time, it has to become self-supporting. And they say radio is free, but it isn't.

You have all those advertisers and sponsors that we don't have. So we have to rely on you and we just ask you to prayerfully consider keeping us on the air. Well, you know, Joe, yesterday, I tell you what, you know, we do that here. We pledged yesterday. Doers of the Word Church pledged a thousand. And right now, tonight, I'm going to pledge another thousand right now. We're going to pledge another thousand right now. Doers of the Word Church.

We're going to do it. I am so pleased to be a part of that church and be ordained there. You've got some of the greatest people I've met there at that Doers of the Word Church.

They've been... So many people have worked in this ministry and given their time and their talent and they keep it all going and thank yous just aren't enough, are they? No, I wish we could find one matching donor tonight. One matching. We could find just one matching donor tonight to pledge a thousand. Or two to pledge five hundred.

We don't have much time left. Folks, this is the last pledge week of our year here. We know it's a tough, tough month, but it'll be giving a gift that will reach a lot of people with the truth and with God's Word and in a way that would make a wonderful Christmas present to a lot of people who... Well, a lot of our listeners are older and many are invalid. Many of them can't get to an unregistered church. They don't have a real Bible-believing church, so this is their church.

And you would be helping these people communicate with the Lord and hear the Gospel. Alright, listen to this show. Bill, you've heard of this thing called Omnicron? Well, Bill Gates had a game created for Windows called Omnicron in 1999. It was about demons pretending to be human in order to harvest their souls.

And that's right. And here, he goes on to say, as if happening on cue from a higher power, Amen, brother, Amen. Right today comes the news that in 1999, Bill Gates and Microsoft released a game called Omnicron that revolved around demons pretending to be humans and go around harvesting human souls, which is actually one of the most important chapters of the Alien Agenda.

The name of the game, Omnicron, is basically the same as the new COVID mutation, Omnicron. In one speech, David Bowie's character, Boaz, speaks about taking a stand against a government which many are likened to attitudes toward the government during the COVID-19. Wake up, people of Omnicron and its corrupt government are lulling you to sleep in order to control you better if they have transformed you into puppets and are manipulated by ikis and the demons, Boaz says. Well, you know, again, here, it's unbelievable. It goes on to say, honestly, no, it goes on to say, Bill Gates pretends to be a human. Mark Zuckerberg pretends to be a human. And the list goes on. This is in their their book. They're unbelievable. Then it's got a picture of Zuckerberg with these very synthetic eyes there.

You know, it made me think of a story I was going to say for tomorrow, but I think maybe a good time to tell people. You haven't heard this. I haven't seen it anywhere on the mainstream media.

In fact, it's in the European presses. Chinese hackers are exploiting a fully weaponized software vulnerability, causing mayhem on the web. Excuse me, possesses a threat to Internet connected devices world wide. They call this the log for shell flaw is the biggest threat to the Internet in a decade. Countries have issued critical warnings about the software flaw.

It is considered so serious because the affected software is used in a wide range of devices that use Java software embedded in programs world. Joe, I think we I think we're going to make it. Listen, Margaret from Hudson pledges. Four hundred. Beverly from New York pledges. Two hundred. Yale from Massachusetts pledges. One hundred.

And John John from farm. I guess that's Parma pledges. One fifty. We just need a couple more little donations. Yeah, I think we're getting very, very close. So we've got about how many minutes there? I think about three minutes for how much? Maybe just enough for me to finish this warning.

Yeah, go ahead. People, this these hackers, this has been weaponized. This law was uncovered in a piece of software called Log 4 J. And hackers can get in with this, take control of servers or run the network and repurpose the servers for their own ends. And there is very little that ordinary users can do to stop this from happening or you won't even know if your data has been stolen. And one cybersecurity source said, this is where you put your faith in the lap of the computer gods and hope it gets fixed. It is a very long, complicated article, but the governments around the world are now starting to warm businesses or military. It says millions of firms are thought to be in danger. And some of the world's largest tech companies, Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, Google are have found their services servers to be vulnerable. And this includes the Infrastructure Security Agency in the U.S. have found out their servers are vulnerable.

People are worried. The Chinese are happy, happy, happy tonight. And all these companies that have been supporting China, pushing China and cutting the United States short, they just may get their comeuppance. Already, the Chinese are winning folks, folks out there, Catherine and Illinois pledges 100.

And I think we're very, very close to our goal. So you can keep calling, but I'm going to give an invitation out here. Now, you say, why don't you why don't you give it in the first part of the program passes? Sometimes I fall asleep before the program's over. Well, let me tell you, it's because we the last thing we want you to remember when you go off there before you your head hits that pillow is the most important. And that that is this, folks, you know, you might not wake up, not in this world. Again, we're talking about if you've done as many funerals as I have done, you'll find out a couple things.

First, funerals are for the living, not the dead. The whole point there is to make it very clear that it's God's call when the time that we depart this earth is not our call. And it's God's call.

In fact, I was just discussing that with a man today who is getting ready, putting his house in order, putting his house in order. And so here again, and I know a lot of you say, Well, you know, I hear that every night. Well, let me tell you, you don't know that your soul may not be required of you tonight.

Let me tell you this. You know, you got to remember another thing, too, and pay close attention to what we're telling you. When you hear the preacher preaching this, the preacher is only the messenger. The message is coming from on high. And so when you hear that, and he tells you that if you're not, if you have not called upon the name of the Lord, it's like you're standing, you're standing on a thread over a lake of fire. That's right, folks.

It's not your call. Anything can happen. I know I've had people tell me, Well, I had a fellow that used to work with me.

He was Orthodox Jewish, quite a quite a theologian where it comes to the Old Testament. And he would often say, If I'm once I'm convinced that Christ is Messiah, I will switch before I die. And you know what, folks, a lot of people end up getting a blood clot.

A lot of people end up getting shot down by a, you know, by drive by shooting. And you don't know if you're going to have time to do that. But you do know that right now you do have the time to do that right now. And if you have not done that, you say, Well, I don't necessarily believe that you will, you will believe that there is no chance at all that you won't listen to me.

You will believe that. So if you have not made that decision, and you're listening to me right now, you're being told that now, now is the time to do it now, right now. So if I were you, here's what you do. The Lord Jesus made it clear. You pray to the Father, you pray to the Father, you ask for forgiveness of your sins. And once you've done that, you call upon the name of the Lord, you asked the Lord Jesus come into your life to be the Lord of your life all of your life without any reservations at all without any reservations. You hold back nothing you say, Look, I'm going to give you right now, Lord, take me and use me completely and totally once you've done that, you will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. And folks, from that point on, you're on your road to immortality, say immortality. That's right, God said it, God said it. And so, do that tonight, pray that prayer asks the Lord to come into your life. And folks, again, no one, no one has ever ever ever regretted receiving eternal life.

But there's a whole lot of people right now that wish they had. And I want to praise the good Lord because we've just had some last minute pledges we thank the good Lord. We've got a time for tonight. And so Joe, thanks for being here and until tomorrow, as we do this time every night we want to say good night. Good night. God bless. God bless. And always, always, always let's do it. Keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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