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TUE HR1 121421

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 14, 2021 11:17 pm

TUE HR1 121421

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 14, 2021 11:17 pm

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on this December 14th, 2021. And tonight as always on the board we have none other but the true blue mighty Andrew.

Good evening pastor and everyone else. There he is standing by. Not even COVID would dare come into this studio. Andrew's on the job. And so, go ahead and make a mean face, show them. Oh, did you see that?

He just broke every glass in this building. They're, they're the ghost. And speaking of that back in the back room, we keep them back there.

If they don't fight, none other than the rowdy Randy. And in the other corner. Well the witty wit. Okay. The whole wit. The whole wit. You heard the cackling.

A lot of cackling, no eggs. We have here, and that is Little Lisa. Good evening everyone. And now this since he's been thoroughly entertained. We'll go way out yonder into misery to the country Parson none other than Joe Larson. His child of the kingdom and forever I am glad to be here ready to go to work already well this Joe we have seven hours left this week seven seven hours left to raise enough funds to stay on for another whole month.

Now Joe, Joe. We came at $300 short last night of making our goal 300 short. Do you think that bothered me.

Yeah, it did. Yeah, that's right so we have to add 300 to our goal for tonight. All right. Okay, so we're going to get it done, and the phone numbers are 888-281-1110 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 888-677-9673 nationwide. Okay, so folks, phone lines are open, start and start ringing we got to hear from. We're totally listener supported.

I think advertisers know we don't sell where we got one. We got one Phyllis from from Brooklyn. Just pledge $40 Thank you Phyllis. Right.

Okay. Here we go but we got to start out tonight. Today I went over and I saw Dan Schafer. He asked me to come see him, and he, he again he's got stage four cancer, both in the pancreas and the liver. And so, we went over, we anointed him with oil, and we prayed over him. And again, it seems like Joe that, that the good Lord it seems to be taking a whole lot of the heroes of faith home. You know, Dan was one of those fellows, you know he's one of us he, he marched to the beat of a different drum, he stood on principles stood on principles and morals yesterday.

I buried I did. Eddie course his funeral yesterday. Same thing, and they know each other. They stay both are men of honor who men who stood on principles. And, well, the good Lord. We prayed for Dan, and also another who we prayed for and anointed with oil was Joe zoom.

A third man, and they're being tested. And I think the Lord good Lord's is, is taking his saints and home before things get really bad here. Okay. But we know, feels like same thing where I live, I've buried four members of our little country church and all good God fearing Bible believing, you know, born again Christians who worked for the Lord, and we're always faithful. And I sometimes think they fought the good fight, and they're being taken home to claim their rewards.

Yeah. Well, let's pray, Heavenly Father word God we want to hold up Dan, and we want to hold up Joe and Lord. Also we've got a third request from a lady named Pam who's, who's about to have quadruple bypass surgery, and she's asked for prayer, and so we want to hold her up to. Again, we just want to hold all three of these people up more we know you're a merciful God, we know you're a merciful God but we also know, Lord that your, your will is a perfect will a perfect will. So we would hold them up and we would ask them to be that perfect will to touch these people and heal them. All you have to do is say the word and they're made whole again, and Lord, then we would ask that you would use them in a mighty mighty way, right until the time you take them home, and that, and that goes for all of those folks out there listening to us tonight so many of them they've supported us and helped us. And then to continue to fight the good fight and stand for freedom and stand for the cause of Christ.

All those things we ask in Jesus name. Amen. Alrighty, we want to. It looks like we have another pledge come in Thank you anonymous in a way we have another one come in. First Miss McCurdy pledges 35 Thank you Miss McCurdy and anonymous in Illinois pledges 400 Thank you anonymous. Alright, there you go. How about that I close my eyes in prayer and I open them up and the Lord has blessed. Right.

The Lord works in mysterious ways we were praying for others, and which is one of the things that we're called to do but the other he calls us to be watchman on the wall and warn the people, and in doing so we're also what pastors and teachers, is what Scripture says. Alrighty, now Joe working on the topic many babies have become kings, but only one king ever became a baby. That's true.

That's an absolute. That was a one time event huh. One time in those, they probably will never ever ever happen again.

Right in the universe. And just like tonight's radio program will never come this way. Again, we cannot reclaim this this this program tonight, and that's why we're comes to time and we started out talking about what time is.

And, you know, it's, it's just an amazing thing. When you get into in depth into the Word of God, and how much that is contained in this King James Bible. But let's start, start in verse john chapter one and read through verses 15.

All right. In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him.

And without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shine in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was john. The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe. He was not that light, but was sent to bear witness of the light.

That was the true light, which light of every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came under his own and his own received him, not, but as many as received him to them, gave he the power to become the sons of God, and to them that believe on his name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten, of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John bare witness of him and cried, saying, This is he of whom I speak. He that cometh after me is preferred before me, for he was before me. All right, so we go back to verse one. In the beginning was the Word, and of course we talked about that. This verse predates every other verse in Scripture, even Genesis 1, doesn't it?

Right. This is really the beginning of everything in Scripture. So here now, when we take a look at, in the beginning was the Word. So we go in the Hebrew Scripture, the Word was an agent of creation. The Word was in fact, Psalm 33 6, in Psalm 33 6. And of course, the source of God's message to his people through the prophets. We see that in Hosea chapter one, verse two. And then, and God's law and his stand for holiness, going back to Psalm 119, Psalm verse 11. So we see this, and then Greek philosophy, Joe, Greek philosophy, the Word was the divine essence that held all things together. It was God's ideal pattern for creation.

Right. Well, Jesus was the essence, the physical essence of the spiritual Father. So it says here, the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made, but let me go back to verse one. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And so here, we're talking about, obviously we're talking about the Trinity, that the Lord Jesus, that Godhead is made up of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. And so, when we take a look at that, when we see, for example, we're made after God.

We're triune beings, right? God says in Genesis 1, 26, let us make men in our image. Now, when he meant man, he meant mankind. He meant man, woman, and children. Now, even though men, the man, the woman, and the child, in their humanity, they're all equal in their humanity, but God has given us a pecking order, hasn't he?

Yes, he has. And so, when it applies to the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, they're all equal in their deity, but then again, you have a pecking order there, too, don't you? You certainly do. God the Father is the head, then comes the Son, and then the Holy Ghost. So, we see from Genesis to Revelation, God the Father giving the orders, God the Son carrying them out, and then the Holy Ghost providing the power, huh?

Power, exactly. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

So, here we take a look at Christ the Creator, Christ the Creator. So, all, everything, the entire universe was made, okay? Today, you know, you have all kinds of people saying, well, you know, this is my creation or whatever, and we create things. We really don't create things. Actually, today, we take the materials that God has provided and pretty much assemble things, don't we?

You're right. We maybe rearrange or do something with, but he gives us all the material necessary for all these, what we call the inventions. And so, I mean, all, everything's up to the minerals in the ground, to whatever God has provided, and then man takes those things and he manipulates them and maneuvers them and makes things, huh? Well, we could say he builds out of God's material.

Right. In him was the life, and the life was the light of men. And so, when we talk about that, in him was the light of men, because death brings eternal darkness, and only Christ's eternal life is planted in us, will keep us alive throughout eternity. Is that what that's saying? Yes, among other things. It's also the light denotes, you know, Jesus revealing the Father to the world.

Okay. So he says here, too, that when he says, and the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Okay, so, here, even though all of mankind, this entire universe is held together, and we exist, okay, without God we would not exist, would we? Well, Scripture said, by him and through him all things in heaven and earth consist. In other words, continue on, Jesus is the one who is in control of everything in the universe. And yet, the vast majority of the people on this planet, they don't even acknowledge God's existence, do they? No, I guess you're right. There's a vast number of them that don't acknowledge God in any form.

Okay. And so, the Bible gives us... We're worshiping false gods and idols, there's a lot of that in this world. Well, God gives us a definition of those people that don't acknowledge his existence, doesn't he? Yeah, he calls them several things. Blind and foolish and... He calls them fools.

Fools, yep. All right, Dan from Indiana pledges 100. Thank you, Dan.

Connie from Florida pledges 100. All right, it's a little better of applause. We've got to get a better applause. All right, that's better.

We're going to have to get doers of the word church together with a good recording to get a great applause. All right, we'll do it. So let's get back here now. He says this here.

Let's go back to where we left off. Now he says, there was a man sent from God whose name was John. Hey Joe, in this book here, the name John refers to John the Baptist. Right, big Baptist John.

OK, so some of the things about John the Baptist, you know, here God had appointed, he was a God appointed messenger to announce the arrival of Jesus. Did he do it? He certainly did.

All righty. Do you think he was a preacher whose theme was repentance? Exactly. He can't be baptized. Do you think maybe he might have been kind of a fearless confronter? Well, yeah, well, from the time he was a child, he was given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit while he was still in the womb, and he had strength and courage and went out and just did what God commanded him to do, without question. Herod! Herod! Do you remember that?

Right. He went after the rich and powerful and pointed the finger and said, you're sinning. He went after the king.

King, yeah. OK. What do you think, today if John the Baptist was here and was doing that, the priestly preachers would say that... Would think would come unglued because he'd be pointing the finger at Biden and calling him a traitor and all kinds of things. He would, that's exactly. And the priestly preachers would, you're right, because what would happen when you have a man like John the Baptist who had courage and integrity and principles, it makes those that have the lack of such things more visible, huh? Much more.

It kind of puts a spotlight on them because of their silence and their lack of action. Alrighty. We have Maria from New York, Moira. Moira from New York pledges 100, thank you, Moira.

And Bill from Boston pledges 35, thank you, Bill. There you go. We finally did it.

Alright. The mighty Andy, he's in there. He's got, he's getting them going. Let's get, let's get those numbers out again.

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. OK, let's go back here, Joe. And he says here, now, when we talk about John the Baptist, you know, here we've been talking about how the Lord seems to be taking his saints home. And one of those men, Joe, asked me, why have I had to become, why is this happening to me, Pastor? Why have I become like Job?

Why am I suffering this way? And, you know, you're just being, God will test us, but he'll never put more on us than we can handle, will he? Well, the joke is, I just wish he wouldn't think that's how strong or how much I can take, yeah. But what we see is John the Baptist, you know, ended up dying for the Lord and being obedient and trusting, putting his total faith and trust in the Lord. But he was meant to be a witness, and we are to be like John. We are to go out there and preach the gospel, be fearless about it. And not worry about the consequences, but trust in the Lord that our reward is laid up in heaven. So let me ask you this, okay, do you think the Lord Jesus could have busted him out of Herod's prison?

Sure. There isn't anything Christ couldn't do. So then, why didn't he?

Because he chose not to. He let John stand as a witness for us today to show what a man of God was, you know, that there are consequences to following the Lord. He didn't say it was all going to be roses and lollipops and sunshine, but he said if they hated him, they're going to hate me.

They're going to hate us. Okay, so, in other words, does Scripture teach that those that suffered the most for the cause of Christ will be rewarded the most? Right. Okay, so here, we saw this, and we saw John the Baptist beheaded. Christ could have busted him out of there any time he wanted. I mean, do we have evidence of that?

In other words... Yes, we have other evidence of the apostles being busted out of jail and just raising the dead. If he could raise Lazarus from the dead, he could have put John's head back on and raised him up right there. Okay, so, but when Peter and Paul and those were in prison, who was it that went in? The angel of the Lord went in. The Lord went in and busted them out, right. Okay, so he sprung them, right?

Mm-hmm. Those who sprung and busted out of jail are about the same. So, here, by standing for the truth and being totally obedient to God, what he did, what would have been more profitable in the long run, if he had become a billionaire or if he had done what he did and suffered and was beheaded for the cause of Christ? He was suffering for the cause of Christ, who earned him far more crowns and treasures in heaven than all the world's money could buy. So, whose word do we have on that? God's word. Alright, so, in Matthew 11-11, the Lord Jesus said... Look at these people, look at Apostle Paul and John and all these people, John the Baptist, they believed, you know, their lives, they gave their lives to the Lord and they took the consequences, they had enough faith that they were willing to do this. That shows us the way and it shows us just how truly they believed. Over in Matthew 11-11, we read this, Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of a woman, there had not risen a greater than John the Baptist, notwithstanding, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Okay, so, here, let me ask you about this, okay?

What does that mean? He that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he? Least being there's a servant, obedient servant to the Lord who's given himself to obey the Lord and be the Lord's servant. Well, he's talking about those that when John was alive on earth and then compared to those that have already made it to heaven, huh?

Oh, yeah. Okay, well, what about those that are born of women, I mean, there's only been two that weren't born of women that I know of, right? Adam and... Eve. Eve. Okay, so, there you go.

Now, let's pick it up, we have to move on here because we're running out of time. He was the light, but he was sent to bear witness of that. He was not the light, but he was sent to bear witness. That was the true light, which lighted every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world and the world was made by him. Okay, I've got to, I'm up against the clock real quick, Joe, so I'm going to finish this here.

Okay. And the world knew him not. He came into his own and he received him not. But as many as he received to him gave him the power to become the sons of God. Okay, so here, who's the sons of God?

We are. Alright, so all of those that have been born again, if God becomes your father, can he ever unbecome your father? No. Okay, so if he becomes your father and you're the son of God, can you ever lose your salvation?

You can't. No. In scripture, the Old Testament adoption had priority over all of the natural children, and we were adopted or grafted in to the family of God through Christ. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him and cried, This was he of whom I spake, he that cometh after me that is preferred before me, for he was before me. Okay, so we're going to have to stop right there and go to a break.

We'll be right back after this. If you take thought of him, but the heavens rejoice and the angels sing, the child of Bethlehem is the King of kings. Still, wise men worship him at his feet. Still, lots of souls awaken from their sleep, and the heavens rejoice and the angels sing, the child of Bethlehem is the King of kings. Down from heaven's glory, you mained your bed.

Crucified, horrified, he was born to be our Savior. Come, children, overcome the earth. Oh, come and celebrate the Savior's birth. Every knee shall bow, every nation sing, the child of Bethlehem is the King of kings. Every knee shall bow, every nation sing, the child of Bethlehem is the King of kings. We're going to play a short clip on New Zealand here, and then we'll be back right after this short clip. So take it away, Money Andrew, whenever you're ready. All right, so we're going to go to New Zealand.

And of course, we're going to start there because this is the craziest podcast ever. And you know the Prime Minister there, Jacinda Ardern, who is some kind of insane lunatic, she's rolled out some kind of new, quote, traffic light system that determines your level of freedom based on what region in which you live. You might live in a red region or a green area or an amber area, and then that determines how much freedom you have. Now, she has announced that in the, let's see, in the red areas, of course, it's like a red light district is what she's talking about.

You can now engage in orgies with up to 25 people. This is the priority of New Zealand. I mean, New Zealand's leadership.

I don't mean the New Zealand people. Apparently, this is the priority is getting back to the orgies, you know, seriously. And if you know anything about these globalists, you know that they never stopped and they weren't orgies with all just other adults. You know, they were. Well, I mean, think about the CNN producer that just got criminally indicted for sex trafficking nine year olds.

Right. OK, so you can do the math from there and figure out what these orgies are really all about all over the world among these globalists. But now you've got she literally says you can you can have orgies with up to 25 people in a red area, i.e. a red light district. Now, you know what, I'm going to play this.

You might not believe me, so I'm going to go ahead and play this for you. So notice that she's smiling and laughing the entire time. This is this is a she's overjoyed that the orgies can continue. Maybe she's going to participate in some. I don't know.

I'm not sure they have enough bags for all that in New Zealand. But but here she is. Take it. Take a look. I can confirm that Tinder liaisons have reopened. Great news for my friend.

It's not it's not strictly embedded in the traffic light system, but it is a given up to twenty five actually in a red area. So we're not going to get too carried away with this because we've got way crazier stuff today. But just just understand.

You know, first of all. Who's going to 25 person orgies? You know, maybe except the globalist with their little kitty buffet pedophile thing that they do. Is any normal person going to a 25 person orgie? Have they been holding out and waiting for government permission to return to that lifestyle? Did they spend the last year and a half going out? Dang. Can't have them 25 person orgies again. I mean.

Is she serious? And is this really the priority? What about getting people back to work? What about letting people open their small businesses?

Because you know what, Jacinda, let me give you a piece of news, you crazy witch. People, most people, they don't want to just have orgies all the time. They want to actually run their small business and and be able to support their families and earn an honest living.

And they want their freedom. They don't want just freedom to have sex in some kind of weird cosplay. What is the the the the animals? What are the what those people call the fluffies? The dress up like giant animals and they have sex with each other. What is that called cosplay?

I don't know what that is. Furries. That's furries.

Crazy. Furries dress up like giant rabbits and start humping each other. Hey, Jacinda, that's not the real world. OK, those are crazy psycho lunatics.

Real people just want to be able to make an honest living, live in a free society, care for their families, go to church, you know, express freedom of speech, all these other things. But of course, Jacinda, because she's a demon infested witch, is all laughing about the orgies. But there you go. So at this point, absolutely anything goes in in New Zealand because she's allowed you to have orgies again. Wow. All right.

We are back and. And I recently spoke to a man who's well, he's nationally known, so I'm not going to mention his name because he's he was from New Zealand and he has still his family there. And anyhow, he was telling me that that's why he moved away from New Zealand, because it was deteriorating so fast. But this is the first I heard about dressing up in giant animal costumes and doing these things.

Joe, promise me you'll never do that. But you're a little innocent there. News about the furries have been out there for a couple of years, the furries. So they dress up. Tell me about they dress up and playing as animals. Yes. And they dress up in costumes like a giant Easter bunny.

And that's how they get sexually excited. Oh, I wonder, Jimmy, the Greeks in here, I wonder if he knew about the range. Well, now that we did, maybe do you think there's any Democrats out there that don't know about that? Probably not. All right. But anyhow, this is that. All right. I got to leave that. I can't take no more of that. Yeah. So anyhow. We got to move on.

Hey, whoa. Look, it looks like we have. Let me see. Where do we leave off of? Susan from Staten Island pledges 20. Phil and Michelle from Florida pledge 100.

Lillian from New Jersey pledges 25. All right. There you go. Huh?

Did you say Staten Island? Yeah. Yeah.

I don't think I've heard that before. All right. So let me ask the mighty Andrew. Have we had any any any reports of being taken down anywhere? Have we had any reports of being taken down anywhere so far tonight? Nothing yet. OK.

The Greek cannot go home until you know. All right. All right. Very good. Praise the good Lord. So you hear that, folks? So far, so good. And this is a pledge week.

All right. I got to give those numbers out. Eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one.

One, one, one, zero or eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. And so you know what? Speaking of pedophiles, Joe. You know, here, Washington State, the governor there in Washington State, dictator Jay Inslee. He likened those of us, Joe, those of us who were smart enough not to be affected with the the weaponized poison.

You know. The bio weapon, he likened us because we refused to take the poison as terrorists were terrorists because we refused to let these people poke us with poison. Now, of course, he's from the Democratic Party mob. And what is the Democratic Party mob known for? They're known for abortion, for euthanasia, for sodomy, for bestiality, for pedophilia. And now anti-Christ. Yeah.

And now dressing up in furry little animals, costumes. Now, we've got the last laugh because especially our listeners, this will be good news. This is our own CDC. Seventy nine percent of Omnicron cases are occurring in vaccinated people.

Yep. Here in the United States, nearly 80 percent of the people came down with the Omnicron variant. This is according to the CDC. And there were even one third of the people had received a third booster shot. Now, remember, only one was one person's even been in the hospital here in the U.S. so far. No one in the U.S. has died.

Only one person in the world, someone in Britain died. So only one of all the people that were came down with the Omnicron virus had to go to the hospital in Israel, where most of the population has received booster shots. Eighty percent of the people there had got the Omnicron and most of them had received three shots. So it's the vaccinated.

Think about that. Eighty percent of the cases are here and in Israel are people who were fully vaccinated and even had their booster shots. Well, do you know what's happening in Israel, Joe? Israel is tracking. They have tracked phones of citizens that are positive for Omnicron variant.

That's right. Israeli authorities have permitted the country's intelligence agency to track the mobile phones of people who test positive for Wuhan coronavirus COVID-19. Then the emergency legislation allows the Israel Security Agency, Shin Bet, to monitor phone data in order to locate those contacts of those positive for the B11529 Omnicron strain.

So, yeah, there you go. Well, some other good news for the people in South Africa, where they first came up with the Omnicron variant. The World Health Organization researcher Peter Streicher said that in his country immunity from prior infection is high. About 70 percent of the people have natural immunity and they're not having trouble with Omnicron.

It's become the dominant virus in Africa. And they're saying in the sense in South Africa is the pandemic is almost over because people are getting just mildly ill. It's even less they're less ill than if they had a mild flu. And so they're they're really happy. They think the pandemic is over. The Omnicron may be the end of the pandemic. I think that's great news. But guess what? You don't find it on Fox, ABC, MSNBC, any of the major news aren't reporting this.

I think this is great news. Well, you know, the reports there from Italy that 132,161 had died from the coronavirus. Well, what happened was they died from it. Italy said, no, we have corrected those numbers. So the actual number, Joe, wasn't one hundred and thirty two thousand and one hundred and sixty one. But the actual number was three thousand.

Joe, seven hundred and eighty three. So the difference that that's not just a little rounding error is that that's a major mistake. Well, it's kind of like Common Core math, isn't it? Yeah. OK. If you believe that two and two is five, then that five is your answer, right? Well, it's a 97 percent fiction report that they gave.

Right now, problems due to Omnicron in South Africa are about twenty five times lower than when they had Delta. Hey, Joe, Pearl in Cleveland just pledged six hundred dollars. Thank you, Pearl. Yeah.

Right here in Cleveland. She must have liked the good news that we gave her. Well, you know, you were talking about the children here a minute ago. Joey Biden, Joey Biden says, I'll do everything in my power to make sure the FDA approves vaccines for children under five. They really like to take to hurt the children, don't they? They must really hate the children because we have done story after story.

I've got one right here. Dr. Peter McCullough, vaccine induced myocarditis in young people is way more serious than covid induced myocarditis. And he's talking by a huge amount. There is a very mild case that occur, myocarditis that can occur with natural infection. But he said it's very, very different than the one that they're seeing in people who have been vaccinated. He said there are preclinical studies suggesting the lipid nanoparticles from the vaccines actually go right into the heart.

And the heart expresses the spike protein. The body attacks the heart. And there are dramatic EKG changes. And he said, I don't want anybody to think that the myocarditis of a natural infection is anything like what we're seeing with the vaccines.

And he talked about it. There's a blood test for heart injury. And he said it is 10 to 100 times higher this test than we see with natural infection. It's a totally different syndrome. When kids get the myocarditis from the vaccine, 90 percent have to be hospitalized. Dramatic EKG changes, pain, heart failure.

And they need an echocardiogram and medication to prevent heart failure. He said this is a big, big deal in children. It's way more serious. So, you know, anyone who with that kind of information wants to give vaccines to children, anything under 18 is got to almost hate children, Pastor Ernie, or want to see them die. Well, you know, again, it will come out one of the reasons that they are so afraid. And this is why the death of Kratz are so afraid of Trump. They are scared, so afraid of the real president, President Trump, because he is totally aware of all of what has taken place with the pedophilia, with the with things that are really horrible folks that are so prevalent within the death of Kratz.

That's why it's called the death of credit Communist Party. And again, this stuff is going to come out and they know that this is why pencil neck. You know, I just thought I asked pencil neck what he knows about little boys being in a hotel room.

By the way, you know, it's an amazing thing. You know, I mean, to think about this when you were in a place now where they're boasting the death of Kratz are boasting that pencil neck Adam shift is their best liar is one of their best liars. They're boasting about that to remember. Do you remember back in when Bill Clinton was was in office and you had the Monica Lewinsky scandal on this and that right. And there was an article I think it was it was Newsweek I believe it was where they had come out and they said that these were the liberals that not only is he a good liar, but he's he's a great liar. And he's our liar. They were they were and because Bill Clinton's famous words were who are you going to trust me or your lion eyes. Okay.

And so here and now to say we're talking about here pencil neck Adam shift. They're boasting about this guy is a good liar. He gets up there and people will believe him.

Okay, what I can understand is why would anybody he gets out there. We've got the proof that you know, this Russian collusion. We've got the proof. I've seen the proof. We've got the proof how many 50 60 times can you tell somebody you got the goods you got the proof and then when they say show and tell oh nobody shows anything how dumb can people be they keep believing that see that's the point they're making that even though he's been caught he's been caught and proven, you know time and time again of line that those the Democrats still believe them.

They still want to believe him even though they've seen him get caught time and time again line. I tell you don't believe I want to add here Jim Jordan really take it and mean when Jim Jordan goes after he really tears old pencil neck up. Well, he should when I did this story about the vaccine induced myocarditis.

I want to remind people. Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the nation's top cardiologists. He's not a family practitioner. He is one of the best child cardiologists in the country.

So there people say well, you know, what's his field cardiology. So there you have it. Well that what you were just read we played him that very clip of him saying that here.

Right. So, you know, speaking of Ted Cruz. There's no pissy out politician has the right or legal authority to force you to get vaccinated take Cruz does a little bit about that because he has testified several cases before the Supreme Court speaking to reporters after the Senate voted down a resolution to remove funding for them from the mandates. Cruz tore into the pissy out politicians like Joe Biden for overstepping federal authority the Biden White House mandates have been struck down repeatedly by the courts crew says he's absolutely right. Guess what? I think he's got an almost perfect record doesn't he as far as wins.

Yeah, he has he does. I think it's perfect so far. So here now going this this thing about you know, this whole new variant scam the covid variant scam was simulated in Israel weeks Joe before it was so-called discovered. In other words, they were all prepared to bring it out already for this the flames of covid fear being stoked again as the Big Pharma globalist unleash their new plan.

To increase profits and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using their corporate medium and puppet politicians in the attempt to extend the false covid pandemic and folks again. I'm just going to keep telling you if you look at NBC ABC CBS CNN PMS NBC and Fox News, you'll notice who their number one advertisers are their number one advertisers are Big Pharma Big Pharma and that's why you won't hear any of what you're hearing here. Even on Fox News because their number one advertiser are Big Pharma they've been bought right bought and paid for. Which is interesting because you and I are in a way bought and paid for by the blood of the lamb and by the Lord Jesus himself and I'd rather be bought and paid for by the Lord Jesus than by Big Pharma.

Well, absolutely and speaking about that, you know, because you either are or you will wish you were that's for that's a fact and then listen three billionaires with foreign roots. Financed the 2020 deathocratic dark money machine in a report from front page. We kind of just head on this a little bit a while back a week or two, but in recent report from front page magazine three billionaire donors were mentioned as donating nearly 200 million dollars. 200 million to the death of crats to stop President Trump. Daniel Greenfield at front page magazine put together an in-depth analysis of the three billionaires donors to the deathocratic party and he shares these shocking points.

Well, let me let me we're coming up to a break. Political reported recently that 16. That the 1630 fund the leading dark money machine of the left hand pumped 410 million into the Democratic 2020 efforts to defeat President Trump. Then the 1630 fund has raised another 390 million. That year and have half that money came from just for donors while the names of the donors are secret.

The article did not denote that the names of three of the major known. Dark money backers were Pierre Omidar. Hans Hans Borg Weiss and George Soros. And so aren't you surprised to find George now add to that Google AT&T T-Mobile and Verizon. They all helped undermine Trump to because they cut off fundraising by shutting down services and denial of service. Google and T-Mobile Verizon AT&T and cut the tweets and cut emails and cut fundraising.

And that was probably worth the, you know, a hundred million dollars of racket protection to hurt Trump and help Biden, especially the last few weeks of the campaign. The Trump Organization had a lot of trouble raising money online. They were cut off by these groups. OK, Joe, we're up against our organization had a lot of trouble raising money online.

They were cut off by these groups. OK, Joe, we're up against the heartbreak. Hang tight, folks. We will be back right after this with a whole lot more.

Don't go, baby. Right back. Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Spearee Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at the word Cleveland dot com.

The word Cleveland dot com. Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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