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WED HR 1 010522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 5, 2022 11:05 pm

WED HR 1 010522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 5, 2022 11:05 pm

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Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the un-barnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed on this January 5th, 2022. This is the voice of the Christian Resistance and tonight we have a lot like we always do to get to.

So we're going to get right to it. Okay, the Lord of the Board right over there is none other than the mighty Andrew. Good evening Pastor Sanders.

Yep, and we have right here with us Radical Randy. Happy New Year everybody. Be blessed, no stress.

Okay, a flip and a flutter and a trip and a stutter. None other than Little Lisa. Good evening everyone and Happy New Year. There you go and way out yonder in misery. We have none other, none other than that Parson, poor old Joe Larson. Joe Larson? Some days I don't know how to answer you. I'll just say I'm one of the children of the kingdom and I am his forever and glad of it.

What about something like, he's not Kid Carson, but he is Joe Larson. You seem to be the poet. Alright, well you know. The limerick, I'm not sure which.

The limerick he is, he's a poet and don't know it, but his feet show it because they are truly Longfellows. There you go. I wasn't going to go there, but I'm glad you did. Hey, we may as well have fun. See I'm strange and Lisa's silly, but Joe Larson's no hillbilly. That is some deep poetry, right there.

I am country to the bone. Alright, there you go. We got to get on with this program. This is weird.

Because we are a peculiar people and that's for sure now. And you know who said that? God. Amen.

Alrighty. I've got to make an announcement before we get going here tonight. And that is, we've talked about my good friend Dan Schafer. Dan is going to have tomorrow, Dan went home to be with the Lord. And tomorrow we're going to have his viewing tomorrow. And that's going to be from 5 o'clock. And that's at the newcomer funeral home. That's the newcomer funeral home at 131 North Canton Road in Akron.

That's 131 North Canton Road in Akron. And then he's going to be, that's going to be from 5 to 7 pm tomorrow. From 5 to 7 pm. And then the service is going to be held at the same place Friday January 7 from 10 am. And that's going to be followed by a gravesite committal at Greenwood. Greenwood Cemetery in Magador where Dan will be laid to rest. So folks out there, Dan was a very good friend and he requested that I would do his funeral. When I met with him just prior to him going home to be with the Lord. And I told him it would be an honor, it would be an honor to do the funeral.

He was such a good man. Anyhow, so there you go. And again that's tomorrow, the viewing tomorrow is from 5 to 7 pm. And the funeral will be from 10 on Friday from 10 o'clock. And again that is at the newcomer funeral home at 131 North Canton Road in Akron.

And that's, and the zip is 44035 for those of you that are looking it up in the zip code. Alrighty, I know Dan's going to have a lot of friends come out to come. And you know it was, Dan was, he was one of those guys that marched to the beat of a different drum. He stood on principle, and when you stand on principle like he did, a lot of times, just like now, those of us that are standing on principle when it comes to these poisonous pokes, these vaxes and that.

A lot of families have been totally broken up because they don't understand, they follow, they believe what they hear in the lamestream media, Dan understood different. And you know, and that happens whenever you stand on principle, when you march to the beat, well, look at all the apostles, you know, just like all the apostles. They stood on, they marched to this beat of a different drum. Alright, speaking of that, let's get into our scripture tonight, Joe, remember the title?

The immutable, irrefutable, undisputable God. I came up with that. Alrighty, so here, we left off, and I'm going to do a little bit of commentary where we left off, but you go to Hebrews chapter 6 and get ready to read verses 13 all the way through 20, okay? Now here, times have changed, and this is where I left off in the commentary. Times have changed, but not for the better. Today, what would have been, but would have been, what never would have been, never would have been tolerated when I was a youth growing up back in the 1950s, or, you know, is, well, it's spewed out like a hole in a sewage pipeline today. Language that would have put men in jail back then is echoed by the simple-minded, without thought or any regard to offending their morally superior neighbors, and that's, and I mean that, okay?

Folks, when you use that language, that foul language in which people are doing today, everything, and you hear these young people, F this and F in that, I mean, just, it degrades them, and it makes them lesser people. And so here, for example, I remember 2017, the women's march in Washington. That was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen. It was just absolutely ugly. You had, and these women were coming out against President Trump.

Why? Because President Trump had morals and values and standards. He was pro-life, you know, and he stood against the sins of sodomy, bestiality, everything that's in the Democratic, Democratic Communist Party platform.

I mean, if it's a sin, it's in their platform today. And so I'm watching these women out there, the so-called women's march, and I called it the whores march, the whores, because on one hand, you had these Muslim women out there, you know, covered from head to toe, but even their language, they didn't believe that using foul language was wrong. So, I mean, their language also, they were spewing the sewage. But then next to them, in 45-degree weather, you had the deathocratic women, which was the Democratic Party they called, topless. They were up there topless.

But that wasn't the worst part, okay? The worst part was they had 9- and 10-year-old boys and girls out there carrying placards with the F word on it, and they had these kids shouting that out. Now, those women should have been arrested for child abuse. They should have been. In fact, if they had done that, say, back in the 50s, their earlier time, they would have been arrested for child abuse, okay?

But their standards have decreased. They've been reduced to talking, and it's what I refer to as whores, because they're just wicked, running around. Now, they were wearing caps called pussy caps. That's what they had.

And then you had these others that were dressed up in giant, supposed to be giant pink vagina costumes, and they would run around with these giant things, and then they would open them up and stick an ugly face out. And I mean, by doing this, they were really fixing those Christians. We'll fix you. Look at this. See what we're doing. That's sick, right?

I mean, think about that, okay? So here, today, when I say things have changed, parents are subject to, and I'm going to read this. I listened to Merrick Garland make a speech today. Merrick Garland lied. He lied when he said that there was no election fraud.

We're going to be playing some clips tomorrow. I mean, just recently, the Epoch Times just came out and did a big piece, but on Texas, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, thousands and thousands were of these drop-off ballots, ballot drops, phony ballot drops, election fraud. Anyone and everyone that says there was no election fraud is a liar, and there's not a bit of truth, not a bit of truth in any of them. Well, of course, Eric Garland lied when he said there was no election fraud. He lied when he said that their insurrection was by white supremacists. He lied when he said that he is committed to ensure the civil rights of all Americans.

Now, he's only concerned with the civil rights of the Democrats. If you're a Christian or a conservative, this man is your enemy. He is the enemy. So he lied when he said that the Justice Department was determined to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He is our enemy. He is the enemy that everything that this country stands for, from the First Amendment.

You know, here today, you see, parents are being subjected to harassment, even arrest for refusing to accept the pornography that's in their public fool system. And so what did he do? He weaponized the FBI against the parents. So he lied again, okay? He lied when he said that no Americans will be prosecuted for their political views.

What a lie. That's exactly what he's doing, exactly. And that's exactly what this whole thing is about, what's taking place, and it's January.

So here, when we talked about this commentary, and then here, up until 1973, killing a baby by abortion was considered to be a crime punishable by prison and, in some cases, by death. That's right. Do you remember that? That's right.

That's exactly right. Do you know why? Because God's Word, the Bible says abortion is murder. And anyone and everyone that says it's not is a liar, and there's not a bit of truth in them, okay? And so what has changed in all of this? Well, I can tell you what has not changed, and that's God. He's the same today, tomorrow, and forever, and guess what?

That's what makes you deathocrats. This will put you in a whole lot of trouble, because you're in a whole lot of trouble with God. So, Joe, go ahead and read that, verses 13 through 20. For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men verily swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil. Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made a high priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedek. All right, so here now Abraham had waited from the time God had promised him a son until the birth of Isaac.

It was 25 years, but Abraham waited for that 25 years. God, who cannot lie, Joe, who cannot lie, he cannot change. God cannot change.

He's the same today, tomorrow, forever. Has done, is doing, and will continually doing exactly what he has told us in his word. That he, one of those promises is that he gives us eternal life.

Let me ask you this. God promises eternal life. And God always delivers on his promise. So we're going to have eternal life. What's the word for that when you have eternal life in 1 Corinthians 15? You are immortal. Immortal. Immortal.

That's right. Now, once we become immortal, will we be gods? We won't be god, no.

So if we become, we still won't be gods. Right. Now remember that, because we're going to be playing a clip here in a few minutes, and there are the great minds of today. Well, they have a different opinion on that.

We're going to be taking a listen to what they have to say. Now, here. You mean those thinking themselves wise became as fools?

Yep. That sounds like the original lie. You're going to be god. You're going to be god.

This is the same stuff. So, God tells us that if we put our trust and faith in him, then we're going to have eternal life. We will become immortal. But he also says that if those that refuse to do that, that refuse, that have heard the gospel rejected, well, they're going to spend eternity in torment. Okay. Didn't God read the memo?

I mean, doesn't he? Okay. Now, here. To those that are lost, God is dead.

Okay. You hear him saying, it's impossible for that Bible. It's impossible for that Bible. And you wouldn't believe some of the letters I got. This fellow sent me this long 65 pages explaining to me why all the other apostles rejected the apostle Paul and why different, the other gospels of the Bible all are totally contrary to Matthew.

I mean, just, you know, where these people get this mindset today, it's unbelievable. Okay. And so, anyhow, Joe, turn over to Hebrews 7. You don't have to go very far. No, I didn't have to. No. Verse 20.

Read 20 to 28. And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest, for those priests were made without an oath. But this with an oath by him that said unto him, the Lord swear and will not repent. Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. And they truly were many priests, and they were not suffered to continue by reason of death. But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.

Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. Who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's, for this he did once when he offered up himself. For the law maketh men high priests, which have infirmity.

But the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore. All right, so the high priest had to offer up a sacrifice first for their own sins. Who did Christ offer up a sacrifice for, whose sins?

Not his. Our sins. Our sins, right. So he had no sin, right? So he offered himself once and for all, right?

Yes. So then, these people that tell you that they were saved at one point, but they lost their salvation, but then they got saved again, what do you tell them? That's not our Christ.

That's not how that works. That once you're in Christ's hand, you can't be lost. So you can't lose your salvation because God's word in the Bible is pretty clear about your salvation is kept of God. God keeps your salvation. He would never, never trust us to keep something that was bought with the most precious quantity that ever existed, and that's the blood of Christ, right? That's right.

Right. Because if we could lose our salvation, we would lose our salvation, wouldn't we? We absolutely would. Okay, so here now, we have the ability today to go to Christ, go directly through Christ, directly to the Father. We can petition the Father. Why can we do that? Well, because of Jesus, we go to the Father through, always through the Son. Because Jesus is the advocate, the intercessor, the propitiation, He is everything to take sinful man and makes it possible for us to stand before holy God. Your example in the Old Testament, the high priest had to slaughter a bullock to go in and be able to slaughter a lamb for the entire nation of Israel, but it took a bullock to be a big enough sacrifice to cleanse him to make a sacrifice for the people. Well, actually, Joe, the people, they had to slaughter their own sacrifice, prepare it, and then they brought it to the priest, and the priest would offer it. Right. I mean, still, his sacrifice was bigger than that for the nation, yeah.

Oh, absolutely. Now, here I had, I remember listening to a Pentecostal preacher saying that Christ's work was finished. When at the cross, he sat down, and he was no longer active. If that were true, we'd be in real trouble, because if he was not continually interceding for us. Now, here I had this fellow write me this letter telling me that no place in the Bible does this say that there's only one intercessor between God and man, okay? And, yeah, I don't know what Bible he's reading, but the Bible says there's just one, and that's the Lord Jesus, and he's the high priest after the order of Melchizedek. And so, who's this Melchizedek fellow? The king of Salem and his kingdom, his priesthood, excuse me, had no beginning and no end.

He had no beginning, he had no father or mother, so who does that tell you that he is? God. That's the Lord himself. The Lord himself, yes.

So here, now there's very, very, very little in this world that we can put our absolute trust in. God's word is the only, it is the only thing that we can, that cannot fail. Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there is no way that one can fully comprehend or even begin to believe or to understand the unchangeable. And this is the only thing that is absolutely completely unchangeable, truth found, and it's only found right here in the word of God.

It's the only thing that we know for a fact is absolutely certain, huh? Right. One clue, the word Melchizedek means, all words in the Old Testament, they always had meaning, king of righteousness. Wait a minute, there's only one king of righteousness. Righteousness. That's the clue that this was the pre-incarnate Christ, was Melchizedek. I knew that. Anophony. Most people have no idea, Pastor Ernie.

I know. There would be a lot of people would want to argue, well he was this priest and the Bible just, well they didn't know, the Bible didn't tell you who he's father and mother. It says without, without descent, without, you know, neither beginning of days nor end of days, there's only one person in all creation, the physical manifestation of the Father, the Son. Alright, we're coming up to a break and we will be back right after, well wait a minute, it's not the break, we're going to the clip. Listen, remember what we told you about, Joe, about this transhumanism?

Yes. Listen to this. Well, before we do that, let me just read something very quickly here. Deep state promoters of transhumanism are totalitarians with an affinity for Communist Chinese tyranny who believe that man is evolving through technological and biological upgrades to become like God. It warns the New American magazine's Alex Newman in part of a five-part series on transhumanism for behind the deep state. Some believe and say publicly that they are actually building an artificial intelligence god that should be worshipped. Others believe they will achieve immortality by fusing their consciousness with computers.

But like Hegel's outrageous view of the state as God, these horrific and heretical ideals will end in nothing but total disaster. And God of the Bible addresses these views directly from Genesis to the New Testament and that was an interesting thing because who's the fellow with the car? The guy that has the car. Oh, they like Tesla. Tesla. Oh, okay.

Got you. Well, yeah, not Tesla, but the fellow out there today, the billionaire, the richest guy. Elon Musk. Elon Musk.

That's what I'm trying to think of. Okay. Elon Musk.

Okay. Elon Musk just came out and said, he said, they're summoning demons. They're summoning, you know, guess what? He got it right.

He did get it right. Take it away, mighty Albert. The transhumanist agenda is not just totalitarian and it very much is, but there is even a supernatural connection here, a diabolical connection. These people think they're going to become gods.

Stay tuned and I'll tell you more. So this transhumanist agenda is totalitarian to the core, the leading figures in the transhuman agenda are all raging totalitarians. And they're also very buddy-buddy with mass murdering raging totalitarians. Let's look at Klaus Schwab, the key architect of the so-called fourth industrial revolution. This guy is practically pen pals with the mass murdering dictator in communist China, Xi Jinping, also known as Winnie the Pooh. I actually found right on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the People's Republic of China, right on their website, they have this press release about a meeting between Xi Jinping and the World Economic Forum boss, Klaus Schwab. And it says right in this press release, and I'm quoting here, Klaus Schwab expressed that President Xi Jinping's splendid speech at the World Economic Forum annual meeting last year was unforgettable and widely applauded by the world today. It's interesting. They also said in this press release that the World Economic Forum is proud of the cooperation with China over the past four decades.

It stands ready to reinforce long-term cooperation with China in such aspects as supporting the advancement of the Belt and Road construction and promoting innovative development and make joint efforts to enhance the global governance system and push forward the settlement of global issues. That's just one of the key people who's on the stage today, but this idea, this affinity for the mass murdering dictatorship in communist China is not new. In fact, David Rockefeller, who by his own admission was trying to build a one-world system. In fact, let me quote from his autobiography, his book Memoirs.

This was published about a decade before he died, a little bit more. He says in there that some even believe, and this is a direct quote, some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as international instead of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure. One world, if you will.

If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I'm proud of it. Okay, so this is a man who says he's proud of conspiring with a secret cabal of globalists against the best interests of his own country to build a one-world order system. So what will this one-world order system look like?

Who is he conspiring with? Well, let's go back to David Rockefeller. In 1973, he published an op-ed in the New York Times.

This was actually published on August 10th of 1973. He had just come back from a trip to China. And this is what he said, the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.

Are we getting this, guys? He goes on to say that these developments are going to have a profound impact on the future of many nations. And he is not kidding. So now let's fast forward back to one of the leading promoters of the Transhuman Agenda. And you've seen him all throughout this series that we've been doing on transhumanism, and that is Bill Gates. I call him Bill Gates of hell.

He is, of course, a big time globalist, fundraiser for Obama, anti-Trump, member of the so-called Good Club pushing population control, a bunch of old white billionaires demanding that other people start having less children. Now, Bill Gates is interesting because unlike Bill Clinton, who became friends with Jeffrey Epstein before Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of being a child sex trafficker. Bill Gates became his friend afterward and was routinely flying around on his private jets. And of course Epstein was also one of the big promoters of this transhuman agenda. And of course Bill Gates is also very, very close to the mass murdering dictatorship in China. He has actually been named to some very prestigious positions by the regime. Here you see a picture of him with the mass murdering dictator of China, Winnie the Pooh. And folks, this is an agenda that just is completely transparent at this point.

In some cases, they even talk about it. Now, George Soros seems to have had a recent falling out with the Chai-Cons. But I want to show you a little video that he made, an interview he did with the Financial Times, where he actually explains that the new world order should be owned by China. Check this out. So I think you need a new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in, they have to own it the same way as, let's say, the United States owns the Washington Consensus.

All right, guys. So Communist China should own the new world order in the same way that the United States owns the current one. George Soros also famously told the globalists up in Canada, when he was getting his Globalist of the Year award, that Communist China had a better functioning government than the United States. Can you imagine? Can you imagine that guy? So that's what these people are. Now, they are complete psychopaths. They're obviously opposed to individual liberty. But it goes even further, folks. There is a diabolical component to this that you need to be aware of. I want to show you a little clip from a TV show that's been airing in Germany that kind of strikes at the core of this agenda, folks.

So check out this clip, and we'll talk about it. She is a doctor, a biologist, the youngest medical professor at a German university in history, an entrepreneur, a visionary, Professor Dr. Med, Professor H.C. Lawrence. Let's talk about the future. What is the future of medicine? Telemedicine and artificial intelligence. Well, if that were true, you'd see a computer scientist in front of you instead of a biologist.

Yes? Gene therapy. And what is the basis of that? Synthetic biology. Synthetic biology.

What is it? You. With the help of synthetic biology, we can alter existing life forms or create new ones. Come on.

People think bigger. Synthetic biology transforms us from creatures into creators. It's not just the future of medicine, but of humankind. We can cease entire infections before the outbreak.

Children start off with equal opportunities, and society is fair and tolerant. We eliminate genetic disorders. But if we don't do our work exceedingly well, it could end our species. It is on us to find a way. This is your future.

Your responsibility. You are the creators of tomorrow. And what about God? Honestly, we make God obsolete. So they think they're going to make God obsolete. They are going to become the masters of the planet and of the future and of mankind's destiny.

That is some pretty serious arrogance, some pretty serious pride right there. So they're going to use synthetic biology to make God obsolete. Now hold that thought because it gets even weirder. Now in a previous episode in this series on transhumanism for Behind the Deep State, I showed you some clips from a TV show that the BBC, the British government's propaganda service, is peddling to young people. I want to show you another clip from that show where they're talking about securing eternal life, but not eternal life through God, through the methodology God lays out in the Bible, but rather through transhumanism.

Watch this clip. I want to live forever as information because that's what transhumans are, Mom. Not male or female, but better. While I'm going there's no life or death, there's only data. I will be data. So there you go, folks.

Eternal life by uploading your consciousness to a computer. Pretty interesting. Now it gets even crazier, it gets even deeper.

We've talked about Yuval Noah Harari several times in this series so far. He is one of the most significant, if not the most significant, front men for this transhuman agenda, and he wrote a book called Homo Deus, and in this book he actually peddles the idea that mankind is on the verge of becoming gods, that we are on the verge of having godlike status through technological and biological upgrades to ourselves. Now this is not just some fringe kook weirdo. This is a guy who's regularly at the World Economic Forum, a guy who's been endorsed, whose books have been endorsed by Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates of Hell, Angela Merkel, and on and on, and he is arguing that we are going to become gods through this technology and that mankind will essentially cease to exist because we're going to evolve into gods. Now he is hardly the only advocate of transhumanism who's peddling this idea. I want to show you a clip here of the chief of engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil, another one of the most significant front men for this agenda.

So take a look at this and see where he's going with this. This is billions of times more profitable than the computer I use as an undergraduate per dollar, but that's not even the most interesting thing about it. If I want to access 10,000 computers for two seconds, I can do that wirelessly, and it multiplies itself in the cloud 10,000 fold. That's what we're going to do with our neocortex. So I'm walking along and I see Larry Page coming and I say, ah, I better think of something clever to say. My 300 million modules in my neocortex isn't going to cut it.

I need a billion for two seconds. I'll be able to access that in the cloud just like I can multiply the intelligence of my smartphone thousands fold today. So he's going to multiply his intelligence thousand fold by combining his brain with supercomputer systems. And now watch where all this leads.

Check out this clip. More complicated, more knowledgeable, more intelligent, more creative, more capable of expressing higher sentiments like being loving. So it's moving in the direction that God has been described as having these qualities without limit. And so I think evolution is a spiritual process and makes us more godlike. OK, so we're evolving to become gods by combining ourselves with machines. Through transhumanism, we are going to become gods. OK, this is literally what these transhumanists are saying. Now, this actually reminds me of Genesis chapter three. If you go to your Bibles in verse four and five, it says, The serpent said to the woman, You will not surely die, for God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God. The same lie that we heard in the garden from the mouth of Satan is now being repeated by these transhumanists. Oh, yeah, you can upgrade yourself and you can be like God and you can combine your brain with supercomputers and then you're going to be like God. Isn't that cute?

Now, these people don't actually believe in God. I want to go back to Ray Kurzweil. I've got a little clip from him. He did a documentary called The Transcendent Man. Prepare to evolve the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil.

And listen to what he says. So does God exist? Well, I would say not yet. Yeah, not yet. OK, does God exist?

Not yet. We're building him, right? We're going to become gods. We're going to build God. And this is, folks, what these people believe.

We need to be very clear about this. There was actually a church of AI, a church of artificial intelligence founded in California. And in its founding charter, it says that the church of AI is dedicated to, and I'm quoting here, the realization, acceptance, and worship of a godhead based on artificial intelligence developed through computer hardware and software. Folks, these people think they are building God. And again, I go back to the Bible.

What does the Bible say about this? If you go to Romans chapter 1 verses 24 and 25, therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator. So God talks about this idea that people deliberately suppress the truth, that people deliberately try to pretend like they don't realize God exists. Instead, they want to worship a creature, something that is created rather than the creator of all things.

And that is what these people are doing, folks. They think they're creating God. They think they're becoming God through these mergers with technology, through the expansion of artificial intelligence, folks.

And this is not the first time that we have improperly, we as humans, have improperly deified human creation. Now, George Hegel, the German so-called philosopher, he actually was a huge proponent of the idea that the state was God. In German, he famously said, Translated into English, the march of God in the world, that is what the state is.

Some other quotes from Hegel and you kind of see where he's going with this. In other words, the state is God. He went on to say that the state is the supreme manifestation of the activity of God in the world. He said that the state stands above all.

It is spirit which knows itself as the universal essence and reality. The state is the reality of the kingdom of heaven, Hegel said. The state is God's will.

Now, on their own, these ideas would be preposterous enough. But when put into practice by disciples of Hegel, we have seen where this leads to and it is just where a Christian would expect it to lead to. So if you look at some of the people who have been inspired by Hegel, you've got Chairman Mao, you've got Adolf Hitler, you've got Joseph Stalin, you've got Karl Marx. The disciples, the adherents of this maniac's philosophy, the idea that the state is God, that the state is supreme, have butchered over 100 million of their own people. Hundreds of millions of human beings have been murdered by people who believed these same idiotic ideas that Hegel was advocating. So making the state or the collective into God produces absolutely catastrophic results. What do we think is going to happen when we turn artificial intelligence or humans into God? I guarantee you it's not going to end well. And before I let you go for today, I want to show you just one little quick clip of Elon Musk talking about artificial intelligence.

Check this out. I think he's giving more truth than even he might realize. With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there's the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he's like, yeah, you sure you can control the demon?

Didn't work out. Yeah, so we're literally summoning a demon with this artificial intelligence, folks. And don't get me wrong, I'm not against technology. What I'm against is tyranny. What I'm against is worshipping the creature rather than the creator. What I'm against is telling people that they can become like gods by merging themselves with technology created, owned, and operated by flaming tyrants. We've got to resist this agenda, folks. I've got one more part in this series on transhumanism and I just want to give you some of my ideas on what we do about this. Clearly we have a problem. Clearly these people are maniacs from the perspective of individual liberty. Alrighty, there you go.

We're back. That's exactly the whole idea with these artificial vaccines. Absolutely.

You have all these nanoparticles in there and this is a part of turning us into some kind of machines. People don't get it yet. They still don't know. Anyhow, go ahead, Randy. You had an article there.

This kind of dovetails very nicely with it. No one has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism and this is the hill we need to die on. And Robert Kennedy Jr. said that on Sunday and basically he said, I'm going to tell you these three things that you need to remember in this critical day and age. One, once a government acquires a power, it never lets it go voluntarily. Two, every power the government acquires using this pandemic as a pretense, it will ultimately abuse to the maximum effect possible.

This is a rule that is as certain as gravity. Three, nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. Every time you comply, the demand will get greater and greater. We need to resolve these here and now that this is the hill we need to die on. They have come for our jobs, they've come for our transport, now they're coming for our children. We have an obligation as parents to protect them. There has never been a government in history that has told its people we're going to demand children's sacrifice and take risks to save old people.

It's always the other way around. The old, the mature, the adults always put themselves at risk to protect their children. This is an ethical issue, it's a moral issue, it's an issue of character for each of us and it's an issue about democracy and public health. Very good. Joe, you had an article there.

Well, I have two that tie together. In Austria, the government is getting ready to become the first in the world to make unvaccinated illegal, punishable by fines and maybe up to a year in jail. But it's interesting, about four centuries ago the gates of Vienna became a symbol of the defense of Western civilization when Polish King Jan Sobieski came out with 23,000 Christians to stave off the advancing Ottoman Empire. And it once again became the center of civilizational conflict when Austria was seized by Hitler in 1938. And then after the defeat of the Nazis, the part of the country was occupied by the Soviet Union. And it's been back and forth there between communism and democracy.

And 1955, the Soviet Union pulled out of Austria. And every time something happened, the people went to prayer. Right now, in 250 cities in Austria, the people are gathering in the streets of their cities in prayer in a movement called Austria Praise. And this movement is now spread to Germany and northern Italy.

And the guy behind it is a name, Tisch Kogel, I can't pronounce it, he's the founder of St. Boniface Institute, a nonprofit group that works on issues of Christ like abortion and marriage. And they have the belief that humanity can only be saved through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, that the Austrians are being used as lab rats for the Western world. This terrible idea of a vaccine mandate is now being copied by Germany. They're looking if it can happen in a little nation, then they can gradually do it across to other nations and spread around the world. And he said if this is tolerated in Austria, the next steps are, among other things, that unvaccinated parents could lose their children.

And he said this is a machiavellian step by step, and this is something they're working on, the One World Order, to bring everybody in compliance, to create social pressure where the people will rat on one another, become their own secret police, and will create their own, bring their own people into socialism, into communism. And something, and we'll back this up, he's talking about God will save us. Always what has brought us to a solution to the problems was prayer.

Asking God, please save us, we need you. And what's happened in the past, all through the Bible, God saved the people, God saved us. And he's saying faith is what keeps people fighting. And we have to understand that if we follow Christ, we better be ready for a sacrifice.

We can't sacrifice like Jesus, but God will expect us to carry our own cross. And he's saying this is a world problem now, not just a problem in Austria. So if we pray, and I'm going to ask Pastor Ernie to help lead a prayer in a minute, for the people of Austria to fight this, we are not just saving Austria, but Germany and France and all the countries around that are beginning to, the government's thinking they can do likewise. And I see right behind it, today out, the president of France has come out and saying, he's unvaccinated.

I really want to something them off, we're going to keep doing this to them, keep doing it until the end. And he's saying we're going to make life so miserable for the unvaccinated, we're going to banish them from public life. They won't be able to go out and eat, they won't be able to go to a bar, they won't be able to travel.

If you don't have the Vax, you won't be able to do anything, you will lose all freedom in your country. So this is what the French are getting ready to do. And he's saying that the opponents of his mandates are irresponsible people who have undermined the strength of our nation. And it goes on and on and on, I mean, he's coming down really hard on the unvax, that we are the evil of the world, we are stopping the governments from achieving their goals. And think about it, we've already figured out we're never going to stop corona. The governments promised that they would, Biden said we were going to stop this virus in its tracks.

No, the virus is here to stay, but the governments want to use this for the mechanism to obtain the one world order, with people complying, giving up their freedoms, giving up their rights, taking the vaccination. This is one giant step into the one world order, and we are watching a worldwide revolution, we are living it. And if we don't do more than just watch it, if we don't get out and fight it, it's the whole world at stake, not just the United States of America.

And I do not think I'm exaggerating. All right, Joe, here we're coming up to a break, so I'm going to have to come in here. The Lord said this in 2 Chronicles 7, verse 13, if I shut up heaven and there be no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send penicillin among the people. In other words, he's saying if I do these things, this is what I have to do to bring my people to repentance.

If I do this, and look what he's sent amongst us today. He says, if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, their sin, and turn, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will hear their land. Now my eyes shall be opened, and my ears a tent to the prayer that is made in this place.

So, let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord God, right now, I would pray that your people all over the world, right now, Lord God, that one more time we might have revival, just one more time. Lord, before you return, that your people would stand up loudly and boldly, and your people would fight a good fight, they would run a good race, and they would honor you, and they would glorify you. Lord, we just raised, we would ask Father God that you would raise up bold men of God in the pulpits, pastors that are really truly pastors, real men of God. Not sissies, not prissies, not these effeminate little fellows, but bold, righteous men of God who once again will stand up and lead the people. And Lord, that there would be, that they would, people would repent, they would call upon your name, and they would turn from the wickedness.

Lord, let us, let us one more time have revival in this country before you return here. These things we ask, Lord, and let this all be in a way that's honoring, glorifying, and well pleasing. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen to that.

Amen. So we're coming up to a break when we come back. We've got a whole lot more to go yet, so don't go away. We'll be back right after this with a whole lot more. So hang in there. Here we go. We'll be right back. Amen. Amen.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-25 07:08:20 / 2023-06-25 07:27:20 / 19

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