Love, exciting and new.
Come aboard, we're expecting you, man. Let's talk. A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events and theology all come together.
Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. We are on a love boat cruise this week on Truth Talk Live.
Maybe you noticed that from yesterday. But, you know, as we're increasing our love here in the month of February, you know, which one another, there's a whole ton of one anothers in the Bible, but which one another when it comes to that idea of loving one another is your biggest challenge. You know, some of them seem just simple enough like, greet one another, right?
Just from Romans 16, 16, right? Well, it actually says we're the holy kids. But anyway, I don't know about you, but when I really look at that, I go, you know, you may not know this, but I'm actually a fairly shy person. And I'm not like the kind of person to just go up to people or, you know, Tami will know that, you know, can you go talk to them about this and can you go do that? Because it's easier sometimes to say nothing. It's easier not to greet.
It's easier to stay in your shell, right? And so I want to put out a personal humility challenge today, right? Can you be humble?
Can you tell us where you really do struggle? Like, how about to be kind to one another, right? It's easy enough when you're being kind to somebody who's being kind to you, but, you know, I don't know when the last time you talked to an insurance company or financial company or something, you get transferred over to that, sounds like you go to a foreign country somewhere because you can't seem to find anybody that really speaks English fluently.
And about the third time that you try to explain them the same thing, how kind, right, can you be? We want to know. 866-348-7884 is the number for you to call in and share, right? Which one of the one anothers is your biggest challenge? 866-348-7884. And here to help me again on my Love Boat Tour are the Truth Talk Live Love Boat Tour that we're on this week.
Dr. Carson, it's a huge thing, this one another. It sure is, Ravi, and it's good to be with you. And you went with Romans 16, 16, greet one another with a holy kiss. Paul drives it home even stronger than 1 Thessalonians 5, 26, greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.
He's making sure we're not leaving out anyone. And that's challenging for me. I don't mind greeting. I just don't want to do the holy kissing thing. Well, I have a friend.
I should tell their story. And, you know, we have Masked On Journey. We do it on Tuesday nights, actually, usually.
In fact, always. And we're very close, right? And one time I told him, I said, I really struggle with this holy kiss thing. Like, man, you know, just kissing another guy, it just doesn't feel like... And about that time, man, he reaches up and he gives me a smack on the lips, man. Like, I was so... You know, it was interesting that he did it in such a way that it totally broke all barriers.
It was not, in any way, just did it feel invasive or anything. It was just like, he really does love me. And I knew that he did. And it was just, you know, his way of making fun of me. But at the same time, just showing you Robbie, this is not that big a deal. And, you know, it's interesting, almost every time I see him to this day... Now, I don't ever kiss him on the lips, but I will tell you, I have no problem kissing him on the cheek or whatever. But I make sure that he knows that I'm over that.
But it's a struggle. And I'd be shocked, you know, everybody's personal space is, you know, being invaded. But there's something about hugs.
And, you know, another place that really helped me there, Dr. Carson, was, you know, I worked with special needs for over 20 years at Calvary. And those people, you don't have any personal space, I'm sorry. You forfeited that when you walked in the room. And our special needs class were adults, so these people were, you know, good, good, good friends. And I'd known them for years and years.
But, you know, most of them were actually in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. And when they saw you, you better be prepared to about get your ribs broken. And they loved on you in a way, you know, they just didn't have any filter. And whatever came to their mind or whatever they wanted, you know, if they wanted to reach out and grab you, they reached out and grabbed you. And it became something that really, my mother used to say, hugging Robbie was like hugging a tree.
Boom, boom, stiff. Right. And of course I'm a little bit tall too, so I guess that might have fit into the equation.
But nonetheless, those years and special needs, you know. So how about you? You're listening and you're thinking, well, this is ringing a bell.
I struggle here. I want to hear from you, right? 866-348-7884, you can be humble.
Share something that maybe somebody else is dealing with, and maybe how God allowed you to overcome it. 866-348-7884, but these one anothers, God, he emphasized these things, right, Doc? Oh, he sure does. And, you know, first off, you'll find in the New Testament about 20, almost 30 verses that speak to us about loving one another. And Jesus kicks this off by telling his disciples a new commandment. I give you that you love one another as I have loved you, and by this all men will know that you're my disciples. John 13, 34, and 35. Well, he'll continue that in John 15, and John 15, 12, John 15, 17. And then Paul picks this up, and over and over, Peter will talk about this. Peter says, we're not just supposed to love one another, we're supposed to love one another fervently. They're like trying to win a race, using all of our energy that we can expend to get to that finish line. We're supposed to be loving that way.
Well, okay, what does love then look like? And then you come to the New Testament and you find Paul will weigh out, I've got 56 different one another. Talk about challenging myself, 56, talk about challenging us. Well, we've got your calls coming up. We've got to go to a break, Doc, but we'll be right back. We need your calls. 866-348-7884. Call us. It's the Love Boat Cruise this week on Truth Talk Live, as we are today digging into the one anothers.
Which one another might be one you struggle with, or one that God's given you some help? And you have a testimony along those lines, oh, we'd love to hear those on Truth Talk Live. You've got to call us. 866-348-7884. Again, you can encourage a lot of folks that struggle, believe me, they're struggling with the same thing you struggle with.
866-348-7884. Here's a particularly challenging one. Honor one another. In fact, in Romans 12-10 it says, outdo one another showing honor, right?
And it seems easy enough until that person in your family stole your golf clubs or whatever the situation might be. I can remember when my brother actually did that. And I wasn't honoring him after I found out about it.
We've laughed about it for years. But those things are challenging in the moment, right, of really outdoing one another and showing honor in certain circumstances. You know, pretty strange, right? Do we get up in the morning with the thought that today I'm going to outdo my co-workers in honoring them? I mean, it's a challenging verse. Romans 12-10. You know, while we're supposed to show hospitality to one another, Peter says that in 1 Peter 4-9, the idea there is to welcome the stranger. And listen, Peter knows often hospitality, welcoming someone in, is going to be difficult, so he even says, without grumbling.
He knows it's coming. So when I was working up there at Liberty, we'd have college for a weekend, visitors coming in, and they're going to be going into somebody's room, and I said, all right, guys, be hospitable, not hostile. And that became one of the Dwayne-isms for Liberty University's student leadership. Be hospitable, not hostile, because it's hard to have someone sharing space with you. Right, and it's an interesting thing that, you know, not only is it the person that you're—and quite often, unfortunately, where I struggle is— but is it everybody around you that knows you well is watching? And so sometimes, you know, my family knows me to the extent that, like, Dad, you're losing it. And they're calling me on it when I know that I have not said a word, I've not been rude in any way, shape, or form, but they can just tell by my body language, by what's going on inside. And, you know, over the years, unfortunately, I've set up this expectation of bad behavior in certain circumstances. Like, if a waitress treats me badly, or, you know, certain things, and they just know. And so they're watching. Is God doing a work in you?
Are you increasing in love in this particular area? You know, and how is God reminding you? And fortunately for me, you know, my kids at least feel, you know, not so intimidated that they will tell me, all right, Dad, you know, here we go again. And so, especially, you know, when you're the Christian car guy, and somebody cuts you off in traffic and your granddaughter's in the car, you know what I'm saying? Well, when you say the most difficult of the one anothers, we get two verses that call for us to be, oh, here comes the word, Robbie, patient with one another, 1 Thessalonians 5.14, and there's some great things to do for one another here. He says, Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are released, comfort the faint-hearted, uphold the weak. And then he says, Be patient with all, with one another. Ephesians 4, 2, Be completely humble and gentle. Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Love's going to be shown when you can be patient, and every now and then, the Holy Spirit says, You're not applying what you're teaching. Gotta be long stuff remains. You know what long stuff remains? I know a lot of, it was interesting that you bring that up, Dr. Carson, because just this morning, right, I'm actually teaching on Revelations 1 tomorrow, and I was looking back over the churches, and I thought it would be really fun to do an in-depth study to, and I just like to do this with certain words, to take those churches, those seven churches, and take a hard look at translating them back into Hebrew so that I can understand the words better.
Right? And when you look at Ephesus, the church of Ephesus in Greek, right, it has to do with a couple different ideas, but mostly being, you know, leading from behind, which is interesting when you think about returning to your first love. But when you take the word in Hebrew, and you do a deep dive on it, it is more than spectacular, because the first two letters of the word spell longsuffering, which, as you know, has to do with long feathers, and a lot of things that God certainly describes himself as.
But the second part of the word is what just blew my mind, and I've been thinking about it all day, and I cannot get enough of this idea. The second part of the word Ephesus in Hebrew is horse. And the idea of a horse in Hebrew has to do with this unbelievable support in battle. Oh, yes.
And so, the truth is, if you've heard enough of my story here, that I'm not the most patient person that ever... However, in battle, you know, God is there to support us. If we will turn, as we talked about yesterday, turn our hearts back to God in this situation, then here comes the white horse. And that's the word Ephesus. Isn't that amazing? Yes.
We can get too far out in front of God, can't we? Oh, well, we have Orlando is in High Point, and we're going to find out what he's working on. Good morning, or good evening, Orlando. How you doing, Robbie?
I am so excited to hear from you, my friend, as always. So... Well, mine is a little different story, because when it comes down when I'm driving, I learn to bite my tongue. When people keep cutting me off, or they stick their hand out the window and say something, you know what I mean?
Yes. And it's very, very hard not to say something, so I start learning to bite my tongue. Really? That's the problem. That way, I can't say a thing once you bite your tongue. But the problem comes that it goes to your mind, and then you can't shut your mind, you can't close your eyes, and it's very, very hard to love the other person.
But when you're feeling that pain in your tongue, you're like... I've got to tell you a story. We've got to go to another break, Orlando.
I've got a wonderful story along these lines that happened, but I love what you're talking about. My tongue might take a beating on the way home tonight. We'll be right back. We need your calls. I know that some of you are going to listen, so come back and listen to the podcast. The rest of you will be up for another half hour. Stay tuned.
Live, which one another is your biggest challenge, and we just had Orlando, but somehow or another we lost him. He was talking about when he is driving and struggling with other drivers that his idea was to bite his tongue, which it's a great idea, but I was going to tell you this, Dr. Cross. Early on in my Christian car guy career, I came up with this idea of what would be the ultimate Christian car guy accessory. And people could put their idea up on my website, and then everybody else would come to the website and vote on it, and this went on for a couple months, and the winner got a trip to Israel. Pilgrim Tours sponsored that. I'll never forget it, and so obviously a lot of people... We had, I forget how many thousands of entries of this ideas of what was the best Christian automotive accessory.
The winner, I will never forget as long as I live, and you're going to love this, Dr. Carson. Someday you and I need to work on programming it. It was the rebuke yourself horn. Oh my word. So what you do is you have another horn button, and when you have that feeling rather than bite your tongue, you hit it and it spits out one of your one another Bible verses, be kind to one another. That would be really good if you could get it in Billy Graham's voice or something, or somebody's voice, you know, Adrian Rogers, to blast that verse at you, you know, like, be kind.
I love that idea. It was genius, don't you think? It is, and you could just hear Ephesians 4 32 coming out, and forgive one another, even as Christ has forgiven you. Oh, okay, I forgive you crazy, horrible, terrible driver.
Yes, they are challenging at times. I mean, if you're honest, the neat thing about the world is God has rigged it in such a way that we cannot do it without him, right? Doc, I mean, these things are, like, you have to turn to him or there's no way in the world. The thing about Jesus giving the, what we call the 11th commandment, love one another, as I have loved you, we get the example. I use a statement of love that the time a person needs love the most is when they deserve it the least.
Exactly. And that's how Jesus loved us, isn't it? And God demonstrated his love to us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. When we were at our worst and deserved absolutely no love whatsoever, we deserved the wrath of God, God comes along and does the exact opposite, demonstrating love to us with his Son dying for us.
And we get this example, and Peter talks about following the example of Jesus, and that's why so many times when Paul would give one another, he'll add to it just as Jesus did. And especially on the forgiveness, Ephesians 4, 32, forgive one another just as Christ forgave you. And if I had to rank the toughest one of all, that's the one that goes to the top of the list, because people, when they do something that needs to be forgiven, they've done something that has hurt you. And then I have to think, okay, what sin did Jesus not forgive me of? And my sin hurt Jesus, yet he forgave me, he washed me clean of my unrighteousness. So now someone has harmed me, hurt me, they've been malicious toward me, and I now have to extend Christ-like forgiveness to them.
Yeah, and you're listening and thinking, man, yeah, I struggle here. Well, it's a great time, you know, just confession's good for the soul. And it's good to, you know, confess to one another, okay? And so that's 866, the number in case you forgot it, 866-348-7884.
So apparently, you know, some of you out there may be struggling with that one, confess one to another. 866-348-7884, because it's just like Orlando, you know, we all, you know, in some way or another, you may not have been saying those words, but something's going on inside that's tricking you up. And, you know, what an opportunity to call and share, right?
Maybe, like Orlando, you came up with a clever idea, you know. My tongue may take a beating over it, but we would love to hear from you. 866-348-7884, of course we've got Mike, he's in Dayton, Ohio. So grateful for your call today, Mike. How about you?
Well, thank you. Well, my hardest one is when me and my wife are on a trip, and especially back in the day when we didn't have phones. And she would be guiding us through wherever we're going with a map. Oh, the paper, the actual paper map. Yeah. And I always lost my cool.
I mean, you don't know how to read a map, oh my God. I don't know if any other man has ever said that, Mike. I resemble that remark.
Oh, my God. And, you know, I always lose my love for my wife because of that, you know. And now that we have the navigation system, I call her my Tam Tam, which is the, Mike, you're driving too fast, Mike, you're watching the traffic up ahead.
So I try not to get upset with my wife when she's trying to ride with me in the car. I'm learning how to keep Mike, Mike, Mike. All right, all right. Here comes more of a difficult test for you, Mike.
Okay. My mother-in-law, unfortunately, she, I don't know how you want to put it, but she went to be with the Lord. And she's graduated to heaven. And, you know, she was a wonderful lady. However, she literally was in the back seat and would always sit right behind me. So your wife is one thing, but when it's your mother-in-law, oh, my gosh, I don't know.
That was a struggle, man. It was huge. It was huge. I had the same mother-in-law, I guess. Did she sit in the seat right behind you? Well, she sat in the middle of the, you know, if it was like a bucket seat in the back, she sat right in the middle so she could see the road. And it was awful. I don't know. She was a wonderful lady.
She really took care of her kids and taught them the, you know, taught them stuff. But it was just hard, you know. Oh, it is.
It is. Well, we got Eugene is in Spartanburg, South Carolina. So, Eugene, you're on the Truth Talk Live. What you got for us, Eugene?
I'm tuning in, working a little bit today. I hear you talking about different slogans and things that remind us to forgive others. Maybe we're going down the road and we get cut off or something happens.
Right, right. So, a few years ago, I had that hit me and I decided to have a sticker made for the back window of my truck. So, as I'm driving, there's something to remind me. All I've got to do is look in the rear view mirror and see that. And it's let go and let God. Oh, how awesome.
So, it's right there. And he's so good to us, isn't he? And we let go and let him have it.
It's so hard to do very often. I can tell you that that particular slogan slash verse slash idea had much to do with my personal salvation. It really did because one of the first people that taught me to pray was a pastor actually in Greensboro, North Carolina. And that was what he would say as we're praying, you know, let go and let God.
And it was through some of those prayers where I was letting go and letting God that actually God showed me that he was all that I needed, right? And so, I love that. I love it, Eugene. That's great. I appreciate your call so much.
And did you ever have one that you looked at it and you went, nah. I believe we may even be talking some more here soon. But yes, his plans are so much greater than anything we could ever imagine and his timing.
Isn't it? Well, I am so grateful for your call, Eugene. For Mike, you guys keep up the great work out there.
Keep working on it. We're going to be back in a minute and we would love your call. 866-348-7884.
Come on, now that's what makes the show. We need to hear from you. 866-348-7884. How are you doing? We would love to hear from you. We'll be right back with a whole lot more on those one anothers. Which one's hard for you? Truth Talk Live!
You're listening to the Truth Network and We're expecting you and love. Life's sweetest reward. We're continuing today on our Love Boat tour into increasing our love in 2025. With today's topic, which one another is your biggest challenge? And here to help me out all hour has been my good friend, Dr.
Date the Word Carson himself with his many verses of one anothers. But now we got Eugene, who is in Spartanburg still with us. Eugene, you got something else for us. Oh, yes, sir.
As I'm tuning in, I catch you on here just a moment ago as I'm working. And talking about slogans that we put on our vehicle and just to remind us when others may have made a mistake or cut us off or something, just the way we forgive them and don't hold something over their head. And a sticker I put on my back window was, let go, let God. It reminded me of, just look in my rear-view mirror and see that brings that up. And so we don't take off a road rage or anger of someone who just simply made a mistake. Yeah, or even I once interviewed a guy, Eugene, by the name of Dr. Driving, and he was a psychiatrist out of Hawaii of all places.
He was a pretty interesting dude, and his strategy was this. He said, consider you're on the same team with those other drivers, and they just missed their block, right? It's the same idea that you just conveyed, and here's the thing. In me and my competitive nature, I'm always, unfortunately, rather than wait on one another, I'm supposed to be in the lead here because I'm thinking about me.
Unfortunately, I'm just being honest that I've struggled with these things. And what you're talking about is beautiful, that is, let God lead, what a concept. Right?
That's right. We often jump in the way and not realize his timing is always right on time. It doesn't align with ours. We just take a moment and realize he shows up right when we need him the most. Yes, he does, especially if we turn our heart that way. So, wow, thank you, Eugene. I appreciate your spending time with us today, and those words are very, very helpful, I think, to a lot of us who need that slogan in our back window because any way we can turn our heart to God, we got a chance at it, right?
Well, that's right. Sometimes we need to see that ourselves, but sometimes it's a simple reminder to someone else as they're going down the road. As I've traveled, I'm a rodeo clown, entertainer, and that's been there, and there's been a couple of situations in my life where someone else has seen that and they've needed it as well as I'm in the work truck.
Sure. I recently did on there, and it speaks to me as I'm driving and I'm working and doing things as well, not only when I was on the road doing my rodeo and also working here local in town. So, wow, as a rodeo clown, you kind of are a living example of loving others as Christ loved.
It's a pretty sacrificial occupation, I would think. I can't imagine, but how long have you been doing that, Eugene? I've been rodeoing since a couple years out of high school.
I started riding bulls and I rode bucking horses and then got into realizing that I really like being the entertainer, the rodeo clown, and a talent that I know comes from God. It gives me an opportunity to be in front of others and share, just getting the laughter from people. You never know what someone's going on, what they have going on in their life, and what someone's going through. In just a moment you can take them away from the reality of everything and get their attention and let them know that it's all right to cut up just a little bit and relax. Everything's going to be better.
Oh, yeah, I couldn't agree with you more. Years ago when I started doing Kingdom Pursuits, which that show, I don't know if you've ever heard of, it's on Saturdays, and I most often will have people that have never been on the radio before. And they are so scared when you look at them that you can see. And believe me, I can relate because I can never forget the first time I was on the radio.
I was terrified. And I came up with the idea of just using these dad jokes, which are called Robbie's Riddles, which my producer Nick can certainly attest to. I do it every week, but it's a matter of when you can get people laughing, it's interesting.
You can get them testifying. Well, that's right, and that's one way that I'm actually able to minister and getting out into the different areas is with that, sharing my comedy, sharing something simple as brightness on the day with a quick joke, a one-liner. And it's actually showed up in my life and worked so much greater than I would have ever even imagined, so much I would need it at a time when I would be faced with a large struggle in life. Oh, yeah, absolutely. As we talk about rodeo clowning, that's just a small part of things.
That seems to come easy, but just a little over 14 months ago I was working and cutting some trees I took a job on to raise a little money, getting ready to marry a girl, and the extra income was going to help out on us moving forward and getting married. And a tree lift got thrown about 35 feet to the ground and ended up in the ICU. I don't remember anything over the accident happening, and it's been a recovery process throughout the course of the year leading up to now and how God has been on time and showed up throughout these situations.
You talked earlier about a psychiatrist even speaking with my pastor and praying that as we're looking at a brain injury and a lot of things are related from the fall, not speaking with a neurologist and getting any help there, we're praying for a Christian psychiatrist that would get me in the right direction and not get me on medication that could make the situation worse than it was. Wow. And there's so much that's happened since then, go ahead. Yeah, so were you able to get married?
That actually happened the 25th of November in 2023, but we actually ended up getting married the 23rd of June of 2024. Wow. Is it right if we pray with you right now, Eugene? Yes, I'd love that. Oh, we would love it too, wouldn't we, Doc?
Oh, yes. Lord, thank you for Eugene and how sweet his humility to share his own struggle. You know, Lord, you know this situation and you know what he needs in this situation, but Lord, that's a Christian psychiatrist. Lord, we pray that you would maybe even through what he's talking about today, somebody that'd reach out, should truth talk live, and we can get in touch with Eugene.
Lord, however it works out, Lord, he's looking for help where he doesn't have to get on a medication that would affect his mind or make things possibly worse. Lord, if you choose to just touch and heal, that would be amazing too, Lord. I know that you're working through this, that you're in it. I thank you for Eugene letting go and letting you take this. I thank you for the way he's ministered as a rodeo clown and, Lord, we ask that that love would flow back to him now and to meet his needs. And, Dr. Carson, I'll let you take it from here. And, Father, we just know you watch over Eugene, he's your child, and provide the very needs that he has.
He's his wife, and thank you for your watch care over us. We pray this in Christ's name. Amen. In Christ's name, amen. Amen.
Wow, Eugene. So grateful that you shared that, and I'm going to be praying on my way home as well that the Lord will provide that because, you know, we found that for my mother who really struggled with that. She attempted suicide when I was younger, and we finally found that Christian psychiatrist that walked her through some really difficult things.
I lost a big brother, actually. And that just makes all the difference in the world to get treatment from somebody that is connected to God. I couldn't agree with you more, my friend, that that would be amazing. So thank you for a chance to share there, buddy. Well, there's a lot more to this story, and I'd be happy to share more just whenever you're available.
Oh, I am definitely available a lot. And so, Nick, my producer, he's going to get your contact information, and we will set that up for you, okay? Because you do have quite a story. Well, that's awesome, and I'd love to share the rest of it with you. Just with everything happening the way it did just today, knowing that God's behind every bit of it, and I'll spend every breath for the rest of my life sharing what God's done in my life and how He's choked and just revealed Himself through the friends that He's put in my life and praying for a psychiatrist and getting me connected to a clinic and even some friends that have come into my life that have made things a lot better and the healing that has already came and continuing to happen every day, even talking with you here.
Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it, how God provides in such, and I don't know if you know my story, but I fell 35 feet from a tree myself. And if you knew that, I'd love to speak more about it. Yeah, we will do that, Eugene. So, Dr. Carson, thank you, thank you, thank you. Remember, date the Word app. Get the Date the Word app. We'll be back.
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