Welcome to Truth Talk Live. All right, let's talk. A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together. Speak your mind.
And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. What is your favorite biblical number? Like, you know, are you a three guy? Like, you know, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Are you a one guy? Like, the Lord my God is one.
Are you a seven person? You like the idea of completeness. Or, you know, I would love to know, you know, what's your favorite biblical number? You know, kind of what that might represent to you? What you think about when you think about that number?
How it relates to maybe your favorite Bible story or some of your favorite Bible verse? Maybe you're, like, I would just guess, and I'm betting you would guess too, Nick, that for Dr. Carson, who does date the word, 316 would be a big thing to him. Right? Because that's his, you know, that's his number. Or maybe it has to do with your birthday. Like, you've always, you know, loved the idea of your birthday number. Whatever that number may be, you know, what does that mean?
When they use that number in the Bible, what exactly, where is that going? We would love to hear it from you. 866-348-7884.
866-348-7884. Here's one that took me by surprise this morning. I was really just, you know, kind of reading through one of these plans that a friend of mine wants us to go through and study. Going through the Bible in three years, actually. And we're comparing notes as we go through it. Personally, all of those in the masculine journey, guys. We're in a group.
We do that right now. And so I was, you know, rereading Genesis and the account of all these deaths. And I couldn't help but notice that most of the patriarchs, especially, you know, the more famous ones, like Adam, they died in their 900s.
Right? And so I started to see this nine must mean something biblically. Like, because, you know, Adam himself died when he was 930. And, you know, my Methuselah, as I recall, is in his 960s, maybe 965. Even Noah himself died in his 900s. And I said, you know, I bet that's no accident that Adam would die in his 900s.
A little bit more about that. All of a sudden, I came across this outstanding little tidbit. Jesus died in the ninth hour.
Wow. So as we began to do a little more studying, and I started to look at the word nine in Hebrew, like I would, and to think, man, there's something to this. I never really thought about the number nine like this before. It's like you're finishing the book, right?
Because you're fixing to go to double digits. It's like you're leveling up on the video game. And when you think about it, you know, I heard somebody talk about this, that part of the reason that, you know, Adam died spiritually the very moment he, you know, took the bite, so to speak, he all of a sudden died spiritually. And that's the obviously huge thing we all live under to this day. But the other thing that happened is it was a long time after he died. After that, 130 years, you know, before he even had Seth, and then 900 years, he died after Seth. Exactly.
900. And what, why, and what I heard said about this was it was completely God's mercy, because how would you like to be Adam and watch all of the sin that happened as a result of your sin? He certainly lost his son Cain and Abel. How many children do you think, or how many grandchildren or great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren did Adam have to watch die before he died? How many, you know, attacks and brutal assaults and his kid's ban, you know, you could imagine.
I mean, this was a setup. It wasn't long after, you know, Adam passed that, you know, the flood's coming. And so there were some horrible, horrible things. But God's mercy that Adam got to, you know, rest in the, as it says so often in the Old Testament. And of course, that happened in that idea of nine. And as he died, then all of a sudden, you know, when you think about it, he kind of leveled up. Well, when you think about it, Jesus, is anybody listening?
I can't imagine any of us wanting Jesus to suffer one moment more than he had to on the cross. And there in the ninth hour, he leveled up. Right? He leveled up as, you know, obviously the third day, and that, there again, a number three again.
You might want to think about that. But nonetheless, and when you just take the day that that happened, that he came out of the grave, you could say that it was connected to the number eight, because it was eight days since the triumphal entry, right? And it's connected to the, how many days was Jonah in the belly of the fish with the three? How many numbers that are involved in Jesus's resurrection?
That's unbelievable. But, you know, obviously there's that nine that's involved because of the ninth hour from which he actually, you know, leveled up, so to speak. So what is your, I mean, you know, have you thought about these numbers? You know, what jumps out and grabs you?
I would love your story. But I don't know, and I, you know, again, that was just something I started studying this morning. It just grabbed me, my attention, and, you know, I was just immediately dove in and went, oh, look at this, look at this, oh my goodness. And, you know, if you look at this, the neat, another neat thing about numbers is in Hebrew, numbers are letters, and letters are numbers. And so the ninth letter in Hebrew is the letter Tet, which means good, I mean, Tov, which means good. So you think about nine being good, and 10 is the Yud itself, which is like a super number almost. And it's also, because 10 is a super number, it's multiplied all throughout the Bible. It's one of the super numbers, so to speak, but it's also one of the super letters because the Yud, the little dot that Jesus talked about, not one jot or tittle would be removed.
The Yud is the smallest letter of any letter, on the planet actually, and it's the little that means a lot. And so that number 10, when you put it next to any other number, you got this big multiplier. So number 10 is a big deal too, but we would love, love, love, and Nick's excited to share his number for you, 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884.
We'll be right back. Darrell Bock Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! Today we are talking biblical numbers. What's your favorite biblical number? What does that represent to you? What do you think about?
Maybe it has to do with a verse, maybe it has to do with your birthday, maybe it has to do with a day in creation or a letter or something along those lines. We would love to hear it, 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. I have Joyce is in Charlotte. Joyce, you're on Truth Talk Live!
Good afternoon. Joyce Yes. Well, I learned a long time ago about numbers of the Bible numbers, and nine is the fruit of the Spirit. Darrell Bock You're exactly right. Joyce Nine is the fruit of the Spirit, but one is unity, two is witness, three is divine spirit of divinity, number four is witness to the world, five is grace, six is the number of man, seven is completeness, eight is new beginnings, nine is fruit of the Spirit, 10 is testing, 11 is confusion, 12 is government. I can tell you what, 14, 13 is generations, 15 is rest, 16 is love, 17 is victory, and I know 20 is redemption.
Darrell Bock All right. Joyce But the 23rd Psalm is my favorite, so the 23rd, number 23 is my favorite all-time number. Darrell Bock That's interesting, and since I knew from what Nick had shared with me that that was your number, I found this interesting that in Ezra, actually chapter two, there are three different, or maybe four different, groups of people that are measured by 23. The children of Bezai were 320 in three, the children of Hashem were 220 in three, and the children of Bethlehem, 120 in three.
Yeah, I'm like, that's fascinating, isn't it? And you said that the number 20 is representative of what? Joyce Redemption.
Redemption. Darrell Bock Well, we can say Bethlehem's definitely part of that and divine, right? Because you got the 20 and then the three, and it's interesting that often the Bible will do those in hundreds and 20s and 10s and then the individual numbers.
And, you know, I love, where did you get, you know, that you're concise? Joyce Well, my bishop from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Bishop Legis Eugene McCoy, he had a whole scriptures to align with the numbers that I just talked about, and so he gave it to the congregation to look over and to see about, because I guess he thought that was important for us to know, but did you know about those other numbers that I mentioned? Number one, being unity, and two, being witness, and three, being divine, divinity.
Darrell Bock I knew all those angles on the first 10. Of course, you know, believe it or not, there's literally like— Joyce Well, the only one, I can't remember 13, it has to do something with government also, but 12 was the government, and 11, confusion, the number 11 represents confusion. And 14 generations, the number 14, 15 rest, 16 love, 17 victory, and 19 faith, and 20 redemption. Darrell Bock So clearly he'd done a lot of work if he had the scriptures to go along with it, you know, and that's one of the reasons that I was excited that people call in, because, you know, every single one of those numbers, you know, let's just take number four, right, which you had— Joyce Witness to the world.
Darrell Bock Witness to the world. But the number four, just to give you some other interesting angles to the number four, you know, on the fourth day of creation, God created the sun, the moon, the stars, and so the—and the reason for those, he said, would be for signs. And the number four is often also connected to the idea of unity, and when you see in the Feast of Tabernacles that they were to take four kinds of different offerings, and you know there's four Gospels, and you know that there's four horsemen, there are four seasons, and there are— Joyce Witness to the world. Did you know about five being great? Darrell Bock Yeah, yeah, and when you take, interestingly, the number five is grace, but it also is very much connected to the idea of expression. And, you know, all these things are just, when you look at the Bible, it gives you so much depth on all these numbers, and so that's why I was hoping for more depth, because as— Joyce Witness I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have the literatures. Darrell Bock No, no, no, I mean you, what I'm saying is you provided depth. I've never heard that list.
Have you ever heard that list, Nick? No, he's shaking his head. So you helped us all, because you have a little piece of the puzzle. Maybe I helped with a piece of your puzzle help somebody, and, you know, the next person that calls in is going to have another piece on another number, because all these things, you know, clearly, the sun, the moon, the stars, all those things orbit in very specific mathematical equations.
Joyce Witness Yes, mathematically. You know, the Lord speaks to me in numbers. Right now, like lately, in 91, you know, I always get, I see Psalm 91, He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I see that all the time. Darrell Bock Well, I'll tell you about the 91st Psalm, Joyce, I interviewed a pastor one time from Vietnam, and, you know, through a lot of strange situations, the Billy Graham Association brought him to us, but he didn't speak English, and he had all these translators, and I was having a heck of a time getting him to understand what he was saying. I was like, so what brings you to the United States?
What message do you feel like God has that you want to share out of Vietnam? And he said that he'd been in prison. And I was like, prison?
And so I immediately thought, you know, like Rambo 3, prison in Vietnam means like a swamp. And so when I said, you mean it's like a swamp? And he was, yeah, I was in a swamp with like 900 other people. And I said, Well, what did you eat? And he said, what was in the swamp?
And what did you drink? What was in the swamp with these other 900 people? And I thought, and he said, yeah, people were moaning and crying and dying all night because nobody could sleep.
Nobody could sleep. You had to stand. And he was in that swamp, as I recall, for seven years. And so I'm sure like you've experienced in your life, when you really go through something, God gives you something really special. And so I said, Pastor, clearly you've been through something. I can't imagine another person experiencing all the death that you've seen, all that you've seen. I said, what did God give you as a result? You know what he said? The 91st Psalm.
So when you think about the 91st Psalm, if you were in a swamp and people are dying all around you, I mean, you get the picture. So thank you so much, Joyce, for your call. And we would love for your call. 866-348-7884.
We're going to lose some of you. You can listen to the podcast later. For the rest of you, call us, 866-34-TRUTH. You're listening to The Truth Network and truthnetwork.com.
Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! Today we are talking biblical numbers. What's your favorite biblical number?
I had so much fun with Joyce. Hers was 23, which happened to be the 23rd Psalm that she was—and who wouldn't love that? Certainly for so many of us in hours of need, we didn't know what else to pray. There's nothing like the 23rd Psalm, because, you know, the Lord of our Shepherd we shall not want.
It's an amazing thing. But you might have a number. Maybe it's one or two or three or maybe it's 25. 866-348-7884. Really, really, I'm just looking for, you know, more depth, more ways we can connect the dots as we look at these numbers biblically. 866-348-7884.
866-34-TRUTH. So, you know, just to begin, the sequence is the number one. The number one itself, when you think about it, Nick, you know, who doesn't think about that, you know, your team is number one. What does that mean?
Right? Well, it could mean that, you know, you're the number one in the rankings. It could mean they're number one in your heart. It could mean a lot of ways that it could be rated. But it also could mean unity, right? That the team had become one in mind and one in spirit and those kind of things.
Or it could be that that team is the priority of the school and that's not a good thing because it should be on education. In other words, there's all sorts of different ways to look at that idea of number one. Fascinatingly, biblically, you can't help but notice that on the first day of creation, right, that God created light. And so that's an amazing thing. I mean, obviously, let there be light. And there was, you know, morning and there was evening on the first day. But interestingly, had not created the sun, the moon, the stars yet. So the light that he is talking about here is interestingly is his own glory.
It's an amazing light that happened there. So how about you? What's your favorite biblical number?
What do you think? 866-348-7884, the famous, you know, Hebrew Shema. It begins with that whole idea here, O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one. And, you know, there's a lot of ways that that applies. It applies from the standpoint of you'll have no other gods before me, so he is there as far as priority. But also, you know, one of the most amazing things about the number one from my own personal standpoint is that you and God, if you have Jesus in your heart, you have become one. There's a oneness about, you know, who you are in Christ. But interestingly, you're all baptized into one spirit, right? There's one baptism. There is one Lord.
And, you know, it's interesting all the things that that one connects. And in Hebrew, that number is also the letter Aleph and the letter Aleph has to do with father, right? If you think about it, Abraham's name begins with an olive and many, many, many of the names of God, like, you know, Adonai, certainly you can hear the A in that.
And even El, interestingly, sounds like an E, but it's actually an A in Hebrew, so El, Shaddai, and those are, again, Alephs. And you think about Adam himself, his name started with an Aleph. And so you have the whole idea of oneness and that whole Aleph. Well, when Jesus identified himself, especially in Revelation, he said, I am the Alpha, which again is the Greek first letter of the Greek alphabet. But, you know, in Hebrew, if you take Aleph and then you take the last letter, which is what he did in Greek, which is to say, I'm the Alpha and Omega, well, then in Hebrew that he would have been saying, I'm the Olive and I'm the Tov, which would be the last letter, then you see he's the beginning and the end.
So number one also has this great, huge, gigantic idea behind it of beginnings, right? Because it was the first day of creation, it was the beginning. And, you know, again, Jesus is the beginning of the story and the word truth in Hebrew is Aleph, Mem, Tov.
It's the middle of the alphabet and it's the last of the alphabet. So Jesus is the beginning, he's the middle and the end, but it's also the truth. The truth is the truth at the beginning of the story. The truth is the truth at the middle of the story. But fascinatingly, some moment, oh, how many things will there be that we will not understand what the truth is till the end of the story? And there you have, you know, that idea of, you know, the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which is, you know, that letter Tov, which is the 22nd letter. And again, you know, those numbers are fascinating in Hebrew as you begin to work through some of those things. But I know you got a story. I would love to hear your number. I would love to hear why you like it and, you know, what it means to you. 866-348-7884.
866-348-7884. And so, you know, that idea of the Aleph is number one, right? But then you might say, well, then how about number two? Well, you know, again, which by the way, Stu wrote an amazing book. I don't know if you've read it. You ought to read it.
You know, if you haven't gotten it yet, I don't know why not. But it was the seven last words of Jesus or the seven words from the cross, right? And those seven, interestingly, when you look at them, they kind of relate to the seven days of creation.
And so, you know, it's interesting when you, you know, put those up against numerically, what did exactly, how did that fit in to, you know, what you think about that number and what it represents? But anyway, if we take the second letter, right, we know that in Hebrew that letter is a bet. Like there's an Aleph and then there's a bet. Well, and that's how kind of we get the idea of our Aleph bet or alphabet.
So that bet is the letter B and is what you think about it. But in Hebrew, it's the idea of a house. And it's also because, you know, you got a head of the house, that would be the Aleph.
But in order to have a house, you know, there's a sun involved. And so when you've heard maybe the word sun in Hebrew, you've heard it said Ben or you might have heard it said Bar, right? The sun in my right hand is Benjamin, right?
You hear the Ben. Or, you know, Bar Jonah would be the sun again that starts, you can hear the B sound in that. And so that idea of that letter bet in so many different ways has to do, you know, with the kingdom and it has to do with the house. And so that letter two, you know, is the earth was formless, right? And so he had to begin to, you know, form these things. And he was in the second day kind of creating a house for the light to exist in.
And, you know, it's kind of a beautiful thing when you realize that, you know, all those things are coming together. And as Joyce pointed out, you know, that number two is a witness. So if you don't have two to, you know, witness to something, it wouldn't be law. And of course, you know, if you're going to be God's witness, you know, you're one of his two.
And, you know, when he sent people out two by two, again, you know, that would be that you would have more, you know, carrying more weight, that kind of thing, you're working on your two. So what do you think? That's the main question I got for you. 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. So, Nick, you've been thinking and studying, how about you? What's your number at this point in time? Are you still on 18 or? I think I still am on 18. Maybe I was looking at 13. Really?
Yeah. And so what is 13 as you've studied, as you begin to look at that number? The biggest thing that kind of jumped out about it is it kind of talked about change. And, you know, you know, trying to change. And in my mind, it kind of it to me, it says, it says, you know, try to change to be the better person than you were from the day before. That's kind of how I read it to me. I might be interpreting it wrong, but that's kind of what it meant to me. So yeah.
Oh, that's cool. Because when I think about it, that and I'm going to 13, okay, you got 12 months in a year and then you start again. Right. And that's when you're going to make all your resolutions. And so hopefully you're doing well with that this year. And so as you came into that 13. Right. And similarly, you know, that's like nine being the end of a site, you know, right before you get to 10, however that works.
But certainly 12, you know, is followed by 13. And, you know, I like that. That's like, um, two.
Okay, I like to tell me about your two. What were you thinking about as far as to when I was reading about it, it kind of jumped out about second chances. You know, sometimes you mess up in life. And, you know, sometimes you, you, you, you just mess up, you know. And, you know, it's, it's also about forgiveness, a little bit too. So, you know, second chances, you know, to try to make it right. You know, I feel like that. Yeah, to be born again, it requires a second chance. Right. And the prodigal son, he got a second chance. That's beautiful.
I hadn't put that together with my twosies. I know you got a story. You're thinking about something and I need your call. 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. We've got so much more coming up.
Stay tuned. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. Today we are talking biblical numbers. What's your favorite biblical number? What does that kind of mean to you? How does that get into your heart and help connect with God? And, and as we've heard from Joyce, you know, just increase our faith in that, man, all this stuff is coming together.
It's perfectly balanced. As we got Mike is in Dayton. Mike, you're on Truth Talk Live. Hi, Robbie. Um, my, my favorite number's 300. I mean, three, but I like the 300 because I bowl 300. Oh, yeah.
And I'm a, I'm a, I'm a big time bowler. And so three is my favorite number. And, and, and I can correlate it with, um, Genesis three, uh, you know, God created, uh, or separated the waters and the land and that. And then my favorite verse after that is Proverbs three, um, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding, but all your ways make the past straight. So kind of, kind of makes me enter interested in the word three, because how he, he made him pretty much made a map of the earth. And then now our paths are straight and proverbs.
And then if you, I think in I'm trying to do this all from memory, I should have, you should give us a warning on this. And then, um, if, and Matthew, I think it says again about in Matthew three, I think it's, uh, is the past as well. Um, um, and then I think it also Mark three, I don't have my Bible with me, but I think also in Mark three, there is a path again. And, and I, if I'm not mistaken, my dad was a big numbers, big numbers guy somewhere in revelations at the top of my head. I think it's in revelations three about, you know, the, the, the top, the end of time.
The end of time happens. So you go a full circle with your past, uh, you know, with the, the navigation with God, with the word three, I, I heard that before, but I'm not sure. I, I never really put much into the number three with that, but I that's what God's given me in my heart lately about the word number three. And I'm kind of just been kind of looking at number three and I was thinking about reading every chapter of the third chapter of every, of every book.
Some things that jump out at me on the number three. Um, in Hebrew, the letters gimel, and it also means three, but it was on the third day that Jesus really made the path, wasn't it? Yeah. And Jonah was, he finished his baptism on the third day.
Right. And you know, clearly, uh, you know, one of my favorite things that happens in scriptures at Jesus baptism, uh, which also has that connection to, you know, the father speaks and of course the son is being baptized and the holy spirit comes down and rests on him like a dove. And, you know, we see the Trinity, um, so clearly in the beauty of that, um, in, in, and again, in the great commission, you know, you're going to be baptized in the name of the father, son, and the holy spirit.
So that three is, is also the path, right? I mean, I don't know exactly how it all works, but I know that you're, you're, you're tracking with, with something absolutely amazing. Well, you stay with me cause we got Evan is in Virginia and his numbers are seven and three. So let's get Evan into the conversation here.
Evan, you're on Trent talk live. Hello. How are you, sir? I'm okay, sir. Oh man, I had seven because I'm the seventh child, my mother's children. And I'm the third son. Really?
Yes. So, you know, so yeah, well, uh, you know, the neat thing about the number seven, there's lots of neat things about the line. I don't know how many people would tell you that they're, that's their lucky number. And certainly, you know, the number of completion, but it also is connected to resting, right? Because it was on the seventh day that, um, God rested and, you know, all the numbers of the Bible. I've got a book and just like you were talking before, how the things that happened is a set number and time.
The Bible is so perfect. That's why he's in that one dark, and then one turtle to be changed in it. And these people translate into different things. Yeah. You know, it's a, yeah. Yeah.
You know, you want to be, I mean, there's plenty of curses involved. If you go messing with that, I, yeah. So I have a book and it's about numbers. Very good book. And it gives the numbers and you don't, I'd say it was 14th generation here, 14th generation. And it gives a time when you think about God has a whole plan for this whole creation, you know, even before, you know, it began, he had already planned, like you said, Christ was the Lamb flying to us before the foundation of the world. Yeah. It's, it's, it's more than amazing when you realize that, you know, on the fourth day he created the sun, the moon, the stars is his sign.
Right. And, and if you look at the Jewish calendar, then every single lunar eclipse happens on the first of the month and every single solar eclipse, excuse me, every solar eclipse happens on the first day of the month and the lunar eclipses happen on the 15th day of the month. And so since Jesus was crucified on the 15th day, he was, he was, you know, the last supper was on the day of preparation, the 14th day of Nisan.
So the 15th day there would have been eclipse. And when you think about it, God was, when he started, pardon me? Oh man. And, and he had to have started, you know, this spinning and that spinning because he knew on that particular moment in time at the ninth hour that on this day exactly that he would, he would complete this painting of our redemption, which as you said, Mike, has to do with the number three. And again, you being the third son, right, Evan?
Yes. What a wonderful family, you know, how many children did, what did there end up being? 11.
How wonderful. My mother had 10 births, 11 children, six girls and five boys. So you're kind of the 7-11 child.
Just saying, I couldn't help. I wish I could find my little book. It's got all the numbers and things. If I call back your number when I find it one day and give you this. Oh, by all means, Evan, I would absolutely love it. I appreciate your call so much and enjoy it. I hope your call gets better soon, man.
I, you know, I know that's a, that's a difficult thing, especially in this cold weather. So we love you, my friend. Thank you so much. Thank you.
God bless you. So Mike, what about the number seven for you? Yeah, I'm here. Yeah.
Yeah, I am here. Okay, cool. The number seven, the day of arrest, you know, that comes right to my mind. And, you know, I asked my dad this question. I says, dad, why did the Bible put all the numbers and chapters and all that stuff? And he took, his answer was because he's smart. And I never, you know, I mean, I'm like, yeah, cause he's smart. And I said, Oh, and he goes, the numbers are all important. As he kept saying to me all the time, numbers are always important.
And I'm like, I never really, I just thought he was full. I mean, this, this never, this really thought about the numbers that, that important, you know, but now the older I get, I'm realizing that with the, you know, how time is and you know, one of my, one of the points that Stu makes in his book, which I hope if you've got that book, we got to get it to you. But anyway, Stu makes this point about the seventh day that the seventh day, clearly it was on the seventh day he rested. What were the last words from the cross? Into your hands I commit my spirit, right? You see the rest, like it is finished, right? I mean, that was the seventh word is it's finished, right? There's the, it's done.
Excuse me. The sixth word was it's finished. And then into your hands I commit my spirit. So he finishes it on the sixth day similarly.
And then he rests into your hands I commit my spirit, in other words, lay down with dad. Isn't that amazing? It is amazing. And yeah, well, we, you know, we see those things that, again, he orchestrated and like your dad said, really, really so large. I was, Nick and I were talking about it during the break, that it's really trying to explain the scientific part of a sunset. If you get in too much into the minutiae, you miss the beauty, right?
Or maybe you've heard somebody go into that scientific definition of what a kiss is, you know, like, you know, a swap of, you know, saliva or whatever, you know, it just doesn't have the same as an actual kiss. But however, you know, it is nice to know that like, oh my goodness, God, he's so precise. Mathematically, it's beyond anything that we could possibly imagine. That's why, you know, all these scientists can know that, you know, this is exactly when this planet is going to be here.
And this is when this is going to happen, because mathematically, it's perfect. And again, I look back and I'm, you know, well, what my dad said, and there was a lot of wisdom in that, look how God, look how smart God is, and the miracles that he does with numbers and time and everything, if you start looking at the numbers, you know what I mean? So, it's a revelation that we have when we start looking at the numbers, you know what I mean? Yeah, and that's why God said seven days, that's why he counted the days off. It's just the more you look into it, how smart God is, and it's just amazing that we have a God like that, you know?
I like the simplicity of what you're saying, just unbelievably, you know, the intellect is a real gift that God gave us all to just so that we can begin to perceive all that he really is. Well, thank you, my friend, for calling in. As always, we love it. And thank you, everybody that listened today. We're so grateful.
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