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Where do you stand on the timing of the rapture?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2025 7:21 pm

Where do you stand on the timing of the rapture?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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January 9, 2025 7:21 pm

Join Robby for a thought provoking discussion on one of the most debated topics in Christian theology: the rapture's timing. In this episode, Robby dives into the various perspectives surrounding the Rapture-pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, and everything in between.

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Welcome to Truth Talk Live. Alright, let's talk. A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together.

Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. The Tom Booth tribute that we did yesterday will be re-aired. For those of you who didn't get to hear it in its entirety because the programming is a little different in different markets. If you didn't get to hear the whole thing yesterday, then you will be able to hear the whole thing on Saturday. Or, the podcast that we'll post on Saturday will include the entire tribute plus some updated sound bites we found later of actually Tom's last statement to his audience as he was retiring and turning over the reins. That's all going to be in the Tom Booth Memorial show that's coming up Saturday at 4 o'clock. And then the podcast will be posted there Saturday as well.

And so we want to make you aware of that no matter what market you're in. That again, he was the shoulders that we stood on so much here at the Truth Network. And I can tell you, I don't know how many different events I've been at over the years where people said, where's Tom? Where's Tom?

Because when it came to the Truth Network, they thought of Tom Booth. And so we're so grateful that we got a chance to do that tribute yesterday. And again, it's going to re-air on Saturday at 4 o'clock. The podcast will post later that day. But today's show, I'm also excited about because we're going to talk about where do you stand on the timing of the rapture? And I know I may be using terms here that you're not familiar with, and I'm going to explain them in a second. But a lot of folks do know what I'm talking about, the rapture. And so there's these ideas of post-trib. In other words, do you believe that the rapture of the church, that God's going to call his people that are still alive up there with him? And is that going to happen after the tribulation, or is it going to happen before the great tribulation? In other words, there's seven years in the book of Revelation that the world is going to be set into great dismay.

And the second half of that seven years is called the great tribulation because the Antichrist is revealed. And so, you know, where do you stand on the idea of the rapture? Do you believe that's going to happen before that? Or do you believe that that's going to happen in the middle of that? Or do you believe that it's going to happen after the great tribulation?

I would love your calls. I would love your thoughts, because honestly, it's one of those subjects I've studied for years. A lot of David Jeremiah fans have studied as well. You know, he did that whole tape series, Escape the Coming Night, and I can't tell you how many times I listened to it. One of my invitations into Christian radio was through that whole study through the book of Revelation that David Jeremiah did. And so, what are your thoughts on that subject? 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share.

866-348-7884. Again, I stand like anybody else as a disciple, trying to learn as much as I possibly can, especially on this subject that is near and dear to my heart, because, you know, we don't know how soon this might be. It might be coming this year. And obviously, you know, we need to be ready. We need to be telling people about it. We need to be sharing Jesus and certainly sharing the truth, as that's what we do here at the Truth Network. So, you know, I started a Bible study actually last night at our church on Wednesday nights. We're doing a look at the end times and looking at, you know, the book of Revelation. And, you know, I ask people, you know, what did they want to know about? And one of the first things that people ask is, well, what about the rapture? You know, is that pre-trib, pre-tribulation, post-tribulation, mint-tribulation?

You know, that was the question that they had. And I find it fascinating, I really, really do, that the word revelations in Greek, I bet you don't know a lot of Greek, do you, Nick? Me either. But this word you know. I promise you know. You know how you pronounce revelations in Greek?

Here you go. Apocalypse, right? And so it's kind of funny because, you know, I had our youth group there too and one of my good friends of the youth group, Dylan, he looked at me and he goes, are you talking about like the zombie apocalypse? No, that's not what we're talking about. Fascinatingly, the idea of revelation is the truth is going to be revealed, right? And it's really, really cool when you think about it that we will know the truth as it is revealed in the book Revelation. So apocalypse to some extent means the revealing of the truth. And if it's the revelation of Jesus Christ, which is the name of that book, then it's the truth about Jesus Christ. But the beautiful thing in Hebrew, the word truth is emet. And so as Jesus would say very many times in the book of Revelation, he would say, I am the alpha and I'm the omega. He's saying I'm the beginning, I'm the end. But truth in Hebrew is aleph, mem, tav, which is he's the beginning, he's the middle, and he's the end.

And when you use those three letters in conjunction, it means the truth. And so the truth is that all of us will know when the rapture is when it happens. And hopefully, you know, you're not left behind as the story goes. I would love your view. I really would love your view on it.

866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. When do you think it's going to happen? Do you think it's going to happen before, you know, the Great Tribulation? And as David Jeremiah pointed out in his wonderful series Escape the Coming Night, he believed that, or he does believe, I believe he still believes that, that, you know, as the church is raptured out, that the Holy Spirit, you know, kind of exiting with so many believers all at the same time kind of starts the whole tribulation. Because if all of a sudden all the believers are out of the picture, man, you know, Satan's free to move them out of the country, so to speak. So I don't know. What are your thoughts?

Here it is. 1 Thessalonians 4, 16 is what many people would say is the rapture, and it reads like this. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, and the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

Don't you love that? That my mom and my dad, even if I'm still around, they get to go ahead of me just a little bit, and then after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord forever. And I love, you know, verse 18 of 1 Thessalonians 4, it says, Therefore, encourage one another with these words.

So the idea of this whole passage in Thessalonians is it's an encouragement to say, hey, you know, in the end we know how the story finishes, and we will, you know, be called up together whether we have already passed or whether or not we are still alive right this minute. You know, here we go. We're on our way. So I'm actually shocked that nobody's called.

With some position on this, pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib, maybe you even want to talk about the millennium. We would love that. 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! We want to make mention again that the tribute to Tom Booth show will be re-aired on Saturday if you didn't get to hear it in its entirety, which includes not only all of Tom's testimony, which is just an absolutely incredible thing, but we have some sound bites of, you know, just wonderful times that Tom had on the radio, including, you know, some of his final recordings that we have here at the Truth Network. They're all there. That'll be in that podcast on Truth Talk Live! as well as the show on Saturday.

We want to make mention of that. But today's question is, where do you stand on the timing of the rapture? Are you a pre-trib person, pre-tribulation, post-tribulation?

What do you think? Mid-trib, how about—I have not met many of those in my life. I've met one or two.

Would love to know your thoughts. 866-348-7884. We got Jamal is in Winston-Salem. And, Jamal, you got a great question on this, right? Well, I wouldn't say great. I love it. I do.

I love it. All right. Well, thank you for taking my call. So the question that I wanted to pose really would be something that I might have heard on the Matt Slick show. And for those that don't know, Matt Slick is a person apologist. He's also on Truth Network weekdays at 6 p.m. Right. So I suggest you guys check into that. I've learned a lot from that.

And I got this from his show. I believe there's something of a no tribulation, but we don't go through any tribulation at all. And my understanding at some point in time, Jesus comes whenever with no tribulation. Now, some people say, well, what about the fire and brimstone and all that? To my understanding, and I could be wrong, all that fire and brimstone and trials and tribulation is what we're going through right now with the wars and torture and sacrifices and all that. I think that's what it's talking about. And again, I think that's the no tribulation mentality or belief, but I could be wrong. So I'm just kind of putting that out there to the audience.

That's the beautiful thing about calling into this particular show. It's impossible to be wrong because if you listen to me long enough, I've never come down on the idea, well, that's the wrong answer. No, I love that answer, and actually it points to something that maybe I can add some clarity for you. That there is a belief that the tribulation is historical. In other words, it's something that happened in 70 AD at the time that Jerusalem was overturned and like that. And when you meet, and there's some different views on this, when the actual tribulation happened.

And the idea of that is the millennium is actually where some folks believe we're currently in, and they call that amillennialism. And as a matter of fact, the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful saint that came to the dealership that anointed me with oil, which I'll tell that story in a second, his name was Pastor Little, he was amillennial. And again, the fruit of his ministry, I stand here alive today because of what God did through his prayers. Okay, so what happened was, do you know this story, Jamal?

Do not, I'm listening. Okay, so I was at the time, for those who don't know, my name is Robbie Dilmore, I do the Christian Cargo Radio Show quite often, and anyway, I was the general manager at Bob Neill Chrysler Plymouth that was in Winston-Salem. And I had lymphoma, it was actually non-Hodgkin's cutaneous lymphoma, which was very, very dangerous. In fact, they called it killer cell lymphoma when my sister saw the pathology on it and she studied it.

She said, Robbie, you know, there's only been like four cases of this particular type of lymphoma in the United States, and none of them lived three months. And the way that this presented itself was I had these tumors all over my body, and this was in 1996, so in the early days I knew Stu. And I looked like a freak because these tumors just stuck out all over me, you know, and so I was back in my office, back in the back of the dealership, you know, helping run the store, but I didn't want to be out front because it was kind of embarrassing. And this pastor, Pastor Little, came to the store that day and went up to my finance manager, who he knew because he was in his church, and he said, Joe, God told me to stop here. There was somebody here that needed to be healed. And Joe said, oh, it's got to be Robbie.

He's back in his office, you know, he's afraid to come out because of the way he looks on these tumors. And I'd been, you know, I came to Christ about 1991, so I was a pretty babe in Christ, and I was not familiar with the idea of laying on hands and anointing of the oil and that kind of thing. And so Pastor Little comes in, he goes, well, I've come here to lay hands on you and anoint you with oil.

And I'm like, what? So, Jamal, what I'm saying is this was not my faith that made this happen. But nonetheless, he anointed me with the oil right then, he laid hands on me, he prayed for me, and I know this, that I felt like, you know, of course, there's people praying for me all over the place. My Sunday school class was praying for me, certainly my wife, my parents, all that. But in that moment, I felt like something happened. Well, that was on a Friday afternoon. Monday morning, two days later, whatever, Monday morning, I was supposed to go start my chemotherapy treatment at Baptist Hospital. And when I woke up, I did not have a tumor on me anywhere, right? Wow.

Not one, right? Praise God, like, there were no tumors. None, none, you know, and it wasn't like there was just one, I was covered in the things. And the people at Baptist were just flabbergasted, because they'd never seen anything quite like it, were taking all kind of pictures and whatever. They did a biopsy in one of the places where they knew a tumor had been, and they came back and they said that the cancer had turned on itself and eaten itself.

Now, just to pay the check real quick, Robbie, I'd like to hear this response. What is their rationale, their reasoning for why they ended up doing what it did? Are they saying it's something miraculous, or is it something that's explained? What was their explanation? Well, because Dr. Cooper, who was my oncologist at the time, was a wonderful Christian, he agreed with us, this was a miracle. He knew the story, pastor, whatever. However, you know, the scientific thing was that cancer can mutate into something that eats itself, and it did.

So, however it works, doesn't matter. The beautiful thing is, you know, here I am, you know, whatever, 20-some-odd years later, 22 years later or whatever it is. Now, it'll be 30 years, I think, in 2026 next year. Isn't that cool? We've got to throw a party, Robbie. I do, I do. I was like, man, you know. But nonetheless, I knew for sure that, you know, in many, many discussions over the years with Pastor Little, that he was, his standing on this was that this was historical. This was something that already happened. We were in the millennium, that Jesus was going to come again, and we would all be called up in the air, but that it would happen, you know, without further tribulation.

You know, and I don't happen to hold to that position myself. I'm more of a, certainly at least a tribulation person. I believe it's still coming. I still believe that Jesus will call us in.

And there's a lot of other interesting viewpoints, but again, you bring out a great point that that is a possibility in the way that different people interpret the Scriptures, which is why I want to have this conversation today, Jamal, for people to call, right, and tell us what your thoughts are, because that's how we learn, right? You heard it that day on the Matt Slick Show, which I'm so glad you listen, and we would love yours. So thank you, Jamal. I'm honored by your call, and we've got a whole lot more of your calls, I hope, coming up Truth Talk Live, 866-348-7884.

We'll be right back. Truth Talk Live! You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! Today we are talking about your standing.

What do you think? What are your thoughts about the tribulation? Do you think that the rapture is going to happen before the tribulation? Do you think the rapture is going to happen in the middle of the tribulation, before the great tribulation? Or do you think the rapture is going to happen after the tribulation?

We would love your thoughts along the same idea, along the millennia, or the whole idea of the rapture. 866-348-7884. 866-348-7884. We've got Mike, my good friend Mike, actually, probably, in Dayton, Ohio. Hey, Mike. You're on Truth Talk Live! Well, thanks for taking my call.

Hi. Yeah, I love this conversation. Because, you know, I've been a Christian all my life, and pretty much since I was a teenager.

And I'm here to all the back and forth of all three of them. And, you know, I'm not convinced one way or the other either, really. But I really feel like God's coming before the tribulation. Just because, in my heart, how I feel the character of God, I don't think he wants us to go through it.

I think he wants to take us out of here before all the big trouble happens. Yeah, you know, when I was telling the story a minute ago about, you know, when I was healed from cancer, that Pastor Little came and saw a man by the name of Joe. And Joe Volz was actually my best friend for years and years and years. Well, he's still probably one of my best friends. I talk to him all the time. But he used to say, I pray pre-trib and I prepare post-trib.

I love that. I pray pre-trib and I prepare post-trib. But here are some of the verses, Mike, and you comment on them, that I think really support the pre-trib position. Although, I understand historically, nobody talked about there being a pre-trib rapture until the beginning of the 20th century. So, you know, people like Spurgeon and those people back there, they didn't know anything about it.

Or they certainly was never discussed. But here, when you look at this particular one, which is in Revelation 3, 10, it's very compelling to me. It says in verse 10 of chapter 3, he's talking to the church in Philadelphia. He says, since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. Yeah, the hour of trial.

What is that hour? Yeah, well, there you go. But nonetheless, there's one. And then in Daniel, chapter 12, verse 1 and 2, it says, At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be distress such as not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people, everyone whose name is found and written in the book, will be delivered.

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Again, it's challenging to know exactly the timing of those verses, but nonetheless, they're encouraging for the pre-trib view, you've got to admit. Oh, and I like them.

Like you said, pray for the pre-trib, and we don't have to go through the other stuff. And I really like those verses. Well, there's another angle to it, because I know your heart. I do. I know your heart.

You've got a great heart. And I bet like me, there might be some people in the tribulation I would really like to see make it. And clearly, you still have the opportunity to be a witness for Christ as people are going through all this. And so I don't know that in my own heart of hearts that I would just want to check out if there was any chance in the world that God would help me to help somebody else make it to heaven, even if I had to endure gnashing of teeth, et cetera, for a little bit. Well, I believe that if I'm out of here, somebody's going to know, hey, Mike was a Christian, and he's out of here. He's no longer here.

He's gone. And maybe that witness that I had, that that person will get to know God through the tribulation and understand that there is a God. So I just hope and pray that that's the way God goes. I'm okay with the heart of whatever happens, but I really believe that that's what, in my heart, the character of God is they all he always gives you another chance.

You know, I mean, so I hope that's the case. And, you know, there's been one time when my wife was out of our bedroom and I'm sleeping and I wake up and my wife's not there. And I ran around the house, couldn't find her. And I'm thinking, did I miss it, Lord? Did I miss it? Oh, Lord, did I really miss it?

And sure enough, she was she was hiding somewhere. I don't remember exactly, but I swear I thought it was the tribulation. I thought I heard a trumpet, you know, in my sleep. And, you know, and it kind of gave me a little bit like, OK, God, I'm going to pray and I'm going to, if I had that much doubt, I'm going to get there. You know, I mean, I want to I want to know that I'm going to go to heaven. You know, I mean, and so I sat and prayed and and and told God that, you know, I will really want to be with you when it's time to go. You know, I mean, so, you know, I left behind. Yeah, that's I did not want to be left behind. You got home alone. You ever left? Yeah.

No, I haven't yet. But, you know, I don't want to laugh too hard, Mike, because my my comeuppance might be, you know that. Oh, well, yeah, here you go, Robbie. But unless now you've got to go through the tribulation, you know, because your heart wasn't right. You know, and I, I just hope I mean, you know, it's just well, that's for sure. God is so good for me. I mean, he's good every day, you know, and I don't look at the negative with God does. So, you know, I kind of look at the positive, you know, I look at what God is doing for me and not what God didn't do for me, you know, and what God is relationship with me and not what, you know, he's not doing. You know, I mean, I pray for the things that I want God to do, obviously. But I really look at the positive of what God has done and and then pray for the things that God that I think God I want God to do for me. You know, I mean, so, you know, you're praising for what, what, what, what is you already he's already done.

And then you pray for the things that you want done. You know, I understand that easy. Well, thank you for your call, my friend. Can I have one more comment?

Yes. I love Jamal. I love Jamal calling. Please, Jamal, call more often. He is a joy to listen to.

And a really deep thinker. I love Jamal as well. Yes, I do, too. Thank you, my friend. God bless. God bless. Bye-bye. All right. How about your call?

We would equally love to hear you. 866-348-7884866348-7884. And, you know, some other passages. This is Jesus talking in Matthew 24.

Of course, it wouldn't be the same if you don't call 866-348-7884. But anyway, in Matthew 24 in verse 30, Jesus says, Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other.

I mean, like, who wouldn't love to see that, wouldn't love to hear that? It's very similar to 1 Corinthians 15, 51, where it says, Listen, I tell you a mystery. We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash and the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality. I mean, when I hear that, you know, you can't help but just think, wow. I mean, it's more than amazing what we'll experience at that point in time, but it's more than disheartening to think about those people that we dearly love, that we're not sure, you know, what's going on with them. And so, as Mike said, you know, what an opportunity in 2025 to kind of get ready.

Like, we need to be praying hard, hard, hard, and asking God for insight, asking God for words. You know, one of the stories I tell sometimes is my friend Johnny Hendricks, who also had cancer. And I was concerned when he came to me with the story that I didn't quite hear him out on everything he wanted to say. You know, but one of the challenges was that I had never really just flat confronted him. I've known him for five years, and he was a good friend.

I really loved the guy. But I never said, Johnny, you know, if you died and you had to stand before God, you know, what would you tell him was the reason that he should let you into heaven? And I might share a little bit more of that story when we come back, but I would really love to hear yours, your viewpoint on the whole issue about post-trib, pre-trib, 866-348-7884, 866-348-7884, your calls when we come back. Truth Talk Live! You're listening to the Truth Network and

Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! Today's question is, where do you stand on the timing of the rapture? Do you believe that Jesus is going to call us all up there before the tribulation or the great tribulation, or do you think that's going to happen afterwards? That's the tribulation that's spoken of in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation.

You know, it's a time of Jacob's trouble, and believe me, there's going to be trouble. Which, you know, we've given out several verses on the pre-trib side, but here's interestingly one of the post ones, you know, that I would, you know, that leads me to kind of wonder, because the way it's worded, again, the Bible is not meant to cause confusion, but light, but sometimes it's us that needs to study more and think more and pray more that the Holy Spirit can enlighten us on what it is to discern here. But in Mark 13, verses 24 through 27, it says, But in those days, now get this, following that distress. In other words, Jesus is describing that distress, and then he says, In those days, following that distress, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from the sky and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. And at that time we will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory, and he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds from the four ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

And so that would, again, be on the side of those folks who believe it most certainly will be post-tribulation. I don't know. I would love for your call. 866-348-7884.

866-348-7884 is the number to call in. Really, I am learning on all this just like you are, I hope, and we want to understand more. Because, again, the time is short.

However it works, it's short. And as I was talking about right before the break, you know, I had this friend, I worked with, he sold cars with me there at the dealership in Mocksville, and I worked with him for five years and never found out where he stood until all of a sudden there he was in a coma, right? And, you know, I looked at his wife, Geraldine, I said, Geraldine, did Johnny know Jesus?

And she said, I don't think so. And then I asked his best friend, who was Bruce Rollins, and I said, Bruce, do you know if Johnny knew Jesus? And I understand I worked for this man for a long time, and I was shocked when Bruce said, I don't think so, Robbie, I really don't. And all of a sudden I was horrified because I had never found out where he stood.

I'd never really delved into his life beneath the surface, even though I may have had a moment when he started talking about his cancer some weeks before that. And so, you know, here I was, just heartbroken, I actually went out and I just began to pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. And I said to God, I didn't mean to make a deal with God, but it's kind of what I did, I just said, you know, Lord, if there's any way in the world that you would give Johnny more time, you know, I promise I will either introduce him to you or help you to get to know him better, or help him to get to know you better. And I actually drove back to the hospital. They were very concerned because they didn't have brain activity and that kind of thing, and by that night they were wanting to pull the plug, and I just, you know, said, I just feel the Lord saying that he's coming back, it's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, don't pull the plug, don't pull the plug. I kept praying, kept urging them to pray. It went one day, two days, three days, oh my goodness, they were really getting to the point where they thought they were going to pull the plug, and Johnny sat up, right, just like he'd never even been in a coma, and I had to go pray and ask God how I was going to witness to him then, and at that point in time, God told me, well, Robbie, Johnny's a car salesman, and I knew by that that to a car salesman a deal is a deal, so when I went to Johnny and I said, Johnny, I made a deal with God, and he said, what kind of deal did you make, Robbie? And I said, well, you know, I told him that if he would, you know, get you out of the coma, that I would introduce you to him or help you to get to know him better, and Johnny said, well, Robbie, you better get to it, and before Johnny's death, about three weeks later, Johnny accepted Christ, and it was one of those things that the second chance God gave me, but it tells me all too well, we got to figure out where people stand. I got Lisa is in Jacksonville, Florida. Lisa, you're on Truth Talk Live.

Hi, yes, those are amazing, amazing testimonies. Thank you for sharing, and my stance is absolutely post-Trib, just because the word says over and over and over that we will be persecuted, we will suffer for Christ's sake, and the suffering is for the purification, as far as I understand it, and then the purification, the hotter the heat gets, that we either stick with Jesus or we revoke our love for God, and then we're not with Jesus. So that is how I have understood the Bible, and my husband used to do a Bible study, and I tried getting him to call in, but he's at work, because he's so good at remembering the scriptures and all of that, but there's the scripture that you mentioned in Daniel, where there's a seven-year period, and there's a verse in there that refers to the destroying prince, and the question is, who is the destroying prince? And people never think of God as the destroying prince. They think of Satan as the destroying prince. But there's something in that verse where if you have the revelation that it is Jesus, then you're right, and your husband is brilliant, because when I think about it in the book of Exodus, a lot of people don't realize that the angel of death is Jesus. Amen. He has control of everything.

He's a liar, and he's not. But it's an interesting theological position that I've come to understand lately. See, God is love.

There's no negative ever thought. He is love to the extent that it's unbelievable, but because of that love, when you grow totally cold, you're going to be taken out by your choices, not because that's what God wants. Indeed, and that's the whole deal. They say nobody knows the time or the hour when he's coming back, which is true, because the Word says that, and it's my belief that he hasn't made up his mind yet, because it's all up to us what we choose, how we choose, and when the sin cup gets so incredibly too full, like Sodom and Gomorrah, he's coming. Yeah, or Jericho, right? The same kind of thing, because who wants to bear the consequence of their sins for eternity? I mean, there's so much suffering there that it's unbelievable. That's the reason why he died, so that I could get some relief.

But you're so right. We'll have to do it again sometime. We'll get your husband to call in, because I would love to hear his insight.

It sounds wonderful. Again, if you don't have these discussions, how do we learn? Exactly. And I've learned so much over the years from people that really, really, really have studied this and really gone after God's heart, because he wants us to know, right? Amen.

That's the whole point of the Bible. He wants us to be prepared. He wants us to know. He knows everything about us.

He wants us to know everything about him. And then there is another scripture that I remember in Jeremiah's Bible study, who used to be an atheist, but no way. Oh, really? And I call him atheist to faithist. And he said, you know, the Bible says, for the elect's sake, the days will be shortened.

Well, if we're all gone, if the elect are all gone, then why are the days shortened? Right. Right. Thank you. I'm with you on that.

I am. And you might say, Robbie, you're flip-flopping all over the place. Well, the more I look at it, the more I see that he wants to give us hope and he wants to give us a vision of the things that he's doing that we would be in a position to be there for the people that we love, because preparing for it is what the whole deal is, right? Indeed, and then he gave me this revelation one time when we were like having a gathering at All Believers there, and he gave me this revelation about, you know, how the Holocaust, it was so incredibly horrific, and what would have been the outcome if instead of them, you know, taking all the possessions, because every picture that you see about the Exodus, they were taking all their possessions when the Bible says, give no thought for what you wear, don't take anything with you, what would it have been like if there was such this knowledge and understanding and faith in Jesus if, when they put us in the gas chamber, instead of going fearfully, we went joyfully, telling our little ones that don't understand, yes, we are going in there and we're not going to come out, and we're going to see Jesus, and it's going to be amazing. There's a complete and utter difference between fear and faith, and I think that the Lord wants us to have that faith that goes beyond understanding, so when they are stoning us, we can be like Stephen and say, Lord, forgive them, but they know not what they do, and the heavens open up for Stephen, and for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, right? You know, even if God doesn't save us, you know, we still, they didn't go into that fiery furnace with fear. They went in with complete faith, and he saved them out of it. Complete.

You know, John, who wrote the book of Revelation was, you know, according to church history, was boiled in oil. Right. You know, I can't imagine anything like that yet. Right.

The faith that goes into what we're reading about is example after example after example, which the Bible's given us those examples that we would live that way, so. Amen. I've got to continue this conversation, Lisa. We've got to get your husband on here. I'm so grateful that you called in today. I'm so grateful for all of you listening, and again, I hope you all will study these passages. I hope that you'll get the insight, but most of all, you know, like Lisa says, we've got to get closer. Thank you so much, Lisa. You have a great weekend, and we will be back tomorrow with a whole lot more. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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