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Should We Make New Year's Resolutions ?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
December 26, 2024 5:46 pm

Should We Make New Year's Resolutions ?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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December 26, 2024 5:46 pm

Who is somone in your life you would like to see take a resolution with God in 2025?

Tune in for Dr Dwayne Carson hosting Truth Talk Live 

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Welcome to Truth Talk Live. All right, let's talk. A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together.

Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. New Year's Resolutions. Well, good afternoon.

Duane Carson here, your host. And it's that time of year. We've moved to the time where we consider making New Year's Resolutions. And I want to ask the question, should we make New Year's Resolution? And you need to help me in answering this question. Call in at 2 p.m. Eastern.

866-348-7884. Should we make New Year's Resolutions? And as you call in, you might be able to tell us about a time where you did make a New Year's Resolution and it made all the difference.

And that would help us to understand why we should. You might call in and say, you know, I'm part of the 99% that made New Year's Resolutions, but then, sure enough, I broke them. We're all part of, at some point it seems, we're going to make a resolution to do something that's going to improve us, something that's going to make us better.

And within one week, we've broken the resolution. I have heard that there are some resolutions you can make that you'll surely not break. The most important one of all is I've made a resolution not to make any resolutions.

And then you don't have to worry about breaking it. You didn't make any. But I want to ask, should we, should we as Christians be making New Year's Resolutions? As you look at your life, as you think about where you're at, do you find that making a New Year's Resolution is helpful or is this just foolish behavior? We're just going through some kind of routine and it's not really going to amount to anything.

Let me throw some trivia at you today. What biblical writer was to write the vision? When we think many times about resolutions, we think about writing vision. What is your vision for 2025?

What are the things you want to see to happen? Well, there's a biblical writer that was told by God to write the vision. Give us a call if you know the answer to this. 866-348-7884.

That's 866-344-TRUTH. And we've got a Date the Word calendar for you. And for anyone calling today, we will gladly give to you, send to you a Date the Word calendar.

Deuteronomy 11-20 speaks about keeping the Word of God before you. And the Date the Word calendar, you can see one on the Date the Word website, Go to the shop, you'll see the calendar, and you can see that we have a verse for every date. For every day, there's a Bible verse on the calendar that you can look at, see it up close, personal. Today, you will be seeing Proverbs 12-26 that tells us that a righteous man chooses his friends carefully.

The reason you have to choose your friends carefully is because the wicked will lead you astray. So, give us a call if you have a thought today about should we make New Year's resolutions and what biblical writer was to write the vision. Love to hear your thoughts, love to hear your answer. As we think about this time of the year, Christmas has passed. We're now looking at 2025. How is it going to be different for you? What changes need to take place? I am a huge believer in taking time to examine the past, to examine the past year.

Really, look, maybe over the last five years. How have we been doing Psalms 139-23? Examine me, O Lord. We ask the Lord to examine 1 Corinthians 11. We're to examine ourselves. Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living.

I think it may have been Aristotle, one of those Greek leaders, men of wisdom and philosophy. The unexamined life is not worth living. What did you do in 2024 that you're glad you did? What are the things you did in 2024 that you wished you had not have done? I like to look at life kind of like if it was a football game, and we're coming to halftime. As we get closer now to launching here into 2025, we're in halftime. Here's what we know about athletics, about football games.

The coaches who make the best adjustments at halftime usually are the ones who are going to come out winners. You can be right now losing at life. 2024, boy, there have just been some things that you did. If you got really tough on yourself, and that's a good thing to be, is to be tough on yourself, is to say, boy, that was stupid. That was just wrong.

I should have never done that. As you examine yourself, you see, I can be so much better. I can improve. But to do that, there needs to be adjustments. I'm going to say that I believe we should be making New Year's resolutions.

I want to know what you think. Should we be making New Year's resolutions? And all you got to do is give us a call.

866-348-7884. And let's talk about making New Year's resolutions. Should we? And then as we think about doing, how do we go about making New Year's resolutions? We want to hear from you. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. I'm Duane Carson, and we're asking today, should we make New Year's resolutions?

It seems to be for most people a futility as keeping them just seems to be too difficult. Maybe you have been there. I recall years ago making a commitment to go to the gym and working out. I've got to start taking better care of my health. And I got this gym membership at the YMCA. And so on January the 2nd, I was there.

And the head coach of the Liberty football team, he was there. And we both noticed a sign that said resolutions are usually kept for one week. And as we looked around, we began to wonder of all the people in the YMCA that morning working out how many would be there the following week. And I'm going to be transparent and just say to you, I was one of those the following week that wasn't there.

Because life got busy again, all the responsibilities, and getting to the gym was something I just could not continue. And I became one of those one week later casualties of a resolution. I'm asking, want to hear your thoughts? Call us here at the Truth Network.

1-866-348-7884. Let's talk about should we make New Year's resolutions? Now I'm going to say to you, I believe we should.

And one of the reasons I think we should is because there's a biblical writer who was told by God to write the vision. Who was that person? If you know that person, give us a call. And we've got a date the word calendar for you. If you'll call in with the correct answer.

1-866-348-7884. There was another biblical character, Daniel. And when I think about how to write a resolution, I always look to Daniel because it says in Daniel 1-8 that Daniel resolved in his heart.

There's that word for us, to resolve, to make a resolution. Daniel decided there was something he was not going to do. And by not doing this thing that he has decided based on scripture I'm not going to do, he was doing something for himself. He was going to keep himself pure.

He wasn't going to defile himself. And I think it's important that we write out our resolutions, that we write out our convictions. Stephen Covey wrote a book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and one of his seven was Begin with the End in Mind.

It doesn't matter what your age, you could be a teenager right now. I've taught this in high school to high schoolers. I've taught this in college.

And I've taught this to men in their 60s. As we think about mentoring, begin with the end in mind. What a great concept that Stephen Covey had. And the idea is let's get to the end. Think what are the results we want? Well, what were the results you wanted for 2024? I can look back right now and see things that I wanted to see happen that I had the ability to make sure it happened. And I can check it off and say 2024, I did do these things because I wrote them down.

There are things now I want to see happen in 2025. So I'm writing them down. I believe we all have room for improvement. And to you men out there, just ask your wife.

She'll let you know. You've got room for improvement. And I'm telling you, every one of us can be better. I used the sports analogy just a moment ago that if we were looking at this period of time right now going into the new year as halftime, what adjustments need to be made? Well, think about, again, athletes. Coaches don't tell them that you have got to change completely today.

No. Coaches are going to challenge their players to improve a little bit each day. To improve a little bit each day. Let's get a little bit better.

And they'll look at three or four areas of their life. Well, what do you need to get better at? Do you need to get better at your marriage? Do you need to get better with your finances? Do you need to get better with personal relationships?

Do you need to get better with your work ethic? What about your relationship with God? When I look at Jesus and how Jesus grew, we find out that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, favor with God, favor with man. Okay, here's Jesus growing.

Luke 252. Great verse to have underlined in your Bible. Great verse on an index card. Jesus grew in wisdom.

That's intellectual. When's the last time you learned something for the first time? He grew physically.

He grew in stature. How are you doing physically? Are you taking care of yourself? What's the doctor saying you need to be doing more of? What's the doctor saying you need to be doing less of? What are those things that will keep you healthy? Athletically, we tell the player you need to be your best when your best is needed. To be a peak performer. Well, how can you be a peak performer with your physical life? You've got to take care of yourself physically. So, as you look at resolutions, there's going to be some things that you've got to say, this has got to be cut out of my life.

This has got to be put into my life. Jesus is growing intellectually. He's growing physically. He's growing relationally. Jesus got along with people. He had some great friends.

Jesus was a friend that he called his disciples friends. He knew how to relate to men, women, boys, girls. How are you doing in the relationship world? Is there some things you need to improve on? How to win friends and influence people. Great book to read. John Maxwell has several books on becoming a people person. Learning people's names and talking to people about the things that interest them. How can you be a better people person?

And then Jesus grew in favor with God. There needs to be spiritual disciplines that will help you become stronger spiritually. And when we come back, we're going to dive in on how to write out your resolutions so that you resolve where you're going to be better in 2025 than you were in 2024. This is Truth Talk Live. Give us a call.

1-866-348-7884. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. We're headed into 2025. It's just around the corner. Should we be making New Year's resolutions? That's the question today as we think about a new year.

How will the new year be different from the old year? In the Old Testament, there's a writer. God told him to write the vision. There's also a movie that many of you probably watched over Christmas. And in this movie, there was a Christmas character that said, I am going to live differently. Maybe you watched A Christmas Carol.

Maybe you watched Ebenezer Scrooge as he was challenged to look back on his life to see where things were presently and realize I am not living the way I should. And in this movie, it ends with him making this resolution that he's going to keep Christmas in his heart all the year long. And then he's going to be generous with people.

He's going to be joyful with people. What a great picture for us, not just of Christmas, but for this opportunity we have right now with a new year beginning. You know, if we didn't have these kind of moments, we wouldn't take time to evaluate where we are. Again, I love looking at sports as an analogy. Football especially has this half time. And when I was campus pastor of Liberty, as we came to the Christmas break at Liberty, it was the end of a semester with a new semester getting ready to start when they came back. And so I said, look, you're at half time and things are going to be different when you come back. And there's things that you have done in your first semester. It's done.

The grades are in the book. You've written the last paper. You've taken the last test. But now, having seen what you did in the fall, how can your spring be better? And so I want you to think about a half time adjustment.

I'm looking at 2024. How was my life like Jesus? Was it growing intellectually? Was it growing physically? Was I growing, increasing in my relationships with God, in my relationship with people?

Those four big areas. Luke 2 52. What's your thoughts?

1-866-348-7884. I know some of you have some thoughts on this. I appreciate you listening to me. I love to listen to you. Give us a call and tell us what you think about New Year's resolutions.

What are some of yours? Now, part of Truth Talk Live, we try to give you some insights on how to put into application things that we're talking about. And one of my great opportunities through the years was as a campus pastor working with student leaders was teaching them how to write a resolution.

What were the things to consider? And Luke 2 52 comes into play. Second Peter chapter one, five through eight comes into play because it talks about things that you need to be adding, increasing to your walk with God. I like to give out words to then build off of, like for us to have resolutions, Nick, we should have the word resolve. Think of the word resolve. I want to resolve this year, this coming year to rely more on the Lord. I want to rely more on the Lord.

Now, that's a big resolution. It's going to take me out of my comfort zone because to rely on the Lord means that as he speaks, as he guides, as he's directing, I'm going to trust him. I'm going to say, OK, God, you said we ought to do this. He's given the vision. He's given the plans.

OK, God, how is this going to happen? And for me, I don't want to live a life of stress because God has things for me to do. I want to live this life of peace. And Proverbs 16 three says, commit your ways to the Lord and he will establish your path. Philippians chapter four, verse six and seven says, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God will guard your heart. Now, I'm going to rely on God and not only am I going to rely on God, I'm going to resolve to exercise.

Oh, there it is. Well, yes, I'm going to exercise physically. We've talked about how Jesus grew in stature, but listen, we've got to exercise spiritually. First Timothy four seven says that we are to exercise ourselves toward godliness. That means getting into the spiritual gymnasium.

What is your spiritual workout look like? Do you have a time in the word date? The word is constantly challenging. Have that quiet time. And every day you can be going to the date the word app and seeing a daily devotion where you're going to be getting God's word in date. The word is just one of many ways that you should be having a quiet time with the Lord.

Daily discipline of in the word and in prayer, spiritual exercise. Now, before I go on, we've got Mike from Dayton, Ohio. Mike, I'm trying to get you to come on.

I'm on, yep. Hey, Mike, how are you today? I'm doing great, thank you. New Year's resolutions are hard to keep.

I definitely believe that. Over my lifetime I've tried to keep some and never, I would say never, but I have kept some. And the ones I've kept, and maybe this is, maybe somebody else is listening to relate. I try to change a habit instead. Like, first thing in the morning, I go run to the kitchen and I start making my coffee. Well, last year, first thing in the morning, I grabbed my Bible instead. And then I walked to the kitchen to make my coffee. And then I opened my Bible as I was making my coffee.

And I started reading the word of God and started praying as my coffee was being made. And so, you know, changing your habit is probably a good resolution. And in a way that you can do, you know, follow the Spirit and follow what God wants you to do. Seek God and ask Him, what habit do I need to start making God? When do I need to do this?

When do I need to do that? And God will lead you to those areas of your life where He wants you to be quiet with Him, or pray, or read your Bible, or go to church more often, a certain time, you know, talk to someone. You know, it's just, news resolutions are really hard to keep, I know that. So that's my idea, or my thought is, I have changed habits instead, and it's really helped me to keep my New Year's resolutions. I love that, Mike, I really do. You know, we are a sum of our habits. And for me, I'm very grateful for a wife that every night sets a timer on some coffee maker, and so when I wake up, my coffee is made. But I made a decision that, you know, I'm going to get the coffee, but I'm going to also, the first thing I'm going to do, I'm getting in the Word. I'm going to be opening my Bible, and I want to hear from God. And the first thing in the morning, many of us, we find ourselves, we want to, all right, what emails do I need to address?

What's on Facebook? Charles Burgeon said, the first face we should see every morning is the face of God. So I love that, Mike, let's work on our habits. So we're talking today about New Year's resolutions, we're going to go to a break, we come back, want to hear from you, 866-348-7884. Should we be making New Year's resolutions, and what does it look like to make them?

We'll be back in just a moment. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live, I'm Duane Carson, our ministry is Date the Word, and you can learn more about that by going to We have 20-25 calendars that you can get, any amount, donation. We'll be glad to send it to you, and we start off the New Year in the Word, and we want you to Date the Word, we have a Date the Word app, and encourage you to download that. As we think about New Year, 2025, we want to challenge you to resolve. We're laying out some thoughts on resolutions, should we make New Year's resolutions, and I'm a proponent of yes, I think we need to examine the past, and as Mike said, calling in from Ohio, thank you for the call, Mike. We've got to look at our habits, what are the habits that are forming our character, that forms our destiny? What needs to change so that we can improve? If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're going to keep having what you've been having.

Got to make the adjustments, and sometimes it's just a small adjustment, but it brings huge returns. Well, to resolve, I want you to think of that word, resolve, I'm going to rely more on the Lord. I'm going to exercise, not just physically, but spiritually. I'm going to have an exercise, a spiritual workout plan that's going to bring about Bible readings, going to bring about prayers, going to bring about fasting, it's going to bring about fellowship. I'm going to be doing the spiritual disciplines that bring about spiritual growth.

And then, I want to say, I'm going to resolve to be a soul winner. He who is wise wins souls, and you and I should be committed to seeing other people come to know our Savior. The day after Christmas, Stu had, towards the day after Christmas, the shepherds are out telling people what things they had seen and heard and experienced.

Anna, in the Christmas story, she was witnessing of the redemption that she had now come to understand. Jesus Christ, the Messiah was here. We need to be telling people about Jesus. And while I will use October the 1st, 10-1, as a day for writing down my most wanted list, because Romans 10-1 says, Paul said, my heart's desire is for Israel to be saved. Well, take the word Israel out, put in the name of the person you want to see saved most, and we think about, like with the FBI, they have their top ten most wanted. Who are those that you most want to see saved in 2025?

And one of the things that we're promoting is a March the 16th this year, a Sunday, March 16, 2025, 3-16. It's a day where we're challenging pastors all over the world to preach their best John 3-16 message. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Well, listen, if you get a burden with your resolution here, to resolve to be a soul winner, you get a burden for someone to be saved.

You want to get them to hear that message. And so I'm resolving to be a soul winner in 2025. I want to see others saved. And then the O of the word resolve, yes, it is others. I want to be more focused on others. In my journey of life, I still battle being selfish, not living selfless, not living to serve others.

It's a battle, and I think you probably say the same thing about your life. We look out for number one. Well, Scripture constantly calls us to look out for others. It's Jesus first, others second. You're going to find in your Bible 56 different things that you can do for others.

I want to be more focused on doing the one anothers of the Bible and living it to a greater degree. And I think that's a great resolution. We go back to Scrooge, and here he is living for himself, and he's a miser, and he doesn't want to help anyone. He's making life hard on his employee. Well, as he goes through this movie, he begins to realize Tiny Tim needs help. Well, folks, you might not need others, okay? I don't believe that is totally true. We all need others. But you might be living right now going, I don't need others. But others need you. And throughout Scripture, you're finding things to be doing for other people. And some of you, the greatest thing you can do is pray for other people to make that commitment to every day be praying for family, for friends. Prayer is not a waste of time. You're called to pray for others. And then resolve, I wrote this down, because I take myself pretty serious, but to laugh more.

And during the various commercials, we hear a guy by the name of Chuck Swindoll, and Chuck Swindoll talked about laugh often. And I've been challenged by his teaching, especially from the book of Philippians, not to be making jokes about stupid things, but just having the joy of the Lord. And Proverbs 17, verse 22 says, And I just tell you, you've got to take some time to stop and smell the roses. You've got to smile, and you've got to enjoy life.

That's a resolution. Laugh more. Enjoy life more. And then the V of resolve, volunteer more. I want to be more active in those areas where from the church community, they need my help, volunteer my time, volunteer my experiences, be involved in different types of ministries. I'm privileged to be a part of the FCA ministry here in Winston-Salem, and Davie County, Davison County, Yadkin County, Stokes. We have a tremendous leader, and working with him to see young people come to know the Lord. And you can be a volunteer. You can help at your school.

You could be helping at your church. And then, of this word resolve, to equip. I resolve to equip other believers to live and serve the Lord. We're to be soul winners, and we're to be disciple makers. You know, that's what it comes down to. Well, how are we really going to take our lives in 2025 and make a difference?

And that 2025 will be a year in which we are different. Well, if you're thinking about soul winning, and looking to see who in your neighborhood, who in your family, relatives that still haven't come to know the Lord, friends, associates. Who do you get a burden to see saved? And then, move to that level also of those who've gotten saved.

How do you equip them? You are a disciple maker. The things that you have learned from others, you pass on to others. Paul said to Timothy, the things you've learned from me, 2 Timothy 2, the things you've learned from me among many witnesses commit to other faithful men who will be able to disciple others. I want to be involved in the equipping process, equipping my family, equipping my friends, seeing new believers growing in the Lord. Seeing believers that are struggling, that their hands become stronger, they're back on their feet. What a joy to be an equipper. And then, as we think about Resolve, as we think about resolutions, we can make some decisions that truly we're going to be living a life that is different in 2025.

Let me review with you real quickly. I Resolve to rely on the Lord. I Resolve to exercise, spiritually exercising. I Resolve to be a soul winner. I Resolve to be other-centered as opposed to self-centered. I Resolve to laugh more. I Resolve to volunteer. And I Resolve to equip other believers so they can live and serve the Lord the way He would want them to live and serve Him. Now, as you think about going into 2025, should we make New Year's resolutions?

I believe the answer without question is yes, we should. And Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 says, write the vision. Write the vision. Mike talked about finding out what the Spirit of God is saying to you.

And that's such great advice. Spend some time in prayer. Lord, as I look at my life, where it's at, what are the things you would like to see different? What are the things you like to see different when it comes to my walk with you, but also my life with others, my witness to the loss? What would you like to see different when it comes to my behavior, about my habits? What are the things that I'm doing right now, Lord, that if I would change just a few habits, I could be so much more productive for you? Colossians chapter 1 verse 10 says that we would walk in a way that is fruitful. And that's what I want for you for 2025. I want you to be fruitful. So take time. Think about resolutions that you need to be making. Resolve for 2025 that it's going to be the best year ever. Hey, thanks for listening to Truth Talk Live.
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