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Bible trading cards for kids. The innovation of this woman of God that I've got on the line with me right now on Truth Talk is amazing. She's an author, she's an international TV host, she's been on radio, she's been everywhere.
Social media, her name is Terri Squires. And Terri, you have hit it out of the park, and you're making this grandpa really excited about your new American Heroes trading cards. First of all, congratulations on this. This is so exciting.
Well, thank you, Stu. We're excited about the Ancient Heroes. You know, our kids need it, our nation needs it. We need to bring truth back into the lives of our children.
And I thought about this a couple months ago, and my husband Ted said, you know what, it's time. So we created the Ancient Heroes of the Bible. Now what's really cool about these, they're trading cards, and they're sold just like, you know, your football cards, your Pokemon cards, your basketball cards, their unfoiled packs, very high-end comic style trading cards of some of your favorite Bible heroes.
I love it. This is Terri Squires with me. The website is
And Terri, this is so important. I mean, you mentioned it, so many kids grow up illiterate of the Bible, even with church open. We maybe need to do a little better job of that, and there's so many kids that need to hear the Word of God, they need to come to know the Lord, and every character in the Bible points to the greatest character, Jesus Christ. Just because I walk into a toy store and I see some really cool cards, it may not be the best thing for my kids. I mean, you kind of hit a wall there with your own kids and grandkids in the genesis of this whole ministry.
Can you tell about that and why it's so important? Well, you know, everything on the market, some of the things on the market is so dark, and our kids need something that tells the truth of God, and that's why I created that. You know, my kids were trading X-Men cards, and now there's Pokemon cards. And, you know, I went to the store, and it's like, hasn't anybody done their Bible Heroes?
And the guy looked at me like, you're crazy, and I thought somebody has had to have done it, and they didn't. So I contacted a very cool graphic design artist, and we created these sets, the set of cards, and we're going to continue with new characters next year. But the one thing I wanted to make sure is that you were right. Every single character in the Bible points to Jesus. Now, what's really cool about these cards, and you can't see it, you can see on some of them, that I told Scott, our designer, and I said, on the background, I want every single card to have Yahweh and Yeshua written in Hebrew. And then as the layers go on with the card design, you know, you can see it a little bit on the backs of the cards, but I wanted every single card to point to Jesus. But we do tell the story of God's Heroes on each back of each card, and they have questions. There's two cards in the pack, complete set, that is interactive on the website. We have games, and then one card is called The Journey, and it takes you through the Old Testament.
It introduces every single book of the Old Testament, along with questions that will help people. It's not just children, it's collectors, it's teens, it's designed for anybody that loves trading cards or that is looking for alternatives for your kids, for your teen. And so, you know, we have some plans for the future, but, you know, this is a start. We wanted to give parents and grandparents alternatives, because they're searching. That is such a cool, and what a cool way, and these are cool cards! You sent me a few to check out, and I'm like, wow, I've got to get some more for all the youngsters in my life. Now they've got these grandbabies, they come in eight cards in a pack, they've got special bulk pricing for your ministry, your church, you want to get a bunch for the youth group. What a great Christmas gift, and look, you've got Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Deborah, David, Elijah, you've got this awesome website where they can do warfare games, you've got these cool introductions to Old Testament. It's a great way to learn about God's Word, the most powerful book ever written, but bringing it down right there, eye level, where the cookies, the Christmas cookies are on the lowest level of the shelf, the kids can get it, they can understand it.
And Terri, this isn't just some kind of halfway approach, well I've got to have an alternative, and we're going to kind of go low budget on this. These are quality cards, I mean, some of these heroes have serious muscles, I mean, Moses looks like the dude on here. I mean, talk about the artistry, I mean, you hired some high level folks, you know, some folks came alongside you to make these things winners, huh? Well, you know, I have used Scotty Roberts, he's in Wisconsin, for years, he's one of the best graphic artists that I've ever worked with, and these are his, you know, he designed them, and I kind of gave him some input, I wanted high quality. And then Ted, of course, went down to Florida, we found an unbelievable manufacturing company that deals in, you know, top sports cards, and they loved the project, so we went very high quality, double laminated, very thick cards. The kids can't, you know, you can't destroy these cards too easily, and my husband said, if we're going to do it, we're going to do it right, and that's what we did.
Wow. Well, this is a real blessing. Well, thank you for doing this. Give us the best way, practically, because you know, a lot of moms, grandmoms, dads, granddads, uncles, aunts, stepdads, others, they want to do something special for their kids and have some meaningful conversations. I can see a lot of really cool conversations, and not just limited to Christmas, you know, although we're recording this interview Christmas time, and it's a great Christmas idea, stocking stuff or whatever, but all year round, honestly, give us the best way to get these cards, Terri, and to dial into what you're doing with your ministry.
Well, they can contact me at, they can get individual packs, or we have a way that we've created to send them all six packs, which includes the complete set of the 48 cards. Okay, wonderful. That would be the best way to get in touch with us, ministries, you know, like I said, we have opportunities to work with ministries and churches also.
That's fantastic. Well, your husband, Ted, has been a blessing in my life, he's been such an encouragement in my publishing, and you know, each of the books I've written, he's been such a wise counselor and encourager to that, I can actually hear those conversations that he and you had about this, and I know that God's going to use these cards. Terri, as we get out of here real quick, what would you say to someone sitting out there, they want to do something for God, they love the Lord, they want to reach this next generation, God just simply gave you this idea, like when I got your little thing in the mail, I was blown away, I'm like, Terri, what is she doing now? Because I know you're all over media and you're writing the books and interviewing high-level folks and you've got this podcast and all these things, but can you give people a little inspiration out there about how God can use whoever, anybody listening, whatever their skill set is, their gift, their passion is, to be a blessing, just like God's used you to make these cards? Well, I want that person to know that they are uniquely created by the Lord, there's no one else like them, they're one of a kind, and I would just encourage them to seek the Lord, no matter where you are in life, very young or very old, that God has a calling, a special calling on your life, whether it's your neighbor, whether it's just a friend or a smile, that He, if you allow Him to use you to share His truth with others, just ask Him, and He's going to lead you, and no matter how small or how big, it will give Him honor and glory, just share His love with others and make that one impact in your life, because you never know what that next person is going to do if you just share His truth to that person.
Amen. Well, someone shared the truth with Terri Squires and invited her to come to Christ, and now she's inviting all kinds of people, young and old, to these awesome, collectible trading cards, ancient heroes, the website is Terri, give Pat a big hug for me, and thank you so much for what you're doing, what a blessing. Well, thank you, thank you for sharing it, and Merry Christmas to you, and God bless you. God bless you, Terri. We'll have you on again. Keep us posted, will you, on all the progress of this thing, and I want our listeners to make sure they learn more, and they can go to the website, I'll give it one more time,, because walking with God, studying the Word of God, serving the Lord, sharing the good news is an adventure, and these cards bring that adventure to life, and I can't think of a greater adventure than sharing this journey with others. Terri, you've helped us do it, thank you, God bless you. Thank you, Stu.
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