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The Towers

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
July 26, 2023 7:00 pm

The Towers

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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July 26, 2023 7:00 pm

 Stu interviews fellow brother in Christ Herb Burns. Listen as he shares about his new book "The Towers".

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This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it. Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

The Truth Network Podcast is brought to you by The Masculine Journey Podcast. and he is showing us what evil people are doing with technology. So, I wrote this book about a Christian who discovers what evil people are doing with technology, and he destroys the technology. And you know some people say, Herb, what you're writing is not science fiction. It really is real. real yeah cuz you do touch on that cuz there is a you know they call our kids nowadays my nephew coined this word screen agers you know there are a lot of screen agers out there and there's we're so dominated by that and you take us into that and you're not condemning people because we have the Bible on our technology we just finished Wednesday in the word we have thousands of people to watch this it can't be here on Facebook and here the good Bible study Exodus 17 water and war and God's you know Moses striking the rock and God's you know nourishing his people so there's good things about technology but your book you're really trying to get people to think like this unseen battle that Paul talks about in Ephesians 6 we wrestled out against flesh and blood right that's right well let's let's let's back up 20 years okay so we're gonna back up 20 years I've always been involved with technology so 20 years ago I conducted an experiment on some college students using technology so I got them in a room and they had a project to do I gave them technology tools to use and man was I amazed at the results of that experiment it led me to develop an hypothesis that's called the evolutionary technological destruction is theory and the theory is the more we advance with technology the more destructive it can be to us if we allow it to be and the other thing that I discovered you know if you go to a heart doctor you get an EKG when I was conducting this experiment on these students back then I developed a technological EKG on those students I was amazed when I charted out what they did it was just like an EKG every student had a similar EKG and the technology controlled that EKG and my professor says herb you need to write about this you need to let people know what's going on and it's still the best kept secret in the library UNCG well you have written the route 66 have you ever have you found your route in life wonderful the 66 books of the Bible powerful never stop asking discovering sharing never stop teaching never stop pursuing God's mission and vision for you you've written some great books as an educator an international collaborator you've served Christ in Ukraine you've been on these missions trips you've taught so many kids in the classroom and most folks would think herb with this kind of storied career you are going to retire you're gonna chase a little white ball sit you know you know dip those chubby little toes into the white sand of the beach but no you're writing books you're writing a sci-fi book that had has all kinds of people stirring called the towers talk about why you wrote this book at this time in your life well just imagine if you're driving from North Carolina to Virginia and you don't have your travel passport the electrical g5 towers will shut your car down that's where technology is going imagine your cell phone I put my cell phone in my pocket and oddly enough I had this little twitch on my leg where I keep my cell phone folks that's given off an electromagnetic pulse imagine the room that you're in right now there are electromagnetic magnetic waves penetrating that room penetrating our atmosphere people can't see them but it's out there and it's affecting us yeah and it's really interesting because it's coming to a point where we talk about nothing no one can buy and sell without the market to be seen that well the way they're trying to do these digital wallets if you post something pro-life on your social media herb just saying hey I believe you know marriage between a man and a woman I believe you know that a child has a right to live and we don't need to kill our young in this country if that's connected with a social media the AI that's out there can connect that instantly and save it supposing you have your your phone and you want to pay with your phone and you go to pay for something very important like food and you know water and bread and it denies you the purchase until you can go take that change that post you put on social media supporting God's view of marriage but this isn't unrealistic this is literally happening where people are being turned away if just like if you turned away if you weren't vaccinated you're turned away just they're they're making this this e-wallet thing that nefarious but your book is very prophetic as you talk about what's coming that's exactly right and if you get an opportunity Google something called the blue beam project and the blue beam project is a project where scientists are developing a way to project holographic images into the sky to make you think that the second coming of Christ is about to happen and that's using technology to lead you to a false a false god that's coming so herb you've written this book her burns the towers in a world you could not imagine and it's so much that this is surreal because we're seeing these technological manifestations everywhere quickly why should someone give this book right now get it for their grandkid why should people read this book in your opinion give us a quick plug for the book and challenges obviously we want to give away the whole plot in the you know the the ending but give us a quick rationale okay a quick rationale is there are evil people in our society today that are using technology to control a society and this book hopefully will open your eyes make you awake and not woke as to what's going on with technology today and the bottom line is God is in control of everything and there are Bible verses throughout this sci-fi book that's the truth that's in the book or the Bible verses so this Christian remains a Christian a solid Christian throughout the story and he takes down the technology and tries to escape and you need to go on this journey to discover what's happening with technology and particularly the cell phone that I'm speaking into today so Monday I'm doing an author talk at the King Library and I hope there's no Secret Service people there taking notes as I reveal some of the secrets in this book all right author her burns the book is the towers in a world you could not imagine it's a sci-fi thriller from a Christian perspective and his website is his name herb burns be you are NS calm and he's written several other books you can learn about there he's an award-winning Christian author artist architect public speaker educator businessman very successful as a parent and a husband himself and your wife actually taught my children at Calvary day school we love mrs. Burns what a blessing she's been to so many kids my editor too that's why I knew this was a winner you know forget the author the editor is one that's making some music here but what a blessing you are and you know this is this is really neat what's happening here look at all these guys praying with each other these conversations these two young men iron sharpens iron we got a Gideon right here what about this guy as an author Larry you're sharing the gospel everywhere you go but seeing him write a book to share the gospel a lot of people's powerful isn't it oh yeah he's definitely inspired me he sure has through his book and and being in one of his books as well Larry has a story in my book never stop pursuing God's mission and vision and he talks about being a Gideon how he was led to share the salvation with others so many have come to Christ just by picking up that book the Bible that Gideon's have left in hotel rooms and everywhere else her burns yes sir real quick yes sir we're at almost have time to go ahead yeah truth talks to Epperson go ahead yeah so we're talking to stew Epperson he has a book called the last words of Jesus so make sure you get that book and take a look at it as well see I'm trying to promote his book this guy's selflessly graciously is promoting mine what a kind man but what a good friend but it's need to see these men in Wednesday and the word getting together that's why it's a little bit loud we're in Dario we're not in the studio and we're on this technological device that has actually pretty good clarity for recording and we're with her birds herb your challenge to the next generation about following Jesus about leveraging technology to post a verse survival verse on Instagram to lead someone to Christ on social media to go to our share the truth now dot-com website to share the truth to pass out these little share the truth cards with the QR codes what's your challenge in leveraging what do you say to these young people out there listening well I hope I get a message to be able to share at the Salt and Light Conference I'm waiting for a response my message is in these times never stop pursuing God's mission and vision for you look at yourself look at the Bible look for opportunities and look at what other people are doing and you will be led all you have to do is communicate with God and he will tell you what you need to do go to herb burns calm HR B B UR NS calm get this book you'll love it you'll enjoy it by several copies the towers by herb burns the junior longtime friend mentor man of God and regular here at Wednesday in the word and he's blessed us with all kinds of books especially this newest one which if you like sci-fi you need a good page turner for the beach trip but something that scripture that's gonna challenge you to grow closer to Christ this is a great book for that herb thank you man what a blessing thank you sue appreciate it this is the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-26 21:28:40 / 2023-07-26 21:33:52 / 5

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