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Best Of: From Crushing Opponents to Saving Souls

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
July 27, 2022 7:00 pm

Best Of: From Crushing Opponents to Saving Souls

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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July 27, 2022 7:00 pm

From our Archive, a combination of two 2020 interviews where Stu talks with the Russian Nightmare himself, 1980's wrestling legend Nikita Koloff!



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Stories of hopelessness turned into hope. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. Grab your seat, it's the center stage event of the night, the interview with the Russian sickle, or some know him as the Russian nightmare. He was the most hated man in the world at one time, or the most hated wrestler, Nikita Kolov, and this is a podcast that we've meshed together two recent broadcast interviews we've done with Nikita Kolov. What a mighty man of God. Wait till you hear his testimony from winning the world championship to winning souls for Christ. Nikita Kolov on today's Truth Talk Podcast.

Please share this and make sure you regularly subscribe to this and all of our awesome Truth Network Podcast. Here's the program, here's the interview that I did with Nikita Kolov, the Russian nightmare. From crushing opponents in the ring at the highest level of professional wrestling to putting on the armor of God and going after in the spiritual warfare, this man of God with me is, this guy is a double hero of mine both as a, when I was a kid watching pro wrestling and as a man of God who's brought so many to Christ. Nikita Kolov, I can't believe I'm around this guy and I'm still living to tell about it, also known as the Russian monster and all kinds of other little things. Nikita, what do you think, man? The Russian ambassador, the Russian nightmare, now I'm the devil's worst nightmare.

Once was the nightmare of the wrestling ring, now I'm the devil's worst nightmare. That is awesome. So I want to hear a little bit about your testimony. It's just so glad to have you on and I've heard you speak and you've got a great, you know, you've got a book I believe that's either come out or it's coming out. You've got some good things happening in your ministry.

I do. I've actually written three books. I'm revising one.

I'm writing a brand new one. A lot going on in that space and then, you know, once we get past all this kind of weird crazy stuff, I'll be back on the road in the airwaves traveling the world and preaching the gospel of Jesus. Amen. And you have a thing called man camp.

You're encouraging men to wake up. You travel with your other, you know, legendary wrestling man, Lex Luger. I tell you what, you guys together scary. You alone is a formidable thing, but, you know, Lex Luger too, but what in the world? Can God really change and transform a rough, tough, rugged, hardened, body-slamming, pile-driving, Russian sickle, clotheslining pro wrestler? Can God really do that?

Is this possible? Talk to me, man. I'm thinking if he could save me, he could save anybody.

I'm thinking, you know, it's interesting. Even on your introduction, I was thinking about, you know, a champion in the ring. I like to say once a champion in the ring, now a champion for Jesus and actually now wrestling for the ultimate. He's the ultimate champion, right?

I mean, the belt really belongs around his waist for what he did on a cross, right? When he substituted himself for all of us. And so, yeah, I just feel fortunate, you know, after I left a wrestling world back in the tail end of 1992 and made a decision early 93 to bronze the boots, so to speak, and walk away from wrestling. Found myself about 11 months later at an altar, surrendering my life on my knees to the Lord Jesus.

Life's never been the same since. So what was it that got your heart? You know, here you lived, you had a prodigious career in wrestling. God had blessed you. You'd been at the very top of your game and you'd faced opponents like Ric Flair, like Sting, like Lex Luger, like the Road Warriors, Dusty Rhodes, Don't Even Get Me Started, Telly Blanchard, the Four Horsemen, you know, Arne Anderson, Ollie Anderson, partnered with the other feared Russian cousin of yours, Ivan Kolov. So what was it that turned your heart to Christ?

Obviously, God saves us and that sort of, you know, we know that. But what was it that, with all of that in your life, what was it the intersection that you came to? Well, my story's not like some of the other guys in that, you know, I didn't come out of a world of drugs, you know. I wasn't delivered and set free from drug addiction. I've never messed with drugs.

I've never smoked pot in my life. I mean, I just, that never appealed to me. I wasn't an alcoholic.

My dad was a 25-year alcoholic before he grabbed the old rugged cross and got set free of alcoholism. That wasn't an issue for me. I wasn't what I would consider to be a real womanizer. I mean, I just, that wasn't my world. It was more for me coming from the pinnacle of success, if you will, right, in the wrestling world, as a world champion in wrestling, and just coming to the realization that I'm successful, but I'm unfulfilled.

I'm like, this is it? I mean, I've climbed the ladder of success. I've become, traveled the world.

I have name recognition around the world, you know, not like a, not like a Michael Jordan, you might say, or an Elvis Presley, but I still had worldwide name recognition, but yet something was still missing. And so it was really kind of a journey for me, looking back, how the Lord really was, I feel, working on me, even when I wasn't living for Him. And it just, I met a Christian couple through business after leaving wrestling. They invited me to their church. I didn't grow up in church, but I wasn't ignorant to church either. I mean, I frequented a few times, all for the wrong reasons.

No time to get napped today. But all that to say, they'd invited me, and it was a day that, a week that I just felt prompted to call them and say, hey, I'll be there Sunday. And I'd never been to that church before in Concord, North Carolina. They met me there. And it was just, it was my day. It was the day that I was set free. It was the day, a divine appointment for me to meet Jesus at the altar, 17 October 1993.

Wow, and then fast forward. Now, you know, you go to, you show up at a campsite, or you show up at a big men's event, like we've done, that our friend, mutual brother Roy, puts together, you know, this awesome, you know, men's group in Kernsville, North Carolina. But all over the country, all over the world, and you have this big strapping, still strapping, pro wrestling, former pro wrestler champion, you're challenging men. Tell us about that in the man camps, and how God's now put you in a place where you're leveraging all of that, your background, to bring men up in Christ.

Yeah, and I appreciate that. You know, you said, wake up, man. You know, wake men up, I think is how you, but I'm like, yeah, we want to wake them up, but we all, we want them, want them to wake up, but we also want them to man up. And God really just put men on my heart, and I know I can speak for Lex as well, the total package, Lex Luger, and guys like Roy, God's just put men in my heart. Now, I say that to say, obviously, there's a lot of men, there's a lot of women wrestling fans as well, I realize that. In fact, I even have women go, hey, how come you're not doing a camp for women? I'm like, well, because God hasn't called me to do a camp for women, but if he does, I'll consider it. But, and so, Lex and I got this vision in 2015 to do these one-day man up conferences, just challenging men to be healthy, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, taking all of our combined years of experience and sharing that with other men, and then that's an appetizer. And if they want more, then they can come to a five-day catalyst called Man Camp, and man, we'll deep dive, and we'll go deep into what it looks like, what the Bible says about being healthy as men.

Okay, that's so cool. And so, you'll hear this program, this is a program you'll hear, but you want to go to Nikita Koloff's website for the most, the upcoming, it's all at your website, I guess, so the upcoming camps, the details, how men can sign up for that. Women, this could be a great Father's Day gift for your husband. I tell you what, you're not going to be the same after going to this thing, where they get challenged, encouraged, blessed by godly men important in their life, real discipleship, pastors come, you, men's ministry should come, anyone can come, I guess, right? As long as there are men and they want to, they're open, they bring an unsavory friend. Yeah, men 18 years and up of all backgrounds and all from all over the country, they'll fly in, they'll drive in, they'll come, and they just have a hunger for God.

Men, pastors will come because they're hungry or for God. I mean, you know, men out in the marketplace will come, young men, elderly men. We have this upcoming camp in June, men in their 70s are coming, you know, men in their 20s are coming, and gathering together unique groups.

We keep it to a small intimate group, 24 is kind of the max that we'll take, there is still some space. The specific website for that is just,, and my personal my personal site, of course, is And if you forget it, just drive by Nikita on the road and you'll see his license plate, which says man camp, which is kind of cool.

Of course, I have a Christian radio station on my license plate, so either way we're pointing people to something good. Nikita Koloff, former world champion, pro wrestler, just really a prolific career there, and he loves Jesus, and he is really in the war against flesh and blood, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, as he's bringing the gospel to so many people in so many ways, even including this interview, and we're going to make this a podcast. Nikita Koloff, take us home with your challenge to men out there. What's your challenge? You know, there's a struggle, there's lack of commitment, there's lack of leadership, there's lack of serving, there's men like me with daughters, and you know, figuring out being a parent, if you're not being a grandparent. Give us a challenge maybe from the Word or from something God's downloaded into you that you can take us home with right here.

I appreciate it, student. I appreciate you having me on today too as well, and I'll just speak, man, can I just challenge you this? It's all about relationship, right? It's not about religion, it's not about your background, your label on your shirt or the banner outside on the church sign out front. It's about Jesus living on the inside and then exemplifying that to everyone around us, whether it's a spouse or it's children or those you work with in the marketplace or those you minister alongside with. It's developing a deeper, it's got to be an ongoing daily dive into your love for the Lord, your passion for Him, and then living that, not so much thumping somebody over the head with a scripture or a Bible, as much as it is living it, letting others see Christ in and through you, and then if they ask the question, the proverbial question, what makes you different, you are then equipped and prepared to give an answer, and that's what I challenge you with today.

Amen. That is the voice of wrestling great Nikita Koloff, and I'm so glad that I am going to walk away from this interview. It's very rare that anyone encounters Nikita Koloff for 10 minutes and walked away in the ring, but now they're walking away closer to Christ as I have been enriched, and I hope you have too. Thank you, Nikita.

Give us your website one more time for your website and also for the man camp. Personal website,, and for the camp, if you're a man out there, we still have space, come on,, I-N-F-O,, and as I closed most of my interviews in wrestling, I'll just say, I love it, but we're not done because for those of you who have downloaded the podcast, this is bonus coverage. Okay, Nikita, without compromising any trade secrets, tell us one of the most cool, weird, fun, trivial things about pro wrestling that no one listing knows, that you would say that's just inside information, but it's just fascinating that one of the things that always you hear, maybe even one of these things of legend that are true or not true. Well, wrestling today, Stu, is really, I mean, it's been an expose over the years, and so everyone at this point, I think, realizes now it's entertainment, right? There was a time, and I was raised up by old school wrestlers, Ivan Koloff and Don Kornodle, that you protected the business, you didn't let out any trade secrets, period, but that said, I think one of the most fascinating things, because one of the questions I get all the time now on different interviews and et cetera, and when I'm out doing autograph signings and those sorts of things, and hopefully we'll get back to those, but it is, Nikita, compare the difference between now and back in your day. Well, it's pretty well known now, there's script writers, there's writers who write all their interviews, all their matches, and they write it all out, and then taking nothing away from the athlete, they have to go in and then deliver, right?

Well, a bit different in our day. In our day, there was an outcome that was predetermined, but the match itself, if I'm wrestling Ric Flair for an hour, basically 55 minutes of that match is spontaneous improv. You go to the ring and you tell a story live and in color in the ring that would lead into the outcome. So the outcome was predetermined, but we still had to improvise and spontaneity in the ring, and that was called psychology of wrestling that's, of course, lost in today's world because they don't have to think about all, they don't have to think on the fly, they just have to go in and perform a match. That's quite unique in today's world versus in the world I wrestled in. One other side note to that then is, if you watch an interview with the American dream, that's the road, power, power, do sweet to be sour if you will, yeah, son of a plumber from Austin, Texas, baby, if you will, Nikita, call off and I will, we are the super powers, yeah, he goes, my honey may be a little bigger than supposed to be in my belly, a little smaller than, when you saw his interview, that was spontaneous, that was improv. It almost was better than Dusty Rhodes at interviews. That was improv, here's the point, we had zero writers for our interviews, any of us, at least I know for him and I, nobody wrote our interview, we did that spontaneous.

But what was up with Rhodes going after Harley Race when you and Vader were supposed to be in the ring and then you got clipped from behind all of a sudden? Well, you know, there are some things that, again, you kind of know what's going to happen, but nevertheless, even though you know it's going to happen, listen folks, it's a very physical business. When I got slammed on a concrete floor, I assure you, my body, even today, feels the effects of that concrete floor. Okay, but one of my favorite stories is the guy who really mentored you, and this is a great story by the way, you know, Kobe Bryant said, Michael Jordan was my big brother. Michael Jordan at Kobe Bryant's memorial service, I just did a true comedy on this, he said this, he said, Kobe was my little brother. And Jordan could have said, you know, this little upstart ball hog kid forcing every shot, you know, this and that, waiting for, you know, taking it to them instead of waiting for it to come to him. I'm not going to fool them, I'm not going to, but Jordan gave his number, you call me anytime, anything you can do for me, and they became friends, and Jordan really big-brother'd him, and that's kind of a really cool, you know, ESPN is doing their big last dance feature of that final Bulls championship run, and that has come up quite a bit because they've dedicated every one of those episodes to Kobe, but there really wouldn't have been Kobe if it had been for Jordan. And I don't know that there would have been a Nikita Koloff if it weren't for your shorter but, you know, bigger than life cousin, Ivan Koloff. So talk about that relationship quickly and how God did something after he did something in you in the heart of that man.

Yeah, so I mean, I give Ivan and Don Curnodle as well, who I just talked to the other day, he just celebrated his 70th birthday, by the way, Don Curnodle, and he brought it up again. He talked about the day I broke in and how I broke in, and if it wasn't for really the two of those guys especially, and others that were a part of my success, but because I walked into it, Stu, with no amateur wrestling background, no professional training, like none, zip, zero, the day I walked into Jim Crockett's office. You're a big football player, pretty athletic, but this is a whole other sport.

This is a whole different deal, right? And Crockett's instructions when we finished interviews was be in Raleigh, North Carolina, the night you're gonna wrestle on television. I'd never even been in a ring, and his instructions in Raleigh were, Ivan, if he trips on the ropes, he's history, he's audience. My only goal was don't trip on the ropes getting in the ring.

And I'm like, how hard could that be? Well, if you've never been in a pro wrestling ring, I'll tell you right now, harder than you think. All that said though, 11 seconds later in my debut, I had my first win in professional wrestling, and to Ivan's credit and Don's, for the next two to three months, we would get to the towns two, three hours early, and they would bump all over the ring teaching me the mechanics of wrestling. And then I'd have a short match, and then on the drive home that night, this was old school, then we'd talk about the psychology of wrestling, why they did what they did when they did it, and timing, and all of that.

And that's how I learned the business, crash course, trial by fire, if you will. And then last but not least, two years, about, well, about a year and a half, two years after I gave my life to Jesus, I had met an evangelist out of South Africa. He was doing revivals in North Carolina. I invited Ivan on a Monday, I'll never forget it, and said, hey, he's here all week. Well, lo and behold, I didn't know he was there two nights later until the, an invitation and what we know as an altar call was given, and there stood Ivan at the front of the church at the altar making a decision to give his life to Jesus. And the crazy part, the amazing part of that testimony is, on that night, and this happens different for everybody, right, but here's what happened for Ivan. On that night, he went from drug addiction, alcohol addiction, tobacco addiction, cussing like a sailor, to doing none of that overnight. He was set free from all of that. He never said another cuss word, he never had another dip of tobacco, he never had another drink of liquor, he never had another drug, and went on to become an ordained minister and live the rest of his life for Jesus and carry a Bible with him everywhere he went. Crazy, amazing story. Wow, and he's passed away since. He's walking streets of gold with Jesus, waving at us right now and praying for us.

Waiting for his tag team partner to get up there, right? Yes, sir, absolutely. The guy still using it down here, that's Nikita Koloff, what a great man of God., or you can go to man camp,, I believe, to sign up for his amazing men's retreat in North Carolina, but guys flying from all over the country to this thing, don't they? They do, they do. We have guys registered from past camps, from Texas, from Nebraska, from Wisconsin, from Minnesota, from Virginia, from Ohio, from, yeah, from all just all over, and they'll drive in too.

They'll drive in, fly in from all over. You may not have been a pro wrestler, but whatever you have been, whatever you are doing, God's got you in that so you can point people to Jesus and bring men and women, children to him while we still have time. Seize every moment like this brother, Nikita Koloff, who's been an inspiration to me and so many. God bless you, brother. God bless you. Thank you for having me, Stu, and God bless all of you and God bless all of you out there as well.

Bajaro star. You're listening to the Truth Network and Our nation's cities have been on fire. Minneapolis, the site of this egregious, brutal police cruelty, murder, this officer with his knee on this man's neck, and the eight minutes of video that no one wants to watch that just has traumatized so many, and it's led to peaceful protests, but it's led to violent protests. I'm Stu Epperson, and I want to welcome you all. My heart has been heavy all week, and of course if anyone has seen or listened to Christian Radio, like so many people listen to this program, want to say hey to all of our brand new AFR listeners on stations across the country, across the world that are listening, all of our great affiliates of this program, but I really was tickled to death when I had a chance to meet in a non-combative, non-wrestling way, because this guy is the Russian nightmare, a former world champion wrestler who is now on fire for Christ who's battling in the army of God and leading people to Christ, also launching a new show himself, Nikita Koloff. And Nikita, your heart's heavy because you've got some roots, my friend, in that part of the world, Minneapolis, Minnesota. So when you saw those streets, those street signs, and heard the news, it really hit you a little different, didn't it?

Stu, great to be with you. Yeah, it, you know, I posted something recently about being a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, grew up in the projects of Minneapolis, and what I said then and what I'll say now is that's where I really learned to love people of all color, and then raised my children to love people of all color. And I mean, some of my all-time favorite music is Motown, some of my best friends are black, and so I grieve along with all of them and with all those out there who are hurt and where there's anger.

But yeah, close to home, Minneapolis, right where I grew up. Wow, and Nikita, when you share your testimony, being in wrestling, being in that culture, coming to Christ, you know, somewhere toward the end of your wrestling run, but you know, you also talk a lot of racism. You know, you and Roy, you guys get together, do these awesome conferences, you have your man up, your man camps, your new program, it's going to be awesome, but you talk about bringing black and white together. What is the message that you see bring healing? When you see a black man and a white man embracing each other, praying together on their knees, tell us about, tell us about how we get there, and tell us about how, if you have a megaphone to the country right now, what you kind of do with this national program, what's your message? Well, and what you just described, I have done and will continue to do, you know, embrace and hug a brother of another color, get on my knees together, pray together with that brother. And really, I think at the core of something else I posted recently on social media is that at the core, really, it's an issue of the heart. I mean, we can look at the color of someone's skin, you know, in fact, I'm reminded of the Bible where it says, you know, God talked about a man looking at the outward appearance, but God looking at the heart.

Amen. And the challenge for all of us is to get past, you know, the color of somebody's skin and their eyes, and in their outward appearance, and get to know somebody at the heart level. And that's the key, I feel, to any sort of reconciliation, whether it's black and white, brown, yellow, or people of any color. Yeah, that's something.

So getting to the heart and, you know, you're from Indianapolis, but this thing is spiraled out. Now there's, so there's people out there protesting peacefully that are literally, you know, even praying. I mean, I watched on YouTube, a buddy of mine on my Instagram page, I hope everyone would go to my Instagram page, and you liked it too, with that black hand and white hand, you know, in locked together with the scripture above it, you know, how we're called to love our neighbor. If you don't love your neighbor, you're not of God. And so you see, you see Christians, even Christians that are marching peacefully, singing praise and worship songs, like that Atlanta video I saw, but you see some people that aren't of God, that are burning, tearing down windows. I mean, lynch, you know, literally destroying and lambasting these stores, and taking stuff that's not theirs, and shooting people.

Four cops killed in St. Louis, you know, with this, you know, really harmful thing. So there's, there's, you know, we don't want to turn a blind eye to that. But also, it's heartbreaking though, to see that, that, you know, in last days, men will grow evil, you know, that you have this, a lot of those guys have no idea who George Floyd was. They haven't seen the picture of him holding the Bible with his basketball guys. They haven't, they know nothing about his brother who spoke of an impassioned message this week, who told all the looters to go home and quit doing this garbage.

And he said, he said these words, he said, we're a God fearing family. But what's your message to people out there about dealing with that? Such a painful thing to watch all that evil? Well, I think, again, just an illustration of the times in which we live. And I think it's pretty clear that, that there's, there's two sides. There's good, and there's evil. We live in a fallen world.

We live in a very broken world. And so we're just visibly seeing, really, I would say the manifestation of that fallenness, that brokenness by people who are doing those sorts of things. And I'd be hard pressed to believe that they have a relationship with Jesus and that if they did, I would like to think they would not be doing those sorts of things. I think that verse in Corinthians where Paul, he comes out hard against people who are immoral. He comes out hard in 1 Corinthians 6 against people who were idolatrous and moral, abusing their bodies. And he comes out, but he says, but such were some of you. In other words, you know, so the Christians that are sitting there thinking, oh man, I would never be like that. I would never loot and I would never, but he says, such were some of you. Will you talk about Nikita Koloff before Christ and Nikita Koloff after Christ, and then use that as a way to invite people to really, the end game of everything you do, the ultimate three count that we all have to take when we bow our knee to him.

Yeah. BC, before Christ in my life, I wouldn't have considered myself a horrible guy, but at the same time, I couldn't envision myself, even without Jesus in my life, crashing bricks through windows and stealing stuff that wasn't mine, destroying property that wasn't mine. Since coming to Christ, it's been a transition for me to go from not knowing him to coming to know him in a personal way, inviting him into my heart, going, if you will, from the dark side, which my wrestling career might've even illustrated a bit of that, right?

The epitome of evil, the Russian bear and the Russian nightmare, the epitome of evil, seeing the light, if you will, and coming and partnering with Dusty Rhodes as the super powers. The American dream. American dream, baby, yeah. And it actually, you like that, don't you?

I love it. And it actually illustrates my own personal journey of once born into iniquity, as I was, birthed from the canal of my mother into iniquity, and then 17 October, 1993, seeing the light, capital L, and giving my life to Jesus, and since that time now, on a crusade to spread the gospel far and wide to as many people as I possibly can, and hopefully see reconciliation, not just between black and white, but the reconciliation of our lost heart to the heart of God. Wow, that's great. And this guy's been all over the world preaching the gospel, you've been in how many countries? Currently 30 different countries so far. Okay, and Nikita Koloff Ministries, what's your website, Nikita?

Just, keep it simple, I like it, awesome. And what's cool is you Google him or you watch the videos, and I've put some things up. And the beauty of that is you have videos of you wrestling, I mean, and by the way, just from his personal, this teenager, when I was a teenager, when I was a teenager, there's never been a happier day in my life other than coming to Christ, obviously, and meeting my sweet wife, and having my kids, and all those things.

But in terms of just an entertainment monument day, I could probably know exactly where I was, eating a pizza, and sipping orange juice, and watching you guys the day that you turned from running in league in tandem with the bad guys. You turned your back on the Flairs, and the Blanchards, and the Andersons, and the Four Horsemen, and then those wrestling people are tracking with me. And then you went over with Dusty Rhodes, and the Boogie Woogie Man, and the Junkyard Dog, the good guys. That was just like an epic moment, so we were so glad you did that.

But even more importantly, turning people from darkness to light. And you've set out your second career as an evangelist, how God's used that first career as a platform, world champion wrestler. You were the highest of high. People were mad at you for retiring because you were body-slamming Vader, 490 pounds.

And all these things, cage matches, world championship, all that stuff. The most hated man at one time, but Nikita Koloff, who's our guest, you came to Christ, and now you're turning people back to him. And I guess in this time, we want to be gracious with our black friends. And the Bible says, bear each other's burdens. So really prayerful, gracious, and speaking to the injustice of the land, but bringing up Jesus early and often in this conversation is so critical, like you're doing with your ministry, right, Nikita?

100%. At the end of the day, I think the only thing that's going to bring, again, true reconciliation, peace, and unity, is that personal relationship with Jesus among men. And that as we advocate that and spread that word, that message, then perhaps we'll see a greater sense of peace and unity in our nation and around the world. And I honed in, I was watching the looters, and God broke my heart for one guy, one guy who was doing horrible things. And I was angry. I'm like, someone needs to grab that kid and put him in handcuffs. Then the Lord told me, broke my heart and said, pray for him. So I prayed the Lord would save that kid because that kid could get saved. That kid could be like you, preaching the gospel all over the world and leading people to Christ. If it weren't for the grace of God, there go I. So I think that that's what we're praying and that we see what people can be.

And that's not to stop the wheels of justice and that's not actions have consequences. But during this tough time, we all agree on one thing, we need Jesus, and He's the only one that can help us. Amen?

That is it. I mean, we're going to pray, we're going to have conversations, we're going to address the elephant in the room, and at the same time, yes, it all comes down to that personal relationship. And that's what, more than anything, what I intend to promote from here on out with the remainder of breath and life that I have left.

Awesome. We're going to have a podcast of this available if you go to our Truth Talk weekend, download the podcast. And we're working on maybe changing the name of the show, the whole show to Experience Truth, we're working on that too.

We'll keep you posted on that. But follow me on Instagram, you'll see a quick cool video of me and Nikita on Instagram, Instagram is what I call it, Facebook, and all the social media. And thank you again to all of our awesome radio stations for carrying this program, all of our partners nationwide and worldwide. And thank you Nikita Koloff for bringing people to Christ in the real battle for souls, which is now what you're involved in. And we're excited to hear your new program as the Lord leads and that comes out. I think you're interviewing Lex Luger here soon for one of your segments too, right?

The total package, who was known as the total package in my world, he's now the complete package because he surrendered his life to Jesus and the Lord reconnected us after many years of separation from the wrestling circles and has now brought us back together to minister together and tag team together and win souls. Amen. God bless you, man. Thank you. This is the Truth Network.
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