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Truth Matters 011222: Babylon and the Pagan Religion

Truth Matters / Dr. Cheryl Davis
The Truth Network Radio
January 12, 2022 9:27 am

Truth Matters 011222: Babylon and the Pagan Religion

Truth Matters / Dr. Cheryl Davis

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Daily devotion with Dr. Cheryl Davis. Truth Matters is a ministry of The Truth Project, whose mission is to empower men and women in the Christian faith to teach Biblical truth in the culture and the marketplace of ideas, using the Bible as a sacred trust of truth in sharing the message of Jesus. Learn more about the ministry of The Truth Project at Today, more about Babylon and the pagan religion.

Here's your host. The mother-child cult, which started in Babylon, ended up in Rome, where it is incorporated into the pagan religious practices under the Pontifex Maximus, who was the highest priest of Rome at the time. When Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome in the 4th century AD, many pagan temples and practices were adopted for Christian worship. As I've said a number of times, the Antichrist is going to revive the Babylonian false cult, and many to its satanic political system during the tribulation. The Antichrist, the Beast, will be the leading political arm of government, and the false prophet will be leading the religious arm. This revived Roman Babylonian church will be ruling the religious world.

But chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation tell us that the Roman Babylonian religious system is going to be destroyed, along with the ancient city of Babylon itself, which is revived. So that is just an introduction and a history of the spiritual Babylon and the actual origin of pagan religion, and that dates all the way back to Genesis. So, let's get into chapter 17, let's read verses 1-6 The pagan system, which is both religious and political in the end times, described as a woman, a rained and purple and scarlet in verse 4. She is described as a great harlot who sits on many waters.

The image appears this way in thinking about why this is. The religious system practices spiritual adultery by joining herself not to God but to the Antichrist. The woman is sitting on the Beast and who is there for her support. She, like an adulteress, has left God and joined herself to the Beast.

Let's talk about the universal power of the woman. John, in the last verse of the chapter, identifies the scarlet woman, the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. Rome is the only city that would fit that description in John's day. Rome had a vast political and religious system in Rome, who is clearly who John sees when he sees the scarlet woman. Verse 9, the woman is seated upon seven mountains, which are seven hills upon which Rome is built.

Seven hills east of the river Tiber is the geographical heart of Rome. Dr. Davis, Truth Matters is a ministry of The Truth Project, a North Carolina-based ministry dedicated to teaching biblical truth and sound theology to those inside and outside of the church. If you'd like to listen to these messages on demand, go to and click on the podcast link. Dr. Davis is also available to speak to your ministry group or church function. She can be reached by email at Or if you'd like to send a letter, the address is Project Truth Matters, Post Office Box 159, St. Paul's, North Carolina, 28384. You can hear Truth Matters weekdays on this radio station at 8.20 a.m. and 5.20 p.m. for the full-length teaching program on Saturday afternoon at 12.30. Until next time, let's all work together to teach a biblical truth, to assist, equip, edify, and encourage one another, and bring the gospel to the world, because truth matters. .
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