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Yanking The Ball From Mookie Betts Was Stupid

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
October 30, 2024 3:30 pm

Yanking The Ball From Mookie Betts Was Stupid

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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October 30, 2024 3:30 pm

10/30/24 - Hour 3

Rich reacts to two Yankees fans getting banned from Game 5 of the World Series for wrestling with Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts over a foul ball in Game 4.

Actor/comedian Kevin Pollak joins Rich in-studio to discuss his new ‘Goodrich’ movie co-starring Academy Award-winner Michael Keaton and Mila Kunis, the state of his beloved San Francisco 49ers, scaring the neighborhood kids by handing out Halloween candy while doing a Christopher Walken voice, shares amazing stories about Meryl Streep shouting at the TV during Bruce Willis’ Super Bowl party, working with acting and comedy legends Robert DeNiro, Walther Matthau, Jack Lemon, and more.  

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No-Contest Wrestling with O'Shea Jackson Jr. and TJ Jefferson:

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That's B-O-M-B-A-S dot com slash listen and use code listen at checkout. Play ball. This is the Rich Eisen Show. Freddie Freeman, simply unstoppable. The Rich Eisen Show. In order to win a World Series game, you have to score a run. That is gone.

It's a grand slam. Gone. It's Glaber Day. Live from the Rich Eisen Show studio in Los Angeles. Earlier on the show, senior writer for the MMQP, Albert Breer, Fox Sports college football analyst, Bruce Feldman. Coming up, actor and comedian, Kevin Pollak. And now it's Rich Eisen. Our number three of the Rich Eisen Show is on the air. One of our favorite guests in the 10-year history of this program is about to join us in about 20 minutes time. Kevin Pollak, good friend of mine for some time. KP is going to be back here in our show studio in short order. He's in the film Goodrich, which is the film that Mila Kunis came in recently to promote.

The one in which she stars along with Michael Keaton. And Kevin will be joining us in studio. It'll be a lot of fun. It's his birthday. Hey, we appreciate people spending their birthday with us. Nice.

Yes. And so he's one of our favorites. You know, this is another favorite of ours, although this person's only been on the show once. Oh, she just jumped. Oh, no way. It was Barbara in the Buffalo Bulls fan.

Oh, no. I saw that she was on. I saw she was on. I was definitely gonna take her call. All right, Barbara, if you're listening, call back. Call back. Call back.

I didn't drop her. In the meantime, we started the show talking about the sport I rediscovered last night. Honestly, I'm like, wait a minute, what sport is this?

I think I used to follow this sport. Oh, yeah, it's baseball. Yankees win game four and it was a sight for sore Yankee fan eyes, actual hits, actual hits with runners on base. Anthony Volpe with the big grand salami to put the Yankees up for the first time since Freddie Freeman's grand slam. By the way, Freddie Freeman's grand slam, three home runs ago for Freddie Freeman. We were in the first inning again for the second straight night.

Unbelievable. And so it was a comeback that Yankee fans have been waiting to see and an 11 run onslaught that the Yankee fans had been dying to see and two particularly Yankee fans missed it because they did something remarkably stupid. Idiots. Honestly, I see fans saying they're being fans. They're just trying to help the Yankees win by yanking the baseball out of Mookie Betts glove. I mean, the dude who's trying to take the ball out of a closed glove of Mookie Betts just looks ridiculous trying to do it, rip the ball out. And then the other Yankee fan who's got like shades on at night.

This is the one that I have the biggest problem with. He is hands on Mookie Betts touching an actual major league baseball player. And I've never seen anything like it. It's fan interference normally, like let's put it this way, compare it to the other fan interference that Gleyber Torres hit into in this World Series. That was a Dodger fan leaning over and catching the baseball.

Right. And by the way, excellent call by the umpires. That was not a home run. It wasn't gonna be a home run. Trust me.

I was hoping it would be like a football. No doubt. No doubt.

No doubt. The only thing that that fan prevented was to see how it would tear him off the wall. Could Torres gotten a third if it was a bad hop off the padding, which is so rare. This one, though, this one was you're not reaching into the field of play. You're grabbing the glove of the player who's now in your field of vision, trying to pry open the glove to yank the baseball out of it.

And even worse, the other guy is interfering with the with Mookie's arm like he's touching him. And you I read all these stories about who these guys are. And, you know, and unfortunately, they get five minutes of fame and there'll be some shows that are going to try and have them on to interview them as real fans.

And what I think they did was real dangerous. And I am somebody who is I think I have a track record in the 10 years I've done this show and twenty seven that I've been on national television in some way, shape or form. Knock on wood.

That I've got a sense of humor about things I didn't find this funny at all. And I read the stories that the the fans told media members that actually found them, that they were told that they could come back the next night tonight. And the Yankees just put out a statement 15 minutes ago saying that's not happening.

I'll read the statement. Last night, two fans were ejected from Yankee Stadium for egregious and unacceptable physical contact with Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts. The safety and security of players, fans and stadium staff is the foundational element of every event held at Yankee Stadium, and it cannot be compromised. Tonight marks the final home game of the year, and we want every ounce of our fans' passion on display.

Yankee Stadium is known for its energy and intensity. However, the exuberance of supporting one's team can never cross the line into intentionally putting players at physical risk. The Yankees and Major League Baseball maintain a zero tolerance for players and a zero tolerance policy toward the type of behavior displayed last night.

These fans will not be permitted to attend tonight's game in any capacity." That is a pitch-perfect, letter-perfect statement from the New York Yankees. And, you know, you could sit here and go, how do they put Mookie Betts at risk? How do you know that Mookie didn't have like a, his right wrist wasn't already, you know, like sprained, banged up, he's playing through something. And also, listen, if you stand next to Mookie Betts, one of the most impressive things about when you meet Mookie Betts and stand next to Mookie Betts is he does not look physically imposing like his play does. He doesn't kind of look like maybe one of the greatest athletes in American team sports, which by the way, he is. He doesn't have, he's not huge in physical stature.

Take a look at the replays. He's kind of like dangling. At one point, he's trying to like bounce up and down to maintain contact with the ground because that's a very high wall. As a fan, it's grabbing his arm. It's like, what the hell?

I can't believe that happened. What are they doing? So one of the guys, Austin, I don't know if you heard, you saw this, Rob Gronkowski, of course, was with Kay Adams today. He knows the guy. He tweeted out, Austin was a college friend, very passionate about the team he represents.

Wild boy. He'll, you know, maniac status since college has been confirmed. Gronk knows the guy. Of course he does. Well, I don't know if Gronk is saying he condones that sort of behavior.

No, he's just saying that I know the guy and that he's been a maniac kind of his whole life. Well, at any rate, I just closed the door on this sort of thing because- I'm glad they're banned tonight. You know. Yeah, might even buy their tickets. By the way, how about that in any capacity? What are they going to do, sing the national anthem? Throw out the first pitch with Matsui tonight?

By any capacity. Like what else, what other capacity were they going to- And they sell hot dogs to you. Come here, ice cocoa. Exactly, you're going to sell hot dogs in the stands.

Peanuts, get your peanuts. Hold Ashanti's beer while she sings again, and hopefully she's back. Because I'll tell you what, we should run it all back from last night.

I mean, yeah. By the way, one thing you shouldn't run back is when you compare the two Opens from L.A. Oh, I know, I know. We tried with Fat Joe. And Fat Joe is great, but it was not the same as what Cube went out there and just, like I said, the walk and rap.

That was great. TJ, Cube ended game two before it started, at least in my mind. Well, you saw the swing, right? Honestly, yeah.

I mean, he came out, he did his thing. I turned to Cooper, I'm like, this is not good. So and I will tell that to O'Shea Jr. when I see him after the show in advance of you and he doing NCW. Well, I'm a little upset with him right now anyway, already.

We're four upset and I'm mad at him. Oh, oh. He told Del Tufo what his dad was doing. Yeah, I knew. In secret. He told me, you knew?

I knew. Yes, and I also didn't say anything. I was like, I was wondering what they were chirping about rehearsal because I got to watch the rehearsal. What was funny was when he said it, TJ, you had just walked away.

TJ, I can't. Don't tell anyone, but my dad's performing. And I was like, oh, that is.

I go, oh, yeah. By the way, two things. O'Shea Jr.'s new around here. Don't tell anything. Don't ever tell Del Tufo. Don't ever tell Mike something with the preface of don't tell anyone. He didn't know. That's number one. He didn't say anything until the next day. He said something. Number two, I mean, I guess doing four pods of a hit podcast together is not enough. You're still not on a need to know basis.

Well, you know, I guess not. I thought we was cool like that. Yeah, but today, thank God we won last night because I'm going to take a lot of crap. Speaking of podcasts, let's get to this. Susie and Amy on what the football had Mike Pereira on, because, you know, after the Rams Vikings ended with replay assist being unable to assist because no flag was thrown on a clear face mask in the end zone on the Rams, allowing the Rams to essentially end the game because it was a safety instead of it being a first and 10, a fresh set of downs right around the, what would it have been the 25 yard line or right around the 20 yard line within 20 yard line. There's still a long way to go from Minnesota, but the game would have ended that way.

Wouldn't have been over. So definitely want to get Mike Pereira on and ask about replay assist. And he had an interesting take on how replay assist is not being, it's not replay additive.

Hit it. How do you balance what, you know, what the fans want and the emotional reaction to these calls? I mean, the fact is that this game is so hard to officiate, you know, we're all looking at it in slow motion when in fact those seven guys on the field and ladies on the field are doing it in real time and it's never going to be perfect. Replay has done some good things. Yes. Okay. It's gotten more plays right. Okay.

I buy that. You know what it's done to me though in my mind? It's made the officiating worse. I mean, and that's a terrible thing for me to say.

I mean, because those are all my brothers are out there, but it's become too much of a crutch for them. I mean, back in my day when I was on the field, albeit it was short, you had to make your own decisions. I mean, when you threw the flag for pass interference, you had to get that damn flag to the spot of the pass interference. You know, now the guy throws a flag and big brother comes on. So fouls at the 32 yard line.

Okay. You go put the thing at the flag at the 32 yard line. It's just for the psyche of officials. I don't think it's really made them better. And maybe we shouldn't worry about that. I guess if the fact that there's more calls that end up correctly being made through technology, but I'm not really overly a fan of replay and what it's done to the game and do officiating, but it's here and it ain't going backwards.

It's only going to go forward and it's only going to get bigger. And so we just have to accept that fact. How about that makes it officiating less efficient. The officials I speak to say they like replay assist because they help some get stuff, right? I didn't know replay assist is getting in the officials ears and saying the fouls at this yard line, put the flag there.

I didn't know that. So the replay assist is in their ears quite a bit. Yeah, they can communicate back. No, I know they can.

You see that it makes things faster. So why can't they say, you know, that was a face mask, drop the flag because they don't want to put a flag on the field. And I say they should.

That's it. I say they should. I say, let's come up with a certain set of penalties where you can do that. And the thing is the NFL doesn't want to get involved. And neither is the competition committee and the coaches and decision makers who are on it. They don't want to get involved in anything that's interpretive. They want it to be clear and obvious. They want it to be as simple as, was there a foot in bounds? Was a knee down? Was, um, was anything, anything that is clear and obvious that can be looked at and brought to bear? And my thought is face mask has got to be one of those face mask has to be obvious, whether whether you could take a look and see, was it in the breastplate or was it just a shoulder turn or was it inside the damn helmet?

Don't you think that's clear and obvious? Don't you think again, we can see it at home then? No, but that pass interference, you can see at home.

They're not going to get involved in that, but it's slow motion. Pass interference is different than game speed. Whether it actually makes a difference in intent is never going to be, you know, face mask is very obvious.

That's what I'm saying. But intent, there's, you know, there's intent involved in, um, pass interference. There is intent involved in targeting and they don't want to do that through replay assist.

They want the human element to do it in real time. And I'm saying, let's make the face mask a replay assistable penalty and the replay and the Rams said that and got rejected. The problem is, is they include blows to the head and anything to do with roughing the passer in that same bucket. And I think that's why that got rejected by the competition committee is because anything to do with roughing the passer. Now, suddenly it's an intent. Like, did he intend to have his full body weight on him?

Did he not? And you didn't call it in real time. So we're now going to come in after the play's over, big time play, 60 yards down the field. And then all of a sudden we're stopping.

Why? There's no flag on the field. We're not lighting up the yellow rectangle on the broadcast.

Why are we stopping play? Oh, wait a minute. Hold on a second. I'm holding my hand in my ear. Now that's the symbol that fans are seeing going.

Oh, really? They're going to do this. And then, then, then we're going to open up the play again and then we're going to review it. And then all of a sudden it's going to be somebody's interpretation upstairs that didn't have the same interpretation as the referees did in real time.

And you as a fan will be really right. Pissed and I don't blame the competition committee for not wanting that. I don't blame him, but I always will push back to Mike. You know, whenever he, he, he has been, he hasn't been a fan of replay for a while. I've always said to him, like, dude, there should be more of it. He loves it during UFL when he's with me. I'm sure because I'm sure he loves it because it's, it replays everything. And I don't know, he, but he thinks this replay assist makes, makes these officials less too dependent and not, and not teeing it up and letting it fly and letting trust in their eyes and their instincts. I don't know. I just think there's not enough of it right now. We'll take a break. One of our faves is here and it's his birthday.

Kevin Pollack is here on the Rich Isaac show. When we come back at your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Grainger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance repair and operations.

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Call 1-800-GRAINGER, click or just stop by one of their local branches. Good riches in theaters right now and we're back on the rich eyes and show radio. One big happy family with our Roku sports channel feed. Good rich again in theaters now starring in part none other than Kevin Pollak back here on the program and you just mentioned how you had known Michael Keaton for quite some time. Socially yeah. Yeah he was dating a friend maybe three or more decades ago.

90s for sure. Damn so you go way back. Yes.

Okay. Yeah and so you know I'd see him every now and again and we'd talk every now and again but and then when we worked together on this movie by the way my favorite part was he and I sitting on the set between setups and him just wanting to talk about stand-up comedy in the late 70s mid to late 70s which is when we both started. Did you ever work together there? No no he was a comedy store guy and then by the time I got to LA I think he was done with it but we did talk about the I started in San Francisco with Dana Carvey and some other great folks and he started at the comedy store in LA. Yeah who was he who was he performing with like who are the guys that you're talking about? Yeah Letterman and Tim Thomerson.

Yeah. Yeah just you know god how many decades ago but just those early days of and the idea of him and Letterman in a sketch show the Mary Tyler Moore sketch comedy. He was part of the troupe as well.

Letterman lasted one episode and then walked. Saw himself doing a sketch and said yeah I'm not doing that. That's not me.

I'm not doing this. And so Michael Keaton was still part of that. He stayed in there he stayed in the pocket. Yeah but you know for a lot of stand-up comedians who then saw Michael Keaton in Night Shift it was like oh that is a thing we could do. Then Robin Williams started showing the same thing as well right? Yes or Paul Reiser in Diner was another sort of peek into what a stand-up comedian could do if they had their sights on acting yeah.

Right. Yeah what's the first movie you did? Well I just remembered actually that how I annoyed Paul Reiser when he first came to San Francisco. I've got to share this quickly because.

Go ahead. I was living in San Francisco at the time he had done Diner so he was an immediate hero and back then you know I called the owner of the comedy club and said can you you know tell me what hotel he's staying at and they would tell you and then when you call the hotel they would ring his room when you asked for him by name. Yeah.

Imagine such a time. And so I knew he liked Peter Falk so I called his hotel room he and he answered the phone and he said yes hello and I said Paul it's Peter Falk how are you sir it's great to see you I was driving down the street with the wife there and we see your name on the marquee we're going to come to the show this weekend and he immediately goes in oh Mr Falk I can't believe you're calling me this is the greatest thing I had no idea that you even knew I was a person this is great and he but by the way so 30 seconds in I'm like I can't break he's committed to the picture he's loving talking to Peter Falk so much I don't want to break his heart so now in five minutes we talk he's having the greatest conversation with Peter Falk you can imagine Mr Falk I can't believe you know when I saw you and this the cast of Eddie's early pictures and you really uh inspired such greatness and so we hang up I hang up as Peter Falk should we come to the first show or second show Saturday and now I'm in my apartment I'm thinking I gotta call him back this is so stupid I mean I called to meet Paul Reiser and I did not accomplish that so I called back and then when he answered hey chicken I'll start doing Peter Falk again relation Paul I forgot to mention and then I said that this is actually a local comedian my name is Kevin Pollock and then the longest pause on the phone from his side ever and then he finally said you are not a nice person can I can I be honest that was a horrible thing to do what does it matter with you what does it matter with you and then he started laughing oh thank goodness yeah and then so that's how you got that's how we ultimately became friends oh my in fact uh someone sent me a clip where Michael Keaton told the story where I once called him also as Peter Falk I think it was on Conan or something so that's what made me think of them I used to call people a lot as other people is that right yeah yeah yeah yeah I once called The Tonight Show when I first got to LA as Peter Falk because Johnny had Peter on all the time loved him uh-huh I mean three four times a year and so I called you know you you you would just call the NBC front desk John Q. Public could make this call hi this is Peter Falk can you put me through to Johnny please and they do and they come on hold on a second so but I just got his executive secretary okay right it would have been with him a long time but the impression was so good that she couldn't say uh wait a second she said I'll tell you what Peter uh when is a good time I'll have Peter call you back uh Johnny call you back she wasn't about to put me through okay yeah yeah okay so you couldn't fool Johnny Carson's executive assistant but then when I finally got on The Tonight Show and did the Peter Falk for Johnny I mean I I orchestrated my first appearance in such a way because you know I was such a fan of the show that I dreamt since I'm 10 years old watching The Tonight Show and standing there and doing the but by the time I met the gatekeeper Jim McCauley was his name whose job it was to book comedians on the show and he would circle you for a couple of weeks because you you had to have two appearances because if you did great Johnny would say bring him back right away so he would circle till he knew you had two six-minute appearances in your stand-up right so one night I pass him at the improv and I hey Jim how you doing good I said who you here to see tonight I said well the guy was here to see I just saw the list canceled but I went down the list saw your name so I'm going to watch you tonight I think you might be ready to do the show oh boy I've I've been waiting my whole life for this moment I bet and I I say to him things I had never thought or said out loud or into a mirror I just said well Jim I've been waiting my whole life for for this moment and I've been a fan of the show since I'm 10 and I know you know I think I would have a greater impact from the couch than doing my stand-up I do Peter Falk and the voices right with Johnny now I know there's a protocol you're not bringing me to the couch but I'm willing I think to wait till I have a TV show or a movie and then you can justify being the couch but then I'll still just open with Peter Falk and Jim looked at me like I just landed not in an airplane and said do you have a TV show or a movie coming out anytime soon now what I didn't tell him was I didn't even have an agent that's how far I was from having a TV show or a movie yeah so I said no but listen I may call you back in an hour and beg for this but I just think he said I can't disagree yes you will kill from the couch and no I'm not going to put you on the couch but if you want to wait you're only going to get better that's fine for me I'm you know we'll see how long you can wait right took a little over a year I had Willow the Ron Howard picture where they could justify bringing me to the couch but I orchestrated this whole thing and I'm standing behind the curtain doc and the bands playing down after commercial and Johnny says folks my next guest is an actor who's got a new movie coming out called Willow Ron Howard picture we'll talk about that and apparently he's also a comedian please welcome Kevin Pollak now I had rehearsed coming through that curtain also a thousand times I knew not to wait at doc in the band you're not cool yet don't not in the first time that's the second time if there is one go get to the couch I get to the couch I sit down and Johnny says now Kevin welcome we'll talk about Willow in just a second somebody told me that that you do impersonations is that right and without missing a beat I said Johnny that's a bold-faced lie I don't know who told you that but they were lying and he's laughing so hard he pushes himself away from the desk clutching his chest as he would do and I was a made man in that moment he had me back on two three times a year until he retired and I promise you it's because I knew he loved Peter Falk that's it I it took me 25 years to realize that doing impression is a parlor trick if I can think of someone you like and I can recreate them in front of you yeah I'll steal the affection you have for the actual person Kevin there's no doubt about it I mean when you came on before and told Jack Nicholson stories and nail obviously yeah you you got your Jack going I mean that that is yeah just is it's only additive and it's only more it's a bizarre thing it is it is pretty cool like that and then we had Mila Kunis on and you said ask her about you know doing a Michael Keaton impersonation and then she she goes you know you should have Kevin on to because he does it better yeah I watched her and I said well interesting enough he is coming on yeah now here you are yeah yeah yeah so well I better have Jamie who I brought along because it is technically my birthday technically thank you both well not all of them applauded but yeah so she pointed out that that Keaton sort of has this thing that he does in every movie and it's a little bit of a back and to the right that's the basic and I thought Mila was playing his daughter and what kid doesn't mock their parent at some point by their gestures or things they say happened to me yesterday with one of my children what so he just oh no but it's it's something very personal well no he knows or they know it's it's more like a 13 year old going oh okay dad you know one of those things like so it wasn't very nuanced he's still young he'll learn yes please they're at an age if they if he was nuanced at 13 you should send him immediately to genius school but yeah so so I don't know if I have to stand can you maybe just lean forward sure yeah and everything he does it's it's distant first of all there's a there's a lip purse thing happen yeah it's a little better standing you got it you got it you got it it looks just like him yeah that's it so it's not really more of a verbal yeah there's no that is it feed mayonnaise to the tuna yeah so so yeah so I would on the set we would talk about stand-up comedy but also Jamie's from Pittsburgh and he's from Pittsburgh so that's right I introduced them he just wanted to talk about he was a good good-humored truck driver and their name in streets and and neighborhoods and then yes the Steelers which of course having a great season yeah so yeah he really is incredibly proud to be from Pittsburgh and and and have having started as a stand-up Kevin Pollak here in the rich eyes are good riches the film that we're talking about kit Michael Keaton and Mila Kunis you Andy McDowell and so much more it's in in theaters right now so it is your birthday I'm very pleased that you were here on your birthday of course you know there's there's there's pumpkin carving a gathering over the weekend that took place that was great we did a Halloween walk in certain neighborhoods that a few friends put together to see all the decks the Halloween deck goes out in the yard we'll give out candy to the kids tomorrow of course I like to my birthday being the day before Halloween so every year growing up it was a Halloween themed birthday so it's my favorite holiday but I will answer the door as Christopher Walken listen the idea is to scare the kids no they should earn that candy where are the tricks it's always treats right yeah yeah well they're supposed to be a trick it's crap some kind so that's your trick well if they can stay there while I'm scaring them then not run off they get a treat how does that go well I'll open the door and I'll say trick or treat that's a damn good question quite the conundrum little dudes as it turns out I too have a question which one of you little freaks can guess what I've buried under the house hey kids where you're running I got Reese's Pieces in here and cigarettes yeah so they can hang in there with their buckets in there yeah yeah yeah well that's pretty cool by the way we have we got you some cupcakes for you I mean if you're gonna tell people it's your birthday ahead of time it's very thoughtful of you thank you I just spilled one of them apparently is well connected with me yeah I love listening and trying to follow that very much so I'm also from Pittsburgh to Kevin yeah the is indeed what's with the love of doubt well you've already explained it I'm sure yeah yeah multiple times they don't get it Kevin yeah so yes well it's great it's a great birthday and it's a it's a strange thing to have the theming with the Halloween the weirdest part about my birthday though growing up is that I share with my father oh same birthday as my dad and this is always the response people think it's the coolest thing ever turns out no for you or him stinks no your birthday supposed to be your day am I gonna share it with dad oh sure some years we celebrated how I wanted to but most years you know not so much we just ended up at the track where he would say something fatherly like remember Kev if horse number five comes in you can get that tricycle you've been bitching about and I'd be standing on the sideline come on number five oh my gosh at the track at the track yeah no but we did have the same birthday that's fantastic which was oh my god mostly great um so what I just you told so many great stories here from from your filmography I was trying to think there was a birthday tie into a few good men and Nicholson and Jamie reminded me because we're trying to go through the dates but it was I was shot December January February and she remembered that because she knew my Super Bowl with them story so it was a big there were a lot of social hangouts while shooting a few good men there was Vegas trip there was you know first of all until you've valet parked your car on a tarmac I don't think you've lived but that was as it was explained to me we're gonna fly in Tom's jet Rob Reiner the director explained this to me did you hear about Vegas night I don't know you're talking about I just got here we're gonna valet park our cars in the tarmac get on a Tom's jet fly to Vegas gamble for a couple hours have a big Chinese meal go back and gamble some more and then fly home we're not even spending the night but there was also hey have you heard about the Super Bowl party at Bruce and Demise okay what now the big takeaway from all that it was the year Washington won and I got to see because Bruce Willis was shooting death becomes er with Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep on the soundstage next to ours at Culver Studios while we were shooting a few good men so he was always loitering on our soundstage because his wife is there of course and the the pa's from death becomes a new to come over to our set when they couldn't find Bruce so there we are at Bruce and Demise house and again I show up at these things I expect someone to throw me a red vest ask me to help park cars I mean this I'm brought this is me brought up to the majors for real right yes I'd already died in Denzel's arms every young Jewish boy's dreams but you know this the fugue of men was the thing you know right so the Super Bowl party the greatest moment by far was because everyone's intensely watching the game as they should be and Meryl Streep yelling at the TV screen stick up again until you see that happen Meryl Streep yelling stick them at the television for the Super Bowl during the Super Bowl should you recall who Meryl Streep was rooting for or a mid linebacker of the Washington's in 1990 they're playing Washington Buffalo right Washington Buffalo yeah okay is it 91 92 gets to be 90 yeah that's it yeah yeah it was a part of the Buffalo string of make going and then wow that's the Thurman Thomas helmet game right are you left you forgot his helmet that might have been one of the Dallas games I don't remember maybe that's why Meryl was yelling because she wanted to hit the guy without the helmet who the hell was at this Super Bowl party again the people who were working on a few good men and death becomes her they they were all yeah I get you know I'm a kid in a candy store I'm not I don't feel like I'm hobnobbing with these people I don't shoot this day it's still so did you be on to your two craps table with Tom Cruise or something with Vegas night yeah so yeah oh you do remind me of a good story okay so we are in a little private gambling area because when we walk through the casino it was like a wave of heads turning yes so they put us in a private little gambling salon and there was you know some blackjack tables one craps table so I'm playing blackjack and I get up to go to the restroom when I walk by and just Bruce is playing craps and he's got I don't know 107 bets on the table it's a ridiculous number solo rolling the dice just him just Bruce Willis so so he sees me walking by and hands me the dice and says throw the bones and I look down and I look up at the pit boss and say how much does he got on the table and the guy went one hundred and two thousand and I said yeah I'm not throwing are you out of your mind I'm not he said throw him I said no not gonna be responsible seven out yeah exactly so he said what do I care throw him what do I care and I we argued and I eventually threw the bones and thankfully I don't think he made more than a couple of dollars but he didn't lose and then I ran to the bathroom yeah I didn't crap out so I say I went to crap out because I had to go pretty bad after this I mean I've never been so nervous I don't think in my life I mean you know it's all relative you have to bet something to feel something whatever that is I remember once I was in one of those gambling small and Tiger Woods had just won whatever the latest big PGA tournament was and he was playing three hands of blackjack fifteen grand a hand and I thought okay you have to feel something no matter what level you're at you have to bet a number sure that when you lose the sphincter titans just a tiny bit whatever it is and for him that day was 45k a while we're just on the subject here can you this is one of my favorite stories you've told and it's been a while oh so just tell it speaking of gambling Walter Matthau what can you please tell well that story of what you can tell from your your grumpy old men experience with Walter Matthau it was the first time I met him so I played his son in in the movie and of course the geniusly titled sequel grumpier old men like think tank from Mensa came up with that for us thank god because we were stumped but the way it worked out I was hired after and so when I showed up they were shooting and in between setups and the director just walked me over to him and said Walter this is Kevin Pollak he's playing your son and I don't think he said anything and then the director said I gotta go check some lights and walked away and I'm standing there with Mount Rushmore to me him and Jack Lemmon both you have to understand as a character actor these guys are character actors who became movie stars of the biggest highest level absolute Mount Rushmore fella so I foolishly decide to make small talk in that situation I so I said so Walter script's pretty good huh and he said scrape socks kid I owe my bookie two million and it turns out he wasn't exaggerating at his memorial service there was a you know a little booklet of some kind and on the back were his picks for that Sunday before he passed oh my god on the back of his yeah yeah he told me the greatest gambling stories him and Fred Astaire would bet on the ponies every weekend for 25 years every weekend they would go to a racetrack and bet on the ponies Walter math on Fred Astaire and he said his greatest regret I could never get him to swear when their horse didn't come in he couldn't get Fred Astaire to swear ever he tried so hard to get him to to to use any curse word he couldn't ever and then one day I got an envelope of vanilla I went down pick it open it up and it's a cassette tape I put it in a push the button and it's Fred Astaire calling a race as the announcer and at the name of every horse was the most disgusting curse words you've ever heard that I cannot repeat one of them but he calls the entire race and so-and-so is coming up on the outside and every horse's name is absolutely just more disgusting than the last I mean disgusting just so I said where's this tank and it's in a vault and like you know his whole life he just put it in the vault no one's ever gonna hear this I said I've got it he said no not a chance kid but imagine this it goes down the edge of the drive and there's a manila envelope when he opens it up and it's pops in the tank Fred Astaire calling a race working blue working blue the most blue made him so happy yeah and then the funny thing got me with Jack Lemon was once I was doing off-camera lines the cameras over my shoulder onto him and he said sure you don't mind doing the off-camera lines kid I said no of course he said well yeah I know Marilyn hated doing I'm talking about Marilyn Monroe it's like every story they had were the biggest stars from like from some from some like it hot I bet yeah oh my gosh yeah all right uh let's take a break you and hang out please where the hell am I going we haven't even talked about my Niners yet well let's do that we'll come right back Kevin Pollock right here on the Rich Eisen Show.

Hey, guys. Thanks for joining us here on the Rich Eisen Show. I'm Kevin Pollock.

I'm your host, Kevin Pollock. I'll see you next time. Take care. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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That's slash E-I-S-E-N, O-O-O-Reilly Auto Parts. Back here on the Rich Eisen Show, everybody, with Kevin Pollak. I'm not worried about your Niners, by the way. Yeah, thank you.

No, I'm not. You know, when you decimated one section of the team after another week by week by week by week, you can only play so well. So yeah, it'd be nice to have our full roster back at some point. It's going to happen. Yeah.

I think mostly it's going to happen. I mean, I didn't see McCaffrey having Achilles tendonitis in both legs. Didn't see that one coming. Did you see, by the way, the video of him working out before the season started that crazy running thing? Yeah.

You look great. Yeah. Maybe less of that, by the way, before you start playing.

I mean, I'm not an Achilles tendonitis expert, nor are you, but I think the general axiom of like not doing that. Yeah. Yeah.

Right. But every, I mean, Fred Warner was down at one point. He's so good, man.

That guy is so frigging good. And one of the best safeties, he's down, you know, it's just week after week, it's just very, very painful. But as someone pointed out at this point last year, we were only five and three instead of four and four, which is one game difference, and we went to the Super Bowl. That's correct. Right.

And the division is completely wide open and you're on a bye and you come back from a bye time. I watched the Monday, overreaction Monday. I follow the show. Okay. Very good. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it was discussed how the division, I believe you said was the toughest. Yeah. And you pushed back, which you should. Thank you. Everybody's even.

How is that not tough? I did love the reasons for this idea, that any one of them arguably could... Don't come on here and feed the animals. Do not feed the animals, and I appreciate that.

But it is, I can't, sometimes I like overreaction Tuesday a little bit better. Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Pollak here on The Rich Eisen Show. By the way, I'm sitting at The Rich Eisen Show desk, furnished by Grainger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Grainger has the right product for you.

Call or just stop by in the few minutes we have left here. I just love when you come on and tell all these stories, dude. People love it too, when you come on here. Oh, my pleasure. You must have about a million more of them still in your quiver.

You know what I mean? Yeah, many of which I'll save for the next time I'm on the show. Not a problem. Anytime.

I already miss Mrs. Maisel. Oh, thanks, man. Yeah, I tell you that every time. Yeah. One of the most beautiful... By the way, the absolutely, I will argue this, best final season of a TV show that doesn't disappoint and leaves you wanting more.

And then the final episode I felt was shockingly good, and not that I'm biased, but thank you. Yeah. They, as they say, stuck the landing in a very sort of remarkable way. And it's so difficult to end shows like that. Impossible.

In a way that's satisfying to the diehards. Yes. It's great. Yeah. It's super. To turn 60 and then get that show and be a part of this worldwide phenomenon, we did a lot of international press for the show, and one time we were in Milan, and it dawned on me that Mussolini, in that famous speech, is kind of doing De Niro.

He is. And I thought I would share that when they come down the line in the press, and they asked me a question, and I asked Caroline Aaron if she thought I should do that. She said, yeah, sure, and I did it in silence. Crickets. Yeah.

Crickets. I don't know if they were expecting any Mussolini humor. He does look like that a little bit. But you know my favorite part of doing Casino was Don Rickles. I mean, that, when he went after De Niro in a scene, is that the way you're going to do it?

Like that? No, no. You got the awards.

I'm sure you know what you're doing. Go ahead. And De Niro, he loved it. Of course. Pesci, not so much.

When New York was pointed out that he was so short, he's going to ride around the set like a Shetland pony. He didn't say that, did you? He did. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, this guy over here. Yeah. No, he. He's called Joe Pesci a Shetland pony?

Well, he was going to ride him around the set like a Shetland pony. Yeah. But then, by the way, we're stuck in Vegas 20 weeks. I know we've got to wrap up.

Sorry. We're stuck in Vegas 20 weeks shooting that movie. I'm in the movie nine minutes. But Marty might change his mind any given day, so you have to be there. So I call my standup page and say, book me opening up for somebody on the Strip. This is ridiculous.

I'm stuck in this hotel. So I got he got me at the desert and opening up for the four tops and I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Yeah. And so one morning I went to the makeup truck on casino and Rickles is in there and he says, Hey, kid, saw your name on the marquee. That's a great gig.

Yeah. That's going to be fun for you. I'm with Frank all summer. Let me know if you need tickets. Let me know if you need tickets.

It's going to be great for you. Let me know if you need tickets. Oh, God bless him. Please tell me you said yes, you'll go to see him with Frank. Yes, I did. I did.

That is so funny. Yeah. The Desert Inn, which famously has heart. Yes, it does. Three times. The Desert Inn has heart.

The Desert Inn has heart. The greatest Albert Brooks scene maybe of all. Is it me? Am I crazy? No, listen. My wife and I, we made a mistake and there's all the other sparks and came here to see Wayne Newton.

What's the matter? I like Wayne Newton. Jerry Marshall. Fantastic. Everybody, please go see Goodrich in theaters now. Happy birthday, Kevin Pollak. Thank you very much. Great to see you. Fantastic. Great to see you, pal. So much fun.

Back to wrap it on the Roku Sports Channel in a sec. You met Lala Kent on Vanderpump Rules. Now Lala and her friends share everything on Give Them Lala. Baby S is giving me money making moves in the world.

Oh, yeah. There's one kid who's like, I want to just live in a box and do like artistic dancing and paint. Ocean's going to be like, it doesn't matter if I'm broke, Mom, I'm passionate about it. And Baby S is going to be the one that says passion doesn't pay bills, Ocean. Watch what Lala is talking about on YouTube or search for Give Them Lala wherever you listen.
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