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I Want To See A Salty Daniel Jones

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
August 5, 2024 3:23 pm

I Want To See A Salty Daniel Jones

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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August 5, 2024 3:23 pm

8/5/24 - Hour 3

Rich recaps his weekend in Canton, Ohio at the Pro Football Hall of Fame inductions for Devin Hester, Steve McMichael, Patrick Willis and others.

Bestselling author T.J. Newman joins Rich in-studio to discuss her newest airline thriller ‘Worst Case Scenario’ book, and weighs in on the hottest topics about proper airplane etiquette

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It's the easy, convenient way to raise financially smart kids. Get your first month free when you sign up at slash pod. This is the Rich Eisen Show. The Rich Eisen Show. This is fun. Paris Bronze hosted by Mike Del Tufo.

Live from the Rich Eisen Show studio in Los Angeles. Do you know how to score fencing? Yes, it's a strike in the chest. With what? With the what? Whatever they call it.

With the fence. Earlier on the show, CBS Sports NFL analyst Jason McCordie, ESPN staff writer Dan Murphy. Still to come, author TJ Newman. And now it's Rich Eisen.

That's right. Hour number three of the Rich Eisen Show is on the air. 844204 Rich number to dial here on this program. We've had a fun first two hours of the show. Well, I'll call the first hour was fun with Jason McCordie of CBS. Hour two, Dan Murphy talking about the the notice of allegations that Michigan may receive from the NCAA.

I'll call that more informative than fun. That's a shame. So great Seinfeld drop right there. I love how the first nine years of the show we used Seinfeld from the show Seinfeld saying that's a shame.

But when then then now we have him actually here in studio doing it. I like Rich Eisen. I find him accessible. I agree. Thank you. You've been here so many days in a row now you're like in a groove.

I know paying attention and hitting drops. It's great. I don't even know what that means. It's amazing. Great.

So at any rate, we re-air a few missed the first two hours on channel 210 of the Roku channel and we appreciate everybody taking us in. TJ Newman is back in our green room. Worst case scenario is her latest book, which is about, you know, she'll explain what it's mostly about, but it's about a passenger sitting in first class who by the time he gets to order his meal, they're out of chicken. And the chicken dish that he was, that's a worst case scenario.

Terrible. Why do they do that? Sometimes, you know, they go around the cabin and they go to people with higher miles than you and let them choose what they want to eat first. I don't get that either in the first class. I thought it's if you're sitting.

How does this work? What do you mean? You got to reward the people who are loyalty. Is that right? Yeah. They get the chicken dish first. Absolutely.

I pre-order on United. I'm not eating beef on a plane. Oh, no fish though. Be honest. Well, I mean, you saw an airplane, right? That was a problem. It was bad. They tried to give me a vegetarian enchilada last time. Oh, excuse me. Excuse me.

There's a new version of a worst case scenario by TJ Newman. What did they, what did they, vegetarian enchilada. And I was like, well, no, that's, that's like another moment in, in, uh, you know, uh, pop culture airplane history of vegetable lasagna.

Right. Wasn't that, uh, who, um, Elaine was sat next to with putty on the plane, vegetable lasagna. And they kept breaking up. She broke up with putty.

He didn't bring any reading material. He was just staring at the seat in front of him and she couldn't stand it. So she broke up with him and vegetable, vegetable lasagna was sitting next to her. TJ Newman is currently rethinking her choice to appear on this program in our green room right now. I think that's a, that's a thing now, by the way, that's her worst case scenario. She's selling her book about her best selling book. Literally one of the greatest selling authors on planet earth right now is sitting in her green room saying, is this really what we're going to talk about? But anyway, she's, she's about to come on out here. We'll have a great conversation with her when she, when she joins us in about 15 minutes time from now fresh back from the pro football hall.

All right, let's go lay it on us. You want the jacket dinner first? I do. Okay.

Okay. So, um, you know, I come in peace to these things. I've been doing the jacket dinner for a long time and it's an awesome event for those who may not know the night before the induction ceremony where the speeches happen and, um, busts are revealed. The, um, inductees and the pro football hall of fame received their jackets. The first tangible item that they received to cement the fact that what they'd been dreaming of their entire lives was in fact happening. They were going to the pro football hall of fame and it's really cool.

You watch the jackets get slipped on them. And in the past it was the presenters, uh, for enshrinement in the ceremony. The next day would be the ones to do it on the stage. And they added new components over the last few years is returning hall of famers are introduced first and sit in chairs that align the pathways each enshrinee takes to the stage. So one guy comes from the right and then the next guy will come from the left and each pathway is lined by pro football hall of famers wearing their jackets. It's really great. And last year the hall of fame decided to give the enshrinee the option of choosing somebody different from their presenter the next day from the returning class of hall of famers to choose one of them to put the jacket on them.

And it's awesome to watch that. Patrick Willis chose Mike Singletary, his former coach, right? Um, Julius Peppers chose Mean Joe Green. Whoa.

You wouldn't have seen that one coming, right? What is their connection? I don't know. He just maybe loved him.

I don't know. So cool. It's so it is.

It really is so cool. Devin Hester was obvious who he would choose. Um, he chose Dion, who we all know, um, as tree considers Devin Hester, a son, like he took Devin into his family when he was back at the U like he's known Devin Hester for ever. And Devin broke Dion's record for most returns in the history of the game on a Thursday night in Atlanta, Dion on a sideline. And it was one of the most amazing moments I've ever seen yet. Another example of Devin Hester taking one to the house when it was most anticipated for him to do it.

And he actually gave the fans what they wanted him doing it, which is why he's in the Hall of Fame. And so Jack at dinner that that's and I'm, I'm the host of it. And it's, it's so much fun for me to enhance the moment from the podium to say, put your hands together.

And it's just incredible. And so for the first several years I was doing this, um, in Ohio, I would step to the podium and hear it from many Buckeye fans. Um, and I, I didn't have an answer for them because Urban Meyer's Buckeyes were kicking Michigan's ass year in and year out.

And then Ryan Day's team did it in 2019. And I think even, I think, I think even at the 2019 one, uh, or the next year or whatever it was, I even said to the podium is they're heckling me. Like I don't have an answer. You know, I have, I'm retortless. I have no retort. You're right. You know? And then, you know, the, the, uh, what's the words for it?

Pendulum is fun. Last couple of years I've, I've heard from them and I've given it back because I can now. So I'll always have one in my back pocket if they engage me first. And now people expect it. Do you know how many people came up to me before the jacket ceremony to tell me, can't wait to hear what you've got to say to them?

I'm sure it was in the airport. People are now coming up to me and saying, what are you going to say to them? And I'm like, well, are they going to engage me? And they look at me like, I think they're going to do that. I'm like, well, why would they do that? It's three in a row and Michigan just won the national championship.

Why would they do that? Sure enough, got up there. OH, OH, cheater. I heard a lot of cheaters, all that stuff. It's coming from everywhere.

So I'm like, I even said to him, like, why would you do that? Like, it's, it's just like an Ohio State fan to not be able to read a room, whether it's Columbus, Ann Arbor, or now this room. And at least though for you, Colt's great, Dwight Freaney's here.

So at least someone associated with a horseshoe can tell you what it's like to win a big game. Wow. And it got ugly fast.

Oh, it got ugly real fast to the point where I decided I made a, I made a decision on the fly. Omar? Not going in. I can't go any further.

I'm not going to go any further. You're the host. Well, and Hutch wasn't there either.

Hutch was not there to have my back. Yeah, you're the host. Ty Law was there.

Charles Woodson was not. Oh, so your numbers were a little. Yeah. Did Roger give you a look? Oh, he knew it was coming too. Even he said, what do you got planned? Yeah.

But my favorite ones aren't the ones that's off the top. It's, it's circling back. It's throwing one out there when you don't expect it. Just like. So there was an award given out during the ceremony to a gentleman named Fernando Von Rossum, who is a legendary voice of American football in Mexico. And he was given this award for his contributions to the game and what he's doing internationally. And he spoke, and towards the end of his speech, he said, I'm going to deliver some remarks in Spanish. And he did that. And a light bulb went over my head. And I turned to my right where a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame was sitting and I said, do you mind if I go back one more time?

And he goes, go ahead. So I stepped to the podium just after he delivered his remarks in Spanish. And I said, listen, my Spanish is a little rusty, but I'm here to translate for you what Fernando just said to the crowd here. So you have to forgive me.

This guy, my Spanish is a little off maybe, but Fernando said, Michigan has beaten Ohio State three straight Novembers. That actually got last. I think they even appreciated me.

It was 45 minutes removed from the open. Like this thing. Yeah.

The circle back. They appreciated that. They appreciated that.

At least I'd like to think so. They were cursing you on the way home. I was particularly proud of that one. They didn't expect that because I played it totally straight.

Like I think some people really thought I was going to be sincere. And then, you know, not so much. And then came the actual day, which was delayed by two hours. I mean, there was the lightning and the thunder. It was a good old fashioned Midwestern corker.

And I thought to myself, we're in some trouble. But just like the Midwest, I mean, hour and a half later, it blew through it. There was a little bit of rain, I think, in the middle of Randy Gradishar's speech. And he was second up or third up. Yeah, Dwight started.

Frini was first. Everyone was wondering if Jordan was going to come. He did because, you know, they're tight. As a matter of fact, the door knock that, you know, Hall of Famers learn that they're in the Hall of Fame now through a door knock in their either home or Patrick Willis was in his sister's home when the door knock happened for him. Frini's door knock was at Jordan's golf club. And Steve Watts told that story on Friday's show, right, that that Jordan said, don't don't wear a T-shirt and shorts like, you know, wear something proper because we're going to take photographs for my club afterwards. So Mike, Mike was in on it. And Jordan was in on the on the ruse. And then they come off the golf course and there's Tony Dungy standing there with a jacket. I mean, in his jacket. Amazing.

It is great. Steve McMichael getting his bust delivered to him by his teammates is unbelievable. You can see in not just Hall of Fame teammates, you could see there's Ron Rivera in the photograph.

My buddy Trace Armstrong was there as well. But you can see the jackets of Mike Singletary and Jimbo Covert and Richard Dent. And his jacket is on him. He suffers from ALS. You can see he's suffering.

Or at this point in time, he's hopefully taking this all in. And his wife, Misty, was there as well. They were all at the jacket dinner the night before.

They all went to Chicago. They were all there Friday night. And by Saturday, they were there with his bust. They put his jacket on him and they had the moment. And Richard Dent delivered it.

And it was incredible. And I say kudos to the Hall for for doing this. Hey, because you remember, when there are people who are not there or in, thankfully, in the case of Steve McMichael, he's alive still. We're just hoping he is taking this in.

Guys who are passed away. There were some dicey moments with Junior Seau, too, right? Of the Hall, maybe not handed to him. Of the Hall, maybe not handling the situation.

It's just a quick video and they kind of move on. Yeah. Like, let's send a bust and a jacket with his wife and his Hall of Fame teammates. And his other teammates will be there and we'll go to it live and we'll make it part of the ceremony. Yeah, it was awesome.

I mean, it's such a tragic, of course, it is thing, obviously. But that moment and I was watching the interview with Ron Rivera and Ron was like, you could look at his eyes and he goes, you could tell he knew and he was happy. And Steve McMichael, you know, Mungo's accomplishments were discussed at length. Mungo was a beast. By the way, he almost had 100 sacks as a defensive tackle in a 46 defense that wasn't built for him to have as many sacks. Right. And we also know his other many accomplishments in life with wrestling, right? 185 games. And his most incredible accomplishment may be telling Angel Hernandez how much he sucked behind home plate when he sang Take Me Out to the Ball Game. And remember Angel Hernandez turned around and stared at him, almost ejected him from from Wrigley Field.

Right? Come on now. Let's talk about all those accomplishments.

And like you said, wrestling, he was a member of the Four Horsemen. I mean, it's hard to get better than that. The other speeches were excellent.

Devin Hester's speech was excellent. His bust is next level. Yeah, it is. Look at that with the dreads. That goes in with and Kevin Green, right? Some of the best hair in the history of the bust room, bust gallery.

Ed James had a really great one with the hair. Yes. Yes. Correct.

Good one. Is he wearing a goat chain? Yes, he is. He wore a goat chain.

Like Simone Biles, you know. He wore a goat chain. He thought he should have been a First Battle Hall of Famer. And, you know, I think the only reason why he was not is people just for some reason don't give the specialist their due.

And that'll be up next next year when Vinicieri's first year eligible. I thought the speech Patrick Willis gave talking about growing up and in a spot where up the hill his grandparents were living, they were the ones with the running water. He didn't have running water where he lived. And he remembers as an eight-year-old carrying the buckets of water from his grandparents spot down to his.

And he thought to himself as an eight-year-old, if I can make it without dropping these, I'm stronger for it. Talk about that story. You know, Andre Johnson going in as the first Texan. JJ Watt was there. Dwight Free talking about Peyton Manning and Marvin Harrison. They were returning all day.

Hey, give it up. Peyton Manning, I think, has been back every year. Seems like it. By the way, he's the last quarterback to go into class of 2021. That's three straight classes without a quarterback. His brother. Who's next? Eli's next year, right? Next year. And he's not going to make it. By the way. Oh, he's making it. He should.

Not first ballot. Okay. Well, that'll be the conversation for future. I'll push back on that. That'll be for another time.

Let's talk about these guys now. I mean, no, no. But he's next. Next year.

I'm the one who brought up next year. So, but it was just another neat weekend. It's one of the best weekends in sports, man.

Football fan or not. And it's also the only hall of fame that is at the outset of the upcoming season. Right. All the other halls of fame are during or baseball does it in their season. Basketball does it in their off season.

Basketball is, let's see, September, early September. It's kind of a little bit before. Right. But this is now sports back. Yeah.

Honor of the past while being excited for the present. Yeah. Julius Peppers, he shouted out MJ also.

Only first ballot hall in favor of the class. He shouted out MJ too. Who, by the way, stuck around for him too.

That's awesome. And then he stuck for the parties. I saw him at Frini's party too. You saw MJ at Frini's party? I wasn't there at the parties.

I got out of Dodge to do the thing that I can't say that I did yet. Got it. But there's that. Yeah, that's great. Love the hall of fame. So that's my hall of fame review. Really awesome.

Worst case scenario, TJ Newman, one of the best-selling authors on planet earth hurt. Origin story as well. We covered it the last time that she was in here is outstanding as well. But of course, we're going to utilize her vast knowledge of the aviation industry in the only way we know how, which is to drag her into our silly arguments. We did that the last time we did. We're going to do it this time.

Yeah. TJ Newman next on the Rich Eisen Show. Passion, drive and patience. The formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive. eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to peak performance. Superchargers, roof racks, exhaust kits, LED headlights and more. Whether you're into speed, power or style, eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die.

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Call 1-800-GRAINGER, click, or just stop by one of their local branches. Larry David, we've done this before with you. I've got three social situations.

You are the judge and jury as to what is done. First one is destination weddings. It's already funny. Destination wedding. I say to my wife, we're going to a destination wedding. We should not give a present because my presence is my present.

What do you say Larry David? First of all, where is the wedding? How far is it?

Another country. Okay. You don't even go. You don't go. You don't go. But with a close family friend. I don't care. I am not flying 14 hours on a plane to somebody's wedding. I'm not going to do that.

What the distance from your house that you... An hour and a half by car. That's it. Here's social situation number two for you, Larry David. So you're going into somebody's house for, let's say the fight, the Mayweather McGregor fight. This happened to one of our producers, Ken Tullo. They brought desserts.

Fight ends. Nobody's touched the desserts. They like these desserts. Is it okay to take the desserts home? It's still, you're bringing it to the host, right?

That's true. The host saw it. It's different if the host didn't see it, then you could sneak out.

So if the host never saw it, if you placed it on the table and there's no note. Yeah. That's when you could take it.

If you think you're not going to get caught. Yeah. Then you could take it.

Last one for you, Larry. LD shoes off on a plane. Do you have a problem with somebody on a plane?

I have a big problem with it. Yeah. Yeah.

Keep them on. Okay. You know, don't make yourself... It's not your house.

All right. You're outside. You're in public. I don't want to see your socks.

And uh, God forbid you have a little odor down there. Who needs that? Right.

And I don't even want to know if you do have it. Exactly. It's close quarters. Come on. Take a couple of minutes.

Keep your shoes on. All of LD's appearances are on our YouTube channel. Welcome back to the Rich Eisen Show Radio Network. I'm sitting at the Rich Eisen Show desk furnished by Grainger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Grainger has the right product for you.

Call or just stop by. Our next guest was on previously for her best-selling novel Drowning after her best-selling first novel Falling. The latest and greatest that's coming out on Tuesday, August 13th.

But you can pre-order right now. Worst Case Scenario by TJ Newman. Good to see you.

TJ Newman. Good to see you too. Thank you for having me back. You got it. Um, and worst case scenario is all about being rerouted through Newark.

Um, and so you should have reached out to me to help you with your research. I've been waiting. I mean, I cannot get on Newark airport enough. You know, I mean, you have described a, a real life worst case scenario. I've, I've been there. The worst delay I ever had in my life is in Newark. We're, we're, we're seeing where we're like this on that front.

We can, we can show battle scars. It's, uh, yeah. But worst case scenario is, is not about that. I'll give you the floor on, on how best to describe it since this is your book.

What do you have for me? Worst case scenario is essentially just that. It is what happens when a commercial airliner crashes into a nuclear power plant. Ah. So there's that.

There's that. And it crashes because the pilot has a heart attack. Has a heart attack. First, it's, it's not a spoiler. First sentence of the book is 35,000 feet.

Pilot has a Widowmaker heart attack and dies instantly. But isn't there normally somebody else to help on that front? There is.

Not if they're in the bathroom. Oh, yikes. Look at you. Good Lord. How the hell do you think this stuff up?

TJ Newman. 10 years working on the plane. So really you, you've been, you again, I, I, so again, your origin story is you, you spent 10 years as a flight attendant. And so in, in, in between, you know, shifts or you're literally sitting on a plane and you're thinking about this stuff.

All of the above. The idea for this one actually that the seed for the idea for this was planted when I was doing research for my first book, Falling. And I would ask pilots all the time, lots of questions about, you know, the nuts and bolts of flying, the policy, the procedures, that aspect of flying. But I would also ask some questions about the emotional aspect of being a pilot. And the question that I would ask over and over was, what's your biggest fear as a pilot? What is your biggest fear?

And it was kind of surprising because the answers started being fairly repetitive. Lots of similar answers about wires. Pilots get worried about getting caught up in power lines.

They worry about decision-making, that they will make the wrong call in an emergency or that they'll freeze and that they won't be able to make any call in an emergency. And you would ask this of pilots that were piloting your flights that you were working on? Just, yeah, these are, these are my friends. These are guys I'm finally flying with. It would just, you know, casual conversation.

I would just ask them things. Just out of the blue? Yeah. Long flight.

You gotta, you know, drive to the airport from the hotel. You know, that's sort of like, you know, lack of a better analogy, asking a golfer about, you know, what do you do when you take your club back here and then suddenly puts a swing thought in their head and then suddenly now they're slicing it all the way into the woods. You know what I mean? Like, you're not concerned about putting this thought in your colleagues head? No, no, no, no, no.

They're telling me they're putting their thoughts in my head. Ah. So, yeah.

So it's the other way around. Look at me. I should have.

And now you're a best-selling novelist. We're talking about professional golfers. You know, they're, they're, they got that. They got this.

They're under control. So I'm the weak one. Don't ask me about my swing, basically. I understand. I won't ask you your biggest fear. I'm flying. No. Or your fear.

Well, I mean, I, I, I already told you it's flying through Newark Airport. Right. This is true. This is true. Right. But, but all the answers were kind of, you know, a little bit repetitive.

Sure. But then one day I had one pilot who straight faced looked at me and said, my biggest fear is a commercial airliner crashing into a nuclear power plant. And it caught me off guard.

Damn. Yeah, exactly. I was like, what?

And I also thought he was joking to an extent. So I kind of laughed it off and started explaining, you know, all the reasons why I wasn't afraid of that. And, you know, they've shown we live in a post 9-11 world. They've shown that if something was to happen like that, that the containment structures are fortified enough that this isn't going to be an issue. You know, yeah.

I give all my reasons as to why I'm not afraid of it. And he just listens to me and he's nodding his head the whole time. And when I finally finished, he looks at me and goes, and that's exactly what they want you to think. Oh my God. Yeah.

And so that was when the idea for this story, the seed was planted. You immediately wrote that down somewhere? Something like that. You don't have to write down that one. That one gets locked away. Yeah. I'm not going to forget that.

I'm going to lose sleep over it, but I'm not going to forget it. Right. Yeah. And so then now comes this book. So now comes this book. And I have to tell you, Rich, I do a lot of research for all my books.

And it didn't take me long to understand what he was implying when he said that. And I have to tell you the research for this book, it scared the hell out of me. And it really actually gave me pause to writing it because I wasn't sure I wanted to live in the world that I saw possible for the months that it would take to write this book. It's a pretty scary thing because the premise of this book is actually pretty plausible. Worst case scenario. Worst case scenario.

Not just for a plane crashing into a nuclear power plant, which, yes, is an extreme example, but the vulnerabilities of a nuclear power plant, they're there. Sure. Yeah.

I know. But let's just hope that this doesn't happen while the copilot's in the bathroom, right? Again, this is a black swan event. They call events like this actually low probability, high consequence events.

Right? What are the chances? What are the odds that something's going to happen?

It's not going to, but chances aren't zero. Worst case scenario by T.J. Newman, a new novel that's going to be available next week, Tuesday, August 13th, wherever you get your books, you can pre-order right now. Where are we on turning your other books into TV shows or movies or anything like that?

They're moving along. Falling is with Universal and Drowning is with Warner Brothers. Do we have actors, actresses attached? We have director attached, Oscar nominated director of Captain Phillips in 1993. Paul Greengrass is directing Drowning.

That's serious business there. I think he did. Did he do the first born or did the second born? The second born. Yep.

OK. Second born. All right. Yeah.

Feeling in very good hands there. And the screenplay for Drowning is being adapted by Steve Clovis, who is best known for the Harry Potter movies. Correct. Yeah.

Which is a pretty substantial adaptation. So feeling very, very good that my story's in his hands. That's pretty cool. How involved are you in either of these? Like, how deep do you get involved in this? With Falling, I'm actually doing the adaptation myself.

So I'm writing the screenplay for Falling. Yeah. How would you like that endeavor of doing something completely different? Completely different.

You're totally right. It is like learning a new language. It has been the most wild learning experience and so fascinating, too, because, like, I wrote, you know, over 40 drafts of that book before it became the final product. I know that story backwards, and I thought I'd figured out every way that you could possibly tell that story.

Right. And then I go to adapt it and it's like, oh, there's still whole new aspects to this that I didn't know. To translate, you know, how do you take a story that took 300 pages in a book? How do you compress it down to 100 pages for a script while still telling the same story?

And also some things that work in a book don't necessarily work in a movie and vice versa. So it's been a fascinating experience to reshape that story again. And are you circling around the the thespians that you're interested in right now or what? I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say. I don't want to get you in trouble.

Yeah, I don't want anybody. So you're holding power to use the phrase? There you go.

We should translate everything. You're in a holding pattern? Yeah, exactly. Man, I hate holding patterns. What do flight attendants think of holding patterns? Terrible, right?

It's the worst. Yeah. We're ready for the shift to be done. You're ready, right? You're thinking like it's over. We're already at the hotel.

We're already thinking of going down to the bar to have a drink, you know. You are. Oh, yeah. Okay.

Yeah. We're just like the passengers. We're ready to get to the hotel. We're ready to get home.

I got caught in a holding pattern going into New York City the other day, wound up in Pittsburgh. Do you know what I mean? Exactly. These things happen. Exactly. Then we wound up flying back to New York that night anyway.

But that's for another novel. So we're going to rope you in, if you don't mind, TJ Newman, into another conversation since we last had you on. I think the last time, what do we go into? We went in the shoes off on the plane issue and also the middle seat armrest situation. Did you ever cover, did you ever break up an argument over who has a middle seat armrest in your career? No. Passengers never had? No. Okay.

I don't think so. So what's the craziest thing you, somebody ever hit the call button for you on? The first thing that came to mind, this wasn't the craziest things, but it just shows you, I firmly believe that when the moment you step inside an airport, like brilliant, smart people, just common sense and just like logical thinking just out the door. Out the window. Out the window.

Normal smart people just can't think straight. Right. We were taken off out of L.A. and we're, call button goes off right after we leave, like right after wheels up. So call button goes off.

You can't even get up to go get it, right? Exactly. But when it happens that soon also, I kind of think it's an emergency. So I'll break the rules.

I'll bend the rules for that just because it's like something may be seriously happening. So call button goes off. I get up.

I go out there. Woman sitting at the window and she's looking out the window. And I said, can I help you, ma'am? And she's pointing out the window at Catalina Island out there at Catalina. And she goes, is that Hawaii? Hit the call button.

Hit the call button. Got me out of my seat at a time that was not safe or prudent for me to to ask me if the island, the landmass outside the window about in California, in California was Hawaii. I hope you said yes. How did you respond? I don't. I think I put on, you know, my my standard flight attendant smile that just masks all internal thought, you know, the most gentle smile I could plaster on my customer service smile. And it was just like, I don't think so.

I think that might be Catalina, although I'm not sure. Just sort of walked away. But you didn't you didn't admonish like, like, come on, though. But you shouldn't be hitting a call button like this isn't like ask Jeeves, you know, and I try to I try to remember, you know, any time I do something like that, I remember the time that I was shopping in in a store and there were plants there, there were succulents. And I was curious as to the maintenance and care on them. Yes. And so I went to I got someone who worked at the store and I said, you know, I'm a flight attendant. I'm out of time.

I'm out of town a lot. Yes. Are these plants, you know, how hard are these plants?

Or is it going to die? And the woman looks at me and she goes, it should be okay. Because it's plastic. So every time I want to like give someone, you know, a hard time for a Catalina question, I just remember remember the time you asked a woman if a fake plant was hard to maintain. I listen, you're you're being too kind because you didn't ask a question in, say, the three to five minute period where there's a regulation by the federal government in which everybody needs to stay seated for everyone's safety. Like if that person working the flower shop had that five minute period, then I think we're apples to apples. You know what I'm saying? That's fair. That's fair. That's what I'm saying. So I wouldn't I wouldn't have minded if you gave a little bit of pushback, but but you're too nice.

That's awesome. So what about this question? I'm kind of stunned that this is an issue which a lot of people are then stunned to think that I find this of issue for people. Where do you stand on on on reclining your seat? I mean, that people apparently find this an affront if somebody reclines the seat.

I personally I'm five foot three and three quarters. So it is not of extreme importance to me. Yes.

I don't usually recline the seat just in case there's someone taller behind me who needs that extra legs room. Yeah. I also just don't find it to be that much more comfortable if I'm, you know, at a 90 degree angle versus... Right. I don't do math. Understood.

In a writer I don't do math and angles. You're more verbal. Yeah. I didn't do well on the math and the SAT either. Yeah.

I was more verbal as well. Although I'm not a best-selling novelist. But but removing your own height from the equation just in general is it apparently is or is it an affront to actually utilize the button that's on the... It's not an affront. The button's there.

You can use it. That's that's what Chris and I say. There are many others who think that it's an issue like TJ Jefferson who is of a certain the other TJ if you will on the set right now. Long TJ.

He has a problem if somebody reclines in his space. Well yeah but TJ how tall are you? Six three.

There you go. So it what's the cut off? What's the height cut off for being offended by by by somebody you know reclining into them right? To me that just comes to common courtesy.

Yeah. I think if I if I recline my seat into TJ's space I don't think he'd be upset. He would understand that it is within my right. Oh no I'd be upset. No he'd be upset.

That's what I'm saying. I wouldn't like punch the back of your chair or nothing but I'd sit there and talk about you the entire time. See that's what I'm saying and and and and remarkably Larry David sitting in that chair a couple months ago was upset with me that I have no problem reclining.

None. And I will not only do that but we already discussed about FAA violations. I will actually use the gravitational force of takeoff to just recline on the spot.

Oh now that I'll push back on. Now now I'm going to put on my flight attendant hat. Do you know the reason that you have to have your seat in a full and upright position?

Please. It is for the egress of the row behind you so in the event of an that an emergency evacuation is necessary the people behind you you've now blocked their exit off the aircraft. How have I done that? Because you put something in the way of them. So I'm actually causing a dangerous situation. Yes that is the point.

Here's the thing that I feel like people don't understand. Flight attendants are not like you know we don't want to like control we don't want you to be uncomfortable. We're not I don't care where your bag is. I do care that if it's out the person sitting in the window next to you is not going to be able to get over that bag if they need to evacuate the aircraft. And in the event of an emergency evacuation those seconds matter. That's the point of the reclining seats being upright. Same thing with tray tables. That's the reason we have your tray tables up. Everything is so that it's an obstruction situation. The whole idea is how do you keep this area as clear as possible so that we can get off of this airplane as fast as possible if we have an emergency situation. So reclining okay. Using the ascent gravitational force not okay.

Not okay. So you got to wait for the for the beep for the bong so what you got to wait for the okay. Taxi takeoff and landing is statistically the most dangerous phase of flight.

So if anything is going to go wrong it's going to be most likely during that period of time. So just for that you know little bit just just keep your seat upright. Although I do love that you use it as like a rocket blast off basically. G-forces. Yeah yeah whatever g-forces there are.

I'm not a scientist either. I'm trying to use it. Yeah yeah I appreciate that. To my advantage. Yeah a little top gun going on right now.

Yes exactly. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm maverick is what I'm saying of of seat reclining. I'm the maverick of the seat reclining. If you don't mind.

If you don't mind. Yeah I get it. I get the impulse.

I totally get the impulse. Well now you know Rich that's nothing to be proud of as TJ just told you. Larry I tried to tell you. Larry David tried to tell you.

Now TJ's telling you. No again I am now going to stop doing this at the most dangerous time of the flight. I have been taught. I have now been corrected. I'm going to be a better citizen.

I doubt it. But I have the right to utilize the button that is there on the armrest to actually take advantage of reclining my seat and not uh think about it. So it's okay that you put your seat into my face like this and I gotta sit here. I have a bigger problem with you using the back of my seat is a way for you to get out of yours. Well you can't have it both ways bro. You can't like recline your seat and then have me try to shimmy my way out. No I'm gonna grab your seat. First of all all of these are much less on the transgression scale of hitting the call button to ask about what's outside your window.

That is very true. Bless you for not ejecting that woman. She's talking about it. That's for a few but you should use that in the in some of these I know that doesn't kind of fit maybe the spirit of what you're writing about.

That should be seen in the movie. The first one falling had a little bit more of passengers being a little more um okay you know like that asking some pretty interesting questions. Okay what's next? Do you already have another one?

Are you already on to the other one or no? I've always got something going. I'm working on lots of stuff at all points in time but I gotta say three books and a script in four years I'm taking a vacation. You are? Yeah I need to take a vacation. I need to take a little break. And so have you gone on planes where you're recognized and and they're like you know the author of all of these plane disasters is now sitting on our flight right now? I try to go incognito for that uh for that purpose sometimes it's not you know the best pulling out this book with the cover on the fly this is a little I get it I do get it um that's right yeah but when I go on tour for for my book like I'm getting ready to go on tour for this and I'll bring copies of the book for the crew and I give it to them and usually there's a pretty big instant connection because um you're one of them I'm one of them where it's a tight community yeah aviation family it's a tight tight community. Worst case scenario by TJ Newman a novel that will be available where all books are sold in in by just grabbing a copy where all books are sold on Tuesday August 13th but obviously you can pre-order right now and keep an eye out for falling and drowning as well to catch up on your work and keep an eye out again for everything else going on on this program good to see you here thank you thank you you got a TJ Newman is here at t underscore j underscore newman on the hellscape of x and um at tj underscore author on instagram to keep track of everything that tj newman is doing back to wrap up this show in a sec hey everybody this just in it's summertime it's time to go and do all those summer things like going to a baseball game during the summer I'm about to do exactly that and I know exactly what to do and you should too you should go look forward to making new memories this year by going to a ball game using game time the authorized ticket marketplace of major league baseball which 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just thankful thankful for david tyree man there's there's not a better person and a guy who just uh you know who has the worst week of practice in the history of of all practices on that friday and dropped every pass and you know thought he was going to be the starting receiver and then like go you know comes back and plays that game and then sure enough in the game david tyree has a touchdown catch and then they speed catch you know rodney harrison hanging all over him um you know bob poppa gave him the call saying you know he's got a wide open receiver you know and i guess that's wide open in the nfl and uh you know it's a wide open in the nfl and uh you know david tyree just the will the desire was there and just catching off the helmet just what a what unbelievable story and uh you know never get tired of watching that play all right chris brockman my on-air compadre here what do you tell him go ahead tell him what you say every time now that he's here you can say it to his face go ahead chris well usually i say it to shawn o'hara because shawn is here right i mean there are 14 different holdings on that he sees holding you are what do you say to that when he says holding yeah i don't see how can you get holdings they didn't block anybody you know let them run in you know i don't get sat by four all four players you know they kind of just blocked the ball you know i think yeah i'm like holding if the guy's holding me you know like a defense player is holding me i think you're allowed to do whatever you want right to the uh to the you know to the pass rusher at that point if i'm in the grass they could just grab them also and pull them off it's kind of a it's kind of free range at that point at that moment i agree you chris you see holding eli sees grasping that's what he sees i see the greatest play ever that's right there's a giant i was sitting right there i was there in the building that's it love it fun conversation back here on the rich eyes and show game time tickets go buy tickets to anything in your area music comedy theater obviously sports baseball season it's now august let's go go to a baseball game and use game time tickets the all-in pricing feature shows you the total up front with no surprise fees at checkout the panoramic view with the seat view feature you get to see the panoramic view from your seat in the app before you buy the coverage the purchase is covered with the most flexible customer service policy in the ticketing industry that's how you take the guesswork out of buying baseball tickets with game time download the game time app create an account use my code rich you get twenty dollars off your first purchase terms apply visit for restrictions again create an account redeem my code r i c h twenty dollars off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed um it is uh zander's birthday he's 16 years old today hey my oldest son is 16 wow oh rich as soon as he freaking out right now blank right um she's in new york with him um at uh at her mom's and happy belated birthday to susie too yeah susie's birthday she and tom brady share the same birthday so she's uh she's the goat as well um at any rate the reason why i bring it up is it's hotter than all get out on the east coast right now it is it is indeed imagine going through training camp when it's hotter than all get out most teams go through that out here in southern california it's not as it's not the humidity right and all that business but it is like if it's like you know like mars or mercury hot right um and and it's training camp and you've been there for now a week week and a half and you're going against your teammates you want to start hitting somebody else but in the meantime you're going to start hitting your teammates it is that time of year it's fight season it's fight season yeah buddy you know first week first week of training camp season is all you know uh seven on seven eleven on eleven video reporting you know uh rogers and and um and and garrett wilson having arguments that are really you know like healthy i think kind of nothing right but now now it's like fisticuffs giants had a couple today apparently one after daniel jones got he had his arm hit by a defender oh yeah and it's just like don't get near him and you know joe shane at one point comes out to try and break this thing up the general manager's out there wow this is apparently this is the flag on the play like that's going to do anything um you know they're they're trying to trying to restore order here that's joe shane you see him in the in the in the in the gray shorts there right there the glasses on the left that's a gm you see you see day ball in there oh i also see you staying on the outskirts the first one apparently daniel jones got in the mix you gotta love it when the quarterback gets into it i know the lineman because apparently he was defending his linemen that's the stuff that's the training camp stuff camp stuff that's the training camp stuff and if oh man daniel jones 11 and six giants dude he's trying to hide he's trying to be high on him daniel jones had this to say yeah i mean uh i don't know situation happens like that guys stand up for your guys but um i thought it was good competitive practice all day today and and uh you know we made some plays and did some good things there's some things we need to sure up for sure but um good you know good intensity and competitive spirit his face is smaller than his neck right his neck is bigger i mean i like he's tough he looks great he looks like an incredible he doesn't look like he's selling his shirts like he used to look like come on daniel jones let's go daniel jones yeah let's go earn that money you don't deserve i just want to see some i want to see like salty daniel jones right oh daniel jones i want to see salty dj let's go man brian bern said this to say oh lord daniel got jiggy with daniel was out there with it yeah yeah yeah how many of them to back up yeah yeah i'm gonna need him to back up let let his o-line handle that but uh nah daniel he's a competitor man he's the fighter so i i want to spend less from him but i don't need him in that i don't need him get the giants going brian burns is going by the way he win it brian burns is going to be introduced to the american nfl fan with all due respect to carolina he's now in new york yep and if he starts balling out in new york the way that he doesn't carolina it would be hard to think that he won't sandwich commercials it's common it's common and that's what you need you need daniel jones get in there start start getting you know getting in people's faces that's not his game i understand it that's what i want against the vikings to start if that's what you're looking for you know and and giants three and oh no for dallas week four all they got to do is score one touchdown at home or three points at home and they're already ahead of the last time they played the giants and then cowboys at home on national television that was not good for them okay so giants being better is better for everybody yes end of story agreed end of story and daniel jones is spicy daniel jones let's go i want to see daniel jones on hot ones that's the start of it that's the start of it then we build from there former navy seal sean ryan shares real stories from real people from all walks of life on the sean ryan show tucker carlson what is it that you think that people gravitate i'm not self-aware i refuse to be self-aware i don't even like mirrors at all which you can probably tell from my appearance i don't have a crazy high iq or i really don't have that many skills i would say my main skill is i believe my instincts i don't hesitate to follow my instincts ever the extent that i have i've gotten in trouble the sean ryan show on youtube or wherever you listen
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