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The Joy Ride #203

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 23, 2025 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #203

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 23, 2025 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you can expect to laugh and smile with Godly men who love the Lord and want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Joy Ride.

This week, the guys discuss their new words of the year for 2025. 

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network. Truth Network programming like The Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you can expect to laugh and smile with godly men who want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax and enjoy the joyride.

Hey, joyriders, welcome back to the Masculine Journey Joyride. So for those of you that didn't know, the Truth Network was hackified a couple of weeks back. Yes, that is the technical term, but worry not, my friends, because no one can stop the word of God from reaching the people. But do keep us in your prayers as we work to get everything back on track. This week, the guys are talking about new words of the year with our clip featuring Rodney talking about his new word and Big Jim kind of sort of somewhat given his new word.

You'll see what I'm talking about. Rodney, I know you don't have a word of the year this year yet, but that shouldn't be concerning if it's the first few weeks of the month of the year and you still don't have one, right? It shouldn't be, but I've always, every time I've went off to pray and asked for a word, it's usually come pretty easily. This year I've prayed a few times.

I've tried to go get one. There's been times when I haven't prayed because I forgot all about it. But and last year was one of the worst times I've ever had with a word and what I did or didn't do with it, because I just kind of left it behind and I got sick in August. When I didn't really get sick, I got taken to the hospital. I wasn't even sick. It was just, oh, you need to go and like what? So I got taken to the hospital, told, hey, you're going to take all these tests.

The next thing I know, I'm in the middle of all that. So then I look at my word to vote and I'm like, oh, man, it's so applicable to all this stuff I just went through. And that's where I'm asking God, do I stay with that word because I didn't really do as much or do I go somewhere? And this is the first time I've never gotten a new word. So I may be staying with my old word. I may be going to a new word.

I really don't know where I'm at. So I'm just kind of trying to pray through it. Yeah, we have a we have a timeline. Like I said, God has his. Yep. It's funny you said that because as I was praying about it back in December, God gave me two words.

Oh, not yet. One of them I really liked and the other one I said, well, if I use that one, I'm sort of stealing it from a good friend because he uses a lot. And in between the weeks since those were given to me and I thought at the time I need to write both of these down. Well, I said, I don't need to write that one down. I'm not going to forget it. And I'll not forget that one either because it's such a great word. Well, that great word is now gone. So I went with the other word, which I presume is the one God wanted me to have. So if I think of what that word is, it might be yours.

And I just had to throw it back in the pot. He hasn't told me anything yet. Was it memory? Memory is not something. Not ringing a bell. So from the guys at Masculine Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network.
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