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Take It Or Leave It After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 11, 2025 12:35 pm

Take It Or Leave It After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 11, 2025 12:35 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! The discussion on take it or leave it, continues right here on the Masculine Journey After Hours Podcast. The clips are from "Forrest Gump," "The Shawshank Redemption," and "Ted Lasso." 

There's no advertising or commercials, just men of God, talking and getting to the truth of the matter. The conversation and Journey continues.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network. Coming to you from an entrenched barricade deep in the heart of central North Carolina, Masculine Journey After Hours. A time to go deeper and be more transparent on the topic covered on this week's broadcast. So sit back and join us on this adventure. The Masculine Journey After Hours starts here now.

Welcome to Masculine Journey After Hours. We are talking about the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. Yes, I know it was a few days ago, a couple weeks ago. You know, it was a bit ago.

Just a moment ago. I guess it depends on your perspective, right? Yeah. Yes. That was a Bagger Vance quote right there. It was, yeah.

It was only just a moment ago. That's right. Yeah. But no, what we're talking about today is what do you want to leave behind in 2024? Not necessarily people.

I guess it could be people. But, you know, what things that aren't good for your heart, aren't good for your mentality, aren't good for your spirituality, those types of things. What things do you want to leave behind, right?

What's not good for you physically, whatever that might be. And what things do you want to take with you into 2025? Either continue or begin.

And so that's kind of what we're talking about today as we kind of go through. So anyway, Andy, you have the first clip and it's from your favorite movie. It would be the opposite end of that list, yes. Probably be my least favorite movie. Good try though, Andy. I did. I tried real hard. I'm sure there are ones I like less than this, but not many.

Okay. Well, this is Forrest Gump, so the rest of the world likes it. So Sam, you're... Yeah, that's right. But Forrest Gump, I'm not going to explain the whole story, but he's this eccentric guy that is just kind of going through life and he's got all these crazy cool things that happened to him just by chance. Unbelievable things. Unbelievable things. It's pretty far out there. Preposterous would be the word I would use. But anyway... Do you have any comment on this, Sam?

No, I don't have any opinions at all. This is a fictional movie that would never happen to anybody. But Forrest had always liked this girl, Jenny, that he had made friends with as a kid. And she came back into his life and he kind of thought they were going to be together and then she just kind of disses him because she's got a lot of pain in her life. And Forrest, he doesn't know really how to process that. And what he always knew how to do was run. So he took off and run. He had this single thing. He never stopped. He didn't sleep or eat or anything the way the movie shows.

Apparently not. He never shaves or anything. He's got hair growing all over the place. He runs for three years. But this is the point where he's finally had enough. His therapy is done.

And he's given up his marathon, let's say. So here we go. I'm glad we didn't do it before.

We would have never got it all in. That's right. Let's see what we got here. Hey, there it is. Oh, that's my clip.

I guess I could... Oh, here we go. He's really not going to play it. He's not giving it up.

I guess even the computer didn't want Forrest Gump. That's all he's got to say about that. And here we go. Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company. My mom always said, you got to put the past behind you before you can move on. And I think that's what my run was all about.

I had run for three years, two months, 14 days, and 16 hours. Quiet. Quiet. He's going to say something. I'm pretty tired. I think I'll go home now.

And just like that, my running days was over. So good clip, right? Appropriate?

Okay. He wasn't the worst. He was so inspirational, though, he had all these people following him. That was that dialogue right there. But he'd come to that point to where he was done, but it had served its purpose. And I think that's anytime you go from one thing to the next, I think there's a transition. There's some things that I haven't been running, but in some ways I may have been running, I guess, in the last few years.

I'm running from sugar. But I probably, not run, but not necessarily leaned into some stuff relationally, and I'm beginning to kind of come out of that and just, I feel like there's something for that in the early part of this year. And so that's one thing. Another thing is I begin to, when Sam put this out there again, you begin to get your heart back. The things that you want to get away from begin to not be as evident. There's some things that are way gone that I don't even think about anymore.

So you have to think about them. One of the things that I struggle with, and it all kind of goes back to what I was talking about in the earlier show, is the help thing is I didn't have a lot of initiatives to do stuff because I didn't feel like it a lot. Now I have more initiative, and I feel like what it caused me to do is procrastinate a lot. And right now I'm motivated, not to go knock out a check-off list, kind of, but really it's just, I feel alive, and I want to step into the things that in the past I haven't stepped into and not be so passive. So I don't think I have to go do everything right away, but I just feel like I have more direction and more desire and more, I feel like God's right there with me.

Son, I'm right there with you. This is the whole thing of being fathered by God, is allowing him to come in. And those areas that I didn't feel initiated at, I feel much more, you know, I don't feel as, I don't know, just I don't feel like it's so intimidating to go take something on. I feel like I'm willing to risk.

I feel like I'm empowered by him and stuff. It may sound weird, but as men I know that this resonates with a lot of guys, and I just, I'm looking forward to 2025. And my next clip, and I'm not going to go into that now unless you want me to, but the next clip talks a little bit more about kind of the hope. Another thing that I'm also wanting to leave behind this year is something Rodney talks about, and I still feel like I'm, in some ways I've grown in this, but some ways I still feel like I have more growth is the fear of man, of knowing that sometimes when we're quiet and we don't say anything it's appropriate.

You don't have to speak everything Proverbs talks about that, but there are other times that I need to speak up and say things and not worry about what men say and stuff, and I think that's something I want to step into a bit more in 2025. We need to say something to you now. If you're going to be quiet, we're going to say something to you.

The one thing I really did like about that clip is the little voice where the guy says, okay, what do we do now? Right. Right, because whenever you jump on somebody else's bandwagon, when they're called in a different direction, you're lost. You're just going to follow. That's one thing.

Right. And so, you know, we're made for our own adventures. Not that we can't share in an adventure with somebody. I mean, the best adventures are the ones that are shared typically, right? I mean, there's a time to do adventures on your own with you and God, and those are amazing. And those are great, and they are between God and I.

But the ones that I discuss more with other people are the ones that I did with other people. Yeah, the point of the inspiration is for you to go find your adventure, not follow somebody else into their adventure per se. God may have you go serve that person for a while or whatever, but you're right. That dude was kind of lost. Because he didn't have his own adventure. He didn't have his own adventure. He did not. Good point.

We're encouraging you to reach out. Can you believe it? You learned something from a Forrest Gump clip. Yeah. He can't even admit it. Just say yes. No, I'm just going to say yes. He's speechless.

No, I'm not speechless. I just don't want to say what I'm thinking. We only know where that goes. No, we'll just leave it right here.

Oh my gosh. So we'll get to your clip on hope in a minute. Okay. But anyone else want to add anything about this topic on leaving behind or taking with you into 2025? Anything that comes to mind? Well, go ahead Harold. Well, one of the things that I was thinking about is that I need to leave behind playing God. When we worry and fret over control or lack thereof, we're playing God. And that don't work too well because he can and I can't. So that's one thing I need to leave behind. You guys are close in age.

Nice. Years ago, back in my crazy years, I used to be in the driveway to start a trip. And I was worrying about the traffic before even getting to the highway, which I realize now how stupid that was. It got me nowhere except into fits of anger that changed nothing except irritating my sweetheart. So that's one of the things that I'm hoping that I can do a better job of leaving behind is trying to play God and control.

I just need to realize he's in control. So that's what I want to leave behind. I'm going to take into 25 the same thing I've been taking into years all the way back to 1964. I got my sweetheart. Is that all you got to say about that, Harold?

Well, I am from Alabama. And one of my favorite scenes in that movie is early on when he's got his braces on and the guys are chasing him on their bicycles and he's running and the braces are tearing up. That's right. Well, the reason that's my favorite is because my sister had polio as a youngster and she had to wear a brace. She only had one leg with the brace, but she learned how to run and keep up with the other kids. She would hop twice on the left leg, slinging that right leg with the brace through the air, vaulting off of that and hopping twice.

And she could keep up with the other kids. And so when I see the Forrest Gump movie, that's one of my favorite scenes. It reminds me of my sister. I can see that. I can see that. Rodney, you got some thoughts on it? Yeah, just, you know, this is the first time I'm back since sometime in August or whatever, and I went out and, you know, I've come and I have a meal with you guys, but I was trying to get home, get sleep and that kind of stuff just to let my body rest and heal and get back.

But one of the things that I just just going back that far, knowing that when the incident happened, it was like it was fake and false and there's something that was weird about it. I'm at the hospital. I'm like, why am I even here? And they're checking me out there.

Oh, oh, this and oh, that. I'm just like, but you guys don't know anything. You haven't tested me.

You don't know anything. And now months later, they have found, you know, nothing wrong, which is actually really good to hear. It's actually wow. Okay. I pay a lot of money for all those stupid visits and I still got stuff out there that's like, oh, we still want money. I'm like, that's just stupid. But you got all these things going on. And the biggest thing that I get out of all this is you're healthy. I'm like, okay, Lord, you've told me I'm healthy. This is how you wanted me to find out. I don't like it.

I didn't care for it. But I'm like, okay, I just have to live in what he had for me rather than trying to go out and do it myself. But I at least now know at this point in my life, I'm okay. I mean, they couldn't find anything wrong, which was really good to know because they checked me out like crazy. But it's just one of those things you go through.

There's all the frustration. Okay, I got this visit, this visit, this visit. And right now, since they just – they closed up a hole that they found in my heart just in case that was something, they're – I've got, you know, a couple of visits this year that I got to go for like five years for something.

I'm like, five years? Really? Okay, I just – okay, I'll just do it. It's something that if you can just say, okay, I'm just going to go do these things and let that just – okay, I'll just be there. But I let my other doctor know that was doing my test.

I'm like, they have found nothing, you found nothing, we're done, right? Back to once a year and I got these other little visits for five years. But I just don't want a lot of extra stuff in my life. I just don't care for all the extra stuff I got to go through for that. But all in all, when you go through it all, it's like, I can live with that. It's not that bad. If that's the worst you've got for me, okay. I know things can be a lot worse and they might be, but it's just one of those things where, okay, I can live with what's happened and I can go to the next thing.

Just knowing that here's where I did well and here's where I didn't do well, just kind of knowing that, it's got to make sure – at least know that, okay, I can at least put up with it. Yeah, good point. Yeah. Well, thank you.

Andy, do you want to get to your club? I can. Well, good. That attitude, Rodney, is very hopeful. It is.

It is very hopeful. And it's, again, where a lot of people get hung up and not being able to, I think, trust in God because things don't make sense. And there's so many of us, I've been there. I've been there so many times of not understanding. And what is it, Eldridge says that you can either have God or you can have understanding, but you can't have both. And there's a certain truth to that. I mean, he says we'll get understanding, but that understanding comes through experience and walking with him and a lot of it. The whole message of trust all throughout the Bible is there for a reason.

It's being able to hold on to God whenever you don't understand things. So that's a good testimony. So this clip is from Shawshank Redemption. Good movie. Yeah, very good movie. Want to watch it? I've seen it.

And this is a clip that I submitted in August, kind of a different idea. But you have Andy Dufresne, who's kind of been framed and put in jail prison with Red. And Andy's this positive guy that kind of brings life to everybody around him. And I like the name Andy.

That's pretty cool. But he's really a positive guy. And he's got a vision for getting out of jail. And he does kind of break out, but again, he's been wronged a lot. But when he's doing this, Red doesn't have this vision for freedom and life. And he talks to him about it. And this is kind of – you hear kind of Andy talking to Red. I think it's through a letter. And then later on, at the very end of the clip, you'll hear Red quote back to Andy what Andy said.

And I'll let the clip play out, and then we'll just talk about what the meaning is. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well.

Your friend, Andy. Get busy living or get busy dying. Hope is a good thing. And then get busy living or get busy dying. And Red had kind of lost that.

And then Andy, just talking to him both through their conversation and in that letter, they ended up kind of going to a paradise and just hanging out with one another and living. And there's just that hope I want to take into 2025. I think we have to take this. You lose hope. You do lose that desire. And there's things in my life that have stolen my hope. But through God's grace, I've lost hope before, but to get it back and stuff, it's one thing that I think is consistent that all of us need to carry into the next year.

And sometimes, you know, hope comes back from the divide. Everybody's like, remember the COVID years? Oh, I want to get 2020 behind us to go to the next year.

And it wasn't that much easier. But it's that calendar change that gives us a new hope. Everybody – how many – we were talking about it earlier – how many new exercise programs start, new other things. But, you know, again, those are all more worldly ways of looking at it. I believe our God does. I believe he likes the change in the calendar. He set up the calendars through the seasons and all and the moon or sun or whatever calendar you're using. But I think that that opportunity to start fresh with a new year and hope going into it is something that motivates people.

Maybe they had a bad year the previous year or some bad things happened to them, but there's a change in the calendar. But regardless, we always have him to hope in. But hopefully, you know, going into the new year, we all look at it as a fresh start.

Hopefully. Yeah, that was close. You didn't say it as much as present. Present, no. Yeah, when you were present, having your present.

I wish Robby was present here so he could give me a hard time about being present. That was my word of the year two years ago. Yeah, monumental because we still remember. Yeah, it was like a present, really.

To us all. I was saying earlier, there's nothing magical about the end of December. But my heart is always uplifted when the new year begins because I think you don't know about the possibilities of the new year and there are things you are wanting to move past. You know, 2024 was not a great year in a lot of ways for me. There was a lot of pain, a lot of loss around the room.

I know it was a lot of our stories. You know, you're hopeful that the next year won't have as many of those, that you have less of those. You know, it's life, so you're going to have some. Life just brings pain. But it also brings hope and it brings joy and it brings a lot of other things when we look for those things. That's right. But the enemy knows how key that hope is because once your hope is gone, when you can get somebody to the place of hopelessness, everything else is possible.

I think Eldridge says that. I think that's the enemy's target more than anything is hope because the next thing, you give up hope, you lose your heart. And that's what he's after. It's hard to come back from losing hope.

Yeah. And everybody has a different entry point, but the goal is always hope. The goal is actually the heart, but hope is the last little thing to fall before the heart gives. If you have some hope in good things, there's a chance that's going to happen because you're looking for it. You're trying to make it happen. But when you turn away from it and you turn away from it it says, uh, what's left? Yeah. Nothing.

Yeah. Back to a leadership lesson one of my bosses gave me years and years ago, you find what you're looking for. If I want to find pessimistic things, I look pessimistically at it. If I want to look for things that are opportunistic, I'm going to look at it that way to what opportunities. That lesson didn't take what you did. Yeah, there's some things I'll share with you afterwards.

I'm going to share those right now. We like to jab Sam over there. I got a few thoughts for you. Looking to jab us a bit. Yeah, yeah. It's all fair. A little pessimistically, you know. I deserve every one of them that come.

Well, my clip for 2025 is one that we've used in the past for a different topic, but it comes from Ted Lasso. And if you haven't seen that show, briefly what it is, an American college football coach goes over to England to coach championship league soccer, right? Completely out of place, completely in a new country, everything's out of place. Well, he goes with his boss, the lady that owns the team, she got it from her husband in a divorce. And they go into a pub and they're meeting with some friends and the ex-husband's there. And so he thinks Ted doesn't know how to play darts because, you know, that's an England thing. And so he challenges him to a game of darts, you know, trying to get the better of him. And so when we pick it up, we're going to kind of listen to what's going on.

But the very back end of the payoff is at the end of the clip that really is my word going into, not word, my goal going into 2025. So here we go. Let's see what we got here. Hey, there it is. Two light dots, Ted? Oh, okay.

I'm more of a, you know, a cornhole man myself. Yeah. Oh, how about a game? I mean, we could maybe wage it, say 10,000 pounds.

That's a little rich for my blood. How about this? If you win, I'll let you pick the starting lineup of the last two games of the season. But if I win, you can't go anywhere near the owner's box, at least not while your back is still in charge.

What do you think? You're on. Let me know if I'm winning or losing, all right? Oh, I forgot I had these on me. Oh, wait a second. I forgot I'm left-handed. I was going to be a fool. What do I need to win? Two triple-twenties and a bull's-eye.

Good luck. You know, Rupert, guys have underestimated me my entire life, and for years I never understood why. It used to really bother me. But then one day I was driving my little boy to school and I saw this quote by Walt Whitman.

It was painted on the wall there. It said, be curious, not judgmental. I like that. So I get back in my car and I'm driving to work, and all of a sudden it hits me. All them fellas that used to belittle me, not a single one of them are curious. You know, they thought they had everything all figured out, and so they judged everything, and they judged every one. And I realized that they're underestimating me. Who I was had nothing to do with it.

Because if they were curious, they would ask questions, you know? Questions like, have you played a lot of darts, Ted? Which I would have answered, yes, sir.

Every Sunday afternoon at a sports bar with my father, from age 10 till I was 16 when he passed away. Barbecue sauce. Yeah, so what's going on there is obviously he wins, you know, the event. And he's given a lesson to his boss's ex-husband of, look, you can't judge people like that. You need to be more curious. But for me, that curious is playing out in a lot of different ways. I find that when I'm curious, I want to learn. And when I want to learn, I dig.

And when I dig, there's a payoff for my heart that's unmatched. And primarily what I'm talking about is with the Bible. You know, to be very honest, did I read the Bible last year? Yes, I did. Did I sit down and study the Bible last year?

Not as much. You know, what I did more of was I would look things up when I needed it for a radio show or for a boot camp talk or I was working on something and I knew there was a scripture from previous studies, you know, in the past. But what I really wanted to do this year, and Danny brought it to the whole team, is get back into the Bible and to be curious about the things I find, the little statements that are in there that like, why is this put in this scripture? And to dig into that more deeply because the understanding you get and the intimacy you get with God in the midst of it is amazing. It's to be able to walk in that and say, wow, you put this little thing in that didn't seem relevant until you dig into it. Maybe you have to look into Hebrew, which I'll lean into Robby to ask, or you have to look at it, you know, why is that even there?

What's the context of this? And the learning you get is great. And so to keep it up, I want to be curious going into 2025. And I encourage you to think about what do you want to give up and what do you want to take with you. And this week, let yourself be loved and love on God this week. We'll talk to you next week.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-11 15:00:28 / 2025-01-11 15:11:43 / 11

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