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Boot Camp Talk Impact

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
November 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Boot Camp Talk Impact

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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November 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! This week the guys are talking about different aspects of the boot camp, that have impacted their lives. The clips are from "WKRP In Cincinnati," and "The Andy Griffith Show." 

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!


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Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. ...but life doesn't usually feel that way. Jesus speaks of narrow gates and wide roads, but the masculine journey is filled with many twists and turns.

So how do we keep from losing heart while trying to find the good way when life feels more like a losing battle than something worth dying for? Grab your gear and come on a quest with your band of brothers who will serve as the guides in what we call the masculine journey. The masculine journey starts here now.

Welcome to Masculine Journey. We are glad that you're with us this week. This is the pre-bootcamp radio show. This is the last one we will do in studio before we go to bootcamp next week, which means, Robby, we are what? Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve from... Bootcamp Eve. Yeah, yeah.

Somewhere in there. We're like four or five E's from Bootcamp Eve. And so if you can just do the, so yeah, Saturday night, Sunday night. My brother's going to be there and his grandson. And so my brother was the one blessed with personality. And so if, you know, if it wasn't enough to meet my brother, Korn will be there.

Okay. And so if you haven't met a character yet when you met my brother, believe me when I tell you, it will be, it'll be an experience. But more than that, you might meet Jesus. And, you know, get a good look at him, maybe like you've never seen him before.

And in doing so, you get a good look at yourself, which is kind of the idea. Yeah. Yeah. And so we are doing a bootcamp related topic. So Danny would tell us a little bit about what the topic is. It is a revisited topic. It's a reboot. A reboot. Yeah. A rebootcamp.

Yeah. It's a rebootcamp topic. A rebootcamp topic. We did this before.

I can't remember it was a spring show or whatever. Just talking about bootcamp talks or moments of bootcamp that impacted you. And, you know, we've got clips associated with that, but just coming up on bootcamp or rebootcamp, which will be a dual deal more bootcamp we've heard.

And so that, you know, talking about those and the impacts cause. And I think somebody mentioned in the pre-show, you know, those of us who've been to multiple bootcamps, you know, we could pick just about any talk and go, okay, I've had a moment, a Jesus moment here or there and that kind of thing. So we're just going to share some of that tonight. Yeah.

That's actually where it's going to go a little bit next. But you said it. Well, some of us, you know, all of us have been to more than one.

Well, most of us are. Come on, Art. Come on, Art. We'll see you this time, I hope.

But yeah, anyway, you can respond to Art. This is open response. If you'll say anything. Well, I do have a story to tell when you work me in. I have a bootcamp story to tell. Oh, absolutely. We'll get you in there right after the first clip and then we'll get you in this either this first segment or in the second segment.

But yes, we will. But regardless of how many bootcamps you've been to, one of the questions we often get is really, how can you go to so many of these? Well, each one, yes, the topics are the same, but we're different. And, you know, we see God differently because we're closer proximity to God.

Hopefully, hopefully you're growing in your walk. Right. And so as you get closer to God and he unveils more to you, every bootcamp is unique. And so, yeah, we could go topic by topic, talk by talk and all have story after story after story.

We just kind of pick some of the highlights. Right. Go ahead. It would be the same as saying, well, how can you read the Bible again if you already read it once? Right. It's kind of same similarity. And there's always different people with different stories, different things being presented. And it just even if it's the same thing I've heard from Sam before, it hits you differently with where you are this year than you were two or three years ago or something in your walk. And like you said, it's it's it's an experience that I I'm kind of with most people. It's like, OK, yeah, it's the same thing going over. Right.

Well, yes and no. Like you just explained. And I just love the fact that we have new people on the team that weren't on the team before. So like, you know, when I was first doing to boot camp, we got some guys that you just they don't get up and talk anymore.

They're not a part of becoming every boot camp. And there's different people talking now than before. So it's different. And they keep adding things into their life because their walks are different. And for us that get to do a talk, it's OK, I'm diving into some new material for the first time for me.

And that's a growth thing. And then it's getting to hear what other stories that men tell during that time. It's just it's back to the fellowship. It's just wonderful to be around other men of God who are struggling to get through life like we are. I love what they said about Eugene's, Eugene Peterson, his relationship with the Bible was that he had an intimate conversational intimacy with the Bible.

In other words, when you come to that passage, you know, hello, Genesis three, my old friend. Right. How many times we've been there. Right.

I've come to talk with you again. Well, when you think about the beauty of boot camp is you're completely familiar with it after you've been to enough of them. Right. But it's it's just like that. You're coming to a very familiar place to you. And when you see that same clip again, even the same guy or whatever, there's some familiarity with it.

But there's an intimacy with it that gives you even deeper experience. I mean, that's the way to explain it. When was the last time you turned your back on an old friend?

Didn't want to see him. Not very often. So the frequency of the boot camps is not really a deterrent or should not be. Just like I get excited every time I see my sweetheart.

And that's over 60 years now. Yeah, that's one of the things that that also changes, I think, for us is when you go to your first boot camp, go to any boot camp. You're inundated with information. You know, we often say at boot camp, it's like drinking from a fire hose because it is. But God shields your heart from that.

Right. He knows that you can only you can take on a lot of knowledge, but you can't internalize all that. And so he just gives you what you can take at each boot camp that you may get more information. But your breakthrough and where he really focuses tends to be in a little different area.

Each camp writer going deeper in an old area. And so everyone has its own flavor. Everyone's unique from that standpoint, since Jim's not here, will say very unique because I know how much he enjoys that when he hears it on the radio.

But it is a unique experience each time. We better get to our first clip. So, Rodney, you have the first clip.

And so if you would tell us a little bit about that and then we can play it. Yeah, I was looking for a sister clip with this, but this is all I could get on this is WKRP in Cincinnati. And Les Nessman, the news guy at WKRP, he always wants walls up so he can have his own office.

And if you ever see WKRP, you know what we're talking about. For those of you that haven't seen it, but Les is a very peculiar guy and wants to have his walls and his doors and all the respect for being the director of the news for this radio station. And Herb, he just walks right through the lines that he's got on the floor because there's a solid yellow line that's supposed to be the walls.

And there's a dashed line that's supposed to be the door. And he wants people to use the door and have respect. So what you're going to have in this exchange is people reiterating stuff because they're like pretending like they're opening and closing the door to appease Les and do those kinds of things because Les wants walls up and have his separation.

So let's just play that and I'll explain later. Say Les. Sorry? Knock, knock, knock. Come in. I just wanted to congratulate you on that pig thing.

Thank you. You don't seem too excited about it. Herb, would you like to go to the awards banquet with me? I don't go out with guys, Les.

Kind of a little rule with me. What's that supposed to mean? Nothing, except that I already have something to do tomorrow night.

Herb! For Pete's sake. Nothing, except that I already have plans for tomorrow night. How's that? Look, I went to the trouble of putting these lines here to indicate the walls of the private office a news director should have.

I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to observe them. What's wrong with him? I don't know, Herb. Boy, guy gets a grey hog award and he suddenly gets snooty on us.

Herb! It's alright, he can't hear us, his door's closed. And he has no door, physically. What happens in this show is that people start getting on each other's nerves. And they're trying to, you know, fight through this a little bit, but it just keeps building and building and everybody's just at one another's throats for all these different things. And finally, the station manager kind of comes back to the figure of less wanting walls. And that's kind of the thing that triggers Andy, the station manager, to come in and say, No, we don't need to keep building walls between us.

We need to break down the walls that are already there in these relationships and, you know, have relationship with one another. And I went to this clip and was looking for that specific one because what had happened, it started at the first boot camp and it's continued ever since. Is that when I saw these men stand up on that stage and do their talks, the biggest thing to me was their vulnerability and talking through things that I would have said, You know, boy, there's a lot of shame associated here. There's a lot of guilt or there's a lot of embarrassment or these things that you just don't talk about. And what kind of hit me was, man, these guys are messed up. And I'm like, all I could think was, Oh, I fit in here.

You know, I was just like, Oh, this is exactly, you guys have all these same stupid things that I've done or I've had going wrong with me. I've had in my life or my timeframe, and I want to put that behind me. And one of the biggest things is actually sharing what those are to actually be able to talk through it and come at it from a different standpoint than hiding it is to be open with it and say God's better than that. God's beyond that and look at him because he's the one that's going to bring the healing in.

And I could actually start living in the new creature instead of the old nature. That's great. That's great. Well, there is still time to come to the upcoming boot camp. There is time to register if you want to do that this weekend. That's really the latest you could probably do it is this weekend that we're in. And so, you know, you would go to masculine to register for the upcoming boot camp, which is just coming up again in a few days this next weekend.

Right. And so we want to make sure that you do that. If you're not sure whether you can afford to come, don't let that be a deterrent.

There's there's some scholarships available. You know, if you can help in any way that helps the ministry quite a bit. If you can't just reach out to one of us, just reach out to anyone that you like their voice a little bit better.

You can reach out to Danny and masculine journey, you know, that orgy any of our first names that masculine journey that orgy will get you to one of us. And we can help you get to that boot camp if that's where you feel like you need to be. And so we ask that you would you would do that. And we are looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming boot camp. Hopefully we'll have one coming up either this when you come to or the next one. We will have one coming up in the spring, but hopefully we'll see you this week. We'll talk with you after the break. What we have in our boot camp is something that makes you stronger and gives you the strength to go on your regular walk with God.

It's something that will make you be bigger than you were when you got there. The first one, I had no clue what I was walking into and then realizing that other people are in the same boat. And, you know, how open everybody was to share their struggle is a great group and a lot of contacting with that could be done. It is a tight bond of men, everybody's the same. And each and every time that I've come to boot camp, I've learned something different. And not one man has ever been there neglect not to take time out to talk or to share. It's serious business and you need to come one time to break free with the men and fellowship.

Feel the atmosphere, hear the people pray and get down to earth about what's going on in life and get real. Register today at Welcome back to Masculine Journey and that is Jason Gray in a song that is called Remind Me Who I Am. I'm sorry. You got to remember. You got to be reminded.

Yeah, remind me who I am. It's right there in the lyrics. But it's actually, there's a lot of great boot camp songs and I actually picked this one for the bump in because it was, I did not see this to be quite honest. I didn't see it for the first time at a boot camp.

Back in the history of Masculine Journey, there was a time that we were able to have a women's team and we were doing some women's camps, which we're not doing currently. We were able to do that and that's where I actually saw the video for the first time. They played it at the women's event on one of those and it just fits so well with a lot of what we do, you know, especially as you're talking about the topic of identity. Because that's what the enemy comes after and that's what Jason Gray, in that video, it's an amazing video. Go watch it on YouTube. Go watch it.

Yeah, YouTube would probably be the best. But Jason Gray, Remind Me Who I Am. And it's just got a great message to it because the world screams other names at us. Right?

But we only have one name in God's eyes and that's son or daughter. That's beloved. I am your beloved.

You know, I'm his beloved. Right? And that's our identity at the core.

That's who we are. And when we lose sight of anything other than that, the enemy has a foothold on us. Right? And it's so hard to hold on to. You'd think it would be easy to hold on to. But guys, is it easy to hold on to on a daily basis?

No. No, it's not. You know, you'd think it is as much as we're in this message, as much as we talk about it. It's still, that's some of the biggest effort in the day is just holding on to that. Just holding on to the truth that we've been given and the nuggets that we've been given. You know, it makes me really understand, you know, why the people, God's people would stop and build monuments to remind them. Because not only are we forgetful people, right, but the enemy's good at stripping us from those memories. He's really good at going in and co-authoring and distorting things.

Did God really say? Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

He started in the garden and he continues to do that trick today. And so it's such a great song and it always reminds me of boot camp and puts me in a great mood. And so that's why I chose to use it. But anyway, Art, you were going to tell us a boot camp story before we went to break. And so we have just been sitting here waiting, you know, excitedly for your boot camp story.

Dun, dun, dun. Okay, well, I did visit the boot camp last year. And Sam, you said I could talk about my dog every week. So I've got a dog story.

Okay. Yeah, I let my dog out of the truck to go and meet Danny. And they liked each other. My dog was wagging her nonexistent tail and just happy to see Danny. And she ran off and back to the truck and she got her squeaky ball and brought it out to Danny. And Danny held out his hand to take the ball and she growled at him.

She said, yes, she did. She said, yeah, that's my I'm just going to show it to you. You can't have it. I just want you to see it. I'm a German Shepherd.

I'm not going to give it to you, but you can see it. So that was my boot camp story. And, you know, we do have a good time and have fun at the boot camps. And I was just going to say, you know, my dogs, they're part of God's creation. And they helped me spread a little joy and cheer most days of the week. A couple of days ago, I was sitting at a stop sign at an intersection waiting for a car to pass in front of me and then go by me. And this person in the car was looking and smiling at me.

And I was like, I don't know who this is. I kind of gave him a half nod. He had nod and then they started pointing at my dog, Bella. She was sitting in the passenger seat with a big yellow squeaky ball in her mouth, looking all around.

And they were just just happy to see her. That's that's that's about all I had to say. OK, so we'll look forward to your next boot camp story that you'll have. And so that'll involve being in a session. Which you've already done.

You've already done. So, Danny, we're actually off to to your turn for a clip. Yeah, that was that was my context of instead of Bella at the ball is Bella with the ball. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She you don't get the ball from Bella. Ironically, though, she left it when she left. She did. Yeah.

I was scared to bring it up because it scared. She's coming back. She's a sweet dog.

She really is. My clip is ironically from the Andy Griffith Show. No. Yeah.

I know it's a deep well there. But anyway, the the episode is opening the bully. And during this episode, only Opie's being bullied on the corner by kids from school and taking his milk money nickel every morning. And so just to set it up a little bit, him and Andy have conversations and Opie's kind of the kid going, you know, I got this friend or, you know, he's he's trying to get information without the shame of knowing he's being bullied. And Andy pours into him.

And we talk a lot of boot camp about masculinity being bestowed. And so Andy's pouring into his son, the father, son stuff. And basically tells him a story about him being bullied and him standing up to the bully. And because he's worried about getting a knuckle sandwich, he tells him that, you know, it isn't even hurt. You know what he what he was, in essence, telling him was my worst fear came true and it wasn't nearly as scary and as painful as I thought it was going to be. And so Opie takes this information and the clip you're going to hear is where he stands up to the bully. And he he finds out that his father truly poured in wisdom to him.

And his mother father told him was right. You play the clip. We'll talk about it. Come on, Opie.

Hand it over. We're going to be late for school. Are you? I hope he was telling me the truth, Paul.

Opie, Opie, son, you all right? Yeah, Paul. It sure is. Tell the truth. Now, Barney, did you ever see a prettier one in all your boring days?

No, Andy, I ain't never seen a prettier one in all my boring days. You were right. I didn't even feel it. You didn't?

No. And you know what else, Barney? What? I laughed. Did you? Just like you, Paul. I laughed and sailed into him like a windmill in a tornado.

Sounds like you ain't stopped blowing either. Yeah. And here's your nickel, Barney. Oh, thanks, Opie. And here's yours, Paul. Why, thank you, son.

You're welcome. Want to know something, Paul? What?

A sandwich sure tastes better with milk. What you didn't, what you couldn't see was he had a shot or a black eye, and he was so proud of the thing. And the rest of the episode is more about his black eye than it is being bullied. But the, you know, as a kid who was bullied and anything. But the point was somewhere between the wound talk and the father or the sonship talk in my first boot camp. You know, I discovered some things about my own dad that, you know, we talk about the father wound a lot and we talk about things. And there are things that the enemy had lied to me about, and God just kind of peeled back several layers on that first boot camp I was at with those talks. And I realized my dad had poured into me a lot, but it was a lot more in actions than it was words. Now, you know, he shared lots of different wisdom with me, but, you know, he helped me through a lot of tough times. And I've been able to go back and revisit those things and get what I was supposed to get.

You know, so it's never too late. And every boot camp I go to, and Rodney mentioned it well, was that, you know, you go to diving into these talks, preparing for boot camp like I'm doing. And the stuff that comes out, I think you get to be the mirror beneficiary of it than anybody that will hear the talk. It's been my experience. Yeah, and it's weird how the things that God will have you share are typically things that you had told yourself you would never share with anybody.

Right? And you think, you know, when you're getting ready to do a talk that it's like, oh no, you know, I don't know what he's going to ask me to share. But that all goes away because he works on your heart. He works on you through the process. You know, and you get up there and you're speaking from a place a lot of times of healing, a place of growth for sure, a place of walking intimately with God through it. And there's nothing to be really scared about at that point because, you know, God's got your back.

It doesn't really matter what everybody else thinks because God's got your back. I thought you were going to say something. Robby, you looked at me. Harold, would you like to add something? I know we may not get your full story in, but would you like to add something before we go off of this show and into the next one? Well, a couple of things that impacted me was the poser talk, for one, because it caused me to see a person in the mirror that I didn't like. He was a person that was on the highway, was very unkind to other people, yelling, screaming, questioning their brain power or lack thereof. Me, me, me.

I'm just kidding. A lot of stuff like that. Plus, like many guys, he had lured me into pornography, which was a terrible, shameful place for me to be. And yet he exposed me to me. And so that was very important. The other talk that impacted me a lot was the new name because that teaches us that you need to be quiet and listen and let God fill in the space.

I didn't know that before then. It was just a one-way conversation, which is only half of what you really need. So those were two of the talks that I felt impacted me a lot. Well, good. Well, thank you for sharing, Harold. Anyone else want to add anything before we go out on this, the end of the show?

Anyone have anything they'd like to add? So when is our next Boot Camp, Rodney? That would be November 16th through the 19th. Right, which is this next week.

Wow. Yeah, so they should go register when, Robby? Now.

Now, exactly. In between this show and waiting to play the after hours. So there's going to be a little bit of time there, right?

Maybe not for you. You can sign, in case you didn't know, to start Thursday night so that you only have to take one day off of work Friday. That's right, take Friday off.

So you can come to Boot Camp about 3.30 on the 16th or even 5 o'clock. We'll have dinner, and then all you have to take off is one day of work. And then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we'll have a great time. And we're going to shoot each other with Airsoft. You're going to get to shoot with Gay.

They're real guns. And it prepares you for the holidays coming up. Yeah. That was one of the big things about the timing of this one, it really helps you out on what you have to go face with warfare and other things within the family. Absolutely. And there will be a great time of fishing, just lots of stuff, great camaraderie.

Anyway, great time with God. Go to to register right now. Go do it now. There's nothing, if you've got a free moment, go do it. We would love to see you there. We'll talk with you next week. Go love somebody well this week.
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