Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand-new show from the guys you know. I'm talking, of course, about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith, and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours.
In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life. Okay, this is it. You've already parked, and they see you standing outside. There's no turning back now. Just breathe. It'll be okay. Oh, I should probably start walking, otherwise they'll think something's up. Oh, this is gonna be a nightmare. Being around a whole bunch of people I don't know.
Some I do, but still. Then they're gonna ask me about my story and my life. Since we don't know each other, they're gonna want to tell me about their life, and it's gonna be this whole big thing.
Why did I say it's a coming year? Okay, just breathe, man. Just breathe. Hey, maybe it won't be so bad.
I'll talk, and they'll talk. We'll have a few laughs, yeah. Yeah, it'll go by quick.
I hope it goes by quick. I've heard the guys from The Masculine Journey talking about this for weeks now that it's here. Oh, I'm not sure I'm ready.
I'm not ready for Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, I should've listened to them. I should've went to the boot camp. So why specifically, Robby, are we talking about a boot camp this week on the radio show? Because if I'm not mistaken, it's boot camp Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, like next Thursday night. It starts. It does. And we're hoping that you will join us.
Absolutely. We would love to have you there. If you need any information at all, reach out to one of us. Just say rodney at masculinejourney.org. Reach out to him or Robby or any of us if you want to ask a question or want more information, we'd be happy to help you figure out how to get you there, anything you might need. We can tell you everything you need to bring. Really, it's you, a few other things, and just your heart.
God will do everything else, right? So Danny, what specifically is the topic for the show that we're talking about today? This is a rebooted boot camp topic about specific talks or moments of boot camp that have impacted our lives. And, you know, as we stated in earlier show that all of us, anybody who's been to multiple boot camps, you know, it could be any of the talks or all of the talks. And so, but we're just pulling out moments and clips and revisiting those.
Well, thank you, Robby. You actually have the first clip of the this show. So if you want to tell us about your clip or however you want to do it. Well, yeah, I do. Okay.
So it's a totally new clip that we've never used before because it's a new movie that just came out this fall. So you're trying it out. I am.
I am. It's actually my big fat Greek wedding three. So, you know, something a little unusual, but. Now, Robby's not been married three times. That's not what we're saying. It's the movie's my back. Not three times to big fat Greek women. So from the guys on Masculine Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network.
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