Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand-new show from the guys you know.
I'm talking, of course, about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith, and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.
Greetings and salutations, joyriders. This week, the guys are fresh off of their entrenchment, and they discuss what an entrenchment is. So this week's clip features our very own Rodney Smoobs giving us a brief and succinct wink-wink answer to what an entrenchment is.
An event in your own church where you can get to know the heart of God. Rodney, what is your answer? What is an entrenchment?
Aha. So where I ended up going with Jeopardy and entrenchment is you've got people that are given an answer and they've got to come up with a question. So how often do we walk through life words? It's the exegesis, isegesis thing. I've already got an answer in my heart, and I've already got an answer in my head, and I already know what the answer is. I'm just looking for the question to go into it and say, oh, that's what it means not by what it says but by what I think it does, and it's going to give me my truth, right?
I'm looking for the Bible to feed me something that I already know and I want out of this. I got a paradigm, as Robby was saying. I've got a worldview. I've got an expectation of, well, this is what it's like to be a man. This is what it's like to go into spiritual warfare as a man.
This is what it's like to rescue a beauty as a man, adventure, all the different things that we talk about. So when you go in, you've got some preconceived notions. Some of us come into an entrenchment and we will be, this is what I'm expecting to happen. Some of us come in with, well, I don't have a lot of expectations.
Let's just see what happens. But when you're going into that with this mindset of typically I think I know things about me, I think I know things about God's heart, and what's going to happen with all that, it's going to get challenged. When you come to an entrenchment, you're doing it with a band of hopefully brothers in Christ, right?
But what we're trying to present is to become more than a bunch of guys who know each other and, yes, we're brothers. But it's what did you go through this week? What did you go through last year?
What did you go through this past 10 years in your whole life? What are those things that are deep in your soul that you really haven't told anybody else? When you start forming that band of brothers that I've never shared this with anybody else, but I trust your heart because you've trusted me with your heart.
Now I can trust you with my heart. And that's really where a lot of this goes is that vulnerability. It's making some little small shifts to where over time with your brothers that you're going to come to a whole other place.
But this is either where a seed's planted, or maybe something's watered where you've done a little bit this before. Maybe you've been hurt in that. That's one of the big things you see people, I've shared before, and I was hurt. Well, we're trying to really foster an environment where you can be vulnerable, you can open up, and others are going to open up with you, and you can walk through those with God as the main source of contact.
And we know how God loves to work through others. And that's where this whole band of brothers working in and through some prompts from some topics can often kick out something in your heart, especially when you start talking about deeper things like, I pose and I pretend like I'm somebody I'm not, your identity, it talks to that. Then your wounds from all these things that have happened in the past, and those attack and attack and attack on identity that Satan, the world, and other people will put on you that it's hard to just shake off by yourself. And that's where the biggest thing happens here is you really have to, again, the concept still is die to yourself. You have to understand you're there before you can die to yourself. So that's what we try to expose and then bring God in as the Savior that He is in the times when we go out and are what we call the covenant of silence, and it's just you and God, forget about everybody else.
And that's where you really get your healing and restoration. So, wow, you said a lot. Let me see if I can … Well, I thought that's what you wanted. I wanted to. So from the guys on Masculine Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network.
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