The following is a pre-recorded program. The brand new book by best-selling author Jonathan Cahn, The Dragon's Prophecy, Israel, The Dark Resurrection, and The End of Days. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown.
Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks, friends, for joining us on The Line of Fire broadcast. My good friend Jonathan Cahn is always kind enough to reach out and say, Mike, I've got a new book coming out.
Let's schedule an interview and to give me priority to get one of the best dates. The book has just come out automatically already a best seller on Amazon and elsewhere. It is entitled The Dragon's Prophecy, Israel, The Dark Resurrection, and The End of Days. Before we get into the content of this book with Jonathan, I want him to go back to the beginning. He was a Messianic Jewish leader with a congregation in New Jersey, which he still has.
He would teach at Messianic Jewish conferences and his sessions were always super well attended. But he was not known nationally and had not yet written the book. He had written the manuscript for The Harbinger and something unusual happened.
Hey, Jonathan, so glad you're with us on The Line of Fire. Tell us the story of this unusual prophecy by a man named Ubi Sin. Yeah, I had just finished writing The Harbinger. I had never written a book in my life. I knew it was the Lord, but I had no idea how this would happen. And people told me, well, you have to kind of brand yourself because people don't know you, you know, outside the Messianic movement and all that.
I said, I'm not doing anything. But that week I was scheduled to go to Promise Keepers in Dallas and the plane stopped in Charlotte Airport. And it was early in the morning, probably like five o'clock. And I felt real grieved about people telling me how you get a book published. And I just didn't feel feel right.
And I I bowed my head and I said, Lord, The Harbinger is yours. It's your word, not mine. You know how to get words out. You know how to do it.
You don't need agents and you don't need literary. You just you can do it. So do it, Lord.
I give it to you. I open my eyes and there's a man sitting to my left and he turns to me and he says, so what's the good word? And I said, God loves you. And he says, I know that, but what's the good word that I'm witnessing to him? I'm trying to get him saved. And he's trying to get me saved until we realize we both know the Lord. And then he says, Jonathan, you have written a book. This book is of God and God is going to spread it throughout the nation and the world.
You have been known, but it's nothing compared to what God will do. And he starts giving me a hundred bills and saying, God's going to multiply your reach a hundred times. And the thing is that that the the back story is the Super Bowl game where one of the big Super Bowls or catches, it was one of the most famous catches called the helmet catch, a guy named David Tyree, who's a believer. And as he was going into the game, he's always praying, Lord, I want to be used to spread your gospel.
That's what I want to do. He goes in and a man gives him a prophecy telling him that God's going to cause this thing to happen. It's going to put him into the news. He's going to use it, glorify God. It happens.
It was the helmet catch. He ends up writing a book, mentions the guy who gives him the prophecy. Well, the guy who gave him the prophecy is now the man who's sitting next to me at the airport. And because of that Super Bowl catch, it put Hubie, his name was Hubie Sin, put him in touch with Steve Strang, the president of Charisma. And so when this, it was a setup, when this meeting happened at the airport, he sends word to Steve Strang, the publisher. I get an email saying from Steve Strang saying, we heard what happened at the airport. We heard about this thing called the Harbinger.
We have no idea what it is, but we're interested. And that is how the Harbinger went forth to America, to the world, because it was the hand of God, totally. And Hubie said, when he first sat down next to me, it was just when I was praying that prayer. And he said, God said, you have to speak to this man. He said, no, Lord, I don't want to do it because he saw I looked Jewish. He said, I can't do it. He's going to kill me. He said, he said he was literally in pain until he opened his mouth and gave me that word. But that is how it happened, how God wove it all together.
Yeah. So, I mean, this is so remarkable and, and that's what got my attention, not just that it was it was instantly, first we got a New York Times bestseller, and it doesn't happen. I've written like going on 50 books now, and then you had to be a New York Times bestsellers. Your very first one, basically an unknown author, and you were praying that God would get it out.
You wouldn't have to do it the way of the flesh man's way. Hubie said, has no idea you've written a book. Nothing, but he's told me the story too. He says, Jewish guy, bearded guy thought, oh, I don't know if I could talk to you about the gospel. He has a word about it. And then he writes to Strang and tells him, this is going to be an international bestseller.
This is going to sell millions and millions of what he writes to him and tells him. So it was all birthed in a prophetic word. When people asked me what I thought about The Harbinger, I said, you can't deny that God got this book out. You know, just, of course you have to look at content, which I did with great interest, but you have to start there very supernatural and very encouraging that God has his way of getting a message out. Now you did an interview on Sid Roth, but I've done interviews on, plenty of people have done interviews on Sid Roth that does not produce in New York Times bestseller.
All right. So every book you've written after that providentially an audience has, has been raised up. They're super interested. Each book's been in New York Times bestseller. I fully expect this one will be, I'm holding it in my hands now, The Dragon's Prophecy. So how is this book different than everything you've written and what does this book reveal? Yeah, this is, as other books that I've written, it is opening up mysteries that are unfolding now, but I've never, in all this, I've never written a book totally opening up end time prophecy and Israel and end time prophecy. I've written things on Israel. I've written things that are certainly, are prophetic for the hour, but I've never, never kind of coalesce with it.
And so this is totally opening that realm up. And also at the same time, it's the only book I've ever written as I'm, as I'm writing it, things are literally happening as I'm writing it in the world that are linked to what I'm writing. And I had to keep on rewriting and rewriting and rewriting it because it just kept happening. And then when I finished it, it is still happening since.
And the other thing is, Mike, you know, I always get, I always get attacked. I mean, there's a spiritual warfare over every book. I won't go through it, but it's real dramatic. But this one was the most I've ever, I mean, it usually happens when it comes out, but this one, I have never seen such warfare to stop it. And so I have no, no question.
This is for the hour. And it's interesting too, because as I started writing it, I mean, I was literally, I was going to write another one. I was actually, I was going to be writing the, the sequel to the return of the gods. And I'm going to still write that, but the Lord interrupted and I literally saw a dragon.
You know, I was actually driving my children to school. I see a dragon in my, in my mind. And, and, and, and I knew that was from Revelation. And that was, I knew what the whole, the whole link was. And it's interesting because I started writing it in 2024. It turns out it's also the year of the dragon on top of it. And it's been a dramatic year. So I have no question.
This is for now. You know, Jonathan, because I'm your friend, your critics will sometimes attack me as well. And the criticism is that you try to find stuff in the Bible and then sensationalize it.
Of course, we've talked enough. I know how you fear God, and that would be the last thing on your mind. But you're saying, as you were seeing, well, the Bible is laying out certain things that are going to happen. Then they actually started happening.
So, so it's actually the reverse order that you were seeing it and then it happened. All right. What, what about the horrific acts of Hamas and October 7th? Do you get into that in your book? Yeah.
Yeah. Well, the thing is, and this links to what you just said, Mike, and that is that I was at Beth Israel, which is the congregation I lead in, in New Jersey. And I was sharing about a mystery from the Bible, a template, you know, really a pattern of God and that the mystery ordained when you take that, you take it forward, it ordained, there would be an attack on Israel on in, in 2023, on in October. It would happen on a Sabbath day. It would take Israel by surprise on a Saturday morning.
It would happen on a Hebrew holy day altogether. It would happen in, in 2023, October on the first Saturday, I shared that on a Friday night, the next morning it happened the next morning, literally it happened. And people who are there on Friday said, you were just talking about that. And this mystery, I mean, or this pattern, this template, since I wrote, since I finished the manuscript of the dragon's prophecy, literally three other things have happened in the world.
I, and I don't claim what's going to happen or not, except that it may enable us even to know certain things and when, but that's, that's how precise, how God is. And I see this over and over again. And that's an example of what you just said. And I'm not saying I knew all these things, but I shared this based on this template and then it happened. So you're saying anyone can, this is on record, Friday night, October 6th at your congregation in New Jersey, you shared that there was going to be an attack and you gave those details.
So this, this is on record and anyone can, can check that this happened. What was it scripturally, what pattern, what template gave you this insight? Yeah.
Yeah. I share, what I shared was the, the, what the Jubileion template, which I've talked to you and I've talked about that when I did the Oracle is also based on that, but that's what I shared that night about that Jubileion template of the 50 year template. And it, when I shared it, it was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war. And the Yom Kippur war is the, is when in 1973, it was really the great tragedy that happened. You know, they turned it around, but it shook Israel to this day. And that is, that is that when Israel was attacked on in October and it was attacked on a Sabbath day, was attacked, was attacked on a Hebrew holy day. It took Israel by surprise.
It was the first Saturday of October. When you take that to its Jubilee, its 50 year anniversary, it takes you to 2023. It takes you to, and again, I'm sharing this on the, the calendar anniversary, 50th anniversary of that, the Jubilee, while I'm talking about the Jubilee, it happens.
And then, and there's a whole, there's a whole bunch more in this, Michael, that, that is when you actually go to the exact day and even with leap years, it pinpoints that very day. And, and this links up, we haven't gotten into yet, but links up to some, another kind of principle of the enemy and the enemy actually desecrates and twists the, the, the works of God. And the Jubilee is a work of God that's actually linked to Israel's redemption.
And yet it was twisted to it, to destruction. Our friends, the book, the dragon's prophecy, literally hot off the press, Israel, the dark resurrection and the end of days. And, and obviously we, we're not date setting. There's, we're not saying Jesus is coming this particular day or date or sell your possessions and move to Israel, but what we're saying that, that things are not supposed to just take us completely unaware.
Jonathan, we just have a minute before the break. What are you hoping that readers will get out of the dragon's prophecy? Well, one that God is real. God is amazing. God is awesome. And that, and just like with others, you know, there are things that where people say, well, I, I'd be scared, but the many believers are saying, no, it's the, I, I, I'm, it gives me assurance and confidence. God is in control of everything, you know, and we are in a fight and we are in a war. That's an ancient war. Everything as the Bible said in what's happening in the world, all, you know, in Israel and the world, um, we need to fight. We need to be strong and we need to know that God is truly, really, it's not, it's not a gimmick.
He's on the throne and he is over everything. Yeah. Amen.
Amen. And that that's the overall takeaway, the awesomeness of God and his faith and listen, Satan is active, but will be conquered. What we'll talk about the devil. We'll talk about what the book of revelation says about it.
We'll be right back on the other side of the break. Your time's best-selling author and my good friend Jonathan Collin, the new book, the dragons prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection and the end of faith. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.
Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back to the line of fire and shout out of appreciation as always to our great co-sponsor TriVita.
Thanks for your generosity towards this broadcast and thanks for your great health supplements. I am speaking with my good friend, Jonathan Collin, New York Times bestselling author, his new book, the dragons prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection and the end of days. And Jonathan, I often say this to your critics who then become my critics as well and I'm sure some of my critics become your critics, that we've known each other all these years. We've known each other when we were each less known than we are now and certainly before you were a best-selling author, but you're the exact same guy you've always been. I mean not just the same outfit, that's the classic all-black outfit, but I mean our conversations are always the same and always in the fear of God and always talking about judgment and revival. And the one thing with all the discussions we've had, we don't see each other a lot, but when we do always have good fellowship. All the discussion we've had, you know one thing we've never ever discussed, not even a syllable, money.
It's never been the issue and it doesn't motivate either of us. What motivates us is the honor of God and salvation of our people. The book literally hot off the press just released one day ago, The Dragon's Prophecy, Israel the Dark Resurrection in the End of Days. What if someone says, Jonathan, Jews don't believe in a devil. Why are you talking about the devil?
Explain. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, it was said that, and I haven't researched this, but that a European king asked his minister, you know, give me one proof of God and he said the Jew. And of course the Jewish existence is a proof of God.
He said you are my witnesses on earth. And yet, but it's not only that, it's also proof of something else because Jewish history bears witness not only to God, but of the enemy, the devil, Satan. And the Bible very clearly says that there is a force of evil and it is personal and it is a twisted fallen being, an angelic being. In Hebrew, Hasatan or the opposer, the opponent, the adversary. And in Greek, Diabolos, the accuser, for which we get those words, devil. But it comes from the context of Israel. And, you know, the fact that the word Satan is actually a Hebrew word tells you something. If on one hand you have a being, the Bible clearly says that is opposed to all the purposes of God, it seeks to stop and thwart and destroy the purpose of God.
On the other hand, you have a nation or a people that are put in the world to accomplish the purpose of God, to birth the purpose of God, to bring the word, bring God into the world, to bring the kingdom into the world. You're going to have a war. You're going to have a clash. And, you know, the thing is that, and the result is what we call anti-Semitism.
The result is human history, Jewish history. And you cannot explain it. I mean, we were just quickly talking just before the program of another kind of manifestation of it.
It never dies. You know, and it's not natural. You know, it makes no sense. It's not, it's on one hand, you have the, you have, you know, the communists hated the Jews for being capitalists. The capitalists said they were communists and on and on and on. It's not bound by time, ancient times, medieval times. Now, what just happened October 7th, and then what happened around the world, that is just part of an ancient war that the Bible speaks of. And so the Jewish history is not, you know, you cannot explain Hitler rationally. You can't explain the Third Reich rationally and why this continue, it never dies. You know, anti-Semitism is a light sleeper because it is not natural. The first anti-Semite is an angel, is a fallen angel. And so Jewish history not only bears witness to God, but also of the enemy. And if anything, it shows how real evil is. And this is not an accident and we're in it right now.
Yeah. And you know, Jonathan, I gave lectures years ago, first at Yale University, then at Columbia University, at the invitation of some Christian groups there. And at Yale, we called it the diabolical nature of anti-Semitism. This is at Yale University. And I went through the phenomenon, phenomena of anti-Semitism, World War II history, then the explanations and showed that nothing worked. And the only rational explanation was the devil was behind it. This is at Yale. I fielded questions for like two hours and nobody had a better explanation.
Then a few years later, I did at Columbia and X-Files was a big TV show then. So, I called it the paranormal nature of anti-Semitism. But the only rational explanation is it's the devil.
You also ground this in Scripture. What does the book of Revelation tell us about this Satan, this devil, and how does it tie in with Israel there? Yeah, this is what I saw when I was in my car when I just saw that red dragon. I knew that the reference is Revelation 12, where it gives a vision of a dragon and it says, right, it identifies it as Satan, the enemy, the devil. And it is at war, the dragon is at war with a woman, you know, and there are those who have tried to interpret this as the church, but it's not. The woman gives birth to Messiah.
That's not the church. That's Israel. The woman has 12 stars and it's the same imagery from Genesis. The woman is Israel. And so, here in Revelation, and this is in the first century, is an image, is a vision of the enemy warring against this woman, Israel.
And it's interesting because it has words like in the Greek about hunting or persecuting. He persecuted the woman. What people are so joined to the word persecution as the Jewish people?
Well, it's right here. And this is before most of the satanic persecution that we've seen in human history. This is written in that time. The other thing is that it also says the word orgizo, which is the deep-seated anger or rage or the antipathy of the enemy against the Jewish people that continues to erupt and erupt and erupt and mutates, takes all different forms, but it's that same thing there. And the interesting thing about with Revelation 12, the focus, it spans 2,000 years at least, the focus is the first century when the woman gives birth and the child ascends, Messiah.
And then the last part or the majority is the end times, just linked to the end. So, both times are linked together that Israel was in the world. So, Israel being in the world or coming back in the world is going to trigger this, intensify this, and that is what we're seeing in the world. And from anti-Semitism, it has become focused on anti-Israel, but it's the same rage of the dragon. Yeah. So, what happens now is that Israel becomes the manifestation, the open manifestation of God's work in the earth.
And that's why the target, the hostility, and the arrows that were just shot about the Jews in general, now it's the demonizing of Israel's people, the delegitimizing of Israel. And Jonathan, you've even addressed UN and Congress on some of these issues, haven't you? Yeah. Well, I was asked to speak at the UN and it was actually on persecution and other things.
And I have spoken on Capitol Hill about anti-Semitism as well, you know, and that's one of our, I think it's one of the things we're called to do, you know, because this, and every believer is also linked to these issues as well. Yeah. It's inescapable. All right. We may have to pick this up on the other side of the break.
We've got two minutes before the break. And by the way, I've got 27 questions to ask. I've only asked some of them, which means get the book, read the rest of the Dragon's Prophecy. What is the secret of the Sea Peoples?
I've read about the Sea Peoples. I know biblical history. What's that got to do with today?
And you, and of course, and you know all of what I'm going to be sharing, except maybe putting in a certain way. Exactly. That is this, you know, if you take away the veil and you're looking at the spiritual realm, the enemy is an imitator. He, an imitator, he imitates the works of God. So God has risen up an ancient nation, the ancient nation of Israel.
It's a resurrection from ancient times. So what would we expect the enemy to do? He would imitate that. He would, he would resurrect an ancient people to combat the resurrection of Israel and what people, well, he's an enemy, it would be an enemy resurrection. The ancient enemies of Israel were the Philistines and they were the arch enemies, continuous enemies.
And so could he do that? Well, he has, and it's not about the people. We pray, I know you and we pray for all people. They don't know what they're doing, but the word Palestinian literally means the Philistines. And in fact, in Arabic, they don't say Palestinian, they say Philistine or Philistini. And the amazing thing is that as Israel was resurrected, it was at that same time that this, this Philistine resurrection happened. I mean, and the word Philistine in Arabic started spreading as Israel was being resurrected. And in fact, the, you know, what we call ancient Philistia, or, you know, is where the Philistines dwelt or pilashet actually is the Gaza strip. The Gaza strip actually was a resurrection at the time of Israel's resurrection. And so this, when you put, when you put this together, you can't unsee it.
It is everything. It's kind of like a people who are being conformed into the image of the ancient enemies to delegitimize, to claim Israel and to do exactly what the Philistines did. And that, that will actually open up what happened beyond October 7th and to this day. All right, friends, we will be right back speaking with Jonathan Cohen, brand new book, hot off the press, The Dragon's Prophecy. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.
Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. You know, when, when I do interviews with, with Jonathan, sometimes I've been able to get into the book contents in advance. Sometimes I know the general subject and then have the questions, but always during the interview, it's like, I, I got to read this. I'm telling you about the book.
Think about it. I've got to, I got to dig in. There are a bunch of things I'm eager to dig in and get more, more because Jonathan can only just give us the gist of it here.
And I so appreciate Jonathan will reach out to me a few months before his book comes out to try to get us an interview on the day it's released or the day after so that we can, we can share it with you when it's hot off the press. So for those who may not be familiar, the name Palestine was given to what have been ancient Judea by the Romans after Hadrian's destruction of Bar Kokhba revolt. So like 135 AD. And previously the term would be used by the historian Herodotus to talk about certain part of the land. And that's where the Philistines dwelt. So on that, on that West Southern coast of Israel, and they're the constant enemies.
Remember in the days of Saul and Samuel and David subdues them, but then constant enemies and they'd come from, from elsewhere. So Hadrian wanting to distance the, the Jewish people from their land, gave it a name from their ancient enemies. So even though the people living there then were not descendants of the Philistines who'd probably disappeared as a people by then, it was the same name, the same name. So it is fascinating. I mean, the attacks from the, these ancient cities, Gaza, that's what they were named then. The five cities of the Philistines, the Gaza Strip. So you're saying it's, it's once again in a different form, but with an extraordinary irony of names, history repeating itself.
Yeah. When, when you look at what the enemy does, it's exactly that. Here, here you have the promised land, promised to Israel. And so he puts another name based on really the antithesis, you know, the enemy is a destroyer.
He's a, he's a, an opposer, he's a nullifier, an inverter. And so the name becomes the name, Palestine means the land of the Philistines. And it's almost like it was setting the stage for the, when the, when God is going to resurrect Israel, the enemy is going to erect or resurrect the, a Philistine or a people who are going to be conformed into their image. And it's really, as you said, it's the same place. You know, Gaza existed, but the Gaza Strip actually came into existence pretty much around 1948 when they thought as the Jewish people returned to Israel, the, the people called, who were called, the Palestinians, the Philistines will come to the place of the, of Philistia. And from that is going to come a lot of, a lot of evil for Israel.
Yeah. What's interesting is when Egypt had control of it, after the independence of Israel, that Egypt really didn't do anything with the Gaza Strip. It didn't become part of Egypt.
It just remained its, its own thing and still remains. Again, as, as you said, we pray for all people and we grieve over the death of a Palestinian baby, just like the death of an Israeli baby. Yes. Yet we know Satan is at work.
We know that the things that inspire terrorists and rapists and mass murderers are, are satanic inspirations. You talk about the, the city of Gaza specifically. Is there more you can tell us about that? Yeah. Yeah.
Interesting. One of the things that, that when you look at the prophets and it's like, everything's replaying when you look at the prophets and you see what they say about Gaza and one of the, you know, Gaza is condemned. And one of the things that's condemned for actually major is for taking Israel, Israelites captive to Gaza. And so here you have a replay of this, you know, and you know, with, with October 7th. And not only that, but you know, we, we, we grew up with a story of Samson and, and interesting when you look at that, when you look at the, the, the components of it, Samson's an Israelite. He has taken, he is actually mutilated, taken to Gaza and in Gaza, he is, he is put on display.
Think of October 7th. It says they had a day of joy, a festival, you know, celebrate mocking Samson. And then, you know, at the same time, we know that Samson, you know, pushed down the temple of Dagon and it says three, about 3000 Philistines were struck down. Well, interesting on October 7th, you know, you have these replays, but also it's interesting because the word in the account, when they did that to Samson is the word Simcha.
Actually it says a day of their Simcha. Well, it, well, now you have Gazans, people from Gaza and who call themselves Philistines who now invade Israel and on the day called Simchatov or the day of Israel's festival. And you know, the, the, how many Gazans actually were, how many, how many invaded on October 7th, the IDF said it was about 3000.
Well, in the account of Samson, it says how many Philistines Gazans were struck about 3000. It's a replay of an ancient mystery. Yeah.
You know, you know, what's happened sometimes when we're doing an interview, I'll, I'll make a note to myself. I got to look up that scripture he just referenced. Cause I never noticed that's like, yeah, all right. He did his homework. He got that right. Had the Hebrew, right.
The Greek, right. And yes, I mean, I'm familiar with all these accounts, but who in the world put them together? And that's the thing you're saying just strikes you as you're reading it. These things jump out like, wow, a pattern history repeating itself. I read on a recent broadcast, I read Psalm 83 and it's, you know, the nations say we're going to blot out Israel. And I said, is that past present future? And it's basically, yes, yes, yes. That it has a past reference. And then in a spiritual way, at least many others have tried to wipe out Israel. And then in the final way, the final attempt to do that very thing. All right.
Let's, let's dig a little deeper. The name Hamas in Arabic is an acronym and it stands for the Islamic resistance movement. But it it's also equivalent the same word, the same pronunciation, same word is found in Hebrew. Do you address that? Yeah.
Yeah. Hamas is, yeah. What is an Arabic word? It's an acronym, an Arabic word fervor as well. And it is, but in Hebrew, it is a Hebrew word that means evil, death, and destruction. And so the amazing fascinating thing is that it appears in the Bible.
And of course, you know, when you take it from the, it's in it because God weaves everything together and he knows every event that's going to happen. It has its original context, but it's amazing because when you read it, it says things like Lord saved me from the man of Hamas. It says that, that, that Hamas fills the city and bloodshed fills the land. Or in Ezekiel, Hamas has risen up as a rod of evil in the land. It says that as we know, Hamas is, you know, hides in the tunnels. It says Hamas dwells in the place of the dark places of the earth. And then, you know, there's one point where it actually says rid Hamas of the land, you know, and, and when you get to the messianic promise, the promise of Messiah's kingdom, one of the promises there, it says, and Hamas shall no longer be heard in your land. So it's amazing. So yeah, it's violence, it's death, destruction, but God knows every word.
Yeah. So, so again, friends, the Hebrew word Hamas pronounced would be the same pronunciation as the Arabic means violence. And it's, it's, you know, Isaiah 53, the messianic prophecy, he did know Hamas, committed no Hamas.
And then the Arabic word equivalent meaning fervor, zeal, and then it's an acronym in Arabic for the Islamic resistance movement. And yet, as an Israeli, you're reading it every time you see Hamas, like, Oh my, just kind of jumping off the pages. And, and especially when it's, it's, it did what it did. It's unprecedented the Israel's security failure on October 7th. So, I mean, it's a series of worst case scenarios on every front for this to happen, the brutality of it. You know, we've, I'm sure you've seen the 47 minutes footage prepared by the IDF, the actual footage showing about one 10th of those who were murdered that day. I went to the Nova music festival site back in June with one of my colleagues and I mean, it's devastating.
All you do is cry when you get there, all the hundreds of people killed, taken hostage, and then over to another lot where all the cars that were burnt and bullet ridden, very, very overwhelming to see and experience that. But this is, this is what Hamas did. And if you're reading the Hebrew Bible, this is, this is going to jump out at you, but Jonathan, is it true that, that you believe that in some way Adolf Hitler had a part in October 7th? Yes. Yes. And, and more, uh, yeah. The, the, you know, the, the, this is a war. Remember from the, a dragon, this is an ancient thing.
This is not, and it's not one person is used. Then they, they pass away and another rises up and the torch has passed and passed and passed. Well, there was a man named called the Mufti of Jerusalem, and he was an, he hated the Jewish people. Um, and he was responsible for Jewish bloodshed. He ended, he was a fan of Adolf Hitler, ends up going to Berlin. He works for Adolf Hitler. He, he broadcasts on radio Berlin to the Arab world, infects the Arab world, uh, with, with really a Nazi oriented anti-Semitism, not just radical Islam and joins together. And he ends up coming back to, uh, Egypt.
He was going to be tried maybe at possibly at Nuremberg. He escapes, comes back to Egypt. Um, and he becomes, he's called the father of Palestinian nationalism. He literally was an employee of Adolf Hitler. And he, you know, they, the works of Hitler were translated into the Arab world.
And he, he finds it, he comes across, uh, an Egyptian teenager that he disciples and his name is Yasser Arafat. He literally, he literally brought in Nazis to train the newborn PLO and the whole, the whole, the whole movement. Um, not only that, but Adolf Hitler was a sponsor of another organization that he trained them. He gave, they gave them, um, you know, funding, you know, it was the Muslim brotherhood, the Muslim brotherhood in turn gave birth to Hamas. And so, and actually when, when you read the original charter of Hamas, it's literally, it's Adolf Hitler's words. I mean, and they actually translated Mein Kampf to the Arab world. Um, and not only that, but you know, when you, when you take this forward, even, you know, listen, Osama bin Laden is from the Muslim, it's a, it's an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood. Even 9-11 is linked to this.
So evil continues on, and this is the dragon's war that does not sleep at continues on. Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me say one more thing.
Let me just throw one more thing. I just like one of the, one of the people, the one who was in charge of the Holocaust was of course Heinrich Himmler under Hitler. And it's interesting note, you know, that Heinrich Himmler was, was positioned over the occupied territories, which enabled him to do the Holocaust on a, on a date of October 7th. Also Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7th. And when you look at October 7th, you see the, you see the echoes of the Holocaust as well.
It's not an accident. And friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini whose life I've studied over the years, was responsible for the first intifada, the, the attacks on Jews in Hebron. We're going back to the 1920s. Famous pictures of, of him with meeting together with Hitler and, and some of the, the radical Muslims after World War II said, we want to finish what Hitler started. So it's the same demonetization. And look up, go ahead and look up whether Haj Amin al-Husseini was a mentor of, of Yasser Arafat.
You know, it was just maybe about 10 years ago, the current Grand Mufti of Jerusalem made a statement quoting for the Quran or quoting from Hadith, Islamic tradition, that the end will come when, when the Muslims have destroyed the Jews. It's just a paraphrase of it. And there was not an outcry from the, the, the, the surrounding people saying, oh, that's terrible. That's terrible because this is, this is what's been built in so deeply. All right.
We've got one more segment with my guest, Jonathan Cahn. The book, the dragons prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection and the end of days of when the books are written, they become instant bestsellers. But, but here's the deal friends.
You can only go on reputation so long. In other words, your best-selling author, when people buy your next book, it disappoints. That's the end of being a best-selling author. So there's been a lot of grace on my friend, Jonathan, the passion fires there. And what's amazing is he'll do these interviews back to back to back to back with the same passion and enthusiasm because this message burns in his heart. So the title again, the dragons prophecy, and I can't wait to dig deeper. Honestly, I'm telling the truth. I can't wait for us to dig deeper and get into some of the details. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.
Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back friends to the line of fire. Our frontline newsletter for September is going to focus on Israel, the great testimonies from Israel.
If you're not getting it, it's free, it's digital, it comes out monthly, it's beautifully produced. Go to, and click subscribe. All right, we're going to jump ahead. There are so many questions to get into.
Jonathan and I just comparing notes during the break. Let's start with this. The prophet Ezekiel foretells an end time invasion of Israel. It does say people dwelling securely on walled villages.
It's not the current situation. Book of Revelation seems to place it in one place. Ezekiel seems to place it a little differently, you know, as they're coming from different angles. What does this have to do with the dragon's prophecy? Yeah, one thing is that, I mean, yeah, as you're saying, to place that prophecy, it's clearly of what Israel has come back from all nations.
And as you said, this points to somewhere, we're talking an end time event and maybe the next great or gigantic end time event. But interesting because, you know, Ezekiel gives names which match up with areas and can be with peoples. And the interesting thing is if you go with where they are, you know, just about every one of them is an enemy of Israel in some form. But the interesting thing, what I saw is that, you know, it says they're all going to be part of this invasion of Israel.
That is yet to come. But for the things when I looked, each one of them that you can identify actually had a part in October 7th for an invasion of Israel. Each one, whether it's Sudan, whether it's Turkey, whether it's Iran, armed Hamas, you trained Hamas or smuggled that in. So, for the first time that I can see ever, they all, they crossed a line that they all actually had a part in an invasion of Israel. And the other thing is, you know, one of them, of course, Iran, and this goes back to one of the mysteries I open up is called the sarparas. And that is in Daniel when it speaks of an entity or a demonic being that is there to oppose the purposes of God concerning Israel, and particularly the end time purposes. And sarparas, for those who don't know, sar can mean ruler or lord or prince or general, and paras is Iran. So, just by that alone, the fact that, you know, here in the spiritual says there's a spiritual thing going on here, and yet you've got the nation that is the arch enemy of Israel today, it happens to be Iran, which is linked to this principality. And at the same time, the Bible speaks of something, a sar for Yisrael or a prince or a general of Israel, who is Michael.
So, you've got a warfare going on and also in the natural. And the other thing that happened, Michael, is that with, you know, at the same time, for the first time ever, you know, Ezekiel says that Iran is one of the nations or Persia that's going to attack Israel. Well, that's still to come, but for the first time ever, just in this last period, Iran crossed a line and directly attacked Israel for the first time, and Israel struck Iran directly. We're crossing prophetic lines at a very rapid rate. Yeah, and none of this would be happening if Israel was not back in the land.
Yes. And, you know, and people say, what's the significance? Well, everything's just kind of gone on steroids in terms of intensifying. Even the world harvest, even since World War II and beyond, the world harvest, people coming to faith, more Muslims saved in this time than probably the previous 1400 years. So, God's at work.
Be encouraged. As we see Satan raging, it means that God is working even more powerfully. So, one of the things that struck as quite ironic to many people was the president of Iran.
We grieve if he's a lost soul without the Lord, but dies in a freak helicopter crash. Yes. Do you get into that in your book?
Yeah, yeah. You know, it's interesting because, you know, here's the president of Iran. He's the first president of Iran who oversaw an actual strike on Israel.
And, you know, interesting, his name is Ebrahim Raisi, named after Abraham, the father of the Jewish people. And also where there's a covenant, in Abraham a covenant, what you do to Israel comes back. If you bless, you're blessed.
If you curse, you curse. You know, the Bible says that Israel is the apple of God's eye. You touch the apple of God's eye, it's a dangerous thing. He touched the apple of God's eye when he sent those missiles in to Israel. And the thing is that it was about 30 days later, he struck down dead.
He made a vow in that same period of time. He threatened the annihilation of Israel. It became headlines, you know, which is, you know, actually it's a blasphemy. He said there'll be nothing left of it. Well, interesting, you know, because that weekend when he was, his life was going to end, in Israel and all around the world, there's an appointed word, the parasha, that they opened the scrolls. And it was about, it ends with the blasphemer, the one who has blasphemed shall be struck down. It says that, you know, in Ezekiel, I will bring you down, you know, you invaders of Israel, I'll bring you down against the mountains. You will fall on the mountains.
Of course, it's the mountains of Israel. But there's a pattern here. So Raisi was brought down.
He fell, his helicopter was brought down upon the mountains. Yeah. You think, well, there's a lot of coincidences. It is a whole lot of coincidences. It's just a whole lot of things like, and again, a lot of things just get our attention. And for those not familiar with Jonathan's writings, a lot of times you're just seeing patterns. As this happened then, it's kind of repeat now, or this is a foretelling or a harbinger of things to come. And that's, that's what gets our attention.
That's what's not date setting because it's patterns that we're looking at. All right, there's a lot of talk about the five red heifers. And, you know, I get asked about it a lot. I always downplay the, you know, I say, let's keep our eyes on Yeshua, not on the red cows. But obviously this is big talk these days. And you do discuss this about the Temple Mount, because there's tremendous talk in Israel about the Temple Mount. Going back to the 20s, when Hajime and Al-Usseini created uproar against Israel and Jews were butchered. They're trying to defile the Temple Mount. It's the same lie. And this is what was being said before October 7th. So tie this together for us.
Yeah, yeah. Well, if you take away the veil again, you know, and go to the spiritual realm, listen, the Temple Mount is like the ground zero of prophecy. That is where the Temple is to be built. That is where Messiahs reigns from. That is where the kingdom comes to. That's where in Revelation, there's a death, the abomination, there's a desecration, the Antichrist.
So this is like the center. And so what would we expect? We would expect the enemy, the dragon, to seek possession of that Mount and let no Jewish person come up and pray, let nothing even begin to be fulfilled on that mountain. And that's pretty much where you are today with the Temple Mount. But if anything happened to threaten that, all hell would break loose.
And actually people don't realize something did happen. It would happen on Passover of that year where there's the rumor that Jewish people are going to celebrate Passover on that mountain and all hell broke loose on that mountain. And Hamas actually issued a warning to Israel about that, that it was going to basically, it was going to come back. And when October 7th was the answer and it was kind of like the dragon's rage from the Temple Mount. And when that happened, you know, Hamas issued a statement and said basically it was because of the Temple Mount.
I mean, it's prophetic. And the thing is that actually, you know, the actual operation of October 7th was called the Operation Tufan Al-Aqsa Tufan. Al-Aqsa linked to the Temple Mount. And by the way, in Revelation, the dragon tries to flood away the woman.
A flood comes from his mouth. Tufan, the Operation October 7th, means the flood. So even, they even mentioned the red cows. They said the red cows coming up there.
Yeah, they did. They raised it. Yeah, so it is a spiritual thing.
And even, listen, 9-11, after 9-11, Osama bin Laden puts his own answer and he basically, almost word for word, says it was because of what they were going to do to the Temple Mount. This is the dragon. This is a massive, a prophetic war.
Yeah. And you know what's so fascinating? The Book of Revelation takes us behind the scenes, but in this apocalyptic imagery. And with, you know, the red dragon and with these beasts and unusual things. And then the Book of Daniel, not with all the imagery in the 10th chapter, talks about Michael wrestling with the Prince of Persia for three weeks trying to get the answer.
That's right. You know, and then Gabriel wrestling and then Michael comes and helps. And I mean, it seems bizarre, but this is what's really happening.
Ephesians 6 tells us about the spiritual warfare. What you're basically saying is the Bible gives us the picture. You want to see it fleshed out? This is what it looks like. This is what it looks like on the earth. This is the physical manifestation of what's happening in the spiritual realm. Alright, we've got two and a half minutes. I'm just going to jump and ask you, I've got 20 questions, but what's the mystery of the secret Israelis and how does it relate to the overcoming?
I'm glad you went there. One is that, you know, the Bible says that the dragon not only wars against the woman, but against the rest of her children. Who are they? Well, you know, the thing is that it says those who follow Messiah keep his ways. Well, if you are born again, you are linked to Israel and the dragon, the enemy is against you. And both wars are happening in the end times against God's people who follow Messiah and Israel physically. And the thing is that it's not only that you're a spiritual Israelite, you're a spiritual Israeli. The Israeli is a manifestation of the end times of what we are in the spiritual realm. And the Jewish people, you know, when they came back to Israel, they, you know, they weren't known as fighters so much beforehand. I mean, in ancient times, but they really weren't. Until they came, when they came back to Israel, they realized they had a fight.
And that says something. We are the spiritual Israelis. Those who are, no matter what you're born as, you are a spiritual Israeli. And as the Israelis had to become fighters in the physical, we have to become fighters in the spiritual realm. This is not a time to lay back.
It is not a time to be, to be complacent. We are to be radical. We are to stand against the darkness spiritually.
And, you know, it says it's in that very, that very vision of the dragon, Revelation 12, it says they overcame him, the dragon, by the blood of the lamb. And so we are to overcome. And we have to remember that we are never on the losing side, no matter what it looks like, we are to overcome. Listen, for all these years, the enemies try to wipe out the Jewish people, every, the great powers of the earth, but they're all gone. But Israel lives. And it's always going to live because God lives. And if you follow God, you're going to live.
You are on the winning side, fight the good fight, fight the dragon. Amen. Israel exists not because of Israel's faithfulness, but God's faithfulness.
And that gives us some ground to stand on. His faithfulness will manifest. He will finish what he started in us and among our Jewish people. Literally hot off the press, brand new book, instant bestseller, The Dragon's Prophecy, Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. And it ends, I don't know, the victory because Jesus, Yeshua is Lord and his purposes will come to pass by Jonathan Cahn. If you haven't read his other books, let this be the first, dive into the rest. Hey Jonathan, as always, thanks for making time and prioritizing our Line of Fire audience. May God use this book to touch money. Alright friends, we'll be back with you our next broadcast, thoroughly Jewish Thursday, right here on the Line of Fire.
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