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Rabbi Jesus

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 29, 2024 5:20 pm

Rabbi Jesus

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 29, 2024 5:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/29/24.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

So my little post about Rabbi Jesus created quite a stir. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host biblical scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity.

Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now here's your host Dr. Michael Brown. It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday. Michael Brown delighted to be with you for your Jewish-related questions. If you're a Jewish person curious about Jesus, Yeshua, Jewish person wants to give me a piece of your mind concerned about what's happening in Israel.

I think that Israel is committing genocide. If you've got a Jewish-related question 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. By the way, my friend and colleague Rabbi Shmuley is scheduled to debate Candace Owen on Piers Morgan uncensored tonight. So I shot him a note with some thoughts and suggestions and I imagine it's going to be pretty lively and pretty intense.

So may the truth triumph. Maybe we'll play some excerpts. I'm sure the smoke is going to be rising there. We'll play some excerpts next week.

But just want to alert you to that. Also we're sending out emails the next few days with some of the interviews I did in Israel. One at the site of the NOVA music festival massacre. It's just very very jarring obviously to be there. We try to give you a feel of the reality of what's happening there.

And then another we'll send out a few days after from the site of cars from October 7th. Just burnt to a crisp. Others bullet-ridden. So we want you to understand what's happening, the reality of it. This is what Satan is like. This is the type of stuff that he does. This is the ugliness of the venom that's in him. A murderer, a liar, a destroyer.

That is who he is. So we want to see the reality of that as we pray for all involved. Pray for mercy on the people of Gaza as well. So if you're not getting my emails make sure you sign up today. Go to and click subscribe. All right I posted something on August 22nd. So about a week ago for no particular reason. It's not like a major thing was going on. I just just had the thought and posted this on Facebook and on X, formerly Twitter.

It's pretty benign, pretty meat and potatoes basic. I thought there'd be some affirmation to it. I did not expect the response that it got for good reason and for bad reason. So this was this was the post.

A friendly reminder. Jesus was a rabbi, not a reverend. He was a Jew, not a Christian. His name was Yeshua and his mother's name was Miriam. He was called Christ because it's the Greek way of saying Messiah.

He's the savior of the world because he is Israel's Messiah. So I mean that's pretty basic. It's like saying in America Monday is the first day of the work week or Sunday is when Christians gather for worship. I mean it's pretty basic stuff. Baseball is a national sport. I mean just basic stuff but to my surprise, especially on X where I've only got like 60 something thousand followers on X so it's not some account with millions of people, not some giant account there but it got what almost 3,000 likes which is a lot for one of my posts but it had almost a thousand people wanting to weigh in and comment and many took issue with the statement.

Why? What's so controversial about this? Jesus was a rabbi, not a reverend. The term reverend is not even used for a Christian minister until maybe 1400 or 1500 years after the time of Jesus. So that's like saying George Washington was not an astronaut.

The concept of being an astronaut did not exist then but you're talking about the gap of like 1500 years and in the New Testament Jesus and John the Immerser, John the Baptist are both called rabbi. So that's there. That's in the that's there. That's in the New Testament. That's undeniable.

That's the first thing. The second thing, he was a Jew, not a Christian. What's controversial about that? He's born king of the Jews. He dies king of the Jews. His mission is first and foremost to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15, he's you know about going through Gentiles said hey I was I was called only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and then he sends out his disciples in Matthew 10 and while he was on the earth his mission was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. That's where it started to the Jew first lost to the Gentile.

That's where it started. So there's nothing controversial there to say that he was a Jew, not a Christian. No big deal there at all and the idea of Christian that did not exist either. The concept of Christian that term was not used and it was based on the Greek word Christos or Christos. The early folks didn't even know whether it was Christos or Christos because Christos means anointed one but outside of a Jewish context it really didn't have any meaning in Greek.

What does that even mean? People thought it was a name so they mockingly began to call the followers of Christ these Christies. You know that's Christian.

It was originally a derogatory name. First you have in Acts 11. It's only three times that the term occurs in the New Testament.

Acts 11, Acts 26, 1 Peter 4. But the fact of the matter is that is 10 to 15 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. So again just like George Washington was not part of the civil war it was many decades later Jesus wouldn't have been called a Christian or been thought of as a Christian because the term didn't even exist for 10 to 15 years until after his death and resurrection whereas he was born king of the Jews and died king of the Jews so he was a rabbi not a reverend. Nothing controversial.

Nothing. He was a Jew not a Christian. Nothing controversial there. Historically, ideologically, theologically. Then his name was Yeshua. His mother's name was Miriam. There is not even a j sound a j sound in in ancient Hebrew or Hebrew to this day. The j does not exist.

And in fact if you want to go into Greek the sh does not exist. So his original name Yeshua we have the name 27 times roughly 27 times in the Hebrew Bible that you have the name Yeshua and it's referring to about seven different people but that would have been how his name was pronounced Yeshua. There was an i at the end. So that was his name. His mother's name was Miriam Miriam in Hebrew and then that comes into Greek and then into Greek into Latin and then from Latin it could be another language it comes into German and then ultimately comes into English.

So there again there's nothing mysterious about that. My name Michael was originally Michael. So Michael as it goes to these different languages comes out the way it is. Why do you think it's pronounced differently than it's spelled? Who would think Michael is spelled m-i-c-h-a-e-l? How does that get Michael? How is c-h-a-k?

How does that even exist? Well because the name is originally Michael who was like God but then it more so and in in Spanish it's Miguel. It doesn't even resemble the Michael. In English we preserve the spelling but not pronunciation. Now it goes from Michael Spanish is Miguel but that's that's how it morphs from one language to another.

So again nothing controversial there. He was called Christ because it was the Greek way of saying Messiah. Contrary to the thought of some of my Jewish friends before they were saved they thought that Christ was the last name of Jesus. Jesus was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Well why not Jesus Christ? I'm Michael Brown. Jesus Christ.

I'm the son of of Abram and Rose Brown. He was the son of Joseph and Mary Christ. That's what a lot of Jewish people think.

No. Christ was a title. Christos is anointed one. That's the equivalent of Hebrew Mashiach anointed one from whence we get the name Messiah.

So I mean this is all just basic basic stuff. In fact if you want to really feel the Jewish context, how about this? I'm going to read you the Jewish New Testament translation. Jewish New Testament of Matthew chapter 10 verse 12. It's now the complete Jewish Bible. These are the names of the 12 emissaries or apostles.

Are you ready? This is more like what they would have sounded closer to what they would have sounded 2,000 years ago. These were Yeshua's disciples. Shimon, called Kepha and Andrew's brother. Yaakov, Ben-Zavdai and Yochanan, his brother. Philip and Bartolomai. Tooma and Matijahu, the tax collector, tax collector. Yaakov, Bartolomai and Taddai. Shimon the zealot and Yehuda from Creote who betrayed him.

I've read that on the air just as an example to kind of draw you. So Judas Iscariot is actually Yehuda from Creote from the village of Creote who betrayed him. That sounds like really Jewish. I'm used to like Saint Peter and Saint Paul and Saint Matthew and you know this sounds like really Jewish. Well it was.

This is a Jewish movement. And that leads to the last comment. I didn't read all the comments they're over. I said almost 900 maybe 900 by now.

880 when I looked last night. I did look at a bunch of them. And then Facebook where we've got a much larger following but it didn't arouse quite the same response there. But a lot of people pushed back. A lot of people had a problem with this. A lot of people struggled.

What's the struggle about? Well he's the Savior of the world because he's Israel's Messiah. That sounds what? Sounds accurate to me. That's why I wrote it.

Wait here. When he came into the world the angel Gabriel told Joseph you will call him Yeshua because he will save his people from their sins. That was his mission. Save his people from their sins. So he comes he opens up the eyes of his disciples after his death and resurrection and shows them hey it's all written about me. The Messiah had to do this in Luke 24. The Messiah had to suffer this and enter into glory. And then they preached him as Messiah. Acts 2 36 Peter preaches that all the house of Israel know with assurance that God has made this Yeshua this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Messiah.

Lord and Christ. Because the Messiah of Israel was called to bless the whole world. Because the Messiah of Israel was called to bring redemption to the whole world. He is the Savior of the world because he's Israel's Messiah.

If he failed to be Israel's Messiah he could not be the Savior of the world. Is it just too Jewish for people? Does it make them uncomfortable because it underscores the Jewish roots of the faith? Or that if if they ran into Jesus in the first century he would have looked more like a traditional Jew than like a Catholic priest or a Protestant pastor? Does that shouldn't trouble you? It's just historical reality. That's how God brought salvation.

John 4 22 Jesus said salvation is from the Jews. If it troubles you there's a problem there. Find out why. All right we're going to be right back with a special guest from the Netherlands.

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Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Shalom Shalom and welcome to Thoroughly Jewish Thursday. If you're watching you just saw someone sitting in studio that I haven't introduced yet. We are really just getting to know each other working on a massively important project we'll get to talk about here in the States.

This is Michael Brown. It is Thoroughly Jewish Thursday. If you have a Jewish related question you can call me at 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. I'm joined by a new friend and colleague Matthias van der Steen originally from the Netherlands now here in the States. He's pastored. He's led ministry schools. He's preached around the world. He's traveled in and out of countries. As a Christian like North Korea and was mentored and discipled by brother Andrew, God's smuggler.

Matthias, welcome to the Line of Fire. Thank you so much, Dr. Brown. Such an incredible honor to be here with you today.

It's a joy. I'm only finding out some of the bio history but the relationship, how do you connect to brother Andrew? When I was 14 years I was reading his book, God's Smuggler. Changed my life. That year I just met him through my family, my sister and married his oldest son.

He became a personal mentor and an incredible inspiration in my life. Wow, just amazing. So literally I've got to hear more.

That's absolutely thrilling. So you've been in many nations. You've been here a lot in Asia. What have you seen in Asia? Right now there's an incredible awakening happening in Asia. I just came back from Thailand but for 15 years we did a massive crusades in Myanmar, Burma.

What was a very restricted nations where Buddhist people could not worship the Lord without going to prison. Right now this nation is opening up on high levels. We see literally thousands of people. I can actually show you right now a video if I had time of whole villages for getting baptized. Last week 3,000 people got baptized in the middle part of Thailand. It's almost like the Lord is lifting up a veil and there's a momentum for the gospel to be preached. It's really incredible what's happening in Thailand right now.

What will flow into Laos, China, Burma and all these surrounding nations. And we've had we've had fire missionaries, our grads, part of our family in Thailand many many years and it's been hard soil and challenging and difficult. Amazing to hear people prayed fasted for generations. Okay and they do pray for Israel. So again just four weeks ago we had some revival meetings in every church we went the people were praying for Israel but not just pray the spirit of prayer came upon them. They were shaking and trembling under the power of the Holy Spirit when they were praying for Israel.

So that was I thought very significant to see. And I asked about the nations because I want to talk about Israel but to say you have a heart for the nations, your from your heart beats for Europe, you're European. And when I was in India my 29th trip in December they had first all the brothers surrounding me to pray for me representing Israel and then the sisters and it was unforgettable. The fervor of the prayer and the moment the sisters surrounded me they started to weep and wail.

It was like out of the bible the wailing women. So that burden hit and this is Christians around the world for my Jewish friends listening who don't believe in Jesus. Yeshua you look at church history and all that. This is what I've experienced with church history around the world. Christians with a supernatural burden to pray for Israel. What about your heart for Israel or even recent trips to Israel? Yeah and maybe I can quickly add on what I think was the most significant testimony when we were in North Korea several times to hear the testimonies of those Christians who are actually in the camps praying every day for Israel. So there is just I really do believe that there is a significant connection between North Korea and even Israel.

All right so you've been in as an open Christian. Yeah. You've been in and out of North Korea which is mind boggling. Yes. And you're saying in camps? Yes. In North Korea? Yes. Prison camps?

Yes. Where Christians are praying for Israel? Israel yes.

That's extraordinary. Yeah it's incredible like if you go back even to the history in the 1900s when there was a revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Pyongyang. Yeah they actually call it the East the revival of the East of Jerusalem. So it's like there is a connection you know and I actually I do believe that when the doors are opening more up you know in North Korea for the Gospel that the Jewish people will I think even more listening to the Christians in North Korea because they face so much trial and they face right now 70 years of yeah dictatorship. You know when I was in Korea the first time in 1990 in South Korea and then out of the way pizza place because that's all I wanted to eat the first night after getting there administering in the morning so the first full night there there we go into the pizza place and only two other people in there and they're Israelis to my complete child I mean I had five providential trips first five trips with meeting Israelis Orthodox Jews in Korea it was extraordinary but as I sat there I felt the Holy Spirit say to me I've raised up the Korean church yes to pray for Korea because no one prays like the Koreans yes to bless the nations but also to pray for Israel's salvation so what you're saying now is striking. Yeah even a couple of weeks ago we were in South Korea in Seoul at the big prayer gathering and four o'clock in the morning I mean we had like 11,000 people from Korea praying for Israel you know I mean I think there's so much prayer going on all around the world for Israel and I think that's very encouraging and recently I had a privilege to travel to to Israel and meeting the foreign minister of God what was I thought a very significant talk we had with him with 11 other leaders Christian leaders and one of the things he actually said what really struck my heart was that that the group of people he really trusts are the Christian leaders around the world he said actually you guys are our partners he said literally you have a great commission to fulfill but you have another great commission it's to tell the world about what's really happening in Israel and I think that's that's what we need to keep saying to the world pray for Israel there is a spirit of Amalek you know coming against Israel in a very strong way and so much Christians even are blinded and they're not aware of you know what's really happening in Israel and I think social media that's a third thing that the foreign minister got said in a private setting that the third war they're facing is social media there's so much disinformation going on about Israel so we need to voice this every day and and really raise up people to pray and intercede and stand with Israel based on the promises of the Lord and we just have about a minute and a half before the break and friends we'll take calls on the other side of the break so truth team only have a guest for a few minutes ready to take calls 866-348-7884 with your Jewish related question or comment but in this last minute how long has it been that Israel has been on your heart as a follower of Jesus who has a heart for the nations for all people how long has Israel been placed on your heart from God I'm 48 now and that really happened when I was 20 years old when I had a meeting with Derek Prince I became one of his first missionaries actually in Kosova and and hearing his heart in a revelation he received from the Lord for Israel that's really where my heart as a gentle really started to beat for Israel and and really voicing the message that we have to pray for Israel stand with Israel pray for Israel until Jesus comes back yeah and you know Derek Prince said it like this Israel's like the top button on the shirt and if you get it wrong all the other buttons are off so friends for me this goes hand in hand Mattias the heart for the nations heart for Israel it goes hand in hand and we know Romans 11 25 26 that it's the fullness of the gentiles coming in on the heels of that even as a result of that all Israel being saved so the climax of the ages is outpouring in the nations outpouring in Israel and just to hear about the prayer for Israel around the world it's incredibly encouraging join in friends wherever you are and make sure again if you get in my emails you're going to get the Frontline newsletter with a special Israel Focus in September if you're not getting it sign up now click subscribe we'll be right back hey friends Michael Brown here my delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity we are living in such urgent times today friends that all of us are in the line of fire there's a target on your back there's a target on my back if you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values you could be cancelled you could be cast out you could be put down you could be silenced I'm here to say friends that I am not about to be silenced and I don't believe you are either it is time for us to stand up it is time for us to say enough is enough it is time for us to push back in Jesus name not fighting the way the world fights no overcoming evil with good overcoming hatred with love overcoming the flesh with the power of the spirit overcoming lies with truth and that's what we're here to do on the line of fire broadcast and friends it's not just a broadcast it is a movement of people around the world God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying Lord here we are send us use us I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together and we are literally touching people around the world in America in the nations in Israel and together with your help we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe so I encourage you go right now to the line of the line of click donate monthly support the line of click donate monthly support when you do you become a torchbearer we immediately send you two great life-changing books we immediately give you access to many classes I've taught others have to pay to take those you get them for free exclusive video audio content a new audio message every month an insider prayer newsletter 15 discount our online bookstore so much more join our support team today go to the line of donate monthly support it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again it's Dr. Michael Brown welcome to 30 Jewish Thursday you know as a kid we I grew up with an organ in the house my mom played some my sister and I took lessons and I got more interested in drums but started playing organs like five something and one of the songs my mom would play was this Jewish song havan agela never knew what havan agela meant just as words right a kind of cute little tune it's really hear it faster like that or it starts slow when it gets fast and it's still widely sung to this day as a traditional song but it's actually scriptures come let's rejoice that's what it's about all right 866-348-7884 I cannot wait to chat later with Matthias getting to hang out with him as he's up in Charlotte just for a day as we're we're planning some things with some colleagues but I've got to hear more about Christians in prison camps in North Korea praying for Israel carrying that burden you say yeah yeah but Dr. Brown you don't understand Israel is not a godly nation the secular Jews it's like everybody else you know Tel Aviv is a worldly city you know Israel's the porn they produce gay porn come on Israel godly and the religious Jews that are devoted and studying all day they you know they hate Jesus and the New Testament and well they're praying for Israel let's start by saying there's no nation on the planet that deserves mercy there's no people on the planet who deserve mercy mercy is is something that is is not deserved so we're not saying oh god because Israel is the best nation in the earth please bless Israel anymore we're saying god bless America because America is the best nation on here how about America's sins so you need to call out Israel how about calling out Israel and America and every other nation on the planet for all of our multitudes of sins we pray for Israel because of God's purposes we pray for Israel because of God's promises we pray for Israel recognizing that there is an unusual satanic attack against Israel an unusual attempt to wipe Israel off the map that that it is God who brought the Jewish people back to the land according to his promise therefore Satan wants to drive them out it is God has promised to preserve the Jewish people in all generations therefore it is Satan who wants to exterminate them it is God who promised that Jerusalem would be a Jewish Jerusalem when the Messiah comes therefore the devil wants to keep Jews out of Jerusalem and keep Jewish control of Jerusalem from happening it's happened though and ultimately a Jewish Jerusalem will welcome back Jesus so the last and final battle is to keep Jews away from Jesus these are spiritual realities you see why do you hate the Palestinians I don't hate the Palestinians I early on the very first message I preached on October 8th so I was flying to Texas as the October 7th massacre was unfolding and just devastated and shocked and broken hearted stunned and and preached with tears the next morning in Fort Worth Texas but in the message and then immediately after I called for prayer for the Palestinians I said because look Israel must retaliate Israel must do its best to take out Hamas it cannot let anything like this ever happen again and because Hamas is so embedded in the midst of the the people of Gaza just like rockets were coming in from Hezbollah in Lebanon and and 90 percent of them from what we know were coming from civilian areas so they put their rocket launchers right there in civilian areas so if Israel tries to take out the rocket launcher that means gonna be civilian casualties so this is by design so you knew they're gonna be casualties and just war is gonna bring innocent suffering and I said pray for the people of Palestine because for sure in the end they're sure in the end when this is all said and done there will be more Palestinians dead than Israelis that was a given going in even just taking out Hamas terrorists if it's I don't know where there's 30,000 terrorists that were known as actually part of Hamas and others that were hundreds of thousands that were sympathetic etc so for sure we knew this was going to happen I've how many times have you heard me say and I mean it that the the the death of a Palestinian child is just as grievous as the death of an Israeli child but what you have to understand is that for decades the people of Israel said let's live peacefully side by side and the Muslim leadership has said no there can be no Israel we're going to wipe you out and it's ultimately a satanic murderous expression that we're dealing with so Israel falls short when Israeli soldiers guilty of a war crime it's tragic terrible suffering that they inflicted on others that that that that soldier be prosecuted under the full force of the law that's that's what laws are for that's what what what war tribunals are for let it be but let it be righteous and let us remember that that's the aberration Hamas terrorism is the norm Hamas terrorism is playing by their book which is no rules except murder and mayhem and destruction and terror they are terrorists these Israelis are trying to wipe out the terrorists minimize civilian casualties where they fail where they don't do that rightly where they fail their own people where they kill their own people those are tragic errors one thing before we start with your calls there's an interesting article different sites today I'm reading from the Jerusalem Post Hamas revealed to falsify public opinions from Palestinian survey research institute so what happened was polling was done and it was by the Palestinian survey research institute polling the people to say how much do you support Hamas this is post October 7th how much do you support Hamas so in the tunnels in the tunnels the the IDF discovered documents that actually indicate what the real results were so Hamas faked the numbers to give a false impression to the public so you're ready for this here's the question how would you rate your satisfaction with the performance of the Palestinian authorities are you satisfied or not so the actual result of those satisfied with Hamas what was it 31.9 percent that's the actual result less than one in three satisfied what did they report 62 percent they doubled it virtually doubled it yahya sin more the mastermind of October 7th and still on the run and in hiding the actual result of how they rated his performance satisfaction with it only 21 excuse me 22.1 percent said they were satisfied what did they report they reported it was 52 percent they times it by two and a half are you satisfied with fatah actual result 30.7 they said 32 percent so they weren't that concerned because those are the bad guys they just rounded up a little you know it's Hamas those are the good guys makmoto boss 21 satisfaction rate they made it 22 percent but their own support for Hamas support for sin more they boosted it to make it look and feel different the people of Gaza are still behind their leaders no people of Gaza saying what did you do to us you you brought this on us with your murderous ways you brought this on us that's basically what they're saying and these people are have not seen the best of Israel they've seen the worst of Israel and they still feel the way they feel that's why my heart always goes out to the Palestinians and I will talk about that they're they're victims of how they've been raised they're they've been raised in a victim mentality mindset they've been raised with the idea that killing Israelis especially soldiers is a virtue that dying in battle against Israel is the path to martyrhood it's a noble thing they they've been brainwashed and then they've seen the worst side of Israel whatever Israel does wrong whatever does Israel does that's oppressive either in Judea Samara the so-called West Bank or in Gaza then they've only seen the worst of that and Israel reacting against her maybe they're overreacting so they they see the what else they're going to think and then with their ideology their Islamic ideology especially in Gaza where they're much more religious what else they're going to think they haven't seen the best of Israel they haven't seen the opportunity to really raise their kids in peace and get the best education they they your average person doesn't realize the amount of aid that's poured in to to to Gaza the Palestinian Authority Hamas it's poured in these places that's been used either to make the leaders rich or to build terror tunnels and buy weapons so the people in that sense of the ultimate victims which is why my heart goes out to them all the more all right eight six six three four truth let us go to Brit welcome to the line of fire hello dr brown thanks for taking my question yes sir where are you located in estonia all right that's that's what i thought i saw there okay just spelled a little differently thank you sir for calling oh okay yeah my question is about the anti-semitism and and in europe the anti-semitism is in recent years especially it has like grown drastically and mostly it's in connection with the immigration from islamic countries it's quite obvious and and everywhere everywhere where you see the islamic community grow in in every country in europe then you have all kind of problems like for example sweden used to be one of the safest countries in europe but now it's called even the rape capital of europe you know sadly and and you have no go zone cities where even police don't want to go in because of the radical islamic populace yeah yeah exactly and the police is like they don't know what to do oftentimes and so they don't even try to go to certain communities and and if the immigration for for for example in sweden if it continues like this then in 2050 every third citizen will be a muslim so if they don't will be a muslim so it's that that big of immigration and birth rate as well so and my question is do you think that that the islamic system in general it is inherently like anti-semitic and also anti-christian and and besides that anti-western as well do you think that the coming anti-christ system could be the system of islam since it's going so big and uh yeah so an important question that's the question i'm going to start my answer here and then answer the rest on the other side of of the break but everybody do a little search and just search in england and sweden maybe we'll add norway we'll just see what we get in the results what is the most common boy's name what's the most common boy's name in england right now what's the most common boy's name in sweden i'll try another most common boy's name in norway let's just see what the numbers tell us and then i want to respond to all of your questions you're absolutely right in terms of a spike in anti-semitism in europe a good cause of it is islamic integration the question is why is islam fundamentally anti-jewish anti-christian could it be the anti-christ system we'll answer your text in this question sisters are you experiencing fatigue heart palpitations or tingling in your hands and feet these may be signs that you are deficient in vitamin b12 which may increase your risk of serious cardiovascular conditions without you even knowing it i'm paul brunette a board-certified doctor of holistic health and director of wellness services at trivita and i have some exciting news for you introducing trivita's hcy guard the breakthrough sublingual b12 natural supplement scientifically formulated to support maximum absorption and support healthy levels of homocysteine what is homocysteine you may ask well it's an amino acid that when elevated can cause damage to the lining of your arteries which over time increases your overall risk for a cardiovascular event trivita's hcy guard is highly absorbable because of its sublingual form and because of its 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products we appreciate them we appreciate your generosity the place to go to check those out is if you're interested if you're there you can use the code brown25 866-344-TRUTH okay so i want to go back to brit in estonia thanks for holding during the break all right so i just just got online and said okay what's the most common boy's name in in sweden and what do you know the latest data released oh the first i asked about england the latest data released by the office for national statistics showed that the name mohammed and its various spellings occupied the first place as the most popular boy's name in england and wales in 2020 and it's been a trend thereafter england wales mohammed then i asked uh sweden what's the most common boy's name in sweden uh yes mohammed is the number one baby's name in the country i asked about norway mohammed is now the most common male name in the norwegian capital a census shows bbc news so why is this well it's a couple of reasons one is that muslims on average are having more babies per family per woman than the surrounding population and two they're more prone to to use the same name more often than others would but who would have thought that brit when i was in england in 1987 and there was a mosque that had been uh set up in a city called luton where i was preaching and staying at the pastor's home you could hear the prayer call five times a day and i was kind of shocked and they said yeah they wouldn't give land to a church to build but they gave land to these guys to build and they were surprised and i was preaching and i said who knows in 30 years if if england would be an islamic nation people look like what and you know it seems shocking but why not so what's happened is the immigration and then rather than assimilating into the culture which is the whole purpose if you go somewhere else you become part of that country and culture you can maintain your religion and customs but you become part of that country and culture instead it's been a matter of how to spread islam the high birth rates and then the greater activism and involvement so it's been a massive shift for some years now and one that europeans with with a good heart i talked to a swedish guy and fight once and he said well we've got to help people we need to help many impoverished muslims from northern africa the other parts of the world so i appreciate the noble spirit but there was not much foresight in it i mean france is being ripped apart by it right now france has some major major choices to make in terms of which in terms of which direction it goes and hungary which said no when they first started taking islamic refugees they said wait wait you're not you don't want to work here you don't want to be part of our culture and we came under islamic rule before thanks but no thanks so they got criticized by the rest of europe but now there are european immigrants that want to move to hungary because they realize okay we can still have our european culture so just like christianity the gospel has a goal of spreading through the entire world jesus had make disciples of the nations so through conversion through discipleship through humanitarian work we spread the gospel and the goal is to see more and more believers in every country and to see every country take on more and more of a christian nature through the gospel and biblical principles so islam has that same goal but ultimately islam which means submission not peace the goal is to bring everyone under the rule of allah which means ultimately enforcing sharia law so the vision for how islam will spread is very different than the vision for how the gospel can spread and in addition to that islam is much more prone to spread by the sword than is the gospel if the gospel spreads by the sword it's no longer the gospel if islam spreads by the sword it's typical islam as my friend dr james white points out muhammad was first functioned as a religious leader then a political leader then a military leader and it was as a military leader that islam really spread under muhammad and the subsequent islamic armies so i said all that for the large picture inherently even though there are texts within islam that speak respectfully of the people of the book which is jews and sometimes jews or christians and where there are texts about tolerance and there's no coercion in religion the the critics of islam would say those are the earlier texts which are then superseded by the later texts which are really a call for war with the infidels so let's just say that if radical islam represents the most fundamental expression of islam then by its very nature it will be anti-christian and anti-Jewish so christians living among muslims if they don't convert will now have second class citizenship second class status called dhimmis jews or even more fierce enemies because the jewish people reject it when muhammad revealed himself as a prophet the jewish communities did not accept him he was involved in the massacre of jews and in addition to that it's believed that muhammad ascended on his horse to heaven from jerusalem and and therefore this was a islamic site a holy site in islam islam conquers the the land of israel palestine then in the seventh century you know it's very quickly with the spread of islam once islam takes over a territory that would be like you're married to it if someone else recaptures that territory that would be like someone taking your wife away from you or moving into your house and kicking you out and living there with your wife and family it's considered an affront to islam so the israelis are the ultimate enemies because they've retaken islamic land they've retaken islamic holy sites you know one of the highest level holy sites even though jews must not mention the quran still because of the history and tradition it's become important in islam and then in some islamic theology the jews are the sons of apes and pigs some actually think they're not human and and all the evil things all the lies about jewish people that have been shared all around the world those are believed by radical muslims they are they are guilty of all these horrific nefarious things and the people of israel the israeli jews are the most guilty of all so there is a theology built in and uh as as a guest shared recently when you go back to the the mufti the grand mufti of jerusalem haj Amin al-husseini who in the 1920s in Hebron caused the first uprising slaughter of jews and then he became a confidant of Adolf Hitler and some say even was part of the suggestion of the extermination of the jews the the radical muslims after world war ii said we want to finish what hitler started well Haj Amin al-husseini was the mentor of yasir Arafat so you you have this ongoing jew hatred it's made its way through radical islam and if you'll you'll look at here let's just i'm going to type this in uh what is the slogan of the hootie so these are the islamic rebels in yemen the official slogan of the hootie movement are you ready god is the greatest death to america death to israel a curse upon the jews victory to islam so this this is the reality sir it's deeply entrenched the more religious and devout and fundamentalist a muslim is the more prone to some of these attitudes now there are plenty of muslims that are listening and you're peace-loving you're not radical and i appreciate that and you you just want to coexist and be respected for your own faith and respect others for their faith i honor that but radical muslims don't hold to that ideology and it is an increasingly radicalized islam especially with young people growing up in the midst of poverty and hardship become even more embittered against the surrounding culture so i gave you a long answer final thing joel richardson has written on the islamic anti-christ speculating that with islamic views of the end-time redeemer the mahdi who is kind of an anti-messianic figure in islam so even though islam believes that jesus was a prophet it doesn't believe he died for his sins rose from the dead it doesn't believe he's the son of god even though it believes in the second coming he is not the mahdi he's not the final redeemer that's an islamic figure so in islam joel richardson has suggested what if this figure expected by muslims at the end of the age what if this figure could broker a deal with israel and and get the muslim world to allow israel to build a temple mount and displace al-aksa mosque which would be momentous within israel look to this person as a world leader not as the jewish messiah but as as a world leader and could that be part of an end-time deception it's as good a scenario as any i personally have no idea who the anti-christ is going to be i don't speculate on the anti-christ speculate i simply don't know but could it be islamic it's in the mix it's a possibility so a very important question i hope i didn't get into too much detail in my answer but there you go well it was very good and very perfect thank you very much and speaking against or uh or or rather spreading awareness about radical islam do you think a christian has a role there at all yes yes because this is a destructive ideology uh it's caused me problems with international travel one country in particular i can't get into because i've spoken out against radical islam but no the reality is it's important to understand and they're they're they're people that take issue with me say no this is islam don't even call it radical but in fairness to other muslims who don't hold to these ideologies i i'd like to qualify it but of course we we need people to understand because look the spirit of radical islam is the spirit of october 7th the spirit of radical islam is the spirit of isaac people need to see this as a satanic thing and that's why i say yes yes free palestine from hamas free muslims from radical islam we had one of our grads martyred in the middle eastern country over 10 years ago by al-qaeda terrorists and the muslims in in that city march saying we this is not us this is not our expression risking their own lives protest against al-qaeda pray for the muslim world you
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