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When Radical Trans Activism Punches You in the Face

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 6, 2024 5:30 pm

When Radical Trans Activism Punches You in the Face

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 6, 2024 5:30 pm

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dr. michael brown line of fire

Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Help you get your spiritual bearings, your moral bearings in the midst of a crazy world, in the midst of a church that's most often compromised and confused itself, here to infuse you with faith, with truth, with courage to help you stand strong on the front lines.

Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. In a little while, we're going to talk about some of the Olympics controversy and give you some insight that I hope will be helpful, some encouragement as well. We'll take calls on a wide range of subjects, 866-348-7884. If you watched the roundtable discussion that was recently published by American Gospel with Doug and Holly on the subject of New Apostolic Reformation, NAR, and have some questions or comments, you can give me a call if you want to talk about what's happening in Israel.

866-348-7884. But before we do any of that, I want to bring on a colleague, Pastor Troy Brewer. I spoke at a conference, an Israel conference at his church a few years back. We have a lot of mutual friends, and I've known a lot of what he was doing in gospel work as a pastor. I've known of his heart for Israel, but I was really surprised to hear about his work in combating human trafficking.

I was not aware of it until fairly recently. I wanted to bring Troy on to talk about this and ways that you can join together and participate. Troy, welcome to the line of fire. Great to have you on the air with us. Dr. Michael Brown, it is a great privilege, sir. Hello. Hey, man. So how are you doing in general? Well, I'm still above ground, and I'm happy, and we're moving forward, and I'm actually doing very well, to tell you the truth.

We're doing well on all fronts, so praise the Lord. Glad to hear that. We talked by phone a few months back, and I was blessed to hear all the different projects you were involved in. How did you get involved in the terrible, terrible contemporary issue we're dealing with today, the issue of human trafficking? How did you get involved with that?

About 31 years ago, I was in Costa Rica, Central America, and we were building a food bank and a trash dump down there. And I was, you know, we're building a food bank, we're feeding people, and a lady walked up to me with two little Nicaraguan refugee children, about 9 and 10 years old, and asked me if I wanted to buy these children. She thought that I was a sexual tourist because I was a middle-aged white guy from America stomping around in the worst part of the world.

Wow. And she looked at me and she said, you can make a movie. And I understood in that moment what that meant. I was horrified, and the first reaction I wanted to have was to reel and run away, but the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and said, no, buy them.

And I bought them right there on the spot. And I took them, just walked them out of the trash dump by their hands and took them to my wife and took them to my team and said, we just got two little girls. And then we took them to a doctor, we took them to go eat, and then we started, we built a home for them. We placed them in a temporary home until we could build a home for them. And then we started all over the world, wherever we were digging water wells or wherever we were building food banks, we started finding kids that needed to be rescued.

And that was before we started the church, before we started anything, and now here we are all these years later and we've rescued over 11,000 kids and raised them. Oh, yeah. You know, it's embarrassing that this is such an important part of your life, and I really was totally unaware of it. Oh.

But, you know, when we intersected it, we were talking about Israel, we were talking about other culture war issues and things like this. Yeah, that's right. I had no idea that this was something you were doing. Okay, so how do you raise these kids then without their parents and without just full adoption into your own homes?

How do you manage to do this? It is a rodeo, brother. It is something. But now, again, because we've been doing this throughout the decades, we have huge infrastructures now in multiple, multiple nations, and we have homes and we build what we call forever homes. And I mean, once a child goes into one of our homes, that's their home forever. And they have a mom, they have a dad, they have brothers and sisters, they have a limit of how many kids are in the house. And then once they get out and they go to college, if they, you know, whenever they're out of college, they still got a home. Whenever they get married and have kids, they still got a home to bring their kids home to.

That was the house that they raised up in. And so it's a big work. I mean, it's hot. It involves thousands of people. Extraordinary. Give me a couple of stories. One, in terms of some of the horrors, what actually happens to these kids, you know, how young they can be. And then two, some of the fruit you've seen because it's been so many years.

You've seen the beginning and you've seen the end in that sense. You know, we're actually in our second generation now and there's a whole bunch of kids that are approaching 30 years old that still call me Papa and still love me. And they're actually rescuers themselves. And we have a ton of kids in Uganda that are like that, tons of kids in India and in Mexico and all over Central America. So I can tell you that the youngest child that we have ever bought was about four hours old and we bought him for $500 and he was sold on a trafficking pornography market.

Oh, no. And we happened to be there at the moment that they were selling him. That's the youngest child that we've ever got was literally hours old, just a few hours old. And he is I think he's I think he's like 12 or 13 or I'm kind of making that up to tell you the truth. I really don't know how it is. I'm old now, so I don't know. He's probably 20 and I think he's five. So I don't know. But with that said, he's doing very, very, very well.

And I know his parents very well. The kind of situations that we change them from that we actually rescue them from is so dark, sir. And it kind of depends from region to region to region how we rescue them, the kind of operations that go involved with that. And then also how we actually how we actually take care of them. We've rescued two girls on Sunday between our first and second Sunday here at Open Door, which you've actually been here and we rescued a 12 year old.

No, I'm sorry. A 13 year old and a 16 year old girl and the 13 year old has a two year old child. And so it's very, very common for these 11 and 12 year old children as soon as they are able to give birth for them to become pregnant. And then if we rescue them during that time or after that time, we also, of course, have to take in their children. Yeah. Some of our team in the Philippines had rescued a girl and a little baby. And something just seemed odd in terms of the way the girl was relating to the baby, only to find out that the girl was just 11 or 12 and it was her baby. So, yeah, it's it's it's mind boggling to hear this.

And and I know the answer to this, but I want my listeners to hear it as well. You're actually seeing that these kids can live normal lives, that they can they can be healed from the trauma and they can they can not just always live as people who've been so severely abused that their life is a complete wreck. You've seen real homeless come out of this, haven't you? Oh, yes, sir.

I have an out of the worst situation you can possibly imagine. I mean, some girls that I'm seeing completely healed, completely whole. I mean, they have jobs. They're in their 20s.

They're happy. They've gone to college. Those girls were came out of 10 years of slavery, 10 years. And they were so addicted. I mean, that's another thing is, I mean, all these these kids on this side of the world, they have to actually go into rehab centers. And because they are so badly addicted, even 12 year olds and 11 year olds and eight year olds, we we've rescued a ton of eight to 12 year olds this year.

I mean, a lot like like somewhere around 100, I would say probably upper 80s of kids that are between eight and 12 years old on this side of the world. And every single one of them are addicted because they literally wake them up, put them on drugs, hyper drugs for the filming of all their sexual content. And then they knock them out, put them on heroin or something like that, completely knock them out whenever they're done. And so these kids have to be healed in every way they can be.

Now, here's what I want to say. This Jesus actually does heal these kids. And through the entire rehab process, through the entire going through the family situation, from the time that we rescue them, to the time that it's documented, to the time that they enter into the rehab. Jesus is a big part of every single bit of that. And I mean, he is truly a redeemer. And I mean, it's not just a religious thing, as you've very well known.

I mean, these kids get saved in every single way that a child can be saved. And we see it over and over and over again. Praise God. So, Troy, what would you like to tell our audience now in terms of what they can read, what they can watch, how they can connect with you? It's amazing to hear this. It's incredible. And especially, like I said, so much of it is beyond anything I was aware of. When we were on the phone with a colleague a few months ago and you happened to mention the human trafficking end of things, again, I just didn't realize the scope and significance of it. And the numbers are so astounding because each one of those is a precious life, a precious individual life. So true. And God knows what happens to these kids that don't get rescued. It's almost frightening to think about.

And the evil, the human evil involved is utterly mind-boggling that God doesn't destroy the whole world because of this evil is a sign of his restraint. But what, how can our, how can our audience connect with you best right now? Well, they could just look up my name. If you look up Troy Brewer, they'll find all the different sites we have. And you can, you know, Troy Brewer dot com and ODX dot TV and those things.

And I'm pretty easy to find if you just look at my name, Troy Brewer. I would, Dr. Brown, I would I would very much like to say, you know, just like we have to create awareness for our stance with Israel, show everybody how we as godly people stand with Israel, what we should do, how we should do that. I think that also because the world is after our kids that we need to understand that if we are a part of pornography in any way whatsoever, we are a part of trafficking. If we are a part of lowering of lowering the age of consent of sexual consent, we are a part of trafficking. The whole world is addicted to pornography now. And so the market for these children is getting greater and greater and greater. And the church has got to stand up and be willing to speak on these things and actually educate and actually see people delivered of these things.

And until that takes place, we're all willing participants of this horror. Yeah, well, well said and relevant in our in our lives when especially porn has become so pervasive, destructive and addictive. Hey, Troy, it's it's awesome to hear this. It's amazing how the Lord took that one encounter in Costa Rica and has now changed thousands of lives.

And by ripple effect, God knows the tens of thousands impacted. Thanks for doing what you're doing, Troy. Thanks for sharing it with us. And I look forward to working together again in the future.

I am too, my friend. God bless you and your amazing ministry, sir. Thank you.

Thanks so much. All right. Well, friends, you heard it from Pastor Troy Brewer. It's encouraging. It's discouraging to think of the evil out there, but encouraging to hear the good news. All right.

We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of Trivita Wellness. I'm always thrilled to offer a new product from Trivita that is science supported with equivalent doses per serving that follows the science.

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Call 1-800-771-5584, 1-800-771-5584 or online at This is how we rise up. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.

Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So a little later this month, God willing, I will celebrate 10 years of healthy eating and new lifestyle, which is why I'm here, why I'm here at all. I mean, I'm quite sure, 99 percent sure, that I would not even be here if not for God just helping me make a radical lifestyle change.

And I feel like I've been getting younger every year. Just backed out the most pull-ups I've ever done right before coming out to do the radio show today and just blessed. So I'm going to be sharing more about that with you and just the keys, the things where God helped me to make this transformation to encourage you because it's so hard.

And naturally, it's really, really hard to make serious lifestyle changes. So I want to share that with you later this month and just rejoice together and hopefully be of encouragement to you. And then we've added in the Triveda supplements when Michael Ellison, whose voice you just heard on Triveda, reached out to me and said, hey, we want to support you. We want to get behind you.

We believe in the Line of Fire. We know we've got to spread it across America. And before he would work with us, he said, I want you to try one of our products, nitric oxide. I want you to try it. And if it works for you, if you see results, then we'll go ahead. In other words, he really wanted me to to know the benefits. So we've incorporated this as great, great health supplements. Dr. Mark Stangler rated Triveda A plus. So check the supplements out. And it's a great way to to bless yourself and bless many others, because 100 percent of your first order donated to the Line of Fire and more than a tithe of all subsequent orders. And these funds help us pay radio bills and reach more people so you can call them at 800-771-5584.

You can go to Triveda dot com. Use the code Brown 25. All right. I want to bring you some encouragement. But with sobriety, I want to do my best to clarify issues for you. And if you do want to weigh in or you've got a question you want to ask me on any subject, eight, six, six, three for truth.

Eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four is the number to call. OK. It is very difficult to look in the face of evil, to look in the face of suffering, to see how much injustice there is in the world, to see how messed up things are. And if you just take in the news or look at news headlines, it can be quite overwhelming. You can look at that and think, why bother? It's it's a natural feeling.

It's very understandable. Why bother? There's too much suffering. There's too much pain. It's too much evil. Why bother?

It's it's like the boat is taking in gallons and we got a little cup like dumping it out before the boat sinks. It's why bother? It's easy to feel that way. On the one hand, the first and greatest standard antidote to that is the presence of God and divine reality, because in his presence is fullness of joy. And in the presence of God, if we were around the throne of God, there is no depression. There is no anxiety. There is no panic.

There is no fear. There is absolute peace and joy. And in his presence, that joy becomes our strength. Psalm 16 tells us that in his presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 22 tells us that he inhabits the praises of his people.

Nehemiah eight tells us the joy of the Lord is our strength. So being with him, spending quality time with God, you may leave with a burden. You may leave with your heart sharing some of the pain that's in God's heart. But it's it is a healthy pain. It is a pain that gives birth to healthy prayer. It is a pain that gives birth to healthy action. It's not an unhealthy pain. It's not the pain of depression and hopelessness and suicide.

That dark pain that leaves no way out. It's a pain that brings solidarity and communion with God. And a sense of hope and faith come out of that holy pain. And there's also that holy joy that we get.

We may not experience them at the same time. But often when you pray with great anguish of heart, when you pray with real burden, broken because of the things that break God's heart. Blessed, Jesus says, blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Jesus is near to those who mourn, understanding the pain himself and always making intercession for it. For it's himself being a man of pain and acquainted with sickness.

This is who he is and who he was on this earth. So we share in that pain he wept over Jerusalem. But it also says about Jesus, Hebrews 1, quoting Psalm 45, that he was anointed with the oil of joy above any of his companions. He experienced an exquisite joy in the presence of his father greater than any human being who ever walked this earth because of the perfect fellowship he had with his father. That's why it says, for example, in Luke 10 that Jesus, full of joy by the Holy Spirit, expresses himself with thanksgiving to God. Full of joy by the Holy Spirit. So there is that joy that comes in the midst of the suffering, pain and hopelessness. We know God is good and we know that ultimately he is bringing good out of evil. He's bringing life out of death. He's bringing light out of darkness.

But there's something else. And it's something I found in a book on leadership secrets of Billy Graham. I don't read a lot of leadership books.

Everyone is edified and blessed by different material. Over the years I've not read a lot of leadership books, but it was probably the best book on leadership I've read for me. And one of the chapters or sections talked about how Billy Graham brought hope. He brought hope to his entire evangelistic organization, to his team. He brought hope as he ministered the gospel. He brought hope to others individually. Even though by nature he was a pessimist.

By nature he was always looking at the worst case scenario and everything that could go wrong. But as a man of God, God gave him this hope and he ministered hope to others. Now, here's what's so interesting. There was a story told of a man talking to Mother Teresa and saying, Look, for everyone you help, everyone you help die a dignified death, look at all these others on the streets that you can't get to.

How do you live with that? And it was the law of subtraction. Well it's one less. It's one less. It's one less. It's one less suffering person.

And that's what we need to look at. Thank God for that person that did hear the gospel. You've been witnessing to 30 people. No one's heard, but that one person heard.

And their life has not changed. Thank God for that prayer that was dramatically answered. That was the hand of God.

Maybe we don't know why the others weren't answered, but that was the hand of God. Rejoice! Thank God for the fruit that you do see. Thank God for the positive outcomes that you do see. Thank God for the lives that are changed.

This is something that we need to incorporate in our lives. In the Lord, I have been wired to be a holy optimist. Not an optimist just based on sight and information and feeling, but an optimist based on the goodness of God and the promises of God.

And my history now going on 53 years in the Lord gives me a holy optimism. Because I've seen God's redemptive power. I've seen God's mercy. I've seen God answer prayer. I've seen God keep His promises. He's wired me a certain way. Even biologically.

Just blood tested. Everything they tell you about yourself. I'm wired by God to be a holy optimist. But I want to take that and encourage each of you in your own relationship with God. As you draw near to Him. As your own relationship with God. As you meditate on His promises. As you give thanks for who He is and what He's done.

And as you notice. Okay, there are 10 areas that need help. There are 20 people that aren't listening. There are 50 people suffering and you know them all. But thank God for what He is doing. Thank God for the lives that are being changed.

Thank God for the positive steps that are being taken. One less. You can read someone. They listen. They hear. A skeptic. A mocker. You give them something to think about and they thank you.

Hey, that put me on the right track. I was just reading someone raised as an Orthodox Jew. They posted their testimony on the Jews for Jesus YouTube channel in response to one of my videos. They had raised an Orthodox Jew.

They completely left any faith in God. Then Jordan Peterson helped them think a certain way about God and faith. Then I helped them get back to realizing that Yeshua was in the Torah. Was in our own scriptures.

Then others helped them in their faith journey. So plant a seed. Thank God for that one seed. It may not be everything, but it's one.

Be thankful for that. We come back. We're going to dive into the controversy in the Olympic Games. We're going to give you a larger cultural context of medical clarity and then some further encouragement. Hey, friends, Michael Brown here. My delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. We're living in such urgent times today, friends, that all of us are in the line of fire. There's a target on your back.

There's a target on my back. If you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values, you could be canceled. You could be cast out. You could be put down. You could be silenced. I'm here to say, friends, that I am not about to be silenced.

And I don't believe you are either. It is time for us to stand up. It is time for us to say enough is enough. It is time for us to push back in Jesus name, not fighting the way the world fights. No, overcoming evil with good, overcoming hatred, love, overcoming the flesh with the power of the spirit, overcoming lies with truth. And that's what we're here to do on the line of fire broadcast.

And friends, it's not just a broadcast. It is a movement of people around the world. God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying, Lord, here we are. Send us, use us. I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together.

And we are literally touching people around the world in America, in the nations, in Israel. And together with your help, we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe. So I encourage you go right now to Click donate monthly support. Click donate monthly support. When you do, you become a torchbearer. We immediately send you two great life changing books. We immediately give you access to many classes I've taught. Others have to pay to take those. You get them for free. Exclusive video audio content. A new audio message every month. An insider prayer newsletter. 15% discount online bookstore.

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Donate monthly. This is how we rise up. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back, friends, to The Line of Fire 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. So I've told you for years, it's 20 years now, that God began to deal with me about gay activism and then put a heart of love in me for those who identify as someone in the LGBTQ plus queer other spectrum. And one of the things that I knew was that things were going to get worse before they got better in terms of activism, in terms of the effect on society. In fact, I saw that, barring divine intervention, we had lost an entire generation.

I don't mean every person in it, but there is a massive generational shift. I saw 20 years ago, as I began to survey things and look more deeply, because I rarely focused on this in the years before, that gay activism was already the principal threat to freedom of religion, speech, and conscience, already 20 years ago. And again, as I said, that things would get more extreme and worse in many ways before the tide would turn. So as much as I grieve over the Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage, and saying that if you're listening as a gay couple, you think I'm full of hatred, and I don't recognize your relationship, and who am I to judge you, and being in a same-sex relationship is as natural for you as it's natural for me to be married to my precious wife Nancy for 48-plus years, I understand that. I know my words are hurtful.

I don't mean them in that way. I simply am convinced that God never intended for men to be with men or women to be with women in a sexual and romantic relationship, no matter how much companionship and love they feel one for another. But all that to say, as much as I was grieved to see the Supreme Court redefine marriage, as much as I was grieved to see other things taking place in our society, I fully expected them. I fully expected these changes to come out. I've written that these things would happen. Yes, in writing.

So this will happen, this will happen, this will happen. If you've followed me over the years, you know that. And it's on record. It's in books, it's in messages, in articles. It's not hidden.

It's public record in that regard. And again, our motto has been Reach Out and Resist. That's what the Lord laid on my heart in early 2005. Reach out to the people with compassion, resist the agenda with courage. Or, as we often say, hearts of compassion, backbones of steel. Hearts of compassion, backbones of steel. In fact, that's the title of my next book due out in October.

So, having said all that, the positive is things have gone so far that they've gone to such extremes that society's begun to wake up. Because your average American, you don't want to be bigoted, you don't want to be hateful. You're not homophobic. You've probably got a gay friend or relative or bisexual friend, relative co-worker, something like that.

Or someone somewhere outside the spectrum. Now it's increasingly common to know someone who identifies as transgender. Your average American is aware of some of our ugly history, of our mistreatment of Africans, and of our racism over the centuries. Not all Americans, but it's a blight on us. Our treatment of Native Americans and things like that. So, we don't want to do that again. We don't want to be bigoted, hateful. We don't want to be phobic, whatever the phobia is. It's bad.

We don't want to be that. So, the idea of, well, why can't if two men love each other, two women love each other, it's not hurting anybody. Why can't you just go ahead and do it?

What's wrong with it? So, the very same people that signed onto that wanted to be loving, wanted to be a firm, wanted to be inclusive, wanted to be tolerant, wanted to show diversity, etc., all the buzzwords. They didn't sign up for their 14-year-old daughter to be sharing a locker room with a 14-year-old boy in school. They didn't sign up for her when she was 18 to miss out on a scholarship because the boy got the athletic scholarship ahead of her by identifying as a girl. They didn't sign up for that. They didn't sign up for the trauma of realizing that their 13-year-old daughter who had her breast removed because she was convinced that she was really a boy is now 18 and thinking, what did I do and how did you let me do it and why did you encourage me in that direction? Now, eyes are opening and perspectives are changing and people are saying enough is enough. And what's happened now in the Olympic sports has really gotten a lot of attention. Now, there were different voices that began to address these things more and more over the years, not all with the same tone that I would address them with, each one from their own perspective, each one from their own particular birth.

One of them, a Catholic writer, Matt Walsh, who became very prominent when he began to work for Daily Wire and then put out the What is a Woman documentary video, which has obviously opened many, many more eyes in terms of how radically woke things have become. Let me just read to you a post that Larry sent out. Hang on, let me just get to the right place on my page here.

And OK, why am I not doing that? So Matt posted this. All right, here we go. Matt posted these words.

I actually had it right in front of me, wrong screen. He said this. It's worth taking a moment to appreciate just how thoroughly we've won on the transition. Five years ago, most people were terrified to vocally object to any of this madness. Trans activists were getting their way everywhere and in every area of society.

Today, the voices objecting are significantly louder than those supporting it. Laws have been passed in dozens of states outlawing child mutilation and mandating sex segregation in sports. Democrats, politicians are embarrassed to talk about trans issues at all. Corporations are suddenly shy about waving the trans flag.

Medical organizations are finally starting to admit that transitioning children is a bad idea. Anyone who claims trans women are women is guaranteed to get dogpiled and mocked. The trans agenda has lost battle after battle. Trans activists are a punchline, ridiculed and not respected by anyone.

Conservatives have never flipped the script on a cultural issue this quickly and completely. So amen to that. Much truth to that. And I appreciate that perspective and the encouragement that it brings. At the same time, you have more children identifying as trans than ever before.

You have more kids getting treatments, etc. There's still a tremendous amount of work to be done. There's still a tremendous amount of money that's been invested by trans activists and their allies. So we cannot for a single moment downplay the reality of what has happened and how entrenched it is. But as we've said for years, the pushback is coming. The pushback is growing. The moral and cultural revolution is at hand.

Something must deepen as being gospel based with revival in the church to see real lasting effects. To give you insight into what's happened in the Olympics with boxers who previously tested as male according to International Boxing Organization, which does not have authority now in the Olympic Games for a number of reasons. Two of them clearly meddling and could end up with gold medals, haven't followed the very latest if there have been any fights, but could end up with gold medals fighting women. And they've tested as biological males. You say, well, how can that be?

And aren't they visibly female? Yeah, we'll come to all that. But first, as much as there's been progress, the fact that you could have the Paris Olympics with the drag queen celebration and all of that, which is not transgender technically, but just an ultimate expression of perversion and wrongness and misguided sexuality. That could happen on the Olympic platform and be watched by what, one billion, two billion people, whatever numbers were. On the one hand has brought a lot more disgrace to the movement and mockery.

On the other hand, you just realize how in certain parts of the world, these things are just so deeply entrenched as, hey, this is who we are and this is what we do. But consider this when we get into the sports athletics part of things. It was a few weeks back, a cycling event, women's cycling event in Washington, and it was actually teams. So teams of women. So you would you'd go one woman would ride so far and then the other woman would take it from there. So first place, second place, third place, all the teams had a biological male, a man who identified as a woman. Yeah, a man, a biological male who identified as a woman. First place, second place, third place.

Yeah. Now, according to one website, 578 plus male victories have taken place in female sports. They started tracking things.

This is going back a number of years. They started tracking in March 2023 and going back in years, and they found at least 578 times that a biological male defeated a female. A biological male defeated a female and took her spot in the prizes.

Yeah, extraordinary. The site was started in March 2023 in response to the argument, but there aren't very many. So what's the harm? Actually, there are many male athletes competing in women's sports. The Washington Stand found that 28 national girls or women's sports titles were won by trans identified men between 2003 and 2022.

This is national, national, all right, with the trend accelerating over the past three years. Each male victory has a multiplier effect, displacing many girls and women from opportunities designed for them. And Holly Levesseur, female cycler, said last year, I think it's very disheartening. As a young woman, you look up to these role models and you think the sky's the limit. You believe that if you put in enough training, if you have the talent, the skill that you could be the best. But when you're forced to compete against males that had these physical advances, it's not just a reality anymore.

And you should talk to Peyton McNabb. She was going to college with a scholarship for volleyball, playing opposite a biological male who spiked the ball so powerfully it knocked her out. She laid there on the ground, what they call the fencing position, just her hands frozen in the air for like 30 seconds. She continues to struggle to move the right side of her body. She's in college now, leading to her regularly lose her balance and suffer from falls. Her mental acuity is also damaged, with Ms. McNabb requiring hours of extra tutoring every month and extra time during tests because of the damage. And she has struggled with much worse vision, anxiety and depression as she fights to recover from her injuries. Yeah, and she's very clear. Absolutely, categorically, no place for biological males with females.

So may God bring healing and life to her. So what about these boxers? It is not that they are trans, meaning males who identify as females. So everyone knows your man, Bruce Jenner, now identifying as Caitlyn Jenner, with or without surgery.

No, that's not the case. These are individuals who would be classified as intersex with DSD. It's differences in sexual disorder.

And what happened is born, you'd say, OK, this is a girl. As they grow and develop, they don't grow and develop normally. In some cases, they don't menstruate. In some cases, they could have ambiguous genitalia as they grow. In other cases, they realize the chromosomes are different. In their case, according to tests that were done, we're told that they had XY chromosomes, which would make them biological males.

So raised as girls, always thinking they're girls, not identifying as boys. But when it comes to sports, when it comes to punching someone in the face, you have to say sorry. I know it's disappointing for you. You're an athlete and you work hard, but sorry, you kill somebody.

It is not fair. We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of TriVita Wellness. I'm always thrilled to offer a new product from TriVita that is science supported with equivalent doses per serving that follows the science.

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As a new customer, 100 percent of your order proceeds from your first order will go to support the Line of Fire radio broadcast. Call 1-800-771-5584, 1-800-771-5584 or online at T-R-I-V-I-T-A, It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back, friends, to the Line of Fire. 866-34-TRUTH. We're going to go to the phones in a moment. By the way, I've been watching regularly for updates from Israel.

I was doing a Zoom call with someone from Israel earlier today. As of this moment, nothing has happened yet. As of this moment, there has not been a massive eruption. Yes, still the normal missile attacks and things like that. But the potential we talked about yesterday of a barrage coming from the east, Iran, from the north, Hezbollah, from the west, Hamas, whatever capabilities it has, and from the southeast, Yemen, none of that has happened yet.

So we continue to pray for God's hand of restraint and for God's intervention and for the salvation of masses of people in the Middle East. So I just want to take one more moment and explain what the Olympic situation has to do with the LGBTQ plus agenda, because, again, the individual boxes, one from Algeria, one from China, are not men, raised men, raised male, consciously male, now identifying as women, but rather people who were raised as women, as female, but then did not develop in a totally normal way and, because they have XY chromosomes, would be classified biologically as male. So these are people that would have an intersex condition, which, of course, requires tremendous compassion. And in normal circumstances, if, say, one of the boxers identified as a woman understood that they were a woman, maybe they can't conceive a child, maybe they can't do other things, normal circumstances of life, it wouldn't matter.

It's when you get into the sports situation, especially combat sports, physically violent sports, it matters tremendously. So here's what Megyn Kelly says, just summing things up, and then I'll give the punchline on this and we'll go to the phones. Listen to Megyn Kelly.

I don't know about you, but I was flabbergasted at the amount of gaslighting going on in the media and by the IOC about the true sex of these two boxers who are competing in women's boxing. They're male. You trust me.

I believe you trust me, you wouldn't be listening to this show. They're male. They have XY chromosomes. They have testes. That's male.

Period. The IOC doesn't deny it, and we'll get to exactly how they're trying to thread the needle, but that's what you need to know. These are men competing as women. They're not trans, from what we understand. They suffer what's called DSDs, and that's a different thing which we'll get into, but I'm going to walk you through it, okay?

I'm going to give you the facts you need to know, but a little bit of background for you. First, the IOC has been aware of this problem in women's boxing for years, and it's done nothing, because its number one goal is, quote, inclusion, and it's made that clear. It's woke. It doesn't care about women's safety or women's fairness. It just cares about making the trans or the DSDs feel welcome and the safety of women be damned. But this particular case has escalated the matter because it's now in combat sports.

Leah Thomas was bad enough that was swimming, but he was in his own lane. Now we're actually endangering women. All right, so the key thing is, and this is the takeaway, is the ideology. The only reason that this is happening in the Olympics is because of a, quote, woke mentality, is because of the fruit of the sexual revolution which culminates in LGBTQ plus activism with a list that gets longer and longer, because there can be no limit on it ultimately if it is whatever you perceive and understand and express. That's why we are where we are. That's the bad news, because of the unfairness to other women who work a lifetime to get to the Olympics, elite athletes representing their nation. So it's not just about them. They're representing their nation.

They want to do something. You know, perhaps the greatest tennis player of all time, Novak Djokovic, never won a gold medal, and now at an unlikely time as he's older and maybe not at the top of his game and recently had knee surgery, and he ends up winning the Olympic gold medal. And I just saw the end of it where he's weeping and holding his daughter weeping, because this is for his country.

This is for his country. And, you know, America wins a gold medal. It's a national thing.

Sometimes you don't know the name of the athlete. You just say, we won a gold medal. And countries that get very few gold medals or medals at all, it's a major thing. Some countries, we got a bronze that the whole nation is – they get one bronze medal for the whole Olympics, and they're excited.

So this is about your country. So it's not just about you, but you work so hard, and this is the culminating moment, and you may only get one shot at it. So to have this gross unfairness now added in the danger, the danger involved, the real danger. Boxing is a dangerous sport, even though with the Olympics, especially with the women still wearing the headgear, and the bouts are shorter, but you can get hurt.

Someone could get killed. People have been warning about this, speaking up. The only reason this is in the Olympics with the biological chromosomal data that we have is because of an activist mentality.

The bad news is it's so unfair to the other athletes and dangerous, and on a national level, hurts those countries' chances. On a positive level, there's now international outrage, and I can't imagine this will be allowed to go on much longer. The tide is turning. The tide is turning. If you've not yet read my book that came out in May, one of the most important books I've written in years, Turn the Tide. How to Ignite a Cultural Awakening. By all means, get a copy of it.

You can order through our website,, or wherever you get your books, Amazon or Christian Book or Barnes & Noble. Turn the Tide. How to Ignite a Cultural Awakening.

It will inspire you, and it'll give you practical ideas. Whoever you are, whatever your walk of life, you'll find yourself somewhere in there like, okay, here's something I can do to be an agent of change, beginning first and foremost with the spiritual weapons God has given us. Weapons to bring life, not destruction. 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go over to Joseph in South Carolina. Thanks for calling the Line of Fire.

Hello. First and foremost, my sympathy is with the women. But I am a little bit amused that the fact that these same masculinity-hating liberals like Megan Rapinoe, who said everything has to, no questions asked, we have to accept people the way they are, I am kind of a little amused that these militant feminists are now seeing their livelihood threatened by the hated man. I mean, have you ever thought about that angle?

Well, you know, Joseph, think of this. When Bruce, quote, Caitlyn Jenner was awarded Women of the Year from Glamour magazine, it proves it again. Men can do everything better. They can be better women, too.

You think of the insult to all the other women. Yeah, so it is interesting. You know what's fascinating, Joseph, is that a 15-year-old team of men beat the women's soccer team. I forget how recently it was, but 15-year-old boys beat the women's soccer team. And our soccer team is a female soccer team.

It's often the best in the world, often the best in the world. Go ahead. But you know, part of me does want to say, hey, you know what, you asked for it. This is what you people have been asking for for years, and now these feminists are going to have to sit on the bench while men do their job. Yeah, well, it's what's happened. Women have said, you know, feminists and others, they're not into men. Some of them are so radically anti-male, and they've got these safe places, these resort places, and now you've got a man identified as a woman in their space. And that's why some of them have become very outspoken.

I read a book when I was writing Jezebel's War in America, written all by radical feminists, some of them lesbians, and it was all about female erasure, how even the notion of female is now being erased, because what is it after? What do you share? What do you share biologically?

What do you share in your upbringing? It doesn't exist anymore. They made that bet. Maybe they didn't delay in it, because that's why it's okay for the church, it's okay for the restrooms, it's okay for the schools, it's okay for the Boy Scouts. Now all of a sudden it affects women's sports, and now all of a sudden there's a problem? Right, and the whole Title IX thing that unfortunately the Biden administration rewrote is being challenged across the country to say that actually when Title IX said, okay, women, females, have certain rights, this is what got women's sports really growing and burgeoning in college campuses and things like that, that sex is how you identify as opposed to biology, that it makes the whole thing meaningless. It would be like saying we're having affirmative action for racial minorities in America, but you are however you identify.

If I identify as a Native American, then I'm entitled to those benefits. So, hey listen, I appreciate the call, and yes, this is the reality. The thing ultimately defeats itself, and the radical left in this way ends up eating its own in the name of diversity and inclusion. Having said that, Megan Rapinoe is someone for whom Jesus died. The Algerian and Chinese boxers are individuals for whom Jesus died. And every one of us, we come flawed, broken, blemished, worthy of damnation, simply because of the sins we have committed against God. Every one of us, no matter who we are, and we find mercy through the cross, we find forgiveness, we find redemption, and a brand new life. So whoever you are, whatever your background, I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you, I do want to point you to the Savior who transformed my life almost 53 years ago and delivered me from darkness and brought me into His glorious light. Everything I left behind was utterly worth it to find and know Him. Wherever you are, wherever you are, just say, Jesus, make yourself real to me, and I'll follow you. Be real.
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