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Dr. Brown Tackles Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 5, 2024 8:21 pm

Dr. Brown Tackles Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 5, 2024 8:21 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/02/24.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

Full lines are open. You've got questions. We've got answers.

Our end-of-the-week broadcast. We do our best, as always. It's always our goal to infuse you with faith and truth and courage to help you stand strong in the Lord. And this day is just your questions. You come in with your best questions. We'll do our best to give you our best answers based on the Lord, based on our experience, what we have learned, what we have studied. 866-348-6 And this day is just your questions. You come in with your best questions.

We'll do our best to give you our best answers, based on the word, based on our experience, what we have learned, what we have studied. 866-348-7884. I cannot wait to get you our August Frontline newsletter, where I want to focus on reversing the aging process. As later this month, God willing, I celebrate 10 years of health transformation and reversing the aging process.

As I get closer to 70, I feel closer to 20 than I do to 70, really, on the inside and just my activity and lifestyle, honestly. So, can't wait to get that to you. If you're not getting our monthly Frontline newsletter, take a moment now, so you don't forget, unless you're driving, take a moment now, go to and click subscribe.

Take a few seconds to fill that out and we will get that to you. Alright, let us go over to our buddy Jesse in Twin Cities, Minnesota. Welcome to The Line of Fire. Jesse, are you there? I tell you what, let us make sure that we don't have an issue here.

Is everything working properly on your end, truth? Let's try another call. Let's go over to Terry. Welcome to The Line of Fire.

Are you there? Okay, this is fun. We've got our call board lit up and we are unable to hear our callers. So, Jesse, Terry, Patricia, others, stay right there. We will get this sorted out momentarily. And alright, tech guys here will be working furiously, well not furiously, passionately, strongly with the truth guys to let them know that truth, we cannot hear our callers.

Alright, so you got something on your system there. Some button somewhere is not pushed or turned on or moved in the right direction. Let us also open up the door if you are watching on YouTube and would like to post your question on YouTube in the event that we have any kind of issue whatsoever. Go ahead and post your relevant question on YouTube and we will do our best to get to some of those as well. When you're posting on YouTube, post at The Line of Fire, at The Line of Fire, and then post your question.

This way we are better able to see it. Let's try one more caller here to see if we're able to get through. Patricia in Maryland, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. Alright, and I can hear you. Okay, so somehow, well maybe we just needed to start the show with a woman, so thank you. I don't know what happened to our first couple callers, but go ahead, Patricia.

What's on your mind? Great, thank you so much. I'm calling with a follow-up question to a debate I listened to that you gave in 2019 with Dr. Josh about slavery, and I wondered if you could clarify the piece in Leviticus 25 about the people from the neighboring nations who could be, if I understood it right, they could, according to Levitical law, be purchased as slaves, but then my understanding was that they would still be treated the same way as indentured servants. Right, so there are a few different aspects to that question, Patricia. The first one is, did it allow, say, for the kidnapping of people and then being sold into slavery as we had in the African slave trade, and the answer is no. In other words, that was not countenance. You could not use that text to say that African slavery, the slave trade, or any slave trade was justified as long as it was outside of Israel.

You could do whatever you wanted. These were people that you conquer a nation, and now the people are enslaved or something like that, or people who were serving in another nation now get sold into slavery on your end, so we would look at it still as a harsh practice, but no justification for an African slave trade middle passage and all of that. Nonetheless, it is a serious question in terms of the righteousness of it, and for sure they had to be treated like everyone else, so there would still be the Seventh-day Sabbath rest. They'd still have to be treated in a humanitarian way. If they were mistreated, let's say the slave owner got angry and smashes the guy and his tooth is knocked out, well, he gets to go free because his tooth is knocked out. There's no indication that they would be treated differently.

Now, would they go free on the 50th year? That's a different question that's not directly addressed there, but at the least they would have to be treated in the same ethical manner that Israelite slaves were to be treated. The very worst possible thing we can say was that it was under the Sinai Covenant, but it ended there. In other words, God made a new and better Covenant, and just like he gave divorce under the Sinai Covenant because of the hardness of people's hearts, even though it was not ideal, that there were realities in the ancient world that Israel lived in the midst of, so Israel was called to do better than the rest of the world, but it didn't bring complete reformation of an entire system. So even if these slaves were not set free in the 50th year and so on, you know, whenever that cycle would occur, so maybe they were enslaved for three years, when the 50th year of manumission or freedom occurs, even if they could continue on, they still had to rest on the Seventh-day. They still couldn't be mistreated, otherwise they could go free, so it still had to be humanitarian, and it could well be that once they were enslaved, they were now completely part of the Israelite system and therefore would go free at a certain period in time. But the very worst case is Israel was called to do better than the nations, but still lived in that world, and that was under the Sinai Covenant, and we're under a new and better Covenant, in which case those laws no longer apply. Thank you so much for answering that, and I appreciate it in your debate how you were basically saying the whole of Scriptures are pointing to liberation.

You know, Josh and I, it really wasn't a debate because we saw a lot in harmony. Now, of course, we continue to pray that God would awaken a man of his atheism, but yes, here's a fascinating thing. The command to love the stranger in your midst in the Torah occurs more than the command to observe the Sabbath. And the liberation message in Jesus' coming is set the captives free, and the whole language of Leviticus 25, the crow drawer in Hebrew, to proclaim liberty, becomes the language of Jesus in Isaiah 61, that that's what he's come to do. So, yeah, that is the goal, and the Israelites always had to remember, you were slaves in Egypt, therefore don't mistreat your own servants. So certainly, if you were slaves in a foreign country, and that means don't mistreat your own, well then don't mistreat those from another country either.

They may serve in your midst, and we see in Israelite history that nations that were subdued, that they became part of Israel, but they had more menial jobs, and that's just what they did. So, yeah, thank you very much for the question, I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for taking my call. I actually got disconnected the first time I tried this now also, so there must be something wrong.

I got back on, thank God. My question is regarding the New Testament idea of us being anointed, and I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly, so I would love to present the way I understand it, and then you have the liberty to correct me, as best as you see fit, if that's okay. I understand Old Testament anointing was, they were anointed to be either kings, priests, or prophets. And then New Testament, as I have studied, I know obviously it talks about Jesus being anointed to the Spirit in Luke chapter 4, and then I noticed the only two places that I have found in the New Testament that directly links us mere human beings, children of God being anointed, is 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21, where it says, Now it is God who established us with you in Messiah. He anointed us, set his seal on us, and gave us this ruach in our hearts as a pledge. And then the other one is in 1 John chapter 2, where he's kind of warning about the love of the world, and then the antichrist spirit that would be around to deceive the sheep, and he says in verse 20, That you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know it.

I have not written to you, because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth. And then verse 26 and 27, I have written you these things about those who are trying to mislead you, as for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need for anyone to teach you, but as his anointing teaches you about all things, and it is true and not a lie, and just as it has taught you, abide in him, and then it talks about abiding. So my understanding, and I fully believe in the gifts of the Spirit operating today, but I've called you once before my husband and my brother both graduated from Brownsville during the time of revival, and I have studied all of the things that they have left over from their Bible college days. So I believe in all of the gifts, but what I found in the New Testament, which I would love for your help and understanding, is the only times it's directly linked to us is one, as a seal of being a possession of the Lord, as a priest or a son and a daughter of God, and then as a student of the anointing, that you would be able to be taught, and that the anointing would be the thing that's constantly leading you into the truth, into the word. So one, as a seal of being anointed, sealing the word in your heart, does that make sense? Am I correct in my understanding of us being anointed? And two, how are people, genuine question, able to be anointed, have that leading in them, and obviously not live right? Because a lot of times people say, well, you know, I've earned my anointing, I've been crushed, I've been pressed, I've been this, and it makes it about them, but it's not our anointing, it's the Lord's anointing. But yeah, we can use it and live wicked lives. So, go ahead, Lee.

Let me know what you think. As far as breaking it down, yeah, I mean there are other references like anointing with oil in James, Jacob, the fifth chapter, but as far as the believer, right, that's the reference. In the Old Testament, the king and the priest would be anointed with oil, the prophets were anointed by the spirit. And now, for sure, the New Testament references 2 Corinthians 1 and 1 John 2 are talking about the indwelling spirit that every believer has. The indwelling spirit that is the down payment, the deposit to say that we are children of God. And the real intention that we receive the spirit, that we are children of God, and the ongoing work of the spirit in our lives to guide us into all truth. That's the indwelling spirit, of course, and now to answer your questions. We'll be on the side of your break.

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So let's go back to Jessica. So first thing, this New Testament language is saying that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and that this is a sign and signal to us that God is with us, that we have a future eternal inheritance with Him, and that this anointing does lead us. We know Romans 8.14, as men are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. Romans 8.16, the Spirit of self bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

So there's the bearing witness, there's the leading, but then we have to cooperate. In other words, the Holy Spirit is here to teach us truth. This doesn't mean we all walk in truth. 1 John is dealing with error. The whole book is dealing with error and correcting error right there in their midst. So obviously, the fact that we have the Spirit of truth in us, Jesus says in John 16, the Spirit of truth He's going to give us will lead us into all truth. And yet, there's error.

We all recognize this error in the body, just all the division and differences that we have. So I look at this as God's vehicle. And wait, just like we have the Bible, which is perfect in Revelation, and we have differences. So to me, it builds my faith that I'm going to rely on the Lord. I'm going to rely on the witness of the Spirit. I'm going to join that with the word of God. And as I do that, God will protect me from error and protect me from going away from the truth. And that is something I think every believer can take hold of. If you genuinely honor the Lord and want to serve Him, that He will keep you in the truth.

That we're going to have our differences, etc., and controversies, but He will keep us in the truth. The other question is, though, is it right for us to talk about someone being anointed today? So let's think in the Gospels, the term ekklesia, which is the term for church or congregation, only occurs twice in the Gospels. Then you've got it throughout Paul's letters. Conversely, disciple occurs in Gospels and Acts over 260 times, but not at all in the Epistles. Paul doesn't use the term. So different authors are using different terms in different ways.

The words meant different things to different people. So the fact that anointing is used one way in these passages doesn't mean we can't use it in the Old Testament sense of the Spirit coming on someone, the Spirit anointing as in Isaiah 61. So I'm still fine with that terminology to say, well, that person is really anointed to do this. They've got an incredible anointing to lead us into worship, by which I mean a spiritual gift. Whether it's in the list in 1 Corinthians 12 or the list in Romans 12, well, I really don't want it. There's an anointing on your life to preach.

Well, there's an anointing on your life to pray. I'm totally comfortable using that terminology in one way and then recognizing the New Testament primarily uses it in this other way. To me, it's not either or.

It's both and. That's great. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Yeah, I love the question. Thank you. God bless. Thanks.

866-34-TRUTH. Let's go over to Oregon. Paul, welcome to the line of fire. Hey, Dr. Brown, thanks for taking my call.

You bet. So my question was about, so I listened to your testimony and if I understand correctly, you sound a lot like how I am currently. I'm currently, I am living in sin. I'm a new believer, but I am I am addicted to my sin. I'm addicted to drugs. I'm addicted to sexual sin, all the whole shebang. So my question was, you seem to have a born again experience. We woke up the next day and all your and you didn't have those addictions anymore. And I'm struggling with that.

Someone to see what your advice would be for me. Yeah, Paul, thank you so much for calling in. And God is faithful. And if you really do lean on him and cry out to him, he will help you. He he will bring you to real repentance.

Tell me what you mean by being a new. Yeah, so it's more of an intellectual thing, actually. I would say, like for the past two months, I've been reading the New Testament and I've just been listening to a lot of sermons. And I intellectually know that Christ has died for my sins. But there's just something there's just I just don't have it in my heart. I just can't walk away from my sin for some reason. All right.

Have you truly. OK, let's just understand, as we say, intellectual in the depths of your being. Right. If your life depended, do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead? Yes.

OK, let's take a little further. Do you believe that your sins are damnable in God's sight? Yes. And do you believe that he is the way of salvation, that it's not a matter of self-improvement, that you genuinely need Jesus to forgive you? Yeah, exactly. And that's one of the things I'm struggling with, because I don't really need to stop this sin to be saved. I consider myself already saved. But the question is, how do I, you know, it's it's it's confusing to me.

OK, so why? So on the one hand, you check off the boxes as being a believer. Is there any evidence to being born again?

Is there any evidence? Where God has come into your life, changed you in certain ways and and, you know, so if someone said, OK, why are you sure you're a believer? Why are you sure you're born again? What's your answer?

Yeah, so that's a tough one. Well, I would say I mean, I did have a change of heart in other ways besides my actions. So like I am a I'm a lot I like to think I try to be a lot more like Christ in my personal interactions in that ways.

And that has been very edifying in that way. Do you feel you have a relationship with God in any way, Paul? Yes, I mean, I do. Yes, certainly I do. OK. And I have seen deliverance from other sins.

I'm just struggling with these very particular, like I said, drugs and sexual sin. Got it. OK. All right. So in my life and look, can I mention one more thing?

Sorry, please. If it's so I mentioned a new believer and I'm not yet part of a church. So I figure that might be an important piece of that. OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Think of think of a coal for you're going to start a barbecue, right?

A coal by itself that's starting to get hot versus that coal in the midst of other coals that are burning the total world. So being in a community where people with similar experience can walk it out with you can love you, can pray with you, maybe get to the root of some of the issues, maybe help you develop new habits, maybe. OK, hey, we really need to get you into this program we have in the church because we got a ton of former addicts in this church. And in my case, God dealt with me for weeks and weeks and weeks. I was back and forth. I was back and forth. I was struggling.

I knew what was true. I wasn't willing to give it up. I wanted to give it up. Then I didn't want it back and forth.

And then then the light went on. December 17, 17, I got to that point of surrender. I said, OK, never again.

Never again. And then I was instantly set free from that moment on December 17. Now, that was from drugs.

Alcohol already stopped. But, you know, sexual temptation and things and dealing with that. I had to keep growing to this day. I have to guard my eyes. I have to guard my mind.

I'm a human being, you know, and then there are other areas where I still have to keep growing. But there there can be real deliverance. So two things. One, I would cry out to God earnestly, shut off the TV, shut off the distraction, put down yourself, whatever gets in the way. Right.

And just spend more time with him. And then reading the word, taking in God. I cannot live. I want to be free. I want to honor you. I want to honor you with my body. I want to honor you with my mind. And Jesus, you said you said in your word, if the son sets you free, you're free indeed.

I would read through. I would read through Romans six, read through it over and over and over. OK, Jesus, you've set me free from sin.

Sin is not my master. Also, during the break, which we're having momentarily, we're going to get your name and address. I want to send you my book, Go and Sit No More, A Call to Holiness, Go and Sit No More. So Truth, during the break, get on with Paul and we will get your address so I can send you this book. Go and Sit No More. That'll be real.

It's practical, step by step, practical. And then by all means, get in the church that really believes the Bible and believes that people can be set free and changed. And I believe as we take that step with other brothers and sisters, you're going to find liberty. Now, some things you might find addictions break immediately.

Some things that may be a process of growing, getting healthier, getting stronger. And, friends, if we take praise from Paul, you're going to pray and during the break, stay where you are. It'll take a little while.

Our call screen will get to you. We'll get you going soon no more. You're starting a journey. Lord, make yourself kneel to Paul.

Work a miracle of transformation this length. Paul, go after God like you never have. Trust Him.

Get in church with your new man. Hey, friends, Michael Brown here. My delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. We are living in such urgent times today, friends, that all of us are in the line of fire. There's a target on your back.

There's a target on my back. If you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values, you could be canceled. You could be cast out.

You could be put down. You could be silenced. I'm here to say, friends, that I am not about to be silenced, and I don't believe you are either. It is time for us to stand up. It is time for us to say enough is enough. It is time for us to push back in Jesus' name. Not fighting the way the world fights.

No. Overcoming evil with good. Overcoming hatred with love. Overcoming the flesh with the power of the Spirit. Overcoming lies with truth. And that's what we're here to do on the Line of Fire broadcast.

And, friends, it's not just a broadcast. It is a movement of people around the world. God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying, Lord, here we are. Send us. Use us. I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together.

And we are literally touching people around the world in America, in the nations, in Israel. And together with your help, we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe. So I encourage you, go right now to Click Donate Monthly Support. Click Donate Monthly Support. When you do, you become a torchbearer. We immediately send you two great, life-changing books. We immediately give you access to many classes I've taught. Others have to pay to take those.

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Donate Monthly Support. This is how we rise up. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again, it's Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back, friends, to the Line of Fire. We go back to the calls. And Truth, still need to get to Paul here to get his address so we can send him, go and send him more. Let's try to reconnect with Terry. Are you there, sir? Hello? Hey, all right.

Glad we finally connected. Go ahead. Yes, can you hear me, Michael?

Yes, I can. Yes, so I've been struggling with my faith for quite some time, just with believing that Jesus is the Messiah. And I started looking into Judaism, and I didn't want to kind of move too fast.

I want to make this very quick so I'm not up here taking up your time. Don't worry about it. There's two things I want to talk to you about, and that's Joel and Isaiah. The last time I spoke with you, you said that you, I'm not sure how to sort of just correct me if I'm wrong, that you said that you didn't know who Immanuel was in the book of Isaiah 7. So my thing is, if it's not about Jesus in context, if it's not about... It's ultimately a prophecy about the Messiah, for sure. But in the context of Isaiah, it does not explicitly mention the birth of Immanuel or a role of Immanuel. Every scholar would recognize that. It's not explicitly laid out there in Isaiah. Yeah.

Okay. So, yeah, basically what I was saying was, if it's... So, is that Jesus, though?

Yes or no? Is it Jesus? It's ultimately a prophecy about Him. But do you understand how prophecy works, Terry? No, what I mean is, when I read in context, it sounds like a child is living in that timeline, so for me it's kind of hard, right?

Right, but that's what I'm trying to explain. So Terry, let me help you, okay? Because I was confronted with this objection almost 53 years ago, and I've interacted a lot.

Okay, go for it. So let me try to explain. Do you have your Bible in front of you?

I do. Okay, go to Isaiah chapter 9. Okay, hold on. Isaiah 9?

Yep, Isaiah chapter 9. Okay, hold on. Let's see... I'm trying to find it. Tell you what, I'll read it for you. Here it is, I got it, I got it.

Okay, I'm here now. What translation are you reading from? English Standard Version. Okay, alright. So go ahead and read from Isaiah chapter 9, starting in verse 6. Verse 6. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given. The government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end on the throne of David and over his kingdom to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from the time forth and forevermore. Right, okay, so it's clearly a messianic prophecy, you know, this reign of the king of David. The Hebrews literally, a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us. If you go back to ancient Jewish interpretation, they understood it was a prophecy about the Messiah. The text says he's already been born.

So how does that work? In Isaiah's day, how does that work? So, many messianic prophecies, Terry, were originally spoken over someone in that day, but they did not live up to them.

They did not fulfill them. It would be like I say, and I see this next president is going to do X, Y, Z, and then he does X, because Y, Z is going to be done by one of his descendants of successors. So, very commonly, Terry, in the Old Testament, there are prophecies that are spoken like Psalm 2, if you read Psalm 2. This was a psalm of coronation. When the new king would be installed, you'd say this over and God says, You're my son.

Today I've begotten you. You're going to rule over the ends of the earth. Well, no king in ancient Israel ruled over the ends of the earth, so you have some of the rabbis who said this is about David and about the Messiah. So, it's the same way that there's someone that I believe that was born in Isaiah's day, some significant birth, but we don't know details. What we know is ultimately the fullness of that prophecy was not fulfilled with anyone there. So, now you look back and say, Okay, well, where is that?

Where is that one? So, Matthew, when he quotes it, he's looking at Isaiah 7 and Isaiah 9 and Isaiah 11, all of which speak of this messianic king who's going to rule and reign over the whole earth and whose name is Immanuel. Well, that's God with us and who has a supernatural birth.

It's like, Well, who else is that but Jesus? Of course, he fulfills it. And that's the whole thing of fulfilled. Think of a glass and you're pouring it. Well, it's not filled until it's at the brim, right?

But it's being filled all the way. So, the things start in the Old Testament. Let me give you another example.

The return of the Jewish people from exile after the Babylonian captivity. Are you familiar with the passages about that, Terry? I'm listening.

Okay. But you know what happened? The Jewish people go into exile of Babylon, correct? Yes. Jeremiah prophesied the temple's going to be destroyed.

Was it destroyed? Yes. He prophesied they're going to captivity for 70 years.

Did they? Yes. He prophesied you're going to return.

Did they return? Yes. He prophesied the temple's going to be rebuilt. Was it rebuilt? Yes. He prophesied God's going to give you a new heart and the whole nation will turn to me, to God, and the turning will be so great that the nations from around the world will come and see the glory of God in Jerusalem.

Did that happen? No. Was he a false prophet?

No. The first things happen at a certain time, the rest will happen later. So, this is just the rhythm of Old Testament prophecy and Messianic prophecies are exactly the same. What the counter missionaries do is they'll forget all these other prophecies.

They'll forget all these examples I've given and just detect the New Testament. Whereas the New Testament was written, with possibly the exception of Luke, written by all Jews who understood Jewish methods of interpretation. And Matthew's just writing for fellow Jews who understand these things. So, he's quoting in a way that they would understand. And they look at it and it's like, okay, that's Messianic. That makes sense to us. Jesus brings it to its full meaning because it wasn't fulfilled until he came and brought it to its full meaning. So, a lot of the things that are supposed to be problems and questions and the New Testament misinterprets the Old, it's just a matter of rightly understanding the text.

And when we do it, it does beautifully fall into place. Do you have a book that I can purchase on that one? Yes. Can you afford to get the book? Because if not, I'm happy to send it to you if you can't afford it.

If you can afford it... Well, I will buy it. So, it's Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 3. Yep, that's the one that focuses just on Messianic prophecy. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 3. At the end of the book is an appendix about keys to understanding Messianic prophecy.

So, go there first. It's real easy to follow. And then, any prophecy you're thinking about.

I've got a big thing on Isaiah 7, whatever, you know, Psalm 22, Daniel 9. We cover it all. Go through it. If you have further questions, you can write to us if it's better to do it. And we'll respond in writing in detail to answer you.

Or you can always call back in. So, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus. Can I have this last, smaller question? Because you don't have a lot of time. In Joel 3, when it says, Afterward I will part my spirit, what comes before that? Because it's like a section that's ripped out, placed in the first century.

Can you explain that a little bit? Yeah. So, this is in Joel chapter 2, right? If we go to the end of the second chapter of Joel. Alright? Well, here we go.

So, again, there's a different division. It's the same in Hebrew. It's its own chapter, chapter 3, verse 1. In the English translations, the Christian ones, it's Joel 2, 28.

Okay? And following. So, and afterward I'll part my spirit on all people. So, it is a period of judgment, a period of repentance, and a period of God promising to bring salvation and redemption. So, you have, when you read the Old Testament prophets, that's the other thing, Terry.

You'll see a lot. They're talking as if something's about to happen right in their day. And it doesn't happen for hundreds of years. I mean, all the time.

All the time. So, what the New Testament is saying, hey, it started now. The thing they were talking about, the thing they were prophesying about had happened. 1 Peter 1, if you check out 1 Peter 1, it explains that the prophets often thought they were prophesying about their own day, when they prophesied about the Messiah's sufferings and his glory, and then God showed them, no, no, it's for a later generation. For example, Zechariah 9. It's right in the middle of prophecies for Zechariah's day 2,500 years ago, and it talks about the Messiah coming riding on a donkey. It's like, what's that got to do with anything?

But that's one of the principles. You'll see that these messianic promises, they're totally joined in. One rabbi said it to me like this. It's like the prophets saw the Messiah coming on the immediate horizon of history. It's right around the corner, even though it was hundreds of thousands of years later.

And once you understand those principles, then it's like, okay, now I understand how it's woven together. And when I asked you at the beginning if you understood how prophecy worked, what I meant was it's not newspaper headlines. It's not like I can go online right now and see sports scores or stock market ratings.

And that's just factual reporting. Prophecy is not like that. If prophecy was like that, we would just try to make it work and figure it out as opposed to letting God do it.

And then we say, wow, here it is. But anyway, volume three, answering Jewish objections to Jesus. Get into that.

You can either write to us or call and let's help you on your journey. I was challenged by rabbis over 50 years ago. We've had public debates. Have you gone to our Jewish Web site, Real Messiah, and watched some of the debates, Terry? I watched some of your debates on YouTube, but what's your Web site? Yeah, Real Messiah dot com.

I think they can help you, sir. Real Messiah dot com. You'll find answers to about 100 common objections. You'll find full length video debates with numerous rabbis.

You'll find a bunch of responses to Rabbi Tobiah Singer where we expose the faulty scholarship and the misleading information. Real Messiah dot com. Everything here is free. So dive in and may the Lord guide you. Thank you. Thank you, Terry. God bless. I have a voice. Thank you.

Hey, friends. This is a major reason of why we do what we do, because people like Terry have questions. So, Paul, his question of how to overcome sin. I'm a new believer. How to overcome sin. Terry with struggles in his faith. And what should he believe?

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Get 25% off nitric oxide plus. Call 800-811-9628. 800-811-9628. This is how we rise up. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.

Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Shout out of appreciation to our co-sponsor TriVita for your great wellness products. Part of my daily routine. Oh yeah, religiously so. And thanks for your generosity. Donate so much of the proceeds to the Line of Fire.

Check out TriVita if you like at If you go there, use the code BROWN25. Alright, let us try for a third or fourth time. Jesse, are you there? Can you hear me? I can hear you. I don't know what happens. How strange. Alright, we finally got you, bud.

Thanks for holding through. Alright, alright. Good, good, good, good. So first of all, I want to say that I feel like simpleton with some of these people's questions are very advanced and things like that. Mine are just simple, but I have a few questions, and if you just want me to ask one question, that's fine. But they all have the same, they have to do with the Jewishness of Jesus and Christianity and things like that. Alright, we'll start with the first.

We'll see how long it takes, and we'll go from there. Alright, so the first one is, what is a mikvah and its relation to baptism? And is there anything spiritual that happens in baptism or a mikvah? And then the next question would be, did Jesus change anything in the law from Mark 7-19? And, because I got into a debate about Jesus' Jewishness, and I'm really defending Jesus' Jewishness, saying he came to fulfill the law in this person.

That's what they said. And then finally, why are so many Christians apathetic towards Jesus' Jewishness? It's like they know he's Jewish, but they don't really care that much.

Yeah, so obviously, the last question is a subjective one. In other words, there are hundreds of millions of believers, and people have different reasons for what they do. But for many, it's an ignorance thing, they don't know the significance of it, they don't realize why it's so important. It's like if I was reading American history but thought I was reading the history of Russia or the history of China, it would make a very, very big difference.

If I thought something was in the 5th century when it was actually in the 20th century, it would make a difference. So people don't realize the importance of understanding the Jewishness of Jesus. Or they just think, yeah, he's Jewish, but he's a savior, and now it's just universal. But when the light goes on, when you recognize he was a rabbi, not a reverend, that his mother's name was Miriam, that his name was Yeshua, that his disciples were men like Yohanan, and Matijahu, and Yaakov, and things, and when they reached the hem of his garment, it was the tzitzit, it was the ritual fringe.

It's just jarring, it's like, okay, hang on, hang on. We're kind of reading this through later Christian eyes. But as to why, again, some it's a matter of ignorance, some they say, okay, yeah, he was a Jew, but he's a savior of the world, what does it matter?

So it's not fully grasping it. And for some, there is a desire to distance themselves from Jewish things because they think of Judaism and what Jesus has become, and they have some negative feeling there. Regarding mikvah, mikvah is just ritual immersion. So in a messianic congregation, you talk about people going to the mikvah to be baptized.

In other words, it's the word that's used. So the mikvah was just any place of ritual immersion. So in Jerusalem, there were many of these places.

You go by the steps leading up to the temple in Jerusalem, and you'll see, okay, here are the places where you've got steps going down on the one side, there's a little pool in the middle and steps going on the other, and you go in and dunk yourself. So it could be for ritual cleansing. It could be, you know, there was overnight you were unclean for some reason. So now you go through ritual cleansing. It could be fresh devotion to the Lord. It could be repentance.

It could be in conjunction with a fast. So it had many different meanings. And then it became specially associated with now this immersion right with this new faith in Jesus the Messiah. As for Mark 7-19, the most common way of understanding that is after Jesus has his dispute with the religious leaders, when they say, how come your disciples eat with unwashed hands, that he says what you eat doesn't make you unclean. What goes into your mouth doesn't make you unclean because it just cycles out of your body.

Rather, what makes you unclean is what comes out of your heart. And the parallel passage is in Matthew 15. Matthew 15 ends with saying, so you're not defiled by eating with unwashed hands. And some say that Mark 7-19, that in saying that Jesus declared all foods clean, it simply meant whether you eat with clean hands or not. But my understanding of the passage is a little different. That he explained that in itself, no food in itself is actually unclean because it's just food. It doesn't spiritually defile you. But he never said to break the dietary laws. In other words, Peter years later in the book of Acts has never eaten an unclean thing. It never dawned on him to do it.

Why would it? All Jesus was explaining was that the food in and of itself is not unclean. It doesn't defile you.

But here's the deal. If Jesus has just rebuked the religious leaders for making the word of God void with their traditions, wouldn't it be a little odd that he now comes along and makes the whole Torah law void in this area? So he wasn't making the law void. He was rather giving a spiritual principle to understand that whether your hands are dirty or not, the food, that doesn't defile you on the inside. It can't do it. Then later, when they were in a situation under the new and better covenant, where the only way you can bring the gospel to a Gentile is to eat with them and even eat unclean food, it's not a problem.

It's not going to defile you. Those laws were there to keep Jew and Gentile separate. So what happens immediately after that? He travels probably a round trip of between 50 and 60 miles and goes and heals the daughter of a Gentile. It's his way of saying the wall of partition has come down. So the food laws served a purpose. Jesus shows us that there is now a unity that comes in the Messiah of Jew and Gentile and that intrinsically no food is actually unclean. But it remained the custom of Jewish believers to not eat unclean food. Apparently for centuries, they lived in their communities.

They did that. Much of the church didn't understand them. If they had to eat something unclean while reaching someone with the gospel, they were happy to do it. But they understood that the food itself is not the issue.

It symbolizes something larger. So anyway, it's actually a fairly complex question and that's my simplest way of answering it for you. All right? What's that passage in Acts that says that Peter never ate anything unclean? Just read Acts 10.

Read through Acts 10. All right. Thank you so much. Sure thing. God bless. 866-34-TRUTH. We go to Greg in Caring, North Carolina. Thanks for calling the line of fire.

Hello, Dr. Brown. In Mark 9, 29, in the King James Version that says prayer and fasting, but I was reading in NASB and I had a Bible study last night or a Bible get together group and the leader of his version didn't say fasting either. And I was just wondering, you know, you have these stories about King James Version being, you know, not very accurate and stuff, but I think it's pretty accurate. I don't know. I like it.

But I was just wondering what your take was on the prayer and fasting. Yeah, yeah. So here's the deal. We have two main streams of text from the Greek New Testament over the centuries because we have so many thousands and thousands and thousands of manuscripts. They're two basically different texts. They're in harmony on verse after verse after verse, line after line after line, right? So read the King James side by side with NIV, ESV, NASB, and you'll see line by line by line by line, identical, identical, identical.

And then every so often a little deviation. It's not a translation issue. It's that the King James translators used one set of texts, which is the majority texts. In other words, we have the most copies of these. The other translators used the most ancient texts and they said those are the ones we're going to go by.

So every so often you have a minor discrepancy. The best we can tell, most scholars would agree, that the word and fasting was added in later because it's a tendency of scribes when they're copying something that they're more likely to add something in to clarify than to take away. So for sure it became a major teaching in the early church, the importance of prayer and fasting. And the whole Bible talks about the importance of fasting. So amen to that.

Amen to what it's saying. But it's just a matter of the King James following one set of texts and other translators, a different one. Like I said, 99.9% of the time they're identical, word for word, verse for verse, in terms of matters of substance. And every so often there's a small difference, but the small difference is still true. In other words, prayer and fasting is true, that we are empowered, driving out demons, coming against satanic powers by prayer, especially joined with fasting. But did Jesus say and fasting in that context?

Probably not. It's probably added later, but it remains true. There's nothing to get hung up about. It's true. And it's not a matter of someone's trying to, like this evil thing, like the King James translators they're just trying to add or the other translators they're trying to take away. It's a matter of scholar-centric here. We've got these piles of texts, and one says it this way, one says it slightly differently. Which one do we follow? And that's all the debate is about. It's not a big deal, nothing to be concerned about. And if you're comfortable reading the King James or the New King James, great.

And when there's a discrepancy, just recognize, hey, these are both streams of truth, these are both saying something that's truthful, and there's just a debate as to whether Jesus said it in this context or not. And that's the extent of it. So, hey, listen, unfortunately...

Thank you so much, Dr. Brown. Yeah, I'm out of time. The key thing is this, nothing to get hung up about.

Because, amen to the essential importance of prayer and fasting to see breakthroughs in dealing with demonic strongholds. 100%. It's true. It's important. Absolutely. Did Jesus say it in that context? Probably not. But could have been taught in other contexts, and that's why it's put there. Hey, friends, be strong in the Lord, and the powers might let us stand strong on the front lines together and bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus. Amen.
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