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Is It Antisemitic to Criticize Israel?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
May 6, 2024 4:30 pm

Is It Antisemitic to Criticize Israel?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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May 6, 2024 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 05/06/24.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

So is it anti-Semitic to criticize Israel at all? It's time for the Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on the Line of Fire.

And now here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome, welcome to the Line of Fire. As we start our week together, Michael Brown, blessed and delighted to be here with you and here to infuse you with faith and truth and courage to help you stand strong on the front lines. All of us today, living in America, around the world, followers of Jesus, we are in the Line of Fire.

So we're here to equip you so you can stand strong. We are working on our May Frontline Newsletter now. We've got testimonies put together already, thinking through the message, the main message, the Hebrew Word study, we'll have other features. So sign up today if you're not getting our Frontline Newsletter. If you want to find out more about my own background, testimony from LSD to PhD, the three R's of our ministry, revival in the church, gospel-based moral and cultural revolution in society, the redemption of Israel, by all means, you want to sign up. We'll get you on our welcome tour and get you our monthly Frontline Digital Newsletter, all free. Go to, and just click on subscribe and we'll get it coming your way.

All right, here's the number to call, 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. You can respond to anything that I'm talking about today having to do with Israel. We can talk about the state of America, upcoming elections, where things stand regarding Israel as well, or general questions, we may take some of those, or things you want to challenge me at, tell me why I'm so wrong.

Phone lines are wide open. We're not going to restrict topics, it's just going to be a matter of time of what we get to, 866-348-7884. Is it antisemitic to criticize Israel at all? Of course not, absolutely not. In fact, some of Israel's staunchest critics are Jews. Some of Israel's staunchest critics are Israelis living in Israel. It is not antisemitic to criticize Israel, to differ with Israel, to think that Israel does certain things wrong. That's not antisemitic to do that. It's not antisemitic to differ with individual things Jewish people do, or some things that some Jewish people do. There's nothing antisemitic about that. Natan Sharansky, who is the Soviet Jewish dissident, imprisoned for his dissidence, and then ultimately made his way to Israel where he became a political leader, he gave a three-fold definition of when it is antisemitic to criticize Israel.

And I agree with his three-fold definition, it's convenient to use. It is antisemitic to demonize the nation of Israel. In other words, to paint a picture of the nation of Israel as if it is this ugly, demonic, horrific entity. You say, well, I believe it is. Well, you're free to believe that. I'm saying it is antisemitic to believe that, but you're free to believe that. Right, just like if you said all whites are rapists, or all blacks are murderers. Well, those would be racist comments.

You can believe them if you want, but those would be racist comments. So when you demonize the nation as a whole, that's antisemitic. When you delegitimize Israel and say that Israel has no right to exist, then that is antisemitic. And when you use double standards, that you hold Israel to standards different than any other nation on the planet, and therefore single them out for criticism in certain ways, that is antisemitic. But to say, for example, I don't like Netanyahu. I think he's doing a terrible job as prime minister, that's not an antisemitic.

If you say, I think this right-wing government is downright dangerous, and you've got some racists among them, you do. That's not antisemitic. If you say, I don't agree with Israel's policy in the West Bank, and I think they should pull out of their settlements, that's not antisemitic to say that. Yeah, Israel has a right to defend itself, but they've gone way too far in the war to Gaza, and they're causing way too many civilian casualties. Nothing antisemitic about that.

Nothing whatsoever. You can hold to those views, and many within Israel hold to those views as well. You can say, you know, Jewish people I went to school with, they were like uppity. Okay, as long as you don't think all Jews are uppity. Well, you know, I don't know, the Jews I work with in business, they're like really cutthroat and really tough with money. Okay, that's the ones you work with, just don't make a generalization about Jews in general. That's when things become antisemitic, when you make a generalization about the people as a whole. The same with any other group.

All right? The same with any other group. You can have an issue with Americans without being anti-American. But if you demonize the nation as a whole, if you delegitimize our right to exist, if you paint broad caricatured strokes about all Americans, then that becomes anti-American.

Becomes biased in its attitude and speech. It's the same with Israel. So, it always, I can't say it boggles my mind after all these decades, but it's still jarring to see how I can take issue with Israel on various points. I can say how there's no salvation for the Jewish people outside of Jesus Yeshua. And yet people say, well you're just siding, you're just, all you do is side with your people, or side with my race as if being Jewish was just a race.

Interestingly. So, it's always, oh, so we can't criticize Israel? No one's saying you can't criticize Israel, you can do whatever you want to do. But the question is, when does it become antisemitic? So, I'm explaining when it becomes antisemitic.

So, again, you may hold to those views, but I'd just say then you hold to antisemitic views. Now, today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it's extraordinary that at this time, in Israel, when this especially remembered siren sound, people just stop, traffic stops, people get out of the cars just for a couple of minutes. This constant remembrance that Israel, even as of the last 24 hours, 48 hours, has been bombed from the north and from the south. Hamas bombing again.

Yeah, in the midst of everything going on. Bombing again. And Israel, of course, now carrying out retaliatory strikes in Rafah and doing its best to move forward. America has said we do not support the current initiative in Rafah as it stands.

We don't support the current offensive. There's too much danger to civilians. Israel said, all right, here's a map, go to Mawasi, go to this region here, because we're coming in for Hamas. This is the last Hamas stronghold, and we're coming in. And we have to do it, so evacuate. The UN's saying it's not humanitarian to have them evacuate again.

We've got a million people holed up there. All kinds of complex, difficult issues, for sure, that are being worked out. But in the midst of this, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel, in an existential battle for its own survival, with hostile forces surrounding it, with Iran, fighting the battle through its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, to try to wipe out Israel.

An extraordinary time, an extraordinary season. In the midst of this now, Hamas has said that they accept the new Qatari proposal, ceasefire proposal. Israel has said they're examining it because this is different than what they agreed to. And there's only one reason Hamas is doing this. Just like they agreed to free hostages in the first place, it's because Israel devastatingly took out their strongholds in the northern part of Gaza very, very quickly. And the devastation was so quick, so overwhelming, they really had no choice but to say, okay, we're going to negotiate. As much as they talk about martyrdom and all this, when it's still now fighting for their lives and survival at the end, they're holed up in tunnels and using hostages, as we understand, as human shields.

So obviously, they're fearing Israel coming in and exerting pressure and seeking to take out their lost strongholds in Rafah. I was interacting with a brother a few months ago. I wouldn't call him anti-Zionist, but he's so strongly pro-Palestinian, he has extreme suspicion towards Israel and what they do and believes the worst narratives. I mean, we really clashed in our views. But he was saying, look, what about the teaching of Jesus, turn the other cheek?

What about the teaching of Jesus that you bless those who curse you, etc.? Well, that's an interpersonal relationship. That is not talking about if some rapist and serial killer breaks into your home that you say, oh, my wife's down the hallway there, the kids are down there, and God bless you.

No, that's not saying. You call the police instantly and if you can subdue that person, you subdue that person. And if the only way to save your family was to take that person out, that would be a righteous thing to do. The same way when we are invaded, if we were being invaded by foreign armies and we were having tens of thousands of our people slaughtered to just with numbers come up to what it would be, the equivalent of multiple 9-11s one day after another, after another, after another, or multiple the same day to compute with what Israel suffered on October 7th. We'd be in all-out war with these enemies and doing everything we knew to take them out.

The way to overcome Hitler was not to turn the other cheek. So we're talking about war being inactive here. It must be, Hamas must be taken out of power. The question is, what then replaces them? Something worse than Hamas?

As you chop the head of the snake and now you get 10 snakes instead? Is there a way to reach out to the people and say, look, you can have a peaceful life. You can have a prosperous life. You can raise your kids without fear if you'll just acknowledge that Israel is here to stay. Because remember, Hamas says we will do October 7th over and over again until there is no more Israel. Hamas has said this is not a conflict of 70-something years. This is a conflict going back well before that, well before a century, meaning that Israel, the Jewish people, should not be there in the land at all. There is no two-state solution with Hamas. There is no two-state proposal. There is no dwelling side-by-side with Israel in the land, even with 1967 borders. There is none of that, or pre-1967 borders. There is none of that with Hamas. It is the annihilation of Israel, the extermination of Israel, the end of Israel.

Period. That's all that Hamas stands for. They are Islamists. They are not primarily nationalists.

They are primarily Islamists. That is their viewpoint. Is there a way to appeal to the people, to appeal to the mothers and to the children that remain, to appeal to the fathers that are still alive and to say, we're here, we're not going anywhere. There is not going to be some massive return of millions and millions of ex-Palestinian that are around the world. That's not going to happen. So accept the reality here and dwell side-by-side in peace and prosperity. That's the dream scenario.

Right? We'll help your economy. We'll help your school systems. We'll help your infrastructure.

We'll help with technology. You know, Israel is saying this, just live in peace side-by-side with us. It can happen. Now, of course, there are extremists within Israel that don't want that to happen and say, no, we just have to repopulate Gaza and take it over again. And the same thing with take over Judea and Samaria completely and no Palestinians there, no Arabs there, etc. There are some extremists that say it, but the vast majority of the people would be happy to live side-by-side. They've lost hope of it now after the massacre.

They've lost hope. But this is where we stand today, friends, to take issue with how Israel conducts itself, to take issue with Israeli policy, on and on and on. That's not anti-Semitic.

But if you demonize the nation as a whole, if you delegitimize Israel's right to exist and use double standards against Israel, and hold those standards against them, contrary to the way you treat the rest of the world, that's anti-Semitic. All right, 86634truth got a bunch more to cover today. This is Michael Ellison, founder of TriVita Wellness. Have you ever noticed that you're not as strong as you would like to be? Is your muscle strength and even balance not like it was just a few years ago? I want to introduce to you Mile Health, an amazing product packed with nine essential amino acids that has been clinically proven to build strong lean muscles at any age. This formula has 25 human studies and over $20 million in scientific research.

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Okay, tell you what. I'm going to go to some calls and talk about what's happening in Israel. And we've got some other calls under the subjects.

We'll get to you as well. But a little bit later in the broadcast, I'm going to play a clip for you from one of the lead protesters at Columbia University. And to contrast the spirit of real revolutionaries with the spirit of the pampered protesters. As I said last week, I don't believe for a split second that suddenly, all over America, students have a bleeding heart for the Palestinian people. And they really care about the sufferings of the Palestinians. Now, some do. But the vast majority, that's not the issue at all. It's just the latest rage against their machine.

You know, give it, push back against the man. And I'm watching one video and a lady looked white to me. She's telling us, we don't like you because you're white. We don't like white people. That's what we're protesting about.

We don't like white people. This is just the latest variation of stand-up protests, down with the colonizers, down with the oppressors. And that's the Zionists and the whites and on and on. Just the latest manifestation.

Or just rebel against the system. We'll get into that a bit more. Alright, let me grab a couple of Israel-related calls.

We'll start in Fort Worth, Texas. Joseph, welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown. Thank you for taking my call.

Sure thing. Yeah, I have a question. So, I lived in the Middle East for a couple of years. I've been able to do some missions over there. My wife, she's from Palestinian background.

And so, arrows are really dear to my heart. I really got to see her community and the Christian community that's there and understand what it's like. My concern is that the evangelical movement today overlooks the suffering of the Palestinian people and solely focuses on just praying for Israel, praying for its success, which is good. We need to be praying for Israel. But I also believe that many Christians are overlooking the plight of the Palestinian people, including Christian brothers and sisters there. So, I guess, you know, I hear on your program that you don't like to use unequal weights and balances, and I do kind of see that with how we're addressing the Palestinian people. Because, yes, Hamas needs to be taken out, but at the same time, the way that Israel is conducting its war, they need to be using a surgical tool in order to extract Hamas instead of using a sledgehammer. So, for me, I just wanted to get your opinion about this is, I think the way they're conducting the war is they're actually doing more harm than good in the long run because they can actually be promoting more rhythm. Yeah, I agree with much of what you're saying.

Number one, especially with the older generation. The younger generation of believers, of evangelicals, is really much more confused when it comes to Israel and doesn't understand God's purposes for Israel the same way as the older generation. But with the older generation, you're 100% right, we often forget about the suffering of the Palestinian people, we forget about the Christians among them, we forget to pray for their salvation. I was actually part of a meeting Saturday night in Vermont, and a local pastor was asked to come up and pray for Israel at the end, and he did, but didn't say a word about the Palestinians. When he finished, I said, let's pray for the Palestinians.

They're precious in God's sight as well. And I've said, like a broken record on the show, that Palestinian blood is just as precious in God's sight as Israeli blood the very first day of the massacre. In fact, I was speaking the next day, October 8th, in Fort Worth, and brought a message on God's praying for Israel, but I said, listen, the nature of the war, the nature of how Hamas has entrenched itself in the midst of civilian communities, there are going to be more Palestinians who die than Israelis, we need to be praying for the Palestinians, and even wrote an article early on called Sympathy for the Palestinians. So, I do agree with you there that we often overlook that, or we demonize that people as a whole, as if they're all Hamas. I know many are Hamas supporters, and they have rejoiced with Hamas's victories.

I look at them as victims of brainwashing and indoctrination, and the situation in which they've been raised. But certainly, we often overlook prayer for them, or concern for them, or think that their blood is not as precious as Israeli blood. So I agree with you on that point, 100%. As far as my emphasis, I have stated those things over and over and over and over.

Anyone that's watched the broadcast or listened over the months will know that. At the same time, I'm constantly confronting issues having to do with Jew hatred, with the demonization of Israel as a whole, the campus protests now, the rise and tide of anti-Semitism. So I'm going to talk about those things more, but when we talk about the actual war on the ground, I'm always going to mention the other side of things. The last point, I would say that it's a bit of an overstatement to say that Israel needs surgical precision and they're using a sledgehammer. They're doing their best to use surgical precision and take out Hamas, but Hamas has set itself up by design to take... The only way you can get to Hamas is by killing civilians.

That's the only possible way you can do it. They've set it up in that way, and they welcome it. They're on record saying, we'll lose hundreds of thousands of lives.

It's a victory for us. So could Israel do even better? Yes. Would I make as blunt a distinction as you? No. Now, is there a problem ultimately that what Israel does is going to lead to more problems? Yes, absolutely. It's a very, very difficult situation here.

That's why I put out my dream scenario. I agree with almost everything you said, but I believe the sledgehammer versus surgical precision is an overstatement in light of the reality of the war there, and the degree to which the people are willingly working with Hamas, standing with Hamas. We even know October 7th, there's civilians that joined in the massacre, the civilians that were housing hostages.

And you see the crowds. When I saw the footage myself showing that the IDF has put together the 47 minutes of footage, I saw the celebration as bodies were brought in and paraded through the streets, and the crowds were celebrating and taking pictures on their cell phones. So it's a tragic, difficult situation, but I agree with almost everything you said, the way you said it, except one point, I would nuance a little. Thank you so much for the call and for raising these issues. It's very important, and I just want to second what Joseph had said. Don't forget about the suffering of Palestinian people right now. Yes, yes, Israel is under siege. Yes, living in Israel is incredibly intense with the world coming against you. Yes, Jew hatred is rising around the world.

We need to call it out, confront it. At the same time, don't forget about the Palestinians suffering greatly in horrific conditions. There is shortage of food supplies, water supplies, things that Israel sends in as well. Hamas tries to take for themselves. That's another issue and problem.

Disease, real problems. And then, of course, all those who've been killed, thousands who've died, we know the exact numbers because Hamas is giving the numbers, and they don't even tell you which were their own combatants and which were civilians, and numbers are only inflated by Hamas. In any case, there's doubtless great suffering, and there are Christians among them as well. The Christian's greatest enemy, though, is not Israel. It's Hamas. Let that not be forgotten in the Middle East, and may God intervene in His mercy.

866-348-7884. A whole lot more to go on the broadcast today. Thanks for standing with us. Thanks for helping us push back against the darkness. Together, we are making a difference.

Hey friends, Michael Brown here. My delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. We are living in such urgent times today, friends, that all of us are in the line of fire. There's a target on your back.

There's a target on my back. If you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values, you could be canceled. You could be cast out.

You could be put down. You could be silenced. I'm here to say, friends, that I am not about to be silenced, and I don't believe you are either. It is time for us to stand up. It is time for us to say, enough is enough. It is time for us to push back in Jesus' name. Not fighting the way the world fights.

No. Overcoming evil with good. Overcoming hatred with love. Overcoming the flesh with the power of the Spirit. Overcoming lies with truth. And that's what we're here to do on the Line of Fire broadcast.

And, friends, it's not just a broadcast. It is a movement of people around the world. God's people standing up saying, enough is enough, and saying, Lord, here we are. Send us. Use us. I want to urge you today to join our support team, because we are on the front lines together.

And we are literally touching people around the world, in America, in the nations, in Israel. And together with your help, we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe. So, I encourage you, go right now to Click donate monthly support. Click donate monthly support. When you do, you become a Torchbearer. We immediately send you two great, life-changing books. We immediately give you access to many classes I've taught. Others have to pay to take those. You get them for free. Exclusive video audio content. A new audio message every month. An insider prayer newsletter. 15% discount. Our online bookstore.

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This is how we rise up. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us, friends, on the broadcast. I want to go to a clip, then we'll go back to your calls. 866-34-TRUTH.

We've got a couple of phone lines open if you want to get in the queue here. So, this is Johanna King-Slutsky. She's a PhD candidate at Columbia University.

She was one of the protest leaders with the encampment there. And they're asking for supplies to be brought in. I want you to hear this dialogue.

It's really quite telling. Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who have taken over a building? Well, first of all, we're saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here. But you mentioned that there was a request that food and water be brought in. To allow it to be brought in, I mean, well, I guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic, I mean, it's crazy to say because we're on an Ivy League campus, but this is like basic humanitarian aid we're asking for. Like, could people please have a glass of water?

But they did put themselves in that very deliberately in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you're sort of saying we want to be revolutionaries. We want to take up this building. Now would you please bring us food and water? Nobody's asking them to bring anything. We're asking them to not violently stop us from bringing in basic humanitarian aid. They're stopping the delivery of food? We are looking for a commitment from them that they will not stop it violently.

But they haven't stopped it yet? Well, I don't know to what extent it has been attempted, but we're looking for a commitment. May God bring this young woman to a saving knowledge of her son and give her a purpose in life beyond this pseudo-revolutionary nonsense. By the way, her doctoral thesis, quote, I'm particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian. Oh, Karl Marx, what do you know? A Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the romantic imagination.

It's clear, right? She said prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist. This is her bio at Columbia University. For leftist and progressive causes that remain active in the higher education labor movement. Notice this is just the latest revolutionary Marxist cause.

What's so extraordinarily ironic is, okay, you have the people in Gaza are really suffering potential dehydration, starvation, severe illness because of the conditions in which they're living. And here you've got these pampered protesters saying we want, you know, we want food, water, supplies. Like, oh, the campus dining hall is open. You've got a meal plan.

The campus dining hall is open. Well, we've taken over a building. We'll send some of the people out to get food. Bring it in. Hey, tell you what. Or go online and order.

Get yourself an out and order food. But we want to make sure it's not violently stopped. Nobody stopped anything. Nobody stopped anything.

I mean, picture this. You got a delivery. Whenever a service used Grubhub or whoever it is, right? And you say, well, I'd like guarantee that no one is going to try to stop, violently stop the delivery. It's like, who's stopping any deliveries? Where's anything stopped? You're the one threatening violence, right? What's happening here?

So this whole mythical thing that we're, you know, hey, tell you what. Just go out and just walk outside and go ahead and get what you want and go back in. Or call a friend and say, hey, could you bring me a bottle of water? Or maybe next time before you take a building, bring a few extra bottles of water with you.

This is remarkable. Okay, let's see. Over at UCLA, protesters said, we will not leave. We will remain here until our demands are met. But they had some urgent needs, though.

Hot food for lunch. We are revolutionaries. You know, I've been writing about revolutionaries and revolutionary themes for many years now. And the basic mentality of a revolutionary is life as it is is not worth living.

But the cause is worth dying for, right? That's how a revolutionary often thinks. So Bill Bright in his book, Revolution Now, quotes the words of Nechayev Marxist who died in prison for his role in the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. The second quote, so this is a Marxist revolutionary, said, the revolutionary man is a consecrated man.

He has neither his own interests nor concerns nor feelings nor attachments nor property, not even a name. All for him is absorbed in the single exclusive interest in the one thought, in the one passion, revolution. Che Guevara invited his old friend Julia El Gaucho Castro to join him in Cuba, and he said, this experience of ours is really worth taking a couple of bullets for.

If you do come, don't think of returning. The revolution won't wait. Well, these protesters don't seem to be willing to forget about taking a bullet. How about cold lunch? No one's got hot food for lunch. I'm looking at demands important, all caps. I mean, how could they protest effectively without a nice hot lunch and also on their list?

Vegan food, gluten free food, and then quite emphatically, no packaged food, no coffee, no bagels, no bananas, no nuts. On with the revolution. And they had urgent needs, all capitals, urgent headlamps, asof goggles, skater helmets, wood for barrier.

And we have to construct a barrier when you please bring us the wood for a revolutionary barrier. Rain ponchos, umbrellas and super bright flashlights with strobe charged. Yeah, the flashlights, make sure they're super bright and make sure you're sure of what kind of revolutionaries will be without super bright strobe flashlights fully charged. Over at the University of Chicago, the protesters made a series of supply requests for its medical tent, including Plan B, also known as the morning after pill. Make sure the revolutionaries get to doing some other extracurricular activity, make sure you have the Plan B pill, HIV tests, and dental dams.

If you don't know what dental dams are, that's just fine. Those who do, yeah. This is on with the revolution. What kind of nonsense is this?

This is what a pampered privilege protest looks like that's not based on principle. That's what it looks like. All right, back to the phones.

Let's go to Dayton, Ohio. Carl, you're on the line of fire. And your name is your, your, your, your Dr. Brown, right?

That's the last time I checked. Yes, sir. I don't have much to say. I'm just sick of these ignorant people. They don't really know what's going on.

These are just descendants of Philistines and Edomites, and that's all they are. And I'm a black guy who was gravid into, you know, into the kingdom. And I just see these ignorant people.

Like in Dayton, I was out one time and it was a Wednesday. This is when it just getting started. I see all these people marching. And I was playing dumb and ignorant. I'm like, so what's going on here? And I was talking to a guy, handsome guy. He was, uh, he was Arab or something.

He was telling me what's going on, which it didn't make sense. But I see these people walking in line like a zombie and they don't know if they would allow these people to take over this country. These women who are marking in line, right? Probably medical students, going to be lords, whatever. They wouldn't be going to school. They'd be wearing burkas up to their eyeballs, you know, they would get no respect. And they're marking for these people. It's like Queers for Palestine, right?

I'm sorry? It's like the Queers for Palestine movement. It's like, you can do that in Israel.

You can have a gay pride march in Israel, sad to say, but go ahead, have your gay pride march in the West Bank or, worse still, in Gaza and see what happens to you. See what happens to your trans feminism. Yeah, see what happens to you. Exactly. Exactly. But they're actually looking for people that hate them.

Hate them. And it's just a paradox to me. And I just really don't, but I guess it's just ignorance, you know.

Here's what it is, Carl. There are a few things. There are people, look, there are Jews against the war in Gaza right now because they feel Israel is going too far. And it's bringing great suffering on Palestinian people. So there are those who are generally compassionate, and you're going to have Muslims who historically have issues with Israel and are more pro-Palestinian, so they're going to have some knowledge. But your average protester, yeah, first when people say, from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, you say, excuse me, which river and which sea?

They can't answer that. Then you show them a map and show them, okay, the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and say, well, what nation is there right now? Oh, that's called Israel. As soon as you're saying, no more Israel. Oh, we didn't realize we were saying that.

You know, that's another thing. Okay, well, where do the Jewish people go? What's the Hamas solution? Exterminate them.

Exterminate them or expel them. That's the Hamas solution. And you are standing with Hamas. But there are two things. One, sir, is the irrational nature of anti-Semitism.

That it just, people get angry at the Jews, conspiring against the Jews, evil Israel, evil Jews. And the other thing is, like I said, it's part of the latest protest thing. Look, I do not believe that around the world, suddenly, in 2020, there was tremendous sympathy for black Americans. I do not believe that. I do not believe that suddenly, all around the world, everybody, Europe, everybody cared about police brutality against African Americans.

I don't believe that for a split second. It was just another anti-American, anti-oppressor thing. I don't believe it was true solidarity or true compassion or true anything in that regard. So this is the latest manifestation of that.

And it is irrational. And then, a lot of the younger generation, TikTok, they're educated in such a way that Hamas, they're the great freedom fighters. You know, Osama bin Laden's manifesto against America, or against the West, that went viral on TikTok recently. People are like, yes, yes, he's got it right. It's like, you realize who that is? You realize who that is? You realize that that man wants you dead?

That you're part of the problem in his eyes? So tremendous ignorance, tremendous demonic deception. And that's the scary thing, to see this many people drink the Kool-Aid. To think, you know, Columbia's just said they're setting down their commencement ceremonies. This is a big thing. Graduation. Shut down.

Because of these protesters. Other schools doing the same. Going to complete remote classes now. Yeah. Thank you, sir, for the call.

I appreciate it. Hey guys, let's grab some of those slides. When I debunk the myths that today's Jews were actually descended of the Khazars, this myth. Ashkenazi Jews, white Jews. Yeah, just among many comments we get. Zionism is Satan's army on Earth.

We have those slides, guys? Yeah, there's one of them. Zionism is Satan's army on Earth. And then, as I talk about how our universities are cultivating anti-Semitism, one of the replies, this is just on YouTube. The US is finally waking up to the fact that it is Zionist occupied. Those evil Zionist Jews trying to take over the world. Oh yeah, that's the rhetoric out there. We'll be right back.

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It really works. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome back to the Line of Fire, Michael Brown. Blessed and delighted to be with you again. Make sure you're getting our frontline equipping newsletter. Go to and click subscribe. It'll be coming your way. We'll send you last month's immediately and then get you in our welcome tour as well. That's

If you're watching on YouTube and you're not a subscriber, make sure you click subscribe and then the bell so you'll be notified when we go live with new shows. So last week I talked about the bill passed by the House, we still have to go to the full Senate, but passed by the House for a bill outlawing certain anti-Semitic speech, etc. And I just focused on the mistaken notion that the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance would forbid someone from saying that in the New Testament times that Jewish leaders gave Jesus over to be crucified. It would say it is anti-Semitic if you say all Jews of all time are responsible or Israel today is responsible for the death of Jesus. That would be anti-Semitic.

So I just explained it. Whether the bill was a good bill or not, another question. Whether it was straight to freedom of speech or not, another question. I simply dealt with that reality and almost saying Jewish people need Jesus to be saved like everybody else. So some of the responses to that, here's one guy, strange how Talmudic Zionists can actually control the pitos, Jesuits, and Satanists in Congress.

This is the sicko stuff that's out there. As they explain in their wicked beliefs, we the lower level people, goyim, are to serve Zionists. So this is the crazy stuff that people believe. Someone was pointing out to Tucker Carlson a friendly reminder that New Testament altars were Jewish. The same guy just quoted a moment ago says, ah no, Hebrew Zionists are not Jews. They're wicked, satanic, Talmudic devils.

This is the sick stuff that's out there. When I just set the record straight about what the bill actually says, or what the IHRA definition actually is. It's been a definition around for some years and widely used in Jewish circles to define anti-Semitism. And saying Jews need Jesus like everybody else.

Here's some of the responses we get. Dr. Brown showing his loyalty to Israel over Christ. So if it's illegal to say that the Jews killed Jesus, then it should be illegal to say that Germans killed Jews? Unreal. And notice the Jews, but just Germans. Extraordinary. This is the mindset, the rhetoric, and friends, which you have to realize, this is not just fringe.

These crazy Jew-hating attitudes are becoming more and more mainstream, and you'll see more and more of them within the church. Mark my words. With that, we'll go back to the phones. Over in Texas, George, are you still there? Yes, sir. Great. Thank you for holding. Welcome to the line of fire.

Well, thank you, Dr. Brown, for having me. I want to talk a little bit in reference to this doctrine about the pre-trip, which I believe is a little anti-Semite as well. But, you know, when we read in Revelations 20 where it talks about, you know, blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.

Second, there's no part of them. But this doctrine, this teaching says that, you know, when the Lord comes at the rapture, he will come for the church. But not knowing that the church, you know, as it started with Jews, and it's comprised of Jews and Gentiles. And also, when Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 2, verse 15, where out of the two people, he made one. So we should not be separating what God has united, just like in a marriage, right? Do not put us under what God has.

So let me ask this one question to clarify, and then we'll open this up together. So, a Jewish person outside of Jesus is not part of the ecclesia, not part of the church. Would you agree with that? In other words, the church has saved Jews and saved Gentiles. So, I'm a saved Jew, you're a saved Gentile, we're part of the same spiritual family, we're one in the Messiah. But Gentiles who don't believe in Jesus, and Jews who don't believe in Jesus, are not part of the ecclesia. Would you agree with that? Yes. Okay, so that's not antisemitic to say that.

You're saying that because dispensationalism, the pre-teaching, makes them two complete separate entities, the church and then Israel, that's what makes it antisemitic? I just want to make sure I understand. No, where I was leading with that is, for example, they say, in other words, Jews are not going in the, as they say, the rapture, but they will have to go through the great tribulation. In other words, you're going to have to suffer. If you want to go to heaven, this is what you're going to go through.

Got it, got it. And I believe that the Lord will come at the end, as is written throughout scripture, in Matthew 24, you know, at the end. Yeah, after the tribulation of those days. Yes, and when Lazarus dies, that mark, you know, he will rise against Jesus, but I know that in the last day, he will rise. Yes, so George, I'm with you on that, that I understand that the second coming is one event at the end of the age, there's not a second coming and a third coming.

So after the tribulation of those days, that he will appear for the entire world to see and that we will look to him and it will be caught up together with him and descend to the earth. So here's the interesting thing about dispensationalism, the pre-trib rapture idea. On the one hand, it's been strongly pro-Israel for decades that these authors were expecting the Jewish people to come back to the land long before it happened. They were talking about it, they were believing for it, they were praying for it, and they would be on the front lines of those recognizing modern Israel today as fulfillment of prophecy, which is, you know, or ongoing fulfillment of prophecy, which is wonderful and scriptural. They would be on the front lines standing with Israel today and standing for Israel's right to defend itself, which is all good and positive, and they would be believing that America should have its capital in Jerusalem and that we should recognize Jerusalem as the capital. All those are good positive things that would be philo-Semitic, right? Pro-Jewish, pro-Israel. The negative is what you're saying, which is that the scenario is, when all hell breaks loose on earth, that the church is taken out, but Israel remains. And that while we all feast in heaven, the Jews are getting slaughtered on the earth with something maybe even worse than a holocaust, and we're praying for the return of the Jewish people back to the land, what, to be slaughtered? So that's why on the one hand, pre-Tribbers, dispensationalists, historically they've been pro-Israel, standing with Israel's supporters of the nation, et cetera, but the problem is that the end-time scenario is one where when it gets really bad, that the church is out of here because God couldn't let his beloved church suffer like that.

But the Jews suffer and then have to go through tribulation and maybe some horrific suffering and really be saved as opposed to simply being saved by faith, so yeah, there are some real problems with it. And again, sir, the average pre-Trib person you meet is going to be pro-Israel, believing that God's restored the Jewish people back to the land, but there are some aspects of it that really are very unpleasant to the Jewish people and that raise concern, so I appreciate the call. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Have a blessed one.

You too. Now look, friends, the way you evaluate a doctrine is just what does scripture say, right? And we recognize that just as the disciples didn't understand message and prophecy about Jesus until after he died and rose, so those events had to happen, then they opened their eyes. We don't want to be so arrogant to think that we alone have the full revelation of the end or that we have every detail in place, that only we have the right eschatology and everybody else is in such error that they're not even saved or they're deeply deceived. We don't want to fall into that mentality. But I just want to throw this out to you. I want to throw something out to you. Let's say you're Calvinist reform, you believe in the sovereignty of God, or just in general you believe in the sovereignty of God, so that if there's a world war, ultimately God caused it or willed it.

So if there is the rebirth of the modern state of Israel after 2,000 years, and in terms of full sovereignty, well over 2,000 years, there's the rebirth of Israel out of the ashes of the Holocaust. Who did it? Who did it? How did it happen? Who was behind it? Was it just people?

Was it the devil? Does anyone have the power to undo God's edict because God scattered our people, my people, in judgment? We don't have the power to regather ourselves. The UN can't regather us. Satan can't do it.

Only God can do it. So here the Bible talks about God preserving us and bringing us back into the land despite our sin in numerous prophetic passages. He brings us back. So here we are back in the land. The Bible talks about Jesus coming back to Jerusalem and Jerusalem being a city of controversy for the whole world. And here we see the world controversy around Jerusalem. We see a growing number of Jewish believers in the land, now several tens of thousands. We see the rising religious opposition. It's just like New Testament times unfolding again in so many ways. Is it so striking to believe that, hey, the Bible says it's really coming to pass. I'm not a dispensationalist, I'm not pre-Trib, but I do believe that God keeps his word. I do believe when he speaks plainly, we should take him plainly.

And therefore, as I see these things unfold, I clearly see the hand of God. May God intervene. May he bring his Jewish people, may he bring the Muslim people to himself there.

And may his mercy be poured out on all those suffering in the Middle East right now. Back with you tomorrow. They can never have it. This is how we rise. It's our resistance. You can't resist us. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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