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Post-Mother's Day Reflections, News Updates, and Interviews on Abortion and the End Times

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
May 9, 2016 4:21 pm

Post-Mother's Day Reflections, News Updates, and Interviews on Abortion and the End Times

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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May 9, 2016 4:21 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 05/09/16.

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Whoa, a showdown between the federal government and the state of North Carolina as to who gets to go into bathrooms and locker rooms while stage for the line of fire with your host activist on the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown to oversee one of those old Westerns. And there's going to be this tool is gonna be this face-to-face.

Who's going to blink first kind of confrontation is going to back down first boy, that's how it feels right now in the state of North Carolina as it is North Carolina versus the federal government. The federal government has no business getting into our bathrooms and locker rooms.

The federal government has no business doing what it's doing and concerned citizens around America because this does not just affect North Carolina.

This affects all of America concerned citizens across America to send a message to the government need to stand with Gov. McCrory, North Carolina, and tell the federal government time to back down, this is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire.

866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884.

What do you think about what is going on. You might say I don't really know what's going on.

I don't live in North Carolina haven't followed this will let me clue you in. We've been told that there been no instances of any kind of problems with transgender bathroom access locker room access, etc. there were no problems with this whatsoever for years and years and years and yet despite allegedly, no problems of any kind. Despite this not being a parent loophole for heterosexual predators to use their own mischievous and evil intense instead the Charlotte city Council passed a radical bill that would've effectively rendered all restrooms and locker rooms and all public facilities in the city of Charlotte gender neutral.

Yes, that's what the outcome, the effect, the impact would have been a radical crazy bill that now here's the point. If there were no problems. Why, why pass this.

Why fix something that isn't broken.

Why make something so outlandish now. That of course the government is going to have to push back.

And of course, the overwhelming majority of the populace wants to push back and is not happy with this overwhelming populace of North Carolina so the state legislature overturns that says that Charlotte went beyond its state constitutional rights and of course it's an egregious bill that's an assault on the expectation of privacy, it does open up the door for heterosexual predators. It is definitely problematic. No two ways about it.

No two ways about it. So there is been massive pushback against North Carolina is a habit also has discrimination issues with gays and lesbians say we were not having a problem in the state of North Carolina. According to everything that I know and have read over these issues.

I'm not aware of one case make it to the Atty. Gen. of North Carolina were Simone was could legitimately claim discrimination based exclusively on on their sexual orientation, which is a hard-working computer programmer school custodian, schoolteacher, whatever.

And it's found out that privately. This person identifies gay or lesbian and they were therefore fired over the must do their job and do so they were trying to push the workplace.

Unaware of that happening many cases making it to the Atty. Gen. in any case, the issue that everyone is focused on his bathroom privacy and locker room, privacy, and right now right now. The fact of the matter is that North Carolina has pushed back and said to the federal government. The federal government told him the three working days. The federal government said you get rid of this bill or you successes $4.5 billion of how outlandish Nikolai had a reply today. They said were filing a lawsuit against the federal government on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown Pavlov violates civil rights protection law requires transgender people to use public restrooms that match their biological gender Justice Department a better Acquiring our lawmakers until the end of the day to declare the state enforce the law, they may face a possible lawsuit that you talk about bullying. The Department of Justice writing to North Carolina giving them an ultimatum that gave them three working days. Three business days to respond to a complex charge and bottom line.

The federal government wants to have its way in our bathrooms and locker rooms. The federal government wants to punish North Carolina not just North Carolina but any other state that would say if you're biological male that you use the men's locker room and that you cannot share that the girls locker room and a high school because you identifies a girl and you can't use the girls locker room and change room at the YMCA because you identifies a girl when you are biological male and if you were naked. It would be clear that you're biological male and the women can see that you're biological male.

You don't belong in the women's locker room.

There is the expectation of privacy. At the very least, there's the fact that this opens the door for heterosexual predators who have been documented to use these types of access laws and why open the door wider to a sexual predator document heterosexual predator and why further traumatize a woman who's been abused or raped was no consideration for everybody else.

866-34-TRUTH 7884 so what's happened is the federal government is given in order to North Carolina. They had until today 33 working days from when I got this to say either you gonna comply or not we want a yes or no gun to your head while yes we want to know. That's it.

And it's it's unreal.

So Pat McCrory was on with Chris Wallace Fox news yesterday actually flew into to be on the broadcast which was a good move. I was taken aback by Wallace's attitude. I haven't watched him a lot and only read transcripts and things like that. I moved watched him a lot. I was disturbed with his approach.

Some of his once monsoon is actually fairly mild but let's let's listen to some of the interaction and joy grip clip number five and Pat McCrory is on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace discussing with the Department of Justice is trying to do with her trying to push on North Carolina laid bathroom laws aside only applies to government buildings or schools in our universities and a highway rest stops, it doesn't apply to anyone in the private sector. In fact, our ruling says that the government should make bathroom walls for anyone in the private side is. That's up to the private sector when I've asked for. I asked for Friday was an extension. They gave the ninth largest state. The United States of the civil rights division of the Justice Department.

Three working days to respond to a pretty complex letter into a pretty big threat.

Well, we don't think three working days is enough to respond to such a threat from a they respond to your request for an extension � they said no unless we will give you a one-week extension. If the governor admits publicly that the ruling that their language regarding bathrooms does in fact discriminate well I'm not gonna publicly announce that something discriminates which is a green with her letter because were really talking about a letter in which they're trying to define gender identity and there is no clear identification or a definition of gender identity is its government, being a bully. It's making law it's in by their interpretation exactly well said well said Gov. McCrory absolutely true, absolutely accurate.

It is the federal government acting like a bully. It is the federal government. Say you comply with our radical agenda, or else it it is that the federal government putting in interpretation on some it's not there.

And if the discussion continues go to clip number seven again question is really what will determine let's let's go to number six.

Pat McCrory wants everyone to understand that this is not just something that affects North Carolina. This affects potentially every state in America. Colleges, universities throughout America as well. Listen to this further dialogue. One thing the nation has to realize this is no longer just a North Carolina issue this order.

This letter by the Justice Department is saying that every company in the United States of America that has over 15 employees are going to have to abide by the federal government's regulation on bathroom. So now the federal government is going to tell almost every private sector company in the United States to Cannon who cannot come into their bathrooms are restrooms or shower facilities for their employees and are also telling every university in United States of America.

This is not just North Carolina. They are now telling every university that accepts federal funding that boys who may think they're a girl can go into a girls locker room or restroom or shower facility. Look, there is a lawsuit that is been filed by the alliance defending freedom against the Department of Education regarding school in the Chicago area where I think it's 63 girls and 51 family sits on the behalf of that many one school district. 51 family 63 girls who have had all kinds of issues because of the presence of a biological male in their bathrooms and changing rooms. It is absolute insanity. Look, we been warning about this for years friends think this is my favorite subject to talk about think this is my favorite subject to write about. We have been moved to we have been prompted to because of the insanity of the culture we have told you for years now that there is an all out war on gender distinctions. Please understand the bigger issue here. It's not trying to find a compassionate solution to someone who is genuinely tormented over gender identity issues. Think of it as if it was your own kid your own spouse or your own brother or sister or parent have compassion on those who struggle but you don't turn the world upside down because of them and you don't threaten everyone that will not agree with your radical agenda. So Chris Wallace pushes this issue.

But what if what if this was a matter of the government stepping in on an issue of race so could number seven. Again, this is from yesterday's broadcast on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Gov. McCrory, Gov. of North Carolina flew in so we can sit down with him face-to-face Gov. he'll call this a case of Washington overreach and I want to explore that would have supported the overage for the Justice Department to send you a letter like this to say you cannot have bathrooms in the state capital one for wife and one for black right so fear for your question to ask. And here is the response from Gov. McCrory clip number eight. I don't think there's any correlation between the two, and I think later that is within the federal government's perk absolutely. But we can definitely define the race of people. It's very hard to define transgender or gender, gender identity right is the reason I ask is that the Justice Department says the just like whites and Blacks. The transgender people are a protected class like a minute obsolete legal right up meeting a protected class.

Under the 1964 Civil Rights Act what they say.

But that's not what the federal law sets the federal law uses the term sex and and Congress does not define saxes including gender identity or other terms that the Justice Department currently use of right now the Justice Department is making law for the federal government as opposed to basically you're going to challenge this in court were looking at all your options right now there is no comparison between saying black man have to use a separate bathroom from black from white men because they are both men. Okay and transgender identity can be fluid can be gender fluid you can have multiple identities. Remember Facebook come on friends, remember this Facebook under transgender activist pressure came up with 50 different ways to identify your gender and when that was not considered enough they came up with fill-in the blank friends. This is some of the gender insanity. We are dealing with in the culture and now the federal government complete over ovaries. It is complete and absolute overreach and there is not a specific category of transgender that is definable as race is definable or ethnicity is definable. It is really extraordinary that we have to have this discussion.

I can only tell your friends I hate to say I told you so will be back with your feedback. 866-34-TRUTH will take some calls come back her and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown estate North Carolina now firing government over that so-called bathroom.

Bill comes hours before the deadline. Imposing a letter sent to state leaders by the Department of Justice exactly right exactly right. Did the one thing that was right that needed to do.

North Carolina has said to the federal government stay out of our bathrooms and stay out of our locker rooms. We didn't have a problem city of Charlotte tried to fix it. It wasn't broken North Carolina state put things back to where they should have been common sense privacy boil boy and now having to take on the federal government friends. I wish I wish folks have listened more folks would listen when I and others had been warning that the stuff was coming for years now. 866-34-TRUTH here's a statement from North Carolina values coalition regarding the announcement made by Gov. McCrory concerning the lawsuit against US Department of Justice regarding the bathroom privacy and security act quote is not the role of the federal government to mandate radical and extreme bathroom policies to state like North Carolina forcing our citizens into giving men access to the bathroom showers and locker rooms of women and young girls. Gov. McCrory has taken a common sense approach by filing the suit that ask a federal judge to determine whether the Obama administration can unilaterally change the meaning of the term sex in our countries antidiscrimination laws to include transgender where where did that come from, who gave the government the right to just change the meaning of sex based on your you can't discriminate based on race based on sex will sex now includes gender identity said no said hello 866-34-TRUTH that we go to Charlotte, North Carolina Philip, welcome to the line of fire all sure thing all with you on the federal government violating North Carolina State's right in trying to overturn an actually strong arm, North Carolina 28B. I agree, but unless I'm wrong and correctly funneled the record, but it seemed like when it came to the defense of marriage act.

You were on the federal government side and not they trust is the first thing it had nothing to do with states versus a government had to the issue to be perfectly honest with you, and I would have been issue driven. If, if, for example, if you still talk to Santa Cruz about these kinds of things.

He said part of the Constitution. It's all state rights. I've other friends. It's another. Certain things it is wrong. In other words, the states, I can outvote about say can two brothers Mary were brother and sister were 18 can they marry when I can say just leave that to the states so to me what what the government did it's it's all about doing the right thing. Okay if the government is seeking to do the right thing. I stand with the government. If the government is seeking to do the wrong thing. I stand against the government.

So to be perfectly candid, Philip.

I didn't think it through in terms of state rights versus government.

II thought it through in terms of the issue itself.

That's a whole other discussion about what states rights and what's federal government. I like your argument is that it was the federal government overreach to come in and kill North Carolina. What I am in something in your favor exactly that point you may yet I not and I understand you are arguing from a scriptural right or wrong biters but nothing like me, your positioning argument based on federal government had the right will number one they don't have a right to.

In other words, the Defense of marriage act could be defended that they did have a right to do that. Where is this thing because there's nothing Philip Philip Philip, this is there's nothing that the government is basing on is a misreading of title IX.

Okay it is it is complete government overreach. There is nothing that gives the government the right to redefine the meaning of sex, so as to include gender identity, and there is nothing in title IX, which is what they're using to justify this itsy so that's why it's overreach there certain things.

I'm fine with the federal government doing this is this is Rossiter two issues state rights and federal rights and then when is there overreach. Look, if the state of North Carolina overreached, I would jump on the state for overreach and the overreach is the issue is nothing with what's in my favor announcement of what's right what's in harmony with our Constitution what's in harmony with our history what's in harmony with what's best for society etc. so I am I'm being quite consistent in that regard. To be honest or frame. That way if your character arguably like hey it's amateur right to call them in different with me so thank you 866-34-TRUTH or truth. Let's go to bar in Des Moines, Iowa. Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown technical sure thing.

I got particular called and was nervous, but as is 2% of the chat you can be relaxed. Okay, you're not with your opening today at your long time but different.

But I think Eric people are trying to redefine sexuality.

I'm the reason we look at rates as being your ethnicity. It's something incredibly sacred to God made you to be an also with your start effectively you are, whether male or female. God made you to be an ardent trying to muddy the waters and create the lucid blowing capability of not defining someone by their race strangled by their spec changes the rules completely and you have to have rule in reality, bullet the little it'll come through with my exactly your thoughts on that. Yeah once it becomes a matter of perception. Then everything changes and all that we know indicate look, there are cases of biological and chromosomal abnormalities for and want to be sympathetic to that that some people the tiniest Einsteins percentage don't neatly fit into male or female categories.

For the most part 99% of time. That's not the issue here with dealing with purely perception. So if I perceive myself to be black and believe I'm black and and now I want to be some of part of an affirmative action program for minorities of and that's that's crazy you can't do that.

The exact same thing here so your your exactly right in your comments port.

Much appreciated. Hey friends, can I change yours.

Totally this is pretty heavy stuff and just speak to about grace from it.

My new book, the grace controversy is out we got a hold Grace resource package with the grace controversy hyper grace and a CD called God's true grace so let me just leave you with these words. In this segment now from ICD on God's true grace God's grace is more amazing than we could ever understand. Let's not diminish it by think we have to work for our salvation or work hard.

So one day God might like us know and let's not diminish it by thinking.

Grace means anything goes. It's a pure and holy and beautiful stream God's called us to swim in. It's one where the pollution stays out so we can become more and more like pieces. Let's spend the rest of our lives exploring the beauty and power riches of God's grace.

And hey, that'll get us ready for eternity will do it forever and ever and I friends no matter what's happening around you keep your focus on the Lord, check out our special resource package on race and asked her to run a SKU or Brown telegram sure it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us today on broadcast yes we are. Your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of the society and Catholic Church.

All too often compromise I've use that phrase for years now on the air and maybe win some you first start listening to me may be started listening, three, four years ago maybe six or seven years ago you hear me say that what I mean by a society in chaos with the church. All too often compromise now it's becoming clearer and clearer by the day that hasn't become already know not lose your mind. The world is going crazy around you 866-34-TRUTH so yesterday is Mother's Day and of course Pres. Obama puts forward a very politicized Mother's Day announcement rather than simply honoring mothers incredible job. Others do the sacrificial job that mothers do rather than doing that Pres. Obama politicized Mother's Day. This is what he said he issued a proclamation celebrating quote. Those were the first to welcome us into the world, rightly so, and had a lot of great things to say through his proclamation said this before, the most important work there. His mother's biological foster or adoptive or first role models and earliest motivators. They balance enormous responsibilities and shape who we become as adults, their lessons, guiding us throughout life, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity or marital status.

But as the boys moved our nation forward and remain steadfast in their pursuit of a better and brighter future for the children to notice those phrases regarding what is yet why does he have to say that what is the President of the United States not the fragmented states that the United States, all the were quite fragmented right now.

Why can he bring a unifying statement. What is he have to bring a divisive controversial statement on Mother's Day quote regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity or marital status. Mothers have always been donation for this echoed his 2015 talk with proclamation which he said quote with a married or single, LGBT, or straight biological, adoptive or foster mothers are the bedrock's of our lives and the foundation of our society to the said last year, married or single, LGBT or straight pilots and so the one making clear this time, gender identity and editing marital status so Mr. Pres., why politicized mothers day. Oh, I may get a message out some us to get a message out is not the president of the United States but is the president you want to be a unifier, not a divider. So what about like their single mothers who are courageous who have the I love how they've managed to do if they've done they've they been breadwinners, they've they've been mom and dad to the kids as best as possible. They function often a list often under tremendous pressure and many of them an amazing amazing job and so many tried their best when they fell short. But what about someone that chooses to have a kid out of wedlock is the one have a baby, but they don't want to husband and father involved the one have a baby love child that he recalls that they will have a baby. It may not be the best definition here, but that only married and it is that the best role model for kid is a question I asked him I ordered you to read on Pres. Obama politicized Mother's Day is that the best role model and is that the best interest of the kid the statues to bring you into this world, but deprive you of a father and deprive you of watching our mom and dad operate lesbian moms of sugar lesbian mom sword is devoted to their kids as any mothers in the world and would die for their kids. I don't have to and I'm sure there are many who are extraordinary moms just asked the question, is it the best case scenario know they can choose their sexual orientation, make a conscious choice. I think choose to be lesbian cheese be tracked with those who have assumed the office they did choose to be raising kids without a dad is is that the vast role model for the kids best willingly depriving it of a mom or dad is questions to ask the Presidents' Day pain.

This is Michael Brown.

I want to invite you to join me for our second ever trip to Israel. February 25 through March 6, 2017 this is a great opportunity. I get to interact with you are radio listening audience. Our ministry partners as we experience the land of Israel together and it will be a life changer.

We've got a great price on the trip. And if you're one of our monthly supporters or torchbearers are eligible to receive a special discount of this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Space is limited. Accepting applications on a first-come first-served basis. For more information on the trip to secure your spot, go to ask Dr. Click on the Israel manner or call our office at seven 047-8237 file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I hope the website asked Dr. find out more. Get your deposit in as soon as possible and asked Dr. regroup from your church for your family. If you can. It's going to be an extraordinary time together. 866-34-TRUTH continue to talk about the war on gender distinctions we continue to talk about the war on privacy extraordinary. So Chad Griffin, who heads up the human rights campaign. Gay activist I was asked a press conference on Thursday in Raleigh ICBM Noosa Christian news broadcasting. They asked him about why conservative Christians should oppose HB two is said to be honest I'm not aware of those who support the bill about the strong majority of the state supports the bill about hundreds of Christian leaders who spoken out supporting the bill Griffin symbolic. While many Christians oppose the quote the most Christian values as love thy neighbor that shall not judge. We are all God's children will Chad the most Christian values says because you love you maybe tell about Jesus.

Most Christian values says because you love your neighbor you telling who God is and how to please God.

How to receive forgiveness of sins and end Chad, what about all of the women and children that are not happy with this bill.

Why would we love them do do if if my neighbor let's just say I if my neighbor is a heterosexual predator do I love him by letting him into the house with my daughters that I love him dry love him facing Sir need to turn yourself into the authorities if he's broken the law or server you need to get professional help or we can help your church. Chad Griffin also warned quote the prayers of hate may attempt to abuse and use religion to justify determination, but they ultimately calculate which had dropped the rhetoric please sir drop this purveyors of hate stuff about the flood of hate that comes from your side toward czarist day and night about the flood of misinformation that comes our way from your site day and night about the bullying about the marking of those things are sacred about the tearing up and rewriting of Scripture as if you could do that to support your viewpoint and on and on it goes. Sir great advice. Step back to the mirror and allow God to help you in your own life, 86634 should a let's go to Barbara in Staunton, Massachusetts. Welcome to the line of fire, Michael Brown. Basically, I like Berkeley everything that I pretty much here in my high mother of two children. When would be 500. The other nine years old before I looked everywhere I have anything aware that the contrary think I never let my children go to the bathroom alone because I would hear nightmares Valley. About children going into McDonald's they were getting late and you know before you become a mother there thinking that you don't outrank them book I I never thought of not letting a little boy going inside of the McDonald's bathroom because Erskine is desecrated the path and I'm sure our lawmakers are well aware of these but yet they continuously put our children's life in danger, which is only making my life so much went difficult at the parent.

Now, who's going to protect me. Okay I need to be indebted to protect my children. But now I meet. I don't think I'll ever be able to going to a public rhetoric and execute thank continually imparted.

You know something extraordinary that we got a call from social worker in the Boston area. I should system who worked in a women's shelter, and she told us that a man can walk in there and end by by government regulation.

A man can walk in there and say I am a woman identifies when he can even be dressed as a man totally. And yet they have to give him a bed for the night, or for however long they have to let him use the women's bathrooms and shower stalls and the other women have complained and are upset but they been told there is nothing they can do so because this is still America. I laugh at what happened to freedom of speech and everyone like knots, not just freedom of speech and everyone has a voice. What happened to sanity right everywhere exactly the look you want to help everybody that assisted many a time. If you have one student in the school. That's blind you don't make everyone close their eyes and read in braille you try to accommodate that one student.

If you have a student a little kid that's genuinely confused. Maybe 1/1000.

That's genuinely confused about their gender identity and they get very upset when they are treated different.

Okay, they have a deep problem. A deep issue want try to help them but you don't now impose that everybody else you don't say that Johnny, who everyone was. Johnny is now coming back is Jane and seven-year-old Johnny Jane uses the girls bathroom and then say is a 14-year-old was Johnny last year and I was coming back is 15-year-old Jane and is not in a play on the girls softball team and is going to shower with the eye. It its social madness and that the rest of the country want to participate in hate. Somehow we just we just lost you there Barbara not not sure what happened but listen, by God's grace would continue but were going to continue to articulate these things were going to continue to be a voice going to continue to stand and speak yes let us reach out with compassion to those who struggling but let us not turn the world upside down on behalf of them 866-34-TRUTH hey you may have missed this. Maybe you were getting a a Mother's Day card you may have missed this, but grab click number three Joey and let's listen to it first and then I will comment afterwards. This is from Hallmark. My mom is probably the most light variety positive person I've ever met in my life and that's just how she's always been.

I've never felt home in my body, and even now is born a girl. I have always felt like I was a boy and I was afraid to tell her because I sigh love would have conditions and unconditional love that she shown me me a better person in all of my relationships hate.

I appreciate this individual identifies transgender right or was born a girl always felt like I was a boy when she tells her mom and says that she felt like a boy. The mom affirms her as a boy in an she's been this woman is so grateful for that and national Center for transgender equality Executive Director Marek Kiesling said as some of the mother's right wonderful as Alex's. I can attest to how basic a parent's conditional unconditional love is this Mother's Day, we should celebrate parents like parallel of their Lane to show unconditional love of their kids hate. I am all for I am all for showing unconditional love. I am all for loving that kid through the struggles but unconditional love often does the hard things unconditional love, often says hate your kid. We love you we care about you, but we want to assure you that there's a better way when assure you that the guy didn't make a mistake in born a girl's body or girl and a boy's body and that the even stats would tell you that the vast majority of kids who identifies transgender before puberty do not. After puberty, so why now contribute to something that's going to make wholeness more difficult later on and and look what if if the best cure we had for cancer right now you have cancer known a certain part of your body is amputate okay amputate. You know what regular real cut off the okay you got cancer and in it, you know, developing the like can we cut the leg we could both legs off. That's the best solution is that we keep looking.

Look with with breast cancer mastectomies radical vasectomies. They are there often what's called for but we keep looking for a cure because we know that's not the best wise when comes to transgender issues to be just except the best is hormones for life and sex change surgery while we say there's gotta be a better way. Let's keep looking for her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I guess the moral of emails coming in a note with Carolina taking on the federal government. But remember, Gov. Creuset, this this is not just this is not just affecting North Carolina. This potentially affects every state in the union 86634.

So here's an interesting question right and this is Ed Whelen on the national bench memos. He's got he's got an interesting note here and Ed Whelen just get his exact info he hasn't asked extensive background when it comes to legal issues. He's the president of the ethics and Public policy Center, and he directs the PVCs program on the Constitution, the courts and the culture. I believe we've had him on the air of 2011 national Law Journal name Mr. Whelen among its champions in visionaries in the practice of law in DC so he addresses a common issue about women who really do look like men, so one, he says, writing national review today. One, policy objection, I hear North Carolina's HP to law on access to single-sex multi-documents and occupancy bathrooms and showers in public schools and government buildings go something like this quote their transgender men as biological women, who identifies men who looked just like men really want to force them to someone's restrooms that scare the women and girls you see want to protect the objection is typically accompanied by a photo of someone who was identified as supplied to be a biological female but new to the uses or abuses of biochemistry and surgery. Doesn't the lease and partly clothes just like a man facial hair and sculpted chest muscles include the objection is a worthwhile want to consider.

But it turns out that serious consideration of it defeats and highlights the folly of the transgender claim led by the Obama administration for a one-size-fits-all requirement that anyone identifies as a member of the opposite sex about his or her appearance be allowed to use the single-sex facilities of the opposite sex.

No matter when those facilities restrooms are showers, grantor rooms, right or whether they're in schools or businesses or public places is that I'm setting aside the supposed that the Obama administration's claims about with title VII and title IX supposed to require legally meritless in a coherent, completely right and instead focusing just on the question of what sound policy ought to be so consider. He says one people identifies transgender do not define themselves by their outward appearance.

Don't take my word for word for it hears glads emphasis added a Gaia actress, organization, quote gender identity as a person's internal personal sense of being a man or woman, or someone outside of the gender binary for transgender people.

The sex they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match most transgender people seek to bring their bodies more into alignment with their gender identity. Many transgender people are prescribed hormones by the doctors to cancer by some of your surgeries as well. Not all transgender people, will take the steps is important to know that being transgender is not dependent upon medical procedures through agreement says. Thus, there are men and boys who identifies female but you don't look at all like women or girls less because there in the early transition processor because they choose not to, because whatever the steps of undertaking haven't changed much vice versa. Of course, for women and girls who identifies male to subversive situation at the transgender advocates try to deploy to their advantage.

An unknown person looks like a managers women's restroom is exactly what their own position would call for only difference is that in their example the person looks like a man is a biological female was in my example, a person looks like a man's a man who thinks his female so transgender advocates can coherently object to laws like HB two on this basis when their own preferred solution would yield the same result number three there are of course plenty of of the scenarios that women girls would likely find even more jarring than the intrusion in the restroom of someone looks like a man, for example having men or boys take showers with them and watch them dress and undress Kyle, and friends do we have to talk about this. It is, is it beyond belief that the federal government is arguing for something like this and threatening North Carolina potentially other states with loss of federal funding for education because the states as we don't want biological males showering next to biological females. Wow wow some of the transgender folks and not to factor the scenarios into their calculus, why because they don't want.

After all, why should therefore they should have drawn the women should have a problem with four more broadly, it is highly doubtful that there is a single one-size-fits-all solution to the various scenarios that arise. If that is exactly with the transgender advocates the Obama administration to try to impose it as they were made it impossible to retain any informal system of customize accommodations that reflect particular circumstances.

That is exactly such a system that would have allowed women who really look like men to use the men's restroom. Five disclosing point in the face of the transgender assault. HB two is an entirely sensible, the necessarily imperfect response far from trying to impose a uniform solution, much less force women who think they're meant to someone's restrooms in these private businesses entirely free to adopt whatever policies they want for the restrooms. It also allows public schools and government buildings to provide single occupancy facilities that can be used by anyone, and under North Carolina law, anyone undergoes a surgical so-called sex change can change the sex listed on the birth certificate and thus use the facilities of his gender identity extraordinary that we even have to have this discussion. The friends we told you it was coming. We told you there was an all out war on gender so US Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch will hold her news conference at 330 today to announce a law enforcement action against North Carolina that stems from the states anti-LGBT bathroom. Bill, HB 210 Vegas stop, step back together and say while first that they come up with a complete misreading a complete misreading of title IX and title VII of the Katella.

My more carefully complete misreading of both second then I'll get it change the law based on their interpretation to their making law.

Third thickening of North Carolina did three business days.

Three business days to respond and then when North Carolina follows a countersuit. Now they're going to crack anything more across the nation. I know I can assume that I've got governors across the nation, listening to me right now but I got people across the nation. Listening. Contact your leadership in your state. Urge them to stand together with North Carolina urge them to make it known let governors across the nation make a statement that legislators Congressman Congressman across the nation make a statement. Representatives make a statement. We are standing with North Carolina 8663 foray 7884 is number to call. We are out of time and this hour I've got some very special guest coming on for some important interviews in the next hour for those that will be listening then I may be able get some calls as well visit the website you want to check out my latest articles. My latest videos. They are all relevant to the cutting edge issues of the things that are happening today so by all means, by all means visit the website asked Dr. Brown as Katie or Brown telework check out our very special resource package of three great grace resources that will really impact your life for many years, to the my bottom line today. Let the church be a voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity is the world crazy around.

We've got some special guest with some special interviews that you do not want to miss time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire. 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call friends. It is very easy to look at what's happening in the world around and put your hair out if you complete a ball doing pull your hair out.

It's very easy to look at how long we've had Roe V Wade in place and all the efforts to return it and here we still are 55 million babies later.

It's maddening to watch the federal government attacked the state of North Carolina and try to force it on the state with the potential loss of 4 1/2 billion dollars of funding to to tell North Carolina you must allow biological males into ladies locker rooms and shower stalls in universities and high schools and in public buildings, bathrooms and things like that but it is utterly maddening to watch this happen, which is why we must keep our focus on Jesus. We must see the insanity happening around us and then stand up together and say will do what's right.

We live this out here. Second Corinthians the fourth chapter tells us the whole world is is is is been blinded by the deceiver. First John 519 says the whole world is under the power of the evil of this this we know Scripture tells us plainly. We know there is mass deception. So even if we were not facing this insane war on gender. Even if we were not facing some of the social madness of the hour, the fact of the matter is it still a mad world, it still a fallen world and what we need to do is see what's happening around us that drives us that drives us to prayer that drives us to action that that drives us to take a stand, but then we've got a focus on the Lord and get our strength get our insight and our wisdom from above, so I want to encourage you today. I'm going to be speaking with aghast momentarily about the issue of abortion. I want to bring you some encouragement. I want to bring you some challenge and help today, but it is it is so so important. It is so so important that we not lose hope that we not get away from the place of prayer that we not get away from intimacy with God that we not get away from meditation in the word that we not get away from sharing the gospel with others that we not get away from standing for what's right standing for life standing for a family at this every person that hears the message every mother that has her child. Every child is adopted rather than aborted every individual that receives the gospel and turns from death to life. Even if you see defeat all around you. Every victory is a victory.

That's precious and wonderful folks often asked me how was it that I stay encouraged. I don't try to I will make a conscious effort to stay encouraged. It's it's part of my relationship with God that when I'm with him I have great hope when I'm with him, the God of the universe when I realized that he rules and raises much pain and conflict in sorrows, and there is in the world. I have great hope I have great confidence.

I have great expectation and not only so, when I know there's going to be opposition what I know in advance. Things may get worse before they get better and I see them get worse only intensifies might my sense of calling and burden to swim against the tide and go against the grain and stand for what's right. So we come back.

I want to speak with Amy Lynn Nelson about the very sensitive subject of abortion and here she has to say first that this is the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown for many years. Now consider ministries and function or church or congregation have been involved in the pro-life movement.

We have had friends for decades now on the front lines of the pro-life movement have been involved River, we can and because there's so much going on in the society and the culture all around us because the presidential nomination is presidential elections. Robison address this Republican Party platform, being a strong pro-life platform presumptive nominee Donald Trump not being as strong on these issues as we like him to be the Democrats being radically pro-abortion and so much of of the rhetoric and what they say.

When I just about issues to retirement people, human beings with some of mom's the babies in the room so we want to address this in the most constructive possible way that we can 866-34-TRUTH number to call. I'm speaking with Amy Lynn Nelson.

Amy has served as a crisis pregnancy counselor and director for save a life and abortion recovery ministry. She's been part of abortion recovery for 20 years. She's also served as an abstinence educator in public and private schools sharing safe messages of sex from education or passion is to help people see the emotional and spiritual costs of abortion and poor choices about six Raleigh the website Amy behind the The name of the book behind the mask. Amy, thanks much for joining us on the broadcast Yankee Dr. parent. I plan to be here all, what's, what's your own story.

How do you get so passionate about this when we not finished going training abortion recovery. Great, now to heal from the path important to realize that when I went to claim parent had to think at an apartment and thinking yourself, like they tell me that.

But looking at me with An application you and that it didn't actually become a baby and tell later on pregnancy and that everything would be fine tomorrow. Well I went hand-in-hand. He abortion I did Hammett claim parent can allocate far long time and date referred me to the hospital and I can't get anything abortion and after I went. He abortion recovery rate ain't during the great Bankhead at a embryonic development chart if the child in the plan, and I found that my account but I get the keenly impact faith alone in my pregnancy and my child had a hand at arms length fingers tenant and heartbeat and I went out at plant fire talent and stated that had I had aunt and now that type of origin and I can't think they went in there and grant that my child apart. He and Dan got angry at Kent Island black not let me. Is this any way and when you sit you just told it's a massive tissue who assist the told you that I went to counselor that claim parent, I engaged did you ask questions that the plot resistors part of their standard standard presentation entertainer presentation and pay back in town, getting teenagers and their pain are na�ve and ignorant.

In my case talent. Talent.

Sheltered and protected, family, and I didn't even know it. Abortion length adjustment that you need to have an abortion and in scale and I didn't even know Atlanta ending campaign tell you Emmett and Emily Cannon that I can Talent moneymaking benefit and they won't. Teenagers to come in there and what kind thanks tenant to come in there to think that having an abortion will be better for their future for them to go ahead and finish college and not helpful at raping account at that time they bank on and and how old were you at that time thinking 18 years old.

You mentioned an abortion recovery group.

We we don't hear much about this. You hear women talk about shout your abortion things like that right but abortion recovery groups that would echo what many women say to me when they call in and we talk about abortion to be 20 years ago and they still grieve over it. I still have pain and yet we don't hear about this.

This is wonderful.

We celebrated this the best we could have done so, how common this is that women feel traumatized after having an abortion, alignment and planning went appointment at hand opportunity work with a 85 to 90% recredit and maintain Abortion and ground in it and make pepper like one of the very first time at the working class that idea or portion recovery class that that it years ago I had a lady coming in to take in and out elderly Amy I had an abortion during World War II in Germany. Elkhart yeah so so you speak of.

Behind the mask. Is this what you talking about basically what happened when you clean An event like ending your life for me anyway and I wanted to Canada world that Alan delicate girl Benton Conrad Abbott internal headlights came on like now and tell app we need to pick Behind in math because I didn't want to kill anybody that had had an abortion taken account with having an abortion and found I am when it rained a difficult person and that's the way I went to my life and I had a hard time adamant really never let anybody in the line. I have an aunt Everybody arm complaint and very professional and at that the land lived my life and then finally and got started dealing with me and bring me and came back and slapped presentation that I had opportunity to get involved at MML about prevention when the rate environment affect Kent and we believe Hannah line Avenue education about what a person in 30 years that traverse the plane back in 1973 that we don't have a lot of educate and entertain. What happened after an abortion and fat that very reason I write it because I want it back to get into the hand and are teenagers and are collating that they will now aftermath of abortion and just last night I was talking with a young lady at the counseling counseling and tell me coming in valid and important to me that abortion their brain are in college and he said at our new girl could have had an abortion can they wanted to finish college and name every Christian.

They knew it went right that they felt like a their fifth 2015 think that thank God, about the long-term client that their action and now and the essence of the stove of Planned Parenthood. Then will Planned Parenthood tell young women and follow them looking at stats goes back a few years to two 2007 was a major study done in Ontario and they found that 60% of teen pregnancies in Ontario and it in abortion I and so you're talking about a large large number of young women of teenagers that are being impacted by this putting aside the tragedy of of the lost life in the womb. But why is it that Planned Parenthood doesn't warrant it is a self-evident answer, but let's talk about it. One of that. Why don't they tell the person look I was going to a doctor once about a kidney stone issuing potential surgery this the only tell you the problems you have this.

These are the consequences if you take this medication are the side effects is pretty major, but think they don't tell you that you may suffer this in their recovery groups and they will tell you any of that. Now I don't care how about Manny, how about making a back and I went in there and what you now like me when I had my abortion and anywhere at the hospital they actually were eating out anything and they were ever to not just looking at the monitor and and and payment. They were looking at and they turned the monitor further from my belief that is no way I can look at it and outlander. I failed. It that day and I had had the opportunity came account amount when I would not country with the abortion in the fact is, was 75, 80% of women that do see that the baby in the womb is not to have the the abortion seat you have to dehumanize the baby and I pointed out that I've never heard a woman was pregnant say that she miscarried. I lost the fetus.

The rents are that a faulty set of lost the baby and and I didn't realize how traumatic miscarriage was for so many women until a friend of ours miscarried.

It was just it was years and unable to have a baby, a menacing hung over for years and that wasn't any choice she made, but that was the pain of the loss, the reality of that baby in the womb when we come back out. I want you to explain how it is that in the midst of this darkness that you have hope and then I want to tell our listeners what this book behind the mask will do and who especially you recommended to Amy Lynn behind the mask like that. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice aboard cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. These are staggering stats is a stats because each one of them involves at least two lives directly life of the mother. The life the baby in the womb, 18%, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which is of course pro-abortion 18% of US women obtaining abortions are teenagers 15 to 17, 6% of all abortions 18 to 19-year-old 11% of all abortions, and if yet in 2021-year-olds it's it's gotta be a very very high number in them as well. Black non-Hispanic women. According the bouncer have the highest abortion ratio like women's abortion ratios reach 444 abortions per 1000 live births is tragic.

Will non-Hispanic white women's abortion ratios 124 abortions per 1000 live births and to me this is an attack, a real Satanic attack on African-Americans on Hispanic Americans about your pointing fingers and saying this is an attack. We need to help Emily Nelson has written a book behind the mask and Amy is is the book under Emily Nelson or Amy Lynn. Okay so LYN and E before it before you tell me how it is that you can throw this drone recovery from abortion your own front line work with a sense of hope and optimism. Tell me why you wrote this book and who in particular will benefit by direct impact to preventive measures and collaborative back pain minister to maintain and began counting paint didn't pay are contemplating having an abortion.

I want Dan to understand aftermath vacating with abortion because I think that art can energy our young adult pain. They are all into education and they want to know and they want to know the truth and found I write back and payment now traits that they would be able to make educated decisions for themselves and in particular that is there an age group visit women of all ages that could have abortions with what it is is their target audience. Anything anyone has had an abortion might benefit from reading I can't think I would have done that laid out and Alaina I'm very transparent in the back Alaina Pratt that wetland MTU having an abortion and can went to the practice and pointing the abortion recovery great and during that time I had put God in a box and before I went to the abortion recovery great and I just felt like it was nothing else he can do in my life only if going to be Mr. Monaghan, Beechcraft of Academy and and living without guilt and shame and bitterness than Anthony. Here they do turn into bitterness and anger and not just blame my lack of canopy and I never would have attributed my current day emotional state down the negative Going around team and abortion I had when I was 18 years old. The arts in silhouette at what at what point did you go to the abortion recovery group now is starting when you sell itself. There's got to be a whole lot of women interstates� Let's say a woman who knows nothing about postpartum blues and him after having a baby. The hormone changes.

Maybe she's depressed and she can't understand why she has a baby and then some us is all this is, this happens to lots of us. Okay you put that together but if not you think, what's the matter with him. I was in my mind, might not fit to be a mother right so and then someone comes back from war in Afghanistan. They don't know about posttraumatic stress syndrome and they think I'm losing my mind and days turned to alcohol and get suicidal and some us is no note this is a known condition. But how in the world is someone going to think 13 years after the abortion that the struggles I'm having today go back to it so that there must be millions of women in his condition with no clue about going exactly and often when the rate environment And think me and I did not know that that was when my anything I can. I had been doing the fatal accident pending patent in the public school system and think that we payment we have on the construction paper heart and we can't really talk about God and go back and we can say no and again the girl come to Canada earth and and there to find it takes planking and we know it is for tape shall become one flesh in a weekly explain to Dan that it when they had sex with that person and that relationship think that that part of their heart is torn out and forever a part of that and a person coming at the several examples and you sitting there without a fragmented heart and now it had happened. Heart NAFTA can't mimic the kind of heart even get your mate when you get married. Now what when damage in the class and I held at the heart and analytic height and content that is your heart might well and fell and began to pray and ask God to heal my heart and q. week later, I'm sitting at a stoplight. After I dropped off my daughter at school and had handed heaven and they have a child nail after the actor had the abortion that looking at that stoplight and defending God brought back my remembrance line down at table, impaling dimpling that baby Anthony and date the hospital and I lost it. I went to plaintiff and if the coordinator of our abstinence program and Peter count me in my are in her arms.

When I cried my baby and Keith and Amy.

We went into captivity abortion recovery great that we have. Unlike plaintiff and abortion recovery and a lot of people don't know that abortion recovery great are offered in semi-would like him to take a moment to fame, and you have had an abortion in your past any effort from depression line of anger and bitterness. Please call a local chronic pain in her and asked him to point you in the direction of an abortion recovery great everything needed and very confidential, and you will not believe the change in your lacking implant like a 10 week program and you be the best thing you've ever done wonderful. Thank you for being so open again.

The book behind the masks the author Amy Lynn LYNNE we just got a minute but you have. Hope you're not depressed or not discouraged.

Why is that we can and can't completely internally my heart and you have to read back concurrently with the minute laughed, but you can find it at any online bookstore and behind the math and Amy Landy can back got him I went went find it Amy behind the math that combat guide brought forth. He from the time I became a Christian until and if we had a memorial service to get buyer dignity and respect to the children often abortion and to that night the devil counted me at the top.

The killing account on a daily basis and after that memorial service. The next thing I look up and I had a piece in my heart that I still have to this very day and encourage everybody at peak right behind the mask. I think your whole� Say that's that's for me.

The author Amy Lynn LY NNE and bottom line. When this hope in our hearts personally. This hope for the rest of the world. Thanks for sharing your story and thanks for this message of God's grace limits of such a difficult, difficult situation and appreciate very much have to cram you bet. All right. Hope you found that is encouraging and helpful as I did. Listening will be right back. Speaking with author Billy Hallowell change our focus to the end time. It's the light a fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I think the faith in 1971, one, I was told that Jesus was coming in a moment that the end was near that all the signs of the times were there and we should live with that sense of urgency. Jesus is coming any moment and that was it was 45 years ago I was 16 or oldest granddaughter is now 15 souls long time for a long time since then. I live with a sense of urgency to this day. But what about the end times and look if everything is going to get worse. If everything is going to get worse.

Why stand right now the federal government has declared war on North Carolina. Basically North Carolina is fighting back is ongoing. As I speak this very moment. The next the next scene should unfold with Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch responding to North Carolina filing a lawsuit against the federal government response to the federal government, threatening to withhold for 1/2 billion dollars of school funding unless North Carolina allows man into women's locker rooms and bathrooms. Yes, that's what were dealing with the North Carolina but why stand if everything is getting worse.

Everything is going out on it and what if Jesus is coming for 500 years. What kind of world we live into her kids to our grand children. This is Michael Brown never call 866-34-TRUTH and I'm speaking today with Billy Hallowell. Billy has a brand-new book out. In fact, I participated in that book on the Armageddon code, but it's unique is different than a normal end times book. It's written as a journalist he you'll see you'll see his work on religion there. He's been working in journalism and media for more than a decade. You may have seen him on Fox News and other news outlets or read his writings there now is written this book the Armageddon code, a journalist looking at the end times.

Billy welcome to light a fire for having me. Sure thing. I listened this first segment is brief, but in a couple of minutes. Explain to me where your interest came from in this book and how your book is different than a typical and times book I think I've always had an interest like all about triadic everybody, even if you're not a Christian, asserted the underlying intrigue in the in the end times and this is why we kind of have a societal obsession with zombies and all these other hobby apocalypses and all that but I think the real practical nature for Christians, obviously, is that there is a this promise of the second coming info all the details of the before, during, and after of that of course everybody disagrees on but but that second coming is overall looking tooth I've always had an interest in that and I was working on a different book and the publisher. Charisma came and asked me about the subject and we started talking about it and I felt like there are a lot of books out there that have been done that tell you from a perspective what to believe or propose a theory exactly what will happen in the series of events in the end times and we can get the dangerous territory. Sometimes we try to predict the date torn up with the do that were not supposed to predict individual when it comes the thing about the antichrist. But the general overview of the event, whether or not to be a rapture with the tribulation might look like. All of those elements are fascinating into what you're talking about which we did a book that was just from a journalistic perspective, interviewing a series of individual 15 to 20 people about what they believe people who been looking at this for a long time.

People like you who have very solid ideas. It was great to interview you for this project. We had Greg Laurie Hank Hank Graff, Joel Rosenberg, Tim LaHaye. We had a cross-section of people with very different views on a lot of these elements and so that's the big difference I think a lot of books are out there. You get there, a pre-tribulation rapture view a premillennial view or post millennial view maybe on things but this book provides an overview of the entire debate. It looks at Israel manifest is as is the debate over Israel today (possibly unpack this but this is fastened by the layout of glance different parts of the book it is written like journalist right to get your attention to, journey Billy Hallowell Armageddon code. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown all my friends is a great state for about the battle with government will encourage you to contact Gov. Corey and thanked him for taking a stand for sanity for privacy for safety and for standing up against the bullies of the Obama administration right now. Contact him express your appreciation. If you are not sure how just type in anywhere on your computer, your cell phone contact Gov. Corey and you'll see the contact info be posted on Facebook and twitter as well.

I am speaking with Billy Hallowell you read his writings on religion on the is getting exciting and unique new book called Armageddon code Armageddon code and he interviewed 20 different leaders men as disparate interviews is Tim LaHaye, a staunch pretrip rapture believer to Hank had a graph would be really on the on the opposite side of these issues in terms of the end times in Israel and is a journalist asked and I'm purchased a participant as well. A number of key questions so Billy first. What were the basic questions that you asked folks want to get in-depth they go to read the book but what questions did you put out to these different individuals really work on interesting product. Because the book is divided topically looking at things like the rapture of antichrist near the tribulation, a millennium, Israel, and, going that way to group the questions together like that. One of the first question grudge and where you stand on the rapture and seven. That was a pretty open-ended question because people would say that we believe in a pre-circulation rapture, but then they would go to a deep explanation of why and so it was kind of a fascinating process but then those two that they didn't really believe in a rapture that would cut an interesting perspective because you have had people say why don't believe in a rapture at all, or you had people say well there will be a rapture, but it'll be a close relation rapture will just be one and the same with the second coming and that was really fascinating, so open-ended questions like that will there be a future antichrist. I think you have the basic questions and that was there. The intention start with the basic questions.

What do most Christians want to know. I think a lot of us are confused about these issues, we don't understand them. There's been a lot in pop culture about these issues. I Christian films that have been out there representing some of these issues and I think it created embarrassment person may be confusion for others, and so the goal was to start with is that the questions and then get more complex and want to get into the nitty-gritty of okay you believe in a rapture that you can tell me what you think it could happen. Take me through why you believe that the book have guides people through each of those things that is told through the interview subject and what they believe into that that was really what I wanted to do here and it's sort of like a conversation right with all the different people on their not having that conversation prohibited set up in that way. Alright, so you are able to unpack something that on the one hand can be pretty complex but simplified for the reader. So this is not a scholarly technical book with you need a dictionary in one hand and a theology textbook and the other in order read you been able unpack this in a way that your average reader is just interested in what is the Bible say what about the end times will be able to work their way through this with no problem, absolutely. And that's the goal and everything you can find that we have two website end times which of the book website you can find on Amazon. We are put in time to and the research you can download their eyes. Pretty cool, and we we really went the pastors we went to about a thousand captured through likely research and asked them if there is a question give nobody we can have that discussion and debate. We have the interviews with 20 experts, but nobody has really gone to preachers in the country and asked them what they believe and that we have research on their opinions about the antichrist about the millennium and about. Another issues so that research is available and that was the eye-opening and really intriguing to learn what people are teaching in churches I just it just matters did you find that the very different end times beliefs brought about any difference in how we would live today or how we would view Israel today how we would view our role in society today.

Is it just abstract it is actually a fact how we live, what our attitudes are. A lot of people in a critic for the project. Even if they wanted to do this it a million times book and I think again with a different book, but the other piece of it is, yes, any of your opinions are shaped by a lot of these things and we think about Israel not to be anti-Israel if you don't see Israel in 1948 as being a server, a pathetic event but there there is that sort of discussion and debate of okay well if you believe something of prophetic you're probably going to protect it or or hold it up and look at it differently than if you don't and so there were number of people who said you know what I don't believe that Israel was prophetic, but I believe God handed in and serve an interesting perspective that something is going on there. God is going to use Israel in some way that they don't necessarily theater the fulfillment of prophecy in Ezekiel or anywhere else in the Old Testament so you absolutely are differences in how you're going to view Israel and among some people look at the political situation in the Middle East it's going to impact how you what you view how you view that how you view the battle in the Middle East between numerous parties not just what going on in Israel and in Palestine, but what going on across the Middle East and Africa. So absolutely I think that is why this is so important. We want to understand why do people believe what they believe what they believe and how does that impact the broader worldview. So for example if we stay focused on Israel for the moment the silk Christians which share together a heart for justice and want everyone treated fairly and rightly. But if you believe that God brought the Jewish people back to the land and Satan is trying to exterminate the Jewish people. You will see Israel in a different light than if you just believe it's the result of political happenstance or human effort or something like that. That alone would would be a very important difference what what about the idea for out here any moment. Everything is getting worse.

So an extreme dispensational's viewpoint. I don't mean that every dispensation's viewpoint is extreme, but the most extreme and would say everything is going downhill right here any minute. No reason even try to change society versus a post-millennial view that says the gospel will triumph through the whole world and basically the church in a sense takes over. Did you find that type of tensioner difference rising in the interviews that without a really vapid and dynamic because both the polar ends of that. I think there are critic seven supported for the problem. I think with the first year that you remove yourself totally from the world. We talk about about the world and I always wonder, okay, well, things are actually awful horrible what would it be like without Christians if we didn't have Christianity here. We didn't have believers operating and working throughout the world to make things better if we didn't have that message of hope. How much worse would it be much worse than it is now right after cannot do anything if you hold of you LOL would you rapture out here eventually. Anyways let's just sit back without vote.

Let's not do anything I don't want problems with that viewpoint, I think, and that is not what were called to do. I don't believe in it with the post-millennial, it started fascinating because the notion of things getting better and better on a lot of people would say no, no, no, there's no way that that is possible. Look at the world. It's gotten worse but I think the response that Douglas Wilson gave me that I would pay you when you look at that paradigm. If you look at 500 year increments. If you look at broader increments. Things might actually be looking up more than you realize. And people could have that discussion at the date I do think for a lot of Christians in the biggest chunk of Christians that we that we found in early pastor that we found in the research. Definitely look at a scenario where things would be getting a little more negative as time went on and didn't really have that post-millennial viewpoint got it so you got along with the 20 experts you interview you also bring in the research based on a thousand pastors that you interviewed. Yet the other. After that research is really fascinating because the first question we asked them with their views on the rapture and interestingly, the largest per percentage in a surprise some people it with the pre-tribulation believe that with about 36% of pastors.

The second biggest group that was 25% over pastors is that they didn't believe the rapture was meant to be taken literally say that 36% versus 25 and in the post-tribulation rapture with 18% of pastors in the work if the mother married well but does not prevent one was about three millennial versus millennial versus post-millennial deliver the stats yet though for premillennialism that would be by far the broadest of the big attribute with 48% were pre-millennium outpost with only 11%.

That was pretty small millennium with 31% seven over the's very very interesting and of course likely pastors if they got a lot of people within that reflects certain segments of the body is close to the hole. But these these are that this is been done before, on on this level so it's that's terrific just to get that fee that you know it's interesting, though. Also Billy is that a lot of it tends to be where we are in history. In other words, post-millennialism is a lot weaker in the immediate aftermath of World War II, then it then it might fear more often optimistic time in world history or before. You have Israel back on the map in the Middle East. Pre-millennial beliefs were probably lower because it just seemed too far-fetched that it was going to happen. I friends I got a few more minutes with Billy hello's new book. I wanted to send his kisses on here. This is fascinating stuff and it's so need to read the different arguments side-by-side without a technical big heavy book is called Armageddon code.

Some of the 20 experts interviewed in it and it is got surveys from a thousand pastors is definitely a unique and different book and get your bookstore or go online,, or other online stores to order Armageddon code Billy hello spelled H a LLOWELL joined Dr. Michael Brown, along with messianic Jewish pastor Scott Melvin for unique behind the scenes tour of Israel. February 25 through March 6, 2017.

Space is limited so accepting applications on a first-come first-served basis. For more information on the trip and to secure your spot, please visit our and click on the Israel tour banner four-color office at 704782370 for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, the lens of a thousand pastors and then Billy weaves this all together is kind of an ongoing conversation and narrative Billy have this affect you writing this book. It's a great question. It really put everything to the side. You know what I would have grown up with and what I what I traditionally believed in what I believe now and so it was interesting and eye-opening distorted here from the perspective that I didn't really know existed before did. To be honest, or I need accredited to be didn't know a whole lot about them. I think the fall Prater if they were the most surprising leaf that we put all the space we came to an end on the end times that that pretty much happened in 70 A.D. and there is nothing left to be filled.

I didn't resonate with Apple that we could all but I found it interesting and I think for me the big take away was that we can look forward to the second coming of Christ we can have these debates about all the different elements.

It is important that we understand what other Christians believe, I think, and it's important that we have all believed that I think this books are to help you figure out I will you stand in and help you find the backing for where you stand, but it also helps you understand of the other perspective that I think are really important that we have to find unity where we can find unity and 1/3 of that was sort of my take away on this and it is interesting that I've worked with folks with a wide variety of end time views over the years and many times work with folks for decades. Different nations and I don't know that we've ever discussed it because we focused on loving the Lord and touching the lost and the hurting and making disciples and planting churches and things like that in light of the issues don't come up that when they do, boy. They can be divisive and I've had full Prater is tell me that there's no future resurrection to look to that were ready and the new habits of the new earth.

So it was scary thought is my frequent by the derivative of the workbook of my God, that would be troubling to me, but they have very solid views on and they can explain the why they think that that's a very very small percentage of people to it which was really interesting that it was only 1% of people and in the survey who would be out of the thousand that we started with some I'm glad to hear it was it was that low.

Billy did this give you more even though you once all the different views, so you hear all the good arguments which is important. Let's not live in a bubble. Let's let's understand the different views that the church is held to over the centuries into the state, but did the return of Jesus. The end times that these things become more real to you.

The more you look at them, absolutely.

They did and I think I think what really became more real to me and I know that even thing that could I try not to think too many stand in the book on the issue.

Israel became much more real to me. I understood a lot more.

I looked a lot at Ezekiel 36 to 39 and that is the piece of the book that you stand out to me the most because of his notion of Israel coming back together being being reformed and in 1948 happening.

I find it personally. So strange. If I were an atheist, I would say to myself, this is still bizarre, almost forced me to believe right that would be like. Israel is but one of those things that it just it's so compelling in light of what is written that it would it would compel me to believe again. Some experts say no way that the things that Ezekiel of Artie come to fruition. 1940 wasn't one of them. I tend to think a little bit differently on that yet and just not my two cents and that of course being with you on the total. It's a little syllogism we know when God opens doing a close up and closes the door. No one can open it when he blesses the curse maker sonic blast scatters and we can be gathering together so we can scatter so if he in fact scattered Israel in his wrath, then who regather them is little question I put it out for theologians are put on the air put out social media, no one's given me a coherent answer yet because of people did it then people can undo what God does so, I'm with you on that. Hey Billy, really looking forward to my own coffee. I know it's in the mail and a copy for school library befriends get a copy of Armageddon code you won't be disappointed. The author Billy hello great talking to men. Thanks for having me.

Sure thing.

All right friends we are out of well known that were not were not totally out of town were not totally out of time. I've got one more thing I want to do old last year I did a CD on the subject of God's true grace last year or two just raising the listeners and what God's word says about grace.

I want to play a sample of that for you and then tell you, you get that with my Newburgh race controversy. Let's listen. Hebrews 1214 strive for peace with everyone for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God. One obtain don't learn northern see to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble and by it many become defiled that no one is sexually immoral or unholy like Esau sold his birthright for a single meal. We can forfeit God's grace seizures, which after understand you never, ever have to worry about because keeping power. You never ever have to worry about the sufficiency of his grace. You never ever have to worry about it running out kiss never will. You never ever have to worry about God doing what he said he would do is the author and the finisher of our faith.

You have to make a determination. I am going to commit spiritual suicide. I've been a commit suit spiritual suicide. I am going to go the way of Esau in Russia I'm gonna spurn the grace of God. The good news is God's promise to keep us good news is you can put your trust in the one who finish the work to bring it to completion. God's grace not only starts the work that work continues. He carries it out.

He wills and does his good pleasure of us which is why work at our own salvation. Fear and trembling before him and thing forever and ever experience more more the grace the goodness the amazing kindness, the power, the transforming love of God forever and ever and ever. All right friends that's an excerpt from my CD God's true grace we got three terrific grace resources. In fact, when you order this week. Hyper grace and God's true grace CD you get free. My brand-new book, the grace controversy.

I've been blessed to get reviews on the book of people posting on Facebook. Just a couple reviews of supported people contact me on Facebook and set on a grace preacher and and in your book changed my view on something I didn't see this before now. I see waiting to receive more grace, grace, preacher, I thought we had a lot of differences while reading your book. I see we don't and other saying this, this book in simple clear terms that heavy theology will open up your heart mind to the truth about grace and spare you from there.

Hyper grace or to get my book the grace controversy free when you order hyper grace and the God's true grace CD go to my website. Asked Dr. Brown as Katie around saw Lord will call 1-800-278-9978 that's 1-800-278-9978. My bottom line today.

Remember God is moving. God is working no matter what you see with your eyes. God is behind us

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