The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.
We'll be talking about the aftermath of the sexual revolution today, friends. It's going to be eye opening. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity.
Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Thank you so much for joining us today on The Line of Fire.
Michael Brown, as always, delighted to be with you. If you're listening on radio, you can hear the smile in my voice. If you're watching, blessings to everyone watching on YouTube, Facebook. Make sure to give a thumbs up or like and then even just share, share the broadcast and let us know where you're watching from.
And those listening around the country, so great to be with you. OK, I'm going to give out the phone number, but I don't know that I'm going to get to call. So just a heads up.
866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. At the bottom of the hour, we're going to have a fascinating guest on talking about the aftermath of the sexual revolution. This is something I've studied personally and I've observed, I've watched in the culture for many years, but I am absolutely sure I'm going to learn some new stuff today. And you are as well. I think it's going to be really eye opening at the bottom of the hour.
But I'm going to lead into it with some things I want to talk about first as we as we focus on moral and cultural issues. Remember, if you're not getting my emails, you're missing out on a ton of free resources every single week. And you might say, Dr. Brown, you write so many articles and put out so many videos, it's hard to keep track. No problem. Because every week we'll send you once a week. Here are the latest articles with with you can just click right on them and here's a caption about what it's about.
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So you won't miss anything that way. And when we have a new resource package or when we launch a new web initiative, you know, we've got some new programs on all of that. You'll be the first to know about if I'm coming your way to speak, you'll find out about it. So sign up for the emails that ask Dr. Brown dot org, ask Dr. Brown dot org. Sign up. You'll be blessed. And we'll get you in our welcome tour. Tell you more about my own story from LSD to P.H.D.. Tell you more about the three hours of our ministry and how we can serve you. So make sure you connect with us for the emails. It would be a delight to be in more contact with you also tomorrow.
Thoroughly Jewish Thursday, God willing. Well, we've got a bunch of very interesting things to talk about. But I have interacted directly with a professor who is grossly misrepresented in my in my Hebrew Israelite debate with early Hebrew, grossly misrepresented. And I'm going to tell you exactly what he had to say about how he was misrepresented.
Looking at the actual footage, seeing the way he was misrepresented, exactly what he had to say. And also, God's been burdening me. I know it's a hate group. I know it's a cult. I know it's deeply blinded. I know they turn things completely upside down in terms of meaning. And I knew that going in.
I fully knew that. But God's been burdening me and other intercessors to really pray for them. So we're going to pray because that's the great weapon we have. We can go to our Heavenly Father and pray for those that hate us and pray for those that lie about us. We can pray for them. So we can do that together, God willing, on the broadcast tomorrow.
All right. I've often quoted psychologist David Myers who said that if you fell asleep in the year 1960 and woke up in the year 2000 and he wrote this around 2000, that you'd wake up to the divorce rate doubled. Now, that was 2000. What is it today? You'd wake up to teen suicide tripled.
What's it up to today? You'd wake up to reported violent crime up four times. Prison population up five times. Children born out of wedlock up six times. Now, if you've ever studied this, if you've ever looked at the data, kids born out of wedlock have a much higher percentage of problems later in life, kids that are raised without a father figure. It's rarer to be raised without the mother because the mother is only going to be there. The father is more likely to be absentee in a broken home. Kids raised in fatherless homes, the disproportionate stats in terms of problems that can arise from incarceration to dropping out of school, to violent crimes, to you name it.
That's for men. Women raised in fatherless homes can have all kinds of other problems. Thank God for those of you raised in fatherless homes that made it. And thank God for the courageous single parents that poured into you. But statistically, we know that you break down the family in this way and it's massive trouble.
David Myers said that that from 1960 to 2000, couples living together outside of wedlock would go up seven times. And then rates of depression soaring off the charts, massively higher than World War Two times and then massively higher today than in 2000. Much of this shift took place as a direct result of the counterculture revolution of the 60s. Some of you listening were part of it. I was part of it.
I got caught up in that. I saw my first rock concert. I was 13 years old.
So a Jimi Hendrix concert. By the time I was 14, I was smoking pop. By the time I was 15, I was shooting heroin. Now, most didn't go that far in terms of the drug use, but we got caught up. Rebellion was the in thing. Breaking with the generations was the in thing. Instead of respect for the older generation, there was there was mockery of the older generation.
You're out of touch. The older generation is saying, America, love it or leave it. The younger generation is saying, hey, make love, not war.
And everything changed. That older generation, very patriotic. The younger generation kind of trashing the nation and the leadership, et cetera. And in the midst of this time of upheaval, that's often categorized as a time of sex, drugs and rock and roll at an Eastern religion as well, especially when the Beatles went to India and that became the big fad. But sex, drugs, rock and roll, Eastern religion that just swept through a generation.
And you might say, yeah, yeah, but people calm down after a while. And, you know, they stop partying after a while and they don't get high as much after a while and they settle down, get married after a while. Many did, but many of the radicals, many of the leaders just became part of the society. They never they never got rid of their radical ideology, but they became business leaders. They never got rid of their radical ideology, but they became political leaders.
They became educators. I'll mention one name in particular, Bill Ayers. So Bill Ayers was a member of the Weathermen. Weathermen, they were one of the most radical groups in the 60s and then a little bit thereafter. They were especially protesting the Vietnam War and they were violent. Now, they didn't try to kill people, but they would blow up buildings, an empty building, but they'd blow it up. So, I mean, they were violent. They were a terrorist group in that regard. And Ayers, after his career in the Weathermen, became a respected academic, a university professor, and a mentor to President Barack Obama, an influential person in his life.
So this is what happened. The radical ideologies just became part of the mainstream of society. The rebellion of one generation became the establishment of the next generation. And I was speaking last week at a Messianic Jewish Passover Seder at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., and a pastor came up to me, African-American pastor with a great heart for Israel, and he said to me, I was with you when you preached at Victor Torres' church 20 years ago.
Victor Torres, a dear Hispanic brother, a leader in Teen Challenge for years, a great testimony. I was preaching at his church, now it was probably a little less than 20 years ago based on what he said. But this pastor said to me, you were warning us back then about what was gonna happen with the gay agenda. You were telling us where things were going and everybody thought you were crazy, but everything that you said, it's come to pass. And I said to him, the good news is, the same God who showed me where things would go is the same God who showed me that there'd also be a pushback.
So the bad news is that the sexual revolution, the eroding of marriage and family, the breakdown of the home, and then with that, the opening the door to other things, for example, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer activism. And I say that making clear that my issue is the activism, not the people. These are people for whom Jesus died. These are people loved by God, like you and I are loved by God before we were saved.
These are people that have been created in the image of God and yet are fallen like the rest of us. So if I found out there was a gay activist in my neighborhood, first thing I'd do is ask if we could have a meal together. And I've done this, I did this over the years, especially early on when God called me into this.
First thing I'd do is say, can we have a meal together? And not so I could preach to them, but so I could hear their story. I understand their background, relate to them better as fellow human beings, have a greater love for them as people, and then explain why I differ, if that's appropriate in our discussion, or explain what makes me tick and share my own testimony. So the people are not our enemies. Satan is our enemy, and Satan wants to destroy gays and straights. Satan wants to destroy whites and blacks. Satan wants to destroy Gentiles and Jews. Satan wants to destroy all of us, right?
That's the reality. He has us marked, all right? He's our common enemy. We don't wrestle with flesh and blood, Ephesians 6, but with principalities, powers. It's a demonic battle that we're in. Nonetheless, at the same time, we recognize there is a dangerous agenda. Oh yes, I have been marked. I have been singled out for saying that the effort to redefine marriage was satanic.
Yes, I believe that. You say, well, you just offended everybody. Well, you heard my heart. I love people. I care about people, but I'm gonna speak the truth. Even if it's divisive, so be it.
Even if it's offensive, so be it. We speak the truth with love, but if we don't speak the truth, we're not loving people. It's that simple.
And if we really love people, we will speak the truth. So I've watched this transformation come to our society. I've watched the negative.
I've watched it unfold. For several years now, 50%, so one out of two of all first-time births to women in America, so not a mother having her third or fourth or fifth kid, but a mother having her first child, 50% of all of those births in America are out of wedlock. And it's just the norm. You may be watching some TV series of the couple living together out of wedlock. It's just the norm. And then having a kid together out of wedlock, it's just the norm. And for the record, couples that do not marry, but live together out of wedlock and then marry actually have a higher divorce rate than those who don't. The whole thing, well, look, I'm gonna take the car out and the trial run first, and if I like it, I'll buy the car.
So the same thing, we'll live together, get to know each other. Generally speaking, it works worse, not better. Of course, there are exceptions to that, but generally speaking, it works worse, not better, in terms of long-term outcomes. So we have a situation now in America where the administration is passionately fighting for the right of a biological boy to share a locker room with a biological girl if he identifies as female. They are passionately fighting for, quote, the right of a 13-year-old girl to get a full mastectomy if she feels that she's really a boy trapped in a girl's body. They are passionately fighting for quite the right to parents to put their 10-year-old child on hormone blockers to stop the onset of puberty and likely chemically castrating them for life. The administration aggressively pushing for these. Things have turned upside down. However, the reason I bring all this up is to say that the pushback continues.
I'm gonna give you some examples of pushback taking place as I speak in America today. We will be right back. First, a word from our sponsor, Triveda.
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Go to or call 800-771-5584. Again, 800-771-5584. This is how we rise up. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.
Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thank you so much for joining us on the Line of Fire broadcast. Michael Brown, blessed to be with you. Yeah, I'm not gonna give out the phone number again because I wanna share a few things and I've got a guest coming on at the bottom of the hour. And I wanna give ample time to our guest, Mary Iberstadt, when she does come on. I may have mispronounced the name.
That's the one thing I'm not sure about is the pronunciation of the name. In any case, in any case, I wanna talk to you a little bit about the pushback that continues. Let's think of this for a minute. Why did so many Americans become positive on the idea of quote, gay marriage, same-sex marriage?
Why did they become positive? I mean, it was so foreign. You just go back a generation and even the idea of it was absolutely impossible to fathom because we knew marriage was the union of a man and a woman.
Just like two plus two is four is math, not spelling, and C-A-T spells cat is spelling, not math, the same way we understood that the two essential ingredients for marriage are a man and a woman. That was a given. In fact, I can point you to major gay activist literature from the late 1980s where they wouldn't even countenance the idea of changing the definition of marriage. That was never gonna happen.
That was a given that that was never gonna happen. How is it that so many Americans became open to it? Well, the constant bombardment of media, presenting things a certain way does have its effect as some of these very same gay activists called for, propaganda through the media, their word, propaganda. That was one thing. A second thing was that you may have a gay friend or relative, seems like a nice person.
Maybe they're open now, they're coming out more or friend of a friend. Why shouldn't they be able to marry if it's, hey, love is love, right? The ongoing breaking down of marriage is a third thing. I've often said that no fault heterosexual divorce in the church did more to destroy marriage than more gay activists combined. So the eroding of marriage already losing its meaning, its importance, and even its longevity being so terribly threatened. Nancy said that growing up, my wife Nancy, she was embarrassed for anyone to find out she came from a divorced home. That's how rare it was as she was growing up.
We're the same age. And then a fourth factor was we didn't wanna be bigoted. We didn't wanna seem mean-spirited. We knew our terrible history with slavery and with bigotry and with racism.
And we didn't wanna do that again. And if, hey, if you're born this way, just like the new civil rights movement. So these various, these are some of the factors that came in to changing national opinion about same-sex, quote, marriage. But many of the people who were open to that, they didn't sign up for radical trans activism, nor did they sign up for the gaying of society in a much wider way, nor did they sign up for Christians being silenced in the workplace for daring to speak out against a gay activist agenda, et cetera.
So because of that, there is a pushback that is taking place. Now, the church must lead the way. Remember, we are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. We must lead the way, not politics, not culture. We must lead the way, and then culture and politics will follow that. So we are involved in all these ways, but gospel first, then working its way out to these other areas of society, that's the way we bring about lasting change.
And then, of course, the weapon of prayer being the greatest weapon that we have. But these are symptoms now of some of the pushbacks. So you have a woman who's now identifying as, excuse me, a man now identifying as a woman, Dylan Mulvaney, and this man, who now identifies as a woman, gets a big contract with Nike, 365 days a year of being a woman, and he is now gonna be the face for being a woman. What?
What are you talking about? And then Bud Light, no, I'm sorry, Bud Light did the campaign with the 365 days a year with this man as the face of being a woman, biological male, the face of being a woman. And then Nike, they've got a new sports bra, so who's gonna be the one that's the face of this wearing a sports bra, a biological male, and who identifies as female?
What, why in the world would they do that? I mean, isn't that offensive to women, that the best woman, the best face of a woman is someone that's a biological male that can't relate to being a woman all the years, they can't relate to what a woman grows up with, they can't relate to a monthly period, they can't relate to the possibility of pregnancy, they can't relate to all the unique things that a woman knows and feels and understands that a man never will, no matter how much sex change surgery he may have? Isn't it an insult to, when you have Bruce Jenner as Woman of the Year in Glamour magazine, isn't that an insult to other women? So, and there are many feminists, even lesbian feminists that oppose this wholeheartedly, and they oppose biological males competing against females.
And you're taking, woman now has no meaning whatsoever. So, of course, there's a pushback. I'm just gonna cite a couple of articles. Backlash, country star Travis Tritt dumping Anheuser-Busch from his tour after Dylan Mulvaney deal. Veteran country music star Travis Tritt announced Thursday, so last week, he is no longer having Anheuser-Busch products on his touring hospitality rider.
What's more, Tritt says, I know many other artists who are doing the same. They're offended by this. They didn't draw back with same-sex marriage in the same way, they didn't boycott certain companies, but say, hey, I'm out. You're not gonna be part of my tour. This is, it's offensive to women. It's a slap in the face of real women. You're saying, are you saying Dylan Mulvaney's not a real woman?
Yes, I am. He is not a real woman. And then here, here's another. Whoops, let me just click here. John Rich, his latest country star to dump Bud Light after trans Dylan Mulvaney deal.
What should I replace it with is his question. Country music star John Rich has added his name to the growing list of performers boycotting Anheuser-Busch for son and transgender activist, Joe Biden supporter and TikTok icon Dylan Mulvaney to a lucrative endorsement deal centered on its Bud Light beer. Wow, so the push, we've been telling you for years, last year we even said is the year of pushing back. Little did I know at the beginning of the year that Roe v. Wade would be overturned during the year, but we knew it's the year of pushing back. It is, I had a list of scores and scores of articles that I would get on the air and talk about it and then I just stopped keeping track.
It was just too unwieldy to keep track of. Nike, Nike angers feminists after choosing controversial trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney as new face if it's women's sports bra days after Bud Light was slammed for putting her on can. So again, you think why in the world would you do it? Now, one theory is because of the human rights campaign, the world's largest gay activist organization, that they have their corporate equality index and they're gonna rate you as to how friendly you are to these various LGBT causes, used to be LGBT plus causes and they don't wanna take a negative hit here so they're gonna show how incredibly quote woke they are in that sense and the bad sense of the word, how woke they are and how on the cutting edge of a social, you're on the wrong side. It is social insanity, let alone moral insanity and it may well be commercial insanity as well. Here's another related story.
Maureen Callahan, so Nike pays a trans woman who parodies my gender to wear their sports bras but was once accused of cutting salaries of its pregnant ambassadors. Enough, ladies, let the pushback begin. So friends, as I've been shouting out for years about the coming pushback, as people are even using that very word and it is trans activism that has provoked it. So I understand this is specific in specific areas but it's part of what we said would happen, that those with this radical agenda would overplay their hand and we're seeing it in front of our eyes.
It is the inevitable progression. LGBTQ plus, plus, plus the inevitable progression and the answer is not hating people. The answer is not getting mean spirited. The answer is not demonizing them all as the most wicked people on the planet. The answer is standing firm for biblically based values that are for the good of the society, basing our marriages, our families on biblical principles, raising our kids in the fear of God and the love of God and living godly, exemplary lives wherever we are.
Exemplary lives in the workplace, wherever God places us, through the school and the neighborhood, lifting up Jesus as we do, change will come and then let it trickle down politically, educationally, all these other ways. Okay, we'll be right back with my special guest, Mary Eberstadt. Hey friends, this is Dr. Michael Brown.
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Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Every so often when we have a guest scheduled, they have a wrong time zone or something comes up and there's a mix up. I've had it with interviews I've done. And we have not yet gotten hold of our guest, Mary Iberstadt, her book, she wrote a famous book, Adam and Eve After the Pill in 2012.
And the new book is Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. So hopefully we are connecting now. I've been on many an interview right to the last second and then just got on in time. It looks like we are good now, great, great. All right, we've got our guests here with us. Mary, thank you so much for joining us on the broadcast.
Are you there? Hello. Yes, you're on the air Mary. Thanks for joining us today. All right, glad we got you here at the last minute.
So just a little bit about your background. You hold the Panula Chair in Christian Culture at the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC, your Senior Research Fellow at the Faith and Reason Institute. And where I knew your name Mary was for the Adam and Eve After the Pill book. So when we got sent a copy of the new book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited, I thought, great, we've got to have you on. So thanks so much for taking time to join us today. Wonderful, thanks for having me Dr. Brown.
All right, so first question. Adam and Eve After the Pill, paint a picture of what that book did and kind of the aftermath, not getting to your new book, but the response to your book when you wrote it in 2012. Well, I'd like to say at the outset that I've done a lot of different kinds of writing. And that book was the beginning of a 15 year journey into the legacy of the sexual revolution. Because from other research, I knew that there's a lot of social science data suggesting that something about the way we have been living since the 1960s has created a lot of damage among people. So the first Adam and Eve book, Adam and Eve After the Pill, was designed to look at that at the grassroots level, to look at the effects of say fatherlessness, divorce, abortion, et cetera, on men, women, and children. It was what I think of as a microscopic look at the revolution. And it was, although written from a very strong perspective and making a strong contrarian argument, the book was really using social science, especially in the footnotes, to document everything I was talking about. And so what came as a surprise was how powerfully that message seemed to resonate. Very much against my expectations, I started getting communications and emails from people who had been deeply touched by the book, which was not written as a book of self-help or not as an emotional book at all.
So that was the first big surprise that got me thinking that the thesis was hitting a nerve because there was something to it. God, so when you began to break these things down, people realized, okay, this is not a Catholic argument, a Christian argument, this is a sociological argument. Just give us an overview, for example, once you break down marriage, family, people raised in fatherless homes, how does that work out?
Grassroots level, what does that actually mean? Well, let's start with fatherless homes. Now, not every child without a dad at home is going to be in trouble. But if kids get into serious trouble, very often that is the common denominator. Our maximum security prisons, for example, have overwhelmingly in their population men who were the products of fatherless homes. This has been very well documented now for 50 years by criminologists. So that's one example of a bad outcome tied to the sexual revolution.
But there are others too. There are data on educational attainment and truancy and drug use, et cetera, that again, trace back to the broken home or absent parents. So we have this data. What I'm trying to do is connect the dots to make a moral argument about it to say, look, this is now a humanitarian issue. The sexual revolution and what it is doing to society is something that we have to alleviate. And that's, I think, what was different about the argument, Dr. Brown, is that I was using data that sociologists themselves know very well, but to get to a different conclusion, which is this shows us that something about the way we are living today is harming many people. So it'd be the same way where nutritionists studies trends in the American diet over a period of decades. And you see increased heart disease, increased cancer, et cetera, et cetera.
Well, we're eating wrong things and you may not see it and feel it immediately, but inevitably it does go in a certain direction. And before we focus on the new book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. So we think of the horrible toll that abortion has taken just in terms of the destruction of over 60 million lives before they could leave the womb. Are there other ways that may be more subtle, not as obvious in which abortion has been destructive in our culture? Well, if you believe as I believe, and I would bet you believe, that babies humanize adults, that babies teach us how to sacrifice ourselves, then obviously the absence of so many babies has a coarsening effect on society at large. And I think this is part of what we're seeing in these discussions about why are our politics so acrimonious and why does everybody seem to be at other people's throats?
I think part of the answer is that, or now out of the habit of taking care of the young and vulnerable, thanks to abortion and thanks to other effects of the sexual revolution. And once again, we see a kind of harm here that may be more insidious, but is still very much part of the picture and something that we should address. Yes, these things do have ripple effects in so many ways. You know, it reminds me of being in Alaska one time and they took us out on this boat tour and there were all these seals that were on this giant rock, they were just sunning themselves there. And the host on the boat was explaining that they allowed the hunting of these seals for a while, but then they found out that it messed up the whole ecology system because the seals lived on this and then this on that and just doing this one thing messed up everything else.
And it's got to be the same with these gross departures from God's plan and God's best and the way he just set things up that were gonna have these horrific consequences. So birth control pill, 1960, not a lot of fanfare, but obviously a key thing and ties into the title of your book. So you were very much aware on the cutting edge of these sociological studies in 2012, did you expect things to get where they are today when you wrote the book or are you surprised?
I was not surprised just because I feel as if all that research put me a little ahead of the curve in seeing what was coming. So for example, one of the things I talk about in the new book is loneliness in Western societies. There is something called loneliness studies because there is such pervasive feelings of isolation in the United States, countries of Western Europe, et cetera.
Now, where is this coming from? It's there for young people, it's there for old people, it's there throughout the adult years. My argument again is that this is one more consequence of living as if recreation and procreation are two totally different things and as if procreation is somehow negotiable or we can just dispense with it without any harm to ourselves. Loneliness in the West today is a consequence of many millions of decisions of autonomy, voting against the family, voting against surrounding oneself with people who will love you and have your back.
This is what we're seeing in loneliness. Abortion is a factor in this too, I believe, Dr. Brown, because the subtraction of all those millions of lives amounts to the subtraction, say, of siblings from the lives of other siblings, of potential aunts and uncles and et cetera all the way down the human chain. So you are absolutely right to invoke the example of the animal kingdom because if we ran these experiments on animals that we are running on ourselves, if we were forcing them to live so radically differently from all the social creatures that came before them, we could see the harm that we would be causing, but somehow we don't turn that lens on ourselves and see what we're doing to humanity. Extraordinary, yeah, and even turning that back around the way you did, if we manipulated the social lives, the mating lives, the patterns, that would be the extinction of various species and things like that. Friends, the book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. All right, so what's the revisiting you do about 10 plus years later in your new book? So 10 plus years later, I am looking at what I call the macroscopic effect of the birth control pill and the rest.
In other words, instead of looking at individuals, I'm looking at three large areas. I'm asking what did the sexual revolution do to our politics? What is it doing to society?
And what is it doing within Christianity? That's the last third of the book. All right, so let's, obviously we have limited time.
Folks, you need to read the whole book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. But let's just give a summary of each of those areas, then we'll dive into at least one of them a little more deeply. But just go ahead, give it an overview, the macroscopic overview of each of these. Well, to give one example of how the revolution is changing politics, I talk in one chapter about summer 2020, when there were over 10,000 riots and protests across the United States, of which turned violent. And I'm sure people will remember this very well. So I dig deeply into some of the leaders involved in this movement.
And I dig into the backgrounds of some of the people whose names became, you know, were on the nightly news. And my point is to connect fatherlessness to these phenomena, the lack of family, the absence of being anchored in a stable place is something that we saw over and over again with these furious young men seemingly unattached to anything and raised without any thought of restraining themselves out in the streets of the United States. So that's one political aspect I would draw attention to. About Christianity, I think it's very clear by now that the sexual revolution has become the dividing lines within every denomination.
It is where the fight is. People are not fighting over the 10 commandments. People are not fighting over the Sermon on the Mount. No, they are fighting over whether Christianity can accommodate the sexual revolution or not. And so I would encourage especially the Christians among us to think about that section of the book in particular. Hey, if, Mayor, if you could stay right here, just a couple more quick questions on the other side of the break. Friends, the new book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. By all means, check it out. We'll be right back.
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Go to or call 800-771-5584. Again, 800-771-5584. This is how we rise up! It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.
Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again, it's Dr. Michael Brown. All right, I'm back with my guest, Mary Iberstadt.
Just a few more minutes. The new book, Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited. You know, I looked into the BLM statement when it was posted.
It ended up getting pulled when a number of us drew attention to it. But the absolute word was fathers. If there's any reference to father, it was in a negative context, you know, in the oppressive patriarchal society.
And you just read through it. And it had all those ingredients that had brought about that radicality as opposed to a real righteous standing for righteousness in the nation. So it's a larger question, but I just want to make sure I ask this before you go. I'm an evangelical believer, Messianic Jewish to be technical, but evangelical believer and have worked with evangelical leaders around the world, rallying them on many similar causes. But often it's been Catholic leaders that have been a step ahead, say in the pro-life movement, for example. Right now, your assessment within the Catholic Church, because we see it in Protestant denominations, like you say, it is the battle. And the Catholic Church, with its mass of one billion plus people and the world influence that it carries and the pope carrying so much weight, how do you see things developing in the Catholic Church in terms of the aftermath of the sexual revolution? Well, it's no surprise that there are voices within the Catholic Church too that want to do the same thing that various Protestant denominations have done and draw a smiley face over the hard parts of the faith and tell people that really they can live however they want and will welcome them in.
Everybody is welcome. The problem is that's not how Christianity, Catholic or Protestant, developed in the first place. It developed with a really strict rule book about how we are to live, just as Judaism before it had a rule book that was strict by the standards of the communities around it. And so what's disheartening is seeing that just as this evidence is piling up, the evidence I'm talking about, saying that if the good book didn't exist, then our lives are going to be a mess as the lives of many people are today. Just as we see all of that coming through the evidence, there are still voices maintaining that we can somehow accommodate this sexual revolution without compromising Christianity. And in the last third of the book, I argue that this is not possible, whether you're Protestant or Catholic, there is a record there of the attempts to do exactly that, and they have failed.
Excellent. So friends, this is carefully documented. The work that Mary does is carefully documented.
You can go to the sources, and the evidence is undeniable in terms of where things go. What are you hoping that readers of your book will take away once they finish it? Well, I hope that religious readers will be heartened. You know, we live in a time, Dr. Brown, when so many people who are believers feel beleaguered and feel like they're out of step with the time. But what I'm trying to do in this book is show them that there is a vindication that's already out there in the form of this evidence that is not theological, that's been assembled by perfectly secular social scientists and other experts, and that body of evidence points to the truth of Christian teaching. This is a way of connecting the dots that I think, if it's just properly understood, will give believers heart, and they deserve to have it because that vindication is there. Yes, and it's such important work because when you realize, hey, this is not just my personal belief, and this is not just some bigoted, religious fundamentalist idea that I learned from my parents or grandparents. This is God's, God's ways are best. And when we deviate from His plan, it's all this chaos. So giving people that information, it does strengthen the backbone.
It does give them courage to stand. So once more, friends of the book, Adam and Eve, After the Pill Revisited. Thanks so much for the hard research, all the work you've done, and for the book. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me, Dr. Brown.
My joy, my joy. Yeah, I hope you get it and read it and check out the content, dig into the sources because as you do, you realize, wow, wow, this is not just our views here. Great, I appreciate Mary being with us today. From the heart, friends, I am not discouraged by the crazy stuff happening around us. And I don't want you to be discouraged. You say, well, Mike, you're an optimist. You're just a perennial optimist. It's true that I am an optimist. And my gut level reaction to bad news is it'll all turn out all right. It'll all be good.
Or what Satan means for evil, God will turn for good. And the joke is with Nancy and I that she's my lead weight that keeps my helium balloon from flying away. We laugh about that. She is a master gardener, landscaper, I mean, stunningly so. And every year, though, she's surprised to see the plants come back, every year.
In other words, even though she knows that scientific law, that if the thing is properly cared for, it will come back, she's still stunned to see it. So we were laughing about the degree to which she is not by nature an optimist. She's a woman of faith.
She's a woman of strong faith, unshakable faith. But just in the natural, I'm Mr. Optimist. We'll hear a report and she's like, oh, that's bad news. I'm like, oh, no, that'll be all right. We'll kind of smile, right? That's the way we see things.
And it's a great balance mix. But I'm not speaking to you now just as Mr. Optimist. I'm speaking to you now as a child of God, as a servant of the Lord, having walked with the Lord now for more than 51 years, which is longer than some of you been on the planet that are listening, all right? Longer than some of you, a couple of you added up have been on the planet listening. So I'm speaking as someone who's been in the trenches, who's seen the hard times like everybody else.
Overall, I feel my life has been very blessed and compared to many others, easy. But certainly in this world, you suffer loss, you go through hellish trials and difficulties. I'm here to tell you God is faithful. I'm here to tell you that light triumphs over darkness. I'm here to tell you the truth triumphs over error. That right now, I know even as I'm doing this show, there are people lying about me online.
It could be, who knows, it could be coming from a thousand different places of people who hate me. Lying about me posting false things, but I know ultimately the truth of the gospel. I know ultimately the unshakable nature of the gospel. I know ultimately 2 Corinthians 13, eight, we could do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.
I know Proverbs 21, 30, there is no wisdom or counsel against the Lord. So I feel bad for those that attack and mock because I know they're on the wrong side and I pray for them with a broken heart. And for many, many years of my life, I've had people slam me, attack me, malign me, only to come back in tears years later and say, Michael, I'm so sorry, you were right.
It's not about me being right, it's a matter of being on the right side. If you're on God's side, if you're holding to biblical values, you may be scorned in the short term, but you'll be hailed in the long term, either in this world or in eternity. And if God is for us, who can be against us?
So be encouraged, the pushback is at hand, God is at work. And even if everything collapsed in the world around us, it would just be a greater opportunity for us to preach the gospel. If things got worse in society than we've ever seen, we'll have the greatest harvest we've ever seen because people will be desperate and looking for God. And even now, there's a great work of God taking place among young people in America. In the midst of the isolation, loneliness, depression, anxiety, fear, God is at work. It's in the early stages, but God's at work and we're gonna see amazing things in the days to come.
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So enjoy the discount, enjoy the products, but just know, hey, you're helping us touch people around America and around the world. You're helping extend our voice. We are in the early stages of a major expansion plan, looking for another, just went on live March 20th to our great station in Phoenix. So shout out to all of our Phoenix listeners.
I've got another major city that we're God willing about to launch on. So we do it with your prayer support. Those of you who are our torch bearers, our monthly supporters, you hold our hands up. Those of you who help us with one-time gifts, those of you who pray for us, thank you. Together, we are making a difference. And with Triveda's help as well, we've really put this into high gear in terms of expansion. So thanks for partnering with us. Thanks for joining together. I'm here to tell you the truth. I'll be ruthlessly honest with the truth, but the truth is that Jesus is Lord. He rose from the dead. That's all I need to know. That is all I need to know. Rise up, it's our resistance. You can't resist us. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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