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Who is Justice Neil Gorsuch? And an Interview with Joseph Farah About the End of the World

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2017 4:40 pm

Who is Justice Neil Gorsuch? And an Interview with Joseph Farah About the End of the World

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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February 1, 2017 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 02/01/17.

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I've got some thoughts about revival in America and yesterday to focus on the new Supreme Court justice stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of the fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire today Pres. Trump announcing Neil Gore such as his nominee for the Supreme Court, a man who was unanimously confirmed earlier by the Senate and he was appointed as a Circuit Court justice. We got a lot to talk about with him and I want to reflect as well with you on revival. America needs revival and that America needs spiritual and moral restoration will give you some hope in that regard as well. 8663 fortress number to call 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Democrats are saying that they will block this nominee and fight against him. Hollywood elites weighing in in the harshest terms.

Against this justice. Pro-abortion is upset.

All of that is is a very good sign. All of that is a very good sign, meaning that Donald Trump has done what he promised he would do I posted this yesterday that during the Republican primaries. I question how deeply committed. He was pro-life and I said this, he waffling on this is one thing one day.

Another thing another day. What's his real position as time went on he convinced me that he had a change of heart regarding this and that he was pro-life and he has done exactly what he said he would do. He promised he would appoint a strong constitutionalist someone in the other the mold of Antonin Scalia, although again he was a unique man in many ways, and someone who be strongly pro-life and even though justice corsets courses has not ruled on the abortion related case. He has written extensively on the intrinsic value of every human life of, for example, writing against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

So Donald Trump is done. Let's give him credit, he has done exactly what he promised he would do in these dented very quickly and I do believe reading an article in the New York Post that says the same thing that the Democrats are digging their own grave.

By constantly trying to oppose every step that Donald Trump is taking, and here by trying to oppose this justice again. I have more to say on that in a little while, and you can win with your calls 866-34-TRUTH 7884 but let me first say this. Today's February 1. If you're listening to the show live it's February 1, 2017's yesterday was January 31 and January 31, 1997. Some 20 years ago yesterday was one of the more sacred services have ever been in in my entire life, and I've been in countless thousands of meetings over the years. Yet, this was one of the most sacred services I was ever in in the midst of the Brownsville revival in Pensacola Florida which lasted from 1995 to 2000, the fruit of it remains around the world to this day.

But that night stood out among other nights there is a video with an excerpt of the service that is two hours long.

It is an excerpt of the altar call the altar ministry. It it it is that's how intense and long the service was people are on their knees. During this video for couple of hours repenting and seeking God and praying and encountering the love of God in encountering the beauty of Jesus the Savior and running from their sins and from the judgment of hell it's it's very very intense to watch.

We posted on our Facebook page after grad had referenced how he went there 20 years ago Greg for ministry school how God changed his life. Then and anyway, once I posted it. People began to post that.

Yeah I was there, my life changed. 20 years ago.

Yeah I was there I got put a fire in my heart to go to the nation 7 to 48 nations preaching Jesus. Since then, yeah I was there and I repented and I've never been the same people. So what was really going on over the critics.

It was really going on is a lot of motion on the weeping system manifestations of neuronal Culver City gobblers meeting people elastic healthy way we see the Holy Spirit without the next dimension parts of America. The whole nation handshake will be right back on file is the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown are serious about gospel based moral and cultural revolution, not the way the world does it not with guns and knives in anger and hatred and brutality in force and intimidation, but rather to the power of the spirit, overcome evil with good. Overcoming lies with truth overcoming darkness with light seeing the gospel triumph and hearts of lies and through that bring about a moral and cultural revolution. I'm committed to it. I live with this following Jesus makes me into a counterculture revolutionary living by principles of another kingdom that we believe are in the best interest of everybody and that when people really turn to the Lord and know him. It is liberating and freeing and we come into our real purpose is the purposes for which God made us and the reason that we need revival in seasons of awakening and refreshing the reason that we need these things is because as human beings we get cold as human beings we have ups and downs as human beings we get discouraged. As human beings we can lose ground we can get caught up by the things of the world of the flesh, and we need renewal. That's why America has had seasons of awakening the great awakening in the 1730s and 40s and the second great awakening at the beginning of the 19th century the early 1800s and the prayer revival of 1857, 50 Aided Fierce Outpourings Azusa St. in early 20th century, the Browns revival 1995, 2000 other movements when I talk about a series of special meetings that we call revival meetings have a lot in the South. They were holding a revival next month. You can no more hold a revival you can hold a hurricane. You can no more schedule revival you can schedule an earthquake revival is not something that people work up revival something God sends down right now there's something happening in America.

Interestingly enough, the election of Donald Trump. Even though he was certainly not looked at as a a bastion of of Christianity in and of moral example himself over the years.

His pushing back against the system is pushing back against what seemed to be the inevitable direction.

America was going has encouraged others that there can be pushback is well with you voted for Donald Trump or not seize the moment and recognize the hour in which were living and this season of real change, 866-348-7884 just a few comments on the old course such as the president's nomination nominee for Supreme Court of North Carolina values coalition says they are thrilled by Pres. Trump's nomination tonight. This is post last night, all almost Carolinian should appreciate judge Gore switches immense respect for founding documents in his support for the values of life, liberty, and religious freedom. Again to make sure you understand. Probably most of your familiar with this but perhaps some are not. The concept of a constitutionalist. The text to us in originalist. The question is, is the Constitution a living document guidelines from the founding fathers to now be reinterpreted and reapplied in every generation. It is American morality changes in American sensibility changes that we now change our understanding of this document so that it's it's reinterpreted with every generation.

And that's with the court should do or or or the courts beholden to the intent of the founding fathers, who had a vision for America and their job is not to interpret the Constitution in a new way but rather to apply the principles of the Constitution so conservatives would say just like with Scripture, we apply the principles of Scripture to our lives, then the secondary way we apply the principles of the Constitution to American life of a liberal would say no. No, we look at the Bible. But now, through the lens of modernity and that the change moral standards and things of that because we know better that were more enlightened the more enlightened we know more. We we see things better than the founding fathers did, so the Constitution that sense is going to be a living document reinterpreted. That's where we have a lot of the conflicts that we do and that's why judge corsets is such a good pick from everything I understand is such a good pick because he is a strong constitutionalist, Kelly with first success of sure you know Pres. Trump just announces nomination want you knows one of our closest liberty friends and our attorneys have reexported over his record on religious freedom. This is the email he sent out as a really recently written to this part of her ongoing effort to give analysis and input aces.

This the big question they asked does this candidate have a proven record of upholding the Constitution, especially as it relates to religious freedom. He says I'm pleased to tell you, the judge corsets has just such a promising record. In fact, he is authored or join multiple landmark opinions upholding religious freedom so they feel very good about him as someone who would uphold religious freedom and life so strong pro-life website. There are also very, very positive on him as well. A Jim Garrity writing on national review says Gore such a good pick for a trough and he thought I was incapable of writing this because he's been hostile new Gore such as such is a terrific pick and Pres. Trump should be congratulated for making it. He said this is never seen Ed wheeling president of the ethics and Public policy Center to a cartwheel before, but I think the corsets nomination might spur him to try coal is rightly recognized that no one can ever replace Justice Scalia. There were strong reasons to expect justice corsets to be an eminent worthy, eminently worthy successor to the great justice and goes on and on.

So a lot of positive reports positive feelings about this justice. What I would say very very important for us to take hold of.

Is this you never know what's gonna happen.

Once someone is appointed and as the years go on. Justice Kennedy, who ended up being the horrific swing vote it in the disastrous swing, but I should say in the Burger fell case redefining marriage case in in 2015 he was appointed decades ago by conservative president and there's some with older could've been a better choice than but but in point of fact, he, he was appointed as a conservative, and eventually his views swung so you don't know what's going to happen to Justice John Roberts is been a strong conservative, and the Chief Justice. He was a key vote in the affordable presence affordable care act Obama care that was a shocker. People felt like that was a betrayal so Pres. Trump has done his job he has done his job by appointing you corsets. He has kept his word. He has taken someone from the list of 21 justices that he said he would pick from and he is very quickly acted on that right. That's number one. The Senate needs to do its job and approve and and if the Democrats put up a fussier I think it's gonna be worse for them that they're going to shoot themselves in the foot for doing and if things continue with Pres. Trump makes less mistakes and does more good things and the Democrats are seen as just try to stand his way than more American sympathies will turn against them Democrats to build enough in the last election, ready so the Senate has to do its job and confirm him, but then we as believers need to do our job and pray for him and pray for the other justices you can't take anything for granted here and it is so so important that we pray for a justices and I would dare say it's something I very rarely think about. I gotta confess that I think about praying for the president more. Of course, for many other things, but praying for the justices to do what's right. We may pray for the overturning of Roe V Wade, we may pray for justice. We may pray for compassion for the unborn and hope from others and things like that but often I just want to confess this while I have friends of mine who been involved in 24 seven prayer of before the Supreme Court concerning the Supreme Court appealing to the highest court of all court of heaven. My friend Randall with justice. House of prayer in the bouncer life movement that came out of these things in constant prayer for the sprinkler. I just have to say honestly I'm more conscious of praying for the president. Pres. Obama was present, the Pres. Trump more conscious of that that I am praying for the Supreme Court, and it strikes me now that with all of the glowing praise about new Gore shift Gore such and with first. Lastly, Sean son being a rare voice questioning whether he's real pro-life and other say no know we we we are very confident that he is that we need to be praying for these justices and if he does make it in that he will be what we are expecting him to be a champion of religious liberty in a champion of life because he is a strong constitutionalist to take some calls we come back 866-348-7884 give you some more facts about Supreme Court Justice Neil Garza nomination and wrote an article last night. It's up on the screen read on a website modifying our Lord, who are the real Bible voting hypocrite all that and more for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, have you downloaded Orap yet you downloaded the asked Dr. Brown Yet just it's available on android phones iPhone any day now just waiting for them to go through the final approval process just takes a little longer so if get a android phone. Then just getting cell phone, go to the play store and type in a SK DR Brown, the app will come up immediately downloaded your access to all of our articles.

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We can pour back into you 866-34-TRUTH, let's go to Janet and Catonsville, Maryland. Welcome to the line of fire. Thank you Dr. Brown.

Thanks for taking my call. You welcome yet. I like when I called into the radio station I want to make sure that I'm speaking in a place of peace and love, and hope that whatever were discussing can reach someone outfitted you and I called in today because of the appointment early nomination for the Chief Justice and just give a perspective that perhaps Christian may not be evaluating you know Keith on paper yet and he has you. There we lost it.

I hopefully Janet is reconnecting.

Just a few facts about Neil corsets is religion. This is he attended a Catholic school studied at Oxford under the Catholic philosopher John Finis but he identifies now as Protestant, not Catholic will be the only Protestant on the court. You now attend St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder Colorado.

He opposes the legalization of euthanasia and he's taken to be in a port and opponent of abortion, there's the writ.

The court decision on the matter. He wrote this book with that all human beings are intrinsically valuable in the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong. He also wrote tact intentionally against life is to suggested via its value rests only on its transient instrumental usefulness for other ends. Now is the church he attends describes itself as quoting inclusive Christ centered community reach out to all who seek a deeper spirituality relationship with God and one another questions. What does inclusive mean of to find that out. 86634 I won't looks like we have officially lost her call from Maryland let's go to Ebony in Northern Virginia.

Welcome to the line of fire. My call economy that were in about a, African, American active no really have come a long way target market of declarant, added the like our boy completely silent on what and violent. Basically, the static Bush administration added to like it. The tragedy what happened today and or long. I don't see how our you are going to be really black it on that level of what that I did it my my yeah let me ask you a couple questions do you think you speak for all African-Americans tell that I believe that the work that Derek Markel will write with a nominal and legal law that and I will like that are our nor no money issue with the hold the hope that the general number of black young black man I'd like to be an overhaul and I just don't know anything at any that one would you think though that this justice would not care about those things and that was how much you know about him to make the assumption that he would not be a good judge for the African-American community.

Well, when I'm better to go pray uncle Craig prepare I'm gonna pray for everybody, including our president and I'm going to try that other bird will have it, and no that at some point it go by that point they doubt you know it's gotta be checked and balanced it and I don't think that there is any right now.

Would you do think that in my view we went the exact opposite direction under Pres. Obama.

In a disastrous way with radical pro-abortion legislation and pro-Planned Parenthood mentality and radical redefining of marriage and radical transgender activism that that in and that was going out of control in one way, and I feel like there's a push back against that with your peers or just try to sort out I'm I'm all for addressing larger justice issues in the larger question of of why is it that the such a disproportionate number of black Americans in prisons and to what extent is that the issue of the entire society. But here's here's what what hurts me, as as a fellow American that with the great progress of civil rights movement.

If you go back to the early 60s and I've had of African-American guests on who reiterate the things you like to the early 60s.

The, the African-American household was tons more stable than it is today in terms of two-parent families in terms of lower crime rates, since it was more stable than white families at the time of the early 60s. So it seems a lot of the government policies that were meant to help African-Americans help the poor help in cities have actually hurt more than they've helped and created kind of a welfare dependent state to do she believe that's true to an extent where you can come up with that I don't lie that is valid and that there are I find it black, ever, that Obama became president like it was something that we were little black boy. Let that it is hit record never before. I think about the parishioners in the church in South Carolina that were no I mean after a prayer service and not the light. You know, yeah, I haven't gotten any better, but with 8A, and our president.

I think I don't think you need to, but he fights at the like don't think it frightened me just say this if there's a lot you said it like interact with. But where row to break your thinking out let me just say this. No response. I don't believe that Pres. Obama was a racist present compass racist rhetoric and a lot of careful words can stir up all kinds of problems to lead us to let us his beliefs. Let's agree on the believers set the tone. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So much for being part of the line of fire. Yet this is what I could say in response to Ebony we ran out of time. The fact that she's hurting the fact that she feels pain as an African-American that hurts me as a fellow believer and as a fellow American.

I I don't believe that we had a rise in hate crimes against Blacks during the Obama administration. I believe what happened was certain concerns that African-Americans have in terms with a felt was was mistreatment at the hands of police that captured on video. I will think that there was a spike or an increase but some of these things get captured on video and the nation could see it but in terms of of crimes. If you could point to a spike in black on white crimes. With that I will think the that's the issue.

I think the problem was that there was an emphasis on identity politics over the injustice be exposed with this injustice and among the police with this injustice in the courts where 20 old black man gets a higher sense and a 20-year-old white man, to the extent that happens. Let that be exposed.

Let that be addressed. Amen. Absolutely. But to me the problem was identity politics, dividing us over race dividing and in that regard.

I feel Pres. Obama did that and I feel that present trouble not being a racist himself. I'm thinking is, has been is been on careful with things he said or how he said the witch of open them up to for the Christmas criticisms can be criticized either way with you I feel about it but to be criticized for what I do wrong. Not not for what I don't do raw roots go ahead and blast me day and night.

If I do something wrong but all all taken on the chin for that but my goal is only to do what's right. If you are technically doing what's right.

That's just fine so that let that be the goal. Let's do what's right and we get attacked for that fine and if I can be criticized for doing wrong when we take that on the chairman grow from it. That reminds me, though. Maybe there's something definitive you can find it online and tell me but the initial reports of the horrific shooting of the mosque in Qu�bec or Qu�bec Canada. Depending on how you pronounce the murder of West six Muslims during prayer time in the mosque in Qu�bec.

Initial reports said that it was some white supremacist who had done it. Then I saw on some conservative sites. No, that's just fake news that's fake news there was a Muslim arrested and there was another man arrested was probably convert to Islam and this is probably a Muslim Muslim violence.

So that's what I read, and that's what I shared on the radio.

Then last night I read another report that the other Muslim was question, but not arrested that there was only one man arrested and that he was a sympathizer of Trump and of the pen in France. Another right wing conservative and vice.

Another right wing conservative part of a rising populist movement in in Europe and instantly is more of a conservative, and more of a right-winger than Donald Trump. In any case, if that's true then that's the very thing that people were afraid of happening and concerned about.

And if that is true we we need to announce it in the loudest possible terms and end just because you don't have that hatred for Muslims of Ida Cawley Monday since a Christian and he hates Muslims will sums wrong's relationship with God. If that's the case, something is wrong in your intimacy with Jesus of this cases Jesus died for those people wanted to hate terrorism. It's it's one thing to oppose radical Islam and ISIS things without so think that your Muslim neighbor got a bit, but to the extent that those attitudes are out there.

Whether it's antiblack attitudes are anti-Muslim attitude are anti-Hispanic attitude are anti-Asian attitude or anti-Jewish attitude.

Whatever it is we need to rise above the fray and we need to demonstrate the love of God to the nation. We need to demonstrate the character of Jesus to the nation and we need to demonstrate that there is a better way that is not caught up hardest politics provided by the Democrat Violet Goss. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown on the line of fire.

867884 the number to call this what you know in the second hour, which if you don't get it on your local stations. You can get it on the ask Dr. Brown Asking her Brown for your cell phone if you have an android iPhones will be at any day now this week and listen to any of the show right in the convenience of your cell phone if you're in and out of coverage area if you want to get the two flowers in your local station just carry it, you can listen in that way. Assume just I was coming the second hour the second hour I'm speaking with a couple of conservative journalists about justice Neil Gore sets Gore such and raising some questions for them and then on to speak with Joseph Farah who is the founder of world that daily. Many of you go to account of a pioneer strongly conservative website and will talk to him about his new book the restitution of all things that's coming your way in the second hour when we look at Donald Trump in terms of where he's taken strong stands will these obviously taken a strong stand in terms of national security. In terms of America, first in that regard, and hopefully that will work out to a compassionate solution for refugees in real need that we can take in and care for. Along with keeping out those that want to destroy our nation. He's obviously taken a strong stand on pro-life and his appointment of Neil Gore such to her, his nomination of justice Gore such to the Supreme Court is in keeping with that subsequent strong and that obviously was to help revitalize our economy. This is something he's committed to.

When it comes to LGBT issues he wants on the one hand, to be a friend of all Americans, and he feels bad. If he feels this mistreatment of LGBT individuals, or discrimination against them at the same time he wants to be a champion of religious liberty very deeply and justice Gore such has voted in that way. For example, voted in favor of Hobby lobby and against the government imposing its own values on Hobby lobby and other Christian businesses or organizations that would've required them to violate their own ethics by implementing certain aspects of Obama care so we know the Donald Trump stand strongly for religious liberty and he is assured evangelicals about this over again and he wants to repeal the Johnson amendment, which makes it illegal for churches, ministries, nonprofit Christian organizations to take a public stand on political issues.

There is the possible loss of tax-exempt tax exemption if they do, by the way that's out with silencing many preachers across America. It's fear of man in fear of losing finances in fear of losing people. Let's own up to it. Let's do better as leaders in the body, but that being said, from everything I understand from friends of mine who were in closed-door meetings, 30, 40 people.

I was supposed to be one of them, but could make his scheduled 3040 people meeting with Pres. Trump when he was candidate Trump when they press the issue of what happens when there is a conflict between religious liberties and LGBT liberties religious rights and gay-rights and you can put whichever one in scare quotes rights and scare quotes for both the rights and scarecrows for either or so will these are really rights okay can discuss that. But what happens when you have a conflict. What happens when it is a Christian Baker recess own good conscience I can't bake a gay wedding cake Christian photographer and I can't shoot a gay wedding a good conscience, just like you would expect a Muslim to to bring attitude to cater wedding with pork dislike we could expect religious Jew to shoot a wedding on a Saturday, the Sabbath dislike we we could expect a secular day T-shirt company to be required to print verses from the Bible. It spoke in some sexual practice that to make 500 T-shirts for some outreach it for church they could spend said sorry we we don't agree with this is your prerogative all the more severe prerogative when it's a deep deeply held religious conviction so as much as these issues have been pressed on the president. I don't believe he has fully work through the issues of what the right responses and my appeal to the president would be look at the founding of our nation. Look at the importance of freedom of religion and anything that curtails that curtails what makes America great, because the founding fathers presupposed that America would be a moral and religious nation know it would not be one face only. It would look early on, George Washington was asked by synagogue know what we have liberty Syria what what should we expect and in you had in the 11 colony was Catholic and one, colony was Presbyterian made woman's Baptist and you had these issues they had to work through and that's why it was made clear, there is no one state church that is the purpose of separation of church and state is not a state church and in the states not tell the church what to do. That was the purpose separation not to keep the church and stay petite.

The state of the church. That being said here looking like this.

Look at it like this. How much liberty do you give to your four-year-old at home. How much responsibility did you give to your four-year-old Gillette that four-year-old be around knives and guns you put that four-year-old behind the wheels of a car you go out of the house and leave the four-year-old with the two-year-old. No course not by if you have an 18-year-old responsible 18-year-old 18-year-old probably driving that 18 you can say hey hey could could you bring Tommy to school him on late today and that 18-year-old can drive his 10-year-old brother to school in your conference deck is is a good conscientious driver and your 16-year-old daughter. You can leave her with her two twin sisters were eight years old and Sarah Wright will be back in a few hours were going out to dinner with some friends. I mom got everything under control because she 16. She's more responsible and assert. You may go hunting with your son and your 50 and your son is 25 and he has own guns. But when he was five. You can touch a gun so there is responsibility with age. There's responsibly with maturity. There is responsibility with morality. If your 25-year-old was in and out of jail for violent crime and in your hunter and you have guns in your house without those guns are kept in a safe or some other location because you don't trust them around because he's been a responsible and is not been moral. So the way the American Constitution is laid out the way our Bill of Rights is laid out the way our nation was founded.

It presupposed that we were a moral and religious people. And that's why it doesn't have as many not guidelines.

We have plenty of guidelines but it doesn't have as many do's and don'ts. As you might expect, it doesn't have as many rules and forcing every area of conduct does not have a monarchy raining strictly so we have to step up in our moral and spiritual responsibility in order to conduct ourselves effectively as a nation that makes sense.

So in the same way when we talk about separation of church and state yelp. It's not up to the church to impose itself on the whole society.

It's not to the church to say everyone must attend church on Sunday, everyone must observe the seventh day Sabbath on Saturday or everyone must abide by Old Testament dietary laws or there will be a penalty on the nation know church does not have the right to do that.

Now if you had the whole nation become religious people say you know we we want business close on Saturday or Sunday and the vast majority people want to do and that's with the will of the people would be the least applicable code blue laws on Sunday and very few places rope on Sunday. Now Sunday for the most part they like everybody else. That's where people wanted.

So these things will shift. According to public opinion and public morals and values with the bottom line is this, if we as a nation become a religious if we as a nation cast off the fear of God. If we as a nation cast off biblical morality will you have either anarchy in our society or someone taking over in a totalitarian way to fill the void. It's it's going to be one or the other. And again that's why our founding fathers crafted things as they did with certain assumptions about the character of the people of America that the religious character the moral character, even if some of the founding fathers were were more skeptical in their faith were not as Orthodox in their faith. Even if you had some that were were hardly Christian like Benjamin Franklin but known for his pragmatic wisdom, they still had presuppositions about the makeup of the American people and so it is important for us as a nation to turn to God and to the extent we do turn to God, to that extent, our marriages will be strong families. With the next generation will destroy our security and economy strong support. It's a way which constituted God in us, and eventually interesting article in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown 884. I do want to get into an article by Michael Goodwin New York Post before I get into that wrote an article last night who are the real Bible quoting hypocrites. The essential thesis being this Hollywood deletes the liberal college and according the same book that they openly mock.

So where were constantly accused of being hypocrites is as evangelical followers of Jesus was conservative believers. And sometimes we have been upset over and again that no-fault heterosexual divorce in the church is the mortar under my marriageable gay activists combined but for the most part we believe the Bible is God's word were seeking to live by. And sometimes we fall short ring consistent. We are firm scriptures. God's word were seeking to live by. However however there are those that quote the Bible selectively. They all know the verse Jesus and don't judge, but they they don't listen to the rest of Jesus teaching or they don't even rightly understand what Jesus meant when he said, don't judge, and they sit there judging you as they quoted will what would prompt me to write this article was that you have folks that according to the Old Testament say look this over the Old Testament, the Torah, five books of Moses and said to care for the refugee and the foreigner and up again.

I'm all for the absolutely all for week. You cannot go overseas and minister hundred 50 different trips so hundreds and hundreds of days spent overseas in thousands of meetings overseas and meet people from the different nations and see the needs of the nations with her having a heart for the far and our missionary serving around the world have a great heart for the fun of it, especially those suffering in the Middle East and many of our folks involved in compassionate outreach in the Muslim world. So of course we want reflect that same compassion here in America and be involved in in helping the refugee and the need, but what's galling to me is the same people quoting those verses mock the other verses where were the Israelites were commanded to slaughter the Canaanites. In other words, the hostile idol worshiping foreigners there were slaughtered to wipe out one time taking the promised land but but this was the context wipe out the hostile foreigners the idol worshiping foreigners who can seduce you into their way of life and of refugee from someone else comes a must to take refuge in your wings and become part of your community you live by your laws. Take the man so very people who attacked the Bible for its it's command to to dispossess the Canaanites and slaughter the Canaanites after God waited hundreds of years and until the iniquity of the Amorites, the Canaanites, those living in the lab until it had reached its full measure.

Then God said okay the wickedness is so great dispossess them and take the land that they hate that part of the Bible. But now the Dakotas over someone about the fact that, for example, homosexual practice and adultery had death penalty under Old Testament law. Now the moral standards reinforced in the New Testament, met with the death penalty but with spiritual cutting offer those who live in sin and refused to pay, including homosexual practice and adultery. So the very people that that mock that in the Scripture and Telus were were were backwards and bigoted primitive Neanderthal in all of this that there quoting the very same book you so you pick and choose know we have a grid. We have a grid through which read the Bible and is read the Bible through that grid we see Scripture interpreting Scripture to assert most of the French and Israel, their laws for all believers. We now see things in the fullness of Jesus coming into the world, etc., so that that's all very very clear, but others the progressives the bleeding heart liberals are sometimes called will will quote so selectively that the very book that they mock and according as an authority. That's why I wrote the art if you can read online share it with your friends. Okay Michael Goodwin New York Post yesterday Democrats are becoming the party of secession.

Let's agree says the president trumps travel ban on visitors from seven nations was a sensible idea hobbled by flaws, especially regarding green card holders and will citizens social agree. Haven't seen a roll out this clumsy since the debut of Obama care, which was far more serious because it penalized millions of Americans will trumps order inconvenience hundreds of foreign nationals still consume based on past performance trouble learn from mistakes is fierce determination to be successful president cannot coexist with review blunders.

But he says what about the other players in the drama. Can we say the media will not correct its excessive bile and cover trip is legitimate president not as an invasive, invasive species, no, no, no, on the contrary, we must say the Trump eight Steve Bannon was on target when he called Washington mediate the opposition party take his word for it. Stick a tone to the toxic sludge that passes for straight news coverage of the Washington Post, New York Times and others look for the use of tell words like Muslim man to describe an executive order that is no such thing. Look for hero worship of protesters, immigrants, refugees, lawyers rushing the barricades and congressional critics tooth twitter feeds of editors and reporters from newspapers in the major networks.

You'll see their embrace of everything anti-Trump further evidence that part of a movement to obstruct the president not cover him. He goes on little bit more and says this yet.

If the media is the opposition party. What is the Democratic Party is supposed to be the loyal opposition using checks and balances to restrain the president and the excess of one party rule.

Unfortunately the dams are following a dangerously different path. Starting with a wide boycott of the inauguration, including their boycott of committee votes on trumps cabinet in their pledge to filibuster any Supreme Court nominee Democrats resemble a party fomenting a secession movement was again assists either gonna break away from the government.

Some call the Trump derangement syndrome. That's what Ted Cruz said that's too kind is not a temporarily insane reaction.

It's a calculated plan to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country. Things never seen in the modern era are now rapidly becoming common impeachment talk readies rumbling in the parties, hothouses, and Trump was met with a lawsuit. The minute he took the oath trip Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the top Dems in Congress that a raucous demonstration Monday night as if they are community organizers and Obama couldn't bear the irrelevance. After eight days out of office and felt compelled to encourage disruptions. This is third role behavior and sell the MO of one of America's two political parties. He goes on focusing on California etc. etc. basically says this my prediction is that the dams are digging their own grave and the revolt against his legitimacy will in the short term at least boost trumps popularity. Most Americans will conclude is RC trying to fulfill the man that he won and that the fevered rush to destroy him is neither principled nor patriotic. That's my feeling as well.

That's my feeling as well.

I understand that Donald Trump during the campaign carried himself in certain way that he created more enemies.

I understand that there have been quote Ricky blunders since he's coming in terms of how certain things were done at the same time, there's no question that he's doing what he was elected to do that. He is aggressively working for the police as the best of the American people that the Democrats are simply many of them simply seeking to undermine him. I believe it will hurt them more than help them and certainly hurt America more than help America and I think Americans are going to see that as well.

Hey, remember when you join our support team as a torchbearer. We do need your help would be great to have you standing with us you join our support team as a torchbearer. You get two free books this month. Revolution revolution occurred coming life-changing resources along the laminated card 10 commitments of Jesus revolutionary about how to live this out every day want to fire the stem. The bottom line today before trial against comp for them to stand with some special guests. The way in on our new Supreme Court justice and the subject of the restitution of all things according to Scripture, it's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, Rick, Phyllis and Terry of state what will happen when Donald Trump's appointee for the Supreme Court, Neil Gore. Such is brought before the Senate.

The Democrats planning to block planning to filibuster what are the implications of that a whole lot going on this much we know Donald Trump is kept his word and has nominated Supreme Court justice that the views of many is in the lines of Antonine Scalia and he is picked from the list. He said he would pick from. What's Congress going to do and what should we make of justice. Corsets join me on the line. Afar, Guy Benson, the political editor of You may have seen him on Fox News may read his book the end of discussion may have heard him on you you it's national radio show I write Wrigley for Townhall my latest town whole article is who the real Bible quoting hypocrites a guys great to have you on the line we lost we lost guy let's let's try to reconnect with Guy Benson. We just had a little window to get him on for a couple of minutes so Betsy can you reconnect with God. Not sure what would happen there but want to get his take. Are there any red flags. Is there any reason for us to think that Neil Gore such will not be who we think he is.

Is there any reason for us to think that perhaps he selected one way, but he will surprise us along the way. We could hear some from some other voices over the next hour a minute to speak with Joseph Farah. He is a pioneer of conservative media and websites will be talking to him in a bit a guy. Not sure what happened. We got cut off their welcome to the line of fire correctly or very, very glad to have the guy we've been disappointed in the past, Justice Kennedy, who was looked at his conservative and sipping a swing vote on the redefinition of marriage of justice John Roberts consistent conservative goes the other way on Obama care. Do you have any red flags when it comes to Neil Gore such in terms of being a constitutionalist in terms of being in the mold of Scalia or you feel good about him.

I feel very good about Dr. based on what I've read about him over the last really week or two. Name began to percolate is one of the favorite. I've also had a chance to talk to a few people who know him and know his record very well. People of the Federalist Society, very conservative folks who care about a literalism who stay unanimously. Basically that Neil Gore ticket is good at the From that perspective and so he has sterling credentialed.

He is a stronger courageous constitutionalist who devoted to textualism and regionalism. He has come down on the correct side. In my view, the legal start the constitutional thought on the puncture pressing important issues.

He also is seen by many as a great and worthy inheritor of the Scalia legacy e-news glia deluxe glia a great tribute to Scully after he passed away. And people say that he such a skilled writer and pay so much attention to his writing. It reminded them dialectically.

A lot of the time of Julia so I think all around it with a homerun election by the present I we we just get a very short window and I appreciate you winging so quickly and so clearly 30 seconds. If the Democrats try to filibuster is a scanner hurt them more than help them. Yes, I think. My guess is they won't eventually mount a successful filibuster against judge is already enough dissent in the ranks among the Democrats about whether to proceed that way as they do it and it will be there on the right guy am with you on that. So glad Debbie Wayne will have to get you back on, we've got a bit more time to thank you so much I Benson go to The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown about Pres.'s appointment to the Supreme Court, Neil Gore such in some other relevant news with Pres. Trump risk which gears and speak with Joseph, our founder and editor, CEO of You can its largest independent news site veteran newspaper editor and publisher of WorldNetDaily published my book outlets to get revolution in 2015 it's on its way out in Korean. Right now, that same book and Joseph is written a book, the restitution of all things is a book that looks to reconnect believers to the Jewish roots of the faith and thereby better understand the end of the world forgot a fascinating conversation, Joseph. Great to have you along far thanks for joining us today. A great privilege to be reviewed by: you ran and I love you very much and you know I wanted tell your audience, but I'm not the scholar that Michael Brown is the layman doing his best to make it through the Scriptures and private sort things out so God bless your brother I appreciate that the kind words and not tell you and I will challenge on the meaning of every Hebrew word that we discussed but think before you get your book let's let's just step back and talk for a minute about world that daily you you been a pioneer of sorts. Of course you you are you one of those that that question, Pres. Obama's credentials and birther issues in your take on all kinds of controversial subjects up to about the origin of WorldNetDaily and the role it plays today. There were in our 20th year believe that we were first independent news site, the Internet and the way back before I think there were about a million people total. Michael on the Internet when we started at 9 PM. I think you're separate but we rely complaint and you know couple of things different about WND as we call it now with them. The other independent site that would ever be strong Christian worldview that we bring to the table and secondly were probably the only site that actually employees, veteran journalist from the olden days before there was an Internet you know so people think of you often refer to what we do with the blog blog you know were doing the same thing when I was doing running daily newspapers 30 years ago and most of our staff are veteran reporter TV news producer. You know, radio news people from way before the Internet was even around and afraid to take on controversy.

No, not at all means, you know, I think the birth certificate can approve them and you know the funny read about that Michael is no losing the White House right now. Pres. Trump who really began his political foray in 2011 by questioning Obama's birth certificate and so you know it, and he has attributed that to his huge boost in popularity that even convinced them to run for president though if we haven't gotten satisfaction any other way. We get that way. I dealt with when I was writing articles that were more critical of candidate comp and raising concerns and once he got the Republican nomination us of acrylic.

I hope I'm wrong. The concerns that I've had when and my articles were were appearing as they do weekly on on that that I I realize that you seem to have more sympathy for Donald Trump or see something more positive or or redeeming more or why he could be a good leader.

Obviously he had his his blemishes and questionable past. What was it that you saw in him that got your attention in a positive way.

Well, you know, I should say that I began at that group support, family room and on my first choice and the but you know the worst assume any good candidate seeking the Republican nomination, but you know as soon as it became clear that to me that Donald Trump would uniquely popular among the Republican base of thinking nomination and I started taking a real hard look at my I didn't know him from years before we we we we talked about the whole eligibility.

Eligibility questioning 2011 and was very serious about that but you know he was not my first short but I listen to him. I mean, unlike it was unlike any other candidate that ever thought the nomination certainly are my life that they just said what was on his mind. He wasn't always exactly accurate, but he had a passion for his country. I think that's the thing that set him apart with his constituency and why he got the nomination way. Eventually when the president and the I got on board at some point when it became clear that it was the front runner yeah and and again I I had endorsed Sen. Cruz as well and then what happened with me is the popularity I couldn't just say everybody's wrong then I had leaving friends that that saw something or saw how God could use him.

I thought the other, there could be something to this end before we get your book. Do you feel though that that it's all too easy for evangelicals, especially white evangelicals to just get in bed with the Republican party as if that's our that's our allegiance that we can do that too easily and that we fail to be a prophetic voice to the White House absolutely agree huge frustration for me personally through eight years of George W. Bush and I felt like most, you know that you found evangelicals I knew believed whatever George couldn't be wrong, and you know we were extremely critical of many of the things which have done and that we paid a price for of those were really tough eight years for us because here we were the you know, certainly evangelical news operation and we work often out of step with an army and can, but you know it's all about seeking the truth no matter. I meet you know that the central role of a free press in a free society serve as a watchdog on government and we got to do that, no matter who's in an office, but with regard to Trump on the basis of his birth two week in office I activate the the most exciting White House administration in my lifetime, and that even includes Ronald Reagan.

I think he had defeated even during the campaign defeated political correctness the country know people laugh at political correctness. Now you can pretty much think Donald and do you think that the liberal media that is incessantly attacking him and putting out more and more quote fake news to think that they're shooting themselves in the foot in the process.

They are of no question about if you look at� Take CNN as an example, ML Siemens rating plummeting Donald Trump. Doing something no other president would ever thought of doing a narrative criticizing the product ridiculing the graph and it is having an impact. Certainly, I mean you know half the country voted for him and that has to have an impact.

I know people by the way, who relatives, close relatives of mine voted for Obama 22,008, 2012 and they are on fire pump today and they are questioning the media and I scratch my head at the hello how is this possible. He has a knack for relating I think to the real heartbeat of America and the and he is winning people over think it is great. What I didn't give him sufficient credits for was how smart he was as a marketer. Obviously if the Trump name is that big and people actually pay to put his name on a building or something. And that is not going to draw people in, or raise its credibility.

So I I didn't. You could look at him is doing stupid things you and obviously certain things. I wish you didn't do either of the attack on Heidi Krugman, Mr. Rafael Cruz nice other things that I have a feeling that we just wrong and stupid, but a lot of what he did was was quite calculated and to be able to do something in a calculated way that almost looks as if it's haphazard to get a set result.

It takes yet be smarter to do that. And in that sense, he's he's succeeded in doing it, as you said, taking on the media in an unprecedented way or you going on offer letter something unique you know, certainly, with good reason. Republican president of the Republican leaders, you know, there tends to be among them. Morbid defensiveness. You know all you know you not.

That's not me that's not me and and Trump is just out there firing on all cylinders making accusations, some of which are truth in love with her fianc�'s his opposition there on the bed have to think different is it is why we come back you can focus on the but Joseph Farah. His new book the restitution of all things from the words of Peter in acts chapter 3 for cleansing and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown to download the asked Dr. Brown at a SK or Brown get all my latest articles and videos, listen to the radio program catch past shows on the app it's available for android phones now to go to the Google android play store at Sampson placed her downloaded a SK or Brown should be out for your iPhones any day now.

My guess Joseph Farah is the founder of the WorldNetDaily website author of the brand-new book the restitution of all things Joseph.

One of the things that I discovered about you over the years. II knew about your strong conservative base in your strong Christian values driving things in your journalist background. I didn't know about your heart for Jewish roots and reconnecting the church with some of the lost roots of the faith until then, I learned some years after, so how does your new book the restitution of all things tie-in with the issue of reconnecting with the roots of our faith, yet well you know at the end of the day. This is really a prophecy book but it's a different kind of prophecy book and I really ever read before, because most prophecy book look at you know what's coming up next. What's the next thing that going to happen and they focus on the no seven year tribulation, and most times the thing this is a book that looks at the kingdom of God. They look for you know the thousand year reign of Jesus.

You sure over the whole are the reigning in ruling from Jerusalem. I wanted to know more about that.

Personally and in order to do that you got a look at the prophetic Scriptures because the incident is an amazing thing. How many of them are devoted to that specific topic. Just as Peter said in acts three that all the prophets from the beginning to the end focused on this particular development now and in that context, you know Christian church today is not focused on the back. I've never heard a sermon a single sermon in my whole life I've been in church for 40 years devoted to the kingdom and shocking in the United never read any books about it. I never was in any Bible studies that focused on within some good churches and so I thought this is the earth and have you really want to explore and it's been so rewarding for me. I one of the things that becomes critical to it is these are Hebrew Scriptures were looking at the most part although certainly Jesus talked a lot about the kingdom as well and the apostle but these are Scriptures telling us what the kingdom is going to be like in one of the things you find you can ignore it is that if not today. It appears to me Michael you may disagree that were all going to be observing the Sabbath and were all going to be observing in one way or another if the tabernacle and the other feast and there's a strong suggestion that the dietary laws of the Torah will be in effect at that time will they be in effect only for you. I don't know you tell me you're the expert. You're Jewish, but it think you know we also read in the Bible that there is a wall between the Gentiles and the Jews been beat torn down where one new man and were told the are the rules going to be different.

I don't see that in Scripture and so that kaizen with the whole question of the Hebrew root of our faith that we abandon them to such a point that we can't see clearly anymore. One of the book that was very inspirational to me.

By the way was my yearbook called hyper great when I when I found out that so much of the church big part part of the church. Don't even believe it possible that Christians once saved one they do their one act of contrition that the they have to. They shouldn't even be concerned with sin anymore because there are incapable of spam. I don't see those kinds of things in scriptural and I think much of the church is deceiving itself. I think there is not enough focused on holiness, obedient, you know, doing our best to God and in making I think one of the fundamental errors of the Pharisees, which was in that this confrontation is the all through the gospel.

Observing man's speech, including man featuring and even a Higher Pl. in Scripture. And so this book is trying to do a bunch of things at one time but I think it's something that is desperately needed to you not get the church questioning if fundamental assumptions is so obvious. It is a lot we could talk about.

Will there be a thousand year millennial kingdom on this earth were Jesus rules and reigns address them as I understand Scripture. The answer is yes with some of the Sabbath be observed in a time over the feasts of Israel be observed that the rent of the dietary laws be observed in the temple, who will that apply to if if so, how does apply to us today. These are all fascinating questions to discuss, but just to major in a couple of points here the ideas of holiness and obedience are absolutely central to the entire New Testament yet. We can have this idea will that's all that's Old Testament that's that's law is if living a holy life or living. Obedient to God's is somehow legalistic and now the New Testament we just have grace and faith, but that that's a totally false dichotomy correct absolutely is nowhere. Think I know what started me on this journey 10 years ago was my wife and I are family repeated Bible study every week. Keep Bible study and we will they begin with somebody proposing you know the question and in the question was how come we don't observe the fourth commandment anymore. I mean we we certainly tried to observe the other night. But what about the what about the step and that's what plunged us into this exploration and eventually we came to the conclusion we can find anything in Scripture that, you know that that the Sabbath have been done away with four new new believers of Gentile believers and then we began to look at some of the other assumption that the church that and the NAB history of it as well.

You know the persecution that Jews and maybe Gentiles who acted like Jews by observing the Sabbath of the persecution that they faith in the Roman Empire and then later though these were all very intriguing questions for me and and I just developed a passion for sharing the debate and what we've learned over the last 10 years with other, particularly in the church is still just as Jesus rebuked some of the religious leaders of his day for being hypocrites because they put the traditions of men above the word of God, then we could make the same case and say that we've often done that in the church and it's just it's a good thing to ask a healthy thing to ask while I do this and what scriptural foundations does it up.

It may be a minor thing, a secondary thing know what is a member jacket and tie the church related were addressed to him secondary things much more foundational. Hey, if you're committed on the word reverent goes on the journey. The book Joseph Farah the restitution of all things, a Joseph left and thanks for joining us it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 866343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown well as Secretary of State that was considered to be one of the more controversial nominations and or one of the more controversial men appointed are people appointed to the cabinet by Pres. Trump.

He has now been approved to Secretary of State that perhaps the most important single appointment by the president's connections with Russia business ties things like that. With that positive in terms of he knew how to deal with the other nations was that negative's role in the Boy Scouts and open the door to gay scouts without more compromise. There were different concerns different issues raised, but he has been officially confirmed.

That's big news, of course, the big news from last night is Donald Trump points Neil Gore such as his nominee as I keep switching appointment nominate his nominee to the Supreme Court, and I am reading one article after another, one email after another from conservative leaders and overwhelmingly they are positive. We had Guy Benson on a little while ago and he waiting for and very very positive terms. Rave reviews and someone being in the mold of Antonin Scalia and a real constitutionalist and originalist on a few minutes a minute be speaking with Ben Shapiro, journalist, himself a lawyer and Orthodox Jew getting his perspective and asking some questions about where things could be going with just discourses. That's an easy name to pronounce the site and say five times in the course such and then and with the the plural possessive progress, such as Gore. Such is all right will will get it. I keep stumbling on the name but Pres. Trump has kept his word. He has done exactly what he said he would do. He has appointed a pro life constitutionalist justice.

Justice course. Such was so popular and his credentials so strong that he was unanimously approved to his current position as is a higher court justice that have hot pizza case when it comes before the Senate now, but I believe that to the extent he is opposed by Democrats.

I don't think there's dirty laundry they're gonna dig up. I don't think the skeletons in his closet. The government dig up.

I think these people are very carefully vetted, first think is track record stands for itself whatever questions he's asked the litmus test questions he's asked. I assume his answer will be.

We just go by constitutional principles, etc. but if the Democrats do try to stop.

Do try to filibuster. I think it's only going to hurt them and for Nancy Pelosi to really be saying he's out of the mainstream and Chuck Schumer and others preparing for a fight, and in certain Hollywood elite liberals bashing him well in the New York Times even having this headline again this the unabashed totally open opposition to Pres. Trump from New York Times and other outlets like that sin that this is the stolen seat installments each seven children papacy filled under the Obama administration. The more that this stuff happens.

In my view, in my humble opinion, the more it's going to hurt the credibility of the media attacking the president and the more it's going to hurt the congressional leaders and politicians attacking him. It's one thing when honest objections are raised and honest concerns are raised in honest issues or raised. That's that is perfectly fine and understandable and let the media raise on his concerns and let the opposing party raise honest concerns and let there be debate about different values.

Of course that's our country runs but is it a rational attack. There is an attack that is so biased that it disqualifies itself come back and speak with Ben Shapiro all file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of daily is a hosted Ben Shapiro show his most recent book true allegiance was released November of last year we had about a few years back to talk about his New York Times bestseller bullies how the left culture of fear and intimidation, South America, and then is one of these conservative thinkers who cuts through the lot of the bogus information be at fake news be at wrong perceptions be at liberal presuppositions and comes with real clarity and courage. So we appreciate them joining us today then. Thanks so much for coming on line of fire travel then overwhelmingly I'm reading very, very positive responses to the president's nomination of justice Neil Gore such. In fact, I'm having a hard time finding criticisms or concerns or are we being a little two-story eyes or in your view, is he worthy of this praise by the letter a.this ought to be on the court when I look at natural ruling that a judicial Latvian grandmother limits and banish evil so usually now because the because the Democrat and an aide import anybody who is outspoken on the law in part by judges who have a long record of speaking that allocated legate William Brierley supposedly after edition I had tenant will be made terrible decision deftly much dark matter the running almost's hard to find any medically spoken openly about cases that have Artie been assigned by this court that you had a pretty good track record in controversial cases of ruling contextually principled and his stated judicial philosophy very much mirrors the judicial philosophy. Justice Khalili talked about not yet where John Roberts talk it out the idea of being against judicial activity understating a judicial accident, that it is our obligation rule. According to the original meaning of the Constitution which is basically a philosophy.

I'm by weight and understanding. The only concern McAllister College on Robert she doesn't buy.

Specifically, they didn't think that there is enough there is a paper I don't think work is quite as much of his diaper.

He seems to be more like a lead out when he was appointed to the court by George W. Bush. I think there's nothing record their relatively comfortable with him on most of the major issues a day again because you get a judicial clot. Your your lawyer and you understand the issues of the text of this originalist constitutionalist just for the layman listening without legal background.

Why is it so important for our country to have justices that are constitutionalist rather than those who are going to reinterpret the Constitution based on the morals of the day why we have went with Art Scrimgeour at the legislature. We are left out again to make a lot of their job.

According to the Federalist papers is to simply interpret a lot, according to their obvious meaning and need to intermittently turn the Supreme Court into the sky and a group of why more leaders are going to barren judgment and judgment of people is an anti-democratic movement in the extreme.

It it violates the basic operation power to violate the simple justice principle.

I acknowledge courts are supposed to be doing to having somebody going to apply the law at the radio like poetry.

They can achieve a predetermined result area and adjust it and I think Carthage data is the Democrats decide that they are going to fight this tooth and nail even go the way of filibustering or are they going to just disqualify themselves in the 2018 elections another qualified party. Environment hard to imagine Internet net resisting something from that is undemocratic and again thank you much but there there's Democrat you are in radical faith is all they end up too much on this particular issue at stake. I think that you start Carthage Gore such as only replacing quickly. It is not balanced on the court for the right down the right. Again, any entity down or acquire immigrants step down but yeah that most that I think a lot of them. I'm not much dog again and that does make sense again have to pick their battles carefully. So let's step back and look at a couple larger pictures you been active on campuses you been banned from campuses for from speaking you've had situations can the near riot situations because the volatility of the issues.

This is the younger generation coming up is this just typical of the younger generation and they can outgrow this as they get older you were a rare conservative as a young person and every liberal campus when he started coming to national attention, with all the trigger warnings and all of the hypersensitivity in the micro aggressions have a campuses. This turned in a dangerous direction.

Is this just another passing phase in will get over it is definitely turning dangerous direction, insert mirrored grant of the social fabric more generally. Yeah, I mean MM Derek Internet and account used to be that I could become That having after 39 30 to get there so many threatening people. Russell stated that sort of thing and Internet because people on campus now think that the only cortical take state, the state that doesn't include people who disagree with you, and they're willing to go out there and and commit acts of violence or shut down everybody who disagree and that adding a really negative development and also it is quite stupid, honestly, of Dunlap, because of their doing that simply drawing attention their own intolerant entering attention to the point. The people data grid are trying to make in a smart move would probably be with more people with whom they disagree, and just leave it alone, but instead they killed an epidemic cabin on the Internet is bringing them out like it all right now you may want to get into this, you may not sin.

Since were here for the moment you you used to work for and broke away when you sought becoming the equivalent of a of a Pravda publication just up a partisan political publication for Donald Trump and broke away certain issues. I know you had certain disputes with some of the folks there. Are you concerned about any of the.

The. The conservative right in America and where it's going. We we see the radical liberal left and problems are you concerned about any direction of the conservative right charm and an integrated Internet conservative right there so excited by the popular nationalist so-called right doing and they swallow that the quality may all along the dock, so I think that we should all be extended out in a negative net present currently doing. I think it carries over to push the trillion dollar spending package and Bentley were all hunky-dory about it and we got abducted that not related to work.

Okay, enough of the team sport expose the principal issue and if you're abandoning a principles order route for a politician, then I would suggest that you're abandoning your duty John and obviously did the role of journalism and on some level should be an independent voice calling for accountability.

It did becomes this all too biased on the way. Again, you've used it out and that to say hey here's were different with trumpeters} Trump and and called other students to do the same. I last last question for you, like your colleague enclave and I'm a messianic Jew you're an Orthodox Jew, but do you feel it is a wise move for the president to relocate our embassy to Jerusalem or is that too much of a provocation absolutely make their position of the United States that may result in eternal capital of Israel. I think that an eight and a continued Latinate bivariate president not do that. I'm not aware of any other and on planet Earth, where a government is duly recognized by the entire international law body are capital and blood of note is a hard man all about the open AA create the feeling among people or anything of his realm to destroy Israel that they can use that as the leverage point in order to justify terrorism and violent yet so it hundred percent with you on that, obviously, and the whole idea that basically terrorists can threaten and Savior knocking to do this if you do this work will you react. It's it's almost like the scenes of a picture of some Muslim activists, a radical Muslim saying how do you cost harassment kill you. You don't respond to that by backing away respond to that by doing the right thing and then keep up the great we fall you with interest and of appreciate all your labors denigrating, aggregate, all right.

Ben Shapiro always has a whole lot to say, 866-348-7884 unless you take some calls of got a few minutes left. Had a few guests in the sour banana take some calls. If you want Leanne on the president's Supreme Court nominee. If you have another question like to ask me got a few minutes to go in the broadcast of take some calls. Remember, check out my latest article. Who are the real Bible quoting hypocrites. You can read it at the line of and also be sure when you are there to find out the special benefits that come your way.

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Your voice is more sad, clarity in this virgin day in our plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown number to call Qatar for a couple calls. Let's go right to the phones we store in Detroit Michigan with Juanita walking to the line of fire engineering motivated by a lady who called in just a little earlier and then from under the current dark congregation with escape. Talking about her frustration about a great relation but not everything to pray.

Prayer is so crucial that I render Dr. Brown on my take on it and when ask you whether Aaron being a pessimist or areola actually got my questionnaire and we're told in Scripture that is in the days of Noah is the way things are going to be and that people might lubricate it. They think that really the world is going to get any better.

All we can do it. Create, to gird our loins and to be part of the family of God are direct only one family. That way stayed in Noah's day and only can be one family and the end time and next family of God, and I'm afraid people might lose their faith when they don't anything really getting better on the political arena general Patrick going up and down, but in the overall picture think they're going to get word don't you think you will let me weigh in on that number one we don't know exactly where we stand in history. In other words, if people had to start 100 years ago or 200 years ago or 300 years ago we never would've abolished slavery.

We never would've fought for certain social justice. We never would've opposed segregation. Things like that so we don't know exactly where we stand in history.

What if things are going. It turned gloriously for 50 years and in the bottom falls out. So that's the first thing we need to do what's right today because this is this is the time in which we live.

The second thing is the New Testament perspective. First John two is that the darkness is ready, passing in the true light shining so the New Testament perspective is the ongoing growth and expansion of the kingdom of God until there's a multitude. No one could number, and far more people are following Jesus run the world today than at any other time in world history. So I'm encouraged by what God is doing.

And Jesus said he's with us always, even to the end of the age and to the ends of the earth so that that's the confidence about which I live and minister because he's risen because he is Lord because all authority in heaven and earth. This is now does the Bible teach that everything will get worse at the end that's debatable. I see parallel extremes. I see great outpouring. I see great darkness, side-by-side, and when Jesus talks about as it was in the days of Noah. Matthew 24 eight. It's possible he saying it's going to be the way it was then in terms of extreme wickedness on the earth. It's also possible that all he saying because when you read his words is that people were living normal lives, they were marrying, they were giving in marriage, they were described as normal life until the flood came, so they didn't see the warnings they didn't heed the warnings they didn't see the danger and because of that they were overtaken when it came so so for me here's the way I want to live my expectations of the Lord. I don't know when Nita if the world will become a better place or worse place before Jesus returns. All I know is we have a great commission to go make disciples of the nations we have a calling stand for what's right and what's true we have faith that God's power is greater than any power in this world and we know that God will have for himself a multitude that no one could number from every tribe and and and tongue around the world. So I live with that expectation and I'm gonna do what's right for marriage, family for social justice because I know ultimately got skin will rule and reign here on this earth. And if I'm prepared simply for obedience whatever the cost, meaning if everything collapses around the sun were martyred, or if we see a great breakthrough in our society.

Either way, we stand the same.

That's why think we have to be prepared so many, I'm with you totally that we can have a superficial optimism that can be easily pierced and and easily destroy. On the flipside, I believe that we should have a toughness to endure readiness to go through suffering for the gospel and get a great hope and optimism that God's kingdom is breaking through on this earth and that there's no reason why we can expect to see positive change at least for the moment. Hey, I appreciate the call very much. Thank you so much for weighing in 866-34-TRUTH by the way, gobbling up the ministry in Rochester, Michigan. At first assembly there's been an hour etc. Detroit Friday night Saturday night and Sunday morning. All the info is on my itinerate asked Dr. let's go to Yvonne. We won't, we won't go to Javon right couple of closing thoughts for you.

Couple of closing thoughts awesome. I can take any more calls as we as we look at Pres. trumps cabinet falling into place. What we must remember is even with the best intentions, and even the best appointed people they can still do differently than we expected them to do once elected, it is all too possible for them once elected to succumb to other pressure or to go the way of political expediency or to go with that. The latest trend, so we need to pray for those elected to do the right thing and then hold their feet to the fire to do the right thing. And these days we can make enough noise to social media and other ways and be sure the president troponins with and pay attention to these things that if there's this direction that's wrong and suddenly I dumbing someone really protest but enough voices of supporters rise up saying no no no this is not what was promised. I think that will hit home because Donald Trump right now wants the world to know he was elected to do certain things and he's going to do them. You may like him or not. You may have voted for him or not, but he is putting into practice very quickly.

One thing after another that he was elected to do, and that is very very rare

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