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Does God Still Bless Those Who Bless Israel?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
June 29, 2017 4:20 pm

Does God Still Bless Those Who Bless Israel?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 29, 2017 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/29/17.

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This once again is the modern state of Israel really connected with biblical Israel. Does God still bless those who bless modern Israel stock for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of the fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

All the time.

Well, God blesses those who bless Israel and we should stand with Israel should bless Israel and America's blessed because we stand with Israel is a true that just some kind of myth based on a misunderstanding of Genesis 12.

Three. We talked about it before here on the line of fire, but I want to revisit it and asked the larger question today. Modern state of Israel doesn't really bear connection with biblical Israel do those promises still stand, this is Michael Brown. Welcome to our thoroughly Jewish Thursday broadcasters number to call with any Jewish related question you have Hebrew related Israel related and yes even though the talk about Islam a lot on other days if ties with Islam will take some questions potentially as well. 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and remember you don't need to agree with me theologically, politically, in other ways you don't need to agree with me to call. In fact, we welcome calls from those who differ have a differing perspective.

The only thing I request is this you don't have to be stealth about it.

In other words, if you have a genuine disagreement you can feel free to put it on the table.

You can feel free to say hey I differ with you.

You can do it because you respect me you love me you can do it because you think I'm an ignoramus doesn't doesn't matter why you differ.

That's your that your business but sometimes folks will ask a particular kind of question and the question is so misleading that by the time I'm done answering the question and getting around the whole dialogue then I find out why the person really called and were, at a time so not be stealth about. You could ask honestly and if you want to ask in a way that's not leading that's perfectly fine, but feel free to call in with disagreements yeah I solicited all the time.

I don't get it a lot you say well you control the mic yeah I do this.

It is my show. I'm also responsible torque to a listener's to be conscientious in terms of the types of calls that are on how long the calls go and if someone is yelling at me and they won't listen, then obviously it's not good radio.

It's not conducive to interaction you control the mic but trust me, trust me, I'm a guest other people shows all the time and I'm a guest on shows where the host differs with me alright and always they control the mic and NII engage sometimes in debates symbols they would like to moderate a debate, sometimes the neutral. Sometimes they're not coming on radio, but if I can at least get my point of view in if at least I could get someone to understand something that's important to me raise an issue. Question five. So they dominated the time they control the mic but I have an open door, at least to get my viewpoint and was otherwise it wasn't there at all, wouldn't you rather your watching whatever news you're watching and you disagree with the panel alright and it's all slanted one direction, be it to the left or to the right and you're watching that and you just would like someone who represent your viewpoint to be on there and if the person was outnumbered and if the person was ganged up on. And if they weren't given full opportunity to speak all the more.

This expose the other side may be because they wouldn't even give an opportunity presented to be heard and the little bit that was heard at least to say yeah I got finally got my viewpoint out so I I do I practice exactly what I'm encouraging you to do in many settings. I don't control the mic all right but if I have an open door to get my viewpoint out. I take advantage of it as something good is something positive. So, my invitation stands.

We come back to look at some Scripture Jewish news always a lot to cover right here on thoroughly research them on fire.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown know it is not just America needs a gospel based moral and cultural and spiritual revolution. Much of the world needs all the whole world needs it until Jesus returns and sets up his kingdom here on the earth, but before we look at Scripture before we get into the question of this God still bless those who bless Israel and is there a strong and vital link between biblical Israel and the modern people of Israel today of this story from the UK. Now I had I been advised of this a few days ago by a Jewish friend of mine not a believer in Jesus, a Jewish friend of mine wanted me to know about this and now it's being reported widely on other sites here on life site so this out of England yesterday. Are you ready UK threatens to close Jewish school for not teaching three-year-olds about transgender's. I am not making that up. This is not fake news.

I read the initial report sent to me by a Jewish friend and they were interacting about it.

Based on the primary sources. What actually happened behind the scenes so as it is thoroughly Jewish Thursday I'm going to share this news with you. Are you listening. Remember, I've always told you for years now that those on the radical left and LGBT activists and others will overplay their hand that just having things accepted. Redefining marriage is not enough.

You gotta embrace you get to celebrate it but I'm religious a Muslim on Jewish and Christian agree with doesn't matter. You you you must participate, you must celebrate. You must be part of it will allow your bigotry to stand that's what ultimately goes so Orthodox Jewish primary school is violating the law by not teaching three-year-olds about quote gender reassignment and sexual orientation. A government inspection, determine the fishnets girl school teaches 212 gross chemistry and is old with 11 unannounced May 10, government inspection, determine it's not in compliance with 2010 equality legislation is it funny.

I mentioned to you, and in keeping with the theme of our broadcast the words moral cultural and spiritual revolution in here you have the word spiritual, moral, social and cultural in the stick sentence. So, according to the report. It's detrimental to the quote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children to not explain gender assignment and sexual orientation to them reports and quote the schools approach means that pupils are shielded from learning about certain differences between people, such as sexual orientation quote is an proprietors recognize the requirement to teach about the patent protected characteristics are set out in equality act 2010. Acknowledge that they do not teach pupils about all the protected characteristics, particularly those relating to gender reassignment, sexual orientation, this means that pupils have a limited understanding of the different lifestyles and part partnerships that individuals may choose in present-day society. Gosh, I remember remember friends. This is a religious Jewish school okay this is a school training religious Jewish kids educating religious Jewish kids here girls aged 3 to 11. The school's mission. According to the report is quote to deliver a high class education that is firmly based on the principles of the Torah and combine the strong whole curriculum: meaning secular to enable all pupils to become productive and upstanding citizens. I mean what we say. If you do, you cannot have a religious exemption here. You cannot in a religious school in a religious Jewish school traditional Jewish school. You cannot say we don't want to teach three and four-year-olds or 11-year-olds, for that matter that two women having a romantic and sexual relationship or two men having romantic and sexual relationship as part of society and is acceptable. Oh they could teach it and say it's happening in society but we condemn it, that wouldn't line up with the equality rules right they they could say this is happening in the world and this is what happens happens when people get away from Torah know though the teaching bigotry and bias. You must teach it in a positive way. You must teach it then enlighten what you notice you must do must extraordinary just extraordinary. What if they don't want to tell a four-year-old child, or 11-year-old child that some people are really boys trapped in girls bodies or girls trapped in boys bodies. Therefore, it's important for them to identify accordingly. Also, throw out the Torah legislation that says it's it's detestable in God's sight for man to dress as a woman or a woman as a man know that that's hateful at. There's a school in Canada, where where the governments tried to tell him who has told you can't leave it in your teaching creek you can't use certain verses from the Bible because we consider them hateful.

We've always told you this was coming.

When I say always me for years we've told you this was coming. There's notes there is no surprise what so ever. No surprise. So friends this listen to me. It is not far not far at all.

Not far at all from from this coming to Christian schools in America if it can happen to a Christian school in Canada if he can happen to religious Jewish school in Great Britain. It could happen to Christian school in America. There are Christian colleges. Seminaries that have come under pressure with accreditation issues because of their standards.

Why can it happen in a Christian school, there's every reason why it can and who's to say it won't happen if your homeschooling does that sound any more extreme than this junk would've sounded 10 years ago 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Thank God I can sit behind the mic and share some of these things because otherwise I want to write about five articles a day. So much crazy stuff happening in the world around us, 866-348-7884 if you have a Jewish or Hebrew related question let's let's first ask the bigger question about Israel today yet we've revisited this do it again because I keep seeing the same things coming up on posts and comments. I'm assuming the people posting and commenting have not heard be teach on this at length that study the issues at length not read what I've written about it. But, with the hope that some will be listening. I'm going to address these things again was say plainly that yes there is a direct line connecting the ancient Israelites and the modern state of Israel. There is a direct line connecting ancient Israel and those living in Israel today saying that they are Jews or some of them the product of intermarriage, no question, of course, you cannot possibly have all the different ethnicities represented in the different skin colors in an characteristics.

If there had not been intermarriage but in every one of these cases, it is intermarriage into Julius dislike Ruth Moehring. Boaz, and then becoming part of the line of David or Rahab becoming part of the people of Israel and making her way into the genealogy of Jesus as Ruth does in Matthew the first chapter, so there's no question that there is been intermarriage but you've had that all along you have Moses manga Cushite woman right you have intermarriage there so that the thing is, if there was intermarriage into the people of Israel into the Jewish faith, so that now they identified with the rest of the people, then a it is accepted and be the bloodline still continues. Yes, it is not a pure bloodline where it is only descendents of the 12 tribes of Jacob, the 12 sons of Jacob, but it's never been a totally and perfectly sound bloodline. There is been intermarriage with Canaanites and others. But here's what you have to realize when you intermarry out when you intermarry outside the faith outside your people and then become part of the nations lose your Jewish identity, Israelite heritage you're gone for history. Okay, so 10 tribes scattered abroad much intermarriage. Many of the people lost to history.

You intermarry in part of the larger people, and yes you have a direct bloodline connection between the people in Israel identifying issues today in the ancient Israelites will continue stay with an error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown freight 7884. Any Jewish related question you have of any kind. Hebrew related question relating to the Messiah ship of Jesus. Yeshua you've seen a Rabbi account, a missionary present something attacking the New Testament take your faith. You have a question. Very glad to help you with answering those questions 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and if you're up Jewish person listening and you differ with Mayor Muslim listening differ with me. I'm so glad you listening first. Thank you, thank you Arlette. I do appreciate that.

I'm glad you give me the time you do listen. That being said, feel free to call with your honest question, or your criticism of what I believe we can interact. 86634. Truth is number to call.

All right, so what.

One night often hear these days and it's it's it's not a new lie or a new myth or a new story. It's something that I hear with some frequency and and it says this, today's Jews are not really Jews, not religious, rather they are descendents of the because ours this was a kingdom that would have been more European in its background are closer to that and oh what about, 11, 1200 years ago converted to Judaism and that is the bulk of what we call the Jewish people today. All right that's that's the line.

Of course it's a myth. The because ours did convert but it was not this massive number of people number one number two it only makes up a small percentage. What makes up a small percentage of the overall Jewish population and when DNA testing is done juice today is found that that the great majority do not trace back to the because our kingdom or that part of the world and some for example, who have the last name: Orton, Levi Cohen, in particular that that may well trace back to the high priest Erin, who was the Keohane God told the high priest. All right, so Keohane is priest and that's how you get name: that many people with the last name: actually trace back to Aron and his descendents, or Levi trace back to the tribe of Levi, in particular with the with the Ironsides. It has been found that many of them share the same DNA and trace back to a common ancestry that would well trace them back to Aron this this is well known and attested so you have to realize that there is DNA evidence supporting these things not only so the Jewish people also know they are there to track record know where they have been scattered. We can trace things historically, this group went from here to here to hear hear hear intermarriage here or settled here. The sum of its lost in history and then you'll have a tribe like that the limbo tribe and in Zimbabwe and and do they connect here. They are the African right that they look different than I look in an ovary both legitimately descended from Israel and the answer is yes, sometimes DNA test been done. Yes, you can actually trace them back. That's what you have black Jews and white Jews and and yellow Jews right to use your larger color patterns here. That's why this all happens that limit legal will be further one of the poorest weakest most easily refuted, yet often used arguments of the black Hebrew Israelite movement is that they alone have suffered the curses of Deuteronomy 28 was an odd thing to boast of your identity by silica accursed we've been is a very odd thing to do and so correct me if I'm wrong, but I was not aware of black Hebrew Israelite Satan. During World War II going to Europe and say were the real Jews kill us, but was unaware of that not been aware of black Hebrew Israelites and times were Jewish people were suffering severe persecution were being herded up and killed simply for being Jews that there was a hate kill us where the real Jews sought correct make, please. Some lucky resorts listen to the show. Correct me from lawyer tell me when you were gonna to Europe and say were the real Jews from McCoy my kill us just just one be clear on it, but not not only so, not only so, yes, there are legitimate black Jews. There are just as her legitimate white shoes. There are and and and some of us can trace things very far back all right but let's let's put that aside for the moment. This idea that we that that the black race. We are the real Israelites because we have been cursed more than anyone suffered more than anyone will actually in terms of a universal hatred around the world.

Jewish people have been more single of anyone else. Okay, you have the whole continent, which primarily black, all right. And where there is black privilege versus white privilege over most all of the continent because it's almost all black. You don't have that with Jews you don't have it was Jews in history. All right. And you have different countries were Blacks of leaded rules like Egypt or krypton.

And I know it's oversimplifies a black/white but I'm just I'm just doing it for for obvious purposes. Here, interacting with certain polemics, but we turn around and say well okay let's look at the blessings and blessed hear hear hear hear hear what folks on the curses but but the one of the big arguments. It's racist. Look at the end of Deuteronomy 28 that you will be sent off and ships to each will be sent off to other places. Look at that and and here we were Blacks from Africa sent off and ships and slavery to America and elsewhere. Deuteronomy 28 refers to me know.

Actually, I believe that Blacks and Jews have a lot in common that we can relate a lot because were were both people here in America. African-Americans and Jews worldwide were both liberated slaves in and we we both have been oppressed peoples and I think there's a lot that can join us together. I was feeling a very special connection to my black brothers and sisters in the Lord, very deep and special spiritual connection and seems that the deep soul connection in a positive way.

But in point of fact, Jews have been shipped off and ships. This is not a big thing historically with with with the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, not once but twice in in in 70 and then 135 Jews were shipped off as reading a book, but were my friends. In his talk about ancestors the distant ancestors set often in ships by the Romans, Jews into slavery. And from what we can tell, the Assyrians did the same thing with with the fall of northern Israel part of their dispersion of the 10 northern tribes would've been with relationships of things like that sending our ancestors. My ancestors off to captivity in ships and having us a big deal in terms of their habitability and have have announced part of her history of suffering. I will it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown and set me as a seal or fill me those words are just going through my mind over and over from song of songs song of Solomon, nice to hear the song again on Thursday. Jewish Thursday hearing on a fire 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 number to call.

I would've taken some calls ready but the calls were not Jewish related or callers were calling within two short of a period of time. We always like to have a break between calls of at least a couple of weeks.

To be fair to others, but I will get some calls 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is the number to call so we go back again to the question we go back to the simple question is the modern state of Israel today connected to the ancient Jewish people. We can say absolutely yes. Especially when you realize it has often been difficult to be Jewish.

It's not the kind of thing that through most of our history was popular and everybody was clamoring to be Jewish, right everybody clamoring to be Jewish and and therefore you know hey, this is the cool thing and let's just do it. You have a time in the book of Esther where there's a turning to to the Jewish people as God raises up Mordechai and and God vindicates his people and destroys Haman in the opposition, but too much of our history.

This is not been the most popular thing. Yes, there has been Jewish proselytism at times were Jews reached out to others. Jesus talked about the Pharisees in their zeal to make one convert but for the most part number one Judaism requires a lot. Okay Judaism requires a lot of people has lots of laws and standards in commandments if you convert to Judaism, you're obligated to keep it all okay and that's that's the first thing the second thing is, Jews often persecuted through history and the idea of wanting to become Jewish is not that popular. That's why they're only 13, 14 million people in the world today that are are Jewish or known to be Jewish. Maybe the numbers are higher in God's sight. In terms of who he sees identifies with terms of what we know so that as we look at our history in the Muslim world and and see were where we lived. The second class citizens bodily symptoms in the Muslim world relive better than we lived in the Christian world and sometimes the reverse because that the church often ruled by the sword in a hypocritical way as well. Okay, so we we know those realities. But as we look through history we can trace our history.

We can trace where we been scattered. We have records from different nations and documents of when we were here or there. There is also archaeological proof of where we were at this time or that time and yes we been scattered around the world. Hence, pockets of Jews that don't look the same as others.

Different parts of the world, but they're part of the Jewish communities being scattered intermarried with maintaining their faith and practice. Okay, so we can pretty well trace things back and keep going back from generation to generation to generation to generation, and we can see where we've been and where we been scattered and how we've been regathered right so innate, physical, and genealogical and biological way, we can say yes on the state of Israel connects back to biblical Israel. Now the bigger questions are spiritual. The bigger questions and spiritual questions.

Does that mean promises still apply that God still deals with Israel as a nation. Those are the things you need to tackle and we will set in. It's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown in the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you for being part of the early Jewish Thursday broadcast 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Any Jewish related question you have of any kind happy to take your call. Let me just I just want to check your real quick. I got wrong screen wrong screen wrong screen right screen here we go.

Okay Jeff just wanted to be absolutely sure wanted to be absolutely sure that nobody was posting questions for me on twitter and places like that so just checking to be sure about that yet. Good good good okay because yesterday I let people post questions for David would want to make sure that they weren't posting questions rather than calling in with their questions catch is a very interesting the video of mine that is the most viewed in the last month or so is my little video on why the book of Enoch is not in the Bible. Yeah what why the book of Enoch. It is not in the Bible obviously on a pretty minor level. Overall you think. But people are weighing in, and I mean there passionate they are really exercised over this and it should be in the Bible is been excluded for these good people are keeping out of conspiracy in the sides it's it's interesting to see and the spot of the other day we reposted it. I felt like 60,000 views in this passionate discussion points both with thought it over the book of Enoch with her to be in the Bible or and or and not lose interest in this much passion. If you haven't watched it. Just go to my website. Asked Dr. Brown the Lord asking your brother or you click on Enoch and uvula watch if you want to weigh in on the discussion.

Just click on the link to take a ride to YouTube and that's for most of the discussions taking place with the video course right up on our website so let's go back to some of the spiritual questions did God break his covenant with Israel or Israel broke the covenant with the Lord because of which God said I'm done with Israel.

I'm making a new covenant with the nation. I'm done with Israel I making a new covenant with the nation I and and and this covenant now is not just read your Gentile. This covenant is for the whole world so God is no Lord according to dispute God is no longer dealing with Israel as a nation individual shoes can be saved and reviews can always be saved as of the issue. However, God is not dealing with the Jewish people as a nation. Is there any scriptural support for that.

No, absolutely, certainly not what I said because God categorically put his reputation on the line and said that Israel would remain as a nation as a people before him, no matter what no matter what sin Israel committed we would be disciplined we would be judged but we would not be destroyed. You say Mike how could you read so much and be so stupid you don't get it. The church is now Israel. The promises continued no friend that is treachery that is lying that is God saying one thing and meeting another give an example. Let's say that you are Sam Smith and I make a promise to use Sam Smith because I love you because I appreciate your heart for God, I am now making a promise to you. Here's my promise. No matter what you do, no matter what your children to your grandchildren to your great-grandchildren about what they do with the follow God or not with you like me or not matter what you do. I am putting money in an account. I did a lasting legacy account that every one in your family when they get to college age. Whatever school they want to go to. I will pay for their tuition and this will be put in an account in perpetuity.

So this will last for generations.

This is my abiding promise to the Smith family no matter what will then five years later, Sam Smith, you do something that I don't like you do something that upsets me and I now turn around to the Jones family and say you are now the Smith family August is this duplicitous that's talking on the two sides of my mouth that's that's me making a categorical unconditional promise and now changing the recipient to that promise that now his change in unconditional promise into a conditional promise. So you you tell me if there's any other way to read these words is awarded to report real test will that's the whole point.

If the New Testament could come along and change with the Old Testament, said then you reject the New Testament right continue she was say I didn't come to abolish all the prophets, but to fulfill. Is that the whole way that you test things by the word. So if Jesus came along and said the Sabbath is now the fourth day of the week and adultery is fine then Jewish people would say I wonder how many miracles you working out the Messiah, rightly so, so you tell me how attention by the way, I'll give you New Testament verses as well is it we David Semel versus well if it's the same old truth. Yes.

Does it ever get old. If you call John 14 six that Jesus is the way the truth and life. When you quote that a lot what is it any less true. Acts 412 is know the name given him under heaven among men by which we must be saved" a lot. What is it any less true because you quote a lot. Jesus is coming, I hear that what was it any less true because we say a lot. What we have to keep up keep coming up with new verses if you reject the first ones I heard that before was true though Kaman, but let us be serious here. Why do I have to come up with a new proof if the first proof is adequate. Okay Dr. says take this medicine and you'll be fine in a week well you gave me a prescription or did you take the medicine. Now take the medicine will be filing yeah but I like that will it works.

This is the medicine that works okay well you guys thinking of leaving us wife and shacking up with somebody else. Was the Bible, such as don't commit adultery or will I will like to give me another donkey was on the verse that versus enough so about this Jeremiah 31 servers 31 behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord will make a new covenant with the house of Israel house of Judah. Not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt by covenant that they broke the most her husband, declares the Lord is the system of the Sinai covenant for this is the covenant that I will make with the church and I will exclude Israel. 00, sorry, the sentences for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. The new covenant was made, with whom Joe's house of Israel and because the Jewish people been given as a light to the world of the Messiah as the light of the world.

This covenant now is extended to the whole world, but it's a covenant given to Jewish people for this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord. I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts. I'll be there God and they should be my people. The Lord shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother say no, the Lord, for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares Lord forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin. The more we perceive the firstfruits of the covenant, but we will see the full realization of that in the millennial kingdom right now. New covenant with the house of Israel. So God wants us to be absently sure that we understand the new covenant with the house of Israel.

But it is not a new people is not a new house of Israel. Here's what comes immediately after verse 35 this is the Lord gives the sun for light by day, the fixed order of the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the seas that its waves roar the Lord of hosts is his name. If this fixed order of what moon stars son. If this fixed order departs from before me, declares the Lord, then shall the offspring of Israel cease from being a nation before me forever. I tell you what I want everyone Czech Republic. Listen live in the states go outside to see the sun after sunset on okay listing the part of the world's nighttime is is the moon.

Other stars. Okay, those are still there. God says this fixed order departs from before me, which it has not declares the Lord, then shall the offspring of Israel cease from being a nation before me forever seeable with Israel since verse 37 this is the Lord of the heavens above can be measured in the foundations of the earth below can be explored.

Then I will cast off all the offspring of Israel all they have done the heavens been measured the foundations of the earth that explored no no indelible mark cast off all the offspring of Israel. We've done God said it gone except file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown out okay. I had some files sent to me and I am I'm going to look at these all thanks again to be hours after radio before I'm free, but I cannot wait to look on these footage from Israel just sent the link so I can download hundreds of gigabytes of files or megabytes of fun. Okay yeah let's do that. Some Telus then let's go for any of the information here okay I am eager to download these files.

It is footage that was shot in Israel shot Israel and talking to Israelis from secular to religious about Yeshua about the Messiah about relevant issues and we are going to be using this footage and interacting with these Israelis on a series of broadcasts that will get into every home in Israel with cable TV yeah on a major network. There and will have Hebrew captions we can talk about this for months and finally ready to move forward special studios been built that were to be using it. I cannot wait. I like it. Have your radio sought out yet a way to find out the footage looks like just like I do, but just got an email saying that is here so very very cool. I cannot wait to download this to get into it to watch it and then put shows together around these comments so I hope you understand friends that the principal is when God speaks unconditionally when he says I swear by myself. As he did to Abraham Sieber said there's no one higher. He could swear by when he explicitly lays things out. See Genesis 15 makes a covenant with Abram and and is the only one to pass between the sacrificial pieces again. If you are familiar with this ancient recent custom animals would be would be cut down the middle subs bloodied glory, and then the pieces put on on either side of the path that you would then walk through. Let's say two kings made a treaty and you would the both kings would walk through those pieces. Jeremiah 34 refers to is that the covenant of cutting the pieces in Genesis 15, lays it out would look like in detail. You both walk through and you'd invoke the gods.

The deities that you worshiped. May I be like this. May my people be like these torn carcasses. If we violate the treaty.

It was a solemn oath, but in Genesis 15 God puts Abram to sleep and only God in the form of a of a blazing torch God passes through his blazing fire pot.

God passes through the pieces and it is where he gives the land promise to Abram and then if you go over to Psalm 105 soma five. Tell me if God could've made this more clear that your siblings are going the second then God give the Sinai covenant and under the Sinai covenant Jewish people were scattered around the world and judged yes, but was Paul tell us in Galatians 3 that the law the Torah which is 430 years after the promise. God really reiterated the promise dictated Abraham again in this lifetime than to Isaac than to Jacob that the land would be theirs is a lasting possession that the that the law which is after promise cannot nullify the promise. So for a certain season. Certain conditions were put on things because of which Israel suffered much. It was scattered in exile, but the promise still remains, and so at any point God can bring the people back at let me ask you this before read from Psalm 105 did God's sovereignty stop in the 20th century. No, I don't believe in God's sovereignty in the same way that a Calvinist does, but I'm far closer to a Calvinist belief in God's sovereignty into a secular view. I mean, of night and day closer, meaning that God is at work in the midst of history that God is ordering events that it's not just people do whatever they want the devil raging in God. Sitting back, thinking how I wish it was different. I hate the way the world is today that trump guys president had put in character and ice as I wish I could do something about it but I can't because I'm only God knows something of the Bible, God sits on the throne rules and reigns. Yes, he lets people make choices.

And yes is given certain freedom to the devil but in the midst of it is carry out a plan and at any point that he so desires. He can say enough of this.

I'm doing this you don't deserve it, even for not worthy. That's why all in healing meeting.

Sometimes it's the unbelievably concealed wipe is God's sovereignty can heal and wants I believe will keep his promises to his people, but he can heal someone that doesn't deserve it anyway or when that was deserve an assessment, but is complete. Unbeliever jury telling me that that that the rearranging of the Middle East in the 20 century had nothing to do with God. You're you're telling me that the one who sets up kings and and removes kings has nothing to do with whose ruling today. You said he had no involvement whatsoever. Either way and the Holocaust either in bringing judgment say not that, then delivering his people from Satanic attack it, though they do from any perspective that an and that the regathering of Jewish people back to land just happened this pretty far-fetched. Soma five. He remembers verse eight he remembers his covenant forever word that he commanded for a thousand generations, the covenant that he made with Abraham his sworn promise to Isaac which you confirm to Jacob is a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant saying to you I will give the land of Canaan as your portion for an inheritance art. How else could God said it more plainly more clearly, can I ask how else could he have said it more plainly or more clearly than that.

What I say I mean been through the verses before read read him again and then remember what Paul says in Galatians the third chapter I'll read it to and then the second hour a minute to take this a little bit further and stay in the in the New Testament us versus what Paul writes. Galatians chapter 3 he says and first is explaining in a homiletical way that it's not offsprings, many which is word you would even use in Hebrew and English offsprings relative to one offspring who was the size of the promises ultimately culminated in Messiah but but now he makes clear the law, which came 430 years after word does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God's was to make the promise more than what was the covenant that the physical land would be given to the physical people of Israel like a smart goodness but because of God's goodness because of our reputation, but because of his reputation right friends amount of time, but I do have time to make this announcement voted two more days to take advantage of this fabulous offer once and that was many views possible a fabulous book on reaching Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses practical, edifying educational rights culture shock sells for 6099 2050 pages.

Your gift of any size will send it to his or thank you gift. But here's what you need to do go to asked Dr. Brown the Lord today and click on the special offer on the home page. Once again, is the modern state of Israel really connected with biblical Israel. Does God still bless those who bless modern Israel stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown will it is my great joy to be with you today. This is Michael Brown and I am delighted to spend this time with you on thoroughly Jewish Thursday and on this day if you got a Jewish related question of any kind. Hebrew related related to the modern state of Israel related to messianic prophecy. I'd love to hear from you. 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call some items in the Jewish world Jewish news not not quite as busy as as other days and other weeks. Sometimes things are really swirling around the Middle East suck. Sometimes there's a lot happening in the Jewish world we could just talk about day and night, but okay yeah I am en route to the force� Telling me the time change on radio anymore. For sure I have of this get right back okay just one quick news item.

Let me scroll down to it, and it is not that far down really okay here we go Israel right now there is some degree of controversy at the wall. The coattail okay called by those outside of Israel, the Wailing Wall, but otherwise just called Walt the coattail koto means will all or the western wall and inheres the controversy when you go there to pray and juice come from around the world to pray their people. Christians come from the world to pray there as well is something extraordinary about a place were so many tears been shed so many prayers up and pray for God's redemption and it's the memory of being under judgment. At the same time. It's as powerful as I have very powerful times in prayer. While there, and especially are surrounded by religious Jews praying often very fervently and in their primer from within your praying and there crying out for the Messiah. There crying out for God's redemption or crying out for forgiveness.

It's it's removing so when you go there you walk up to it in the larger area on the left. That's with a man pray and that's real have bar mitzvahs taking place on the Sabbath and different things going on their special holy day gatherings that you have large numbers of men there and then the other side got this this Barry out me 100 foot wall but you just got a barrier you can see, ready to start is with the women. Pray on the inside and that's natural because religious Jews have separated for millennia. Men from women pray right so it ended in certain parts the world today in in church services mentioned among subliminal and another in another culture is minimal submitted in another right you ever see a picture of a of a mosque of the men and women pray together kneeling down together of not okay so there was going to be a plan because there are Jewish groups that pray together men and women that there was going to be a section of the wall that there be a specific place where men and women could pray together and they were going to go ahead with that was actually surprised to hear that the because this really cultures, largely secular, and then than a small percentage that's religious and small presents as it's very religious so maybe your 20, 25% overall religious and maybe 10%, very, very religious in the culture. But overall, 75% not religious and they haven't made a move changes yet so surprised to see them go into but the very religious said no cinderblock that now American Jewish leaders are saying you gotta do something premise that I know you gotta do something. This is a quandary. I don't know which way it's going to go for plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown day.

It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday so again any Jewish related question of any kind at any any thing that ties in with any thing we talk about on a Thursday in line of fire. Glad to take your call 866-348-7884 is the number to call.

Okay, let's go back to the Scriptures, let us go back to the Scriptures and let us ask the question, is there a connection between the promise to Abraham, God would bless those who bless his seed that applies somehow until today. So let's let's go through the progression of Scripture right we start with Genesis 12 three God says I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you I will curse in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed or him who curses you owe curse. This debate about the translation there right does that still apply. I will bless those who bless you, that's what starts. Genesis chapter 12 verse three of it now is reiterated that the promises that God gave to it to Abraham or reiterated in Genesis 1818 Genesis 2217 and 18 that we get to Isaac right Genesis 26, 3 to 5. So this time, this connection between the promise of what would become the land of Israel, and the divine blessing. This is God speaking to Isaac that Abraham's son Isaac sojourned in this land. I will be with you and will bless you for the you at your offspring I will give all these lands and I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham, your father, I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands and in your offspring all the nations of their shall be blessed because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commitments, my statutes and my lawsuit because of Abraham's obedience and God's love for Abraham. He now makes an unconditional promise to Isaac.

He doesn't say to Isaac. I will continue this only if you obey, I will continue this as long as you keep my commandments. Now this is simply because Abraham obeyed my voice, Abraham listen to me. I will therefore do this. I made a promise to Abraham, and now I'm reiterating that promise to you was the promise that all the earth will be blessed through the seed of Abraham and out. Isaac and that he will give these descendents of Isaac obviously physical descendents, physical, and he will give them the land right so we now get into chapter 27 were Isaac pronounces a blessing over Jacob like people serve you and nations bow down to you. Be Lord over your brothers and that your mother's sons bow down to you cursed Bree everyone who curses you, and last, the everyone who blessed get that this is Isaac's blessing over Jacob know this is when Jacob was deceiving his father and yet this is Romans nine tells us was not because of any good in Jacob, when he evil and Esau was because of God's sovereign choice that he chose to carry out his promises through Jake up by, and here's the promise renewed. Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be everyone who blesses you and now God's again.

She's been Isaac blessing Jacob in Genesis 28, 304 God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you that you may become a company of peoples.

May he give the blessing of Abraham to you and to your offspring with you that you may take possession of the land of your sojourn is that God gave to Abraham right there.

It is explicitly renewed. The land promise and before that renewing the promise cursed is everyone curses you, and blessed is everyone who blesses you then of course the land promise is renewed to to Jacob elsewhere in Genesis, but I wanted to read these verses because they reiterate what was spoken to Abraham is now spoken to Jake up when he is in a state of deceiving his father Isaac because this was God's sovereign plan cursed is everyone curses you blessed is everyone who blesses you, so God would judge people based on how they treated Jacob and his offspring now here's what's important.

The promise is now repeated through Belo Belo in the mercenary profit through whom God spoke to the consternation of been like the king of Moab numbers 2212 God tells Belo don't go to curses or you shall not curse the people, for they are blessed are there blessed don't curse them.

This is Israel in the wilderness. This reasonableness was not particularly holy Hill is reasonableness, sending the whole generation dropped from 20 years old and works except for Joshua and Caleb got to don't curse because the blessed this what what what because of God, not because of Israel.

Ever. They sent out as the church ever sent. Have you ever sent you blessed because of your goodness or because of God's goodness. Are you standing strong today because you're so faithful because God is so faithful. Why should it surprise you then that God deals with love towards Israel. Washington only deal with love towards the church and notice that after Belo speaks his words of blessing Belo access them. Numbers 23 11 done to me. I took you to curse my news and behold it does nothing but bless them and then Numbers 2320 behold, I received the command to bless us with bounces he has blessed I cannot revoke it could be any more clear what what you get out of this narrative here what what you learn from it.

In the book of Numbers 2224 that God is blessed Israel, despite his real sin that God is blessed Israel. That's what were here that's were regathered. That's what we have so much influence worldwide that, for better or for worse, because we are a blessed people and with much blessing comes much accountability.

That's what we suffered so much. So it now notices, numbers 24 89. Are you ready Belo speaking the spirit God brings him Israel out of Egypt who speak about the nation as a whole, right, not a believing remnant the nation as a whole. God brings him out of Egypt and is for him like the horns of the wild box.

You shall eat up the nations as adversaries, and shall break their bones in pieces and pierced them through with his arrows crouched, he lay down like a lion, like a lioness who will rouse them up. Are you ready, blessed are those who bless you, I should sixes be blessed is different blessed and blessed blessed in Hebrew means blessed by God blessed means truly happy. So two different words blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse this is Belo speaking by the Spirit to the nation and as a whole. That tells me that the principal still applies to this day. Why, because this is not given based on obedience to the Sinai covenant.

This is based on the sovereign choice of God because he said Israel is blessed. That's were still here.

That's why God judge the nations in the ancient world based on how they treated Israel. God blessed the nations or cursed the nations based on how they treated Israel in and out of share this be before Derek Derek Prince said it and it's it's it's quite moving.

Actually that here he is a faithful citizen of the UK and he's living in Israel in Jerusalem at the time of the rebirth of the nation and and he watched. He watched over period of years leading up to the rebirth of the modern state of Israel after as as Great Britain increasingly turned its back on Israel, or in his view, make promises broke promises change things didn't live up to obligations that the that the British Empire, of which it used to be said. The sun never sets the British Empire that that became smaller and smaller and smaller and less significant and less Derek Prince believe that was directly due to Great Britain mistreating the modern state of Israel is gathered in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 8663 here again is Dr. Michael Brown, Cass, this is Michael Brian 866-34-TRUTH okay let me try to help my Christian friends. My fellow followers of Jesus, Yeshua, who are listening now I say I just don't get it.

I don't get it.

I mean Israel's been replayed the church's spiritual Israel and what what he could do a physical Israel.

Let me try to help you think biblically right so let's use this analogy, a Muslim comes along and they say that they have the correct version of the Scriptures preserved in the Koran and that the Bible is corrupted and that Mohammed is the seal of the prophets, and you should listen to them not to Moses in our Bibles or Jesus in our Bibles but rather to Mohammed why do you exclude him. We exclude him because you recognize what God is done in history that what God promised Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, to Moses, he fulfilled with Jesus. Yeshua coming into the world and how Jesus warns us to listen to any false prophets don't be deceived can be a lot of deception. Paul warns us of his warrants. Don't be deceived and and now if someone comes along and tells us that the revelation that we have is false or that the Jesus of the Scriptures is not who we think he is used as the lesser profit is not the son of God. He died for our sins and and they claim is Mohammed Cecile of the prophets we say no Nono are our books came first, we know what happened in history and we can show you that what we have written proceeds. Your so-called revelation by 600 years and that we have written is accurate and when your so-called revelation comes and changes things. We rejected rightly so I'm oversimplifying we can oversimplify this this so simple someone comes along. This is will, there's 1/3 testament now the church is is is really Islam.

The church is really Muslims worldwide and and and all of everything that it says in the New Testament, Jesus and the church. It it actually means Mohammed and the Muslims so you can come and change that. Why should we believe it rightly so. So here you have all of the Hebrew Scriptures laying out God's dealings with Israel and God's promises to Israel right if the New Testament now comes and says that's all thrown out the window that no longer matters now because the final profit is here everything is changing and physical Israel is only physical Israel physical Israel is been has been replaced by spiritual Israel by the church, you have a reason Satan then your false prophet, saying that the so-called final profit is a false prophet is why many Jews have a problem with faith in Jesus because their perception is that the New Testament throws everything out and starts with this brand-new religion called Christianity, which is basically a Gentile face with very few laws and regulations.

That's that that's the misunderstanding as opposed to the Messiah came to fulfill.

That was that which was written Moses and the prophets to bring it to its completion so that there would be a a people serving God of both Jew and Gentile around the world with the promises would be fulfill that not only Israel would serve God but Israel and the nations, but this fulfills the promises to Israel doesn't change the identity of Israel. So you say none of the pulses not always rose Israel. Israel spirit presbyter. At first he didn't say Israel's replacement church only saying this is the believing remnant. Within the nation and that believing remnant. Within the nation, is the one that is receive the promise of the Messiah, but that's nothing new is always been a believing remnant in the nation while God dealt with the nation as a whole, and he shows that God dealt with the nation as a whole by quote after quote after quote through the rest of Romans 910 11 but if Paul could just come along and change the meaning of Israel, or if Jesus could come along and change the meaning of Israel, then people have every right to say that we don't believe you because you are now going in violation of what's been written a traditional Jew said this debate the other day will point to Deuteronomy 13 and say this by having miracles.

Your so-called Messiah worked when he says follow other gods that we are our forefathers haven't known that we don't listen with coarser holiness is not sin follow other gods, but that's a Jewish person hears into this new God call Jesus with his new Trinity or something like that.

We have say over Singh's father God of the Bible was just better understand who he is. I reveals himself but but if if if Jesus came into the world and and said you cannot worship idols 10 Commandments are pass�. You cannot worship idols. Feel free to commit adultery, murder is fine. We we now live in an age of freedom if he said that that than what you make of it all that he would've been a false prophet exactly. So this idea that the New Testament can now come along and change everything. Mother changed everything that is not the New Testament if it fulfills that which God promised it in under what we call the old covenant today, but if he fulfills that's what that which was promised and builds on it then that's wonderful.

That's God.

And we rejoice in so yes, it remains true that those who bless Israel a blessed and those who curse Israel occurs, it remains true. Yes, it does I will think you just do like pushbutton dislike with giving them any promises about giving, but you can't just push but okay. I gave $100. That means I got a million back are tons hundred thousand back 10,000, not because pushbutton got dustless generosity. He does when when you given faith in the heart of love. You see less income in different ways the same way, if you will bless his resume was.

I mean, what, pray for the salvation of the Jewish people stand with the Jewish people recognize that God brought them back to the land and proclaim the gospel with the Jewish people back to the land and then work with Israel for that which is in the best interest work with Israel that which is for the best interest of all living in the Middle East as per the blessing Israel as well. But let's dance together and let's be a blessing to Israel and please pray for me and for our ministry as we are on the front lines of Jewish outreach on the front lines of reaching Jewish people the gospel on the front lines of helping Jewish people who were struggling in their faith.

On the front lines of helping Christians who get confused with Jewish issues and we are so excited that in the weeks ahead.

Finally, we will be shooting special outreach shows to air all over Israel until it in Israel. In Israeli homes with Hebrew captions specially made for for the Jewish people bubble if you want to help support us in that endeavor. You could really hold my hands up. This can take a lot of time and energy. Airtime is covered production costs in themselves in terms of the studio covered this tremendous amount of time, energy, effort that has to go into preparing the shows and recording the shows I covet your prayers now in your financial support would be a great blessing.

Two more days friends when you stand with us and help us with a gift of any size, injustice, or the bless Israel when you stand with us and help us with the gift of any size I want to send you a wonderful book $17 2050 pages culture shock by Dr. Mark Stang Loomis and Mark Junior Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons going through the month of June.

Gift of any size city as my gift so craving generous as you can, but let us be a blessing to as well. Could ask Dr. Brown doubling SK your Brown delicacy, a banner right on the homepage for the special gift that you stand with us.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker, and Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown is the 30 634 truth did you hear about what happened yesterday a guy in Arkansas rammed his vehicle into a 10 Commandments monument on the state lawn allegedly yelling freedom as he did it. Apparently he did in Oklahoma in 2014, claiming this is a violation of church and state in Hebrew, the 10 Commandments are called the 10 words.

By the way, but inscribed on stone and in many ways. Part of the foundation of our nation of my new book, saving a sick America that comes out in September I get into this a lot. In fact, it's amazing to see some of the things that the, the founding fathers said about about the Bible and their their view of it it it's it's quite extraordinary and and I quote some of it in this new article on ramming the 10 Commandments in which I say this is this is a prophetic picture of the sentiments of a growing number of Americans their mindset is we do not want the 10 Commandments in our midst.

Norton with the God of the 10 Commandments in our midst. So with this guy did his destructive act is is reflecting the that the sentiments of many Americans. This is how to get enough of God's laws and stand enough of his moral principles. Enough of this, prohibitions of idolatry and adultery and murder will do we want to do what we want to do and no law or God tell us otherwise America. We must hat we want must have no connection to its Judeo-Christian roots. No connection to the moral values of many of its founders. No connection to the Scriptures which so influence their thinking. Some Americans feel is worship created things more the creator will be full of covetousness and greed. We want idolatry will have sex with whomever we want to whenever we want to have or want to. And if we so desire will close relationships marriage. Neither God or man will tell us anything different. We want our adultery will kill her babies in the womb. If we so choose anyone advisor wishes will be trampled with derision and scorn. We want our murder. Yes, what do we want to do what we want to do it, we declare ourselves free.

That is the mindset reality is, rather than shouting freedom. This guy should've been shouting bondage self-destruction captivity decline.

Yeah, that in fact this is the direction that we going we cast off God's laws and God's standards and the founding fathers were absolutely not try to set up a theocracy apps absolutely not.

But I have an article on this ramming the 10 Commandments. A prophetic picture of America. Read on the website Esther to There's also a new video.

Jews have a divine right to the promised land on the websites could ask Dr.

In fact, plenty of other resources waiting there for you but in this article, ramming the 10 Commandments. A prophetic picture of America II take some quotes that I use in my book saving a sick America and and what you understand is that the founding fathers did not have the mindset that they wanted America to be a theocracy you had a ruling clergy ruling priesthood that enforced the Bible on the populace. Rather, they thought there was great wisdom in Scripture. Many of them reviewed the God of Scripture and to the extent that the nation followed the moral standards of Scripture would be for the good of the nation as how many of the founders thought give you some quotes to this effect.

When we come back and try to get some calls as well. 866-348-7884 is number to call on this thoroughly Jewish Thursday and yeah I am really excited to look at some video footage that was just sent to me recorded in Israel just footage of people talk about Shula Jesus and Messiah in redemption and salvation we sent chemically with questions. Now get to see the answer to many uses for outreach broadcast. I can hardly wait just downloading show the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown back to okay for I go to your calls were driven to do momentarily check this out this is from our second president and first VP John Adams supposing nation some distant region take the Bible for their only law book. Every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts they are exhibited. Every member would be obliged in conscience to temperance and frugality and industry to justice and kindness and charity codes filament to piety and love and reverence towards Almighty God in this Commonwealth. No man would compare his health by gluttony, drunkenness or lust. The men would sacrifice his most precious time to cards or any other trifling immune amusement.

The man would still rile her in any way defraud his neighbor, but would live in peace and goodwill with all men. The men would blaspheme his maker profane is worship at a rational and manly is sincere and unaffected piety and devotion Randall Hartz what utopia but a paradise with this region be wow. That's the steam that is the us steam that these founding fathers like John Adams had for the Bible yet today. People literally ram the 10 Commandments with their vehicles that we do not want God's ways in our midst. That is the statement today, 866-34-TRUTH out.

Let's go to Raleigh, North Carolina.

William you're on the line of fire. Hi Dr. Brown, although as one of the fulfilled through move little surprised and I'm confused when I heard you say something about 1/3 of 1/3 guy for the same Mohammed and Allah is in that I know going off of the tour alone barrel the mention yeah exactly exec of art are they art is someone out there trying to say that none of us is making a point. Thanks for frisking someone clarify case anyone else miss miss her but I said, my point was, if someone came along today and said that there is 1/3 testament through third gospel or further revelation and that Jesus is Mohammed or the that the church is actually the Islamic community we throw it out because it violates the current revelation that we have is my point was, if Jesus came into the world and violated the revelation that the Jewish people had. Then they would've rightly rejected him. If he came and now, throughout all the promises that God gave to Israel and said there now null and void and and and were changing everything. Then they would've known.

He's not the real Messiah so that was my whole point of this whole idea that the promises God gave to Israel got thrown out and we know it because the New Testament tells us Linda Jupiter said the first century than the New Testament is not from God. That's that's the point I was making euro euro why you are a wise brother.

I'm so glad that your work like your thank you, dear brother.

I appreciate the call and am so glad you asked for clarification.

God bless you, thank you to write 866-34-TRUTH yet if something is not clear that I said or maybe what you got a piece of it better to call in and get clarification right if you get through it. 6634 truth we go to Ed and San Diego. Thanks for calling the line of fire called Dr. Brown wonderful clarity and I point at the first Gentile about today. I've always wondered how Judaism justified or or rectum file you Altman like M and batch out of that justify with having no graven image yet there there always mixtures and some things have an example and in in mystical it in income ballistic Judaism and some forms of of ultra-Orthodox Judaism will have you know the evil eye is a symbol or there's a synagogue. I visited Jerusalem once it's painted kind of a blue-green to keep the demons out. This goes back many many centuries so superstitions get interwoven with things and that the ultimate issue. Ed would be is this being worshiped as a god and the answer would be no so that you might have mystical symbols in a red thread in Kabbalah or different things like that are in of the evil eye and and this gives you power over the evil eye but but it's not worshiping that as a deity, you might ask, when Solomon adorned the temple with all types of images they are in angelic images or the the the actual cherubim right that were made that were in over the ark of the covenant.

So here you actually had graven images of angels, but they were not being worshiped as deities and that would really be the defining issue. Are they being worshiped as gods in any way. If not there either part of the pagan culture part of superstition or just things that were acceptable within Israel itself. Folks are wearing a hamburger. Have something to perk you from evil spirit. Are you not putting your truck the mayhem of God that made it superstition yet.

It's the these things are certainly superstition prescription go hand and Orthodox.

SUPERSTITIONS make their way doesn't mean it's ideal or right and Orthodox Judaism is not perfect or pure in any way, shape, says informants got folklore and traditions and customs and and all kinds of things so I may not. I was at the home of one very religious. To many, many years ago and she had a he had a jar and when he cut his nails. He put them in the drawer and there was something about nails you weren't supposed to stroll amount normally think what the world is so there is there but their superstitious practices that have entered Israel's history through the centuries. Some of them out out idolatrous summit have been more harmless acrylic went when you go to an ultra-Orthodox area see a Brooklyn or of Israel and and you'll see the man wearing knickers okay some of the men wearing knickers and and distinct outfit that's the way they dress as religious Jews, but that was the way they dressed in their community in Eastern Europe a few hundred years ago and that was considered to be a very pious godly community so they take that custom and they live it out. Have nothing to do with Tori minutes of just being modest. This interview with the tour.

It's not like we can find a verse here in the Bible or line here in one of our law books. This is where where these knickers like that.

No, not at all. It's just part of the way of life that was passed on so in the same way you do have superstitious things capacity. I don't justify model on a particular model practice them and to me that's that's getting in the realm of the demonic for sure, but are there certain hostels like that. Yeah, course of equated to integrate into her Catholic world is like wearing pink metal or something along those lines or Madonna pumping on a chain and those going yeah absolutely same time a deal superstition that comes into into various Christian traditions and it looked to me.

Ultimately, your bottom line is correct it is. It is a lack of faith in God. It is a lack of dependence on God's promises so I need this extra little gimmick.

You know I need this.

This extra little thing. I'm all for asking people to pray hey pray with me. Pray for me. Your your believing God together in prayer. I'm all for all of that. That's that's fine and dandy, but in terms of some of you if I carry this pen with me. It's been blessed by the man of God, so this could be my lucky charm you know or if if you know this talisman thing that's going to bring now that's that is superstition and yeah and I agree with you it is a is a lack of leaning on God, a lack of trusting in God, somehow thinking that you need these little extras read and say half of my life in God's hands is good, he is faithful and and and living in the light of his commandments, a living under his light, and therefore I trust my life to him and yet our demon powers but were told how to deal with them scripturally and it's not by wearing some some emulator or is no console or whatever else. The thing is what you do again will you really dig deep into some aspects of of mystical Judaism and some practices in some ultra-Orthodox circles, you will find some of this real superstitious mixture in others, you won't. But in some circles, you will see it and a lot of it is folklore from the surrounding peoples that gets intermingled or based on some aberrant tradition that got passed down so yeah not everything in religious Judaism is perfect and right of the was a be a traditional view.

I thank you, Ed, much appreciated 866-34-TRUTH okay William your next stay right there. I'll get your call. On the other side of the break. The Hamza hand is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbol is in the hand of God in all faiths. It is a protective side door happiness lot health and good fortune, the house and has a wide variety of different spellings, including this that is from the jewelry will place.calm find Christianity to superstitions here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown.

Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown mean that music Brown thanks for joining us this broadcast 866-348-7884, right after the show today a little later in the afternoon. I am scheduled to be recording my final response to Rabbi Israel Blumenthal. We agreed to do a series of 320 minute presentations on the real Jewish Messiah posting them the same day at the same time so same day the same time we posted our initial 20 minute presentation that was what how many weeks go now sit weeks ago. Then one month later we posted our rebuttals one to another. Now today I'm to be recording the response to his rebuttal. He either has or will be recording his response to my rebuttal and then what is it two weeks from now, or so will both post them on the same day same time to two and half weeks from now and then will have an hour on each side, presentation, presentation, rebuttal, rebuttal response response and this we were really hoping that it will help people to see more clearly who the real Jewish Messiah is an and I feel good about things. So far I've got some real sharp clear points to make in the rebuttal so just pray for clarity for God's gracious anointing on his truth as I record this later today with our team. If you haven't been following any of this skill.

A website asked her to and just a searcher. Blumenthal and you will see okay here's my opening presentation to slip for such real Jewish Messiah. If you like, and if you're smoking presentation watch that.

Then click on the links watches the much my rebuttal, click on links watches and then next is the response from each of us and that will close this particular series out right. We go to Winston-Salem William walking the line of fire. I Brown call prophetic question: got to read a lot of the work I wonder no make any mention of Saul of Tarsus client, and if so, doesn't development all okay okay is you want to yet. So sooner.

So for those not from his Josephus Flavius Josephus was the principal Jewish historian of the first century. Others may have written, but their works did not survive. He survived the fall of Jerusalem. Basically got accepted by the Romans saved his own life and became the chief historian's antiquities of the Jews and Moors of the Jews remain the primary source that we have for the history of that time. Although we know it's it's not a perfect history and he does make reference to Jesus, but the. The consensus of scholars is that in the later versions of Josephus that we have it got filled in by Christians that they added to what he actually said and made Jesus more exalted, but he certainly from what we can tell, didn't reference him so confirming the historicity of Jesus being here is of course we understand and also human. He makes reference to Jacob James, the brother of Jesus as as being highly esteemed by the Jewish people of his day.

So that is verified in Josephus, but in all likelihood the account where he sold glowingly speaks of Yeshua that was probably embellished but he deftly does speak of him as someone standing out at that time. I think that's the best understanding. He references Jesus but not in the fully embellished with we have any recognizes the brother of the Lord, James Jacob, but certainly no reference of Saul of Tarsus in any way more. As far as due to the historical figure yeah absolutely yeah and in fact Williams aboard Herman who is a world-famous agnostic and New Testament scholar whom I debated about six years ago on the problem of suffering.

She wrote a book to Jesus exist. Reese of course existed. This is the famous agnostic Effexor Bart Herman debunking the idea that Jesus didn't exist and and for those who symbol where the contemporary sources that talked about what will number one there are no major contemporary sources know who was writing in Sage 30 A.D. there were no contemporary historical documents that we have really something we have is the Gospels and also this was not like news today people are not reporting the news every day historian would gather sources over period of decades, then he would look back at the scope of history and then he would write a history so we do have historians referencing Jesus. We have them referencing them in a number of different ways it on a backhanded way, you were one of the Roman governors talk about yeah they they worship Christ as a God and so audio has a deal with these people and others referencing him being crucified in the pilot, and in what is generally accepted that scholars basically say you you you really can't argue with historically it is that that he's a historical figure simulations and courses historically understand missing from purely secular skeptical historical viewpoint that is a historical figure that he was crucified under Pilate, and that his followers claimed that he rose from the dead, those of the, non-negotiables and then others will say yeah and that he had a reputation for being a miracle worker was a Jewish teacher those things I believe. Also, you can argue from just a purely historical backdrop, but then when you look at the reliability of the New Testament text. The reliability of the Gospels you say yeah absolutely every good reason every good reason to take this seriously and then we know we know him personally. He's changed our lives. We have a relationship with him.

So even without the record we know them but it's because of the record that we first come to know him and that's why God is so carefully preserve that for us in the Scriptures and that's where we start with our faith based on what God is told us that we experience the reality of it in our lives and confirms the reality of what is written. Eight. Thank you for the call right friends. I'm out of time here. Do you have my apt sewer which up which have one fire at you have it now will live by all means downloaded today get a trifle handy so you are driving your car to try phone handy for your android phone and get Samsung another android phone right if if it's Apple go to the app store if it's android go to the play store and just search for the line of fire with Dr. Michael Brown searcher that you'll find it immediately. Okay. And when you find it just downloaded. It's free and where ever you are anywhere in the world live electric try to different countries recently when the show is live, you just click on an essay lit listen Boehm and listen live crystal clear connection for two hours where you are at a radio range does not say.

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